HE FLESHER1ON ADVANCE. GEO. MITCHELL, BARTKCR, F 1 1., I-:?-* i 1 n-:i, r i'cr. Mi. I FT* tSi>L'<iHT AXD HOLD. dp-si it .I'lVi-idim pii'l to Hirtiillf'-tioH ../ Matt* anil Acnxiiitt, *nd duur North of Jltfiltli l."in ,( Cili. Vicinity Chips. MlAriK'f eristics of iln- Past WV>k < iir-rnlly Culled for the Curious. Dr. Sinclair's Visit. Dr. Sinclair, tlio popular specialist, of Toronto, will bw at Munshaur's hotnl on Tuesday .1111111 :)nl. Let tlio nick call on him. i 'oiisultatioii fri-e. . :ii (i..'!0 niHt.'ad of 7 o'clock an it has Keen. This ia to accommodate those who lire at a uistanoe. The 20fourth. There was a uenernl exodus of Fleslu-r- tomans on tlio 24th to ouisiJo points. The ..'runt majority of pleasure m-rkei. went fishing, othura went to thvon Sound, while still <>t hum spent tlio day in swott coinuiiniioii with their potato and Lianii us. loo cn-ain at Miss Hind's. Deautiful woathor f<ir the crops, tliii. Nomination in tho Town Hall to-day Mr. Wev l.unii'iro returned homo frm Toronto IA-.I Any ,,.i:imiiy of <>^s takon in ox- c.ian \\ 111. ('Uvtoii's. Mr. Win. Clark, of Toronto, was visit- i:i,- \\.i\\ in- i'.xm.ly here ovar Sunday. '\ \N I'l-.ll at K:.-:HTI.III Urfonliouse :i !-,- in e.\ -hani,e for planU. Tlu' i', llm.'wood l!ulh:tin complains of rowdyism 1:1 mil around some of thu eburo Thi) Towiwlllp I'oltncll mt-Pt.s nil isri!:'y 111 the Town H.ill as a t'ourt uf .'II. Mr. John (lowland. town line I'mlon and \rie:m tia. had Ins liarn nuri.ofuil l>y the hem v st .inn tin Sunday. 71.1,-v S.iv-l i- Yemeni . nt liy (jettim: v,.iir :!oiir , .111 til" mill. \VM. im.U'I.KY. .>.i i ... .. ... i should climb up and lubricate our m-hoo! hmiso bull. iMsi-i'-. i -in Iw heard farther t'.i.in ita mi','. 1. 1.. I. u. i... mister, of thu firm l,u.-i.s. I 1*1-11 S.iiin.l, in ;it thu .llice ' I \\ in. Luea.<, iV. I'o., jn NUrkdale, . l-'ti lay, .1.11-1 ui Uund.iik Sam Tlii- uuko of Conn: u^ht, i i riii.v Arlhiir, a brother ! tin- I'rincoof Wales), in on a trip eaatwanl, and it in Mp-Mtad that lie will arrive in TopniU. Thursday (to- Then- lias only been p. IK- appeal eer. i .1 by the clerk of thi* township, to lie heard before tie t'ourt of K.Aismn OH Saturday next. This spaks well for A .11 i, : McLilUg-hrey. Ru-liard Davis, of .Stralaiio '.i.. lie land, who uame out iaxt SupU'inbur on a visit to hia brother's in I'minsylvauia, V. 8.. and in now returning, in M<IMI; at his coium *, R. J. ISproulu, I'. .M , Flcshorton. The family uf Mr. II. Vaii..*nl,of Olw- wa, forinorly of htou.rville, v,m recently unlar^uii from four t muveli uteni',pers, his wife harini{ ifiven birth to tw daughters and a 900. - | StmiiiVilln Tribune. The ricliuring Naws says it is prepar- ing a liat of thoso who allow their rows to run at hirer in that village. S<> far the list inclmlua only livu nainen nuil four ii.ima'.i. Thu tj.ai-e at uur diapoHiil d.-s nut admit uf enterpriau in this direction, and we aro I>MI poor to isauu a nupplo- iiirni. However the pa-euro in uur Biibur'M i 1,'o.xl and no loii){ as tlie cow ilonl suil'iT wu suppose there is no u.su Not a'l nw tliuu* CP.IIIJ from the etreie E.wt. Th- l'..iiiiia.-k and dmy | M - dian-i and vtk T tribes in tin north. TII Rooklw ar Uboriog with an uxti.m-di- nii-y d.)lu-.ioii that. C'hn.st has C'liuu to earth and i.