t t* Olrb. Two t- TUB wwit to the be*ebell game One eJUniooo la Mjr. S*> wt 4 cruik , tbe never had teeo Profeatiooft: pi*) en i .jr He faithfully tried to eiplain it all. he triad to underuad . Bet the more be talked. ib let* ike knew Why te ihougbt UM (ftn.> wu grand. H* cheered, be danced. be jelled " Hi I MT Bbr cimly li> ked about : And if r.y i.oe uitda three-bate tit blie uked ll tie man WU out. Bhr tried her beat to keep th icore, But wbru the tame u done He fouud tbftt wceuevvr ft I jul wu bit She Ld giTcn tbe uiftn ft mo. It dampened bii urdor to bave her My : " Wby doeu t the ompm bet ' And <-<-h IIUMUOO be t,kcd rtltnl*B*<1 Ion, Tbou>;D ue wouldu t here owned to ibt. Till > Iftit tbe ftiked in bw (uileleet wftj Wbicb niae U playing uow Be Lroki- tbe eacmfMiunt tben and then. And DOW they dda teven bow. bto THE LOVERS ji v Ki: I I (Mn. Packer Craih'i drawing room. Although doing one'* bct to litien to tb Hoo. Quintal yaorum't ijnopei* cf hi* tot fife boor ipeecb, ooe omncot help hearing Mi*tB**ie Beauty i clear loprano from the curtain niche near bj i MIM Beaaty (oeJdly) Ab, good even ing. Ye*, if you choc**, bat I thick I oc- not *tey ben lender. However, then'* room encash oo thi* divan, 1 lappoee. Some Young Mc (ia an inditiinguuh- atlt mormon " ." Miu Beauiy (more coldly) " Not in tbe Why ihoala I be cffended .' ' The Yoan< Man itam> gave the Teeth. An eminent Eoglith dentUt pr.-tetU agamtt fr- trreeenl extravagant watte cf hamftn teeth by inrgeon* en,i incompetent dent. s;t. n,i declare* tset while there re, maybe, (efficient reaoc* for directing a tooth, it i* never neoeeeary to do o merely to relieve p*in. In t lea*! 90 per oent. cf tbe cate* doming to i active deotut. paint ia the teeth are doe to what may be celled primary and eecondary toothache. Primary toothache, tbe pain cf which it oftener telt in the nerve terminal* in the face than in the tooth ilaelf, ie oongeelion o( the tootb palp, and it may be relieved very eatilv by careful ei station, tifficient to allow an eacapeof blood from tbe palp, which may then be devitalised by an ereenioal arete- ing. To complete the operation, which may be poetponrd for week* without farther inooovemecOH, Ifce palp matt be removed from the root canai* and theee filled to tbe apex. Secondary toothache, or alveolar abeoat*. it oaneed by gangrene of tbe palp, and U regarded by moet turgecn* at to eeriout a* to call for the removal of tbe tooth, which, ia nine caeee oat of ten. might be retained and made atefol aod aforlabli. The coaree cf tnatment i* Miu Beeaty ,mo*t eoldly) Poeaibly, yet one can't jacge frcm teeming. Many pertoni aeem very different for a lime fiom what they really are.' Ibe Young Mac VIM Beauty (teverely > "Meaning to one ia particular." Tbe Yoang Man" OH TKMFBKAVCK. TELiBORAPHIC SUMMARY Mil* Beaaty Ycu've Mr Brown." The Young Man .. done nothing an opening to the palp to relieve the pain, followed by a aerie* cf anii*orptio dreeeinxi in tbe rooit to cleaneetbeui from ali poree- oent matter, and then, a* m the other cate. filling lh. m to the apex. -Vn IVrt Com- mercial AJrertittr. M.lr IW..1. It i* well known that many pereon*. par- ticalarly children, are rveiiee* after retir- ii>K. In the morninn .b<n t and bed ijoilt* are aek<> auj the bed ia an\thtD|! bat a comfortable condition. Aud then ptrnape tbe remark u beard, ilow I i.h tbe bed- cluthee were baitoced, or nailed down, or filed tome way to that they would ttay where they belong. ' Bat the bed if mad* properly wi I alvk\t ttav right, eat* an enchan^e i'aru tbe lower theet well under at i bo h<ad of the beJ. Tarn ander a foot at level. It doee not make any diffenuoe whether tbe tbeet it lu.