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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jun 1890, p. 4

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THE FJ.ESIIERTON ADVANCE. T11E ADVANCE. Ii published ery FROM TUB Orru K in Street, - Fl'-dfrt'O; <>nt. TKUMS 0> BUHSCKII'TI 1 IMT annum wh.-u |'i'l t.litly In s4vnce l fJ |>1 IJUUIII Will'. I Hot to | . I AUVKHTlSlSli 1!\I Ooe column. 1 ver, 30 ; hlf cl, do . 627 qutrUiroo). do., <l'i. Transient s,'lvi'rtiwmi'iit churn*"' t tli rste nt H. --HIII .! ScU. J*r W. U. THURSTON. 'inJ l'riirittor. THE NOMINATION. At 11 oVloi-k, sharp, on Thursday last. Slu-rilf V ' I 11 County Coiut ('Ink. jn;inti il tli. platform in tin; Town II. ill that tin;, w.i. | n. liquations for tin legislature. Mr. Thmp Wright tin i. - . calm- forward anil iionni Dr. lluut.of Th'jinbury, with Al. \. Mcli;t)ir us si'i-uinliT. Mr. M. Iticli- ardlon n< m, null .I M.ij-ir Koike, of . with Mi. T. Ki 11s as M.-C- of tin nomination. TI.. n inajiidir of the Jiour pussi-d in dt>ul- tOl'V I'.'li^' IJiltloll Mll'-li^ llu: UUllll IH'i usaimh'.i 1. '!'!: u Mr. li.;/lis. nfti'r i:uH u list of th polling phir. cL. '1 : ID lif in tin- hands of tin -ili i ' 'i . Mi. S. iJaliiiidc Will appointed cl. airman und an adjourn uu i;t was n.i.d.- until 1 o'clock. Aft. . "'ing and arr.r i rtn ! ''. Mr. McLar. n . I -iv:l l;i-_'lit.- pl.i -rain i t-i Imlli caini. -. May 111. Mr. Kurki' M.MU.I and i- - t'ill.. d t: .u ilUlindiatrly. Oil tli. "7th . - lay lat, tin ecoiid day I I'r Hunt had all ' u,. | 1 rf rni. In a culiM .jui nt . Mi. Me iid - tin r Mr in- Mi. Mi i. d;:|i ii pr win fhiin h ry, still Ii obllo. d tu ailiiul that Mr. M. ndith' attn M. i .: KOI 1. 1 h l. J.fe'i ' ' :', III .. ! . i in i > do duty ii tlll-l'l I'M, I- 1,1, | l. |,:i'i u to Inlllit- U .-ill I'l.'! il \ 1 Ii . I. .. 1 1 . '-n iii .lit i. I, and w lull' his sp. i '.ill an i i|ilii, In. nut nl lln V l;n.' i'f political III :'>i!i., nt 11. l-ald tin: i lul ft D : i. iv, a function whicl tlu-y should i . f. I 1 '. \i-ry |i. l..- an nit. Tint in jMiiiin--; and 1A< Mu.i. Twain, whra ' man wlio pm!'i . s d tn havr nn mlor i M in the "'.YI 'iiinriit ol this in imagined li< un .1 KUI iirknij to hia buck wlnt'h n ad : " To I.- 1 Kucli a luaii v.-as not a trua pa'.im II. h.i 1 l.iinun Major Koike for man, years and knew him to be a nun \vh was not afraid Iu I'limicitte tliu priii ciphs \vhi.-Ii ho i nti i tinned. Will refi'i'nici' to ,pi. <;i,iiis of the day Ii di-fini'd the nlijicl of l.'jiial lih;iilii Raying that ccrlilin | '.i. iii.-, had bi-ci attempting to j,'ain more than tin i right*, and thut i< nn-di: i Hliould b applied, It Hhouhlbe oiiraiiu to unit thu varinUR I'.n'i .1 i.