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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1890, p. 7

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1%. FOR THE FARMER. ffhith Every ipifnlhrist Owht to Know. FABJC ABD GABDES JOTTIHOS- Greea Thine. Growing. Ob. the green thing* growing. the frtn th'nff flawine*. Th* MM fw**t smell o( the gnu . I should like to lire. wbthr I anile or (tine, Just t wau::. nappy life of my zreti. i growiaw, Oh, the flattering ac 1 the r:wnri of u.,.** Ma thine* growing ! Ho tLf y ta. ttc h to each when nc_ of 01 are knowing. In (he wonderful whit* of the weir J moonlit^ % fl> tb* dim. areery dawn. wbn uiecocL- >r I love, I lave them to my men tiiinci growing. And I think LLai they lure me. without faU showinc: For by many a tender touch they comfort me to _ With the toft, mat* comfort of gnta ti-i-gi growing. AcJ in the rich icon of their MtawtlMltovi na, Tea for one I take they n? oa me 5 ee towing . Ob. I ihoald like to tee. if Uod'i will i: zay be. Many. many a luajmer of c;y ST*O growing Bat if I matt b gathered for the angel i *ow- ing. Sleep oat of light a while, like Krees thic;s growing. Though dan to doit retam. I IV mietlj mourn. U I may chug* into green thing* growing ' Dinah J/ ... ; CraOt. Salt M rerUllr. ' Sail U good." Thii ii averred by the very highest uthorny. Ii it gaod far land. Il U really a fertilizer, at il tappLe* aoda and chlorine, which i* focnd in every plant. Il ii gcod for ail crop*. Ii dit- courage* fungi which infest the moil valuable crop*, a* run. imutj, elo., acd it ditcourage* intectt which damage the rooti of plants. Il hai a remarkable ff*cl upon graj* and clover, al time? doubling the yield. Oae of the bill and most protperoat farmer* in New Jersey applies 1.000 Ibei. of H every year to bii paiture* and meadows. and although he tell* at lime* more than $500 per asre of market crop* from a part of hi* farm be avert thai bis graai pay* him more profit to ih* acre than hi* melon*, cabbage* or tomatoe*. Any farmer who i* troubled with (cab oa hi* potatoes should try a liberal sprinkling of lalt alon; the row* be/for* dropping the About the Silo. Study the lUo; the pro sees of ensilage: the beet crop* for ii ; the great economy of it ; and then go o work to make a eilo and grow crop* to till it with. I: mace* one acre produce a* much animal food a* three acre* can d) without ii, and it eolve* the problem of how 10 keep one cow or on* teer for every a:re of the farm. Hai< Mng Time. Ai a rule, for the hatching of chickeat 21 day* are remind; for pririd<*. M day*: for phsasanu, 25 day* . for gain** hen*, Jo day* ; for common duck*. IS day* : for pea fowls. > day* . for lurktyt, 2S day* . for Barbary ducks, 30 day*, and for geete, 30 day*. KlU.rv No crop* bold their own again*! wtect belter than millet or Hungarian gn>M. and especially tb* latter, the fre jaent mowing* benefiting the crop and lettemng the cum- ber of weed*. A* the seeds *oou germinate and the plant* grow rapidly. e*jpecialiy during the warm da)*, they soon tak* fail potttttion of the ground and crowd down the weed*. A crop of Ua:i<anan grat* will clean a piece of land of weeds a* wall a* though cultivation had been given, and U. after the dual mowing, the crop be turned under aad a dressing of lime applied to the plowed toil the labor of cul- tivating the land lh following *ea*on will be materially le**eaed. while the land will be hi (or almxl any kind of crop. A Valuable Sew. A tow that tenderly care* for her pig* i* more valuable a* a breeder than on* of better breeding but oanlett. The number of pig* annually lo*l by oareJee* *ow* i* very large, and it i* important to observe the di*po*itiou of a *ow with her nr*l litter. Some *owi, however, improve with age. and an old sow ibonld never be re- placed by a yonoger and untried one until her ntefulnee* i* impaired. The