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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jun 1890, p. 1

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FLESHERT ADVANCE. " TRUTH BEFOi. '. F. I \ 'OA '-" PRINCIPLES, A 01 ME.\: VOL. yill., NO 46 FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1890. W. H. TEURSTOy. OYEK.ELO'OI LOCALS. WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES. M"i of d>rbetton. it risit- .emU iu this vicinity. >; . . jted and cane seat chain at '.X) cents each, worth 1. 10 each. iic' - UK at J. E. Moore's K '.I'sherton Furnrjre Warerooms. IN- GOLD. SILVER AND SILVER ORE. Jaw opened another th ^;|, : " . Our specialty, WATCH. CLOCK' ./-V/> JEWELS /,'A7'.//A'MV; SI'EX OI'TU ILLY FITTtW "SO, U liri MarkdaJe, a lent'enm/* -.d .:!. AV. < '*n. T -.111 have it by calling at this 'Sonw cnte lines. Ladie's sizes iu gold and silver. -.-a*- of FINE WALNTT CLOCKS, don't iniss seen. office property and payins for The - - -res. I ARMSTRONG BROS. mi:.- :ture eita- imp ' - - I F.B.M - ' KurtM- ture \^ OMB.' | ' ' - foltowini? motion, was passed : M . <:. i 1". . . U finally assg:.* the muii. . .- oses the year 1*.H). Carried. After the court of R.--. - unoil me: ,-.- . :eral business. Minutes if last meeting read and timwd. An account was received \V H. Tliurston f >r print . - <>rdered t-o be )>a;d. Apj.iK-ati. u waajre- <! No. 4 is. -sue debenture* "ii the purtKMe t | building* -'.. - . Petition t>r m John Hi: -r ' , . i tiie metre. Tbt:'s all. Berk NOTICE! It ( I :. ! TT. I ' ( n tf -i I . . >oS lie, :!:<< w:i> .-.. . \*T rurta t'.UNTINO, .MMD.O. HOKSESHOElMi WOOD FIRST PRIZE \\ X. H. -H 1 \V H E R E V E U - 11 FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTOX. OXT. was r -m \\m. Ba- ' : noxious By'.aw N . -I'll :' r ;ho parpoae of raisi; || - n No. 4 was ; .lasted its third read- rhfni;- " . . . . Cheap and on iras- ., Carried. MM '.uaurd on tin-main - , _ . . . vent the - - - -. .'. diseases . fruit trees be printed and dis- tributed inv .11.' lile ratepayer*. Camed. N M -ri M Vrthur and Roland. 'that \V.n. M.-Lou^hrey b* paid the sum of e.jiitv dolUn for ' Tne Opirion of in lasiiracce Man \V. A p. .vl-. nur i^-r ii!. ; . .1' Mini.'ta Fir" n ^1 " - . ..ranU a of its use. ' K< - able SALE t. re )'Uiness staii'ls in r orton. Apply t 'KM fre. K\-her- tou Furuiture Warer Ml.; V flVO I- MOWKHft. lil.MJKRS. ILO'AS Our B-.ipcs the !> < ' .r ^Yicfi* the Best. ' Uir Cutters th' Best. < >ur Improxed Harivws the Best Our Patent Gate Tho V * Stevens Ini^ruved Sj-riu. Itirrow the IWst. STII.VW CUT: - I'L KNIT IM1I' Uv - Station Notes v\ K. Brawley, nih'. . has | been ;r>-ni tod to ''.lo. and is . Mr. Vf. Tsnsley. ..n^ are raf>ici. M H . Harnott experienced a sad irv. .u i\;.vt..J t' ' < ai vrry \\ ,;;-., . THE MARlvET> FL; - OH. r i, full it ('.</ , ', slid >. ".'d. C'u: r ' r {> : Goods, kimbt-rlry. ' T .ivo ndvancid Mr I" -n.-tt entered th.''abie he found dejil. Mr. Bnrnett ha* the of this community as the beast was \>n- valu:;Ma MO. '"'- n I>, formerly of .rt.'ii. > '|-eti;ui{ an eatablnhinent G roeenes, B~^__ oots & Shoes. h*m. He has rented the old creamery, and intends movmit it forward t.- the street to be used as his shop. A beauti- ful cedar log foundation has been or' c for the reception of the building by sonm who. it i. plain to be s,n. i. y.v of greeu. Crops aro : the fhut ve prwuise of aa almost duous vield. , . - Tu *<> . It is rqvrv.l that tlio Firmors lusmutc iutoud hoMiug :l:*ir annual c on the -iJih of tin* month in Kimbt'rKy :n -.' \v> ivn:mu'ci' them for ehivsisiu' such a suitable pl;K\'. Mr. \V. O. '.'. 'ln::-o!] \:A family, of (Parker. Pako:.. .