- mil ' i ai;,' our pop latinii in building up one gu-i honn X" "HUM rationality unilcil ,n progressive, and when we BUI- a p. upl niiMii!.' a nationality in our midst llu was not huiiMX' -- ' . * tliuy Hlioiild b ii'bisti it with all mil [.uwur. He d not blaini. Mi . Mowat tur thu exist nee of KeiNiratc soliDold, ai he fouin t hi-iii lu-i when lit i-iniK- into poWor but liu bliiiiii.d him for tho mannr i which tlity *vr allowed to b con ducted. Curtain uitamroi had be taken which wsrc uccptable, bu tln-s.i i K forced from (he Oovtrn uut by tht Opposi'.Kio duriug Iti .ui of |iarliaiuknt. Tin e ii-iMii niipointi d to ini|uiro into tlu 'iHiiiiuu of French K^liools wai at it iiiHtnncc of the Opposition. Mr. Uredith'l platfuriu wa thu one fhich tins country wautfd. Mr. Thorp Wright was the next He said there were two andidatci before u*, but it was not of uandidutcs, it was a choice the Government aud the ^position. He bt-licvfd Mr. Mowat's L-cord WH.I clear, and lie did not think Ir. M' rtdilh's past record would mrrant us iu placin<,' him in power. I n I. in -1 to Mr. M jwat's triuuiphs u tlic boundary award, and other in- Uinc-oJ bufort- the Privy Council, mil charged Mr. Men dith with M>t il>hidilini Mr. Mov.ut's handti in hesc contests. Mr. Mi i iditli had Mid hese lands were not worth fighting K when as a mutter of fact there was involved in it Sl:;i;.iH>u. II- skid if this was act worth fi^htin;; f.r. .Ii . \\'i /!.t ui. M. : Ifl ti.e li.iiiiiiiion u.d Ontarii) methdl.-, of M !!n:>,' timWr innis, iiistiliuiiig a coini'an m be- . l!:i III which 1.. el.iin.i d vi.i.-, lavurahle to Mr. Mnwa;. II. MM ii history of thr Uvkert Si:audil, though what thut L...1 tn do with tin :it con t.->t wad not made plain to lis lu-arrrs. Hi- then n I. i n ,1 to an which appeal i d in this pupi r i. '. inn.,' to the 1'iotun claim and gave the explanation which he hud l.i .1 1 Vom Mr. lios;. tin i.ther duy. This l.iim he cnnfoiindi 1 with the land mi-rovi'iacnt fund, which is a dilkr- tnt matter alt t-^ ihi r. I . inch illti'l'i'ts every lowi.-hin in the l; | tin imymtut of which Mr. Mowat is still uwuitiiif,' from Mr. Merrier. It was absurd for the K.t<in.i parts 1 to do ii ....;, \. rh ^.-| is. Mr. VV i; -h: | tlrit if it had nut he. n In t! . IV. iichiiian would IKJ i-.'i \> 'mini 1:1 i.f ' ;vla to-day. Still we wire nuked 1 . |>n vi-nl the nse nf t!,. 1-Viiich '1 hi *i w. i- and were of trivial K to tin I 1 .. 1 if tin V d. i r ' :: I i' - piiiu tin n. money. Any it .m *4 man i the nt ^".- \v! ;ii: Mi. M .A ' .illi lit, .r . : u hi tier. T. lv.ll ' - i i. the HIM,. iii a .-.hurt, . ,-h ninde ll j:noil I ' I!, \\.i, |i|i sel.l to "lei I .ill a little yum,' '.. hear tin r.ii;.li ! it , II.- s;nd \\ . i. muli doi-turs and ! i ..\. i , in tin- legislature wil!i"Mt ^. !,.i,n-.' l>r. Hunt. The inmii-s \\a n. i: i i ip-rly .!|.pr.)pn:lt.d. I!.- ; tn the larue tli>|iutnlii.|i "I ttlm W.llted llj.-.ll ill.- < ;.l\, 11HIH III l.l^t seH!<|,.|| le-t A ^l.ll.t I i till I I'll 11^ HI .. n. .w that tin.- I' .ii. H:II> il ue :>) will). 1'lie <; .\. nilllelll R : wa.i (hat tin ( . M -iiltm .il .iii.I \r-- I'u .-ilorn wanti-il -, . ; u.- n ,.,!., '-and n. \..n i-an f.i IIIHIII-, ^'. -ntlriin -n " 'llu-,, I..... Hll.l. tile I i ivrri:lllrllt i I.IIIII...I til I.IM fti,()0<,<H)l in tin- tr.