-keu luatlhe bottom or not. Tb(> (train oo U alwayt ooroee from the head cf the bed downward. Per contra tbe tlrain on clothe* over a tleper comet from the op(x<ite oueotion. Hence they need to be well tacked m at Ibe bottom. Tack in all clothe*, both apper and under, alonK tbe iiuc*. Dot the mam \~M:.\ i* that the nader clotheethoald bewen turned in at tbe lop an 1 the upper onee at the bottom. 1 hat i* the *ecm of makuijj them May where they beloaic, no matter bow reetlee* Ibe oocopant* are. I hie it the theory ami 1 have often proved it in practice. __ _ Kit* Beauu ifeveruhlyi Yoo came n Mr. Hrown' ti well a* -Lherle*,' Ua't it ? Well. I prefer tbe former." The Yoonij Man ." Miu Beauty" We tcrre engaged." Tbe Yoacg Man Miu Bettoty yaaicialJ>> " Becaate. tir. I feel that we an far from being a con- Denial- i with indden energy) Becaiate I aetire it becaate I want to becaate that < my wi*h becaoae becaaae beon*e 1 hate von. Chat'ey Brown The Yoang Man " Miu Beauty ipaftionatelv i Yee, I tri.> tay that it'* what I mean, and 1 aay it I bate yon, acd alwayt d:J - Tbe Yoocg Man anHrropttn^' Miu Beeaiy .cna.-h agitatec i Yee. I did aod I alwayt Tbe Yoang Man n.in tnterrapin^) Miu Beaaty (*e,met Ye*. I alwayt will, I tay tlway*. alwayeocle** (voice breakti anlcu yoabetave verv d:::.*nnliy from what >co have to night." Tht Yooog Man iprakt a long liir.ei. Miu Beauiy (with ^r i ma;e*ty i - I have DO doubt tbe i* a very charmicg girl. aino* yoa *ay to, alihoaiib I matt cocfeu I've cevt - retrd her general.) dticnbed at each bat c\en if 1 aid make tbe mittake of lelticg another man have your camber, yet to aanoe with her without crtt tpeak ing to me " The Yonnii Man Miu Beaatv " Oh. the fact that yoa ccalc'n'l get near me ha* nothing whatever to do with u. We.l. you might nave been more to biame. Perhape you couldn't help it. And ibe't a very charming girl. The Young Mac ' - Miu Beautv t ;,-!u]> < Ob. yet. 1 11 eicute you. Yea muh't have been more but no matter And the't extremely charm log ' Weil, let'* drop the whole tut-, ct and never mentioa it again." The Young Man" - - Mia* b'renci* K. Willard civet her viewt on ma'riaKe at fallow*. My theory of marriage in itt relation to lojiety woald give tht* podulate : llutband and wife are one, and that one i* -hutband and wife. I believe they will never oorne to the height* cf purity, of power and pe*ce for which they were deaigned in lleaven. until thi* belter law prevail* One andivided half of tbe world for wife and hatband tonally . co eduoation to mate them on tbe plane of wind, e^ual |<rv|<vrly riKhtt to mak her 1.0.1 own free woman, not coerced into marriage for the. *ake of tap- port nor a bond tUve after he i* married. . . . woman left fr.r to gj her honored and eelf retpeclmg w\ a* a maiden in l<erpetoo rather thau marry a man wboee deterioration t: - .roii;'i the alcohol and nioo II u- habit* it a deadly tneuaoe to herwlf and the .leerrudaut* that tuoh a iuarnki' hae inxoWe >t. The* are the out look* of a future thai *hall make the marriage tyi- tern, never a failur* after u became mono- gmmoa*. and auured a permanent, a para- dieaioal *ucoee*." Vhe> ..-..M. ! fart*. Frenchmen are wikiog up to the fi.-l that the liermtn oolouy lu belovmi I'arit it raptdlv increeiii'ig. There are nearly S('\000 of theui in other word* twelve pereon* out of every iru-u*and of the topulation are Uermau*. l'h>< t.