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Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1890, p. 7

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DOMINION PARIMIINT. Mr. Gironard Mid it WH his painful doty to move the adoption of the report of the Privileges and Election* Committee on the charged which had been made by the mem- ber lor South Oxford (Sir Hichard Cart wright) i^amst the member (or Lincoln (Mr. Rykerl). The committee bad Riven tile matter careful consideration, and there- fore diacuaeion was unnecessary. He hoped the report would be adopted by a silent and unanimous vote. He moved the adoption of the report. Mr. Mulocksaid he aid not wish to dis- cuss the report except to emphasize one or two points. Ho wished to congratulate the Government upon the fact that one member of the Cabinet, whose name bad been mentioned m this correspondence, bad been completely exonerated. Lie was also pleaded to ate ibat other public men out- side the House, who had not ba i the op- opportunity of defending themselves, had been shown to be free from blame. Mr. Casgrain pointed out that tin case was atiLlf-,Doo against the cigLiiy 01 Par- liament. !!< thought it should lead the Government to introduce a measure which would wipe out this temptation, by enact- tug that 110 member should directly or indirectly receive favors from the Govern- ment. The report was adopted unanimously. Mr. McNeil moved the adoption of the report of the special committee on the Bremner furs. Mr. Blake aaid there was a serious ques- tion involved in this motion. The matter winch formed the subject of this report had been brought np before tbe liousu (or sev- eral years past, and tbe Government had beau called upon many times to act. I'pon one occasion the Government acknowledged it was their duty to act, but iheru was not tba slightest looioatiou that they had acted. lie tboagbt the Government should say what they had dote aud what tee result of their action was. Tbe evidence taken in this case bhowed that there had been grievous act of misconduct and impropriety on the part of an officer, ami that there had been grievous wrong doue to a Canadian snbjuot. When this matter wan rclurrud to tbe cummittce it was rumored that it might be accommo- dated in uouie way. It was suggested that recompense might be paid, aud ihu HUJU of 33,500 wad mentioned. This eum was to be paid out of the pockets of toe people of this Dominion, ibis money should be paid by tbe man who bad done thu wrong. I'arhauieut should not indemnify either m reputation cr m pookot any person who had done wrung, but he sbouid bear tbe consequences. Gen. Midjltitou had re- orived Honors and rewards, and should now receive any censure that was due him. The articles of war were strongly condemna- tory i. f such a proceeding as the present one. The seizure of goods was a military crime. \Vas the CoaimaLdeT- m Chief, he askud, exempt (roin those orders '.' Was be j isti- ned iti doiog after thu reDellion what he told tbe common soldiers uot to do in the heat of battle '.' It seemed to him that this was utterly diugraoeful. Uu could not understand bow it was possible that any mau lu tbe pobinou in winch Gen. Middle- ton stood cuuid ever (01 au instant faavo so far confused bis moral sense an to have been guilty of ilu act o( wbich hn had beou. It was said that tbe plunderer had been plundered, that tho goods when laktm from Ureuiii'T wore- afterwards taken Irom him elf. H-J buppocud that those who did take them had as much right to tbeni an Gen. Uidoloton. That, bowuvur, made uo dif- ference. The course pursued by the Gen- eral was a dugracuful ouo. He hoped the Government would ate that the General pail the loss and withdrew from the scrviou. (Loud applause.) Sir Adolpbe Caron aaid ho desirc/1 to deal with the mutter in the most op >n nd most frank way possible, lie oousnlureil the action of the General waj the result