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Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1890, p. 6

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THE ONTARIO LKISUTME To*oTO. Fb The Spaakur took the ohair a 8.20 p.m. The following bills were introduced . Mr. Onon An Aot rntpeotiog tht City of Belleville. Mr. Oibeon (Hamilton) -An Aot to further ajaend the Li.juor Liornat Law. Mr. Oibton (Hamilton) An Aol reopeot ing the Hamilton Patriotic Volunteer Fond. Mr. ROM (Baron) An Act lo pr.ivid- for the purchase ol debenture* u.utd by mntin for draicaije purposes. Mr. Awry An Aot to amend the ft MM* went Aot. Mr 1'heipi moved for an order of the HOUM for a return ihowing the number of stationary iteam engine* us J in tha Pro- viuoe, and for what purpose ated. Mr. Cibton (Hamilton) brought down a report on bi lingual leaching in Ihe United Staieajtnd Canada The Speaker read the following message The Lieut. -Governor recommendi lo the Legtalati** Asennbly thai a tan not ox oeedlng 1 100,000 be let apart from aud out f Ibe surplus nioneyt forming part of the < invalidated revenue f and of ibis Province kid in the reoonitraotioa of at moch ol I oronto Univeriny a* hai been injured or dretroyed by flre ; the taid mm to b* in idition to all other inmi which may b>- received or recommended by or on behalf uf the university under any policies of in- uranoe agtintt \ut or damage by flre to tbe amid building. Th* menage wai received wilh mu.l. applamte from both tidet of the Home. Mr. Mowat moved that tbe menage be referred to a committee to prepare a reto lotion lo be presented to the Committee of Supply later oa. Mr. Blylh atked the Committiocer of Crown Land* if Ibe retnru with rtf inncc to debenture* in tbe mamoipklily of Proton ordnred last aeesion had been prepared. Mr. Hardy taid that thi mailer would OP attended to. Petition! were presented by : Mr. Awrey- From W. G. Walton and others, of Hamilton, praying that an Act may be patted to incorporate the Hamilton and Barton Incline Hallway Company. Mr. Preston I'rom T. B. McMuroby ao< olhert, of Cienanojo*, praying for curtain araendmenli to tbt Game Act retpectiu, duck *hooling. Several other petition!, praying fo amendment* to th* Municipal and Asiass ment Aott were pretented. Mr. Gibson ( Hamilton) preaented Ihe MO nnd report of tht Ulan ling Committee on I'nvate Bill*. Hill* ware introduced by : Mr Drydeo An Aot lo amend the Ac to impoee a tax on dog* and for tht protec lioo of sheep. (Crie* of " Lott.") Itr Maokanzit An Act respecting the old cemetery and tbe Methodist cemetery in the town of Btrmt. Dr. Gilmonr -An Act respecting Ihe ton of Watt Toronto Junction upon th* tnrplni rather than tax th pecpU. Tbil course hai been adopuw. The hon. member for Kent bad made il astound tug itaiemeut that easb wa* act a aiat-t. Mr. Clancy- I nevtr Mid any tue thing. Mr. Awrey He had taid U wai capita and could nol b* counted as a inrplui. E would ak the hon. member for Kent if th Domini >n C per cent, bonds, srnuu itn:t< t JS1UOOO. and the 5 per oent rlrnnk, dcboalure*, amounting to 81s? 1*1, wr not a surplus? Tin trust fauns held b tbe ' Dominion, he maintained, n-j|t I realized at any time. Mr. A K. Wood (HkBting-) iai.1 that h wai selit !:*d to leavt the figure* pruteule by both si 'n of th* Boose with th country and let Ihe people, judgo win- tide was right. Rt Aid nol know of a ra >r vicious principle iu flcanoe than not look ing the truth squarely in tbe fn <-. Tbi wai how ihe Provincial Treaturur u'non- tbe ijuctliou of annuities. which wai mooe borrowed. This debt did nol appear in th statement of liabilities pretented by Ib hon. Treetur.