HE F L E S II E R T O N A D V A N C E. iff ^ THE ADVANCE. Ii imblUhcd 1-Iver.v Tlmrmlnj', FROM TSOL OFFICI 8y<ltnluim Mrrtt, Flrshrrto*, Out. TI.KMH OK I pwr am: IP i ulirii | I -M.iilj in advance 1 *1 i"-. Ml D Whn L.-I 10 |>aiJ. ADVKUTIS1NG I. V I <). cnluinn. 1 you, (SO, balf col., do., 27 quai ' ?1.Y Truii-i. M a ivr rti- muit*- c'nfcrvtiil at Die rate of Her* Mr lln for flrtt ln*ertiou ami acts, |'tr liue each t-uli>%jtni.t iii^fitum. W. H THURSTON, / tor .in.' 1'ruiirielor. I?, ' Ml.iui: ItOKkt:. Tin- K.jual 1: .-iihitu fur ( YUM.- i ;>. \. \\ . Mr. Mowat returns to powi T <r not, it is an an-i-piid iact th:i; .. un many n forms alii. !!> ihi pr.ivine.' winch h. i- : :niil whicli Mr. M'-ivililli h:i- Btaki d lii* it 1 tin 1 honor upon . -n fiiit-ni^; if In- IN ri tiirni'J to oHiri-. Tin M- aiv tli'.s, \\liu f:\\ it i-i iiiily fir tin that lie tnuki - ti.. UK 1 (hill In will not fnllil tin-in if inii'lr I':- Tln in.-1'i'Ui uf tin- 1' >' (F.it.iri'i ha\t- !n vi r hail occiisi'ti |j faithfully in. i.iinMi. M''' 'hth s horn-sty by Jii.- . ami it is ni;iiiifr*:ly un- fair tii iinptitr to tin ( 'mi.-, ivativt loailrr tin- inutivi s whii-h art- arcri-dil- t- 1 in him. dive linn achitnrr tu fill- ill hid pi-iiiuisrx, aii<J tlii-n, after lie is tiiiil.ronui't him aiTordinjj to hi- ili-.-v i u, but not till thin. i-Mili-nci- of tin- f'tir in whirl Mi. Mi n ilith's popular [><)!ii-y is heM Ly lii-i (ippoiunl* is (jivrii in tin- lai^'i tininbri 1 nl' Krfiirin candidate's who an . iijoii a ()rtai-indepeudaiit i which embracm the eMentia |ilitiiLn of iMi-n tilth s polu-y, to Bquei /.u themselves in ahead < f r >n si-i. nti'ins Conservative- camli.Ut. >. ami tli'-n !iy assist Mr. Uowal in nj holding hi* pn unit policy. Theso an the gentry who Mhonlil bo request, i i remain at home, a* tln-ir i-h-< M.U would In- bused upon fiaud and i t- :. :I'-T ; I In -i aro the mi-n |. . ,n-.- i.s mi ii i- ly Kim. ill nous it this battle for equal rights, ami win are trying to do thu Kiieak ilud^i win i'- .in opi-ii anil hunest 1J -hi wnuli avail ii'ithmx'. J'r. Hunt, of Thorn I try, U one of thi* kind. Thosu who I i .n him willhavu an ojipiirtimnjf U jinl;.-' I ii thi ;u Ivus of thu C'li-nrl ( of this tuti-ini-iit, that il if lu U'lhi'ii s to the course which Iw cu n, it l.ir liiiusi-lf at, Ins t'h.il.-iwiirtl IIH tin,. I 'r. limit said ou tha IMOII that hu did not a-n-c will ull tin j-ovi'i-inneiit did. IK alsu said In 1 wn wholly opjioawl I" th ilavuh upport of party. \Vu lathr think that if hu dooH not gel th 'tflaviiih" supporl of tho Itufoiui imi ty m thin mini lie will have a somewhat different ktorjr lor thu ear of iutnuaU fnnuilH. Eiiemie* of Major llorko are buiy idiprk|{iug Inn ability, UN oomparei with that of Dr. Hunt. W he. "'lit from ei'V'T.il quarteri. Wi :>ly s.