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Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1890, p. 2

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DID HOT BELIBYE SALISBURY en the ClmUnd Btmt AMU A SUSPENSION. A last (Prid*)) night'* London oabl* ) : Iu ibe House of I ommon* to day Mr. Labouchere ipoka to Li* motion of inquiry into the C.eveland *lr**l loaudal Ba aliened that the can presented an official attempt lo defeat juitioa. H* de- tailed the laot* of tbe scandal, and oon sanded thai the sentence of nine moulb*' impri* jiimunt f. r V. ck waiilaelf a*eandel, beoaos* ot the inadi quacy of tbe pnnian n - i The Treasury i it. -ial, having full knowledge ot the whole affair, bad refrained from prueeuuling Mealove and V'eck until Bir Btevenaon B aokwood, Secretary of tbe Poet uffioe, bad I misted upou taking action a*(eii *i bi* own labordiuatee, tbe poetal employe** involved. Then, finding them selves compelled to prosecute tbeee two snen, tbe '1 rra.nry official* determined to prevent tbe cxpueare Irom going any farther, aud tru .1 to bn*b it all up. Wben Hammond find the police proposed to aeour* hi* extradition from Belgium, where they bad him Hatched. Botb Ibe Chief of Poitoe and the Hocratary ol tbe Poll tmce arged ibe Government to obtain bii extra- eUtloo. The extradition onld have readily beau obtained. But Lord Hali.bury, through a Treasury official, wrote tbat be avoid not aek for the extradition. Lord Be isbury oerlaioly knew tbe treaty with Belgium coveted tbe offence alleged againil Ilaiiiiui,iiii Hammond Uarued be wai watched in U<*l K itim aud hurried to Amer- ica, and in all ibis as to information and otbrr ie he wae aa*i*ted by Mr. Newton, the solicitor of Lord Arthur Bomereel. The obj- ol of the Government we* obvi- oealy to bunt Heminond beyond the range of extradition, tbat being regarded as tbe beet plan fur preventing revelation* affexjl- log oertain perooa[e*. (Opposition cheer* ) When Monroe, Cbiel ol Police, reported to tbe Trea.ury the evidence in the baud* of the police, involving Lord Bomereet and others, tb* Treaiury ordered tbe police to deeiet from watching tbe -ar~". and Lord Somerset obtained at tbe Moree Guard* four mouth, leavt of abesnoe to enabl* bim to quit tb* country. Bat he did not quit tb* country. He appeared si the funeral ot hi* grandmother, the Dowaner Duuhee* of Beaufort. Lieut. -General Bir Dtgblon Pruby n.a prominent member of tbe boueebold of Ih* Prince of Wales, informed Lord Salisbury of tbu. Lord Baliibnry staled thai a warrant to take him inio OB* tody would be issued, but ha oaneed thii dvcuion to become known to Lord Somer- set'* commanding officer, through whom this information wa* conveyed to Homer eel. Tb*r> upon Bumereel fled. Komerint was not only allowed to resign and leave the army booorabl., but be ii nil) a magistrate tor two counties. (Laughter ) Moreover he did not bide himself. He wen) to Pera openly and asked for a place al tb* court of ill- riu tan. Two man ere now tn prison f ,r their part in tbeee icaodalooi eeourrrnoea. Bat tbey are poor and obscure; their highly-placed confederate is ut-m I tied. 1 ha Government took care tbat tba warrant for his appreheneioo should not be ii.ued till be was out of the coin'ry (Chncri and Ministerial " oh'* I"] air. Labooobere aaid his charge we* plain *ocu<b. It was that Lord Baliabnry and I criminally oonipired to defeat tbe I ot jn.tioe. Therefore he a*ked tbat the committee inquire into his allegation* (Laughter and obeeri.) He trail* d tbat tbe Government, whatever their defence, would not put up a lawyer with a brief