THK FLESHERTON ADVANCE. ft&EO. MITCHELL, BANKER, miKIsVTOrV. tUtAFTtt AND SOLIf. Uprcial Attention p&id to tlte collection of ami Aeeauntt, !nd door .VuitA of it- Cot. Vicinity Chips. h;i rart < risiirs of i hr Pant tTeek Carefully fulled for the Curious- Read W. A. Brown'i change of advt. Old tin, en ay they never saw our n ads in a worse condition. The regular Easter aong service was held in the Methodist Church am Sunday rsniii"; Horsemen should call in and see our tock of chromatic horse bills. Beautiful nd cheep something new. Mrs. John Porteous, living iienr Flesh- rton, hud her leg broken one day laat week by a kick rnv> a horse. At the cattle fair or Monday about a dozen animals were otfired, but all being of pour Duality tbey J I not find a ready sale. W. J. Bellamy entered upon his tenth year this week as clerk of the Township if Artemesia. W. J. is au efficient clerk and honors his position. The distance from Durham to Walker- ton via the Saugeen rirer is said to t> 73 unit's, while it is only eighteen by the road. Tins river itself is a staunch ex- ponent of the Crools Act. I. B. Lucas, barrister, of the firm Hishop >v Lucas, Owen Sound, is at the office of \Vm. Luc.-u, A Co., in Markdale, very Friday, and lu DuuJalk every Saturday. South Grey Teachers' convention will be held in Durham on Thursday and Friday, May 22 and 23. Programs will be nut in a few days. Mr. Sullivan, Klesherton 's well known tinsmith, mot with a painful accident the other day. His thumb came in forcible contact with a piece of tin, producing bad cut. Mr. S. Dsraudes steam whistle is now neard awakening echoes ewer tha frog pond to the east. Stave* ami shingles are the product of that whistle and thoee echoe*. Cash paid for hides. Cur Inistioge psekaye W two> weeks ago was returned throe days after publi- ritiun with the address label turn off. That is why our numerous readers in that vicinity did not get their papers until Monday. Mr. Win. Clark, who has btau living in Toronto since last fall, returned to Klesherton with his family on Thursday last. Mrs. Cl;.rk, whose health hai not been good, will remain here for the pres- ent, while Mr. Clark returns to his duties in the city. A subscription list is in circulation with the object of defraying a portion of the expenses in connection with the late trial of Adam Holley. We believe it to be a worthy object and commend it t<> those, to whom it -any be preetmted. It (th* trial) has been a groat hardship upon tlia youn^ mm, ana now that Ins skirts ire cleared he should IH assisted. The Methodist choir was complete on Sunday last. .Mein.lx.TS who had I eon attending Cllei;iat Institute at Owen Sound were home, Mid there were tenor* to n<ht of them, tenor* to left of them, volleyed.etc. Rev. Mr. Shilton paid the choir, a hij{h compliment when he re- marked that they were a credit to Flesh - m.m, and that many a place nf larger proportions could not produce as good. We heartily estdorae his remarks. The collection at evening service *s in aid of the choir. "The biggest fool on earth, says the Chetopa Advance, is exiquestioaably the editor who blows. abosA the- growth, en- terprise and business ol his town while his paper fail* to show a good advertising patronage. Why / Because the people can see at a glance that h* lies." \\ * may add a conclusion. If you expect your newspaper to blow about the "growth, enterprise and business" if your town, stuff it with advertisement. A friend remitting from Dak. ^ says : "1 am always glad to get The Advance. ,Pto>ple are getting rather quiet. The/ need stirring up in ajd ftSout Klesher- <MI ' Now wt a* anxious, fr knuw exactly what the writer Mean*. Surely lie dosen't mean to say that we Kavs>ny old sleepy dough heads around, Klesher- ton ! The idea is absurd. Our people here are enterprising every one of them with get-up-*ud-get about them. They advertise in The Advance, there- fore they caunot be asleep. Of course there may be a few who are actually dead and still are too lazy to take a "tumble," but they don't count in. Nu, friend, we would be sorry to hav>< you think we were dozing in and around this village. Builders' Hardware can be had at lowest rat us at M. ardaon A Go's. Rich- Personal. Miss A, vi.