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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1890, p. 8

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f THE FLESHERtON ADVANCE Vertical. 1)K. CARTER, Mir ,\ i-iiYsiruv siKi.Kov &r. KLE.-lll.KloN. -train', block. I. ' O . huiwl'i J. i',. Button, lwr cf h f. :!*. of rhvticlsiii. M. . Unurlo. I a.- t m<--...i , loor eutof lirlor'Mlav VI I > !! llUtfl v ... | > 1J. 1M*. Farm for Sale. ld'ii. . OM..I.4, i. in. -t >aii,U>- ! ' ' ' i in tl c ' vl. .i,t :> I. in. I nr..1 mi. I. r cultivation, and all I IK- I lll< ii liiil-t urtuii- ..I . T purehSMn 'm'il.l !]'!. 1" JOHIAII .VMI If, Maxull 1'. 0. M.xwclI.J.n 30,Ur90, DBS. SPROULE & EGO M \i:Ki' \i i: ' 'Vi <tiii. . . Wan 1 . . - linm Mow. 1 i M'Uiifl.K M It '.- \'-- MI) .'c T,. it. mi.. . Willie foon.l it \Urk.laJo liVi<i HI limit J. P, OTTEWELL, MTKRtXAUY 81'IU.KO.V ! f t intario Vet. JU>illl'.| IIS < ll|.I.!M'\W"'i> VI I. Kill i II....T r-t 'I'. trrlau Church, FLE8HEUTON. 2lrntistnt. J. P, Mill SHALL, L. II. S.. M. l> S . l I ' l I s i Vimts Marad.tlc tin- Nt and .ird U- day ' > .1- h month. r'h-shtTton each Iriji on th*day follow MIL-. 1'ffliU. jr. ?r. *>! ifitr, ( 'nr< I/" Hrrr. /./.-. Kl .-lir.KTo\ < 'I H' I . MM I 1 ' -I 1 1 I I' K I KOILl'.- l!l II I. IN.., ..N Till i:-|. -. (iWKN HOCMl oHliK. KII...I > In n MX.. P. McCULLODGH, Hdi-rixlt-r. !<ilifilnr, .Vr. Olli. r. o4T li I .11 hih.l - Mori limn > lo Loan. WIND * MILLS urn I>LJM1K Hating |>iirchMHl the >!.!. :.. Tump l.ui MI I w i^li to an t > til." puhll. 1 that lain | i. i till I- fr all klli'li. ..f |inni|i ..(a x. r.-i|..r i|ilalit\ I'lMi-.l.irl I'l . -. <'IIKII . I'l yi i.. <-t l|. a -|..< mil) V. in. I. Mi. i-oiitii '> i..i. \\ .:..! Mill- f..t . .-!> Anil U'lniia | , < In l in. . I .11,. ! i ' "I tun. int "Ht v. .1* . .! tllt|..n. l<< railing I.M.. Al. ork r 1 .*.niil. ' . n an. I i i'l a'.u-ntti.l. i'H ' ' .11.1 I I.I 1 .1. I I I ! Maik.lalti. Pumps ! Pumps ! J. McCulloueh. M.ukdalc, tliat I r >.f I'iMiil'x. ili-irr I" Intiirln 1 1 . la |irv|>arfj to |>uui| (<>r Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. mtii'rt uh" * 'fore hm<l<lifttcuU) with i. rir W-||M ru Guarautecd Satisfaction ' tn v <tri i- 1* - I . i M i i ' fwh f * W > I* M I HI i ; If ) .HI tli ir- ftii vth ' in' 111 till- |*UIH|> lllifl J. "l. :i '1... nil IT I*IVH TO (Tarrta. John W. Armstrong! i i 1 1, i ,. D:""* i iMj.i < i. MID,, i i.\i n .-. i i r. l. i .,1, rl .! . | U. 1. 1. '|i.,ai-.i l,.r < |. i , u.l F I 1 II A K. h.K-i..U M.'llft I. I ., ' ..... ' ..... . M.I.I V I.I. KNMKs Mil \in l-l Hl.ll- MONKYTO M)AN. "'li Un, |. rsitfuod liaa a 1^; to Ijoun nt OJn i \I:M i-iiiti-Kiii ^ in., in . /./;. /. i \ /. n. . , ;, .t i . , i \M s A-p . | i. , -r , . . M, i , v i Amount .,( w. .) I) r ;n 11,1 ' i" I' It . J . i. ..I \,i,-ii. n, . i r, ,, M ;.'ii"r M ..... .y I . ,,,|,r l><! F<ti<l<. UI..I Ii .nrnr ( Au'-nt. I>K'.