in hu hand to defend them by epecial plead ing and eva*ive chicanery. Mr. Labooohsre then withdraw hi* motion. Attorney General Webiter Mid he be sieved the House would agree there wai not a ahadow of Inundation lor the** diagraoe fal charge* Ii we* abanrd to inppose Ibat Lord Baliabnryor tba Treasury omuial* could bav* any internet ia retarding Ibe pro** otitioo in thi* oaee. Th* procedure in fact took tba naual course. Wben tbe evi denoe wae all in, it wa* flrit collated with a view to the oaen againil Bomereet. Tbe opinion of the I. ird Chancellor was then n, and thi* opinion was that the evi ini'iffloienl to justify proeeou tioo. Bubei ijuently additional evidence wa* obtained, and thl* rendered the Iran* Of a warrant ad vuable, but he bad authority to Mate tbl Bir Uuhlon Probyn, after hii interview with Lord Bali. bury on thi* sob jeot, neither *r nor communicated with Bocnenet, either directly or iodireolly. Neither had Lord B* ibnry any knowledge of Homerem'e movement* to avoid tbe s*r- vice of the warrant. Mr. Labooohere'i story that Lord Kali. bury informed Bir Digblou Probyn that a warrant was about to be tuned *a mere goeelp. Mr. I.b"U h. re, interrupting, offer* 1 to write the name of hii Informant on a slip of paper and pat ths slip ot paper Into tbe hand of Bir Richard Webster, leaving to Hir R chard the choice of disclosing or not dialoiiog the nam* to the House. Sir Richard Webster said Mr. Labon- oher* roold adopt what ooure* be ohoee. He hmi*-lf bad direct authority to contra diet the allegation tbat ' ord Baliibnry had spoken to any one regarding tbe issue of th- warrant. Mr l..h n-here i,l be oonld not accent Bir Richard Webster'* aeiaranoee, nor did b* believe Lord Baliibnry, whose deniali were obvim-ly notrue. The Chairman here reqneited the gentle- nan lo withdraw tbe word* calling into qeeetion th* veracity of the Premier. Mr. Labooohere , declined to withdraw tbe word* and the Premier named him for iup-nion. and called upon the House to adjudge upon the conduct of the member. Upon division the lu. pen. Ion wa* carried by 177 to M Mr. Labouch*re. In leaving ths House, aid he regretted the fact, bat hi* oon smeno" wnnH nnt allow him to say that ha ball ved Lord Salisbury's denial*. (Ch**r* from the Parnoll party. Mr. M ,r I -y auineeeted that thl* inbjeot be dropped, and tb* Ilon.e proceed toother boinee. Mr W. H. HTilih demanded that the BOOM should expren an opinion oo the motion notwithstanding its withdrawal, aad ehoaH say tb* moti n wsi improper and the charge* false. The vote against Mr. Lebonohars'i mi. ii m wa* 163 tn 80. The Chairman then pat Mr. Labouohere'i amendment proposing tbe reduction ot the credit, and Mr. W. H. Hmith moved tb oloeore. Thi4 the Cbairman declined to pot. Tbe di<cn<eion wae aootinoed, n i finally oodor tbe cioeare propoead by anoth member, Mr. Laboiiohvm'i amend meo wai rej clad by 8UC to M Mr. H.I 'our primierd Mr. Boston I be woo>d oonealt th> Karl of Zetland o Ibe reloeee of the peraone iuoarorratod ooneqaLOe of tbe dutarbeooe at Clon gorey. in TM. r.x.i Uairaejea by Caaaaka. A Ii Mt<i i depatah of Saturday say* Gliuo-iw-r and the Maeaaehoaelt* fUbin town* generally ar* again up in arm* i tb* Canadian ry official., at what in term a new outrage 1 hi* lime tbey oharg oollu'ion Dei ween the piloi* and Cu.tom clBuieU to blackmail Yankee akippers ini paying what tbey think illegal fees. Tb complaint* are unmeron*. Captain Pin McDonald, of tbe eobooner William I'a* t-y, arrived el Gloucester to day. 8b got into hot water at Hal fax. and tb oeplatu'i ixperieuoe i* Ibe eame ai th other i uuipidii.aLtg. He