-r lo the House. The Iruu fact could not escape tbe public ia tpito of tht dull raited by tbt members of tin Gov rnmenl. Mr Bmith (Kant York) taid that th attempts al producing nummary debit the effort! to teach Ibe hon. Treaiurer bow lo keep books, and the patching up of bogn deficits woold not go down wilh the peojil of ihe Provinoe. Mr. Gibson (Huron) thought the Ojlari, 3overnmuul entitled to all Ibe credit they from tbe country, for in. ^ KOI none Irom tht House, for every vo'e the-, have giv n for railway grant!. The limb- r limits ie contended, thooU be pot up to public auction. Mr. Meri.m'.i You bad belter imjain n a oertain department about Ibat. Mr. Gibson (Huron) continuing though perbapi he had trod on tbe corn* of the ion. member from London. Hou. Mr. Hardy, on the ijuaition of dt Scilt ai handled by Ihe hon. member from Toronto, credited that gentleman wilh placing Ihe .jaestion ia a new aud remark tble light Tbe hon member from Toronto ia hit speech htd crilicui-d Ibt Dr. Gilmoar An Aot to incorporate the ton of North Toronto. Mr. Mowat An Aot to amend the Klec li >n Act ai to aeoreey of voting. Mr. Mowat An Aot to amend the law respecting the leaM and aale of rettled etteta*. Mr. Mowat An Aot to further amend Iho Aol lo aecnn wivee and children the n n-ttn of life iniaranoe. Mr. Mowal An Aot respecting official ! i <umenla when rn| aired ai evidence. Mr Mowat An Act reepotiiig the pow cri uf oommiaiiooeri fur taking sfliJavily. Mr. Gibson I HtmilUn) laid on the table a return ihowing the amount paid out of municipal fondi either by direct grante or r< in M4IUM m each city, town, vilUur, ar rural municipality in the Province during 1"7 or IHI-, for the relief of poor or in- auent periona, not including any inmi i , for the aappcrl of homes of induitry or limilar inetilutione. Alio a return ibowtng Ilia name of the niunicipalitiei which havi paiaed by lawi 'i .ler the authority of the Ontario r-hopn II goletioo Aol, dittingnishlng oaaei where each by Uws were paiaed witboot petition, l-o ihowiog dalei of the patting of inoh by lawi, the olanei of thopt, the honri of Ith ir, aad the period of clewing. Mr Clancy, in returning the debate raid that there wai a thrinkagt in the Domin- ion aooounti wbioh the hon Treatnrer bad fmln 1 to account for. A reduction of 1210 000 had been made in thi R p-r oent. fund* between IHN:, and 1H8'J He oon- t -i.iUd Ibat the toDtidy al Confederation, and the capital oonilitoled by timber Iti !, and a trail held by the Dominica could not be called a lurplui. Neither were ihe Upper Canada Grammar riohool Fund nnr the Upper ('ana I* HniMinK Kund, a ii'i'inling retpectively to t.'U'J 7C'.i and 1 471,S'Jl, any portion of the assets or UebUHea*. He pointed out that while an at -el might be a lurplni, a tnrplni wai not elweyn an aieet. Coming to what the hon. Treasurer had been pleated to call liatnh 1 1 not at pretanl payabll, the hon gentle- man eaid that the fact of the mailer wai that tiooa 1HH4 the hon. Treaiurer hail ben unable to mail the obligation! that ought to have been met out of the revenue, an I had been compelled lo pledge the I'm for the mount required, and to day iii.-ri. ii a debt of nearly 11,000.000 Mr. Awrey dealt wilh the <|iMlion of f.'ii.lio mititnlioni and the maintenance lh>T-of. He detled the hon. member from I ' i lo to |ia4 to one) lingln olli il m the employ of the UoverDmetit that get* one d.illar more than heounhtto. Draling with the tlatliliotof atylnmi for the pail y-r, he ihowed that while the hon. mrm i. r fr,,m Toronto bad aattrted that Mid- v ami Wentworth furniihed the i r. i. r number of orimioali muh wai not really the oate Tonohlng oa uluualion, tho hou. gi-ntUman ohargiti Hie hon mnmbrr from Toronto with italing by in |ilmtiun