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Flesherton Advance, 6 Mar 1890, p. 4

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r II E liLESHERTON ADVANCE. TUE ADVANCE. Is published Every 'l h u i -><l :i > . I-'aox THE OrncE Strrft, Ont. 'MUMS (it BL'1IS( ItlVTION: 1 per annum when paid strictly m advance L>J i*or auuuw wliu uot to |>ai'.l. AUVEHTIS1NU KATKS. Onn column. 1 year, *00 ; bait col., do , 497 <iuart*rool. do , H'j Transient advarttwnient* charged at the rate nl u*. iwrlloa forflnt liiterttnn and J-U. per llUU MkCll IllbMMIUellt lllt>rtli>ll W. H. THURSTON. JSditur and Pmprittor. THE LICENSE ACT. The Mowat government lias under taken the rovision of tlie License Act and is offering the luuuicipalities chance to prohibit the sale of liquor within tlitir confiucs. If one muni cipalily favors prohibition its iu i^'li hors uw the opportunity of attracting trude by permitting the sale of liquor and thf fallowing dcaaou the prohibi Uuii town ia almost ccrtuii> to repent and j^'i i \vi t." If he hud any in cliiKttion to improve the License Acl Mi. would have the t'uiumis i-i-): <i by tlie p.'nply of the lociihty they arr i-ipi i".< .1,1-1 ;i. . In tins manner he would nhow his i . in the local Self goVermm hi luun- than 'ny the ttorthless <Hi;ion he is i.flVriii.'. A the Oj'i'OMti ipoiiitt-d out, under die present s; tin I.ICI-IIBV Commisbioners are no- tiling hut a political machine, as rule, composed of men who could IK tliitidto nolliiii),'. '1 hat tiny i tin ir power to promote the advance- nu ut of tln-ir political bosses is so rl uiuyly true in Toronto that we do nut have to go outside for illustra- tions. Thai mere frequent com (I. lints arc not made is owing to the fart that tlie license holder who com- plunm is lost. We do not expect in t !. i, >e who Hi'll liquor to discover the tlie very finest variety of principal and il n a trade whicii probably develops t i. i more mlh.'h features in a man's nature. Therefore a license-bolder would have to bo a pretty violent partisan before he would make row ii;h to lime his lice-lino beciuiso the I'uhtical screws had been applied to him by tlie t'f.iiiiiiissiniicis. Kven il ti.. bu true it will be admitted that hotrl kfq*.'ni have rights which are hound tu be reHpected, principles and [>i. frreuces with wbich no one has any n III i 11,1. ilc i, , ainl win n an army of License Commissioners spread all nvi-r tins province combine to make. ili. in the Hlavi-s of the government it is a Hptctaclo which should alarm those who know that tyranny n rules corruption amongst tbo tyranU and begeti hypocrisy and temlity ami law breaking amongst the oppressed. Saturday Night. Till: CoNVKNTIdN. will in all probility 1m an 11 resting meeting at llocklyn on ^iitiirdny. of tho CoiiBcnrativo i-lectorati- of Kimt (irey. Wo under- Maud tlnit them will be an effort 1 to bring forward two or throu ii w 111. ii . u all events it is certain that Mi. KOI I., will not have th unani ni'ins itnd I'earty Hiipport of the COIIVPII i i Tin re is not iiiueh doubt but 'i. .u Mi. l: -ike will bo the eonvun lion n ohdie.i, but it will (M BMuiri only ufti't a pull. There are those who say, and with SOIIM sense o justice, thai Mr. Thos. K*lhi, wlu hm ilono aa oiuoli for the parly ii tliii riding a any one man, shouU h.i\e a tuiu at thu whl. Of ooursa il is fir the convention to say whether Mr. lloiko ahould retire and give oiii mi.