ttatei that on hi trip out to Newfoundland be became il and i n January Mh was driven into Hal fax f >t ibelter. In the afternoon Capiai Btewerl, of the revenue cutter Argn* boarded the fisherman, and iu*i*ted o putting a ahip'i keeper on board, denyic ibe right of the American fisherman t itay in the harbor twenty four hour* be fore reporting Captain McDonald, t avoid trouble eant the mate to ibe Cuelom House lo pay sll tbe fliiei. A'Vr pay in tbie, clearance paper* were refused unit pilotage we* paid. Tb* mat* protester Ibat the schooner hsd not been in Ib harbor proper, or seen sny pilots, but h had to pay all the earns, and wa* told tba order* bad been ieeoed to all Canauian port* to detain large number of name Yankee veeoeli, who it I* alleged bar avoided paying pilotage. Over fitly cap tain* claim similar treatment, and declare It i* a put up job between Ibe official! anc tba pilot*. Ao appeal lo Congress is in preparation. A KAMIae) " eXIOK Olvee HISBMir Away aad Is bat k>r the i mic. r .. A Meridau, Kai , deepatcb gives tb* fol owing itory : " I'm a .lick 'on " Tele graph e p.-iBior Taylor btard tbo*e word* addreaeed to bim by a itraoger laet nigh while be wa* receiving a me.a* at the railway nation He paid no attention to tbe remark until ha completed the me** tge, hioh read aa followe : To tbe Sheriff Hicki A Oephan'i bank at Valley FalU rubbed ti i. evening of |S 000. Rubber onknoen ; description a* follows : B O'.da hair and mmiacne. light blue eyea, 6 feet 11 inohee, medium weiitbt." Tho operator looked up and nearly lost hi* breath when b* *aw (tending before bim the man de- Of ibed in tbe despatch. H* did not reveal the fact of tbf recognition, but merely agreed with the *lraog*r Ibat be wa* a sllck'nn." The stranger Baked where be could pat up for the night Ibe operator directed him to a hotel where tbe eliok 'on " look a room, requesting to be called in the morning in time for the train Polio* officer* were notified by Ihe operator of Ibe ilranger'* arrival. They went to tbe hotel, and tb* itranger wae called oat of hi* loom end arreeted. He attempted to get at hi* weapons, but the om.*rs were too quick, and be we* shot dead. Tbe coroner s jury return. d a verdict exonerat ing Ibe i tnm-r.. Tb* outlaw waa searched aud tb* Helen money recovered. Bruihere ! A Wiodeor deepetvb of Tbaredev night eye: Two brother* named Flemiog. of Cottam, vieiled Wiodeor yeetvrday. They had Miuhigen Central railway tiokete for K*M-X Outre, and were to have got on the train *t Windaor etat on. OOP cf them did eo. but the other wandered Around tbe yard till be walked off the dook into the rivrr from which ha wee recovered w, th corn lr able difficulty. Tbe other on trie train, not flodiuK hie brother, jumped off at Maid lone nation, and got eiruok by tbe train which be wa* attempting to buard. Word wae wired to hie brother in Windaor, who wa* nearly drtd from drowi.inn at the time, o bring meriiual aeeitanoe immediately, M the viuiim ol tbe railway accident wae bleeding to death. VqoUwrat la r>ee. " Do yon know, G ore, I wiah you would lay at home lo m mow." "Why, darling? " " Oh, beoaoae thi* afternoon a terrible lookirg tramp came here wbile yon wm away aod ordered me lo give bim enme thing to eel. *n I bad tn give him all that ponge o*ke I maHe la*t Balorday, and, George, he lay* h* i* coming back to- mur row." " DW he eat the oake. darling ? " Tee, all of il. every bit " " Well, then, eet your mind at reet, drar, he will never oome bvok." Ntw fork Leigtr. Tbe* OlTii Llbra>llj. Jay Ooold pave t>,600 a year fnr hi* pew in Dr HOC* mroh, New York Alihonh