< at the Tra%tiiirs Homo. Tin) :ni*ud leav- "T i" " ' " 1 - M*M to moke hi* mark in the world a* , i rirst class .irclutect. few returuiug to For Genuine Bargains in any of the above lines Try the One Price Cash Store. jji\x all a invitation to inspect our stock. se just now come and lock at what wo offer. ii:i\v , no iiiisiv|>rcsciitAtious. If you d.i not want to r only , w!i;t A Terrible Death. Mr H \V. Phillips has owned and run * MtwniiU on the 12th conceai"n of Arteraesia. for some time. On Tuesday ni'Ttiiutf last Mr. Phillip*, who had IH-.-II laid up for a week past frm the elfecU of a kirk from a hone, thought himself sufficiently recovered *o take the pi .1 , a workman who was ill. and went t work. Ere three hours had passed a i> Mr. I'hillipa was dead. It appear* he and his two tons wore, runnin : ' null at this time, and m taking elm away from the saw ihe younu men \\ tiny will (visitir.i; u !.i;sis their praiie homo. Mr. Albert Kllis Uft for New Hatrpsliiio on Mo>i;day. The toot ball team played an amus- ing mateh with the Griersvilla team on Saturday evi'inrii;. The Griers- villi ilaut OTi-r it thai tl. y 1 i.l on their backi aiul wave Id t;.. the air. some weut u their heads. ; Tliov mcceeded in forcing a couiplar.i. d > t' : avcidontly let v>iue of the s'rips come in contact with the saw, which ripped them .itid throw ; ;ooi> ::i all directions. <*ne -rr-.-'n ttruck Mr. Vhillips COME NSPECT SELECT Stock Large WELL ASSORTED. Marked iu Plain Figures PRICES LOW. duality Considered. Oar S4-r:i| Book. in Press (ioods. IVutts. > inu! C 't.Mr.v' . H.'sn-ry, t'ib\cs, K.i:il'roulories. l-'.to I'-ar^aiiis ui . is, SI UAB8, KHT. CURKANT8, KAISINS. srU'K^, CANNKl) uOOI'S. KTi' i> ffOoiBOAPIir $!.*. I .os. $1500.00 worth r , UT ] ul!; , ( l .'HU..emthebr t .tmrher,-.,...,. , tl.u iu-i,t M. C.Aue and s.'O thorn. h rt - ^nrtratins nearly thn-iujh U>dy. \Mnle Mr. Thillip* was Ivim: ti-,< rr<:diMiiv one of the \ .. t.' K!o.-!ii .'on for a ] Such Bargains never offered be- fore in Flesherton. WHY BK TMPX T TVY OlT A ) -uii^ intui who wont "\Vat" rilled with enthusiasm and a desire to "*row up with the country. urpriseil his fnnii !>y reUirniMi; h.'ine after aii abcenou nf M < .-m! weeks. H said that while ho was out land-hunting iu what he thought was the irirden spot of America, he ontur a K-arunl-up claim thanty \l^u NEARLY SEVEN YEARS. Warrants Personally Signet and kept good. - iu > for 45 :i; i oi ( i-aits \vv par ;nal raluos iu all will uoi pcr::ii; to nioto price?, bui to see them is to belie vo. COME EARLY. - .in. but before ho returned with J t ], ^, .,, ;< ,. i; ! t ,l I 1 . irti r the nil ired nun breathed f.,,,,,,1 tlin insrnption, <IISCl<itU- k ui iiio ik "truck. UK Philli; lenvrs x wife ,u d <i^ .-hildrwn to mourn his untimely end. Tho family iHich HvinvMithy in tlieir terrible bereavement. cri>s tho he BUTTER W/ilWTCD HIGHEST PRICES PAID. MCDONALD & EVANS. Court of Revision. Artemesia Township t'ouncil met as a court of Revision on Satunlay, ;Ust nit., tlie Ueeve in tne ohair. IVcl.inti ns v the member* w*r- signed. Tho only appeal was that received fn'in A. MoOhbw, > Fleaherten atu n. Assessment at Kleshcrtuii tuition nilvK-e-l $;W. and at r^icvrillu 9M. AfU-r wreraJ minur which accounted for his 'moil ovted return : "Fore 1 from ;v n.i\'.<er. Sixteen mile* from .1 |vtolis. Twenty-live miles fivm .1 rtlo- A hundrel and ati-y fn>m tunl'er. IV 'iiindredaiul tifty feet t'n'iu no plica lik* li.iiuo. We've joiie to H|H<nd the winter with ajr wile folks.' The geiitlo bte ia hammiu, nn.l the <\nu nwr K"l ii i-onnuc, while the spsrkliui; .^ri the lr'-t in itoini; Uirongh. n4 a ) eity [xi-ple. while in rammer * shall k,-. r i> b roming up W peii.l a moath 01 ti' . the hammock will be swayiag in tho breeze* un'th tho trvsses, while the f.itnu r will go haymj m the BtMdow il k* pleitte*. OPTICALLY F1TTFL\ 18 \j.r- at tlic Tr.uL\ FINK \VOUK On all Grades of \Vr PERSONALLY DUKE. Charges A. WRCAYN, etc. SIGN OF THE "BIG SPEX MAKKDALK.

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