- - lo an inning, or not, bu 'I'hn Advance is of opinion that i will not bo found advisable to ask him to do so. Anotlier nunllmo whole IMriU will no dunbt b. dneuMtJ 'it Tlio*. Uilray, K<j. Iudpendat ol rty politics Mr. (iilray would make a strong run, as he has made himself very popular in his municipal life. Tho iiitrits and demerit* of all ui'K will, however, be fully di.s- cusHed on Saturday and we will uot to decide the matter 1.. u . Major Ho;-ke has favored us with map giving a comparison of the average yearly value to the- farmer, per aero, of grains, potatoes and bay for a period of six years, beu Ontario and nine states of the union, ending 1U87. Tue mcp is an inte- resting study and shows that Ontario producer u much larger average value per acre annually than any of the states named. It also proves that in every kind of cereal the average yield per acre is greater that it is across the border. The Orange Incorporation Dill passed its third reading in the House of Commons on Monday. Dr. Lan- derkiu'8 name does not appear in this instance as having voted at all. He \ni. 1 against tin- bill securing its itd reading, but when that was secured he appears to have lost all interest in it and refrained from votint; one way or the other. It is easy seeing where l)r. Lauderkm's sympathies lie. Frvrrsbnin Mrws /''.,m ,,in i.ini I 'iir m.w is now about gone, come- liieiitly l.ininea* is nl so briak. (Kir ijriitiiiill i kept runtime d.iy ai'J uitflit to supply ilio demand. Mr. ti. i'. liriiwn, our obliging hotel kei-; '<*r, has kocured the services of an iittn-r .in. l more t-rtk-ieiit hostler. Mr. .Inn. Tuskee le('. for Collinifwoml ,il.- in a wn-k _;.' t.i visit his friends. He has iml \rt returned. On Thursday evening, the 27tli inM., lli.. friends of Mr. Sanderson Hudson iu< t .it his reaitiflice where hu wa made the recipient <>f a handsome ami valuable fur coat previous tu hi* de|*rtiue f.-r Michigan. Ho has always been an obliging "I'd KIMM! in-i-^litH.r. and will bo greatly missed \>y tho community. \\ e wih him (iml B|>i-il. "/ip resurrected !" So says the last week's AiU.un e, much to everybody's Mir|.tne We iniut congratulate him a-t well a Ins t.iwnshi|i rouncil, as the c >r- |Kiratioii will be Raved from paying In* funeral t'ipeiiae* for another while. After a lapse of two wxeks, ho informs us that he ha* a|{niii ariaon.<|uill iu hand, miulitu-r than evsir, aail with renew .1 energy of bmly and iniiiJ. /ip tells the name atalu i>l>l *t<iry aa h tolil l*, which, ofcoursa, nobody blie''0s, not even himself. We do not understand why he should try to defeni! the wolve*. The writer has a very K rw>t ii"M'-et fr (lie people of SiiiKhani[iton, but none whatever has he for that p-.rt>.iii of it who art- oulcaats to every person wh.i has any slf resperl for himaelf, and if /ip wishes to labor in vain and tn carry on association with the wolves, ha i* wel- come to the honor, aw havH no me for them or their sympathiser*. The writer is well awsru that w have some iu our village who inii(lit Iw put in thu same class, tin mull we hope they are few, and In- h.u no ili-iin to liuli i..l ih. -in but will only lie nl.ttl to see them Hhunned for any improper conduct abroad or at homo, *o Mr. Xi|>, with all respoct to vim, i nuwt ny I am surry to know that n man of your intulhictual calibre