-y, t.iku no stock in sucl ioiinaationt. Major itm-l.c H just as able, oud perhaps more I'll . to represent this riding in the .' i-.liiinn than is Dr. Hunt. Adde/1 this ho is a staunsh supporter of In n forms which Mr. Meredith will inaugurate. Therefore f>ivo .liijor Koike's traducera the cold boulder. Here is a jewel from theThornbury u]" r : " Dr. Christoe in last week's 'lesherton Advance refers to Dr. lunt in a very personal and unfair n inner, accusing him of vacillating &c. Dr. Christoe must be either KT.souul or nothing. He teems to lave a great 1'hobca for other doctors who have an}' political aspirations." Now what is the use of you telling such barefaced falsehoods, Jerome '.' )r. Christoe never wrote a Inn for his paper, politically or otherwise, xceplintr hy way of r >:mii:iiik-atiotlS iver his own name, tlienfon your lung splurgy of an article, which 1 i one could understand if they tiled, alls us u flake ot snow in tin- summer, dissolving into ini[ic-rc,cptihility ere it ouches the ground. Jerome, you do Yourself, as well a-* Dr. Christoe, a grave injustice. l' si Irs placing the I'r. in u f.ilf.e position, you hold your hollow heart up to the public and once more earn the title of champion newspaper puvaiicator of this toiuity. When the (in y U. \ir\v or any oth. i i :ijn r say that one of Mr. Meiv- lr.ii s cries is "No pop' ry," it simply EM, that's all. Such falsehoods mi -lit have aiiMviTLd tin- purpu-ie in ti ndi il in past year.- win n people only i ad nlie paper, but 111 tht - d.i\- :ill \v. i -h the truth, nnd the majority accept it, deliberate falsify- ing will serve no end. lleiv is Mi. Mi ;! .hth's manly .-.-.iti meiit on [Hiint, delivered in Toronto the other lay : " 1 have dealt wir.h iiu; |ii rtiiining only toci\il rights, and 1 would consider in; a public nan, nothing more OC 1. -- than u i .. ". -if CM-.V ii.l il'l ill 1 in it sl.ind up i civil ri:;hl-, no matter by whom they may In a - u!. .1. [til i. 1 I am a 1'roli. slant ci M elcr. I d i not iccupy any such po ition. I um act ing solely in tin ili l.in-i- of civil ami religious liberty. Tlu> plalfuni on which I bland to day n In. .ad enoii h for any liberal -mindi d Itoman Catho- lic to stand ou. lu a discussion like this we aro apt t > fe( hitter, und )" r- hapg use intemperati; language, but I wish to utterly repudiate liny nn htateuit'iit as h made, that tin subject upon whn-li 1 am xpeaknig IM a no |vi|)ery cry, raised to inal.e ilis union union ; tin- r. !i;,'.oii-i elMNI o l.i people." A < i. IT. Mil. I Tu ll<t l''.'lil'n : I i IF ii Sni, Kni.ll\ alinH me ' Mine I B'liiiu ern.is lueli iq j.r m-.l ii your i m uf the Mh uihl . in wlncli it ii ntiited that nt tin- last Kefurin eonviiliti.il liel.l in M.u'kilali 1 . u l.iri;- iiuiulwr o iln- ilrn-';.il. were nnf.uoi.il.l.- t, , bring MI-: out a e.iiiilnl.il.- I nin-1 Hay tint I li.-.i|.| no .-n Ii e\|.|eKi.in nf o|>iiiin|i. Ai t.o ;is I eniilil miilulM.tn.l thi) con veiitiini tliey went wlmlly in fnvor nf a cuiitut ami it win* ut thu earnent lolicttatiun o tin- '.un end. .n that Dr. Hunt kceept i .1 tlin nomination, and ih - convent i..i w.-ru iiii.inihn.il.'. Ill t.n..i of ||i cmnlnla turt. It VIM ikUn Ktattxl in Um HUIH IMUO that I reeelM-l a teU^miil IllllloUlle in; Dr. Hiinl'i tiiml dfciniou th.it In. would reiiiHUi in tli*- t.. 1.1 I must t.-i th.it 1 lei-Llvnl In. sili h nio TlloKI'K \\ltllillT. I'leMiileiit uf II.I.MW A-.-,... i.itnm Urey. I'i nil iitir (in-i. I ' /. ./. ./1,/,-nf. A majority nf tlie fHruirm lu tin* neigh burh.MHl IIHVH ooiu|i|ittu.| i-ei-.lmi;, nn.l are aii>iiiunl\ awating *m wirm weatliur. MuiiiB .!..