<tal ha* doubled m ihe laet len or eleven year*, and it more than double thkt tf tin- liriliah, who are jutl under \:\WO tirong. The Knglith have their own .|urler. but the Uermac* di* tribute theuieelve* over every arronditee- L font Isltrr. Miu Beanty (*tilfltt Why. I don tue what more 1 cau do than excute yoa. Let a* talk about tomeihing elee. MB*I yoo think tht* a plea*anl t > The Young Man" MIM Beauiy (indifferently Ye*. I forgive you. Now. will you lake me to mamma f" Tbe Young Man " The Idvir* of k>ver*l Well Kaowa *l>.ker OB the abject. Lut evtcing, octwiihitand.E^ the heat and oon*t .;aeni diioomfort in a crowded aoditoriom. a large aadieno* lurmhltil in Gjre Street Cbarab, the ccoaejoo being the delivering of ajdrveeee by evtral wtii- kcown temperance orator*. Oa the plat form were Rev. John Kay, BrantfoH. Preeidect of ibe conference . 'Rev. William Kettlewtll, Oakville . Bev. D. W. Snider. Merntton ; Dr Lowrey. of Brantford, and Rev. J. Pickering. The platform and pulpit were prcfuaely decorawd with dower* acd pianu. Rev. D. Vf. Snider wa* the ant tpeeker and gave a vivid ducription of the e\iU of ihe li.jaor traoe ttating that it wa* the cac*e of mere aorrow and greater woe than war cr peetilence or famine. He thoogbt the time had come when men bad either Heeled their beart* again*! tbe tufiaren from the drink trefia or elee bad grown indifferent from deepair. He quoted ictoranoe tiatitiice ia tap* port of the contention that ihe life of a total abeiainer wa* longer by twenty year* than ibal of a moderate drinker. By the tame mean* he proved that total abttainer* procured in*aracce cheaper by thi* longevity. He alto thought that the Uqaot trac wa* not. comparatively ipeakmg. an employee cf labor. The annual return* cf a large ore wing cv rupee y in EC gland thowed a prcitcf i-VOOO with an catlay of i It 000 for labor. A boot and thoe merchant of London baa proved tbai in hi* baticea* to produce the tame prcct it woold re- quire ibe outlay of tJJ4.0UO. Tbe tpeaker tbooght prohibition mtact a large increaee in ihe national wealth. He then went on to find the li.|aor lral: guilty of in- numerable crime*, tuch a* theft, arton acd murder. In orging opoo tboee preeent the neoeeeity for total prohibition he *tak*d that in ihi* country annaaUy I6.0CO.OOO i* lott to the people thrcogh the curee of mtemperaaoe. Dr. Lowry. cf Branlfori. then addret*ed the meeticg at torn* length, confining hie remark* chiedy to ih* le^iua liv* tide of the o,ae*tion. He taid At far a* tee Soon Act U concerned, it wa* ditocarafticg tbe way they carried it, it wat dUpinung the way they enforced it and u wa* ditgutucg the way the people repealed it." (Laughter i The tpeakcr then cniicued the vancut argument* of the Ai-.n #cott Act party agaict tbe temper- ance meainre. and called oa temperance people to vole on principle and cot tor party tie taij . Government* will ii'.>e ut ton* of Initiation and bat jance* . f ecforcemeot. Bat we have bad tome good legitlation. however. The Crook* Act i* one of the nne*l and beet boecte law* in eiutenc*. acd tbe amendmente miroduoed at the lad tetuoa have largely added to .1* efficiency. Although the Oataru uovtra- men! it one of the beet Government Ihe ton hat ever tnooe ou. tn'.l there it room for improvement. 1 think tbe only *olatiou of tne great problem of lutcmptsrauce i* com- penaation to ib* li.;u>rdeaUn. It we .