FLESHERTON ADVANCE. ' Tlli'TII BEFORE FA \ 'OR."-" PRINCIPLES, JV07 MEN." VOL. VIII., NO 465. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1890. W. H. THURSTON, 'PROPRIETOR WATCHES, WATCHES, WATCHES. : IN : GOLD, SILVER AND SILVER ORE. cute lint's. Ladio'3 sizes in jjolJ and sihor. Just opened another i\T. \VU.NTT CLOCKS, don't miss set-in^ tlu-m. Our specialty, WATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELIU KKl\llllL\'tl. -SPEX OPTH'.tLLY FITTKD ARMSTRONG BROS. TRIMMING, HOUSKSHOKINO, WOOD WOHK. FIRST PRIZE WU^REVER SHOWN, SMINCI / JOU WORK. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHEKTON, ONT. MOWKHS. K11S, 1'LOWS. < >ur I'.iiLiyieH t!ie Most. Our Sleitflut tin- I" Our Cutters) the Best. Our Improxed Harrows tlie Bent. Our Patent Uate Tlie Bout. Su'veim Improved Spring T " ;!. Illlll-. ' W lllf lifSt. District Tho annual District M.-Mii::: f Mark- tlalo district win held in Murk dale on Tuesday and Wednesday <if last week. This District U cntnpna<>il i" iniu> limits imd Misiiiiinc. viz. : Markd:tl<>. Flosliurtcin. l)iiiiii:nk. Mcltiu-tlioii. l-.'ii- ji'iiiu. I'ficeville, Holland tV-iitn-. Walter's F.tll.s.-uul Eu[ihraM%. Thu inui-t i tit: i-oiisisin of all tho roinvtrn within snid liiiiindt and utia lay dflc^iU' i oaoh iniiiinttir. The lay members meet tepantely diiriiii; the *v.ssinii and ulpctby (allot lay ri<|irescntativtM to the . \iinunl I'onfureni'o, in tho pri|iortiou ,,f ,,ne fur each iniiiiMrr. Thi'iv !.' pruMiit, for Markdnlr. [U-v. ;,.n. IJiix'L'iii ami .1 l.v .; ; i-rton. !;.. .1 U Shilton. M. \ ami .1 \V. AnnstMiii:. Kn<\. . Ouiul-'ik, F 7.. ^ \ n \lt lain'tlinii. Kov. riii.^. I. .nut .I.ilni Itiindlu . Kir^i-iii i. K, v .1 II. \\',itts and J. U. Sl(.mi ; 1'ncevilK-. ld-v. Win. i iHi'wi-11 .mil f. C. J:UDM; Holland t'entro. K, v t.ru. Huiticv and Lyinun \n.i.-rs,.ii . Water's FalU. Hcv. .1. W Sikiidi-nuii ami Jae. Mowen, ~E<*(. . Ku- jilinusu. R.-v. T K. Kyiii-11 and.l.i-, M..I wonil. I|M.I ,i niiniber of visitors. |{ev. Mr. MO.SM, of Dmiihilk. wag al>>-n' owui^; to the su-knuss of onu of his clnld- ri'ii. The following rcpreMMitatives to the Annual *'i'iifor<Mii". vu:. 0fe MAtUMUBf coiuiuittu, llov. T. R. Fydnll- !!> >H'I|II{ the othiT HiuinlxT of Raid by virtue of his office a* Dti- trict Cbainuan. S. S. cuuimitto, l\< v T Letjato and .1. W. Annnvroni;. Lay U.'li>UU' C. C. James, I'riuevillu ; J. \V. Ariii-ii-'iii'4 :nil Dr. l.'hrmioe, Kluaher- ton : John Hundlu, Malancttion . K. DUTTKB8, BtTKKI.riO. I I KMIMWI1 ; A V\ .11. Uuniliilk . L \iid- 1 1 llainl Centn- : .lanifM Mowi-, JBt. Vin. . n; '., .11* in. I ('. \V. IkUtludjje, Marl; BOOTS. \ . !) ... . iniii.'Miliiiu tllrt Kl>. i. illtlllrlll. I Mil ied Li \V lit. 1 -. .mi I'ltMsaiit \ alley. hu-!i i will) Lyoii s :i|. ". intiu'eii' i year aj. '. to In- taken ii|> liy I mi tiiat i-inuut to i... . .1 the I'll,' I. .!], nii; revlution :us w.iriiily slip). , |IOUt!tllC' 'ill and unaliiinou.ily >-:u- Moved l, v K. v. .!. \V. Slulton. M. \ nuTit nhi.'h is that it makes tea liistory : formerly the !x*>k did tho in.'. Tho ['resident's address liy \lr. \.k.|i was well ri-eei'-eil by the 1. 1 teller*. Mr. \V. L. Dix<m pi . .f takinu up junior artth- metii'. He showed a table of uiiluna- .f numbers, wliK-h, when '.oarn.'d. would be .1 _;reat liehi ill addition. Miss ,~ii.. \\.-.i how rapid .iddiu.'ii was tan .