DOMINION PARLIAMENT. SCPrLIMKNTiBT UTTMATBS. Mr. Poster presented a menage from til* Qov- aruor General transmitting tba eupplamentary estimates for MM. Tli* message wu re far rail to tliu Committee of Supply. THB BCDOBT. Mr. Poster said that in rising to present bU second budget he fait be might fairly congratu- late the House and country upon tba satis- factory itatenmnt lia bad to lay baforn tbam. Tbe oonduiou of tho country durini tba pant year bad been vary tallifactory. Tba b >pes which war expressed upon tin, last occaaiou of the presentation of the nudiirt bad out ba>n liaappointed. Tbe general buiineaa of the coun- try had been fairly aatisfactory. Notwithstand- ing the danaiancv m tome arops. nuau*ou- able weather, auu the somewhat low price* whice tome itaple articlee had realized. the general trade of t e country bad k-pt op, and iu romu respect* exceeded tbat of the prerioas year. The revenues bad bean very Dearly fully ratified In Canada a year bul been pened during watch want wat practically unknown , a yeai in which labor had boen well employed aud had found good remuneration: In which peace and order bad pruTailed within our bor- der*. From Hut aea-oo, of prueperlty tba ne million* of tbl* country looked for the fcivont of Cur* niaallv pro-peroua and e>|ually puy. 1 think I am warranted by the facu In laying that for the year lw*J-al we iball hare Cuiitom* roTenue $43.500.000 Kieiae . ...__.... 7.000.1)00 Uucellauuou* M.700.0UO GiTing a total revenue of . ..4ja.ajo.uoo The estimate* next year sum up 34.03A.I4V Ktuniauug a probable incraase of 9ti6a.aft>. tlio-e would be a probable expenditure of 3fi.7UO.UOU Deducting tui* from tba ustimaUHl ravanua, there would be for 1MO-B1. if tbaau foracaats were raalued.. l.*W (XJO. After an existence of '21 yearBw% Dominion. I think It ia a matter for congratulation tbat such satisfactory rweult* ara shown a* far as tbe onanoss of uur ouuuury are oouoarnexl. Mr. Foster reatl to th* House thu tan if resolution, a euuiuiary of which will be found in another column, an. I iu vad that it be referred to the Uommittooof Ways aud Mean*. TAKirr . H N, . i - Daitlee tuariced. Acid, acetio. spjrro'io;ut*oos aud Yini-jar. 1) eenta per gallon, and for each degree of mreogih in excess of proof strength oue rout additional (old duty J) cvute per gal. and JO per ceni I Aoid. acetic, apyroliu,uuon*. of any *tr<-'oglh, imported for dyeiag or priutiug. i5 ceut* ut'rgal. and ID per oent. Aci'J |>hoapn*'ea, S cents per pound. 1'recioua a(iMias.poliahud but uulaet.10 per cant . Annuals- cattle, sheep and hog* JJ pur oeut. told duty 'JO per cent.) Feathers of all kinds, 25 per cent. Harrel* containing petroleum 10 cents uaou. Blacking, snoemakers' ink and dresung, M per oent Map*. 30 per cent., and newspapers or aippla mental editions tuereuf. partly printed, 86 per aunt. Bank not**, bill* of exchange, cheques, etcv printed or lithographed. Jj PIT cout. old duty, 6 cents per pound aud 90 per ceut.) Fancy workinjim. writing dusks, glovs boxes etc.. SJ l>er cent, old duty. 3d p e.l. Wheat flour, 75 aeuts per barial (old duty. M Horse clotlilng. 30 per cent. Cocoa paste aud cDoculate. not sweetened. 1 cent per pound. Coooa paste and chocolate coo taiuiug sugar, 4 cants. Extract of coffee, i cent* pur pound. Combe for dree* and toilet, 3) per cent, (old < Mos)-eia*iio webbing. 2 per eent. old duty 10 Elastic webbing, 33 per eent. (old duty 2} per Ijiirerlu enacts or strip* lee* then 4 Inches wide. 40 per cent, fold duty 30 per cent). Cotton cordage aud oultou braided cord. 30 pe Cotton denim*, drilling*, bad askings, glng haui*, plaid*, rottun or canton flannels, flannel ette teuiua cloth, 7.phyr*. duck* and Drills dyed or colored outiouadi**. strip shirting*. Ken- tucky jsau*. S eauu per square yard aud 1) per Dt. Cotton *ewinii thread. \-i{ per cent Curtain*, w heu made up. 30 per oent. k>. 31 per oeut. (old duty 29 per Hani oent ). O-itri.-h feathers, dressed, 35 per eent. (old duty 39 fer eent I. Applee, 'J cauls pur barrel {formerly free) Blackberries, gooeeberrte*. raspberries ant trawbarriee. 3 uenis per pound. 