-a-.i ool r\i-.t them oat, let ui buy them out, like Great Britain did Ibe tltve dealert. K.-v \V KeitlewtU wa* then called on. and made a very eloiotct appeal to tbe audience to ttay home and not vote !or either party to day. a* they wre both tap ponert cf tb* licecte tyttem. lie then gave a graphto portray 1 . f tbe vartoa* ill* attendant on the love of tlrong drink, and particularly m nfenruceto the repeal of ire Scott Act. " Arigo, the Sicilian merchant, recently captured by Italian brigand*, ha* been re- leased on payment of 50 000. The Roval Commiuion appointed to in- venigate tbe Wbelan Paoaad tcandal held itt Irtt meeting in Montrtal yettercay. Wm. Favae. G. T. R. unman, aged 13. wa* drowned al Port Stanley yeetc > eloae to the pier, by hi* bo*t apeetting. Ihe lake wa* verv rough. Germany, France, Kaaaia and Switzer- land have tinned a treaty for the inppree- uon of Anarchitt*. England i* in- un- willing to join. The Newfoundland delegate* have form- ally prteented a wntten itatemeni of their caee to ih* Colonial Ofioemt tbe to(gwtion of Lord Kauttford. It U taid that Major Faniua't friend* had formed a plct to capture Prince Ferdi- nand and hold 1: 103 at a bcttage. bat their icheme wat frustrated. Conttani. Miai*ter cf the Interior, ba* ordered that Lcuite Hicli.'i be liberated from prifca. The doctor* Declare that j:e i* tuf.-nag frcm lunacy. Ccattant ba* given her Ihe option cf r. u. . i ricn or gciog to an inurmary Frtcdent Carrot ha* granted a p to the Pake cf Orleent. who wi tect tc pri*cn in February latt for v-.c.:i2g the decree cf exile iuued again*! the luemben cf hi* family. The Puke wat ocujicwo ; to the frontier during the night. A it ranger entered Ihe nai dence of Geo. Mec.ie. Sarnia towuthip yetterjty -d Hole Sli.V He wa* purtued tc the wood* by Mec."e tad tome neighbor*, but ha* act been captured. Mec-ie bad received tbe money yeeterciay for -stile told. Meagre repjrt* received from Bradthaw. a hamlet cf toor or five hundred luhabi tent*, about ifty milet weet of Li- Neb., ttate that tbe town was iwept awav lat Euhl bv a cyclone. Six pereon* an reported killed and twenty sn or man injured. Ihe ic.jaeet or. ih* death cf Adam John- ston and Ida Doberty, wbo were drowned in tb* Thar.-.et by being iwepi over tee waterworkt dam oa M. : May Mlk, wa* held before Corccr Sir.... .*>i -*'- A verdict wat brought in cf accidental death by drowning. So blam* wa* attached of the Snenf ot Camber'tnd County, dropped dead in tb* Beptitt Church at Amhertl. N s . yeeierdey forenoon fiurint; the reading of toe Scripture lt*on. Caue* beart diiae** It U rumored la Saa Fraocwcc that tot) Canadian Iftc.ic Suftm*hip Company ia- tend* reeumicg (teamer aemoe between Vancouver and San r rauouco, the wsult cf wbicb. it it ttaitd. will be a general laughter of rave*. Toe higbeft boccrt at the Jareexac: -na- tion* at Cembricue I'aiveroty have beea WOB by Mu* Fti.ippa r awoeit. daojhier of the late Pr;f. Ft-wjetl. who it bracketed ftJ the superior of the mate e,ainr wraaglew on the mathematical tripo*. Frederick T- McLecc. an ex nuni***. found guilty of living with t woman ia Chicago when he had a legal wife in Nova Seen*.", wa* tectenced to CB* year la the HOOM o,f Ccrrfoiioo. ite beavit puniah- ~er.t rrcv.ded cy the itatute. A depaicb frcm Victoria, B.C tay* the teal f irate* in Behricg Sea an irgenicnt-'y ;tii.. ahead cf ihe Vnited State* preven- live ttrvioe by havicg a tteacer to receive; their catch of tkini. too iwift to be over- taken by the American gunboat*. Fntident Cernoi ba* granted pardcnj to *evecty-tc wcrkiagmen lent to pr.