- Leitch is visiting friends in Owen Sound. Mr. John Wilkenon, of Wetland is in town. He lks ttaniuj and shinnies. Mrs. Haiuford, te Miss Franke Hen- derson, and Mrs. J. W. Henderson, are visiting friends in Flesherton. Mr. K. H. Henderson.of the Travelers' Insurance, paid us a short visit on Wed- nesday last. Master George Menzie and Brad. Pow- ell have secured situations with T. Eaton <ft Co. Toronto. Rev. Mr. Ayers, of O>rrie, surprised his friends here by dropping in upon them last Monday. He is the guest of Jos. Blackburn, Esq., his son-in-law. Millinery. Hats, bonnets, ribbons, feathers, flowers laces and endless variety of new prett things. M. Richardson A Cb. judgement displayed in their ohoiea of a teacher. A special line of stylish striped pant- ing at M. Richardson & Go's. Pants made to order from them at $3.50 a pair. Crockery. A special line of white stone ware clearing at less than half usual cost at M. Richardson & Co's. Another Presentation. Before leaving Flesherton Mr. Russell was presented by the lilee Club with a nicely tilled purse and the following address : '" ./ilium Ruttell, EH. Dma SMI. W.', tlif members of the Glee Club, of which you have been tbe moat notir mem- ber upon i In. M v.< of your departure from among us, bog to present to you as a token of respect t)i in small num. not as paymeut for your great intei .-M mil! patiouce, but rather as a remem- brance for tliimo kind acU. Anil we ni noarely pray that your future iny consist of plaaiaut activities and happy days in any place Providence uiay guide you. \VM [HENHOUSE, In bahalf of the Club.,. rton. March 2ft 18UO. Mr. Russell was taken whuly by sur- prise, but managed to thank the other members of the club in a few and ap- propriate words. No Spring Show. At the Ute annual meeting of Eas Orey Agricultural society it was decide) to hold no sprint; show in Flesherton tin. year. It was after due deliberation anU thoroughly weighing the advantages and disadvantages that this decision was armed at. Spring Hats. Au immense stock opened at M. Rich arrijon & Co's. Everybody wanting i hat should see them. Social. Tlio ladies of the Methodist church will give a uncial in the lecture room o the church on Friday evening, April llth A good program will be supplied by the young people. Refreshments will be serVLHL Admission loots. Com* sJ and enjoy asocial evening together. Dresb Ginghams. A fine luio nf 7 J cents Brocade Dress Good* in all the new shades, only 15cts. per yard. See them. M. Richardson & Co. A High Degree. J. P. Marshall. L D. 8., at the late examinations held at the Royal Collnge of Dental Surgery, Toronto, secured the degree of M. D. 8. This extremely honorable distinction will be thoroughly understood when it is known that Mr. Marshall is one out of only 6ve in On- tario who had secured the degree of Master of Dental Surgery. Mr Mar shall visits Flesherton every two weeks See his card elsewhere. The Special Inducements offered by M. Richardson A Co. this spring are : 1st. A large and well at 1'irtud stock. 2nd. Fresh go.idn in every department. 3rd. The beat value* , Duality considered. An Honest Man. We have one strictly honest man in Flraliei ti >n. A year ago this spring he borrowed an umbrella from one of our prominont merchants. Last week he called in an I said he wanted to pay for that umbrella, as the blamed thing was worn out. The merchant took fifty cents more than tho original price and mi mediately placnd ' a detective "ii the honest man a track. For why I We ca not say. Noteworthy. Tha visible progress made by th* pu- pils in school section No. 6 during the past three months is meat gratifying, and reflect* great credit on their able and painstaking teacher, Miss Thompson. Although young in her profession, Miss Thompson laU.w with an untiring /.<-al for the advancement if her pupils, which would be a credit to *u older and more xperienced teacher. Strict in discipline, unassuming in usanuers and amiable in disposition, she cannot fil to gain the approbation and esteem of both pupils and parent*, and we tswl convinced that at the end of th* year th* ratepayers of 8. S. No. 6 will have good reason to oon- irtytslat*. the trusts** (r th* Wall Paper. Ceiling decorations.borders and blinds. Richardson A Co's spring stock in this department *M superb, Station Dottmgs. Railway business is brisk. Mr. Wood* opens up hia sew score this week. Mr. Andrew Beattie shipped from here on Tuesday- for New Westminster, B. C. Mr. M i ' un McKiunou ships on Tues- day next, a second car load at liotsea to the Nortbwuat. Th* C. P. B. furnish " palace " cars for these shipment'. Mr..Iuhnstou Little, who was blacksmith here for a long time, has sold out to Mr. ?