Care of Manur*. It manure i* thoroughly com potted with raking*, lod or other refute, n will be of belter -jaality than if heaped aad allowed to decompose rapidly. There i* *c > ".et::::e* jaile a IOM of ammonia from manure that 11 ezpoeed, or that i* too cloeely packed. and the addition of *ub*tanoM which abeorb the nates and prevent overheating not only prevent* lot* but improve* ih* whole. Haw to Oel Oau.1 Milk. The milk from cow* fed ou wholeeome grain and good paiiurage 11 cf belter juality for food than that from (tail fed animal* that are permitted to eat refute from granarie* and factorie* without regard to breed. Cboioe breed* to produce a ohoioe article rnnit be provided with food of tbe beet Duality for that purpose. Hoe the Meloa I'alch. Melon* thonld be well hoed and culti- vated until thty begin to ran. Tbe very young plantt may be hoed with advantage, I'm after that time all cultivation thould be done without ditturbing the hill*. Melon-grower* hoe in front of the vine*, not among them, a* they toon cover the ground. A IU.1 flan. Breeding from immature dock every year will *oon*r or later lend to deteriora tion. Il i* better to ute animal* in their prime than to replace them witb youag (lock. If a change i* detired reeerv* the younger *took until eaoh i* matured and folly developed. Look Afwr The Wrrd*. When moitture i* plentiful and tb* rain* com* at tbe proper time* il mart not be ox-clocked that the weed* are benenMd by the favorable condition* a* wall i the crop*. Tbe raint IncreAM the work of deetroying weed*, but much ol the labor may b* taved by ning tbe onllivatoi alter each rain to M to dectroy tb* weed* a* toon a* ibey appear above groomd. Plant Small Treee. By planting imall in** they can be better itarted and will be let* liable to the fecti of drought, compared witb older tre**. Too much top on young tree* U a f r* : uent eauM of IOM, they not pcMeMing aricwcl root* to nouhth the many new thoou that an produced on tors thai have not been cut back. Feeding Grain to Cow*. Grain may be fed liberally to cow* when they are in full flow of milk, but if the eow* are drving off previou* to oalvicg il better to withhold all grain if the animal* are in good condition, in order to avoid milk fiver at calving time. Plenty of grac* it tuScienl for dry cows, grain being on- Hlnta oa Horeeehoelag;. Never fit the fool to the ihoe, bat ii the thoo 1 1 the foot. Never put a hoi (hoe to tbe hoof , many good hoof* have been ruined by burning. Never pare tbe trog. Never ttrUt c- the nail* . UM c:ppen for cutting then: cff. Never drive large nail*. Never drive tbe naiU too high in tbe wall of the hoof. Never trim the hoof mere than it aeee*- ary. The art of iboeing i* important and tdould be undentcod by the owner cf tbe hone. Moore good hocf i have been ipoiled by hot *boe* than in any other way. Burning itop* up the pore* of the hoof nail and make* ii brittle and tbe hcrte under looted. D. E. A&EU. Farm aad Oardea. II U a mutak* to uppo*e tbat pea*, bean* and corn thould be covered heavily. Atbe* iccreate tbe :iantity cf the draw- berry crap and make il better colored and inner. Have your teed ready before tbe day you wi*b 10 plant or *ow. Only as; the be*t and pure*!. Smaller teed cf a kind germinate* r*t bat are afterward iljwer in development than the larger one*. The Agricultural Department will iup- ply tu^ar-beei teed to farmer* wishing them, in small .quantity to each. Many animai* appear tick and refute fuod. when the caute; miy be due to the tcoihacbe. A* a precaution againtt weevil in grain the granary ought to be entirely cleared every year and old grain stored eltewhera. Tbe'di:ully when cream will not rai*e. m nine cate* out of ten. i* the temperature. Every batter-maker thould UM a tucr- momttcr. Of the new variety of cautaleup* tbe emerald gem U one of the bet. It U of medium IIM. and