*cn ?er.:e in ac::ceclicn wiih the re- cent mike*. Ee ba* refaied (jaiwOM :o iweciy-'cur otberf. moetly foreigner*, tentencwd to iirrrijcnrceut for titsilar afieacee. The gang xcrk-ui at the *cec* cf the i . K. near Hyde Park, enctisi; tretllewark i^derrtath ihe tract. a* a temporary lopport. completed the ..-b Saturday evening. Ccmmunioatioa wat then cpeced a=d .l train* an rcr a* utcal. Th* German c.c.*l pne* ha* been quetw > l^itmatck only when nec:**ary. and to then (peat cf him -,th CvU-te*) a* a ttatei^ftu who ha* rec.:srei ibe ;r*trt lerv.oet tc hit ccuntry but who 1 kj rrorao.y outlived hj capacity ic >;uio.e the inair* it the cation There i* ocnjiderable c\citemm in Ncrth rcr.-h*ter owing tea number cf anioale beicg bitten by dog* tnppcecd to be u. ad. Mr. Barnard hat killed one cow tlt bcwed <yaiptcm* cf hydrophobia. Tbe Courcil ha* iuc*d order* to deetroy all tlofi going *' large without mualta, Mi** Beaaty iwith a tmiiure of mannereV " I'm afraid we can never again b quite a* w* need, although I'll try my boti- No. n itn t a trifle it a very eetiou* thing, and I'm *urpri*ed at your calling it a tride. 1 hope yoa will nevor more be gailly of *ucn an act -1m tare I do end I don'l believe I can ever forget it. Yee). 1 have forgiven yoa. Pleat* don't take my hand. You are forgiven. Ur Brown." The Yoni'gMan. " - ." Mii Beauiy -- Ye*, thie it what a woman oe>lli forgivenett." Tbe Young Man - . . . . i i Lark*. A* our poor folk an.i macaroni rectaorant diner* i<at t|>arrowt m N.'W York, to ire larkn vatcii u> l.on.U'n. In lhl oily dead lark* ot the \lu >( ,-l.<e* npvMi (IJ,.<00 are arnually .inpo-rd o'. and thu, taking Ibe all rout >i who, .!. vrioo ftt llliv or nit pt-r dcaen which u pu I tbly below rather than above the mark ntve* a grand U<lal of ao leee than .100000 of the< biri.ii for London >. Ckallrr. MIM Heauiy --Oh. if you don't to re- gard u I will take it back." The Y oung Mao " MIM Beamy- (all ice)-" Very w*ll. Here it it your ring Good by." Tbe Young Mao" Mut Beauiy (Without emotion)" Yoa ay to, and you've often aaid u. Hat I prefer to *ee love manifefted iu betije* empty word* The Youug Man (tppeare to adopt tome de*|erat reejlution). MIM Beaaty (iu rapid gradation from repelling toorn to it* .iia-netrioal oppctile) " Mr Brown '. Will yea b. kind enough to releae* me ? Your impe>rtinence i-ob. are you *ure no one can tee n * I'm juii a* mieerable a* 1 can be > <*, I do love you. Charley, ar.l yoa know it oh, 1 with 1 lii.tii't er.i yet u'* rather ni.v. too- II wa* all my fault, every moroi-whai a little wretch 1 am ' yoa or.vht to bve ecme other girl, like - ." Th* Y'onng Man" A Vevrut t rturiit. Tb* following miiture ha* been o*ed with the grat*t po*iele tuoceee for tbe oem*Dt;rg of iron railing tope, iron graliugt to ncvee. eto . in feel, with each effect at to reeitt Ibe blowt of a iledge hammer. The miiture it compceed ot eijaal paru of tulpbar and white lead, wita about one- iith proportion of borax, tbe ihriv thoroughly mccrporeled together. o a* to form one homogeneoa* mate. When the application it to to made cf thit oor.'poti lion 11 i* wet with tirorg talpharic toicl. and a thin layer cf it it placed between the lo pieve>* of iron. lhet' being at onoe pre**e>l together. lu cvj daj* it will be ptrftctly .