'Formerly free i Cherries and currents 1 oent por quart. Cran berries, plums, 'iiuucos, JO ceots per buaiia. 1'eacbea. 1 ooul per pound. I Formerly free ) (ia* meters, X per cent. Old duty, 30 per eent i Crystal and decorated glas* tableware, 80 cent. Ula** carboys, bottles and decanters an Johns. M per oeut. Lamps, glass and electric lights shade* am chiuiuuya. lanterns, ate.. M per cent. Comntou window glass. 90 par ount. tO d duty 39 per oent.) Ornamental colored glass, 21 per cent, stain.- glaw windows, 3Uper cent. Silvered platu glasi 3U pur cent. ruiurud plate gl*a, be*lled, 35 pe cent. Plate glaa* not colored, in pane* of no OTer 30 square feet eaeQ t cents squars foot au wben bevelled. 1 cent pew foot additional. Plat glass in penes of over 30 and not ova* 70 aquar feet each, 8 cent* per square foot . when uevellut I cents per foot additional. Plate (lass iu pane of over 70 square feel, cent* square foot , wuu bevelled, 1 ceut per foot additional All other glaas not otharwiae provided, A) per cant. Ulove* and luiiu, 35 per cent. lOUdu'.y. X per cent.) Cartridge*, gun wad*, etc., 3i uur oeut, Kur felt bat*. Sl.lo per doien and 80 pe cent Hats and cap*. N. K. 8., 30 per cent. (Old duty SO percent I LaJius bats and bonnet*, ii per cent. India rubber boot* ; *hoea,witb top* of cloth o otntir Lueburiol than rubber, 55 per cent. Coraot clasps and steels and wiru*, o oeuts |>e pound aii(< 30 per oeut Build r*', cabinetmaker*', n*rne**niakers' am saddlers' hardware, 33 per cent. Lap-weidud Iron tubing for u*e in artesian wells, pipe line* aud petroleum rufluerioH. 90 prr cent. Other wrougb iron tubas, 1 ceut per pound. Wrought Iron 01 steel mile aud waaucrs, iron or ntael rivets, bjlu witn or without threads. 1 cent per pound end? per oent. Lard, tried or rendered. :< cents per pound 'C doty, 4 oeut*. i Lard, untried, t cente. (Okl du 1J cants.) Lead pipe aud le<l shot, 1) cents pound. 8kinn for uiorooeo leather, tanned but uot lurtli. r manufactured. 10 percent. Leatbur belti g, if dressed, waxed or gla/.nd, 9U per . LiMUorice in roll* or stick*, 3 cent* par pound. ]K)rk. H oenu pur puuud. (Old duty, 1 apers. grounded paper* and satini . 9 eenta . aiugle print bronaes and colored Itronsas, 8 wnia , embossed bronxra, 8 cents ; oolured Mrders, 6 cent* ; broaie border*. 14 cant*, em- borders. IS oasts. All other paper uging. 35 par oent. Paper sacks or bege, 30 per sent. t'oiou collar clotb paper, 23 per oent ( iaril.-n, field aud other seeds, whan in bulk or WK parcel*, 13 per cent. ; when in small papers, ' per oent. waring and embroidery silk and ilk twist, 25 per oent. German silver and nick lad H Ivor, rolled or in aeete , oomposiuon for tilled gold watch oases, per oent. Slate pencils. 98 per oent. Spirituou* or alcoholic liquors, methyl aloo- ol, gin, rum. whiskey, vl.71 per gallon. 'u*ll oil or potato oil, I- per gallon. Uelhrl Icobol, Including wood naptba, absinthe, imi- ttions of braotiy, cordials, ginger wine, rum nrub. S3 per gallon. Spirits and strong water* ilxed with any ingredients or known as auo ynes, eluxira, stc., $4 per gallon and 30 per ant. Alcoholic perfumes, when in booties af lot over four ounces, (0 per eaut ; whan in ackagea weighing more than 4 ot., 93 per gallon u<l 40 per cent. Nitrou* ttlhar. t'J por gallon and 40 por oent. btarch. Including farina, not nwoetened, ! ants per pound; whan aweetened, 4 cents per pound. Stereotype*, electrotypes and celluloids nf almanacs aud pamphlets, matrices or copper hall*. 9 cent* per aquare inch. Htereotypee and ilectrotypes of nuwnpaper oolunis, j of a cent par square locii. Matricus or coppor shells of arialtt, 2 cent* per square inch. Waterlime, stone or cement (ton*. *1 per ton. Curling atouec, '25 par cent. Mulasaee, not reflned or filtered, tasting 30 agrees and not over 05, when imported direot rom country of growth, 14 cents per gallon, and when uot so imported. 4 cents per gallon ; hen tasting over 05 degrees and imported Itreot, 6 cent* per gallon, wben uot imported llrect. cenu per gallon. Rvrup*. 