of a most unfortunate error of judgment on his part. (Hear, hear.) It was slated in the report, and tbe General r iinsulf, alter ob taming information which unfortunately be did a n possess at that time, had dia covered thu tact tbat ha had committed an illegal art, and nobudy regretved it more than the General himself. Uu (Sir Adolpho Caron) had beard tho General express the deep regret which bo to-day experiencec that such an ordur nhonld have been givei by him. It was fur ttieui to bo impartial anil just in dealing with this <i'iwtiou, anc it was only Uir that they sbouid rumumbei the services tbat Gun. Middluton bat rendered to Canada. It must be remeni bored at tbe time tbeorder was given tbe General wad in a preoccupied stale of mind which to a certam exteut mignt possibly account (or thu want uf prudence wbich be displayed. Liu repeated Ibav hu could nol forgit tnu tervicea the General had reuderti to Canada, aud be tnougbt they should how that (air play and leniency which ho considered, under the circumstances. Gen Middlituii was entitled to. Mr. Lister argued tbat Gen. Middletou hoiild bo held responsible for all the furs because if be had observed the duty he owed to himself as a general and as aa honest man, be would not have been tbe tirst to despoil Brumner of bis fura and give orders for them to be scattered about among tbe members uf his staff. Gcu Muldlelon waited livu loug years before indicating his willingness to settle (or any of the furs taken. He rtptidly dtniud that tie livi lkua any [onion of them, or knew anything about their disposition. It was only in the investigation of tbe com mitluu tbat Gun. Middle-ton uvmoed that bo knew anything of Uu mattur. It was only (or tbe Bake ol unanimity that Gen. Mid dletou, in thu report, was trtated with tho ulino-t consideration. Tbo report might have been much more severe tnat it was, It WAJ sid tbat Gen. Middlutou com mitted this aut through au erior ol judgment. In bis Ittter to Uayter Keed, however, ho asked tht the disposal of tbe goods should not be made public. He aaked if tbia wag not proof that be knew be was doing a wrong lul aot. It was absurd for the Minister 01 Militia to say thai a gentleman wlio had bton (or forty odd years in tbe Bmisb army did uot know he wai violating the army regulatioua. Brumuer, through his despoliation, was broken oown in health and livuig in paverty.and yet the Minister of Militia asked that they should i viusu den. Middleton. It was an incredible thing that a gentleman in tbe position o Oen. Mid"luon should have BO far forgot ten tbe yutea'a regulation* and shown urauelf destitute of the common feelings >f humanity as to despoil a poor individual ike Bremuer of his property. Gen. Mid- dleton's usefulness had gone, and it waa he duty of the Government to intimate to lim bis services were DO longer required. Saving been guilty of tbe aot he had, ab- solute fall justice sbouid be meted out lo lim, no matter what tbe consequence* might be. Sir John Macdonald said the discaeaion on the matter should have been left to the member for West Durham who had made a careful examination into tho subject, and whose remarki were certainly delivered in a spirit ofjuHtice. He did not think that tbe hen. member for East Lambtou was justified in making tlu- statement that tbe report was a oomprcmipe, and might have been more severe. He thought it waa an aspersion upon tbe committee, who had preeentt d a nnanimoo* report. Sir Fred Middleto.n was an officer of treat xperience in Chtn* and in India, aud ie. r, was a good deal of practical cobn^cauun done in those countries during tin wr. However, General Middleton was decidci ly wrong iu this respect. The bon. m< inbur tor Webt Durham had proved beyond a doubt, if proof were required, tbat Gen. Middleton a conduct deserved condemna- tion and in as strong language aa might well be used. There was no doubt the General had acted wrongly and illegally. Tbe confiscation was an error of judgment, and the appropriation cf goode, it awmed to him, wax illegal and improper >u,d could not bo defended upon tbe aamu grounds. 