-.r\. all trace! cf the cement bav ing vanished, and the work having every arr'* no * of welding Uali'i to anyone. Grace Ridley, the 1 y;: .1-1 .' of t pr.tv.i&ect butmttt man. cf AOISJV. lil . bat been keeping toui:o;l> Jo: nearly two- mcmht. Her cheek* an roey and her breathing rekular. and her tleep i* teeci- irglyat normal a* ibat of an icftzt. AU fttiempit to arva*e her an fraitles*. She t* fed regularly with 1: ;uid*. An argent rarnelhte wbip ha* been iuatd calling Ofon the N n. --.-.. jt mei . -f tbe lloute cf Coasraon* to be in t.-.cir *vi* t .:^ '.lit repcrled thai a motion will be made to - -:-. the Uoa*e in order to eentnre the Goverrmeci to: proclaimicg the recent meetiagt at Tip- perary A Berlin oomfo-.rnd'enl *ay the roent i* act likely to accede to Ibe petition* of the Chamber* cf Comi-.eroe a-i=g n to rrotett agaicit the propoted change* .-.-. ihe I ailed S;iet tat -.5. Many manataclurert .:. Sftio-o.y hve been noticed by Aiv.ei boueee that their orden will be cancelled a D leee tbe good* an delivered ia America before July The I' cited Slatt* Hoot* cf Kepnetnla- live* bat adopted tbe tubttituie tilver bill. Yeat U.".. nay* IU An unknown negro outraged t white widcw cear Monte \ al'.o A.t .' >tur- day. The negro i* now dead. Mtjor Wittmann tay* the pretence of armeo oruier* oa the African ooait it nol (u^icioni to ttop the tlve trade. It bat been decided to increaee the ttaff of the Ontario I aw School by Ihe appoint- ment ol two additional lecturer*. I'neler Allowenrei 11 What ' tke three gleeeee cf beer evtry day * Why. I onlv allowed yoa one " It'* all tight, doctor. I ooutulted two phytioian* before I called yoa in. and racb doctor allowtd me one glat* ." Hr I lt..rlnr. About t i.i. lime ( Year Itagley Good hea\i-rt : Tolliver, how wret-hiHi you look ' len tick T No been on nay vctton. V l.. kflll. MO.MI. Mabel Uo- t<le the nuvn it ' Joeeptiu* Yre; II ha* been out until unite late for etveral night*. An Autralin mueiotan hat invented a trombone thai i played by *te*>ro. It'* "OodBave th* vj'ieen" can be heard a dietance cf four ntilet He h*d hard lock with it. however, (or the people of hi* own town drove him out a* a onUaooe. MIM Beauty (in a voioe roach mtr''.\l but joyoarl C>n. you mnetn't tay ' con fiHiii.i ai<\tv,iy . prlic:ilari> a woniftr. Charley, f. r, although I don I jxwilnrU oontijer her charming, at yon think . ' The Young Mao " MIM Brainy (ev*lalio*llv " \Vhv. why. why did yoa ay yon oid. then .' l'bt oaatrd the whole trouble. Ye*. I began u before. I know, but u wa* beeauee I knew 1 wa* wrong about the dance and that you were going to blame me for it and I bad to anticipate yoa ha. ha, ha '. And though yon afterward ih.t right and let m forgive you -ha. ha' it ohcin I atone for that ' charnmtg ' The Yoang Man" ." MIM Beaaty (in proud apology)-" Yoa ee yoa don'i ifuttt understand a" about girl* even yet, Mr. Charlee !" fttfk. A. St. 1'aal gambler'* life wattaved from a fatal ballet by poker obiptj in bi* poakel Tbe Inciderl point* teveral moral*, ncn* of Ihem, however, a* moral a* oonld be de aired. W woaioe la a litil* teJe al hand tb* ulement. Ue kiteed her ander the I iuli)>* !'.! ihot Right plamb on the ; tulip* ring* the belle. Mr*. Jaytmitb What are yen reading Loo ' Miu Jayinulh - Fope't poerat. ma. Mr*. Jaytmitb Are they the poemt cf the pretent Tope v.r tb- !att .' The I ..!,!. -r Would IW Klpratlv*. Let tut- tee! Wa* it nol Kmeraon wbo 1,1 llitoh ycur waggon to a *tar ' Ye*. I believe to. Wkat a beautiful thought : ' Ye* . au.l how much cheaper it would be than keeping a horee." Fly eoreen* are celling. The gitl iu white i* abonl. It ie toe cream taloou etiquette to keep on the kid glove*. It'* faabionableto carry a raieed par aeol on the thady tide. -The fork it moro bon ton than the knife to ecoop up poat with. In the tamtner the talee of hoee are a* compared with the winter doobled. trade. t *Tr T\V r. the could figure V fraotu-n th* ei.