-t now in ttio I'.i- II ,, M.i.in tains, sniiienh.To botwoeii Kurt, (,'mtrr in i !',,(!. W.isY ik.r, Uy.imin.,' Territory. (ieneral .lamea ,S. llriabin, I'S.A, coin- maudlin; :i M.nitina, l.i in tlu New >ork 1,'deur oi Miy 17 an intoietinu letter coiieri-num (lie h.i'Iu n.iti 111 a nl rfifii.K full and iiiteroting dot nU al> u it. Worth Trying. I ' . not ho discouraged bcn.iinu other renieJics have failed you. Mr llu;li Ityiui >,ay.i . For (.'olil in tlui Hend and 1'itarrh, Nasal I'alm is thu bent > uie.ly I uvur tried, and I h.iTe tried many. C'b.ilige uf '1'iuie. lii.-v. Mr. Shilton aiinoiinceii on Sun- Jay llut efvinii^ survico woulU qimi- horoaftur, fur the next ;hre Beautifying the Cemetery. A larx numbiir of plotholdors respond- ed to the invitation to be present on Sat unlay List and as.ist in htautifyin^ and living up thu cemetery ^rnunds u'enerally. A lanje amount of work was donu w!iu-h iidd.i .;ieaily to thu beauty of the , f roin i, is. Thin has becomu an annual ail'air now, and by e 1111111111114 the i;ood w.irU, within a very few years Fleahortiin ci'iiii'tury will he .1110 of tho prettiest country plots to he found. It has been susnestod that next year .1 diun furnished to th'n w!io don ite their laliiT in ilii.i nianiUT. which, of emi is a praiai'worthy ulea wlien it is n sidered that many plot holder 1 live at a ColiHiderali.e i[.st:uii- frmil the village, ami are linis delarred from spending as much time as they w.iiild tlexiru to. Can't ito it. We have received from our Italsain Valley !! i; .ii.ii-n' i '..:'!! .i_'nei.l by yoiini; M,-!\CII/.IU ileuyiu^ th.it !i' put his name to tint articlo which appi'aretl in mis two ur three weeks ai;o With ! . im-ni rec bv him "inn Mr. \\Msoii. No.v . sorry that MrOMfMpa.Bd.ftl 'ias insutcd upon (ontinnin^ this <jiirsti.in. oblini-H us io taLo is-.ni' with him ,11 his ominous uf jilstiue. II i. - i boy ' wa should allow him a i e.irre;i..||ilel|l Will tillllk ' moment, lie Mill jmvly 1111 ieim.inil liiat there are jrejter nit -i the in ; ; out of justice III the iirst pl.icu wi- must 'jii.ird o.ir iiiytliiiiL; odi'iin t" our r-'idert, md 'tirrioii.il ma'.' na i i' u \i\ssii. Hail wo thoroughly understood tho eis<>, original rcfon-nre t.i it would never have appenreJ, li our conx-i|.i>nilixit i . . >.i i nature th.it .MM Oolinds "I al.lHt'S . .:i "I'ctliy. In tie- tli, id pl.iee it is utterly uso a IIH.V-.IMJI.T In rectify personal inattci-!! between uei^hbor-i, as it mdv L-II iti-i. ii-.'"i'i "! 'liiiiini.n]iiiii,' strife, and we desire our ei Ti es|ioiideiits hereafter to iri'piisly shun personalities whieh Hll:'llt i.'ive ollrllee :H they Would ttllUII 'he 'inisuitf-is end of a bee. Like the latter iimcct there is sure to In- i line- i'. men hurt-, and ,.ne which rankles like hut iron when it enters. In this niMaiii'e buth gentlemen interested i:.- friends of The Adianco, and wa would much rather act the part of peacemaker, if there aro dilleieines e\i.i:n^. than to ie thi.) medium whereby mora irritation would He iMi'4<.-iniered. Therufore u'.' use us from referring to this matter a:'um. Burtjl;irs Ja,iloJ The lnir;l.irs wlio broke int.) H. Trimble '* store on the. ninht of tho '.'til inst. aic now lanj>uisliini{ in Itarrio jail awaiting their trial at thu fall assuai. Tlii: story of their crimes ami capture Is .('Hie i t 'in in: i.- one, an I proves that tlii'v aru old birds at the biisino.ii. Word reached li'losheiton tho fore part of hist wcel; ilia', '.wo mon were peddling ^oods in tho vicinity of .Sin^liampton at wonder- fully cheap prices, and Mr. Trimhlii lie c.'li'd to ^" down ami endeavor tit ills- cover whether tha ^oods wore Ins or not. II "left h- HIIO on Tuesday of la.