-B.Hiny' He il,. -n n lYrieil M-iliin.:l> tn (he I. -in, -11. -y wliu Ii Mr. M.iwut l., it r.U Mr M.i i. r in (lie matter ..Mm l.m.l Inij r..\ nn.-i.i hi.luliledlu-iM, mill H.lld the I'll M tlun ; we kium thin .Irl.t winild I... iititlaweil anil WB Wuulll in \. I . .i,.:it \n int. -Ml;. tn. ii Inn; iif.iiin.' t.i (In- IK. n. m i, , n i ...\ui nun ut WHH replied tn l>j Mr. KelU i. -in. uk in,- tint "il Sn .1. .,11, wt-nl tn tliu devil it wai in* i. -a-,. ui why M. nln.iiM l'.'." Mr KelU <|ii.i(eil li^urt-n KI\IIIL; (lie HIII. unit* n\viii^ tn this ri.linj; f ...... lliu Qllubvo (i..\. ,I,MII :,l, ivnd tx|.l.un,-it lln* I In: ilnJ.'!lle>H . .1111.' , Id i'iiil..nd uvi-rs plank in Mr. MiTnlitli t l/lntfnrni. Mr. M. Intvi.' ni.i.',. a short 'i Hi' li.-i.l "ntliniK d^miiHt Mr. H..ik only tliat lia a T..ry. ' Dr. t'lirihl..,- .-i.. 1 that In. hint IN . n tftkfii t a (hsmUalitu.;* in Ix-ing .all.. I U|K.II, aa ho liu.l nt e\| irt.-.l it until an hour W.iru (lie li.iniliiHtnui WM tn !il llu had nut tcn l>i limit tioforu tn-day. Ili'th ratidnUti-n claimed (he name |.!at form, but he noticed that the Olohe and iithfr lufiirin paper* claimed Dr. Hunt M luppurtvr of Mr. Mnwat. Tliii plaotd Dr. Hint at a diiadranUge in this con- tmt. ThU wai the point. Dr. Hunt eUinMd Mr. MorwUth'a |.Litf..rm, bit U o b would nut b*' a iupport*r of Mr Mwt. Major ttorke had b wi>tkin| fur tli. . n MII.H fi<r tho i ii;t yeam. b VM trim that kr|.Hrnt<! nclionls c'ml 1 lily l- al' l.Oii J by th ^;llln; j."i-r that lir.ii.'lit thvin ilitu exi.-tUtiicu, but In- thought tlmt IH.WIT slumlil be invoked. I'reci-iliii,' ^|'-iiki in not ?j."ki-n tin- whole truth, as tln-y did uot refer to i;riiutiii_! tin- l.allut tn nfparatu school*. An. 'In r tliat lia-1 in.t 1" . n mi-lit, win Mr. Mi-ri-.lifh'n inti' to <lo away with nil i-Ji-mi ti<ms of cliurch |irnpcrty. Hi! thc-ii referred to timl.rr liiiiitw, ud i-ai.l that in portions of Ontario tho sell- ing of tiinl-.-r . .!!' i!.. laniU hud l.-ft tin-in without .Hiitli -i. ut tui.Vi. r tn liuilil the si-ttli-rs' barns, llu was very much auiuaud at Mr. Wright lun.L'iii^ iu Dmiiin- n.ii matters into tli,- discussion anil his refiTuiice ti> the Itykcrl Matter. No nn bad been harder on Mr. Ityki-rt than Sir Jnliii ThoinpsDii, tin- MiiiMti-r uf Justicn. Dr. Christoe I hen n-ferri-d to the asser- tion that Mr. Mi-n-dilh had not been in sympathy with Mr. Mowat. He showi-.l tliat he had be-on in the McCarthy Mil 1 and other instances. H- did not bi-litTe, Imwever, tha*. constitutional i|iit-*tiit* slmuld he brought in to <1" duty at loca' i - Hi-fi-nini; to si-paratu sck.ils, ><l no rhuirh sl.onM >'' "\-r "tir nijlits in taking r. ii>- "f . ur school*. It was time t'as tlini'j wa< put n top t... II.- r.-frrr. il t.. thi- p:'i -'1111111 nt buildniL- j.,h, and closvd oy riiiiaikni',' that if tin- - rs wuheil to l.- III.