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Flesherton Advance, 20 Mar 1890, p. 5

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THE FLESHER1 OK AD-VANCE, fiEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, IH>1'UIIT ASD SOLD. AUrntui* paul to thecuRrrtiini .,/ <in I .in-iiuittt, 2nd dimr A'urtA of Jttck*r<ix>n 4: < ' t. Vicinity Chips. Cbarartrritftirs of the Past Werk tare flly < iillrd for the < n nous More siave ; ini'ior wanted. Mr. Da- iitude it *' '11 I'.-iyn ,' i.-ath for soft elm tune tr a 1 . Li* fa---.'.iy M Kicharlisoii 1 Co's wall pa[>er and decoration* fur ceiling*. Spring sale mil continues at Richard, win & t'o's while stuck liiata. Bargains ill every line. F-T !:o'.t ',. .1 M --.-I wer in VHV.M and slim *, \V. tl \ ":i' ii ihe place i" el them, a !.i. .- smelt to choosu fn>ui. Win ' !i.n a l^ile idid lt of lace I. ! < - ' -'h-ei. s.ima heavy, amnt* very r men * and bys' wear. The Canadian Horticulturist fur March the in-iite>t of IU kind is te hand- Due dollar per year, with choice in plant distribution. Messrs Vetch 4 Mitchell have decided to charae two cents per |xiunj iir-.ry for iiK-au when bunked. Mural always j>ay vasli and wave two cents. hold yur Spring Millinery orders until you have seeu the stock MUs Maud Ui.:h.inii.>n will o|>en next week. Protect your soles during tlm aumiii'^ ttpriu:; and summer by purchasing cheap foot near at Win. Clayton's boot and hue emporium, FU-shertoii, Uev. John Sliaw, <jf T--rt>iit<>,preacht'.l in ismnnary sermons in the Methodist ohurcli on Sunil.iv morning and Mvuiuny last tu lari;e cong re-fat iom. I. B. Lucu, barnstie, of the firm Hi<lio|i & Lucas, Owen Sound, is at the ifliceof Win. Lucas, Co., in Murk dale, every Friday, and ia Dkindalk every Saturday. .Mr. M u-k-'V lias titled up a very neat harbvr nli.>|> i4 Muxro's blouk, wlier* he may be found at any hour of the day. < 'Ml in and at-e him. His advertisement will be found elscwheift. It is with sorrow w learn that Rev, LXavid H-ilma<i, of the- People's C*--rch, Chicago, sutferid the- loss of his widest son, Wurdie. un Tuesday of last week, by scarlet fever, and that the younger son is now ill of the dread disease, but will probably recover. Mr. Holinan and family returned home from Flcshcrton only a few week* a^ >. Wordie was a briuht little fellow, three years uld, and his deatii 1.1 a heavy blow to his parents, who haTu the >yiii[ utliy of friends iu this vicinity. Change of Date. The date of the <!; Club's concert has uetu changed t<> Friday, -Sth inst. Don't forxet it. Till* is the last treat of the kind you will have for aTne Un:e.a:id yuu should nt miss it. Bills giving ful] particulars will be Msved this wn-k. KUied On Tuesday, the llth iost, while Mr. John Bell and suns. Kith con.. IV>t..n. wru cutting timber in the swainp a short distance from the cle.inng, they dis- co ered a holluvktree with a lar^e. O|MI- ni'4 iu tlie side, and upon examination discovered a bear inside. A .-m was procured and so disabled bruin with a well directed shot that he was led iu the house with a chain where he wai finally dispatched. The animal wai about three years old. M. Richardson * Cu. have just re- ceived direct from manufactures in Kn.'