-il. week and did not return until Sunday e.vcnin.; He was not succeasful in rocoveriiii.; any uf his '^piods worth mentioning as they had all been sold, but he had thu ple.is- uro of trim.: the route taken by the bureau, sU-p by step, from Staytior to hi.i own d.mr here m Kleshorton. After leaving thi! store with their bundlo of ,'ood , they went .soul !i almi;^ tho gravel road, hid their .unU about daylight and had tea that 'i;iy ,il Mr. \\anl Harrison's. Tins \\.is Saturil.iy. Saturday niuht they travelled -m south till they arrived .-xt the road which leads to Hominy's .Milli, ami hid their ijoods on SuiUlay mi.riiiii-j m tho hay loft of a sla'iii: bclon^nii,' ti> ^liiitlemau nnmud Kreon. Hero they wuie discovered divid- ing tho jTuods on Sunday, but wuro al- lowed to 1.0. From thin they paiwod throiip-h lli.nuii'.'s Mill* and then basalt puddling ^ouds alon,' tho way, pausing through NotUwa, Siughainpton and on to StA>ner. This, ip fow wuri, it tho route yrr which Mr. Tnuibhf LOOK HERE MY FRIEND! lI.KSHKirro.N HAS ONLY ONE STOVH EMPORIUM AND THAT ONE IS CONDUCTED UY HIS I'lUCKS AUK LOW AND iilS STOCK THE VEliY 15F.ST TO HI-: HAD. LOOK AT HIS PRICES: Cookinj,' Stnv 'S I'nniislii'il cuni plfte, at 818.0(1 to Siiii.tMI. Tin I'.iils, from l.lcis. U 50 cents. Strainer pails, ."ii :n -."i cents. Milk L'iiu. . si.^i to i:HH) per do/. Copper Baited, .M.OOiu !-.'). 'in. Till Bnil.Ts. *HM to $3.00. liras* Kettlis ;iud (irunito waro i-!ins;:iiitly mi Imiiil. Miu-liinc Oil. Itiiw ami limli-d Oil. r>iiLr'.'v anil I'ltnutuiv Viiniitili. TtuiieiiUiic and Stuve I'ijv Var- nish. A thin assonmeiit of Lamp 1 nn hand. All kind uf trade taken in ex- elmn . . pi i h. 4."> cents. '!:;.;, ."....".;. pi r li. Old nibkr ]H r li., 50 cents. Cn| p r li, limns. 4 cts. per Ib. \\iiol pK-kin^s. ,") cents per Ib. Repairing dot on short i otice. Good Workmanship guaranteed, Everything on Earth In the tiusmitli Hue may be had at my shop. Call on mo before buying anything and I will coiiviuco you that you can do better with mo than by buyiug elsewhere. F. G. KARSTEDT, TINSMITH. FLKS .ays last week in tr.i. . :u ,a ;.. ., well ai it could l.o '."lie ' ivo. STOKV of nil: AIM ::i.. The daily pajivisoi Nlmniav w.-ek n- iioumvil that two linri'iaues h.ui .ay in-lit. IVlh m.-t., or 'ii-t "no week alter tile !" :.,n "n tin; Monday mjjit iollowin.', Klelclur - -'- null, in A.li-t m. wan ''i.ikjn ;ind the ..jday, ".'til Hist., two . 'llteied a > sli.10 ill Ik-ftoll l!ii ;' .' revolver and i>ketl lor ha, I > . .inil.-, lnit the pip.|.rii-tiir eoiild not nmodate i hem with tlu! latter ar- ticles. They : hen visaed a ii.acitMiiilh simp and hud a drill made to ..rdi-r. Tim sn|.u-ioii8 oi tin- hardware nn-n-'iaiii n- re !n i i, i-e.i ami n -i t" Staynri- a iie-i-iiptioii .11 and re- iei\ed a n-ply that they WMH- I hu Mantel. He uelll to tho St. ill.. II alni l.'iiad that tho men had ].nn "I:.M 1 t Hi.' is |',,|- Ilianj. ville. A teli-^ram was .sent to i ir.in^evillo and the two ^ents were arrested when they ainved there, one of theii having upon his feet .. pair of boots -Alii, h hail been stiplen and some jottollery taken from a shop m Staymr. They wele taken over to Stay in r ami tried before the magistrate, heii Mr Tumble 1troiii;lil torward itni--.