drop* away from the vine a* *oon a* ripe. A pound of bra:: make* within 17 per oeci. of a* much milk a* a pound of corn- meal, which utnally ci*tt moch more ; but corn -meal make* richer milk. A Rhode Island farmer rai*e*veal calve* 10 weigh l.'O pound* whe:-. (jur week* eld by allowing them warm kirn milk and oat- meal gruel. Sach ctlve* should pay wall. Mix on* level teapoon of gunpowder with a ;::ari af corn meal, after ih* latter i* soalded Feed once a day for three day* to car* gape* in chicken*, and again dv* or sn days. It ha- long been obeerved that sheep prefer a hill to a plain on which to spend the night outdoor*, but if they grais on hilltide they will invariably chooM a southern eii-5*ure probably the gra* i* more palatable to them. Tbe more frequently tbe grat* U cut the greater the tax on tbe land. I'te plenty of manure on all land intended for gn>j next eeaeon. First kill out the weed* by culti- vating tbe land with a crop requiring the n*e of the cultivator. Au.iralta t Onad Uld For unflagging industry and vertalile menial activnv the septuagenarian Premier of New South Wale*. Sir Henry Farke*. runt our own g. o. m. pretty cloe. Not content with running the government of the parent Australian colony and engineer- ing the) federation of the colrnie*. tbe old Birmingham ex chartist makes long coun- try toura, publithe* plenty of poetry, and tpendt three hourt every dav writing up his reminitoence*. Bat all thit doe* not sanity hi* devouring avidity for work. Sir Henry ha* jail commenced' a wriee) of con- tribution* to the Sydney If * v Ufr^iU under the well choeeu title of ' Wit* Words of William Ewart Gladttone." The*t paper* are compoeed of critp. paraxraphu- tid biM from tbe vast array of Gladttone't writing* and ipevche*. Sir Henry, at everybody knowt. it one of the mo*i ardent of Ciladitoniant. and il is gratifying to see hi* admiration of the Liberal leader taking tbit eminently practical and highly useful shape. When' the paper* are eventually collected and puMUhed in book form, a* they donbtlea* will b* one day. tbey will form a companion volume, but of more w'.ioleeome and tunthiny character, to the \Vn and Witdom c( Lord Beaoontneld." L C- d. 'I >' .'. Tbe Brltl.h Poet OtBce. Tb* British pott one*, wkich in 1*40 distributed seventy *ix million* of letter* per annum, now distribute)* sixteen bun- dled millions, exoltuiveof po*tcardt. news papers, elo. In London alone the number of letter* tx-sled and delivered annually i* eight hundred and fifty million*. Stannic* of this nnptndoni character convey far mor* than diagram*, model* and relic*. Loekla Backward. Young Springley (audaciously) How old are yon, Mie* Hree^y .' She isweetly i I was born on a Thunday. Yon can calculate a* wall at I. Dr. Wattert, lurgeon to the dlh Baitalioo, Queboo, was thrown from hi* hone al tbe review yeaterday and sustained tenc-as injnrittj. Tht doctor it very low, but hope* of hi* recovery are entertained. The tlrik* of the coal handlers on the Montreal wharva* (till oontinoa*. and coal ve**els are discharge.; very tlowlv There U a matrimonial boom in St. John. N.B. AboatadoMn wedding* ware reported yewtarday Ii it a oaraf ol wife who ? four bu he: tie* on top of her hatbana's dith aad teran al tew baltom ol her owa. TBK BAIB. Some GovxJ Advice at to IU Trvauaeai. "Ltoa'l wash your hair." Tbit ii advioc given by a woman wno ca= been at the head of a leading baircre*ticg *tac..<t- mnt for ihtlaal 12 jears. 5ae tays far- ther : I believe tbe average 'ycirg woman drowit tb* life of c-r ti..