|H. \lortna.., I., ,,,, . n ,,,| ,||, <lmwn up i\hil vi<it, , i,, ,,.i, HI,,,,.,.! , , AMC Hul'.K ikll, !,.:.. I I., in ,,, luivi.ftbf '''">'(<. il, II. V I.. |..,li Ml 1..W. I l.ktl'Mll iiiUro.l (..llict ..... ..tti-nJ-.l to viil. AM> I II \ I 1- 'I III Northern Business College, oi' i>\vi-;v soifvi*. Tim l..-ot mnl i. Tli. 1 ' ut 'II.. ti.. n .III. n aft.-l . l "i MtilriMl ami. . uUi - i I KM \:t\i. i FLESHEHT01T IIIM.S n vrv VMI>IST::I< r Durham will i-i.|<-t,rate Dominion Day. Jiurlinin creamery has inaiui?.vtin. .1 ,,v.-r f.,000 1U of butter since the UIM.-II- ill,' of til.- 'i Tlie ttnrt" n Kfho want* a cattle fair in Wi.irt. ;h and marxcU tli:it one has not iH-en instituted before lliis. Tho Wiartoii Kcho, ;.e:iks of a family lately arrivi-d then- from New- f..iiinll.i'..l who "tell s sad tail of their native hni'l.'' ard |. redid a famim- t I M n new kind of tail, which natural liistory does not mention. 1'er- h:i;.s it ii dome Kind of a Cross between cod tikh and chamois. On Monday Mr. H. Wall, of South Dumfries, saw a strange animal rum. n. if across a fi.ld on his farm. He pursued ;in.l Killed it. It (.roved to be an Otter. a tine hir^e fellow. Where it came from is a mystery, as it was a considerable distance from any body of water. Mr. Wall feels ijuite proud of his capture, and will have it sl'iffed. [ WoixUtock Tunes At the raising of Mr. Donald ISeaton's Urn in (Jh-neltf on Wednesday last, Mr. Dan McDonald, (Little Dan) had the mis- fortune to nut shoved off the top of tho biiLihii'j, and fell a distance of n. thirty feet, although he had no lne broken, he was badly bruised on the face nnd side. We understand he is netting a'.l riht a;ain and will not likely sutler any |Tin:iii<-nt injury. [Review, (in cl<>-ti<in .lay, as Mr. IVnms Calvin, who resides on the town lill.', between St. Vincent and Sydciihatn, was return- inn fr' 1 '" the |i<.lls. he called at Me- ('olillfir Hotel, Hay View. I'tirni',' a conversation with a fiund ho leaned against a diKir Iv.i'inu' to tho cellar. As this wax in 't latched it Hew open and (ial- vin (ell to the bottom of the stain, re- ceiving injuries which resulted in his death in a short t:me. His full rendered him iiin-oiiii i.'in ami ho i.ev.-r uttered * word aftt r the accident occurred. The deceased was about 70 years old. [O. S. Tunes. Alexander Clin has been arrt-stotl Collin^wixl for eoin;>lieity in the Hoods" name. ('Inn- offered to sell 8I.'"" 1 loiititerfeil notes on the bnnks of Tr*nt.> .minerce for ILIIO. ('line received the f-tiU from onu Thou. U|>cr. II would not deliver the money, but iM'tl to semi it t.i Kopor by express to Thornbuiy . On Ro|xer's going to -i- |irvi < i'i. .- at Th.irnbuty ', ' \. uiul "ii "I'l'iiin.; it found it a< eni|.ly. (.'line wits conimitle i for trml for 1,'ivini: information wlmre counterfoil inoiiev could W had, nnd for n-iititeileit money for hale. for Infants and Children. "Cattorlm .1 to well adapted to children that Cactarlm rim* rvilc. OnmHrtlnn, fvr HlmnaoL. 