1 oeut per pound aud 30 per ceut. Provided, however, hat molasses imported for sugar refinery, dis- tillery or brewery anall pay > cents per gallon additional. Telephone and teliwraph instrument*, cablet, batteries, motors, glolw* and insulators, & per cant. Stamped tinware. Jspaiined ware, granite ware, 36 per oent. Other tinware, ji per oeut. Kline ami ratpa. 10 cants per doisn and 30 par int. Picks, mattocks, haiumun, 1 cent per >ound and 36 per cent. Scythe bandlea aud suaitha, * I per ilozou. t-atchels. uocketbousj and i>ur*M,3S per cent Plants), fruit, shade and othur trees, 90 per oent. Gooseberry bu bee, t cents each. Uraiie rinss coatinu 10 cent* and leu*. 3 cente aach. iasuburry aud blackberry bushes, 1 cent uach. Hose bubhaa. Scents per plaut. Apple tn cants each. Psacb tree*. 4 oeuts. Pear trees, < cents. Plum trees, S cente. Cherry lres. 4 cents. Qumoe tree*. :>) ceuu. Seedling stock for 'rafting. 10 per rent. tJotton twins. I cent per Ib and 35 per cent. Hinder twine. 8& per cent. Umbrellas, parasols, utc.. 3) per cent, t m jrellaa and parasols ami .uiiabade sticka or handles. 90 per cent. Vegetable*. 16 per oent. Walking stick* aud canes, .15 per cunt. Watch cases. 35 per oent. Whips of all kiuds. except toy whips, 50 oenti per do*, and 30 per cunt. I'oppnr and brass wirs, 15 per cent. Wire oov end. 35 per oent. Palls, lube, cliurtis, brooms and brushes, 13 per oent. Bevly-ma4e clothing. 10 cents per Ib. aud 96 per cant. Carpets, 5 per oeut. Huiyrna ruga, :J per oent. Electric light carbons, (i M per thousand Woollen mauufaeiure*. 10 cents per pound and 90 per cent. Plough plate* and mould board*, li) pr oent. Wrought acrap Iron and ateul -' a ton. Illuminating ollx. ooinpoend <>f products of pretroleuin, cod shale or lignite. 45 per oeut. Wrought iron or ateel, sheet or plate cutting*, 30 per oent. The free List. The following are the additional changes in the free list : Admiralty chart*. Alum in bulk only, ground or iingmund. Antimonr, not ground, pulverised or other wise man ufac tore 1. Ashes, pot and pvarl in packages of not 1*** than S9 tun. weight. Aapball and bun* pitch, crude only. Argal or arg'ila. crude only. Bismuth, mutailio. in its natnral stale. hooks specially imported for the hone nde use of publio free libraries, not more than two uopia* of any book. Borax in i<ulk only. Bras* in abesu or plates, not lew than four incba* iu idth. Bullion, gold and silver in ban. blocks or In got*. Cups or other pruea won In competition. Claya ungrouii<l Copurr in sheets or plates of not less than tour inches Iu width. Cotton yarn* uot coarser than No. 40. nn bleached, bleached or dyed, for use Iu covering eloctrlc wire*, also for the manufacture of ooltoi loom harness anil for ass iu the manufacture o' Italian cloths, cotton, worsted or ailk fabrioe. Cotton yarns, in cape only, mad* from aiuglu cotton yarn* fluer than No. 40, when u*ud ' their owe factories by th* manufacturers Italian cloths, cashmeres and cotton cloths for the Helvage of said cloth*, and for those purpoaaa only. Indian com of the varlatius known a* " booth ern Dunt Corn," " afaujinotli Unni beru Sweet, and 'Western Dent Corn" iQoldeo beauty) wben Imported to be soffu for eo*il*ge, aud for no otber purpose Fishhooks, nets, seinee and flibini line* and twiuu*. but not to include sporting Mshing tackle or threads or twines commouly used lor suwmg or nianufae'turing purposes. Foot gruaso. the refuse of cotton seed afuir the oil I* pressed out, but not when treated with alkalies Oum*. viz. : Amber. Arabic, Australian, copal Uauiar, Kaiiric, uiaalio. aandarac, Seuagal, sliel lac aud white shellac, In gum or Hake, for uianu facturing purpoau*. an. I gnui tragacanth, gum gedda and goui barberry. Indigo auxiliary or r.luo dust. Iron or eteul rolled ruuii 1 wire rods under Inch Iu diameter, wben imported by wire uianu faoturars for UM in making wlru In their fao tori**. LuiQorioe root, not ground. Lumber and umber planks and board* of lx>x wood, cherry, chestnut, walnut, guinwood, ma hogany. pitch pine, roiewood, laudaiwood, ayca inure. Hpjiiah, oudar. oak. hickory, wbitewuod \fricanteak. black Hart, ebony, lignum vit.e red cedar, redwood, Hatiuwood