- land a large consignment of spring dress goods, also case of Irish linens direct from Belfast. sun the party cuuld have been doing when these articles were dropped ? Was the ti;a provided too strong for their nerves ? Or were they intoxicated with the beauty of the uiht ! This is a serious matter and will require a com- mittee of investigation. To out Subscribers. The*pccial announcement which ap- peart i in uur column* tome tiniu since, announcing a special ui r-un."-imM,t with Lr. Ji. J. Keudall Oo., ..t' Kn..Hl)uri;!i Falls. Vt., publishers of "A Tr.-ati- tlie Honui and his Diseases." whereby our .iiilmcrihers were enuUuii to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by send iug their address to B. .1. Kendall (and enclosing a two-cent stamp for mail- nr.: Hitiiie) is rene-fi'd for aliiintcu jieriod. We trust all will avail theniselv.-a .,f this opportunity of obtaining this valuable Ixxik. To every lover "f the horse it m im;:;^ii-;i!i!-.-is it treats in aannple man ner all the 'iisentes. which alflict tins iiooli- animal. Its phenumiual sale thioughout United States and <'.iu.uu. make it a standard autliority. M- -nr,,,,, rim f,,i/>.r wiun tmuiiiiij fur t, tutor. A brakesBian -,i>t his tinkers pinched .it the station while coupling cars one day last week, necessitating a visit to Dr. Carter, who fixed him up, and sent him iff with a white face, bsit fairly happy. Spring iuiporUtuMis. cuuiimj to hand at H. Ricbardiuii it Co's indicate their oinfideiicein the business prospects for tha coming The following speaks for itself : DEASSm. In miner to vuur coquiry taking how I like til* pump you put iu my !! 50 tvt 'loop, I must say that I am well pk-aw.1 with it. ll worktM 0a*ydy lilt In girl 1 yean l-l CM i-miip wuh IL L.J.WILLIAMSON K-inia. March*. IW1. A lunnlxT of Kleshrton young people attended tlio I'olleyiate Institute c"iiver- viziune held in Owua Sound o Fridivy last Mont of them did nut return home until Moiulav, and all say they had a litest eiijuy.'iUe tnwe. 'io if r -vieuou'a fa'rvsl yonn,' ladies wa'i.ed all iho a l-> 1 i:^e. i on Wt. ; .:c v' iv n- :.^of l,t week l.i a .i-nd ' * U KM a l.i i i t"O. lull ilieyi'jtr^ n-'ineit in uu .u > In-. l.i :n!..l > <, and of ci>ur*t .-ll'J tt"l in -s 1'ie i.u. No new iKiriiculat* at to ihe burning of Mr. Samuel McKllight reHideneejiear i!j';'in-.% lia\f ouim to hand, the cause of r>- i.ein^ still unknown. A Ur^e lot f wearm.' apparel and jewelry dea. uoyed, i!n- only thing of much value being, an unpin. Mr. Josph Blackburn is still confined to his house from the effects of la grippe. Sum* three weeks axo be c.vm- .lown. 1o th stive, but after, reluming hm took to his bosl, w.tcie ho has remuined ever Mine*. He is very low, but uo nn- mediate I'anxer is asjticipated. When Alexander the Creat wn rn . jmtrim; lisa eastern world hissolilivrs uf- frcd (really from sore foet. Tlio trouble v.i that diey had not such men in those <'ay*<n Wi. Clayton to furnish the mm with f'Kit protection. Ap army of m- n i4tii;ht-be jKjaply and <4icic>nai.y At li. ustabllsAluent, Interesting to Parents. Mr. Hobt. Laid law. ol the <>ttawa Fre- I'ress, says : Our ha be wa o chok>-d u[> she could h.iniiy i-n-.iil, t '. In fact at one time we fi-an-<i tb i: il.. would clioke u> d'Mitli. KepiraUoi U-. Hiote ilithcult every minute. f< r which w could '/ot nu relief by tin; u>n.i. n- meiiilii-.