t.i ly reiinlar at the morning eervioe, he never epueare In tbe evening. Rueeell Bage, on tbt contrary, i* in hi* clip at both eerviore. The combined oon- trihuii .1 of there financial Chrictlana are eetlmaled at 910.000 a vrar, or fl. 000 a month. AH namelee* rfferinge of 1900 or more, whu h are by no mean* rare, are attribute I lo theee gentlemen. THE DIVORCE MILL, eaatera ReeoBBaavad the Catting ef A U*t (Wrdneadax) nigbt'i Ottawa d patch aav* : Tb* Divorce Coaum'ttee i the Booate met tbie morning, Beoato Dickey presiding. Bvideoce wa* heard I two oaiee Tbe ftrct a tb* applicaiira of Christina hi man Olover, tor divor from her buibaod, Cbriitopber Colombn Glover, on tbe ground ot adultery. M Ormmill, Ottawa, and Mr. Ltaior, of Ham Ukon, appeared for the petitioner. Tbe re ipoodeiii wa* not preeent nor waa b r. presented by oonneal. Tbe evideno* ebowed tbat tbe peliiiooer we* wrongec by Glover before tbeir marriage. Tb marriage took place in 1874, but Olove thrte day* after etnt bar borne to be parent* with Ibe otatement thai be oonl not afford to kep her. She never eaw hi again, aod be Lever oOLtributed towarc bar lapport. Boon afterward* tbe bo* band moved to Michigan, and there oo habited with one Bailie Glover. E claimed to bave obtained in Michigan divoroe from hi* flret wife, and baa no none tbroagh the ceremony of mama* with Hattie Olover. Tbe committee di cicied to report in favor of granting ih prayer of tbe petition. The next caa* we* tbat of Hugh F Keefer, aakmg for divoroe from hi* wife o tb* ground of adultery. Mr Gtmmilloon ducted tbe eeee for the petitioner, the wif being nortprtiented. Krefrr wa* marriec in Tborold in 1*71 to Rebecoa Ana Til dall. The parlie* lived log* tber for twrl yrare. two children teing the fruit of thei union. In 1883 Keefer went to work o tbe Canadian Pacific Railway, and ie now a reeidtnl of tbe city of Vancouver B. C While there be received a letter from hi* wife, who had remained in Tborold although be bad cent her money to enabl bar to join bim, elating thai *b* had mar tied too young and that ib* bad loal al affection for bim, end *h* bad made up he mind never lo live with him again. Ibe hu*band wae naturally checked to reoeiv nob a communication from ibe wife to whom be wa* makii n a home in Ibe We*l Her father wa* with him in Vancouver and he de*f etched him al one* to Tborolc lo reaaon wnb bi< daughter Keefer nevei beard from tbe father. Shortly after ward* the husband we* atrved with an application by bar for divorce from bim made to Ibe United Slate* Court. Later ie received a oewipept r containing notice of hi* wife'* marriage witb one iimpeon. She ha* now been living with Jirnpeon for *ix yean. The oommiltee determined to report favorably on tbe oaee, deeming tbat Kttfer wa* entitled lo elief. Tbe next oaa* tbat will be heard will be bat of David Philip Clepp. Public Scbeo iuepeotor Thi* case will be eomewhet more exoiling than tilher of tbe above caaei, ai Mr*. Clapp, Irom whom the in ipevtor deeiree to be eeparated, will oppoee he application. Clapp'e (lory i* that be re* married to Alice Mae Maodonall in 670. Tbey lived together for eev- i.tee >eere twoglrl* having been born to them [a March. 