and white aab wben not otherwise manufactured than rougr iawn and split, and biokory billets to be usec iu tbe iimu ufaoiuru of axe, hatchet, hammer and other tool handle*, whoa sjcially imported for such u*, and th* wood of tbe persimmun Jogwood tree* wben imported in biockn tor tha ujiiuufacture of shuttles, ami hickory lumber sawn to shape for spokes of wheel* but no further manufactured. Locust beans and locust brauiueal for tb manufacture of bone and cattle food. Mining machinery Imported within three years after the pasting cf this Act, which is at tin toilet pins, for wa* in the manufactare of inch article* in their own factories only. Crucible oast steel wire, whan imported by manufac- turer* of wire rope, piano*, eard clothing and needle*, for use in the manufacture uf snch article* in their own factories unly. Wool and the hair of the Alpaca goat, and othur like animals, not further prepared than washed. Hibs of bras*, iron or *tel runner*, rings. oaps, notches, ferrules, mounts and xtioka or canes iu that rough or not further manufactured than cut Into lengths aoitable for umbrella, parasol or aun*hadu alicks. when imported by manufacturers of umbrella*, parasol* and *nu- badea for use in their manufactories in tba lauufac urn of umbrellas, parasol* and aun- nhadtis only. Knits, namelv Banana, plantains, pine- ,pplea, pouiegrauatea, guavas, uiaugoea and aliaildock* and blueberries and strawberries, wild only. Curuwood aud surnao, for dyeing or tanning purposes, when uot further manufactured, than oatied or ground. Blood albumen, tannio avid, tartar emutic and gray tartar, when imported by the manufac- turer* of cotton aud woollun goods for use in their factories only. Manufactured articles of Iron or steel which, at thu tune of their importation, are of a clas* or kiud not manufactured in Cauada, when im- ported for use in the construction ot iron or ateel hipn or vessels. Wire ol iron or ateel, No. 13 and 14 gnags, flat- tened and corrugated, uaed in connection with thu machine known a* thu wire grip machine, for tha manufacture of boots aud shou* and leather belting, wben imported by manufactur- ers uf Huch article*, to be uaed for these purposes oulv in their own factories. Bteal of No. 13 guagu and thinner, but not thinner than No. 30 guage. when imported by manufacturers of buckle clasp* and iceoreepers, to be uaed in th* manufacture of *uou a>rtu:loa only in their own factories Blanketing and lapping and discs or mills for engraving copper rollers wben imported by cotton manufacturer*;, calico printer* aud wall paper manufacturers, for uss in their own fac tones only. Yarns made of wool or wonted wben genapped, dyed aud nniabed aud imported by uiauufac- turcra of braid*, cords, tassel* and fringe*, to be 1 1 and in the manufacture of men article* only iu ibuir own factorle*. Chlorate of potash in crystals wliun importod for manufaotiiren' purposes only. On imported Indian com, to be kiln dried aud grouud into meal for human food or ground into mual and kiln <lnud for such use, under such regulation* as may be made by tli* Governor iu Council, there may be allowed a drawback of 90 pur oent. of the duty paid. The neolutiooi provide for th* immediate enforcement of thi* tariff Tba following oiroulstr ban boon renewed lib a reqaewt for iti publication : Tba Qovaroor of South Dakota acoom- anied a deputation (rom that State wbn-h sited St. Paul but Wednesday, for tbe orpOM of Mooring aid for th destitute armeri of the But*. The deputation met be 81. Joint Relief Committee, aud Dg id gpeaken was Judge Holdridge, Miner oounty. who smid : Thorn who represented there was londanoe in bii section of tbe country ere certainly egnfjionsjy miitaken. He ad lived in Miner oonnty nine yean and new every man in it, and ipoka witb per- eot kaowled||e of the uituation. Tbe aunty oommiMionen bad devoted nearly 11 of their time Kratnitotuly to thil mat ir. Statistics showed tbat last year , heat raised in that oonnty averaged only ne bushel to the acre, corn one bushel, and ax one bushel. There were practically no ottai t all, and