FLESHERTON ADVANCE. VOL. VIII., NO 468. 'TlIl'TU BEFUliK FArO."" P&IJfClPLES, ^ 01 JIE.V." FLESHERTON. uNT., THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 1- W. H. TEUKSTON. = ft A m t ikkl p I -L r n B With Our Correspondents. our >,-rap i:< .- Proton Station. "When vou want a first class Watch, come here. "Wher* v ! -.v. t W Sickle -v^ tccy i:: operatic ni:- ' - : :he f :o boatini? Seilion Dros. are ru*:.. tab." whan May of 1 . f. .- o thu . now. They hare a large gac a ' r the brigade took a par:. m ,.. work. H of dis- Mr. S .. . '. M-rrow, of 0,v ^ civil and ailit-iry iur.J. hu oulv rc.ret U :_.- :ha: cUas cow. n. H, - friends . < Sound, paid ui a dj;u.- Clock, come he is always in a hurry wheii he ^^ i-ouies down here. A ci rtaiu ii.J. ' ' neigh- borbood, who ukes -Tea: ir.u-r \V hen you want a cheap Bioocli.r.ar Pm.CuJ F.-uton. wgrid, makes it a - TV Pin. Plain or Hint's. come here. towu every meeting night. . rue erL*.--- - .ceiJem was naable throa ? ho-r. the riding who Lad aided . m re electing him for a tcamd wm aa tueir representative, while he from \VI1F.N vr.-; vour Watc'.i, Clock, or abc . - -... wicd. and hie hands and face blackened ::'.> good, ' '.''' with chare -il. he thea conm: " , going thro -./U somo p. - 5 oil the sirevt. B . . *e. but tiitre . .- to render a helping hand. He as- sure i . hu official capacity he w . - idy to . : : :h inaJ .t rem.ir \ . - . >.-. t:::; imoxneii in warm \V HKS yon want a fine pair of Spec- E \vglaucs. men than 1.. arrest,.* come here and cot ivrfectly tit ted. ARMSTRONG our ere VATS' TRIMUTXO. \ViX)D WORK. FIRST PRIZE \VH KllEVER S H <> WS. 'H JO1. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED A7 Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTOX OXT. l*u:iii:il!\ coastal. town. I'- was - after a couple of victims .udalk o: * '.oys say tin y were uo: will ;'tte njTul the l.u Look M wtli I put t: The road leading "t: .. . .!pa**;bi*. ti-.i. otherwise. It is a shame to - iu such a state when there a: ****' : ,:nc for a ' bo**, work. JUt tY . . _ J H * mem- bers of the ba- . - with . ' ..'.. .\ - . wjtoa lllrirl >!, IU. , of L. fteen yean. * - . - hart TllK MARKETS I alto ... i: FL1 - ' ;',!.. N SLIXO B. : MOW :<*. UlNDEUS. I I.0\\ S '>ur lVt. t'.io tlu- ten Our Iii. ' -riv** th. % I'-i. : i 'ur r.neiir ;.ito I'iie I- - < Impiwwi > CL'T . - - * . rixi l>r. Maha*y. '.ate heavy rain fa'.i . uuc iheir root crops. . .iccoruo i i > - . of at liis experieuco as an Orangtuan J ..AUV warm fr.w vu is w rv (Joods, roi'eries. W. II.-- . . -,\ M | . M li:: ' I - ' i parlor. N. Car!j \ - - \ .' - - . . I this ^ iiii- bt-jjiuuiiig of : . 'ftie am-..-- oots & Shoes. will probai- > .^ ,-..>.. l'*t. Mi. A. r-.:::...- : ; grocery busincsa iu t'ue conur - Major Korkr. M I* I* -n % nali'l For Genuine Bargains in any of the above lines Try the Oiie Prieo Task Store. \V.' uivo all cordial invitation to insixvt our stock. If \ .vt do not want to poruhaM JTMt MV com,' aiul look a' MM n ' '-\ i.ixtrtisc what wi-l.'