> sv Hemphill, and removed to Maxwell. Mr. Hemphill will no doubt continue th* business with success. Mr. Johnston, our late night operator at the station, has been promoted to the agency at Kleinbnri;. The family left here on Tuesday. They will be much missed, as they had made many friend*. A meeting was held in the Orange Hall on Kriday evening last to discuss eiuiuigration to Alberta. Mr. Monroe and Mr. Mclnnis, of Calgary, were the speakers, and gave some very interesting information about the far west. T. Granger, Esq., occupied the chair.. Unto the Lord. If a man shall be jndgod by his> good deeds, so surely must a village or neigh- borhood be judged by its moral and Christian atmospher*. In glancing ivpr the last annual missionary report of the Methodist church certain riuurus struck us as being particularly gratifying to friends of the Methodist church in this vicinity. These figures show that the following missionary monies were col- lected from the three circuits) named : Plesherton i two appointment*) * 100.04 Dunilalk (three appointment* 104.17 , Mtrk.ltlx three ippoiutmuuUM H5.!M Thus it will he seen that th Fleaherton circuit lacked only &;u.O? of providing a* much money for missionary purposes as both the other circuits mentioned when combined. But looking at it from an- other point of view the towns of Mark dale and Dtindalk ought actually t,i hide their heads iu shame. Fleshorton gave $27 .44) more than both her sister towns combined. Here are the 6gures. town $3757 .Matk lai.i town 50.30 Klexhi'rMii village IH.U The little village of Maxwell gave V>3. 435, or $7. 15 mor* than the town of Mark- dale, and 920.09 more than Dundalk ! These figures tell a story which nay be read between tho lines. The Convivial Protest. The Clark Bros, of Pickering and Jake Keefer of Stouffville are very near neigh- bor* now so near that they cau keep a atchful eye upon each other's doings, and ocoasionaly meet and exchange cigars. The News critizes one of Mr. ioefer'i acts in the following fatherly manner : "With lively regret we notice that our old school-mate, Bro. Keefer, of he St. nitfvilK- Tribune, parts his name in he middl*. He writes it Mr. J. George Ceefer. If he thinks that is auji improve- ment on the plain out honest Jake &eef*r of the old days, we doort. When I* rubbed the nain* Toad from his name, w* did not blame bin),. It was no elegant name. But wins* h* deliberately urns his book on Jake, we enter a pro- tost, feeling that we tjave th* sympathy of a hundred of JakVs admiring school ButtM and- early f nendi . Bwidai it is a superstition hereabouts that the man who splits his name in the middle is generally more ready to split honesty up the back than to split wood. Thin feel ingwascatuedbyadead-beat writing mast- er who gulled the country from Kiigston to Windsor and hu was uauiud Prof. J. Washington Bell. Jake, do net, we beseech yu, discard the tine virtues and the honest name worn in your childhood. Thia advice is offered in the spirit in which it is given." We auppnsu the "spirit" would pan out at least 50 per cent, of the simon pure, eh ! WANTED. -Servant girl, before flrst of May. Apply to Mrs. J. H. Hoard., Flesherton. BOY WANTED AT ONCE. To learn carpentering and cabinet making- Must be of good habita. Apply at the Pleshertou Furniture Warerooms. Our Awards. We are happy to be able to announce this week the complete results of our story competition. Standing at the head of the list is a story entitled 'Lost," by a lady of Markdale, who requests nor mime to be reserved. The scune of thin story is laid near Fleaherton, and wan an actual occurrence. Second in order of merit is a story by "G. W. L.," Toronto, called "Chased by a Wildcat." a true story of early pioneer life on the town line between Coll ing wood and Euphriuii:*. Wu think we are betraying no confidence by saying that "G. W. L." stands for George W. Legarst, who is acldveryouug writer and has written a truo .story HI an entertaining manner. Nuxt comes a talv of thrilling interest, told in un amusing manner, entitled "A Sugar Buah Tragedy, " by Fred A. Thurston, Kim- berley. A short sketch entitled "Our Little Rebellion," by Mr. Horace Hurt- hurt, of Caron, X. W. T., deals with the late rising in our Northwest, and is very pleasantly told, indeed. Then, lastly, "A Reminiscence of ilii' 1 in Artemaaia, written by Squire Stewart, of Kimberley, will, we are sure, giv<; ^rvat satisfaction to our readers. These livu acceptud stories will find a place in our columns during the coming summer. The writers of the asove who can do so will please call in and receive their prize* !!