-. !..rnn-ily used. ll.-ivui<.- a Iiol.;le Ni-il Italm in tlio houne, mv wi r e sujntestrd trying it. and in i*cnty iriinitos from the first appl: child was sleepiir,- ;n-l !: .<uy. and in twenty f'-ur Imurs not a i^n "I lutublc remained. It is an nival .. icmedy fur children as well as ^rown lie. 'i .it. Nearly an Accident. Mis Ada Sproule. who is attuidini; the C'oHf^iste Institute in Owen Sound, very nearly met with a severe accident, and on* which miuht f-en have proved fatal, on the evening of the conversazione. U lule stauiiiu- near the f,t lijhr - hair accidentally came in conta:t with OUH i'f them and instantly took fire, but was very fortunately extinguished bei -r.- serious damage was don*. Miss Vd:i is receivuix congratulations on her narrow escap from the sad fate which has over- taken others in ;--like manner. To house furnishers needing wall paper, curtains carpets. The stock of new goods in these Unas at M. Richard- son <t Co's excells in variety and value any ever uttered here. Prize Stories. In answer to our offer of prize* for stories we have received three or four ctL-rl'.ent unes, which will prove a to *ur readers daring the coming sum- mer, but we would like tu receive more, and a there are only two weeks remain, 11115 of this month those intendiri to secure one of these ma^mticuiit ate -t engravintts will require tu send in tlujr simi.-s during t!wt period, .is the cuia- pttition ends un April 1. \Ve something good,. because th engravings are costly and w41 be found worthy of good work. We- think they will be a surpnv to those who are so fortunate as to sec ure them. Orange Soiree. The >rani(v Soiree at Kugeniaon Wed. iv iii.'ht of last week was a i;reat succeK.t. Tiie program consisted o! iiiiuic liy the Kleshertoii (ilee C'lnli, readn.i;s by .I.Tarson. sjieei-h I'.v II Mi-Mruni. Kv| . recilaiioii* by Ma.stci Carr, iliiilo^ues. a couple of solids by Mr, W. IVdlar. music by Messrs. .!. Williams and Walker Si. mil. Tha specialty of the evenini;. howewr, Wiis danciiift by little M i.t. r IVdlar, whose acts took the house by storm Mn. TSoinpsun, oi Fieslu-itiiii, . was the caterer, and tl. vi.MxU piuvni- ed rellected much credit tip. iu-r as % <!'/. The proceed* were :u ^Ba nuii;h- !H>I-|I.XM o Dr. Hunt, Victim. The Liberals of this riding convened in Markdale on Thursday last to transact L'cin-ral business md nominate a candi- date to contest the ruling with Major Rorke at the next local ekvtion. The following officers were appointed for the ensuing year : Thorpe Wright. Presi- dent ; IV McC.i!lo U ,.i : , W H. Tyson. Mr. (iibsun, Vice l'rt-i.ieiits : f \\, Sec-Treas. Dr. Hunt, -if Clarksburv.was theu unainuiuusly chosen as a candidate for the local House by a standing vote and three cheers fur the \ counuiiteu coinpi /H-.l oi Messrs. Win. ?r>wx .'. Mvt'a^ou^li, Mr. !> . Iir. Ilijut and T M. .;!'..: drat'U-d ihu ioll.iw;i,^ revliumn which was adopted with a staml-n^ \\. . . N . : ; - - v rf4 .r i ; - rein -i ,.4 liy Dr. li,:-ii, wh.i !>!iwi>d 1 n :iot only a .'o...l ,...-, , m;i-i .