1 -iiiri'M, H knuvn <Vu tue " 1L A. AacB^a, M. D., ; 111 BIX Oxford tu, brauUjra, N. T. | WKiWi mjcriouc msdicatitin. THJ( CaTtTifB CuriNr. ~ MUITT Stract, N. Y. Photos, Photos, Photos. He art noie turning out wrk fur lujtrrior in ttylt anil jiniih t any tvtr ftro ,ln, ,.l in t'lftlirrtutt. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATES RATS. at R. J. Sproulc, PICTUEE FRAMING ,ln*r in <tU ill lt'inchr. A good ttoclc of FKA.VKS ,in:l MOl'l. /"/.Vi.'.S 1 c-wt'intlH <>H A.IH</. WilluUo inl*,tu?e the *etc /.7i''>.U//'/: l'i>L'Tli fiirtun that ii yiring rntire tiititfncti<nt ichrrtrer iiitr<iilin;,l. S.I. \l I'l. A' fie tern <it my Gallery \chtrt alt firtifvldrt at In I'rice, Slyir At., ct >>t fill n id. . WLMER, rZiZSHBKTOXf. HEALTH FOR ALL TUI; PILLS I'urifr the lllxu.1. i-uiTi'vt all DuorUoni ol !*l oui:. 'i . Rub? ou ili k. wo co brr CMtorla. im wu i lul I. lw iTlu>t for Ciutorla. Whrn th hr,mp Nira. >lu> rluii t.i Caworav H'lum l. La I '1... ,li\-u, kLc,;ietlieinl.'slora ' tatd rMMtHatlons, AM. I i.n- invithiHl>le In I'laiui- nii-l Irntul i I ,1 .;. , n( all acm. Vat i'liiltiwii uiul !'.' ai,...l tlu > a> |>nci>leM Til L 1 OIXTM KX aitlnfaMi'.i! --* I'M \\ Hunt mi < . > >i dlaontm o( tb* Cb*<l It h* ao *q llifamouf A(<.Ttf..| ll.p I I. ,11111,1.. i, .-.l..nui.hl|.l .|ii|iauy. <b|. lii'lrta f i ii m I I. H In i Inn t,. I.IM i p. H.I, liknK' 1 *. I.' n.l'.ii .r nn ,1 tli.. Cutj.), orl l'4rti* iiil<.|i.|lni( I" iitl H..lln.t , i I.. I, n. I. ,!) ,.;. !*.lui. foru |.i tih'.n u lli.ii tirk.t. , !MU|I. n ];o(ir AM" SIKH. MALI l;. I l i -II, UTU <>N1. I i. nr t.. Iliank l.l inin. for t U* - ' . Ii '.. . 1 | . |xl . an. I l- MUM I-L-I -ti. -I l..n'l nil - . |irnin|'t ..... H fKti-r .. ii..., [imnttiti i >! Ill I.. -I. . II .ttllliK* witl <|.N..| wrliliiaiilii|. |IA\.. ma.l. lo- kftoitf well kii'-Mii tl, ..... I'll., ik tin. \ l, initv w.| itiiill a !><< mil ^ ' .. I ..... :. MA.I. bf Win HajulK...., K!, Tonsoria! Mr K.-K.-ri Iliw ki". llr I" lufot in 1 1 pul'lla i4 Ftwiltriui ftti'1 vllnllv lht Itti h i<ii>*(1 'ui * urln-i ii..|' In H'Nrr (.I.H k liwff h * J'r. 1'*l. t I't MMrlnl |t> all Mn n ! III KJ* lin* Hhftvlitc n I hair ruling tloiiv in ttii* tu*hMt >! uf K..- art M(N H II -\ " i tli.. Kt< xlicrton Mill Ii i. H. ,1. N| i..,,|. l;.,,.. | ,,, n ,, t<> in!. I III II... 1'UHLIC that I am in k position t" do ALL KINDS OF- Ooncral planing mill work. MI.-II an SASH. iMii.iis. hum; n:\Mi s l'l:ii..nio innl Matcbing, i. i\Mii..r.< i.-. I.IHM! M <>rkmaif>lil|> <. liar. ml <<<!. A \:\\:-< i|iniiitil\ i I . I ill v lni.,1'. i .>n liinnl. 1 li'sln iion. MB MOOMK-II HUH . i si: mi: 1 i:i.i:i:itui:i "H. LAfKKNCir SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES KOU AI.L, DEI'KiJTS Dl' VIMi.N RDSOX -V CO.. . I t ..K>1 -, F L. B S H E H T O N. The |iir h mi I In. .in.-:. talks out ! d in ni"i tui' as follows : (Some of . ur uliai-iilwr me ol tin- ..|.ini"ii that wo havi" .,'i\eii lln-ni ii.oiijli jxuiti-j <liiiinj tl. hi-t ti\.