that thi expen>litar lia<l unfkir ainl unjuit 10 th nun .n Inanoei from 1881 to and there hi had dropped them without reference lo th< oloeing year. Piguret were quoted tbowing the amount per capita for maintenance o in rant in aiylamiat Toronto to be I'l pel week, at London 9140 per annum, a* Kingtton (132 per annum, at Hamiltoi li:il per annum. The hon. member for Toronto bad utated that one-third of the tola] amount wat expended in waget Th peroenlaiiei were : At Hamilton, 2cf per cent. ; at Ktn*Hlop. a; per cent. ; al Lou den, 27 per oent. ; at Toronto, SO per cent Mr. Meredith aaid that Dominion politic honld be ditcoteed at Ottawa, and not iu Ibo Ontario LrKitlature. Il wai uuftir lo aaiunie that it the Oppjilion were in power in Ontario they would pnria < thi tame method of diipjeiog of the limber limit* ai obtained al Ottawa. Ihe policy which the lion, gt-nlletnau punard wti the policy pnrtned by TJr. BandOeld Maodon tld, yel they loagbl it lake all creJil to tbemeelvet. Il wai a nuiing to tee how fij<nree were made to ihow a torplui that did not really txiit. How could a inrplni remain ocnstant in Ihe face of a couitantly aoreaiing expendilare. He thrn r. ; ) Ihe large mimtx r of lauaiic* kept at i i digenti In lha Provinc a', aiylurni, and laid thai be believed that the Oivernmtnt ihould take tlepa to have mild Innatiot niainlaitiad in the county poor-houit. The ion. Comminioner of Crown had 'cforred to nyoret r.'Utive to the o-jtl of loch intlilulioni in Ine Uailod Statet Thete were private calculation! drawn from unknown tourort, and the llouso wai not ia poatetaion of the inform* lun tht fii(arei ihoald bt ignored. HJ tdet, he believed that in figuring op tbe OKI r capita the coat of maintaining Ihu ptying patieiiti " wat ur-lii ie*l in tbe in-ruan calculations whilst Ibil wai xolnded in the O.itario labk-i. Then with referenoe to th* Central Piitjn, it OMI far too muoh. Hon Jonu Banjfleld Mac- donald never dreamt that lha Central I'ritm wai lo terva the purpot-i of a penitentiary when he ttrit etlabli-ihed il. liul every porton aci|uainled with tbe aiiiiiini iirttiim of juitioe knew thai many priHuneri that ihould > to Kingilon weru tent to Ihe Crnlr*! Pritoo Now it wat the duty of the Federal G-ivernmunt lo look after criminal! in the peuiirniiariei, and ht did DO! loa why the Province ihould undertake tbe tank. The Dominion had anamed the reaponiibility at Con- federation, and il ihould be callixi tinou to do ill duty. Mr. Kardy- All pritoneri i4ntnncd t.> more than Iwo yeart are aunt to Kinuiion. Ht bad referred to the vlnt of Crown landt and uaaold timber limitt, which I ' not ['peared on the aiaeti or largn iao of i whi :h were held. Tbe Oovgrn- menl annually received a very Ur K e tarn under the Hriii.h North Amrri ; Aol. amouutiug to oouaiderably upwarda of one million dollar*. Tin* w/ai a permaomil auniaty. Ihe hou'imb.i Treaaaror, Ihe Atloray General lontemlvd, lul bal fal lol the courtj of tho Domiuuu ila -1( iu ti. n me.tier. Mr. Meredith- No. Mr. Mowal I lay yet. Il wti an annutl tain that the Proviuoo had to |y, j-i.iat the Dominion obiigttiont to whion >. h t already r f rrrd. In enbtiauce n > .re (.n- -i-i I v the tame. In ooucludmg bn <i i that hid hon. f rieud the loader uf the Oppo- sition would have to prratnt a inu h ironiter oan than hi had to day why the affair* of ibc Province ihoald not remtin in Ibi handt of the preaenl Admimitra- tion Mr. Ron (Huron) reptHiated the atier tionttbat hu li laucial iie,t- in nt had bean calculated to deceive tbe people of tbe Province. Continuing, tbe boo. g^ntlrmtn laid tbal the the total amount drawn from tbeanrplaa to meet expenditure over ei*tt during the pant MVn yiart had been 