1887, tbe wife deeerted her iniband, and the latter propoeee to prove that afti r ebe bad ao dco-rted bun, *be a -ted Improperly aod at other timee pno to thai. Mr*. Clepp I* in tb* city, and ill oppoe* her hniband'* petition by every eeource ebe can command. BT A HIMtiLB THKVtT Hew Jereer *||k aj BBB eae1rer Bail, a Tr..iil>ld I. II.. A la.t nlghf* Jereey City. N.J., de*palcb >y* : Claud* ChetYanjon, a well known iik manufacturer, committed laicidn here hi* morning by nebbing himeelf. He wae 19 year* old and a *i lower. He oaDte to hi* country Irom France, and wa* one ol the pioneer* of th* nlk weevil g indnetry New Jareey. About three yean ago he >eoame involved in li.igation with a part ler, who inoceeded for a time in ooaling ilm from the control of their exteoiivi loiineee. Cnaflanjoo won the mil for tbe > eetion of the property, but tbe trouble ireyed on hi* mind, and a eaoceeeion ol letiy etrike* amnng hi* 'mployer* tended o . i-h art. n b<m Mill further. H* left etler* *tatiog tbat bii debt* and earee bad created until h* could o*rry them no 01, KIT After writing three 1> tier* Chat anjon removed hi* outer clothing and outer, d Ibe garment* about tb* room U then went into tbe bath room and filled tbe tub about two-third* full. He plaoexj a revolver al tbe end of ih- lab. evidently ntending to ehoot bimeelf if hi* deeper did not anewrr the purpoee. Hi* band, bow aver, wa* steady, a* a lingl* thraet lodnexi he point of the dagger in hi* heart 1 h weapon remained in hi* clenohed hand a* ie tank baa -ward and did down tb* ocline of tbe bath until hi* face wa* beneath tb* water. Death we* probably iKtanlaoeoo*. Thank Ool 1 there i* one man who nsvrr *p< ke a oroee word to hi* wife," laid Bam Jone* ai an Omaha meeting Ihe other night, a* a round faced, gool-natnrwl man roe*, in response to 8am'*<|aeeiion if inch a man wai preeeut The good nature 1 man roiled a bland smile and said ; " I haven't any wifs. I'm a bachelor I" The young Chinees Emperor appears to be developing into a reformer. He has milled span the closing of gambling don "" certainly be granted to tb* Duo establishment* at Pekin, aod i* trying to ' Orleen* in a fsw day* In th* tlss of matrimony tb* hot His Oa v Child. A special from Wate'loo, N T. *ys Wilfred Bykes, s t. * in the finishing de rtment of tha Waterloo wnn| n mills, te cleaning hii goo on Friday night, prw' laratory to hii ninal Saturday bant. Hi* nlv child, a little girl 4 year* old. wa* laying around the room near her father, who playfully pointed the gun at her. She t onoe crier) out, < Don't ihoot me, ppa." la luppoaed Ibe nun was empty ami pulled betrigtfcr It waa loaded, and th- whnU intent* itrnck the little one. completely tearing out the left tide of her h. ad. Her eatb waeinitantanioni The father iioom- lately prostrated. Hi* wif.haa been upon a ok b-d with consumption for tbe pail four tooth*, and her recovery ii now doubtful. ' Will you truit me. Fanny T" be cried. With all my heart, with all my soul, with 11 myself. Aniiuetni." sb* whup. r-d, neet ng oo hi* manly bo<om. Would to seven that yon were my tailor.'' he mar tired to himself, and took her tenderly in i* arm*. M DeBlowjta, tb* Peril correspondent tbe London 7 iw<-i, tel* graph* that a par out down expennee connected with the GOT- In ths ties of matrimony ibe D . ernment adminiitrallon. whom his wife acoordithe iinatetl liberty The indrien appearance of a mouse on ' ' himself the most Hroacly bound. th* fl-wr of tha Enilieh House of Oom- Remnel goerlett, a prominet t Orange mon* a few night* ago apeet the dignity man and wall-to do farmer of tbe town.hin f Ib* eminent gentlemen near it aad led of McKlllop, county of Huron, wa* trampled to a little pacia that mad* it nsoissa ' ^~ J * * ---- drop bcilnet* for a while. 