-lit in r,ironto <ichoo'.s. I'.v nit t hod pupils ran b > taught '> ado I'oiiiiiins .'I ' twi'lvt; ti^uros each in K. \Vero this plan followed out much i line would be saved by te.u-iier :intl pupil. Mr. Sharp s pl-m : i , icluiii; junior ,'eo^rtpliv i* .pnte novel anil would . vitamiy excite iuuc!i interest ill .mis. Ho follows out tho princi- ple of tiMclntii; from the kiiuwn to the unknown. Inking up the ,'eo^riphy tlie .-.ehool Around and school sivtiou and ;::: up to what is unknown. Mr. MiiLMvty. principal of Mount Kon-^t Hi..h i, taught . i lesaou tin I' n'tuil Litera- ture to a lifth cloj*. Tins lotou was greatly appreciutud !iy the teachers who telt highly privileged in having \li. Ha^arty I'lvncnt at tho convention. Thj jcL-iM - ' r 'Mt credit for 'he . .iitiul answers givi'ii. ^l^. l-Mward* t.f.igni t ili'ialine ievxui to a tluitl ciaM. His U'vfon wan spiced with a gixnl deal of iiinuor ami th interest of the dais was .iMamed. On Friday innniing Mr. I. v in. Principal of tho Owen Sound Collugiato Institute, preseiitctl to iho teacheni Ins plan oi itaciiuu l*-..-e Lit- erature. The teachers must ;ill have proiiied much from Mr. I. -van s leMoii. Tins was Mr. Levan s tintt meeting with achera of South UHJTUd linpo to IKJ favorud with his prewnco at future convent 101.3. On Thunwltvy night a |iroi;niiu was ii ndcicd in tho Town Mail, i .n-intnig oi eleitions from the Maud, i :.-. nation by ^l^. Hunter, sev, r- .tl , i . -on-. 1>\ Mr. Hi-own. and a> i|tnirteite by Durham '.' ''lull K x i \ Pewdtit y _; ne t \ei-y line aiidr .n M"i-.ii K m.-ttimi in >li. I'.impbell, ln>pc.-tor. i. .11. I'lii tiniioiit that man'. "ii.i not be >IM: "He linndred and thirty Scotch girls' havo reached Hrockville from the Edin- burgh ( 'rphans' Home. The I'. !>. Supreme t'.mrt has denied the application 'or a writ of error in the case of Keminlcr. tho wife murderer, UU- i.lflKv of death by electricity. NASAL BALM. r '. -^-<lvr"'e f-f 'lil: U io all ill . CIEABWM, - : Ci.i Failure l^ i4ili)f tova.:^ -litfiun ire ~;^ni "i Catarrh, Mich tf h--H*i<-ht. partial :aiiacu. U, foul . U.I, l.tw,.- .; x'Mi *V-"- . UJU^'I. II : ttaMOrhfadrod syinptetr.f. ... i bttvi Cauurh, : iij -.i. i . .* no urn* in procuring a bottle ui N.UL HALM. ,B u-onud > tin-, HlfHol coM ui lioatl unit* ia C'lurta. fotlowrJ I UOSnptaatcd dMlfci NOAL I'<4lH it Miu'. . r ll4n0Mi, *r willl CMC*, i lltel. (JO MUM -ld <}l .uo) ;> ,.: FOlfOCd & CO., UioemiLS. Our. ML Bcwon i IBUMUM* THE MARKETS. ILBBBBBTON. <',!> inlhi I'ori-i; -till i:,i,ii H,,/. . , 1 t GUI ButMr ' lm-1; , 1'ork . ll nor tuu t UU COME! duality amounts to little unless prices are fair. Low prices are uot bargains unless quality is there. \VE COMBINE THEM. Never, in the history of Flesherton, has such Bargains in Boots been of- fered. t:iki:i^' tlu' Quality into consideration. Wo liavo tho right goods at . .-i. See tluMi' Men ; \\ i :ior I'low Sin-. --s.M. i! , >|.ii',. Men's l-'iiic l..nv I'.. >otr:. Men s (Kl'tid. l.,iilirs. let your i;oi>il judgement, in the Inn- carry you up tho \Vri:,'lit, lull to tiie C:n!i More. You can not any- t win : from tho heavy Sto',':i to tiio liuest Kid. Misses' auJ Child- uii s 111 all styles. i.ieil by l\ev. \V. ( (ttcwell. that file .. rii.in.,-. .11 UII.H nil . tin ; n. .me :tiui are hi r utetl to our ('h.ur- III. 111. t'|e ICri. lieo. It||^|||, for tllu lidelity. ability :uid imp niiiiiity wuii which 'no has UIM hurled Inrt.inlUM during the i .-ar. \Ve havo pli-ii.Mire in rc<gnizillR his I'hnstian |>iril -ind tlie .lei..