potatoes; avenged only ten asbeli. Grand, which was depended on or fuel by many, wan ilmum a total ilore also. The people an poor. * * t wai owing to the oontriboliooa from the utmde that the people lived through tbe winter, aod in the teeth of all statements o the contrary ho declared that if it had ot been for tbe generosity of the outside Mople and the railroads, and it they had a ordinary cold winter, hundreds would tave perished by hanger and cold Mot ne farmer oat of five haa deed and they lon't know where to get it." . Freeh or uliod meat 3 oenle per pouud. meet*, 3 oenu. (Old duty, 1 cent I Dried or suioted cants. ' Mucilago aud liquid gluo, 30 per oent. Muatard seed, IU per ceut. Liusuador flax aeed oil, \i cents per Ib. (old duty SO per eent I Lubricating oil* costing leis tbau M onuti a gallon. 7 15 cents per gallon. Oilcloth and oik-d silk, 5 cents per square yard and 15 per oent. Dry white and red lead, orange mineral and ilno, white or carbonate of xino, S per oent. L)ry oolor*. 90 per eeut. Paints aud coler* pulped or ground iu oil, 90 par cent. I'alut* ground or mixed IB or with Japan varnish, etc., other than rough stuff, filters and all liquid prepared or ready mixed paints, 5 oonu per Ib aud 95 psr cent, uxides, ochres and umbers, SO per cant. I'alnts aud colon ground In spirits and all pirit varoi*he*. ! per gallon. Lead pencils, 35 psr oeut. (old duty, 95 per 00 photoBrapbio dry plates. 9 oent* ter square loot (old duty, 1J oeut*). Albuminized paper, *S percent Plnmbago, 25 per oent. Plumbago, manufac- tures, 3U per oeut. Priuiii'g prrsst- s, folding machines and paper cutter--, luhographto pressee. 10 per cent, Ked and yeltow prussiate of potash. 10 per cunt. Bauoas and catsups in bottles. 40 cents per gallon. Sauces and catsups in bulk, 30 oent* per gallon and *) cent. ^ M ____ n blanks^ white time of ii imporutlob of manufactured iu Canada. a class or kind not Iceland moas ami other moesea and naweei in cruilu or In their natural state or only cleaned. Attar of roses and oil of roses. Pelts, raw. Pipeclay unmanufactured Hags of cotton, linen, jute, heuip and woollou i -.per waste or olippiuK, and watte of an; kind uicept mineral waste. Kattamaiii reedi in tbeir natural state. Keslu in package* of not less than 100 Ib*. Hoots, medicinal, vir. Aoonite, Coluniba Ipeoaenenha. sanaparilla, wiollls, taxaracum rhubarb and valerian. Kubber, crude. Soda ash, canstic soda iu druuis, lilleateof *<x)a In crystal* only, bichroViiate of soda, nitrate o soda or cubic nitre, salaoda, aulpbioe ol H'diiini, araeniate, biuarcenlale, chloride and tannate of soda, for manufaetoruig purpoeee only ttteel of No. 10 gauge and tbluuer. but noi thinner tuan No. 90 gauge, to bu used In thi manufacture of oorsel steels, olook upringa aud hoe (hanks ; flat wire of steal of No. 14 gau<o or thinner, to be used In the manufacture o crinoline and corset wire, when imported by tin nianufaoturera of uoh articles for uss in their owu factories. Bulphate of copper. I l< ramariuo blue, dry or in pulp. Whiting or whitening, glider..' whiting and 1'aris white. Feuundity. Aooording to tha naturalists a scorpion will produce 66 young, a oommon fly will lay 144 eggs, a leech ISO and a spider 170. L hydraobna produoes 600 ei(gs and a froi ,100. A female moth will prodooe 1.1M eggs aod a tortoise 1,000. A nail inseot las laid 50,000 ems. a shrimp ti.OOO. anc 0.000 have been found in tbe ovary of ai <ti One naturalist found over li.&HK oKK in a lobster and another over 21,000 In insect very similar to an ant ( produced *0,000 et-gn in a sioKle day and Lsuwenhoeck seems to eompote 4,000, KX) rggj as the orab's snare. Many nahni Koduos an incredible number of eggs ore than 36,000 have been counted ia a herring, 38,000 in a smelt, 1.000 000 in a 1.130.000 ia a roeon, 3.080.000 io sturgeon, 34.2.000 iu a oarp. 383 000 in tench, 546,000 io a maoksrcl, '.IU2.000 in perch and 1,357,000 io a flounder. Bat o til the fishes ever yet discovered the <xx ms to be ths most prolino. One natural t computes that this &sh produoes more than 3.tt86,000 egKS, and another as many a* 9,444.000. A