{<- who were not successful can have thoir manuscripts returned if they so dusiru. Souie unsuccessful ones wore not suf- Hciently original, some did not sustain their interest to the end, anil others again would not b* interesting to \\r reader*. To those who did not succeed \ j would say try again. It is profitable practice, and it is only by practice- perfection can be attained. The geutleuum to whom these stories were submitted for atrjudic- tion upon has dealt perfectly fair to all, and hi judgment ..* good. If thu reader is not a subscriber to The Advance it will pay him to in . i.ii.u .NIC. Tho bal- ance of this year, which will include the publication of all these stories of local mtt-ruHt, will be given for only nitty rrnts. Betas story, "Lust, ' willappnar in The Advance of date M.iy. 1. Subscribe for your friends if you get the ^a^sr y cur- self. Grey Continued from Laat Wterk. O WIN SOUND, April 3 Th* Orey Spring Assizes, before Mr. Justice Robertson, concluded to-day. Campbell v. Vail. Au action of eject muut. The plaintiff claims till* from the crown under a patent dated 2nd Novvm ber, 1838, and a deed of same date from tho patentee, Joshua Birdsall. ' The land is the north part of lot ."., con. 12, town ship of St. Vincent. The defendant suti up title by length of poxsession, that the lands were in possession of defendant s father in 187S and prior, who assigned hia interest to defendant, and that h* has been in occupation of it since. The case was partially heard and adjourned til i 'ham-cry sittings on 30 inst. Mr Musson, Q. C., for plaintiff; Mr. A. Frost Q. C. for defendant. Michael Smith, who was found guilty on the two charges of abduction and seduction of a girl fourteen years old. was sentenced on the former to J ' months in the Central prison. Hi Lordship reserved the case on the latter charge, as thu prisoner was tried and convicted in both cases un the same statement of faces. Rutherford v. Price. An action to recover posxn.-F'ion of part of lot 74, east side Bay strt-ot, Owen Sound. The de- fence i that then* was a mistake, that it was never intended to sell ssme to plain- tiff, and that possession never followed the deed. The case was paitly heard and adjourned to Chancery sittings on the :ot!i inst. 1'uilurei in the General News. Farmers in many parts k of Manitoba are seeding. It is reported that 2,500 Mormons will emigrate to the Canadian Northwest from (.'tali -during the coming summer. Rev. Dr. Si. in- will enter an action for libel against tlie Toronto Telegram in coiuiection with thu Jennings scandal. The new C. P. R. transfer steamer lately completed at Owen Sound has been taken to Windsor where it will go into immediate service. There were only 17 business in Canada lost week against :tD corresponding weok a year Ago. A Liverpool Company is arrangements to'ship t>40 tons of frozen bef fortnightly from Gaivastou. Teias Col. (Jillmor, Clerk of the <> T .;aii., Legislature, was presented with u ui.ui plimuntary address and a handsome bronze piece. The ttrike in the building tr:ua-- in To- ronto is growing and it threatens to seriously Interfere with building oper ationu in the city. A pension of 9<SO has been rev-oin mended by the I S. House ol Commit tee on Pensions to the mother i-f Mr Charles Stuart I'arncll. Advices from Newfoundland show that t!ie English speaking inhabitants of 'iia- island are enrn^od beyond measure by illey Sallikbury modus vivendi recoirn.n <" tile French olaims, and recourse to aim* is not improbable. Proprietors of Horses -SHOULD- CALL ON THE ADVANCE Before orttering bills for the season. Our stock of cuts complete, our workmanship the best, and our prices as lo-.v as elsewhere. We do not pretend to do cheap, trashy \vx but we, do pretend to do a good job at the same nUe qt. hicl- you will get poorer work done elsewhere. Orders by mail executed as efficiently and quickly as by personal ord<)f Address THE ADVANCE, FIiESHEBTON,