- : phi 1:1 , e , f.T me piew:it po' , - , :. ; - ie > m> .! ; -lie yjoc.i. Jlowat a id D.-. Hi: it. A Cu.-l ia thHftd m.vy beapUy trm<l ln,'r ciijiia. wrm:iff TOU thiit if D^'lpi-te-l dftOgtuttUs* and diMgr***!) - - ; i"' la<Ung to i n^uiji|>t:-... nn I tljsj _|)%v.: At HU * ' '..' " H< - : j.- rf jiffVuirlit tllwUl Uurifl^' :.. rjinti*i iu"iith. 4ii<t at it" -.-... .11 i" thi- ! .(-. ,i 'Ji;- Ci>untr\ Mift- . -i;- i i. trili. witn ft.l itn iiiK4;ri*ul>.> . >*> u<ii--r u iataut olct *. .^l id'.f -\.-Ai. . \:,,. ' . ... .-i. .-i- t..t Will glV* 111 MM) I rulllff ttix: . . ..j am >u^ '.u>j.t.ha<iB tu uur pom**j3iou t>. . UtMlt tO -tb -(" \'< hum., Sudbury, Oct., -VH I may mt I hnve - . atarrli tuvon . uri ari'i it was all -r taut . vluiiK an<l l>i'i. -'. nn^iu^ IL ttiu *ara ken inu pa:: ' Ijllt ail |U tl tUe UH4J u( hUCb W.i Mit Halm nw.-.-t ura/y - * t T. D, D I Uet. T n - I wih aure to teatify to lh uin Saa] Balm i t' L torn call pot uaaal catarrb. and hav*- <tt euulii L< . .f caiarrb . ia> *. aii-i fooi ' a ' >r Naaai Ha.. , i.; .1:1-! -ti'itl::.: 1 , c:u ii . pain iiuatl. lit i* my <fpinu<n that a * .: h.- iin. *;i* ! l)Jf I'f ., . it to aiL .. Iit tuuethrr thuX . wmn lIMtfHtM :.a n . .... - - .n :. Aasal Balm Nasal Balm Instantly Relieves Positively Cures COLD IN HEAD. CATARRH. laughter *u" k' aini niiuovirii: l'tttr- ' iintrr t!! 1 1 "*; u .t-ui -T tilt) LlllL'-'l M&tc all'l SfcAitl Balm IIUH U vl i:.T*?cU than all ! u u- i . .1. -T i.' D. DiTbvfthire, Mayor <if Urockville I - '--r <"ntnm; ra 01 I.. D Diun. I'.-i t ' I mil , ' cure*! uiv<-atarih, froiu hi-.n 1 iuffi-'rU fj (leurly tm var. I-.n Wtt-niin, tinier!*! Oil CVv. !' (rnliM. ( *n'.. Otl i " . ia a uuuplt! ui hour.. : it i *. a \ ' :< iu curt New Rubber C|, CoU eto. jut n|eiiei] -iiiixvt irup*irtatiin fmtn Mo h !ay A >"iM, 5Ianohster. A title a*ortu:nl it M. Richardson A CV*. If Nasiil Haliiuanot k|*t in --tork h\ >i>iir<Ii>'t 1; . -. r iu^u . .v .*'t-..- bv a.l>lr*-u-.itiu f i Fuirurl ,v 4 o . Krurkville. Out AT THIS F-L-E S-H-E-R-T-C-N FURNITURE ^ Durham street, Flesherton, bv:[<- 1 -c r Lost Soxe.!: Tut rn-ii'-i ..i (i'.eo C'.uH v-idJ Kii'^eiiia ' ilie evm'.'^ if ilio Oisii^> "iu-e, a-ul fi ; lie.i w.iv home, uilo of llie L-i li I*** a pa r ot suio'n iua MM| otiu ..f tlw Kon'.lemw lout a rubber *!i v. The 'u'is oi rcluineU i>:i the Jay l>y a ijiitl.-iii in wb<> live* on tH g-vTt-1 ro*d omt. Hut rij^ht here let us RS tu-cu'iiur* what in uuunr the HK-S Baby was *ck, we jae her Castorlsx Whuti be wan s Clsild, she cried fur Castoria. Whra ibe bMaiiw Xiss. hu clung lo Cutoria. o, b gT Un-: Culonsr A Buon to the Afflicted Mu. Ei'iTiiu. -It ia a well known fact that the mujonty "f people are incimeil tn look II|KIII a cold in the head us a matter <>i little uii|>.'it.iiK-i- iu\olvinx .'' the iiiust itnly .iteiM|iornry incunvnii.. N" iiioii' iliKAstniua niitlnke wita erer Tii.vle. '1 he net;lfete<l cold in the heail in the source of the ciitairli.-il .itfei-ti-'im with which aUmt seven-tenths >! the pe->;>lu of thi.4 i-oiintry ate aHlk-tfil, ,-iinl itself i* too often tlio I'lvliiiiiii u v tu OnaiBUBptiou and ileulh. The tuius -it iMttarrh are tnainf.-lil.ltiit them may bu men' i iii.