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Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1890, p. 5

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THE FLESH ER1ON ADVANCE. ftEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, l>K.iPTX HOUGIIT AXD SOLb. people make friuds * well u trade t'irou<h the dJumni of The Advance, for their name* become an familiar at house- hold words The merchant who adver- tise* least uet* the (mall end of the people i trade. esteemed Co ires; -on deuce from an .4t/eii(i/tM fnid to tkf aMrrtumoft Eugenia correspondent is unavoidably |,,<w/it, ^J du^r Xuitk f crowded out. ;.' ' /r.ioii < VicinitsrJliips. The fourtk spnii,< >h-.w f stallions. by A lar^e 4 aaractrriMtic* *f Ike Past Wcfk Toronto, on March 13, next. <'arcrully t'llllrd for tlie li*t of prixe* ia offered. As will be uot iced by ur advertising . .uncil meeting ru-xt Monday. columns, a meeting will ho held at Get blank nut** at The Advance office ; R"cklyn on March -S for the purpose of electing a standard bearer to contest Buy your aap pail* for 112 ...d lo per ^^ Q ^ .^ ^ L ^ n[ CooWTmtlre liundred at F. G. lUratedt *- Division Court will be V.rfd in trton or. Thursday next, March F!uii- interest* at the coaiiuj election for tue ' L*.:u!ture. B'snk note* OD hand at Tbe Advance Mr*. Chad wick, of Stratford, isviaitinj with her sister, Mia, Uuluier. Five ton* of old iron wanted m ex for good*, higheat price paid at Karatedt a. laat Change in Mcsars. Will ami Wesley Armstmn have purchased tlie jewelry business of J. O. Russell, and took possession laat Monday. Tbeee yovnc men will doubt- lea* carry on a lar;e business, aa they are both experienced Workmen, "We*." for some time been with Ryrie I Br "*" Ths Money Maker i* the. journalistic candidate for favor. Pu- .-d at Toronto at oue dollar per annum The R.T. of T. dramatic company are .ijain rehearsing Ten Nitchti in a Bar r.M.m, with the object of producing it at Kimberley in about two week*. was called of the best jewjlry the city of Tor .B4. The boys are put- ' aiease. or perhaps sxute fatty degeneration. had Ji*>i suddeuly. Later on the fall facts arrived, through a despatch to the Toronto daily Eaapire, which read a* follows : BBAOTBD. Mian.. Feb *>. This morning de- veloped from the eveau of the night eo at (he most remarkable wedding tragediea ever chronicled, the widowing of a bride in !<* than half a uuht. It was kuuwn la*t that Mrs. Dean, a well known widow of the north lit wu to we.l he* daaiihter Lily, a highly es- teemed young lady, to a young employe of the Northern Faciae named J. J. Bolmer. The latter w&s from Fleaherton. Oat- bat hai been f jr sum* UUM ia the railroad eotnpaav't yard as clcuk. He was known as a yooog man of good habits and of good health, except a recent mild attack of la grippe The we>lding cere- mony Was performed sboct eight o'clock, and toward! wuiuitfbt the couple bade the tuem- bled friends good night and retired. In a very few minutes the newlr made wife canM nubiog down Main with the horrifying statement t!it her hanband was either dead or m a faint. Tbe remaining gneeu rushed opetain to Sad it only too true. The man wa* tp|rvntly Jead, and this we* confirmed nhortly by Dr. (*rove* who was hastily *nm jianed. Death was appareutlr gained by heart failure. The bride, whoa she had somewhat rallied from tile shock, toU her latimate tricnds the w^ole particular* of her heartnadiDi; ciporience. She said thas shortly after entering the room her hatband ottered a moan sod ei|>eriouced IroauU in breathinc Thu frightened her aud the spoke to him i attempted to roaM him. Be never replied nor moved, but gave a convulsive *sjp. wb.-n she fled and gave the alarm Coroner Craseeo-i derided that DO inquest was necessary. Dr. Groves prononncing death to be from bvart tin-.; in .1 hundred duflan worth of turn- ing rn.iclnn.-ry and will therefore be ablo to turn out work whick ha* never beefi done Here It-fore. We wish the young n,en ever)' tuccea*. Kev. J.W. Shilton. B. A., away on Friday, to Toronto the .ick I,HV! of his brother, who i\ i'h a typhus fever Reminiscent. Tlie Oniigeville Advertiser iti 2iid year of publication last week. The prvs.