ahuuld so debase youraelf as to wriUmurh an ar- ticle aa you hnru IMKHI plaae<l to writu. If any "f our young men do not ae.piu ihi-mvlves a* ^i-ntli-iii.Mi when down tharo we say report them every tini. As for tba pn-nriit cane the |>oo|ile o( Sii^- hauiptoii will bu atile to juiig* for them- selfea in how fui Xip is correct in hia in- sinuations. Women itre iMtooming clangorous in th* vicinity of Kverhaiu. Look out for TOM. t Misery. excellent sermon on Sunday lat to a /ery large audienr,. MISH Ii.illio Scanlau is visiting !n r Mater ut Ihmcaii. >lr h win Fawc-tt bets $JO lie has a yoke of oxen that can out draw any- thing iurthe township. \Vhut do you think uboiit it l>ick ? A Very pleasant time was spent on Saturday evening on the Mnl line skating rink, consisting of skating. lire vvork.s, music, etc. I guess Levi will hardly take the grip now. lie has iot the fur vest. SANDY Osprt*) li.-.i.-. From <>nr own In (Jsprey times are d ill and money glow ; the winter seems to come aud *o with rain and snow ; ihose lattei bring along the spring, and with U birds who joyous sing, and make the sugar bushes ring, and then we may look out lor the taffy pulls At pros- rut we must be content with such things as we have arid be thankful that la grippu is beginning to loosen hu hold. The Literary and I) -bating society in S.S No. 5 is being very success- fully carried on, each night bringing a larger crowd aud better eulertaiiinn u; until it is Ii aiL-il that mi addition lo the already large school will be abso- lutely necessary. Mr. John Ooborn invit 'd a number of his friends about thirty to th.- house in \V. (I. Moffat, on Moudiy evuiiin.', where tiiey spent a v * I'.'ii-ant evetini;,', and tripped r'.e bgbt I'autistic toe to tluir hearts con- tent until the wee small hours, when thi.-v all t.i .-. tin ir ih-pa; t:iii I Well plia-i- 1 \\il!i the evening's <i mint. Some of the 1. -, .rhiiu b > s had a piity tin.- s.nue ni^lii, but u unsiiccessliil in tinding me fiddler, al- though lliey kep: up the :'earcli 1.1: il after fur nei.iek ne\t nioriiing In 1 . \.-ishani lue ill -balllli; I: V TV Wt-ll attenileil and c ni-iilei able talent is ilispliiyed. In oui t >wn iMaxwe.L the latest in ws is, tin hulel lvie| er is going to buy u lurril of betr. This it is thoiiglit will have some ef- on the present depression iu trade. .*'.. er ..iru I ',.. -i. -js i,,(,-,,f Mr. Hirlmril Miller nut wiih a vrry painful accent on Tuesday last. He i i<t I. ii IOK brokoii below tho ku*e. but wtth great eare think be will b* afeUto b around in a few wr.-ks a^'niii. VI r Msttliew Sy nions K"' one of his horse's Isjs hrnken la.t Tussday by a run away Mi. Wm. Coortr prsscUtJ tn The niiiniiers of tin; Orange l"'L-e uf thi-i plai-i- are miking preparations their i iitertaimnent on the l:ilii. A large turn out is expecteJ. Mi. .l.v-|ieh IVdlar.wite and family, left for their home in the West on M. ni. lay last. The social held in the hall on the JStli proved u success. Proceed* am. united to Sl'J. Miws Jennie Cainis is visiting friendK in Alliston. We \\niild like to have your opinion on tlie proper udnnmstriition of Justice in this province. It is our IM .iri" that it is not carried out as it should be iu this township. For msuiu-c two mines \> ere commute I within the last three months, and we find the culpitt in the last caae is lia- ble to be punished, although the crime was not HO xerious as tiie former. Is that justice ' lliisoi: KOI.I.S- 5th. G. Watts, Wm. Watts. 