-t :theuo e,.-irn .( each I'ttuuftiic thft.Uag down to uitlmi* .letftil Hot iui<> wa* uadltjpated nJ twat everywhere i^fui.M the! iu e\>lot ee*jawlM*j|tJM *bewat uever known to fe.il Bbede\p*iut ii|vn a nMvu a:l tlv.' enersv Ull'N'ii ftiul to lift * elml-le thre.lln ; wvuM iruitlotm Ihf lc of ,Ur 1 n the fttt .-f w><man .Imeini! *!ie w r>-l b ton.l >-\iT*ein. t-ui ttie tx>u*;bl her bub necktie aud tie falnte\t JeaJ away. - Ceoeu* Kiumarator An there any mortgagee on yomr i-ropetty ' I i --.-. holder No, but my yoauger daughter i* toon to be married, and if ebe bring* her hatband home to live at Ibe other four girl* did, I reckon Ml have to (hove the old bom* up for it* whole valae. General Vi*:oaul Woleeiev bat deciinisl the chirf command L? the ?oroet in India ia taooeatiou to the Take of Ccanaught. A number of Franciscan monk* from France ar* eipecled to arrive neit week in Montreal, where they will Mart a novi naie Aiit.v.o Cieraboeit. tbe Italian who wat wanted i.-r murder wa* arreeted yeelerday aftrnovn in a pi-en 31 Hand ou Kideau ilrevi. Ottawa. Tbe boy Nil 1 , who- wat burned at Ih* election bor.i'.rf at Sirfttford. i* dead, and at the inttauc* of the Crown Attorney an ijvettigalic'o. will be made. The Voroi.to tlnk'ng buildert' laboretj have cone to *n agreement with the mat- ter bailder* ftnd will rvtame worn to day. lato-o.t are negolialiag a *ettlemenl. In tbe mailer ot KJward Stamford. aooaaed cf murdering hi* workmate ia Logan towntl-.ip on Jaue <rd. the coroner'* Jury Saturday brvr.<b.t in a verdict of wil- ful murder Joeoph K. Hunting on* ot th* iuoti prom- inent citi.-en* of F.t William. 1. I . it a defaulter .-f tratl fandt to the extent ot J31.000. Ue n a lawyer cf prjviout high leading. Mr*. Sutan Ney. Boeton. age>i .'. yeter- day by mniake drank a gla><> cf lemonade in which *he h.t pat *iryohnitr> with the intention of ;iuig it to her hu*b*nd. She diiKl in a few hoar*. Arohbuhop Fabre hat i**aed * |Mt*toral let if r calling upon inemben of the Church in the arvhdioce** of Montreal to dioon ttnne alten.urg plaoi* of amu*emnl and eiourtiont on SunJfty. Tbe tall ocurl ha* rendered a vtro.i.M on the l?eel leet oaee. tnttaming the form- r potilion of the Chief Juttice cf Manitoba by which ta\ tale* wete nptet becaate of the 10 per oeut inlerett charged. Mn. Uhoolft 8wayoe, ot Owalonre. Minn . bae JIKI died al th* ag* cf 101 year*. Kb* wa* a c.'utm ot General Uoberl K. Lee, and tbe remembered a vitit of Gen. Washington to her father/* honte. The a.-ftwH^^teur of Ihe Puohet* of Sparta, tuier of Kmperor William, i* t\ pevlisi to lake place neit month. If the ahild it a ton the King of Greece will ab- dicate in favor ot tbe Puke ot Sparta. In Quebec oily the other day a golden a adding wa* celebrated, the ceremony being repeated with the tame grcomttnan and brideaiuaid a* oa tb* iirtl marriage . and the came hackman conveyed the party to Ihe chnrob MIM Jan* Logan, an elderly lady, utter Burglar* blew open a ta.'c in Brcwu t bank. Chattwcrtb IU.. Suaday morning. Tbe building cau^hi i tevecteen tor* tailo..r>.j were borctd. Vi'tman Fratber wa* badly hurt. Tbe bank vault* t.aec ?1 cVO. It ha* uotyet oeea ftioertftinco. whether this it nr.tting. Ibe tvtal | -00. Samuai S.v.:r. of I_ew.ttoc. and John L. ~\ s. ;t Mu.a. go--. Mict . tive aa^e the ^ .".cement that they will twin] a race ^,h tbe whirlpool at tbe Fal.t on the Fount of July. Ihe ttet -.: >l.d of the M-.it will cooey th* coateetantt to ihe wi:.: i co. tee men wul then aon their life ptYte:vtr* =J *w.