-i.t proprietors Irivo made, it one of the best local paper* on our exchange list. We have fi* fourteen yean had a watchful eye ver thu paper a kind of ! a son-shiney regard for it at it waa Eaq.. occupied the j u ,, def ,5,, Advertiser'* fatherlr tuition u prvstrated M. Richardaon, Methodist pulpit ou Sunday rnonnnx *ud | , h , t we gpel| , f . urnBtyear , t i, e Itev. Mr. Biugiin in the evenms. Mr. Shilt" being sbaent. R I. B. l<jcas, barriater. tke 6rtn Th"ex> were J<-lly tunes, when Monr-ie and Folev fought each otlier like little timers without raU.n^ a hair on e.ther. The above waa a sad blow to the family here. The young man waa 2C yean uf a^e, and while hvin; hero was a general favorite with every one. Manv friend* called urxm Mrs. Bulmer ti> offer sympathy in her terrible bereavement, and the (i<.>d of the widow and the rather- lea* was petitioned in many a home that He mijfht comfort the sore distressed. The b..'y waa not brought home for in- terment. H,sh..p \ l.ucas. Owen SouiisV eat the W >> * ' rj l^r wa. st*ted in ..rticeof Wiu. LucM & Co., in MarkdaK cv,.ry Friday, nd m Dundalk every Saturday. It ia certainly m aign of liant timea v hen a farmer coming to town on l.usi- nraa brings al.-ng a quarter cord of W'Xxl to pay for las dinner. This occurred m Klethertnn Oraii:,-evillw* feared that tiie Adver- tiser would fare badlv. bu: it ha* eon- tinued adveitunii; ruiit alon,-, and to- day i* the tnni;est l*per of the triu. L. in; may the A.Uirf,-er l oin. Its pr.'i-netors will accept our tkms. Mr. Jo*epl Blackburn has bewn laid up with la grippe for the past four weeks mid unable to attend to*c. Hia friends were glad to see him down town ni Monday for the tirst time . \Ve have had one week of lei;;hiiur. the first genuiue aUighmg of the winter uid it ha* made buainess quite brisk during the paat week. That we may have at lea*t ou* month of it is or fer- veut prayer. Mr. Andrew Beattie s sale i>f farm atock and implement*, which was to have taken place last Thursday ha* been poc-t poned until Monday, March 3. In addition to article* on t!ie bill there will ! a number of niilch cow offered on that date. Tli* Entrance? examinations t* Hi-li Schoola and Collegiate Institutes for 1S-.K) will be> July ">rd, 4th ami Oth, a,,d oirffoeiuber 2-Jiid. -'3rd and i4tlu A circular ha* be*n iasued by the IV parMnent of Education giving the limit of atudie* ill tlie various *ubjeeU. Some correspondence ha* parted be- tweeu an Enial RitfhU disciple from tlie i*t and ot* of our busiiie*sm-u reUtive to the formation of an Equal Kn;liu aociety heie. and a meeting is talked of. The p.wrVle ad >d en'lu aiat wh *rttonipt to form an association of this kind here will, we believe, hat* an uphill PH ">t it not looked pon with any U>*> IF*** favor. An exchange remark* ery tnitstfully that it is only the men uiiaccuaUtnejd to blame** methods who get angry Sen a lull i* presented, for payment. A ignor- ant mini Is the harvest man m tlie world to du butinea* with, because lie contin- ually carriea the idea that someUnly is trying to beat him. A IU.MI who receives a bill, or *t*temirt, should walk op and pay it like a man. or if be hat not the money, mak* *.xne satisfactory adjiut- meut. Did yon ever stop to think tkat nearly very oue who tak** The Advance b come* perfectly familiar with the firm name* appearing in it and often time* send others to the plaowa ther read about a* well a* go themselves ' Merchants wliu coftitantly advertiee and presUtently "evrep thir name and buaiuees Wore the to Loae Him. Fleahert<>n mil .sliortly l*e a resident wh will be sndly missed, in the hand- some person of J. ,. Kusaeil. Esq.. who 1-urp.iee* removing to Hamilton, and, as will be noticed elsewhere, has diaptwed of liia busiii**. Mr. Kussell has al- ways made himself conspicuous by hi* assistance in eve: y ^H*! cau*e. A heavy hitter in tenr>eraiice work, leader of the Prtwbytoriaii ch.-ir. Cbe ureat aud ouly trn.r of onr sle clab. in each of which position* his freely given and whole so uled assistance can never be replaced. The Advance is not given to abaurd flattery, and when we say that J. it. Russell's re nival i a sore K-ss to Flesheiton we awply mean every word of it. Our shevaree, however, iW* not prevent us frwn wishing hiui BiiboundeJ luccesi wherever h* The Wtbor. A youni; frieml <'f The Advance tends u the following original vencK : Ton know. thU tar the >now has come In raibvr ce, meauir. v inl>ort iWa'. wiiln: \t nil saervd treasure. The \iinn: folk are rr;<inlug for >nt of recreation. Aud tbi 1* grippe ba givtr MJ^U iruublea&d wsattua yeaug men waa: for Setter mad* \ - -,-iue for week* bare te^nr-l That ti-> ii.av net a good deign ride Tbe uay tUat tUev vet mairied Ofc. gran Ima lia*:i I bevn > church for i. litllowori Sun-lav For none r than go w%jkin net She d twtm thv bay of Fuaday. t a*ked fther knc>w I-.