'lei *J*t> comous AND cosriY, i Fluboro 1 Opiiiiuo of Our Gouty Cooteib. A SUBSTITUTE PLAN. e\B BlertlT* OoBialMloB of Mil a Death- blow to eotloBallem CbeapDea* . .1 > neleaev " FaBcjr " SjeieBna uf Vvtlna;. While convening with a Flamboro' townibip farmer a ft-w day* ago the recent proowdiog* of the County Council were mentioned caiualiy , and from the particu lar inoideui tbe queetion of county gov- ernment in gentral wa* reached by eaey gradatioc*. " Tbii County Counoil ho*|. ne**," laid the gentleman from Fiamboro', " i* pretty much of a humbug, and a rather expeneiv* one, too. Tb*r* was a lime, wbtu there were other important duti.. than tb* mere care it county pro- perty devolving opon li.itu. tkal tbey had joetiflualion for their ixutenoe. Tbat time ha* peea*d. Tbe function* of town- ship d viliag* ocancil* bevv be*n to amplified that much of tbe work hire and there throughout the oonnlie* bii been relevaled to them, and properly so. a* tbey are in oloser touch with tbe people ; and now a good deal tbat ie don* by th* county bodies U done expensively, and, in my judgment and thai of many ol my friend* in th* county, Ithout that drgree of local dUioten end nsa that ibould be meniftited in all pi. b ia bneiueti. Tbe fact u that expenditure* by County Council* partake much of the ard grabbing of tbe town* and oiiie*. Work* are obtaioe i on a kind of barter plan- a you help me- and I'll kelp you *yi- tem -whereby in order to obtain tbe grant neoeeaary for a certain work, and which on purely bueinee* principle*, and a* a matter of ja*iiot>,oogbt to be givtn, tbe represente livt of the locality are oonitraioed to *np other expenditure, perbape lee* or juitiflable, and for which they would not otherwise vote. Thi* lead* lo much injuilioa ai d nnoeoeeiiry taxa- tion cf tbe people on tbe one bend, while it reeulta, on Ibe other, in dimmiebed efficiency in county government and economical expenditure of the people'* money. Tbe lee* popoloui towBBb'pe and the im*H village* of tb* province feel in* effect* cf thi* evil; they If they violate their trail or exceed their duty tbe ism* remedy U ep(!icable M ondtr our system recourse to ths law courts. In il -ctioni to inc'i a body sectionalism plaj * no part, ai each candidate aik* for tb* *Lffrae* of ib* oounty, and i* by tba vote of the whole county elected or defeated. Wben a grant i* atked for fur tb* improve. meit of a certain road r bridge be ii Ires to .land on ground* ol ju*'id* and public policy initead of Bopportiog or oppoeinx for the purpose of grinding tbe axe* or rolling ibe log* ol his own little section. But it may be inWrpoeed her* that tb* moel populous Motion* woul 1 c >unt in tb* vot< i. That il true, aod i* equivalent to laying tbat twenty time! two exoeed ten time* two. At the same time a populous Mellon ba* alway* n ore influence at th* bal'oi box than a tpari-ely eettled one, and its cl* in to a liberal (bare of th* expendi- lore toward which it oootrihniei so largely ii not without force But tbe danger of tec ionalirm would be greatly mini- miz>-d by the circ nmttance ol a whole county voting for candidates drawn from tbe wt o'e county . It thought detirable a furtbtr protect icn is available in prtpor- tional voting, a lyitem hlcb. in an edu- cated ooontry 1 ke our*, sboakl preeent oo ioenperabie d ffi.u ly to tbe eft iale or the cotrrata. In an election under ibis i)it- 1. 