THE FLESHER10N ADVANC /; t \KI\G orni-K or <;KO. MITCHELL, FLESHERTON !< tnr-- - - Vicinity Chips. ' !i;ir:i'lcri>ti.-> ofllie Pat Wrrk <j retail) < ullrd for the t'uriou* -herton w-. < will attend to ,-.ue* entrusted to their cars. Mr >:u ton ^0*1 to Clinton, ami I. 1 , tlie i*>..p! of tlii* ditrict are orr\ . <rt with him, still the rule* of the liiir ' ' . h.m an) 1 ;r. ::d we !au: - -j guod gran-, . at th. :;,' with the new I CO Fowl for Sale The underlined . a of Pure Bred Biack Spanish .. W. \V. >in.j to heavy rna duriu,.; the ..k r. '.een t a discount. 'tnrli:ill , t an d 1>*1U, and a very cheap at M. . Mrt. FawcettauJ ' ' 'wn. l.'c'r-.'.t, are Tisitinj their friend* in r - >cll, V. S.. ome killed by h^htuiu 5 .LI \\ ol- by .f list w. > Lrarden 1 .:Jen j arty .jf the Fleaher- ton Me:!i -<]iit ! be held <ly i ! n "ill be shurtlv. xikvnliead ai.ii daughter, and ..... . T . .t.\ aw --!' J W. ArtMtraog. ( . u f..n sare S | .T th.- null. \VM. B UAULKV. Th* C. I*. K. lue luiMd a new nil- -. > vat *v*iea. It U t:.-J ueau-ai yet pub- ' . . 1 K. Trimble'* change of adrt. -'.'. He IIAS jj*t at i .. Jpply f *ea*ouauU ^".-Is at cl *e Celebrate in Fleshenon- The Artemesia L. O. L. district merl- in.; HAS :. -' .r.ivel rua>l. on Thursday last. It was ilocidetl to h< !'. the annual 12th uf July cele- .n Flesht. 18. Mr. W. ^^. Rubiu*<n. dental iar. Mita. who ha been viutsni: relative* k or JO, pre- ceiiU-J ye editor with a line pair of bai- rns frum the plain* of M utana. and cvcrxl specituvm 'f wet<?r:i :oues i>f can -Us :_ . i:.:. i- '. HOW hare on exhibition in tin* lri<-- in Print* and stock of !aJi>'* anl ft'.:' ' Lacu'.trs Et^ . : co,or> to tiuauier Prces (ijou at M. .'. Thr cattle fair <>u Mvuday was remark- clj' well .it;, n.i'-.i I'.utlr nrere nuuicr j aiKl of . K>ii quality. A nuuil ^ -.'cs wore made. i ley baseball . ; \ . . here mi Fr: : 'AL ..ire* were n la- bth cluU* Hi- refraia from ;. . - . . i T- il fin Shart-s uty-tire brat class y.mnj e\ves for yean ou a|>pr<.<vt^l jomi i-*ii A Mivss. Stock, Adranw A K". .. '.AVL- a change of > 'I'iMMiient in thu uuue. TUov in : iiiat they hav bwx'ain* such u ..-vi-r Uvn tftTi-d btf >ro i ' ore U to tlie >v.,-,.t witk a latv' t'.w house fumiihor i>ar cxivi: .. riait to hi* war>Ti>tu* will ; r. \ o. it i:o*aiuv r>t;t>t ui<l .'. . '.rfir> -a lot t-< be el*ar*d i ut at M. Kich Storms \\n | pasted n. .-:ii and couth of Fl. - inn* th* 1.1 ki\<- bovu gwerAl > . st ! era i'i. .l.iini:.- h: bee- I j IKUIS iuve lioi-u uia.'. ru.i | ! 1.1U-.C-. brtrrutcr, of the f.rui .v I.uoa*, i>weu xmn.i, is at the Ik-oof NVm. l.uc.-u. <: O.v. in M nk>i.iU>. . Hii.i.iy. and m \> ;:.'.. ^ >lr r>uclunan. of M, :' rl . the Methi.vli*t pii!;-:t nn Sun- mxmnii; bit ail Mr. N;i'i '.- T in I'Tvum::. Mr. SlulUMi bt-in$ v-DO*. HOT! F M A , ...... . i. i. A iii* St. Ciltluirii.i's says \ '. .: H Nel* tiiiio .. to run our loc<J Grit paper in : j of the Kvforni party. II -at iwfH'r and a ^reat lK .'.. .. ::..r. and returns t 1:1 .\ fi- ti.iyt. i ::. - M - . i* 1O7 T'i,< \,>-,> doe* not m^ ;<-. \nit when it '..> make a r>>- -.t for m.iiey it ui.-.m every nni nit Mid. It n**i mon^v n-' i- hrr honors Mr .Ins. Stu^.inl ta a : man. nlin hss iu\-i'sfu'ly p.iMt-.i i r ! riuvrnity e\i%iiniiauii in it - v i. It. A. . it* !>: Mr. W. lrn. urinonia' of o-ir | r.-h 1|. i* fixing ir> ' ,1. Hi- lui tlii> tprr\o- " -< mill -' . !! IMW \:ui | in*: . . :i'li,- we*l. ..i-;!-* :.,'-.