-.l,..;leiiivr I roatli, dull, wppressivu :vclif : i-Itirtisive ilroppiii^i froiu t'i>- iioxtrils intu the tur4t aud brov.-liil tnUw : deafn^sa or i!r.iltjf<: ei-imt.iiit hawking :in-l spitting \vt-ak aii<l watr-ry a liai-ain^ 0'itigh .-tiiil ft-elin^ ot <eieral (ll.,hrv : li.ijn^ in iliv ears n-l fr|iient di:'r.iiir. Tliee are I'Ui it f*w ot tile more ;eii--il -Mn|.K>in-i. nnd th<-Sd whi> ei|>uneiK-e tlii'in should I lose H-- time in .-triply nit; a . ilu- lays ,e |>pivrhiAlly ilsH.-i-roii*. slid in thVinse-of hw t-i.i prevalent disease in. iv Uad to death. We utfr Nii^al ' Halm to tlic piitilie a* a positive c:ir for i ool'l ill head and for cat.irrli in nil its ' fit-ill* and stages. Nasal I'-.tlui has been ', tiMtuvl in thoiiNiuil.t of risers, ami the j t. .iliiiiDinuU in our pniwt'iwi-<ii pn ve llint i it is all we claim fur it It lias cured [ othur sufferers- it will cure you. It ii enay to use, pli>.isant and ajfreeahle autl-i does not n-.|Uirc H d.xiche. or tiny Mrtm I in.' inmnnnwut t->ii|>ply it. (!i\t it n, trial and he cM>incd nf itst(re;4'ltijsicy. Hold by all dealer* nr sent p >t tree nu receipt of (iric* .Xte f-ir small or $1 f>r Un;p size U-ttl-s. by H.l.U&Ming Kulbxd A 1,'u., Urock Title, Out. Is the ri-^ht place to get your Furniture Musical :: : ' - meats, Sewing Machines, or Undtrt-ikin.; Renu-mbtr. is n^ trouble for ue to show j;oous and quote piices. Re- member, we take all kind- n or dry lumDer -'a. 1^ member that our interests bein^ so identified vrich i'. farmers, ve are content for t: ~.>n to conduct our ness in every branch on the smallest possible profits. Why. pay 40 or 45 dollars for a Sewing Machine when you c.m ;et the best machine possible to be baiit lor $50. \Vc ha\<fe on hand two ot those justly famed Woodstock Organs, quite naw, to be sold at prices that will astonish you I here : An stop organ with two full setts of reeds, in solid wa!ut c.ise, handsomely finished, sjjj : it. 4111. hiyh, for S Our Furniture is all away down in puce. Come and see us. and be convinced that we are offering more real bargains than any other house in the county. All kinds ot R< promptly attended to. For pictures and picture framing we need not speak, as U is known this is headquarters. J. E. MOOR E, IT PAYS TO THE LITTLE MILL. AM) Til Vt Northern Business College, OF 0\VK\ ;r*\\ riMirviitttl my njIM durint; Hi putting in u iat'ije ani" i t ..f i,. M f a iMMtiiii'i- -.-. in i : ii. i luil.t-i . aii*i u.l tile *' OLD TERMS Seven bag uf two bushels (or ohppping. INine ev.-rv ..av , i coin > of Itudv P. LOUCKS. Proprietor OOOD HI Tlia bent an I i-.'-i-t 1-1 it . i-.n , l,.. :ioin tiiat .atrueuou alter For annual annonnoemenss |t1vinn particulars ^v^^ ^ 4fc.4\ E ' at r^;r,iii.3tli. -,->...,, P " ' I B 14 ' I llfl>M * .A.mtN. ^. LiVirH. IjVVll. > THE ttA n,KSUKUTON. i'ltrrvrtrtl Knrh H < I. Klour Fall \\'\-l '" I ' i 1 to Cull sni) r my nap pail* before nj slMnnsrv. anil you will bu A larga aam>rtiui.-ut of r Ktu'. fr r<itat( bag .',.ik , Hnr per too Hl.lfHI (... Turky ... Clilrkonu Du.-kn i-rr Ib .- MM U 13 41 tA) .1 l -II oao OB 9 90 o . It n At (i M Milk Pans and Pails. cnif p u o ; All kinds of old mUl tak .% >jn aUo wo,.l jiiekinKs, brasts and c. ISULLIYAX u _ on o

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