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Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1890, p. 1

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i FLESHERTON ADVANO " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, JlOl MEJf." VOL. VIII., NO 460. FLESHERTON, ONL, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1890. W. H. THUESTON, E3ITCP It PROPR'HTCR With Our Correspondents. KaNam Yullry I: mi-,. Frnm oiir men dmfp<>iui<iit. A great ui:iuy of oar youu|{ p., |i] art- aid up with the lucatwlb at present. It iiut Look Out! am up been in this neighborhood (or tho past throe weeks aini served evi-rybodjr alike excepting T J.-1 ~C"lv /- 4- I I those ll) *' ' l"'t''-d befors. Ther w-re Armstrong .Bros, to tiie i?roin . tjvef . ml i ie8 i ler , s , riokenwi thit. IIT, IIIU ptx.ple excepting Mrs. Pongnld !'.- :i tin) Mm. I'an'il Ferguson. Mr. Daniel Fer- guson MUJH to hava th" most trouble of With their fine stock of watches (Swiss & Americah) jewelry ,,> m ti.:s ,Mi-t. there Mug n ie*i timn ^^~~~" eleven sick in t'tie house at one lime, ami he being tho only well per-xm in the houae he (Gold, ami rolled plate) .solid 18 and 10 K. Wedding Km gs, ^ tu 6ll tua Ta ii OU8 p.^uon. of chore boy. _ _ ^^ - ^ ^ ^^~^~~^~^~ " mineral domestic st-rTant and chief cuuk nd . . bottle wilier all :tt one time ; l>nt >f Engagement Gem Rings of the best quality and hnest de. trj is did not hut io Ug . when tb i ~-^ ] ofliirs became kuuwn the neighbors * i i i i . Nickel alarm Clocks Walnut 8 day and .24 hour, and time. Watches adjusted and isochronised. 1 AINTOJO. TRIMMING. HOH.SKSHOEISO, WOOD WOHK. FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES' JOB WORK. FOR VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Hoard's Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, ONT. I'tCkS I.\\H ROLLERS BINDKKS. PLOWS Our Buxxies the Beat, (.lur Sleiiflia thu IWst. Our Cutten the Beat. Our Iiuproxed Harruws the Best. Our Patent (iatu The Beat. Steven* Improved Spring Tootf. Harrow the Beat. STRAW Cl'TTERS, I'L'RNIP DRILLS, PLOWS PRINTS! PRINTS! RINTS! Prints for the Women, piints for the Children and prints for the Babies. English, French, German and Canadian prints. Prints in Cashimers, Cloths and all the latest novel- ties. Prints in Fast Colors. Lybstcrs sheetings, Lybsters shirtings, Lybsters tickings, guaranteed to be the best. GENTS, See our suitings in Tweeds and Worsted. Pantings in the very latest styles. HATS, HATS, HATS. See them. Highest market price for Butter and Eggs. McDonald & Evans. ?ree the best yet. Judging by the appear- un'e of thin animal w> think Mr. Frook will soon be an expert juJgo of cattle of thiskind. Mr. I-' rook Ims also i>u,'ht >t Hue Grade buil. Some people would just as soon use, a gradu an a thoroughbred ami in order to be iu con- formity with the different prculiur ideas of tii" pi .'i I.- in the neighborhood he lias pro- led himself with both ,JUI|H. Aa it matter of necessity he sht.uld gft bills up thi r couutry now and insert 110 .t iu Thu Advance., liu will sow wheat spring expecting Iu reap a li.irvest of wheat. How can he reap a harvest of bills without he ucaltcrs a few of them .iruud now ' vertise Mr Frook, advertise." Mr. Malcolm McGilvary has liecn visitii.^ at Mr. .1. McDunali. I hope uiy frieud 1'. "or. > m ^ood health. 01JEN. wentTrmml ind TulnnUiily rt-ndered all the anKixl^jce ntoeHRarT, which no duubt wai Tery acceptable to Mr. Fergurion in bia hour of uevd. After acnu'ii cocnideration we tentnre to iufer that Mr. Fergniou in i n of the happiest men iu tb Valley today, owing to the fact that he was presented m the midut of hU tribnlation with awry agree- able birthday preieut by II.H wife in the per- aon of a young tun. If tlii> ia not enough tu cheer a person up, no matter lalmontiliow low or o>prenued in xpiril he might be, " 1 don't know nottiugn." Dr. Hutton. of 1'ricu vill, was iu attenJanoe. mid wu are happr to learn that all concerned are doing w. 11. Mr.. I- FvrgUKon was down iu Own Siumd on the (rrand ,)i - att the Spring Awi/.us.but unfurtuuaUly h<< waa ntnckeu with the iiu'afclf!