3e thought the report ought to be adopted by the House. Mr. Mitchell aaid there should be no difference made in this caae tban there would be iu dealing with thu case of the meanest private in the service. One thing was clear, the Generil got the (ura. Mr. Kukyainik No. Mr. Mitchell They were pat on board ihe steamer ou which he \v\e. We only have bis statement that ho did not get them. If a burglar, after taking tbe swag, sees a policeman aud drops the stint, that ia no excuse. He contended it was tho dnty of tb Government to compel Gen. Middletcn to refund tbe money, to dis- miss him, aud report him to the Uorao Guards. Sir John Maodonald sid there had been no attempt at palliation. He had r, mended tno lloiiee to pi 'H the severest con- demnation on Gn. ili'idleton'a conduct. Tbe Government could uot have taken any action until tbid report was psed upon iy the House, and when tbat report was mown it wonln be fjr them to consider what they should do. Tbe motion wis cariied unanimously. Mr. Daly introduced a bill re<>pucting the Winnipeg .v Hudson Bay Kail way. The bill provided tbat the time for completion sbouid be extended till Jim... IH'JG. Mr. Ueaatn introduced a bill to extend the time for ilu completion of tba Qu'- Appelle ,v Woud Mountain Railway for three years. He aaid tbis waa neoetsary on account of expectations tbat bad cot been rtali/..-u. Mr. Baia (Wentwortbi took exception to bills being introduced at tbia late stage of ihu session. Mr. Barron called attention to the letters which appeared in l.r Cattndirn bearing upon thu MiGreevy scandal, wbich pur- ported to show tbat the member for (jus- bee Webt (Mr. MiGnevv) had been able to acquire luforn.ation from thu Publi Worka Department which enabled him to get lower tenderers to withdraw in order tbit ihe tender cf Cunmlly .v Larkin might be accepted. Sir Hector Langevin sail bu knew noth- ing about the matter whatever. Mr. I aurn r deuied the allegations which /.. I'lin-itiirn had made against tbe Liberal party. As far *a they were concerned they courted the (nlleat investigation. II it waa not BO lato in tho seasiou he woul.i aek tho House to inquire into the matter Mr. lilaku said these revelations were be- coming more interesting, and afforded ample warrant for tbo view of ilium tbat was taken by the member for N >rth Victoria (Mr. Barron). Uu was surprised thai the Minister of Public Works had uot hoard ol tbia before, aod hoped tbat he would now maku a thorough inquiry. It waa clear information was acquired in advance aa to wbo wrti the ioeat tenderers. There must have been some complicity on the. part of the oflioers, and tbis should be inquired into. Ia moviug that a subsidy o( Sliiti, 400 ba granted to a railway from Ottawa to Mor aeued waa 132 and the number of return* rought down in reply thereto was 95. Tbe umber of public bills and orders of the session which shared the fate of the alaughtrr of the innocents " wa- 17. The iimhi r o( notices of motion which bhnrod similar fate was 21. The changes in tbe personnel of the Senate daring tbe aesbion wore : Mr. .onghced took tbe place of Senator liar ,idty, decent i-d ; Major Boultou the place I Mr. Scholti!, appointed Lieut. -Governor if Manitoba , Mr Masei.ii the place if the ate Mr. Rodier ; Mr. Murphy the plsce of he late Mr. Thomas Ryan and Mr Mao- iaren tbe place of the late Mr. John Mao- donald. In tbe ilonae of Commons Dr. Montague ook the place of Mr. Colter for Haldi- maud, and Mr. Ma kinlosh the place of ilr Peril v, deceased. The following Beats re still vacant : Kent, N. B., in conse- uence of tin- appointment of Mr. Laudry o a County Cuurt Judgeghip; New Went- minuter, B. C., iu const quence of tbo death ( Mr. Chisbolm ; Lincoln, Out., in con sequence of