- c.. frt- jaent wathing in bot and ccld water. We tend out abcat iO yoazg women who drew hair by the season, contracting f:r tie entire family. Tbey plan to give each bead a combing twice a week, and, by special arrmcgesient, make bacti-tc hocte vuitt daily. Not a drop cf water it f -t en tbe hair and every head i* kepi in a cleac and healthy condition. We pin cur ?a:it to a good brcih and prefer a incrt-brinlcd, narrow brush, backed witb dive or plain wood. We ate the brcsh net only en tee hair but en the tcalp a* well. A ma:- hat to be taught how to dnti acd care f:r the btur by object lauont. Thu icnr::ti:c it part of my duly. In teaching cc* c;\ .. I operate on the other tbe irit thing to do when the hair it unpinned ii to Ictwn 11 by lightly tenting it about. Tbe cferaticr. need not tackle, and at the treMS* are being aired tbey fail into natural lengih*. Instead . f beginning at the scalp tb crn combing ihoald itarl at the end of the hair. In other words, ccmb upward to avoid tangling, breaking and learing ih* hair out. Tbit raking of tbe hair wUl re- move the) dust. After thi* ih* tcalp ibotjld b* brothed thorooghly. By tbit I mean thai a foil boor ihoald be spent Srtt brush- ing the hair _d then the head.' .Vv 1" - Thr World'* W. C. T. C. Elhlblt . . -j-.bc-^d. Very little hat yet been pubUthed in tbu oo^ntry concerning c_ very remarktbl* feature o* the Parit) Vaivertai Expoaition. Tiz., the international exhibit of tb* Worlds W. C. T. U. ooadacted by Mr*. Josephine K. Nichol*. The printed report of thu exhibit it JUM out. and shows a marvelouj work accompiuhed. In a land when it was the greate*! inc .-v:ion for a woman alone aad independent of mated- line management to arrange f:r rach a ditplay. when public Mnlimeni U entirely oppoeed to the total abiiioano* principles advocated, where even water ocali scarcely bo bad. no provision having been made for supplying it to vitiiort oa the groands in th.s gnat centre cf wine and bee>r drinking. thronged by tightteen of all aationt, a World t W. C T. V. Pavilion wa* tel up where million* of Mat cf Minptranoe ..wrai-re. m nine f^nc: '.a^^iigee 1 . were dittnbuied to curios* visitors, when white ribbon trine* wen explained and a living mtere*t ia the temperanoe mcvemenl aronted among peopis of all nationalities. In thtt pavUioa a temparmooe oafe fzrnuhed all sorts of temperance) drink* to the T-.sitcn. H re wen entertained in temperance fathon the "niled Stale* Marine Corp* of young men. and numeroa* notable* from varioai coanlrie*. Representative* of tb* edacatiooal inierawM of Ka**ia. Scotland. nglaod, l>enaark. Switzerland. Holland and many othtr aationt came t c learn what they ooald in regard to the lemperauoe iastrt cf children. N 'vspaper men of varuos natioaaliue* cam. to takt now* of tb.s ncvel specimen of woman's progree*. Many patior* fron tbe city and prcvmce* eami for material for temperance ttrmont. During much of the timi on week day*, an average of a thoatand pertont a day passed through the baildinsj. cariout to learn what thit display meant. When the crowds swarmed about .-:. Sundays the cloeed doon and curtained window* were a silent w.tnet* (or Sabbalb c-teervance. The IUCOCM of tb* exhibit was farther emphasised by the Government award cf the higheet prU*. a gold medal. Tbe chief point* upon which the award was bated were tht general work of the eociety. it* publtoa. tion association, lit hygienic teaching* from a toientifl: ttandpoml and the featare cf the temperance cafe. The World s W. C. T. I', exhibit wat a practical demonttra- ion thai the world t union i* not a myth. The National W. C- T. I', of America helped rovally with money and encourage- ment. Tbe British Woman s Temperance) Association tent t young English worker to attitt Mrs Nichc4j and alto bore a share in meeting tbe expecte* for building and literature. Mr*, d* Broen. 1'rviident cf the Fans W. C. T. t . helped secure the space for tht eshibuion : ban- nert were tent by anion* ia Nor way, Auatrmlia, New Zealand, the Hawaiian islands. South Africa, >i'.iea. Japan and other ooanlrie*. M well at by many Hate unions. Several national peace societiet alto gave their 42ppon to the un dertakiix. Tbe total expenditure* for the exhibit wen i-,4.'