roogh calcolation hai shown that were 1 per cent, of the eggs 01 the salmon to result in foil-grown tlsh, and they and their progeny to nintinna t increase in the same ratio, the , *oojd ia a boat sixty years amount in bulk to man; times ths size ot the earth. Nor is th salmon ths most prolino ot species. In i yellow peroh weighing 3^ ounces have beei ooonted 9,'J43 eggs, and in a smelt 10 inches in length 16,141. An interestini experiment was made in Sweden in 176 by Charles F. Land. He obtained from 5i female breams 3,100,000 yoaDg, and from 100 female peroh 3,215,000 yooog, an from 100 female mallets 4,000,000 young Exchange. venlBsT Thlus; Up. Hair restorer in solnble . oherry peotora gammy. Wben tbeee uompoands are sob stitnted each for the otber there are likely to be some qoeer result*. A well-known elderly lady residing up town has boen in the habit of using a hair restorer of reddish oolor. It was kept in a oloset near where her daughter had a bottle of oherry peotoral she was taking for a oold. B' mistake one day the 'laughter took the hai restorer, and not only suffered grea physical discomfort through her careless ness, bat a scolding from her mother a well. Carelessness was pointed oat to ih daughter as something about like a crime The daughter took tbe msntal u bast IB-L- OW nt with the bodily pain and said nothing. The next day the mother though it time to apply more restorer to her hair She took what she supposed was her hot tie, and before she was aware of it had ha iparae locks matted together with oherry peotoral. She will either have to wait fo tbe gammy substance to wear off or abavi her head. The daughter, like a dotifu o&ild, said nothing, bat went to the attio and smiled. Albany Journal. The Kecret of Her Power. Any one who has been at Drnry Lan Theatre, io London, and teen a wholi audienoe spring to tbuir feet and join ia tinging " Ood Save the Queen I" as if the; meant it, can understand what has mad Great Britain the power tha is in thi world. Tba reason usually assigned fo oar backwardness in saoh matters of senti munt is that we are a " praotioal " people We oonld lay a vastly stronger claim to tb virtue ot practicality it we made one o some of tbe best and most legitimate agen oil's for keeping the hearts of oar peopl stirred with patriotic emotion, uodeterrei by the fear that we shall be oonsidered sentimental. Kate FMdt' Wiuhington. First girl, in street oar Tbat man oppo site has been looking at yon for the last ten minutes. Isn't hs rude ? Second girl oh, you most not judge people by tbeii looks." The Oananoqae Council found faul with tbe Chief of Polios of ths town (or, as tbsy alleged, not doing his duty. Th obief was told to "hustle," and be has tied. Among tbe first of bis victims wer tb* reeve and deputy-neve, who had vio '~8up*r baggings or wall papers, on each roll | Heeds, namely Beet, carrot, turnip and of eight tarn* or under, and o in proportion, mangold, wben iuiiiorted by manufacturer*. the following rates: Brown blanks, white wire, wbeu imported by manufacturers I a led a town by-law. Ths Duke of Portland has been dis appointed again. It it a girl, and the pre oedent of a century, during which no dlreo heir has been bom to the house, remain unbroken. " They can't do anything until I ge there," as the condemned man said whe of ' on ths) way to his execution. riTI'Tg* DAKOTA. A Warauuas; to Oat OAsUUTIJIiL* CADS)**. A Pataml I I. t Waut Ltewk > Owuor. " Now, then, tbe bird will go safely, be?" aihs asked of. the clerk in tho < " who gave bar a receipt for Boll's shipment. Yes'tn." " And tbe mesisnngrr will give bar toost and water ? " " Yee'rn." "Aod and he will not tuaob her words while in bin charge ? " "Ob, no, no, ma'am." - Because my husband and I have 1 vary, very careful of her brinigiog up a if she should get to speaking bad word* w*> would ." ' Oh, h 11 ! " yelled the psrrot at thi* instant, " give us something new ! " The olerk tried to look at tbe woman to see if her looks betrayed any particular emotiou, but the wasn't there to look at. Her first jump must have measured seven feet. T*mperajM>e> t