the resignation or Mr. Itykert, ad riut'h Victoria, in consequence of the leath of Mr. Hudsputh. Shortly before be opening of Parliament Mr. Colby, M P. or Btaustead, waa appointed President of he Privy < otircil iu the strad cf Sir John iacdonld, appointed Minister of Rail- ways and Canals. Yr. Wood, M. P. for irockvillv, was elected Deputy Speaker of ho House, to nil the vacancy caused by Mr. Colby entering the Cabinet. With the xception of the long session when the branchiae Bill was under discussion, the teesion baa been the longest since Con- coloration. TIIK LIST CF THE ^l:lc<ON. The House assembled today at 11 'ulook, when bills received from theKuiato were taken np and considered and amend- ments made to them concurred in. In reply to Mr. Mitchell, Sir John aaid hat tba fishery question at Washington was progreesicg satisfactorily. He received a despatch to-day, bat it was not explana- lory enough, and be asked that it be r- H-attd. Mr. Topper, be said, had been tangeroualy ill there, and was now on bis way home. He \v<ta elowly recovi-ruu. 1 . A diHcupBion look plaxt on me linmner Sir John promised that the Sir John Macdonald stated that a com- pany waa formed to build tbia road entitled tbe Ottawa & Waddi.-iglon Kail way Com piny, but be believed the Govern- mtnt had bin n advised that tho charter ci thia company had expired. Under those circumstances it was decided that the sub aidy should be given for a railway Ottawa to Morn, burg, leaving the |u. lion of whether tbe charter of the ttrsi company waa still in exialenou to bo dtcidei in a legal way. Mr. Itlakt- condemned the connection o Mr. Ilkkey with the Ottawa .v Morritibnrg Railway, aud gave dootimcntBry evidenct going to show that Mr. Hickey had endeav ored to sell out tbe oharttr of the road, an. tbat no elf in was made to proceed with it construction. Mr. Mickey denied the charges, and eai, every effort was made to construct the road Sir John Macdonald moved thu grant o V24.0CO to the Fcntiao Pacific Jnnctioi Kailwsy Company, for 7J milen of road from Hull toAylmer. Mr. Blake said this waspolhiug more or less than to enable tbe Pontiao .v Pacili Junction C.ompanv to buy out that portioi of the Canadian Pacili: Railway between Hull and Aylmer. V/by, bo asked, sbotilt tbe country porcbaae a portion of one rail way fur the purpose of making a present o it to another 1 Mr. Chapleau defended tbo grout, am aaid although he was formerly oonnootet with tbe road, he had now no interest in it The following ia a summitry of the Leg inlaiwu work of tbe eeesion : Number o bills introduced ia thu Com, noun, '.'I ; Bills introduced in the Senate, IU , total Mill passed, 110. Tho following ia an analyst of tbe Hills paused : Government, :IH Public and General, 1; Railway, 42-, Bank S ; Bridge Compai>iee, 5 ; Insurance, ''. Trust Companies, 2 ; Divorce, 2 ; Naviga tion Company, 1 ; Construction Company 1 ; Patents Extended, 2 ; Manufacturing Cos., 4 ; Board of Trade, 1 ; Boom Com pany, 1 ; Orange Incorporation, 1 ; total 110. The number of orders and addresec ura . ( in-bit 'in. Jovemrui nt would do what it could to uiti in getting a < ttluiueni. no matter whether ttiu G.JVI r- mi ut was liable or not. Thu HOUMM adjourned at 1.30. Ilis Kxculluncy, tbe Governor General rorouued Parliament at 4 o'clock. Thu ollowiog ia tbe TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Mr. J. M. Loranger, Q. C., of Montreal, died yesterday. Count Herbert Bixrnarck IB very popular in EnglUb society circles. Tbe next Papal consistory will probably be held in Rome on June I nth. MvisHonier'a painting of IH! J was sold in Paris on Weonesday (or !.;l,odOf. Bogosolov, the Alaskan volcano, after a lapse of seven yek, ia again in a -tale of great activity. Russia has ordered an immense supply of ttmokeiesH powder cartridges from the factory at St. Etienne. Joseph Lord's noose at Great Falls, N.H., was struck by Mghtning i Friday and burned. Mr. Lord was killed. The steami r Harold, bound from Dilboa to Glasgow, lias foundered oil the Irish coast. Six ptruoiiH were drowned. Mr. Charles Wilson, of Woodstock, has accepted tbe Conservative nomination and will cppoee Mr. Muwat in NuiUi Oxford. John G. Carlifle waa elected I'. 