* whUti there and compelled to come houi* befure they closed. He win a eorry looking night when he came home with the meaaleii out ou him two row deep. Before uoiug away bu made hn houiu at one of the neighbors, iu order that he un^lit not late it until he came back, bat measels don't wait until a person i( rmuiv for tbein, they jiut jump on to a person th* first cbanca th>>y get aud start .putting him, and it is not a bit of use expostulating with tiieui. You cau cry " enough " until you are lioarve but that won't b any good. The bat thing yoa can do U to drink lot* of salt* and let 'em npt away. All troubled with the nifitnels in thu part are getting bettor Although some ol them bad a pretty hard time of it. U'e tbuik it will soon, leave tins locality. Mrs. Kpworlh, of Minto, bus beu visiting for thu pajit three week* at Mr. I 1 . Fergu- son's. Miss Sarah Bell, of Dundalk. also paid a short visit to tho name place. Mi !'!. 'i ili. ir McKinu.m, of Klemburg, is, we understand, going to live with bis uncle, Mr. ,lhu McUoiutl, for the ooniing snuimer. \Vo are not fully aci|uiwntotl with the facts of the case, but we presumo he i Koing to work th<> fiirni ou H|I,VB.IS th|ters<>n who worked it laet year, Alex. Mol>onal, got married and M-ttlud ou bin owu farm in I'rotou. and its a natural roault be throw up the farm above mentioned, being unable to wort both, cuu>i-<|iicut!y the owner looked itbout him for a subntitnto. which li got in the IH.TKOII of Mr. McKinnon. \Vo hope that success may crown bia effort!), and that a little fortune in the full after hu threshes may reward him for his labors. Si",, -i il very renmrkablu changes have taken place ituioug the farming coiiniiuiiity liero. Mr. David Mclntyre has bought a t'-uni of hut-suit and farming implei'ifiita, and intends (uriuiii^ on his owu iiook. He bought the fitrni owned by Mr. Anron K.UM- est about a year ago, but according to agree- ment did uot get postrsftioii until litht fall. II" i& >in energetic yniins; man,au<l no doubt will have great calculations in his new sphere of life. We wish him xuecess and ad- vise him to get a wouiau to helpliiiu timn i_- the affairs <>f the farm. Mr. .1. T. \Vilsou intuuds fitruiiug on a larger scale, having rented Mr. (.'. Lamont's farm, Kgremont. The mules will have to get up and go this spriug, aud we would advise everybody to look well to their flocks and bints and get themselves well posttd iu township bylaw matters. Mr. 1>. McCormio is going to work Mr. II. Lamont'a farm MI shares for thu next three summers. It WHS worked last summer by Messrs. A.auof I 1 Forguton, and tbe frm occupied for tho paat tbreo years by Mr. Blakestone, known as Hard Scrabble, is going to b* run this year by Mr. J . C'.imri - on, formerly of the 16th Con. ot Proton. We welcome him to our neighborhood. Mr. Louis Frook some time ayf went on his liunaiil pilgrimage to Uraut or to tho ulhei side of Durham some place and bought a flue Du/haai bul) with a registered pxti- MaxwHl Fnim :im 'irii I'm-m/fiH-i- nt. nn a bitterly c.ild ni','lit and the net morning was found dead in a KIIOW drift. H iliud. a doutor said, from I'm II't;cU of cniil and ex|>our. The jury awarded Mn. St.1^1,11 |1, (XH) daiimi:.'*. THE MARKETS. FLE8HEBTON. >'!,' fill I if t'orrfrtfil I'.iH-h It'crk . ^ ......... *4 '<! Fall Whxat ......... m to HI Sprilit; \Vlii't . .. HU K! . . .'15 H 40 . . u ! KIWI, frh 9 j J 1'ulatOH -i..^ u 4i < . . ii Hnv per ton A no IU HIM, -i. , ,i Mi. ,-pskni, ..... U M) 1 ID liOOM ......... . II US l r irk, \ . 