84'i'J tf36. iuilead of thadefloil of gl.tMM.WK) ai n'l b;t-u cbargod.. He repuated bit .tun Ibat th- i .tert-m ibowed tbl a lurplun exitted capable of briug re i it open. Ho then m >vi d ibat Ihe Houte go into Committee of Supply . Mr. Speaker left the ohair. Tbe iloaie than went into committee, Mr O'Connor ia the ohair. One item wt patted. Mr. Speaker took the chtir and the BOOM rrto'ned. Mr. Mertdith en jairtd of Ihe Govtrn- i nt wht-n lha ijaettion of the grant to tbe I Hivermty would otue before the Qouw Mr. Mowat rrp'.ied thai it would bo re Vrrt-1 to ia eommittee to-morrow aud be iuaised oa Thursday. Mr. Meredith emjaired of the Govern whether thry were ia poeaeation of any information at to the octt of reoon- rtruotion, and thought Ihe folleit informa tun pottibla on the tabjeot ihoald be pre- tented to tht Uoaet. Mr. Mowat it*ted that thi information would be forthcoming. Mr. O'Connor BrneiKited a report of lha I'nvate Bilis Commute*. Billa were iijtrcKluotdJky Mr. Broctoo To enable the corpiratiin of the oily of Ottawa to Uaae debenture! for waterworkt pirpoven. Mr. Brouton To enable the oorporition f Ihe oily of Ottawa to inae debeulnree to the amount of 5JO.OOO. Mr. L\oa To incorporate the Stall lie. Marie and Uadion Bay lUilway Com- )anv. Mr. Qibton (Hamiltoo) Rnpeotinij the Ntw York Life I iitaraucv Company. Mr. U-.t (MidJleaei)-To ooneolidat he debenture debt of the County of Middle**!. Mr. Mowat To provide for the appoint- mt-nl of junior jailgfi iu proviti jnal Jn riott. Mr. Matter moved for an order of the looae for a return ihowing what applioe- ion! bave been mtda for payment* oai of he consolidated revenue under provitiont flection 4 of chapter I. 43 Victjrii, in etpeot of the duel on pine trcet. Also, bowtog what ii the aggregate mm whioh, p lo tht lit day of February tail, the of landt, lohjiot to tin proviiioot f the Aol, are ectiiied to receive oat of lie d aet oollecled on pine treet oat ifter tie date of their patent!. Mr. Mertdith aaid for torn* time it was i* policy of tbe Government to allow a rliii amount of timber lo go to tbi itl er after he bal obtained hit deed. Thit ^illation hail boen withdrawn, aad now ID laiubarinan had the privilxge uf tiking II the lumber. Ha would likt lo know if ny Or Irr-in Council had baen ptwe.i 11 Ihe tubjtci, or if tht Ooromtisio-iar of rowo Laudt we* toting on bit own retpon- oiliiy . or if tht Goveruininl h l any Mi- ni policy. Mr. Htrdy eaid that no Order- i- Council ad been pt-itad, an i that tbi regalttioa ad been changed for oertam reaaoni. It ad been thi rule wben only 40.000 fait of mber remtimd on a lot that ihoald lo the i -tiler. Che aetller al on M out til timber n 1 aold it, and it wa* a I m to the G jvernmciit, and alto lo Ihe holder of the lioeni: . The departmanl had no m- llod policy on thi matter, bat he wai oon idermg tome uieauj whereby Ihe am mm of the duet to go lo the settler would be in. -ma*.' i from _' ." -nts to 3:M c-iiitii. Mr. Mtrler iaiJ that thit wti a burning i|Uttion amnug the aettlurt, and there wat more oau*e for rubi-llion ovurlhe harthnete -- of the regulat.ont than there wa* iu Mtni Hr. Meredith let, but everyone who I tobtov.r the railway monopoly, knnwi knylhing about the administration Mr. Pbelpi laid that ha coundnred the >f justioe ia this Provinoe knowi that ' settlors received far juilgoi, for ot-rtain reasons which will nut now be ditvutaad, prefer lending a prisoner for two yean to the Central Prison intti-kil of for three yeart to Kingston. With referenda to Ihe terminal annnilie* he did nol think that the hon. treaiarer wad panning tbe ooune of hit predecessor ia omae In issuing itusn SJIULM . Tbi hon. gentlemen boasted of their inrplus, but