8. Renator by the Kentucky 1., .itlaiure on Saturday, in sacoeesion to the late Senator Beck. The waterworks by law for -KMKKI and the electric lights bylaw for :'.' UOO were carried on Saturday in Markbam by narrow majotilies. A daughter of Lord Lytton will be one of tbo bridesmaids of Mary Anderson. Monseigneur Blais waa coneecrated at Quebec yrs>trday as Coadjutor Bishop to Monseignenr Langevin for the diocese of Himouuki. Miss Margaret Isabella Blaine, daughter of the Si en tary of State, was married on Saturday in Washington to Wn.' . r Dam- roach, of New York. A strike ba* been ontirea by Cloak- makers' I'nion, No. 1, of Philadelphia, and 300 liiiHHian Jnwieh tailorp, with their helpers, have left work. The marriage of Mixs \Vnrd, tho daugh- ter of Mrs. Alexander I'nnieron, of Toronto, to Prinon Caraman de i 'liimay will take place in Paris on Thursday. i u ruou HIE in Honorable (.. nllruien ol the Sfliali. . lienlli n.i n uf tl.i. UIIIIM- ol O iinnoni. i briOKinit thiM-ouiewhut protracttHl aunaiull .'I I'ur.iHii:. a :.. -'.nvev lu ynu y bent than kb lor ihu diliKuucu witu win. n . -u have Applied >uurM>i\ch to yutir important lul lets. i nr M..IM -. vtvi -.PI. The ni'Kotiai mutt r.^pt. ;inu thu Htihrinu Sea lu.Mi"ii ii .' Mill 111 prngrass a Waahiiigton,wlUi Kimd prutpcd* ul a favuriitiio ii-ttilt. Mtiuivxm .. tho roimninuirii ler 1 kllOHUIIH tile "Ulixlllf iiliow iiur .-i*i HIM :.-.;i. tu eulllVH'ti loom..*.! <i'i i .ilv rulaiuiiih wiili the tinted Slali-a Uov- uruuumt aud poople. TAlnr ii-.i Thu i. -a .i JUKI mi nl of tin. C unit jus tar til, i-alcu- 'ut'-.l an 11 m to promote thu o \< ,< rioi-ni . i niir auricultuml. inliiilnt l in in^ and other iudllft- trii.wiil, 1 doul>tiu>i. rucuivei;i.iit ral iicct I'tiiin . trom all rlnsaiia II*.-. 1, I aui Jad lulii'licM- iliat tl:u .let r. In li.'iu niot-l ,-nreluilv i'"HM :. I > !. It ia oftioially announced tbat tho cow Bra/.ilian cunstitution will hu promulgatt-d by ileciee. and aftorwsrd wi.l be unbmitted to the Assembly (or ratification. A bill has been introduced into Con- i .--ts providing (or reciprocal rights in atlonling aeniiitanoe to wrecked vesaula on Aim-noun nnd ('anadian water?. Rev. A. F. McGregor. Toronto, preached a iermon >e-,ii rrtay in defei , . .f :, motion | o( the MininiLrial Ausociution with refer ence to Sunday military parades. Suit has been brought agMUbl * Winnipeg j teacher to restrain him from imparting re Unions instruction, on tbe ground that lie is violating the new School Aot by doing no. The Duke of Connanght will arrive at .'^",. Winnipeg on May t ii pin., and re \iven.ii vi. i am ' ninui till noou tbe next dny. He will occupy Sir Donald Smith's nsidinoe nt Silver Ueigbta. Jacob 8. Heainger, many years snper intundent of the comity poor farm at Frte l.ort. III., was inoidend with an axe on Saturday by an insane man named William I Wilhelm. At tbe ntxt Consistory three bishops will rein-ivu cardinal's haln. Mgr. Sar . i HI/I i HI ii.iinii K.cuar.i tn iinerei ,,i ;ii',!'tbon, Vicar Apostolic of Western Chili publlo and too* rafflcieutly liberal to thoavvbo i iHU be trans(erred to 1'okiii in a similar aru nor* iaunedlatol) :i!fi-eii,i '> Uspnvlmioiia. , ,.,,. .tty Tho limaiiiiru rula.iuii lu billn I KXclial>|{, , in ,i i.'H ami prciinxtury iiou-n will douMtoaa I One o( the boilers o( the steamer Ville d inore onrtain aodplala ih,. law r. i,,iu, K Targieis ixploaed yesterday at MarHeiilca tu tliwe uistruueuta, ana make the law in thai' ,. , , I.-UHI.I nun. .tm iii aluieM all r,,.