013 I) 1- ' "- (I til DllL-kfl p. I ... ,| 71 , / II woui ........... u is o * r.urk buys nmm\ LOOK; F/esherton, Sell* the best far-mini; implements manu- factured. including On Thursday last Mr. It. Y. In.- youim luilied of the caiuly [mil. Tlicv iMin-i! liavin 8{>l>:udiil time even 11 all we were forgotten. Win. Hamlin, of Kmalalo, Las been / BLAKEL Y, visiting liij fiii'iiJ.H lierc. Jas. A. MuJelen, of Denvilk', has hiion six 1 n Ji ni,' :t cou^lo of wt'< !i with liis brothers. (.'. \> illMins L;u uii.iu'lit tlie stock i.itrly owned by A. Mcliirr. of L-'uvi-r- sliuiu. Between that airl his former nl'l stock and a 'quantity bought at a bankrupt tale in Toronto. Mr. Wil- liams hopei to Jo a splomlid busiucss this summer. Mr. Thou. Gamey is sick with ery- fipruis iu his face. Those from the vicinity of S.S. No. 5 report a x'wd tiunj at their clu concert las: wevk. The fimeral of tho lato Mis. T. Drowiiridge UK>k plaee l;ist I'liursday. M ' l'i /..<'./ ,nul .\J l><n''.:.:<!.-iiri>l I'rill aiut fyriiiif . ; ' '. . i The giMxi qimiities ' IIH-HI- implement* ;ir- stilli. :ien';y kn, \:i now to -punk fur tlmmsi |ve witlmut ntiv . xtra word* fro".< me An; - implements iu tliH line would d,i w. , . . xniuine mine if not aln-iidv iw<|ii:iiii[.'<l uh them. Call on urn mid I Mi' 1 ! '>o li:ip|.v in .-xliibit thu :;ood qualitifs of thi si 1 uiacliinuM. I Frmn niir "icn ' \n r. .<...,. Several of our eili/.t'im have changing houses. Tin empty houseH are being gradually tilled by uew tii- auts, the "round houso " not ex- cepted. Tli farmers are rapidly blackening the fields over. They report it good deal of front in the ground. A number of fat cattle weru sold on fair day at good prices. A In!. stm r sold for within a. few cents of 840. A pair of Devon ovu win sold for $1 1 <. Our fairs are improving m quality if not iu numbers. One of the chief subjects of debate around town last week was "holler horn." Our cow doctors don't a^-ree on tho subject, some hnld th.i matter how tat a beast is, it i* su' to hollow horn, others declare that there is no such disease. Mr. W. Watson, sr., hail a .< rv fine cow worth 8 10, waioli die 1 a few days a 'o. Mr. Duncai; Simpson is home the Nor. West on a visit, he intends back afjaiu as soon as he dis- pC3_-8 of some property. It makes us smile to think of seeing "13. M." arrayed in female apparel. She would not pass for a dwarf or Lilliputian by any means. But we must say that I>. M. is laboring under a great, mistake, for we did not ciiti/e the "whole village," because we used the wi'i-il "xi'Mie,' 1 and that was r for there are some gossips here, perhaps not aslarj^e a pinpurii'Mi as some vil- lages contain. Now, B. M., you weed not draw down your ho.vns. nd look so tierce at those quotation m;iii>*, for they do not refer to any gathering of that kind at your house, or that of any person m particular, but to "quillings" iu general. Your insinu- ations coueerniii',' myself and "circlo" are incorrect :ind out of place, but as I respect you very much and will not quarrel over your imaginary wroiij;*, 1 would request you to practice elm and judge not, that ye be not judged. At tlio Toronto Civil AMJ/.CS :i verdict wiw given in the cnae of Mm. '. P. StojjJill. .1 widow of Llnydtnwii, against JM Uugxan, a hotelkeeper of the Hmu place. Tlie plaintiff served Uuy^aii with a notice not to null liqunrt to her aou Tho son bought liquor in Duojgan'a hotel and g"t intoxicated. H left the hotel T. A. iiMki:n, COME 1 INSPECT SELECT Stock Large WELL ASSORTED. Marked in Plaiii Figures PRICES LOW. duality Considered. KoTABLUIIKD NEARLY SEVEN YEARS. Warrants Persoca 1 '/ Sigce : and kept gc l. OPTICALLY 1 Ycai 4 ^ ht tl TED. Tnub. FINE \\ On all Grades PERSONAL /atches, )NE Charges erate \V, A, 151 Jev SIGN OF Tl MAIIKI . etc. r SPEX" .K ? *

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