-L- inrii w..nld vote fur .Major It .rk. ..n tin- i a of .linn-. Dr. limit, on . mm, 1 forward, sai.l it d him iniu-li pli-aHiin I" ini-u* .m ni:iny of the el-i-tois. llu di-l.iilcd tin- ditti.-uhy h. li;ul had in n--.iti- ^ liu- nil portunitii-i of tin- Hi-firm patty t" I"'- i-oim- their stanilar-1 in:u, i. and ho In- IIM! finally U-i-n oWi-^i-d to n .-i inuti. HI- liinl dotu- so mi loinlitioii that thi-y .iild all"* him to own pro- .r.iin. IL: wa< nnh-p.-i'.d.-iit and hi- w < ^111. -.-r. It w .iil.l h;n. ': - - n '< li> 1 -t intrriiitn to turn os. r;ind In- n ('..ii- live m'liii- *'Ut In- liad always L.-.-II tin.- t-. i!i,- 1-,-n.ifiu prin. -ipli-s. IK- pr.'jHMfd i ' lmt hi- pn : 111 HIII t h.iid ->.ir> I i.iriin rs by farmers ; d. w, tv a!.n i.uinrrs <iuc nil', tin- wi.rl.l. aii-l ,i!i.. ulun tin v wi-nt mil of it i ' . '.- --ii!.! far a-t to say tin . :li.-ir I'll, llf II-.TI tti.l th.- .1 Inch had i- '.kll.-:i M.u.-.r li-ik !l, .ud that Icnmrlud^o t t" il.i h:- Mi .itli ill 1 not |" i ii-'- to .-ili.ilish inli i-llil. ll>- ii. 1 ll.-t th.i *- Ml M inli :u w-irtliy thu rontidi-nct- ot tin p. ,i|il>-. I'r. I l l!;.it Mr. I! ik. had 1'i-rii woiknr' t i tin- al.olii-li in. hi "I >!.! i' Kl-hool.l. \\ll. In- 1 ll in-vi-1 y I In-ai.I ' N ' Korku niakin, 1 MM ndii..-nt- in tl,.- I., -.-i^'aliir.-. anil hud ui-'-ur swi-n il.-l Iii i 'lm-t.,1- lu 1 >.i; t Mi M. i. .iii!: n;.p..i-d tin- botindan Ln-in, > If hi- In.l -.iipp.'tl. -I Mi M tlu- i!.u, > MM it would nevi-r II.IM- ^ -n* to the l'iu> I'o'Mi. -il. Iii i. 1. 1. n > I tin Lain! liiij.r-.i-iii.-iit Kuiid il Mat a d-llu-ult niilt.l t" i \platn, Lilt h.- ini.;ht ray tli.r, i: . !.!..! In- would do all in Im p 'Vi>r t. In III II .llll it W l '.' . : i\ ,n tii i ,- -\i-rnnu-nt to lt-i;i!iti- with n-fi-ri'ii, i- to iniproMhitMt of separate srhools, and explained that xuc-li ' latinii would liu taken from our hands if . n MIM d ! art. l>r. Hunt then re:ul piirliinn of tin- S.-parato Sthnol Act, ai.uly/.m^ I* !i -in ii-in t stern, and . \ p! >-in- 1 w hen-iii hu anli-.-U and wlu-ru lie .r -.1^1, ,',l with it. Ho I'n-n read a lutti-r frmii Principal Caren which has l -n d-'ii.-^ heroic duty during thin i-aiiipait{ii. Dr. Hunt was in favor of ulndmhini; >rpiiratu schools and ^lantin.: the ballot. \N illi n'^aid li> the intimation that hi* would sacrifice kis opinioiu In the re- .|ii.iili of party In- thought lw had suf - ticiont IM, kU.ii.' i i i.-.i^t thai. Did he prove r, ii in! be woviid Irri ].,ui.-> 11 ol.lueil to I, avi- llu' eoiuiliy \\ith re- Hrd to the trench schiHil n.-t:i ui, it would iv nun- tinut to do away with tluiii, but In- did not hi-iita!,' to luiaert that in -'.'' years there would nut be a Kruiili mh,. nl ill tl.i- I'liivincu. He oiild leave himself in thu hands of the tin t. 'IS. Major' who was um'ipe.