|pe: throuKh | Three of lne orew wt ' ro killed and four uut Canada. { hadlv injurud. The steamer suslainci IIUMINAI. LAW AMIMIUI:MS. ; muoh injury. Ihl Hi , iMiliieliln to tin. clllmmi! law ilii-lnili , , ru ,, xt . i. iu.l,. axn-ai iiiiii.i>ir..ud v.nen - ,i ,,mv iM..n, The Premier of Nuw South Walra was m, n n will proimiily I... i, .nun ,e. -mi. . thrown from a cab Saturday while driving winch were unjuutly ai>iunii) loriiiu public ! from Bolmam. Urn leg was broken by tbe (all. Tbe accident was .:i....d by thu horse taking (right and bolting. ' "< Gen. ital 8 t & n n g that he uo 1-mgi.r desires any inter- wullare. .,11 i in. \ 'iu,r., .111 .. The creation uf a Bureau of Lulu r ! wtll promote the lovehtigatioQ and study uf t questions wnlob street UM rulatiuiis uf capi and laln.r, and u hull nru now ,'iii;n,;.ii.; attention of all gnat nations. U >li likuwihu ] muniary between him eel t and bis sup aid tin. .on n, ion ..I luiuiniation ou all iliat con- | porU-rs, and he therefore diaeclvta tbo occiipaii..!!!. and .ii IM-IIII; .,i " i Boulaiiginl National Committee. working elaaMa, In sume ..tlur mcasunsol th II.M-I. . . n ...'..I 111 mi i.i iinprnMi i in, ] Tbnmas McCbcane, nonimlar agent ol bw* *hjeb apply parUGularly to tbuse euimiod the United States at Portsmouth, Kng. In Industrial purMin* will nku^iw. l, u ... K . a , % .,,., mi ,^ H . ninW . .,.!,. f. D .i D Ul/.ud. Bculangcr haa written a litter :ngi i between Innmclf and his I'll. 'Ml M 1,01 M M.i.IM.AIlo -. Tin) vaiiouti pruvimuiia to anionil in. laws taiiH >h, to pateuta, ooiiyrigbts autl ttada inarka, and to iliu Ot.purtnient ot Itiv.i.u... itn.i liki-vsii-i. lln- enai I ni. nl lo nil I<|,'\>> . . I. rliui 1111*11.. ,, n ,. 1,1 of uur inilian |K'|iiiltiliiMi iiiiivM'.l adap.e.l to proiiiolii i ho . r h, ii-ii i ifc.llinni-irat ion ol tlm 'iepiirtna ills to AIM.', ihey ri'lat.-, while a lari;ii aliioiini f private railway lKit.latii.n in.lieatiH a r>|<n ' ' ..nil. i fi i-i i nr.Hiuhoiit tnu coumry wlneli il 11 to IH. llope.l will lend tu a slll>blanllni duVolu|illluUL ol thu nulwny wurkt ul t Hu country. WAYH AM) Ml. AN--. (iuUllelnell uf till) llollhe of (.'onilllODB I tbauk you for tlm lilmral provision which you Imvi. inaiiu tor Ulv ruquiri nit nlH uf tuu pulilic Mjrviuu. HLKhH VOU, MV I III! .'Ill ',. llonoriililn uentii me of ihy s. t .ohll. in.' ll ,,1 1 lit. M .... . ; I oloinollB : 1 takb leave . 1 voll lor tin. |'|.-.elil rtl'li Ihe eHinit.1 h.'ie ilml in i In 01 linlifi (wanoli our I .ij'i. u,\,iv i'*ii of Canada oiay ba blaMad witli tin al.uliiliint rnwaril lor ttuir lahom and may H iiii.-i-s a nonki .1 auvauci; m thu proii|>eiity uf tno Duunniou. Scandula are like dandelion eeed they aro arrow-headed and stick when thcyfall, ami bring I. nh and multiply fourfold. Tbe 1'rinrt xs Bismarck ia dcecribed aa tbe inn. . i of a practical, methodical (1. r man matron, with an eye to every detail of r. .HIM ho, u uiaLDgemeot aim tcoiu my. Fndcrick Spii/.er ia dead , the mcst sue- ceesful curiosity dtaiur in Paris, and a familiar uguiu in artistic aucicty there. 1 .if" in a haond trust to all. He in at fault wbo di IH not take duo care of hia own, he IH guilty wbo dota not respect the livea of otheiH A needle, one snd a half inches long, waa reuintly rrinovtd (rom tbe Bidu of Mrs. Counsellor Cole, of Fredcrickuburg, Va. Mra. Colo says that she swallowed thu needle forty years ago, and baa never felt any inconvenience (rom it. I III-: CIKll.l.ATION I.1AH. Three liurK were ir>iiin tlii-ir i-kill ind tastu The fiaberoao HIM told I.IK ncaly talo; The pi.litical Imr eaniii IIAXI, and IUN words Mailu ilio angler with envy and nplteu grow aia After ilu in the Circulation Liar Btarm, And fact* taJie uu Huch xhain aud fi>imuu- ooutli That ihi.]n hticiMi K ami the flnher'ii ntyloB i I'lnj'ttii .1 with his soeui hki. tlm naked truth. - Toronto Ik'.irM. Swell ladies ars wearing blue glaaaes. haa committed auioide at bouthaea Cnatle near Portsmouth. Hu hot himself with a revolver. No reaaon (or tbe aot ia 'mown Hi (erring to the