1 the i arm s ol all tbe car didaies onld appear on tbe ballot. Whether one, two or three members were required, tbs voter 1 * doty would u- th came ; be) would limply mark oppoeite each name a figure indicating th order ol bi* prefer- enoe, accardfbg to tbe number cf uaene* oo. ins billot Tbe labor involvel in tba umming up ii not so great a* would at first sight appear, and the remit i* that each candidate'* total indicate* exactly tbe degree of eeteem in ln :h he il held by tba electorate of the county aad " plumping " I* abolished. For txampla : Take a oaso f five candidate* ' A, B, C. D. E," and let us oppose an electoral voi* of ten : 945142518 1-fT lllllltSl S IB C 4 I 1 4 S 4 SIB 4 DISI61S4S34! K518S5J1445S3 Now, the above would show in detail bow each of tb* ten elcc or* voted and too manning up. II only on* member ii re- qnired B i* elect* d. If two member* required A ii second preference. have fewer rtprreentetive* al tbe hoard. . which saoh ind bave, ocn>qaently. leae to offer i Darter for inppori. That the larger town are alive to it is clearly evidenced in prompt neee which which tbey sstx* on x cuce* for separation from tba counties I enter n.lo bosineee on their own aoooont It'* an txpebiive sysKm, loo, ven were it work well doc*. A body ol twenty, triny Illy men. dor* not transact baaineee rapid! or d. liberately ae a rule, and work n qntr K deliberation as ie well known, 11 neuall' aft toioMll oommittwi a fact that teadi o prove tbe wiedom of red u -inn the ncm ber of lonicillor*- *rd the i online worl s often railroaded through The fees ant Ueege of councillors make up a pretV *nng little .nm. and when Ibeeoutingvnoiei tbe municipa iiy require eome promp action a apeoial meeting is a costly addiiiuo to Ib* annual bill. W* are a very much governed people aid I thick a big hole in our pocket could be cloud op bv rednoini ibe number o( County Councillor*, if w* bad to reUgat* all wetk, oniaids of oars o. county property to the township*." My Flamboro' frund is not ths flrit ibrewd farmer who ba* voiced tbe viewi [ bete siaied here. Il it a gneral ram of complaint that "log-rolling" prevail* n many, if not all, of tbe county bodies lid.ed. ii i* as inseparable Irom tbi ey.lem ot representation by towDsbipe a* in that ol repr. sei.tati- n by ward* in City Council* Ibia log rilling kill* lim- (nc ome Count) Council* value lim- bigbl)) money and afliote bardihipe in many oa*> *. How then isitto bisbolisbed Nearly it can not b* abolUhed wbile each member of tbu lar^e body owe* hie elec lion to a [articular secticn of the orunty and look* forward to re-eleulioo on tbe alreogth of what be can secure for bis oon titnenta in tbe general game ol grab. Ap- thai tbe evil i* at leaal atfura yaud by tbs decirs ol each to door secure eome .ectioi al good or benefit that b* may lay reasonable claim o local cuppcrl en the itrong plea of self ult-re*!, *ome. hav* advocated making oonnly mnoo'llor* inelinible for a ccnd term. For two potent reason* thi* ing- geition u not lo be *enouly oooaidsred : t would at onoe deprive tbe county ocna- il of experienced members and remove il incentive* to aoqnir* facility and lami larity in municipal politic*; and, a* it Dnld not eradicate ^Ifl.hne... it would 'ail of its ol jot, if it did not aggravate the vil. M eauh representative, knowing he would not bave another chance, might b* depended on to n*s every mean* al hi* command to get vole* for hi* own section >' the oonniy. Ii would be a lasscf After m* ibe deluge." Reduction of rep-eeenta- ion in the town. hip. seems equally ind*. ale a* a remedy. To abolish the . 'T ota f eeotionsliim yon must abolish represen- tation by leotions. How i* it to be done ? Borne of our cities nd town* hav* found that tbe aboli- oii of the ward system and tbe Xpendilore of Ib* public moneys by a oomm seioner re*poo*ible to M whole body be* proven an advance u the ward grabbing aad wsitefolnee* it. There may Another " fancy ' ivitem of voting is? known as the "cumulative" ivitrm. in tor i* entitled to can as) many vote* as there are member* to be) elected, aod I* privil-ged lo can all for one oandidat* or divide them up ai be cboonee. 