. 1 <0, the total expecdi lure* by the inperintendent Jl.l'c W. Il i* impotsible to ettimate the far reaching rteultt of tht work. Letter* are constantly being received telling of the interest il ha* awakened. Mr*. Nichols wat invited to lake tbe exhibit both to the national expoei lion al Panedin, New Zealand, and to the :reai eipotitioo of Japan, opened in January. Withcat a doubt a World'* W.C T I' exhibit will be a feature c! tb* great wcrld'* fair. A woman wage earner who work* from * m tht morning until ' at eight aad occa- sionally nndt herself too weary to sleep. takee down her hair at 10 o'clock, brashe* il vigorously, wmshee her face, neck and arm* with lukewarm water, take* a crash towel bath and goet to bed. with a hoi water bag it her ftel Tbe light m her room it to arranged that the can, after reading for a few m untet torn* light. plaatant work, xlinguith ii without ruing, and tb* usually drift* into dreamland in lee* than half aa hoar. Cku-j/o rn>iv. For the year ended June 1st the loll re- ceipt* of the Brooklyn Bridge wen Jl.iTv 447 03. being an increate over the previous year f 1113.7*4.94, or 11 S per oeni. Kail- road fan wat reduced to - cent* oa March lit. ISjvS. Fromeoade tickets were told al wee ty five for 5 oenl* after February 1*1. 1S8. Fhiladalphia txptete to come out of the oensa* ooodiot with a million mhabij lanie. And to dot* Chicagv. vjaeen Victoria hat ordered the artut Aotjell to paint tot her a portrait of Mr Stanley. THB PAMAVA CAHAI. Tke Great eavint; I: Will Preve to tme World Commerce. The tptctal Panama Canal CommiMioa ha* prepared a freed repcrt an the pro*- p<ciiv* earning* of the canal in eat* it it completed. In thLt the annual coat of aintenano* it plaoed at 5 000,000 fraact. The ezpeate* of admi&utraiion an pUotd n 1 >00.000 franc* annually, and the cott of t/aotu it ettioiatexl at l'j.uOO.000 fra^c* annually. Tn income for the nrtt fcur yeart it eeumaied al 51.150.000 tranot. Thit it calculated on an average .r.nnai tconatjefor thai period at 4.100.000 ton*, and the propotad rate of chance per ton it twelv* and one-half franca. Tbe oooicuf- lien animate* that after tbe irn f- :: yeart there wocld be an accual increase in the toenage of 50.000 tecs astil a maximum tonnage of C OOO.JOO be reached. After the canal ha* been in operation twelve yean ice annual net receipt*, all expacss* beini deducted, tr citimaied ai T COC.OOO Iranc*. That amount would be dittnbuwi Between the preteni anc; futon thartholden in accordance with the term* cf a contract to b* concluded between the cid company and the new. CHAVCB WOm A BfBHJ CLCB. Cartvalied CUe<-Ueei at BeUce for Sale lee- Every mamec thootaadtof vititonaakt) JW C* Tf -* "" ee*W^sj*weaw*a m pt^rimatjet to tht cottage ia Bcbert Bare* wat .jra. near Alioway K_rt and the Bank* 3 Doon. tayt London Tnoa. They an shown the rootn in which the poet crtt saw th* light, at wall as that - oriiical faraitur* ated by Biraa* panejtt. Wi^ ii b* bei-eved that ail that *_..:-./ r .-a. ;..-i.: ;.-e :'. to* wat to.d cff by public; roar ia 3< 1>*J. mott of it being now ia the v of a ftatteman ia tantj**7ttr who < Tht father* etair. tht mother'* tbe put C3air. Ptmbroat tabte with dap. aactner withoat dap, the im.Khai'l wcrk table, chett of drawer*. eifht-day clock, corner cupboard, wltifcin i, n? o< wood, ate bom, tea bail, tea-caddy, toddy ladle, twalvt chain (applied by the MUte* Goodie, 1 th* rwacd warn by Barn* at aa txuteokaa aad the probe he ated sc hJj preventive exconaoo*- i_- mete are aathectieaied by tetnii from sate who cad ~ fc-.