<-- . . . i. t M Ki>-l'u.i>. 11 A To be Given Aw In order t.> intrcduox- the no - wllK-ll wriil *ive a A> freo f y c.i.!i piitcha.- :iu an additional ut for every jfj Ml >ir fnitinii of IS >" . that amount. TU..1 is A C' s '.l iluru'. . . .{* <>f thvfe cvnvoiiioiit. - tanti;>l fix'urps frer .-f ot, ami at the A' at h price*. Whfcecaii you ^et thorn n lint It l.- .V . rtoii Kari.iture W*rrro- tor. O o h- co LU cc D LJ_ h- o E cc ALL KIXD* AT THE Furniture - : <t to-) - i ;li> '/let to Prevent the Spread of QlXstM Hlet-ds. ami iif Diseases affecting Fruit. Tree*. I kii|l-r :<>:. KHS...I Oinart* 1. (\ . . . U nv.s!!y f^vin.l i .r.>l I i, .1 .:..:.. 1 lU!nn< u!. aii.l donii: t 'tits uor.i ..ONTO. ung Hors tvn- > \ :..<! !ii '!'> rii' v.'i or ilrivit. . . n.ltfoi, \Y \\ I': , I In- now nmn.itiT ni-vtril ll rt. ,-i;vuit n Kov \ ^\ ! I III \ the. H.-\. II . kiMl .if an .1 lllllil.itfl. i: i''t nirt witS a lio-trtv rc\ : ii-'ii l.i.iii; u;< !i 11 .il luTi- Ke\. Mi: 03. ". ounforvno*. which li.u bv-ii in f.ion at Stntf.>r>.l liurni,- t:.. )-.i.t , a;';-iti!- . U.ilvrt I 1 . . \ >. Jl , i -. . , wa- ii H \ v . I'r... '. :. I ; V v IU \\ - i::,u :> ( r ' i ai r ' u . " Hi, 11 \ '-l,'i:''lir\ - ]'. > Gei !'. ..;:a t.' ::.. >\ it >i . \\ !',:, ' . poll-' (ieuonii . i ' ; il ! i: HI . ! - . . atxl \VK HAVK ANOTHF.n CONfc- MF.Nr OF l>arrel 1 burns. x oh an- ' at Her Majctly. by and with the adv. . f tuo L*gialai:-r the l'i .....e f ' 'utanu oluk.-U . 1. \Vu<ri. .._>....-.:.. s.utut .aua shall * which are uuuccupied. -wuer i is nut resident witttiu the uiuiac Mia UM term rmidci.t tanui . y h> all latin* whitii arv .>.upie\i .- ire ueu by pera-us reaideot w;:u::. :..<. L..iLK-ipa.;:v. 47 V. c. X. - 1 -. It shall be the duty uf e\ery owner : lu.d, i the occupant tliereut it the .s nut retideut . .:> v..ere!ii the au- i* aituaU. n..r deatr-y i ..S:.L-=. ox-eyo daisy, wild ut. ra^- . ^k ^rowinj .u hi* .... . -' wcei fi .win;: .u C land, t. which thu Act u:y be :*' ol ti.c Uidr.ici;- i:\. so often oacU and every year a* :s L.*.SC. I I -Le:r)u : To cut out ami bur-. . . r cHrn tiee* - . otteu each 41. ... rv : aud a T"- ^ . . .. . .<: -.r .-.- . with the dis<-a- . ] || "s. .. 3. i : . . i . -.- .- ... . . del*.:. - ' .:*d. . . .- - ...... k -. / - . - \ -, . . m wr:' | . -..: the 4.1 . -i . - - ..: . . . - . . . : - ' -., -': - .- . . ' - . . . - . . f . - " . - . - . - ;" \ , 7 - . - . - *T \ . 7 ; ,. ' . - - - - - - . - . . - : - - - - - Ji-stn \ v ' - x . . . . - crl. or aiiv - - : l_: ilit. coii \ ictiuu. br 1ble U> .1 tin - - than f (3) Aiij p-r -ii ho kiiomui^'y . r!cr : r shipinei.t fruit jf ti-ec* n.:'e.:i nith ;. i ; >s >;....;. . .<iti. r-i-i '.- u-f'iMw or tios T:; .--i. nil him by this \ct sWl, u ; '- :i .- T. i ' th in ^ -.47 V. c. 1C. - 10. t tl.i- pri.visioi > . : xhall be ;:-.-. .1 ,i ;.i, in.! U-\ ,iM. ...i ain..'k:y . . . .tini 1! tint* I. i;.i.t !h i: .1 1 ! i'u- ly ill tin- i'ffeiicv I* Ci mniiltetl, :>-r 'he ux- i-f 'hi- - cil >f overy luu-ttoiiwility IK (>ntari.< shall require it . -..-, Veers tu :..;e all their ' 47 * c o7 . IS. for the Thomas O u, Tono N ll ;r. Arr- I . \Vuii \\\\ : , ' i i .M rail i -n*. Ili n,.> r will br held ;n IVilin year For **tlo Of. 11. Kvi-ry I'lirnctf at for e rv any JIM r . '. the mimic i7 Flesherton M\ OWN MAM I'.UllKK. v VMI . OU in (i IN VM> sin i ' Livery Stab '. s, KL K f. 'N l. . i v\ n>\ |>ro|ir>!n- ,, .-.. - , | v ^is. ..KJ..,-.