if they had a inrplui, why did they have to go into the markets to borrow monty T ] appointing W. U. Bpenoer Police Mr. Mowat. in riHii.g lo reply, laid lhat irate (or ptrtt o( Ihe di.lrictt o( Mn.k'.ka lie alight* si danger of the aud Party Bound, and fixing hi* eaUry or T ' 1 '" . X '"' ;' hief , rrMUI > '<" , aud of th* oommitiion ittu-nl Iht hon gentleman's .mlignaliun for a , o him at *uch Police Mtgiilrate. Mr. .umber of yeart w.t^ beaaute the people \ Marter taid that there wai uo reaon for Mr. Kpeuoer'i appointment. There wire more than they da- eirfed. Out* half of the settler* were borfua et til. r i. and they pnlended to set- lie on land so lhat they cjuld iteal Ihe limber. Mr. Murray mid lhat he considered lhat the Qnveromen! ihould allow aelllers Ihe ute of tbe dry pin*. The motion wai carried. Mr. Marter moved (or an arldreei for a return of a copy of IheUrder-in Council wai any concealment. It wai thkt there wki a charge agaiual vino* in the form of anniiiiiei. hon. gentleman would want trne the Pro- What Ihe Inn hon. Treasurer lo do would oe to napitaliti thit mfnoieut magistrate* and jndgei In Ihe i ni.-i to 1-1 f iii-o the laws wilboalhie amlstance. Mr. Hardy taid that no oomplainti liability. Tbii liability wan in the form of mtile lo tho a mortKage. If il were capitalized, then I member htd not the whole HM -it of tht Provnu-e in Ihe bar-rooms himself he hape of nntold limber limiti, Urown - li ils nf Ibe Provinoe. Hi bad umittwl to I'f't, and th* nioneyt dnt or payable on iet thai while mnr* money had been fJ "tMls would, alto havt to be oipital- Ifranlad Ihe Heparate rtnhcoli these snhools ' order to give a proper ettimate of hMlnersassd proportionately. Cuntinuing, *" financial position of the Provinoo. Th* ihehnn.genllainaiisttdthal.whllethaooetof I financial itateiuunt furnished oolv con- < vil government had Inoreaied dnrlng the tallied taoh aiieli ai might be rontiiinred nt five yeari Iu Ontario only ft pur oent., I ready oah, and the liabilities ahowed only ad Innreaatxt In the Dominion during '"" pretent rliarg*. Than wai an nnor- the stme Inngth of lime fi& per i nl Legit ' nioot amount of money n dnt to the Crown landr. The tlmbtr limits represented only lfi.000,000 of aiMlt. a vary mnall nropor tion of the whole amount, 156,000.000. It would be a rldioaloui thing, continued the Ikliun had looraated ia Oaterio t, per cent. I in Ihe Dominion V6 per r. -nl. 1 her wi re feels worth oon*4.i*rini< Tbi txptn- dlture, he ad mil to. I. had been lightlr largnr than th n VIHIIIA during the. !att few i-is. 'Ib* policy of tin (i . Tini.i.,,1. ai stated by the T'saiurer, had beta lo draw pectin.; Mr. Hpei-rir'* rooduot had been Ouverument. If the hon. talking politliM in .lould not have teen Mr. Kp-moor. Th chief reason for the attack was because Mr. R|>cnoer hnp|><n*d I" haT* opuoted Mr. mtrtar |x>liiioilly. Hi oonld *ee uo teaton why the motion should pat*. Mr. Fnaob con !rmued tbe acti>n of thi Oevernmenl In appointing I'olioe Mti(i*lrttei in lowni and munioiptlitiae without ilm rxtlitioa of the Inhabitant!. Mr. Miredith laid thtl be oonildered thi ajtion of tha hon. gentlu.uan from Mutkokt in bringing Ihe mtltir before the Hooe* was quite juetittablt. Mr. ArmatruFg said thai the which Mr Loan* presided wti to large a to require an ataittant in tha performan' of th.- work. He related a terioat aondi tion of efliiri ia the Ptrry Sound district where *o moon liquor wae oansumed at K rnjuire au immense tmoant of polio* pre caution. Uo'defei.dtJ tbe opening up o colonization roar!