=3 for the oppotite tccre. r : the : : >t cue reaching it will w. a the ta.vet JU\'. and the Irtec will k ,i * \' Mr. Smith tay* that tb.i will be co ' fake. Over 2CC 1 pecple lined Ontario and Mr- ket ttreeit. Siratfctd Satcruay to ate Mr. t l>. Mo:he:i '.. of i.-.e Nsw" \or wheel M- l\ P Uy. Depcly Keg:trar. two block* in a wheelbarrow, in fulrlment . election bet. The crowd cheered EiJ encearagtci tbe fat little -o.-.aa belwren tbe handle*, who paed ever the unwonted eiertion. The depnly tixutrar boboed c.p and dowr. i.'l hi* nlk election bat came O.CWU c\er hit c. attic ea:* aad almctt \- tinguiahed bit v.cicr.cut grin. The A^ ::altv Court yetier^y awarded ' to the Brituh iteamer Aldertcate. and i -A 1 to the American tteamer for the lervice* they recolered to t.-.i-lnman 1 ue ttearcer City of I'arit in towiog her to C;ueer:ow.' fter tbe breaking dcw-o. cf her oiftohir.ery ia mid cctaa latt Mftrcb Jc- t.of Llutl. wbo heard Ihe oate. stated Ibal it ibe weather had been bad after the *cc: decl occurred the Cny of I'ari* would have foondenM or drifted athcre. lie rra.ji.i the x-nduol cf ever4 oody .-a board tbe City cf rrit. Wh> Wetueta I* Mao e lieet Frleaii. -t nd foremoet. woman i* mai i b*t frur.d Becacte the i* hi* mother. Second, becaufe the i* hi* wife BecauM ihe i* patient with birr in ill- nee*, endure* hi* fralfolcee* and mother* bin-. l-ooa ..<( (he will st: i to him tl-tosgh good and evil report tnd alway* beJitve in him. if fth<> lovee) him. i'ecaute without her he would be ruce. roagh and uogodly. ate the teaches bim tbe value cf gentle wcrvi*. ot kindly thought acd cf ovntuieraticn l>ivaii*e fb.e can with him end -re pain .jaielly *-o.d nu-el ;oy gladly l>. oaoee. ou her V-rva*i. re can th< .i tear* cf repentaoce. and be i* usver reminded of tieui afterward. tvoaute when he i* bvhaving liKa fret- ful l-.-y -and we ail Jo, yoa know, at tune* with co rea*o:i m the world for it. woman* toft *> or j. touch or glance will make him ahatnedof huntelf. a* be cugbl to o. ate without her at an incentive he woald grow lajy ; there would be no good work done . then woald be no noble bock* wrilte-o there woald be co beautiful pic- ture* painted i there weald be no divine ttraint of melody K'ca-o.ie the ba* made tor a* a beautiful world, in which we ihould be prou.l 1C live fti-.i couteated to die. Btoaate and thi* it tbe beet natca of all when the world had reached an unen- viable ttate c: wicktxineM. th* bleeaed tak of bringing it a Sv.our for all mankind wa* given to a woman, which wa* God'* wy of sk'll;rg Hit teal of approval 0:1 her who it mother, wife, daaghter and twtel- heart, and. therefore, man't bett fricnd.-- ! .-.Jiei i! mt .'.-u"i.i.'. Irith taloon keeper* m Chicago aie refuting to buy beer frov the brewenet controlled bv the Kugliah tyndicate. The v,'c.een Powager cf Vortugal on one oocaiton took home from Tari* l.OCO pain cf *hot>t. 8abeeiaenllT (be ordered no lew* than 70 dr*** from Werth. lobe delivered together, whieb on th*ir way home were loel at wa. Her Mtjeety, no- way concerned ttnt word to tupplv TOdophcaie* and theee reached Litbon eaialv.