coming marriage ol Stanley lo Miaa Dorothy Tcnnn.t, the artist, a special cable says tbo couple aged over (our years ago starting on Ins expedition to line ! .in.n Pasba. Tho Brooklyn, N. Y., Customs Ollioora made an immense sei/.ure on Saturday aboard tho Leading Wind of porcelains rich silks, rags, laces and abawle, wbich the captnin aaid be brought over for the purpose of decorating hi* cabin. Tbe NeiUon abaft at Shamokin, Pa., ia on fire, having caught (rom the burnin* innlH-rsof tho breaker, wbich waadestroyec on Friday night. Tho lower levels are tilled with gaa. Twenty-live mnliH at tbe bottom are dead and nineteen on tbe top level* will probably bo suffocated. Baatino Ipoldo, an Ita'inn, employed in washing windowB upon the ducond atory o: tbo Interstate National Bnnk, Now York Saturday evening, placed hia hand upon a " live " wire of the United States Illumin ating Company. Uo guva a shriek, and i moment later fell to the bidewalk dead. Tbo Porte haa not _\i.t replied to Russia's claim for the payment of tbe arrearn of the war indemnity. M. Nelidoff, tho Uuaaiai Ambaasador, in an urgent uotu to tb Porte, demands the payment of tbo arrcnra from tbe new leans, otherwise, he addB Kutisia will reserve the right to take fur tber meaanres. The Anchor line steamer City of Home sailed m l .'. HI p.m.yester day (or Now York. The Gnion steamer Alaska sailed at 1.20 p.m., and the Cunart steamer Aorania at 2 p.m. All went ahtai at full attain <iir*<otly tiny cleared Qtioeoa town harbor There is heavy betting on the result o( the race. Mies B. Andrinn, the publication ol whoso name by the Kingston collecting agency baa oauaed hnr serioua illness, has Bind for 32,000 (or " libel and (or oauaiug to be printed and published certain printei matter calculated and intended to injure and defame her reputation and expose her to hatred, contempt and ridicule." At the trial ot tbe jhibfu in the copper syndicate in Paris it baa been proven 1. Seoretan, a* director of tbe Sooiete da*) detaux, iiiatributed n-jtitioue prclits for .087 am need improper means to bull copper, rtubicg ihe puce from under 1,900 rauoa per ion to over '2,000 francs, and liaring within two mouths 10,000.000 ranca. Wra. Fowler, oounty constable for York, was draw:. i ..I in the Unmber on Saturday vening. The body was discovered in the ivor early yesterday morning. There is a prrpatal an loot in the United iiates toccmfederateail ihe Roman Calholio acietiea, to preserve Catholic rights aud to prevent any encroachment upon their rivilegei. The Qaren yesterday, assisted by the King :f Hi l,;mm, unvtiied a statue of the 'rince t'oiiiicrt in Windsor Park. Ike tattle was tbe lubiloe otic-ring of tbe wonen if Kngland. B. i ^ act Loughran, a member of tke in::. -ton Penitentiary stau, ba* created omcthiiH' of a sensation by making hargea againat nearly all the ollicera of he inatitutioo. A new list of dead beats has been issued >y the Kingston grocers. It contains DO esa than '. JU names, wbich include those of clergymen, Government clliciala and ail claaaea of citizen*. Justice Stirling, in London yeiterday, jranti .1 a oonditionn) order for the volum- arv liquidation of the Direct Meat Com- lany, remarking that tne directors womld do well to make a fail explanation. Albert Gray, a lad of I 1 ', years, wbo went to Grand Rspide, Mich., six weeka ago >om Toronto, fell from tbe log boom north if that lily yesterday and was drowned. The body haa not yet b.tu recovered. HI nry M. Stanley, iu au interview yes- terday regarding the German movements in Africa, rirt ho was wearied of England'a apathy v..l pliancy iu regard to the opera- tiona being carried on by the Germans. In tho Home of Commons last night, .'nsidiiii Chaplin, at the Board of Agri- culture. :atvd the Government would net allow tbe importation nf store cattle from Virginia, because tbe State was seldom free 'rom pleuro-pneDmonia, and ihere were ;n- !ected