4th. -Win. Hell. I. Turner. Miimie liillilaml. i'.ul sr , Albert Watts, 1'.. n Mudill. C. John a<in. 3rd jr.. W. J. Littnner, I. Watts, L. Akut. ^ud, Frinl I'edlar. Clara Akitt, Wm. Paul. ' pt., Hichard Turner. Win. Lepp^rd, A. McLean. 1st, -J. IliunilT, J. Paul Mount /.ion. from cili- i'iri( I 'rrr*pmulfnt. Special meetings are beim; held at this place by Uiv. Mr. iVattK. of Kugenia, in which the iK<oplo take a great mlert st. A meeting was held in S. S. No. 4 for the pui|Hisii of electing a trustee in place of Mr. Pteiinir, who rcsigneil. Mr. Jas. Nelson, of I'yrone, wan elect- ed, an<l now t liev Imve ilecnleil to pi ;- eer.l fortliwith to build the new school during the coming Kuiuiuer. Very Hurry to hear that Mr. Hussoll loaves Uiis part, hut we join in wish- ing him Hiicci'SH in his native town. Mr. David Hale-sand his sister, of Kleiherion, aro visiting friends at this place. Wo hope that the people of Tyrone will not Uku thw i;ri|>po over tho build- ing of the new school. .Wf.E553cSa.-tt Moulin - Fairs. OratiK >vill- rii Mcoud Tlmrtda? nioiitb Dun. I. .It Tuexlmli) Uefmc orauui-villa M'Mnlny iM-ri.i*. Oraii^. . Markilala Hatunluy bvforr Oranut-villa Dili hum Tliuil Tuu*duy lu eauu uiuutli Chatiw.irt'.i M..u.U> bu(ur> DurUaui H.illkmt <'antor Satur.ltiv l. f,.r,- ( iiauwortb ,! Mm. .lav I., i >r Durham Hanover Moiiuav uafmu Uuibnu PAIIH8RS! Llillk! T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, Si-l! the bent famine.: iiii;.!ruiruu uunu- f.ifturt*l, including Ul-'tntjtini Llijltt tftrrl Inli'l'r illl'l M n<{ ."* T'*>tll tS The Watfrloo I'linrtaml Kteb'j ami Ihiraiitfi The Rood qnalitift of tli<-se implement* arc sailjcit-uliy kn..n now to speak (or tbemsfl\>-. without any extra wonU Fro .> in*. Aii\U.ilv rot|iiir-ii.- ii!i]>!>-ui'-nl in thit line woul.l du wi-11 to exiuuine if not alrradv mth ti.i-m. Call on ra and 1 will be happy to exhibit tlio ^ qualiliea of their machines. T. A. FlesliertoD. Pumps ! Pumps ! J. lYXcCullough. Markdale, mamifAcuturernf punt;*, rt,.,. r th bhi that li' i-. pi. i *.M-, 1 to Turn UK j> : DR. CAfcTER, M.C.I'. Jk8.,oxr. rilVSICIA.X, SIKt.lO\, A- . FLESH EltTi'.V. Ottee, Strain'* block. JUwidaace. J . ftrttton, \1.D.C.\I. Member of the College o/ TV - i*i. nu Surgeona. Ontario. f:i>'|uiT>- *t :.'.* .one door cas: of or Atk*nx>u'< lift' I Pric.TilJ... Xo ID. IMS. DRS. SPROULE MAllKHALK i '.NT. Offirr : -Maiilft'ft Urtia Siorr. T S srilUfl.K.M D .--. AM.! - I (. <>.5I ! late of Ti ;ti-u::ai. kiUIcllou'ea: /. P. OTTEWELL, VKTERINMBY St Rti'ON. Grauuate of Ohtariu Vt-t. C'..Hje. KM K (IN (. '1,1. IM. WOOD STi MMli Di-or Karl : . ^u Cliaicb, lUBBHtTON. ^ ~ ^^-^>^^^_>__^ V^__K_^>__ Jlrntistrtr. J. P, Ml IIS II .11 1, I.. l. S.. DEMIST. Vifiu Markilale the lt .iii-l ini \Vt-due8- iuy ofi-;ich month. Kleahertou each tn;> on t!u- il.:y f. Pol Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. *r .-w'io have heretofore bad difficulty with Uelr f!Uro Satisfaction igmv article*. I l.^r-n-,1 my biinineu *ilii til* Int.-.l Knar of Mi'iif ir l.tii, f wh <* i' imp. wai a bou.uhul.l word iu (irey a ft-w yaar* ago n Kiu i( you dedro amtlrut; lu the p~iu|>hue J. M THOROUGHBRED HKUKSHIR:! Boar for Service, The un.loriMtmxl ban (ur MW|P at rrioerille aSnlelawibormicbbnd V- \\ A.k. it,-n I.M- -I 11..