|i iiiteri^i he has taken in all do partinents of our t'huirh work <>u the Distru-t. \\e jiray tiiat lint lilV loin; be .tpareii :.. ,erve tlie M^ustor in a like spln-ie. Standard. ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES. Fresh Teaa, Sugars, Currants. Raisins, Spices, C'annoil Goods, Etc. An- other lot of those tiuo I'miius just iu. If you want Milk Puns. Milk (.'rocks, Mutter Crocks, Fruit Jar3, Flower Pots or Wooduuwai'f, call on tho Cash Storu. 1000 dozen of Eggs wanted in exchange for goods. MCDONALD & EVANS. le;it lirrs C Tin- '.Jut h semi-annual Teachers' Con- vention of South tirey was held at Dur- ham lii.-t I'liursday anil Friday. Tho weather being unusually favorable the attendance of toachors wan better than usiml. 1*11 Thursday morning after the meeting was opened ami general buinu*s attended to, Mr. It-image read a very in- teresting paper mi "Agriculture in viioolit." Ho seems to think that edu- cation in tliis line Fig as necessary H* in any other and if intriHlucod into schools would tend to raise fanning into <.: favor. Instead of farmers' sons hiinmg tho farm to ontor upt>n somo prof(..vtion wo would find tho sons of doctors and lawyers going to the farm. Next M M. i'ool spoke on how to l.'.tch history. how this subject should lh) tiiken up to interest tho pupils and cultu.it,. , for it. Mr. Mel'ool's wy of learning to i subject is to stick at it until lie d"ci liiie it. This talk raised a di.s> .. mi the merit* anil demerits of the present history used in tho schools. 'I'll con- elusion arrived at was that whatever de- merits it possessed it ccrt.i.uiy h.w one i uiir i'ic>. ' " 'i^. , i>-i\e n pair-* on tiu-ir >hvidlini;s ami improving their .jroiiiuls by il|0 111 \V t'ellf I. .Mr. las. MePoiuiltl lw-> tli. lor p-ipeniii,' tin- walls, paintmi,' nnl .,'i-;iinnio th. \\ii<iil work in tht> Mellii>'.ii.-t eiinrctl. There arc quite :\ iiiiniber .'I trann- barns binlilino in tins vicinity. Ml'. \. lluilis, on tlie Soiiili Line. \lr. 1>. Si e wan, on ;bf N.n'ii uni MrKi ciinie r>r<., on tlio < iiavi 1 !!,i:ul, litivo ! -eil, ami there .110 sevural nun.! to follow. \ ; KM) '1 Mr. I). MeMillfll Dcccasoil \vu a Unnl, inlrlli^eiit uinl iinlnsii ions lail. II - parents fool thu loss nitulisi-ly. Mis-. MuCauia-l, ono ofUio u.n K.-i'-i in the public school, was uki i; ilown with DMMln hist week. Mr. U. Simpson nas >;otic back to tho Nor. West, with a uonplo of cat K'a.ls ui' horses, cows, implements ami 'other goods. Some of tho "boys" \vonlil he pit-used to havo Ohe.ii state whether it \\as the manufacturing, or tho sell- ing "hen" that -Mrs. msulted by rctuiMiiig tho "small egg." An insect calletl t ne saw fly is reported to )>e ruininu the wheat in vttrioua pans ..I iVutr.U Illinois. NSPEGT SELECT Stock Larjjo WELL ASSORTED. Marked ill Phiiu Figures PRICES LOW, duality E6TBALMED NEARLY SEVEN YEARS. Wai-ranis Personally Signed ami kept good. OPTICALLY BITTED, l Yca^ at tlie Triidc. MHl ftt nut lnokrll of \ .'in t.--lh\ I -1. flltl.l ulieriuH and orylnf wit i |>ln of Cuttti i'i-,;ii r . "Mt \Nni tilUIU. ,i|Hin t. It ...I iV'Mi) Sloiiin. )i IMI.I Itowfln.. -in, \\ mill s lnilnm*tioii.niii) ivt>s toim Mi. N\ill- ,,... i '.InliK I't ..[ one xf lilt- ',.ll'!*t l\lui I't'-r J,.ttUt!f V' 1 ^ *H"-Mi- 411,1 iilll-M's ill tllO I tot- .L Utlll < |gi <n ihroui:lii..i: 1'ru.i kweu tT-&T oeoU a hot wt R*sur*Midaak I. r "Unc, wnUiow't taur, >uJ t&k* uo kind. FINE Ou all Grades of Watches. PERSONALLY DIME. Chare es Mo4f rate W.A.BROWK SIGN OF THE "BK SPEX" MAUKPA! i,