*, and thought il Only fn thkl Ihe AUoma. Parry riound. and Mm kokt diatricti ibonld oe developed ia tb> way. Mr. Mtrter tai i thtl lhe hon. Commit <iour of Crown Ltudt ha 1 listed that wai not vi-ry well aa|uainted wilh Mr Sn-ucor. Mr. Spencer's conauol at the Us I'roviuosial tlecttou in Maakoka had l<- < i ,e monlt-iii. Tha CoatarvkliVD party ri not consider him worth baying, bat tn< Ki-form party tvidently did. ir. Bpence wanted the niminttiou whiob Mr. Civk burn received, and at the oonclaiion of lh rnwling announced himtvlf at in (avor o K|nl KI .ht*. reii|(ioae liMrty, and apecitl favor to cool, and a faithful an 1-ktriL.tio alberem of the Crown Mr Spencrr'* appointment under the Croik Act wa* nevr aeked for. Mr. Hardy said it hid been nked (or. Mr. ("Itr e i Wellinntou ) moved for ki nrrirr of the Huuee fork re lorn ihowiogth number and designation o' school botr-1 in Ihe citiet, torni and incorporst : villages iu Ontario which bave adopted the use of the ballot al annual *chol *wM*|*BI ander aeotiou 103 of obkpter J5, R 8. "ith the number of ichool bokrdi in cities io*m and village* whioh have nol adoptej the ballot for m -h parpoee Mr. Roil replied that tbe number of cor porttiooi in cine*, town and iucori -.ratu \i Is^e* in Uotario entitled to the baiL. : '.Ml. The Dumber tbit u**> tha ballot up t< vlate ii 81. The nametof thi corporation in which il it being uied will bs given later. Mr. Crcighton moved theieoond radiu| of tbe Bill to amend tht Public Laudt Act The Commii'ioner of Crown Land* title thkl the information nqoired wst col >e 10 bis poueuion. lhe liill wai allowed t Inland over. Mr. Waters moved the tjccjnd readicg o the Dill to amend the Ditobet and Water courte* Act. Tbe Bill patted the ta<oa< reading and waa reftrrtd to the Muuicipi Committee Mr. Kot (Middl*Mi)itted that he had in hii poiieation a lUtemenl of tbe flnan nikl staudmji o( the University, with ih income and expenditore from 18MC to t*i present lime Tbe matter will be brooch before the Uoas to morrow. 1'etiti jnt were) read from Mr. MoMahon prayiog for certain tmendmtiuii to the Aiteumtnl Aot. Mr. Leys Ketpaoling Ihi Aitiitmtn Aot. Bill* wen introdacad by Mr. Graham To prevent th* tale o! meat or milk from animali effected wilh tuberonloiii. Mr. Uardy To amend the General Mm ing Aot. klr. Uarson Rsipeclinx the intpoclion of boilrri and the Uovarouijut ezamiaa lion of engineer*;. Mr. O'Connor preiented the report of the Committee on Standing Order*. Mr. I'retton moved for an order of th Home for t return ihowing the numb-r of Mohool* aided by grant* from the Poor School Fund. He complained that Ihe grim* had nol baeo r | utably diitnbutad. In bit own section Slti bad been grautei to n:ie school and 5100 to another, Ihe want in both oaeei being theuiue. Mr. Kost(Middlesei) replied that S.V.,000 had been givin annntlly (or poor tohool Xrtnti. In order thtt the distribution mii,lit be fairly made, a tutu wai eel apart per quarter lo Separate *ohoolt, in propor- tion to whkl Ibey wen entitled t ) r- '1 h < xranl jf SH' htd been made on Ihe repretentttion of the inspaolor of that sec- tion. Hmoo Ihe year 1886 t lhare of tbe fond had been withdrawn and given to Beparata school*) who hare poor aohooli. Lttl year there appeared lo be a gretier number of application! than iu fjrmar >fkn, and a lyetvm of percentage had been applied, wbiah retailed in tbe eohool* receiving eighty cjuuou tbe dollar. The name and number of evory toho >1 reooiv ing the*t> grant* would be found in Ihe report. Mr. I'reitoo withtdto know farther why verv poor lohooli hid reoeived oaly J16 wbiUt others received more. <ir ROM ( viddltttx) replied that Ihe Kruit had baen made on the recorainenla- tion of thi iinp-cior, who had asko I for 120. Hail IKK) been isked for on ration- able ground* I8O would have been granted. The ruoomraeiidalwa had b j on made by