-ti'illy preient, rucnired an oration u|mn coming forward, llu craved the indulgence of .i. hsarers, as he was not in a condition OWIIIK Ui late, illnem to make a vi^nrour speech. llu had been a resident of thia riding for forty-two years and had always taken a prominent part in politic*. Thi lime he had Iv. n dpnrd of the privi lf)H by a Mrious accident. It tht Grit I (CoRlillUCli *M lltlt i t 7 FOR THE SPRING TRADE- As everybody will be getting a pair of new boots or shoes or ou^ht to be getting a pair, now that the fine weather will be here soon to meet increased trade I have bought very largely in this line of ^oods, some of the choicest and best that can be had, also cheaper ones. In fine goods the stock I am now offering is not excelled in this part of the country. I also have a very lar-je assortment of heavier lines. Not much use quoting prices, although I have men's plough boots for i. oo, also ladies' Balmoral for 1.00 and ver\ ;ood value for the money. I don't want to make you believe they are worth five dollars hut they are very good value in- deed, for 1.00 I have very much better lines and better value at from S^.oo, 3.00 and $4.00 that will give good satisfaction. These are bought from some of the best manufacturers in v Ontario, and are equal to anything show- ing in this line and quite new. IN OENTS' WEAR 1 hare a very stylish lot of Buff, Calf.Dongolaand Kid, Bal moral and Caters, also strong lace boots. IN LADIES' WBAE I have a choice lot, new styles, in Prunela, Dongola, Kid, Polish Calf,13uff,in Balmoral and button, also heavier line*. IN CHILDREN'S WEAR I have a very large assortment, all sizes. GENTS' & LADIES' Slippers a large lot in plain and foxed carpet, tweed ara! H'p., also fine leather. TRUNKS FOR SALE. Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Done. WE Grand *. TRIMBLE II. ir pleasure in announcing to the ladies of Flcsherton tad vicinity the usual spring opening of our Dress Goods an<! Print department* Th* latest effect* in Cashmere's, Com- bination and Invisible stripes. Lustres, etc. Prints in al! the new colors and patterns. MILLINERY. The Millinery department is complete in liats, Ponncts. Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Etc., in all the newest st\u.- and at low figures. WANTED. Evcrv man who values a dollar or needs clothes to see the wonderful price attractions at the Leading Clothing Store. There is no argument required to sell these goods* The quality, styles and price does the work. HATS & CAPS. Large stock in all leading shapes and styles, and prices lower than ever. BOOTS & SHOES. Men's, Boys', Youths', Ladie's and Children's in endless variety ami at prices that defy competition. SEEDS ! SBHDS ! SEEDS ! Red Clover, Lucerne Clover, Mammoth ?nd Alsike, also Timothy, all first class seeds and at bottom prices. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. Our Grocery Department is complete, consisting of clear Bocon, Rolled and Standard Oatmeal, Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, Etc., Etc. Variable Hilver *raent to be Driven n\\ \ l AJN13 NKI: TII I:M. TRIMBLE.

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