.ve: MM^IWMteUaot. IViiijains in lh-o~ Ooodl, Tnr.:-. ^ I'ottoiuides. I'ottiins. ILvury. liloves. r.ini<ivi.'u'n<. ll:o 1' TEAS. SUGARS, RICE. CURHANT8. KAISlxs. M'U'K<, ^'ASM-IP i;oi'i>s. r/rr. -loi-ar* -f pood SOAT for <i.oo. C>ur iv\tsund slioos ,<(vak for theuis.'lvos. #15iK>00 worth ruirchtted lauly tliat nr-ist t;o. C'ome and see thorn. Such Bargains never offered be- fore in Flesherton. V : -.t ei-.umerator in Richmond. \ . - . ->.: :r. \: -lined Mut:. i ii. .-> had 37 oh:. the iK>ihb>'r ^ \.. on Thurdiay CoriJrab'. live t.vk per- Of SKppcn for 41 Md 50 cent* por (W.i-. .ind t-.^ual v.l;i.' in all -j. S^ ...Y will I-.,-: ivruiit to quott' price?, but to see theui ;s to Ix-licvc. On the evening of tin- '.' Oarkslmig bi.. mnrf -,v fmnt of the Major's resw deiiveri-U in their usaal 01 .... . a salutation cousistuii! of tl. iu s. el - "See! tl:e cou.jiur- in s - hero comes." Quickstep "5>liell Let Erin rmemlxr the a - - :of old. ""Home Acaiu." Thisbu- \: our worthy uiemiHT to the front, v re thanks lliu xpreon of thir good will and ^ (H H .ii'tmoiatcd this deuiou- r many reasons : U:. l^v-.. M '-it it *"* .in.l would it>- -.i\v.' beta as fro. '. -iiont had ho U-iij iu\\#*uil. Now that the smoke and dm of battle wa< fast . nut all I - :t 'any >. wouU be xtiogniahed and tl.at one r.d all would meet iu ikVl.vllty -< of Old. tha: tlirov.^li 1- vmre ol b . ,r.;iis h .-..'. - iroo^l *ii\.>-. and still mainuius r>? rci'ir.a'.ion and I'. . . , '. _ f l ---i.m .. i . IS. WM . IbLOUGBBET, !r'- PRICES LOW. General News. INSPECT SELECT Stock Large WELL ASSORTED. Marked iu Plain Fie . - Quality Considered. ESTBALMED NEARLY SEVEN YEARS ^ arrau ts Personally Signet and kept good. COME EARLY. BUTTER A EGGS WAIMTKD HIGHEST PRICES PAID. MCDONALD & It it stated that Henry M. Stanley - State* during nr\i f'l and winter, itnu that he i to receive t'5,000 for leo'.urins in S*w York aiul t'i.lXW for thc*^ -.ties. The execution ."f Henry Smith, the ' L-.ndon wif murderer, on Saturday, appears to hve bvn aoci->mpli*!uii with- out .!!> o: the unfortunate hi:Ju> tha; t.-o , fteit >1>1 horror to iK-h events. Henn- M Stanley i* Mki to Imr ac- nor-i^nnual:ip of the , 0.,'nso b'-.iv Sii.tte. T.. A'.. -14 J^rty \r Mid to Hi 1 alwajs : i ': .' ;>: in hate .i >cveivd lar^ lak in Uritish and f.-h I'roiul of i'.s honor* urtitory in -.',,0 far north. i<,iM.-.M i: U'tuiiuKd him of .K-!ri Ui'.'.on. William O'Hnne.vid John vno by wlun i' oeo'.'.picvl liie l'*ii"-o:ivl have KH-H p}x>mt.t Je .\>s:tuitl of a lUliltary I'aiui. w.-.vi; 01, t f Vnwnea in the autninn he old historu- <ioiuul. Niagara on r tl.. Lake, manr tho.^mi, w.th "'"; * -->-i;-iv^,a t. ; ^Utrr^nWtt.'SS-t! nuir-.ial airs .i> ... prfcnMd the |{ ,, UM(ITW , I m ,h wW-i .M li. varied evolution* ol umme war. r :i k -ht#eii mnir .>ly wc*pU oat of :c' Agiir, from th* U'.im*n v i$ bn4*{kiiow to Wtatl OPTICALLY FITTED. at tl\c triul:. Ou FINK WORK all Grados of \V PERSONALLY DONE. fharat's W. 1(\ \ X ^ 1 ' Jrvvr ) " etc. SIGN OF THE SPEX MARKP IK,