(- m I l.ix vilUjji. tiare been nuiV log ooiiiideratile IIHTOC aiming,' the HtiN|i lie loiiKiDK tu tli* farmiTH in tbii vlciuity. Ou advue In tli. i .iwiir> nf t tin dog ia Ibat the fct.l bettor kp tin-in at hmo in tlie futora, or they are liablu to reoetvu a <iuM that uta same thuin "to turn op their toea" ibuul. furtlier tlepreiUtiout be committed. Homo ymmp mfn from Ven-rnluiiu vuile- u \ lil .:' u ilmrt tilll" .-lgl> ll'l'l '!"< ' ta.v tin- v vUil fil imn i>( our village Htorei Ii. m II o'cluck a.m., nuJ tm'k thrrefroui iri-i- oana of Aaliuixi. In onler to gi't tlio lii.vu tliry lui'l to lin-ak in the door. \V.- n|ii. Hit! uiaiiivgiT of thu store luaj nut take 'H.il JiMCfDjiui; us thu yn n m i> in i.v > t eforui. Mr. H'.luTt I'urvii Ims taken nut" liiin' If iirl|>-iiH'i't in the IHTHOU of Mi^s A-la Lin- ou. \V winli tlit yotuig ci.ii|il- FOR THE Iiitpeotor ('.inipi' -11 vUitei] o'lr i-i'titlv, auil l>y liin n-purt the utanilliisr. con- nu, .4 ;;....il, aud uutici|iAteH the lx>at rfnulti ii.liT the caiuful luiiuii^Huiuut of uur eacher. Largo numberg of Hpi.-ckled beaiitii'i nrn fin.' taken ilai.jr Ir un tho riv.-r. Sum" iiuH Rome of tli.. (Uliermen indulge rather re--ly in "un'itiebrtii^'h," a--* WA-H thu caie last reek with DOIQO y.mn^ uiuu whu vmtoj this lace. Mr II Iloworman leaves this Tillage for V:"-.. n -in. In r-- ho intenjii to n iu.ua for me time. \V> wish him uecM. KU'ctioa fever was uorer kmiwn to be so mil. I ui it is at the pn'ient time in thii Ticinty. Your correnpoudent expoctn to iff Nluj'.r K. !:.. l.-ivi- Dr. Haul in th t il.l thin inn, i. ut in'iivi-.s tlmt tin- Mowat adminlitn- iti"ii will he unco moru roturunj hjr a good "iiii.l m.ij.'iny. Mr. J. Sli.an and family h:ivo taken np ,hi-ir res-i'leuee in "'ir village. Mr -e helifvi- in aiifferin,; fn.ia th' I in Mrs. .|..liu Itraiiitf II.IH lii-.-n ill f'.r gome un-, I'UI wo are pleane.l t l.-arn of li> r ! r fry WILL WIMIILK. When nl>y wu sick. w (ja hw CaMnrla. Wl,l, lli.-,a l!,:i-l li <Ti*l r.TCAMurllk. Wlmi aim Un-aim- Miu. sb clung lit Cuturia. Wnwi abe bad lliilJrMi, abe jave them Castori* To the Electors I'KNTIIK (illKV. ItHi -i tli" iTit.-r,-t of MaJr Ki ki. to tliHciit* aHair* ..f tl> t'...iii .-. i.i-.ii I full'in mi; .Sit. an.) ut th,- ....*. -i. | :< \i:TKMl>l \. 1 R >. Unv Ii - M. it II \V . In. .l.iv Mav -JH ; it rill; \-i \ : Klinli. lli". ' Ktiiixia bclitxl HUUM, lltli him : J illu 1 (MPBB1 . hlu^lidi .(;-- i . I i i.l> . Mav -^l Ml Hi. nl,,.v I.MM. nco at H . , !.., k 1> ill isi: TUI: < i:i.r.KR4ri:i SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES FOH Al.l. M'I'M'TS Ml' M^ii'S HoLK. AUUSTK, FI, I 1 , :i M E RTON. Miiy'J-.'ly Moinvininiuia Notice U Imruliy yivnili'ii llial'mirl ut Kf.vini.ni for thu of Artemosia, Will 111. 1. 1 Its first KlttillK I'll tllU Asnv--lll.'nl of 1- ii, .U 111.. TOWN HAM., 1-'I.KSHHUTON. \T M tu I.IH'K. A ta.ON - K.ITIKIKY. MAY :tl-i IH!U W. J. u: i i \n. Mat l'i:li. IKOO. NOTICE ! At th anniNal im .-t , ,^ .>( t Ir liu> t.<n ( ttiry truth' 1-1 .>ti \\-\\\ .' \\ .(. l^Jii. it w oUutl tllKt f .FJ Ht'ilil till in vitiit i'>n | , \ . |.l -i'. 4 .. i I" tui y nut nil Hi. J4l!i \\n\ t > tin i ii n%<- tiL.iu .wu j.h.l^ an 1 1 1 1. i fuirtri % ^riiunilr* in , !,- ia) The ti itr.tn-4 will t . tO Ull till'*)' IllU'll'-ti'.l tllMlit tt .)