-rr What to Do With Corner.. A corner i* a good place for brie a bra: shelve*. A *en*t of ihn* or five, cue above the other, can he put ap by tc-rewing narrow cl*a*i* a,a.3tt tee wall ] a fringe or a narrow tmoroidertd or peunied baad. or imps of felt cat ia fringe, three or four inch** deep, tacked oa with bra** beaded tack*, cr with common tackt covered by a braid, ornamented with ititchee of gold- cclcred ulk. will niuth the shelvet prettily acd hide the eltau. Another way of arranging corner shelve* !cr book* or bri:-a-brac it to place them aoe above the other until a* high at tie top of the door caiing*. Before fattening the top sheif . pal at each end of the front tide tcnw e>e* *uch at are oted for hang- ing picture* ; gild tbe eye* aad ran a brat* red or gilded wire thr-ouih them. On thi* win, by bn*t nn<t or gilded batten rinft, bang a drapery of any iigbt material con- venient. Lace or darned net should b* lined with color. Chiaa iilk . - pretty and only one width i* Deeded it it inexpen- sive. Cheeeecloih embroidered with any until l*ore. at rcaebadt, daitiet. etc., in crewel* of colon to baraoaue with tbe (urroundinga, and tiny tateel* of the tame crtweU oa on edge would be exceedingly dainty. Loop back about three cr four feet from the floor, set a ;ar or igun. urn or jog, on the top tbtlf. Again, a corner i* a good place for a mirror, with a round stand under n '.:: holding a lamp. Orer the mirror, two ' bright folding fans can b* fattened, bring- ing the tide* together at the angle*. Or have a bracket shelf above for vat* of jiet, ete , and bang a drapery froa it to loop back at either tide of the m rr:r or attach the dnpery to a rod placed acrott the corner. A corner i* a very ::.'.? place for a (mall writing deak or table.' Plaot a bracket shelf three feel from the ceiling, if high . if low, place a curtain pole or bracket* clcwe to the ceiling, hang drapene* heavy .-: Ugh i according f ssrtoaading*. and back about three feet from the i.vr a lamp and the carta.3* drawn, thi* i;i f an evening a co-y little iiudy. when o= may read and write a* privately as .: alone, with the room fall of people. A corner between window* can be made to simulate a bay window, by the draperie* acrot* the oorner. If one or both of the window* have a tunny ex poeun. by placing shelve* acrot* them, and the corner like (rite, the shelve* filled with plant*, you change il into a tiny conservatory. Wilb a ton : bird banging in gilded cage, between your looped back draperiee. you have a b.t cf umrr. I r l;t the darkeel winter'* day. ia Sve vititcrt be ^u from 1**J to cootainin^ 7 000 autograph*, at wail at a letter of th* poet. Here it a chaoc* for tome Baoeeh ajate-m or Bant dab. They wen cf end for tale to the Secretary for Scotland, bat bit secretary wrote that while they were ;f - co value, the* i b* given to th natioav The utter thai, a* tb* nation had anything, ht did oot tee hi* way to carry . ; f rcpotai. A tiTpeooe froc every at a Bare* Clab woali the Car* for Dl ;:..: :- . :-.: a friend in a certain U tried to to hare f; and pewt- nu:ner. Dr Pombrak by recently ccnthbated aa aniete oa alop- : t.- tbt Xediui*ikn dtarawtaV. ia which he detenbee tevta oatet ol int- bristy treated by hypodermic injecuca* at strychcine. H* natee thai ia cat**) of ^ .ini and of dipec an*a be) bat found strychnine a very valuable remedy N:t only an attack* cared, boa the de*ir f :r drink eeatet i; txitt. Evca cate* of ieiinmm trnam yielded in large meatsr? to tb* isditccet of the method adopted. Tb* treatment, however, wculd teem to be somewhat tedioo*. nqainna; to be carried out tytteaaticaUy a:c. =ce !rc gently for long period* ol time. Dr. Pombrak bat, in some exceptional in- staz.-ee. preecnbed :c*e* cf cue-lfteenth :' a ;ra.i n.-i*: - ienerai :3*e* al half that am.'-nt bare been j:v*n. and. white BijaVar tb* treatment in ;ae*ticm. pauena* bav: abetained Jr.