A lady and gentleman of Hartford, Conn., ast week presented the National W. C. T. with the handsome sam of 35,000, in valuable bonds, to be used for the oanse as dine Willard and Miss Pugh may direct. This ia a practical and telling indorse- ment of the methods and policy of the national union. Florence Nightiagtle, the world famed philanthropist, will pass her 70th birthday n May. The event is to be celebrated io nany towns and villages throughout Eng- and, M well as at the invalid's quiet borne in Derbyshire. Tbe (jueen herself is per- sonally interested in doing this honor to tbe heroine of tbe Crimea and will be represented on that day, at the " Nightin- gale Home," by some member of tbe royal !amily. The official journal of the Belgian Patriotic Leagae against alcoholism gives serious epitome of disastrous malts arinag from tbe expenditure in one year in Belgium ot 125,000,000 francs on alcoholic oonaequenoas are inmates, from beverages. 80 per oent. of hespital drinking, with prisons, asylums and men dicity depots filled with tbe drunken. Since 1871, taking into consideration the increase.! population, inuani!) bas aug- mented 15 per oant. ; orime, 71 per oent. ; suicides, 46 per oent. ; mendicity depots and vagabondage, 160 per oent. Tbe Faehlon Has Itecoin* Common. The horsey girls who last summer took up tbe fashion of wearing men's shirts, collars and ties, and decorated the lapels of their little jackets with bontonnieres, man fashion, ran the paoa none too soon, says tbe New York Sun. The faotory girls nave the shirt-front oraze, and henceforth it is doomed as an article uf fashionable attire among women of any aooial pretentious. Whatever the shopgirls embrace, as) a rale, is doomed in society, for the girls usually run the fashion to death in a few months on tbe one hand and usually look better than tbe society women on ths other. At all events they cheapen any new hobby with a great dral of rapidity. The sign of the shirt front is to be seen in every dry goods shop in town, and when the weather becomes a little more settled if snob a consummation is ever brought about the sidewalks will be enlivened by oudleee shirt bosoms adapted to the needs and fashion- able aspirations of that portion of feminine Nsw York which works in the shops). a Just a Little Outspoken. Mrs. Plumper Take Mr. Oooleigh and slip into the billiard room. There's a small anti-Lenten waltz going on. Miss Itiuard (who knows) Ooodleigb's disability as a danoet )- Thank you very much ; but I've done about all the penance I can stand this season. Judyr. 10.POO troet. Sailing upward ten thousand feet in a balloon, utepping out and tailing to the) earth aa gently an falls the snowflaka, is considered a remarkable feat. But to cure) what for mutinies bas been oonsidered ant. incurable .liaease is an infinitely greater feat. Th tu ancient terror of tbe race Con- sumption is foroed. to yield to the curative) agency ot Dr. Pieroe's Gulden Medical Oitv ooyery, if it be taken m tune and given a fair trial. The hacking cough, beetio flash, hurried breathing, and other premonitory symptoms sbonla be heeded before it is tost late, liy the use of " Golden Medical Dis- covery," every function of ika system it) roused to healthy aotion, the blood is pun- ned, digestion and nutrition improved, th* strength and dean built up and all tbe disr- tremsing forerunners of Consumption dial- appear. It is guaranteed to benefit or curs) if taken in time, or money paid for it will be refunded. Cloee View of the Ballot Girl. Her face in heavily coated witb wbita powder, and thiciily overlaid, m plaossi with rouge. Her eyelashes) are gummy with black paint, a line of which runs along the adge of tbe eyelids and trails off into the oornem, uiakiug the eye exquisitely almond shape in appearance if yon are tifty feet away. Her eyebrows are not neglected, and her bair, that blonde aureole of ailksn goli that frames her face so beautifully ta- ttle observer in the stalls, has a look of jutav London u'iliun Herald. Catarrb is t common disease, so oomn hat snuffing and " hawking" reach yon at