Mr. Wi liam Johottoo, inepuitor for L**dt. Mr. I'rettou ioeptd the explanation. Mr. Wood <llaslinge) thought there ehould bn no distinction in tht matter of grants lo Separate Bohooli. He was alto of opinion tbtt the poor *obool grant ihould be Inoreaied. They were ai deeerving of recognition ti tbe nnivercuty. He objected lo the aohooli b*>ing culled " 1'oor Sohwli," and thought they shjull r- iv euittanoe simply b<-jka*e they needed it. Mr. Meredith thought that tha action of tbi hon. gentleman oppoatte wai oaloolklud to promote the growth of Sepkrate Sobuol* Htdid not think snob sot ton in accord wilh the policy ol the law. Tben ibould !> no fa ility f.irlhe eilabliihmeiit of 8-pkrale Hchoolt by making granli of thil kind Applaaaa.) Mr. Kraser tboagbl th* Minister ijuite witinii tbe law in mtkiiiK a dislinol grant of the Poor Hohooli fund to the Ht>p*rat Sohool*. If anything.the Minuter htd nol dealt at liberally with thi-m at ha nn;:ii The grant waa not asked for to facilitate tha i stab.ihmul of tohoolt, but to auinl ia their mainteuanot after they hai boon eilkblished. They had been eatablithpd aooordifiK lolaw. 1 h* motion wai carried. Mr. H. K. Olarke moved for an order of tha House for > retorn thowing the amount ol diibarttnienti lonneoted with the Kegistrar of Uetdi offioi in th* oily of Toronto for tbe year ItMl'j, at follow* : i To the city of Toronto. , l> To thu deputy r,igistre>r if /To olhur oltrkt arni aisittantt. (d' For other purpoee*. Al*o, showing lh groi ftrnin^t of tha regit. irar (or lha year 1AR9, nnd the I ital itmonnt rrcelTed by Ihe regiitrar for hit personal u. Mr. Mowat ropliad that inuoh of thi in- , formation aiked f JC wa* in Ib* report. The I motion wat carried. w,, u , u a., namaiouiining, ooiiuuuea me; Mr. armatruFg said that ihe appoint- Mr Phelps moved the eeoond reading of . - A "?I?"? f . *"*. r ? l| _ l Pi*? * h !.* nna '.: "" )U * (l ? d I* 1 ."" !" d " llkr * l| y **> ns oon- ! a Uill lo amend tbs Munioipal Waterworks oenont whott property wai tiioatsd oa a tuorougliiar* ui wnicb a main wai laid were atttttid for tho water rate, although u j| couiamtri. Toe Bill wat referred to ins Municipal Committee. Mr. Wood (UatltUKi) moved tbe aeoond reading of a bill to amend the K-Kisiry Aol. The bill providti for tbe registration ol reotipn given for mortgage* or transfer* uf prupuzty ia the Ktgieiry utSo for a small ie<>, thereby providing audition*! LI ur.iy iu tha holder, wbo in mauy cue*, hJuuo'h-r record man the eudjrujn on iba back of the lecupt. Iba bill we* referrud to a ulecl oommittef omposed of: Mta.rt. Ualfoar, CiarKa (Wuliu.Kiun), CUucy, Craig, Dryden, Fratur, t'rruoo, Gibtou ( Uimiiou), Gothrie, lirc jurt, Utrdy, McKay, Mereditn, Monu, O ooa- nor, Oiirom, Whitney, iil Wood ( Jatt- Mlats far liouacwtve.. One qoarl of lifted door, wtll Heaped, il one pound. Two tablespoon* of powdered iagar or fl'jnr weiga one oanoe. A little poandd ice laid on tbe back of the neck will allay nausea. Baton tutu t-><i iu bo', wattr t*o or Ihree times a day ; il will reti them. A firmer or mure dt li jate grain is secured in cak by stirring th cam- c i > .u one direct ic u. A wine glati of ttrocg borax water iu a piut of raw ilarua will make col.ars and uufft stii! and b tosty. To prevtal tbe uull of cabbies per- neatiug tbe boatu while bailing, ptaoe OB tbe atcvc a o,in uuLttiuing viuegkr. To gargle a sore rfaroal take of paregorio one Icaspuuiiful, ol ^yctruitt two tuan^uon- fuls, of liniewAtcr uuu taOlvspounful. if >OQ with to keep a toarp knile lioo't put n 111 boi gieattr. Stir your potaioM whtlt) frying uriarn tuiai with a fork or an old oatc kLi'e kepi on purpute. To teuovatit black Iscs. K laou it nar- row, wtu'l il