dislricta near it. In the Chamber of Deputies yesterday the Mil it ur of tbe Treasury announced imendiiicnU to 1 1 . budget, ttTeotiug a re- duction of 15,000,000 lire on the army and navy estimates and other retrenchment* to tbe ami. mil of 11,000,000 lire. There dtill remains a di licit of '.',000.000 lire. The body of George M. -.Master, a nephew of the late Senator McMaster, was found loating iu Toronto Bay itbout davhrht .. ti rdav morning. Hi ceased bad btea m-ning from the city (or someday*, but it was supposed he was travelling (or the firm of M. t'r-any .t Co , Montreal, represented by him in Ontario. A Coroner's ;ury at l'rrnboro', N. S., ia investigating the death ot Bill Dryadon, a sailor i ni he baique Corsair. The vesstl i* commanded by Capt. "Bully" Brown, who bearii a bard reputation among Bailors and iu purtu wntro he haa vibitud. The jury anspect foul play on bis part. Urysaon ll alleged '.0 have iKe.ii brutally ill in atea on thu .-tlnp. Mr. H. J. T. Mtrckle, Indian agent at Clandeboyo, Man., writes : " 1 hereby cbsractenxe the statement with reference to mo in the Hykurt Commission repnrl aa an unwarranted, gratuitous and infamous lie from beginning lo end, anil the repjrt, lacking my evidence, ia a farcical insult to thu people of our Dominion, and Lincoln in particular." At the Cutigregktionalist annual r. um n i :ay thecommitlue recommended tbat an international council be held in London in July, IH'.U. I'hu i:jiiinniiii. propoaee that ih" council ihull oonsist of 100 dele- gates from h^ugland, 100 from America, and 100 from Ihu rest of tbu world. Kuv. Dr. Stori H. of Brooklyn, IB to be aeked to preach thu inaugural sermon. Tbo charge of criminal libel brought by Hon. Thomas M. Un .n Against his accus- ers in (^uubec came up for preliminary inveatigation yesterday. Much to the sur- prise o( ihe onlookers, a postponement until Octobrr was asked for by tbe defend- ants, aud this ia taken to mean that some high up people at Ottawa would rather not have the trial gone ou with at present. The delay wan granted. Mr. Skelding, a Winnipeg hardware merchant, fell asleep last week, and did not wake up for live daya except when, aroused by tho doctors to give him nourish- meat. The medical men are pu/v.led to account for tha trouble. The man waa in good health with the exception of being a little alceplees before bis long snoo/e. At last reports he waa recovering from tbe Hlnpor and waa getting along well. Mary Ungbea, aged .~>0, tho wife ot P< tre Garneau, waa found dead in bed at her residence, SI. Valier street, Quebec, Sun- day a(ttrno.)ii by a man named t.harlia Brown, an employee ol the Gas Company, It neciiiH the woman had been drinking heavily. was locked up pending the coroner's inqats>, which was held tbia morning, and n verdict returned of death from ' Congeition of tbo luogs brought on by the excessive nse of liquor." Gold p&aaeuieutrie cuffs are r/.ic ou a olotn gown. The girls ara wearing jkokota just like men'* cutaway cuata. \ bright silk rosette at the throat baa crowded out tbo jewelry. Nothing lowers a peraoua standing faster than being a chronic grumbler. --The moat unhappy creature that ap- pears in public or private life is au t \ boss. A fanatic may be cured by experience, but a fool is a fool (rom the cradlo to the grave. hUUF.TIIIMl M'.AIl IT. Soirit [in,, Ktji., iHjodlur in Hie man Who ilidu't cmieuiiimatu ln plan, Hut he can, D uar it, very ntiar a. ..i unii -.1101. i-y not all own, H. hiMild havo left tho Htllfl all. lie. MI . let him -:cw and c.c and uioan, Or; mar it. The oat haa nine livea, which shows tbat nainr ' had a pretty (air idea of what the oat would have to go through. Countryman, in dime museum aay. Bub, what sort of i curiosity be yon ? Freak I am the boy tbat never whistles. Never let tbe tun go down without doing aome kind act that will make your pillow (ter.

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