- a all ipiritoovt liqtjen cf tbeu :: free will. :. /jaw** wItawleaV Trmere>ii<-< la Tokyo. The W. C.I.T of Tokyo. Japan. :nt*t one* a month and bat taken ap twelve department* of work. M.s* Acker- -_az s recent vi*it (natly Mnngthened tht) crg%ouatioc. During btr tlay a new temperance society of young men wat) tjajeaejUsd. four hundred of whom signed tht pltdft through her influence. Sweet lleeeeeUy. He s a sweet ipecimen of a pcaiiciao, im i he said the Major, nfemng to aa Fr Ulaaen f >r arhuol ChtMrva. Free dinnen, which tht Vieoaa school children have been to fortunate at to have provided for them during the winter, wen slopped al the e:-.i of latt m.-sth m ::h to the regret of the little onet Oar oorree- pendent say* that they will begin again in November. Four hundred thcotand por- tions were served in thirty three clays to 3.000 children. Many of the school chil dnn brought their Uitle brotben and sisten to snare the dinner with them, and tbe portion* of inch children wen alwayt extra large. A great natrber of children from the street* alto applied for food and wen never refuted. The school matter* and mittreetee teetify that the children'* health in the winter hat been very maeh belter tince) tbe introduction of the free dinner*. A good moral effect bat alto been produced upon tbe children, who feel tbem- wlvee cared for and the object* of atw.i tion. Tbe SWIM Government ha* asked for detail* of the management, at il it intended to etiablish tobool kitchent in Switzerland on tbe model of thott n Vienna. lotailVxi ZV:i>y \rw*. THI General Aattmbly cf the Freeby- Krian Church of the United Statee Ncrth ha* followed in the foouteps of th* Women t Christian Temperance) I'oion, and declared war on the ue o! tobacco ia all its form*, believing that il it ir; snoot to the body and weakening to the mind. Tutti frutti bat at >el etoaped xmdemna- lion. Why, we do not know. A movement hat been tel on fool in Chicago by the Italian resident* to collect J -0.000 to'erecl a statue to tbe memory of Garibaldi The recent northeatt geJee have packed thecoatt st Newfoundland with ioe for 15 mile* oat. P;rhar.t vca know he s a aaody date," replied the Jaige. Job. Mayer of Flainfleld. N J.. hat an umbrella which be bat had ia hit) potatetion fcr thirty ire yean. H* mutt htve kept it in th* tafe Chris Maee. the Viiubang million %in politician, bat donated 110 000 to wt) ated !cr tbe erection of a home tor boot- blacki and messenger boys in that city. X. R.jtici it about to bring a suit for divorce againtt hit wife, ex King Stilava being named as cc ree-.vncienl. D. C. K. U !.\. *). )rr>-<> * ' l-l 1. 1^,0 taaipave ; rtc>ieoei MCai niamace. A !lne> Tne Qlooia. Tort. Pa. I took Cold. I took Sick. SCOTT'S EMULSION I take My Meals. I take My Rest, ; \NP i AX nvso*oti rN.'VOH TO TAK | ; \>VTKIMG I CAS V.VY MY HANK ON; . i Iliiti Alt ICMV ' < Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil ' .\ndHypophosphitescfLimeana Soda N " N Y CVRIP MY Inrip- i*n( l'oituntpii>n =- v HLT FLESH ON MY BONES vTTHnror K r N'- v ;-vv. t VK.I IT v. >r AS \S:L> vs ; ix> MII.K." - if* Sir <A r wr - r-.. aa.ll scorr <s~ B v u . ITu<i'.e at I CURE FITS! THOUSANDS OF POT T liS GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When 1 *T Cure I >!.< DOC meat) merely t j *:--." thm tor a t.<x>*. an%! : Seej aare thea nturn aciia. I M K AN A R A O I C A L C U Rl. I have enwt aw* *&? of rtt>* pileixy or Fulline; BtcKn'eai a lur-lonf study. I wrr.\nr :T trmejy to Cure tae worn CAMS. Br\*ii otbm ha-e 'lileJ ii BO ree.wa fce owl r,-* rrcTin* a cur*. Sradat fjtMtfjrt treatise and a Fre> a>tt>e> o v.y Infallible Remedy. Otve Exjieatj l\>e< Ofice It CI'<M rou n < > t u>J it will cure you AJJieet i SH.C-. *ra\ncH &m f , le WIST ADL*IO STRICT. YOROHTO. a MOOT. e<e c*j** haw been prroMjwnuy raiee. Tl>THV VKIl'OU: n*j* tafe above uoieJ <Hr*sf. BT U tirorly u*v -. n^-oeamlt W fia.t <o >rBd nr NottVri .: mi rauv il iirr w>.l >ead M tbrif Etvrru ia4 Poet OeV* Adtlreai. *,. ' dHOHTO. ONTARIO. 1ICOXI 1 1 t.O^ !*) RrepectAj. T. T A,

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