- .. UK to last a month or lo \\ e .Hi- I'I'lt.V lllll.ll of tile .kllie I'l'ini .11 oni"i-lei-, no it n dnilrict and l.n-.kl new* we're aft<T now At tin- same tune it nnulit not In- in.i|i|ir|>M.kte to i.- null. Unit when we i;" nit" |.|itu-, or r m.ktler, wt % t.ilv.' It our eon I :unl are |.rr|'ineil to al.kiid in\ - tlnn; from .-iiiiiin i'. liUI Miita, win. Ii .Ion t e.'iit the olh. r fellow aint'ii'i '. <l..wn ).. the Im 1 bilnik;s ol eeiy soft- h. .i.l. .1 fool :i\ tlie Knlilii;. On Saturday hit M.IIII. farmers doinn .t.ittit.- i.ii.,-i on .los. Qalhiva) * H:.!.- loik.l lun . .1 ii|i a iiiiinlivr of relic*. Am.'iii: lh< ni w. a skull in M ..1 |.|..>.| \ ,il ; .11 'I Ii. r.. .l^ iiUn ik lure,.' nuiiil .1 ol |.i|'e', ("iiiiilian k->. |iik<ces of urns, |IK|IIII |.<.iin, an well AS H totem. It l |.rril.;ibl,. tlui thin^ w.-u- l.inii.i with --..mi- il'-fiiii. I I.. I tn. in. OS tliikt wii the <-iit,..ii .-I iii.'i.! Indian t'.ll'eS Thelelili.. iloiil.t lull till' hill* ..i Noit i.i^ i.: i . i. r IM tinn- the ritnpiin; i;r..ii.i>i< "t In;;" number*, "f Indian!, Bl ntmMMM nlie bi\.- lieeli found. The CIIIIKHIH. < .ie |i.-.ine,l fnnii the dii "\< I. i bj Mi .I..IIM M.- Kiicheiii, oi Creeinon*, ami have lieeli on exliibili.'ii nl M MoKaoluTii's nho|> h.-m for the last !< days, .lack i>uii><wis nen.linj them to Toronto, (iresuinaUy to b |>laoed in thu Archai'iiloi;ieal -.1 n.-u of the Canadian Institute. [Su.rnpr Sun. 'I'be funral nf th* !: Mr. .lohn ForSdKK TintO.l'J, BRONCH1TI&, COl'd' US. COLDS (ilftiuliil*! Swt lliux* 1 .*:' i '' ' I)* 4 'i 1 ' I'txl, un I (i>i i-.u* . nctixl uiO tfl ...iii" t: n<-t liXr rhurut. HF innfAotiirc I ""U -*t 'r..f *H,>, H.I ; "\ ^ - t . nt, ?H N' -^ o M ..MI si , , i < i. ii. :; :, O\forl HfrrtM K l.oiuln, .'il M U 14- i - - ' ' !.! -L h< )! ftlt I \ ' -i - tlir"iith'iir d \\ < trKI. '. t< '/c A-''*' i-n the /*'* ' /' r. Jf III. LITTLE MILL. HK I \ llu c'.itit.'l \ r - i'"'t iluim^ mn , ... i 1. 1-. I t.. nun I il.nii tin in IK. nillU-l in i|ilailo. au,l ..ii tlu- -i. .1 :, -t i' ^ OL1> I". I IMS : Kvny twrli'th 1'iiMn-l. Si-vi-n i.-nti |.>T Imi; of two I'll.!., i- l> i i-ho|'|niiK. I'll, i \ 'IV <l.k\ P. LOUCKS, Proprietor. . vi M..I INI, KOI; IK Mclavisli, HOUSKSIIOKU \M> GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Flesherton Livery iT.l'SHHKTON, - ONT Collie, i. lit.. i f the ;lt lUfurutur, t...k |.la.< at S<-af"rtl 1 ui. Sivtut.lay an<l ws r s.ttntll. i * nikUi i'*t- I ,. . i 1-fcUI -ti IHIMUVIIM Stables. I'l <I|H I' 101 , an. I \.-lii.l..- lor hlrr si I. |.<-.i I ,.i i, !, In t.^-r I .'-.i'i . . . I .*. I' ' '- I" IMrtW i. in' I < on hand. SALE. A laive quantity of Uood Shingles MY OWN MANUFACTURE. CASH KOB HI0KM AK HMEBrHlilSHI S.DAWUDE, r<.nu. liL-ral. Mar.-l. M, IW lo*f K)-h! i K . Vd M ri ! Bock :-: "Orilling- . AND WELL DIPftlHG n.ltsM!iifi 'aiw*!'" 1 ' lo <lo ra*4 hi i.l wll4lKKinK lu ft .VW % MM cl*iiW iMit an 1 l up INnnaj r fall o . nii- .-. t, I- '. L a.-.l II

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