> '. I. il t i. > en t*witrtU fera.itilMi^* tun ;^-tiii i- \ i ing lo l>>Uw <if <iU> Un U I^.H. in- ii .-(.- SPRING TRADE- As everybody will be getting a pair of new boots or shoes or otiijht to be getting a pair, now that the fine weather will be here soon to meet increased trade I have bought very largely in this line of goods, some of the choicest and best that can be had, also cheaper ones. In fine goods the stock I an: now offering is not excelled in this part of the country. I also have a very large assortment of heavier lines. Not much use quoting prices, although I have men's plough boots for 1.00, also ladies' Balmoral for $1.00 and very- good value (or the money. I don't want to make you believe they are worth live dollars but they are very good value in- deed, for 1.00 I have very much better lines and better value at from 82.00, $5.00 and $4.00 that will give good satisfaction. These are bought from some of the best manufacturers in Ontario, and are equal to anything show- ing in this line and quite new. , IN GENTS' WEAR I have a very stylish lot of Buff, Calf, Dongo'.a and Kid, Bal- moral and Gaters, also strong lace boots. IN LADIES' WEAR I have a choice lot, new stylos, in Prunela, Dongola, Kid, Polish Calf.But'f.in Balmoral and button, also heavier lines. IN CHILDREN'S WEAR I have a very i.u'i;r assortment, all sizes. GENTS' & LADIES' Slippers a large lot in plain and foxed carpet t tweed and iv p., also tiiu- U-.ithor. TRUMKS FOR SALE!. Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Done. WM. CLAYT l* . r.. n ilwil tliwt , 4MUivmleut in wui Vlutbftrtuu. ftlr Bull for Service. A Tliorniiijiibriid Hliartborn Hall for urvia* on I. ,t i . u.i Wuit, T A H R A flu* auluial, wblr.h bin ifi .n ,| ut lal yar prova. Ttiriua ! tobvpaidlft Kb, IWI. A ni.liietUiu will b uiaUe fur a uui.il.i ol aowa. Ai l'.\ Grand THIMBU: liar pleasure in announrin_; to the ladies of FU -.lu-iton aad vicinity the usual spring opening of our Dress Clouds and Print department. The latest effects in Cashmere's, Com- bination and Invisible stripes Lustres, etc. Prints in all the new colors and patterns. MILLINERY. The Millinery department is complete in Hats, P-onnets, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Ktc., in all the newest styles and at low figures. WANTED. Every man who values a dollar or needs clothes to see the wonderful price attractions at the Leading Clothing Store. There is no argument required to sell these goods. The quality, styles and price does the work. HATS & CAPS. Large stock in all leading shapes and styles, and prices lower than ever. BOOTS & SHOES. Men's, Pn>ys', Youths', Ladle's and Children's in endlc:-^ vatiety and at prices that defy competition. SEEDS ! SEEDS ! SEEDS ! Red Clover, Lucerne Clover, Mammoth ;>nd Alsikc, also Timothy, all first class seeds and at bottom prices. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. Our Grocery Department is complete, consisting of Ion.; clear Uocon, Rolled and Standaul Oatmeal, Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, Etc., Etc. Vuuable Silver I'reHentn to bo ufi ven it \\ \ . 4 ' \ I .1 . A >, l ^ii Til KM. R. TRIMBLE.