-i-s who proved that they weri- the- men who h.ui peddled his Hoods. This roi.ij' the ch.uu and llit-y were si nl to Uame to await trial at thu fall Should they t'len be found glliltj Justin can only bo a|ipciiscd by I ho soi ere-,1 seiiiein-i! vhicli can lie meted mit t.. them. A lite seiitanee would IHI Horn i,.,.M-\.ie. Their career iui folluwiMl by Mr. Tnniblo shows them tolMoftlW most desperate and hardened charatier Although that gentleman IIIIH only Iwen able to recover a few of the tieles still I n iriii.^ his mark vet he has tho satisiariion of lieiii 1 . moralK certain that the tiyhi ro.-ui-s art- in tho toils, and it. in to W hoped fnr the saf"ty of tho country thai they will re- main then' for many years to coii.o. The men. when arrested, :.ue their names . Harris,., i and Smith. Tlie.spnieu havii boon oporai ini; tlirnngli- out the wustern part of Ontario for HOIIU time. Mr. Trimblo has received lotturf from merchants at several points who havo boon vii'limitied by (hum. < M, A|p|il LMst tliey enten-d a storo ill Hriln 'ml stole betwci'ii throo and four hundred dollars worth of i-oods of thi 1 ery samo class which woro taken frou, Mr. Trimble. This firm writes, yiym nn accurate duscnption ot tho two nton who aro now in jail as boint; the chiirnc tors who wura sug|>ucted of taking ihon goods. In Mt. Kuront thu same act w^ repuatud. It is most gmtify ing to know that their career haa i(uw bou mppod in '.ho bud, and Mr. Trimblu duir?ca i;rcat ni; t!.e . 3 n "i ho Is and brilli;illl,' Willie-- i to them liv til.- men now in -usiudx will nn. ,:i.. .ollllH 1,1 . 1||,,,|| bavin:; in th.- t<nls ti> wiil In- -aler l.ieakin,' stoi;e :ur mil . than traveliim; i.ver 'hem. Rock :-: .Drilling ,i WELL DIGGING. ui. ". I ulli.ll in.- ,,| mil. Ui DAMKI. \\r\\\ ' ' Milk Cans! I'm) . , o.'l -.11 mil li.iv nn mil,. m. A Inl),'' it: M.l It., I Itt ,'f Tlilk !':ms anil [.til*, ('i-ciitn can> All kinds oi old inelal taken in ex> han^e, also \\.,,,1 [nekiiiLS, luas.- ami , upper. SULL1VAA Th '1 in wiiii I li. 1890 Ml 2? WM 1390. TO OU ^CUSTOMERS \\ ' iiuiy nt" tliaiik- t ' u). i .1 ! in : lit p-i.-l :'"1 liopv Q ;l , .,. \olir > ..r \\r !KI\ ' . oka .'.ants. Qar- oi n. Cabl)ac. Ciiuiiiiower. Celery, Iiwnato. Cucuuilit-r, Pepptr Plu.. Ill ' Notice iiln-i. fui tin. Township of Artemosia, Will llolil itn nrnl siH'iit mi >h,, Vs-, -sin, 'lit ,,( IH'HI, ut till! TOWN HALL, FI.ESHKliTOX. AT .lidl-I.OC!-,. \. M.. .IN S\T1 Et!>AY. .TIAT :KIM 1S!M). .1. MI:I.!.A.MV.I:I.KRK. Mil) v.i'.ii. 1MW. All .iliiptly :i;titulid to. I li.. .ouor to r. m .n v truly. James Bcecroft, FLK.sl!i:UT(i:> Qfifi] Mini . April M. _ LOOM T.BLAKELY". Flesherto/f, ho best farming iinpl. nu nt inann- factuix-d, ini:.. Hfintfi-nt l.,"hl .N'f... : M'in I' .,,,, , Tltf ll'<lt, (/.. ri,.HHr,n>l '!':> win... N md iti'rmuis H 'I'he i; ..... I illlalilim of -li, -. rn|.;,.ni..p>|,tii niiy km.ii .I...!. i-ptiik fur ' IM >. "itlnuil fin.-. i'\tMi ni.iiiH fin i me. AnUniilv ri'unir n- iinpUiuriiU in ! would do well Io n. ii, ,-..,. ni.nr i( . :iV ll-,|lli.lBtld \\ittl till in. Cll |.|| '" '"'I I iil '".-jmppv to , Mul'.t tho ,1 till . V UlUI'llll '. INK THE <'};Li:it!tATLI> "K LAURENCE" SPECTACLES ami EYEGLASSES I'OU ALL PK1 KCTS OK VISION. r CO.. *<-l.l. Al.t.M.N, TON. T. A. To tho Electors CKNTKH < 'I) etiiit;* will IM '. , -.| , Li I LI ItHlo...! .Hi; 'IK. i". ILlni J. , AllTKMJCSl.X. . I-' 1 . p'lU'l. >t,"llll\v ' ' , III . ... >. M ' Mi'iiliml ItoHl ->. il* '- l'i in Mlii-. Tliurrday. V. KfK-klvn. Frulky. Mi Kilulx rii'i , M, HI, In, BtinKUi'i ScboAl fWlii ^j... Junu.i. at , Thi(T<U> M lun, Kridi>. , All tin- kboTe uioulin.,1 mil . i. m. I-. |. m. AXE LXVITKD.