7 hi* cable* a minority to arcnre) a voice in council* when otherwise thaw won d be unable to elect a reprtaeniative, hut it open* tb d x>r for tbe manipulation of cliques on itnotly acientifio line*, and mibi. were il adopted, itimolate tbe> tudy of matbematio* in connection vitb election*. Hpoe coei not peroiii me to enlarge here. There aeemi, however, to be a feeling abroad tbat our County ''oun- oil > item i. cuoibrou* and -xpeniive, and. in *om* ca*e*. uf doubtful ifflaeuoy, aod I am inclined to think il i* not onen*cepti- ble of improvement. XOKTHWKST NEWS. Ocldhill. Daunat* Mine, Boovi*. the Pine Portage, ibe Winnipeg Con-olideud 8<U- tana aod innumerable emallrr ola-m< are> being prepare* to work thii prm*. aod there i* every probability if a big: mining boom taking place. E'ght MacLeod eeloonkeepen hav* been fined tlOO each fon-llinK wbt*k>-y illegally. . Tbe Mody of the lateex Attorney-GenrraJ Clark, buried at P<-mbine,ba*been removed to B**ttle, Wathingtoo A R*l POM a*- di-*patch .ay.: John Mather, for hi* company, ha* laid claim to tb* Hultana Inland, m Lake of the Wcods. a* coming ncder hii leaae, and ha* put a gang of men to ,-u- limber on the irland. Tbe i. land wai form-rly an Indian rcurre, and the title being .xting nehed, ih- i.Und, which il very rich in rni era 1 , h sold, and in many oases patent* i**ued, by the Dominion Government to memiere of Ibe Ontario Mining C mpany . Trie GOT. ercmeol have taken op tbe cudgel* in da- fence of the mineri. and have instructed their foreman lo continue ouuing, ai d iba agent is continuing to seize, sl-o notifying the Indian Ag-m al Winmp gof thactina Matters are itill in thi* itaie, waiting far- ther order* of th Government Ii incecsv rally looked upon here as a *tep taker, by Matber to test hii right. A Miail-Rcader. DuHely Ton look at m* as if you thon k ht I WBJ a fool, eh 7 Btrangsr Why, no; you oan't b* inch a ool. aft>r all. Your remark .how. tbat you read a man'* thoughts at a glaaee. Kt Worth a Tear. Yonnif Wife Oh, John, tbe rat. have eaeo all my anvel cak ! Husband - What! Allnfit? Young Wife Every pirc*. I feel like crying. pshaw '. Don't cry over a few rat*. R tViniM I Ik. To. Timid Wife (to hniband going to Sumps on ho.ine..) -Now, dear, do be careful and not fall r.vrhnard, won't oo T Hatband To b* mi* I will, worry. I thai I be all right. - And if Don't oat bu.ineee ie transact, t by Boards of ommiiioner*. each of whom i* re>pinii hie directly to the people of the whole At the Coronr'i inqu -it to Inqnire into only. The board, niually con.iit of lix lhr death of Hannah Cole, B I'evtllo. tba ember* and a secretary treennrer Two J" r? ' ttlln1 that sh* met her death from retire annually, eo that even if neither of * lrxwap " nH violent, the violeoo* being retiring member, are re-elected there irflio <^ bv W.I jam Arnntt remain always In office two member* of ! L^rd 8li-bnry ha* c.mpUined to Mr. years , and two of one year'* expert- WaddinnVin of .o-n. French intrigue* io- ) conduct ot the buinees It eitintf the Caradin haKtta- ts tosnaKita- eenat ones that a body hks tbi* tionforsepialion. Mr Wadding*, replied . >a assembled al .mall ooel al any lime, that he had no information of any such asdoanfh.vm/ .1..,, ,hi,d ,/.,. proceeding. J "? oroa " b *oqa*intanos Dr. Bell, cf Amheretbargv we* driving rs at ot .-,-',, ''''"-" Tn 7 out in tbs country, when ih. hors* c.rried ' they "e me^ - ' nnoil and. tr ,. bug^v with tbe doctor ,

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