tigbtly sround a bottle and pm u uu. \Vtt it luoroUjjhly with aljo- i,olkuj:<tr. remain unstl i>trfectly dry. U will be Ilku now. It the laoe u wue lak* Ihs wojden roller 'rcoi a win low thai* to roi! it on. How to takd coal oil oat of a carpel. Saturate the carpel wish bunzine aua thta ruoory wuh a tldan, white clotn. If the nrti application doti uot ttko it oat go luroagh me lama procast until it it out. As btu^iue u very txpluuive, be cartful aud DO! bavt a Ugat iu rouui nor a hot stove. Any tort of dark wood nity be freed from all traces of dirt tua grease by a good pcu^iug ilb Itrong lea, j-i.t warm ; it will uul, however, answer for light, un- .ishfl luruiiure, an It would tlalu U. Vtry ui.i furniture thai it becuiniag worm- i-auii may be grealiy pretervoo) and un- proved if some carbolic oil it pjurei into tbe wuxil. Why He Wu HUU..U Lady (to olvrk)-Will this oalioo wath T i:icra No, maoam, il will not. It will ade, run sbribk, and, in (act, is a moat ia- arior article. Lady Why, young man, how houeil you are I I tbauk you for telling me. Il it not fteu that I Uud. a clerk wbo hat ouch a i^h i lea of hj_or, and Clerk li's uul ihtt, madaui . but tht lost lull me out when bo raiteJ the salariet f Ihe others to-day, aad I am tryiug to gel veu with him. liut tbe t lc. Mill Uardieuae I we yon advertise for lalcilady . Mr. Quicktale* Yet, madam, you ar* lie 67th applioanl, aud the njsitioo. ii still acaul. Yuu will not do. Mios Uarusuiii Ob, but I don't want a position at saleslady. Mr Qjickitlet Voo djn't ? Mils Hara*ui* No ; bat I would Uk* o Ktt a j jb as tale*woinan. Mr. g^iukitlee Sil ri^hl down. Jam**, kki- lhe lady'* uame, ana put bar down lor a week. MltUok Their Man. Hon. W. E. Gladstona'i servants took oroible p :ttentioa of the penon of a auiija* jkiug euecimen of humanity that mvaoed lawarJen a while agj, on tuipioijn that M aforesaid ipecimeo wat iuiane. Mr. 'ladstoue wai tammoned lo tea toe relch, who turned oat to ba a Greek pro- wtiT Hueaking uo EoglUb, wh j had cjme II tbe way from Atbon* to congratulate be British itatesnikn on knowing Hjiner't Iliad" by heart. He Lost What H* L**t. " Loan me 9"> tooouliuua playing with." " 1 would but il ii uuluck>'. Ihe laaa me 1 luaned So 1 imrut Jiatsly begau to ose." Indeed ! How much did you loee T " Fiv* dollar*." Oul7 a Hello. Small Clerk -What is it that we are uom- unly cailtd gnengrooere, Mr. Sandi .' Grcoer Ouly a relic ol tha credit ytlein, boy.ouly a relic. At the Concert. She How i \pn-s.m- ! Wai not that Cra.iU Song " bvantilully rendered ? He -Ye a*. I that't what made ly It g go to sleep. Oatoh ! One of New York'i dutiet it laid to hive MM. mil silk halt. A virsa-tile fellow. Nature hat wisely arranged matleri n ti a intn oan neither pat hit own back >r kiok bimtelf. ties as llabilltlK*, and not pot down any sent and with of th* lerBpertnoe peopii"of part of tbt fund out o( wbioh it 1* lo com*, tbt dniriui. Ho taid that Ibi diitrictover Aot. Thi bun. xintlamtn wished -Stm Jone*. tht evangelist, hat decided leave Georgia, and has hia<hl a On* vk frm usar ttiuinuuoe, K-toluoky. H* now <]'iiu wealthy, an i afwr nlang hi* reneiil ttiigtgemenU will retire to giv* bi* erntcultr a real. The will of Ihe late Kobl. Browning ha* teen proved The value of the personal late aud tffvol* wai aworn at 16,774 4 j. Mis* Bisland, tht bravo little wurnaa lio went around the world al aix hour* olio*, bat lie* m >de literary editor ol th* wtx'.'uaii &j*iuu. Pr. Ktpp*. tbe German Coninl wbo mtde all the Iroublt betweon America and to i Germany at Hamoa, hai been dropped from remedy an ln*x]aalll) in Ihe law by whioh | thi Cootalar list* juil pablithrd.

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