very turn. Your foot slips in its nasty discharge, in the omnibus or in ohorah, and its stench disgusts at the lecture or concert. Tbe proprietor* of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Uumedy offar 3600 reward for a oaaa of Jatarrb which they cannot onre. Remedy sold by druggists, at 50 cents. A Logical Inference. Jack Happy Have a oigar, Billy ? Billy Qoluoky No. I've given op smoking. Jack Happy Well, tell us about her. An enterprising barber 1 publishes a fashion-plats of spring " clips." Underground London is hardly less won- derful than London above ground. What with railways, sewers, gas and water pipes, telegraph lines, bakeries, kitchens, oellars and stores of all kinds, underground Lon- don mnst be a rather complicated affair. London Kditiim Herald. Snodgrass Has) tbe difference between Edward Bellamy and Lot's wife ever occurred to yon ? Bnively No ; what Is it T Snodgrass Well, Bellamy made 910,000 by ' Looking Backward.' Fifty-one converts have been received into tbe Methodist church at Hespeler as tbe result of revival servioee recently held under tbe leadership of tbe pastor. Rev. Dr. Cornish. Quotum W. PI:CK, author of " Pack's Bad Boy," bas been Dominated for Mayor by tbe Democrats of Milwaukee. The humor- 1st will now find himself in a peck of trouble. sir. pine with ih. Baby " Grindstone," exclaimed Ktljordan, in a tone of severe rebuke, as he leaned wearily over the aisle ot the oar, " why don't yon get up and give that lady a seat ? I would do it myself , only I've bean doing tbe work of two men at tbe office for a whole week." " My wife has bewn away from home fo* two days)," answered Grindstone feebly, " and I've been sleeping with tbe baby." "Madam." called haljordan, risms} briskly, " I'm not at all tired. Yon may have my seat." For all derangements of tbe stomach, liver and bowels, take Dr. Pierce s Pellets, or Anti-bilious Granules. A Badge) ml UlstlaeUosx, " I suppose you think I wear this high collar from dudish motives," inquires! Longneoks) of bis prospective employer. " It certainly looks tbat way." " That is) where yon do me wrong, sir. Last summer, while promenading in Cen- tral Park, tbe menagerie broke loose. A gang ot keepers oaged mo by mistake, white my best girl returned home with the giraffe. No, I am no dads:" U. 0. M. 1*. f Bermuda Bottled. "Yen mum sro In Bermuda. If ) you do not I will not or r'|M>ir>il- ) Die for i lie coiiortiniMMM-*. "Bui, rim-fur. I ran uitoni u.-iifi. .- UM nun- nnr ih<- tnsMirjr." "Well, If t inn IH Impossible, try SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL. I -iimi' 1 1 ni<". call It Hi i in mill Bol- l Ircl, and man) csUtrN Ol CONSUMPTION, Brouclu'tis, Cough or Sc'vero Cold I IIH<- TIRED with It; and tain :i<lini:ii- IH thai, the moi -.I-IIM- -niniin h run i M In It. . ! i hum which OMIIII. mi- ii In Use -i minimum propr r I leu uf Ihc M>- l><>l>riii>i>hll<- nhlcli It. roiiUUnn. You will find II for Milr nt )otir UrumtlHl'M, In HflimiMt nrnppcr. Be Ur you ! till! tt-llll!llr. M-OTT .1- I10\V.\K. II. ll.-%illr TO TIIK K1HTO1C:- Please inform your reM<lrr that 1 >I*T a posithr* remedy for tat .ibovr named disease. By its timely UM IIKIU*.III>!I of hopel**s cases have been permnnrntly cureak 1 &h*li be giatl to send two bottlca of n.y f-'frCfi t<> .tny ot your readers who have i sansnttM if they will send me their Express n.l Hoit Office Ai!Jr:s Respectfully, T. A " ~ A.C.. '86 waet Adolsklcla r T. OHONTO. ONTARIO. I CURE FITS! THOUSANDS OF ROT T U5 GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. When I say Cure) 1 do not meats) merely Io Mop them for a tune, and the** In have them return sgIn. fMCANAHADICALOURC. tpiiopejy or PaUllnsj 8ickna>* a lUe-looK study. I \ worst cases. Because others have 'ailed is no re.\*oa for nut now recenring a cur*. Send i ve mado the disease of frtsj, r* my remedy to Cur* the Qnci Po. ( cefor a treatise snd a free) Bottle of my- InfSttl^ble Rcmaxly. a\l(.lble will tur lair a c Give !t Office. It coats you iiothinw: for a trial, and It will cure you. Audras* -Me ., Branch OfNco, I8 W*T AOKLAJOC STNatlT, "TORONTO.