- limn*! took Unit i>n<,. .1 .!.- :..-.i. f.klNh.'w thl>(all, amlkvcunJ r.l tlie Walkartou Kiliikitiuu. T A M FKUUCSON. We have the Tin. Fi r>nki..s i 'in. E. \K\T I 1 . Sl-hoi Lt s |ti itl'lNi.. . v 'I -r : DATS. - P. McCDLLODGE, tiui-rixter. Solicitor, $r. Ofll4-r. o>-r M- 1'.-: r Sand's Slon HurLUal(. .Mom > to |.< ; ,i:. John W. Armstrong. CALL AT SULLIVAN'S M o o r e's Block, For your Sapplir* la Inn*. in. ItruairliiK. I .IM-H-OH- ln, ; _. . i. . i th.. ..I.I r, Ul.lo Tin.mith ,.f Fltth- fit ..... anil KI'O* atli.I.-li. Hi ri.-iv tlliio. IU ha> IMN'II iloillf l>lli.lllfr. Ill Klmll.-lt.m I.M t.n )rar> . anil takM thl> opportoull) ..; tlmuk mi: In-, many |iatrun> fur p-i fvor. ml h.>|..- t.i iti.-i it c-.titiiiiiaiu > of the Mainf IX.ii l (ui lil wliuie liU i.laveuf UUUDVU uilu>tu.l Moore's Block, VLKSHKRTUN. W, BAKNIIOUSE, BOOT AND SHOK MAKEK. . ONT. to thank bl niiin<.roiiii nint- for th>. >.-r liliKial |ialu>liat;f I'ttrn*"* ill tl-f |tllt. ali.l 11 ititw |ir*|iit>.l I., till nil .-l. r- *.tll |iiiiin|.tii.>sH attafaoUon iaarmaled i.-i\.- vtwini In httaini.** In l'l.-"li.-rt.>ii NII.I r .UmliiiKH with K'IHK! wurkiiianitliip.hiivi* uiailehlt intuit, w. II known throuuliout tin. vi, iu,i, S<*wtsl wiirk a |itfcialtv li.'t \aur 1.) Mni Karnluiiuo. r'lsh<.i( MI Market In ctMh will to I'm t for n\ >|u*\l t r\ .-f , S.DAMUD V Flmhrrloii Ynnnrry . . . i; IT. ci : i :. ;M . CouTp\aiif>'r dc Acvut '- jtt-i'r . - MONET TO LOAJs. The UndersigncU has a Lu Amount of Mone^ to Lo: n .u C ON TOWN OH K.MiM W. jBELLAMV. Twr. CLKMK AKrr\ii:u. ( c.vr/ T.I. >(/;/;. ,-,../ U/.^/MY*-;- .\.s.'K i\. u K r il-s LBAMHI, *r . |.rrr pui| 11, >t R. Ji Sproulc, Kl-MASTri! ft m U. R.. v :.-:K.n,rr.Cpu . Apprn^u Lender. Kal KiiUlo and liiH:irn.v Atml. IVf.l-. MortL-a^fl. IK-I' mij \Vili, tirawn up ia<l Valnatiuua made on bhr't imt'.v. .\c- tioo Siilft attoi.ifl t.> in iiny | ,iry of tli CVuiilv. 'Jouey to |,* u nt !,.,>t rte> ,. iutret. CollertuMi* MtiTid',1 to ith j>r..inptn*M an.l dfpatpii. Ch r ;ei hw. Cheapliokehfrom M, >l,<ii.> n | rt Liverpool. (iaugow. Ij'>ii or any ol l.. British I'orU. l'Mic ii,t,!.,liiu- t. . -,i ScotlauJ .., IwUml, ,|| y'.,^,. , for*pirchsillu : , ti, :.. . SHOETHORNS for sale. Twn rlutie* aliorthorn biilU. under a vea,r oM. KlUllilu fur iiil<tiaUi>u in l> H H M Will h sula alkwp tor oaah Par Mrileulan amilir to lUH Huh Thill J. Bl.ltlUHI HOI.M. Huiuber. Out . . i Oo. WANTED AT ONCEl A nu i alaM nsaa, a* an *itil for tb Hi.j.r ma*blu Sr rktakertoai ami iriMtlnf <"' rljlii n. . A.s. HeTM. lou (w th t. LAJMUIT Hurts P-fJDtc. ,. tua . , . , Of liiter-*t tn i\ei\ -i ri \- , u-ie. .t \\aj(>.n i-r ^'.vi THIS ANT1 liATTl KK 1^ BKST, IWn'i-r i! . I'lTriliTa. ullnpli , *,l 'us-.<,|, fn.l.t... , t ia .IK"!^ ,'i waah a. l/ilS lill f Ul- UOUplllllj Hoard's Carriag Shop I/AKM follsu f i IIKM- vs >, v . r Itiriiu, lot T. mm i. V.II.!LIVI u i - 1, aontainlni *> avk Thi i< a ui!, ablutlinbat Unn \\.-htnnlwv itl ha.nlw.Kkl. haiul i.-k .111.1 . , t. - tulid l| milM f-i'iii Ibi- Iwaiilllul MlUt.' Ki ram IB gaco'i Valli'V wliura ll'vrr ai. ilU Muieii poalo.!p>aaiii1-h nrvh.iin.l II null- . 0111 math' arton uu thx C I' H . whra thri> ,. > -r' luwl I *a*ra*t (pr all kinUi of tintluav .1. ,-k Naakv* a*4llu(at A|.l! to H J H,.,,,..:, ucUMwi aaaV.MllNUM ar> il, *1*ib*(K a. r r ]1 .V

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