- 1 why The FDOW >tnft w,-r n.< gr- \ter He bid mo take mv question tu liouie giee,t sJoiAuac maker I went to crmmlpa nH I l.,ti. ^i 1 .imler At w.i.-. i- bviliK Urwigell fl. i \\ i:l: !:i':t. !i. ., au.l thandvr. H-. turned to wo o.l xraralr taid Tht* mwrttlential avtiou Ha* nlll yovir u.m.l witb woadroiu tnou^Lts (t">ouin . nce ytxi I. :-, to >!ve I'iu.-in'it;- ui<>teriou< pronleiu. .! alH.'iit Bill S!iki-|-*ej-e or Kail Uodwu. Sent up for Trial. Un Wednesday of last week a warrant was mued by J. W. Armstrong, J. P.. for the arrest of Adam Holler, jr., on a charge of bavin,- set tire to the barn of Adam Holley. sr . on the Monday 1114! t previous. The arrest was made on th* aauic dav by liailiff Y.indiien and the accuse** wa* brought before a bench of MatpitratM C"m|x>aed of J. W. Am- stroll;;, Ke.].. and M. Richardson. EH. The evidence went to skow that ou th* >V*uiy nilit in <iue*Uvu a track had been followed leading from the burned to prisoner'* house, and another premises. McLeod, wore that the pi i*-ner had threatened to bum any building which his brother | made. For tbouib it now niav trrn: to you Mor - i;itfV..u than * f-lt. r. YI-U aftvrwknl* will ulainly MM Tiiat u wa for the better. Prtoevllle. Feb. *i To our Subscriber*. The special announcement which ap- pearwu in our crluinn* sottie time since. announcing a spvcial arrangement with !' H. J. Kendall C-... >4 Euoeberxh Fall*. Vt . publishers of "A Trewtia* n the Horse and his l>is*>e*. whn>by our subacnlier* were enal'lxd t obtMii n .,> of that valuaUe work free by send- ing their addrwaa to B. .1. Kendall '' iand eucl<iii)( a two-cent ttamp for 111:11! in. 1 aiuiie) i< renewed for alimiteu period. We taust all will avail theiiKfU >-s r>t tliu pp<trtuiiily of ol-taitiini! this valiuble biNik. To every lover of the horae it i indispensable.asit treats in a simple wan- ner all Uiediseasea.whicU alflict this miblw animal. It* phenoniui*! le thiouk:ln>ui ' I'nitrd Suti-s and I'.Miaila, make it standard nulhoritt. M i ttiuitM'l for iimti*r. Mu tasted in thouaanHa teatiosfiuiala IB Mir it ia all we claim for u other sufferen it will e*r* yjai. It M eaay to use. plesMaart ami agreeable and doe* not retire a douche, or any tortur- ins matruiiRirt to apply it. Give it a trial and be convinced of ita reat eficacy. Sild by all dealer* or trot poet free n receipt of price 50c for snail or <1 f.< lar_-e SIM bottlea, by sddreeaiiif Ful/onl & Co., Brockville, (.hit. frvin hi* house t<> the Tke prisoner's sister. Mr*. D. Wanted. A local agent U repreaen: a Agricultural Implement CVnitaiiy m thu vicinity, for buMlers, mowers. rapen, rake*, ploughj, drills, cultivators, etc, Apply box 182, Jane* own. It was brouifht out in evidence t!vtt th* father had willetl the farm to h two sou*. James and a younger brother, a stabl* bein< on the property W'ongin; btirued building up<n that of hi youn.e' brother. of evidence a strong case wa* consider* I to h.ive l<een made out aud the prisoner wa* iMinmitt*d to stand his trial at tk* next nssiw* to be held in Owen 8.H1M.1 on March SO. A Sad Death. A telegraphic despatch fivm Brainon', : r.>B. - It ia a well known fart that the majority f p.<|U* are inclined to look upi'i 1 a co!J in the hend .< a mat'er of httle nnpt>rUice- imolvini; .v tbe ino^t 'Hi y a temporary incvnvi-ineneo. Mo ui ! ilisnstr>u* mistake wa ever Ihe neglected cold in the head is the *oun* if trre cotarrhal atfection* with which about s-ven-teiiths of the people . >:' this coMtry aie atflicte-l, .-uu catarrh , itelf is t<i oftoii tlie preliiiuiisrv slaps to cotmBiKptioii and death The to Oanif* ai.d ihe| toma rf caturrh are manifold. l>ut auioiic them may be suenti.'iied.otieiiatve hre.illi. , dull oi<preaai head nche ; otfunsive After hearing a lr< amouut ar.>ppnii! d. m tlie n.trils into the throat aud bronchil tubes ; deafnea* or partial dealnoea : constant hawking an 1 spitting ; weak and watery eye* a hack'.ni! cough and feeling ot general debility . rnuni^ in the ear* an I frequent diuiues*. The** are bnv H few of the more general yir.|>toins. and tko*e who experience them shoulii 1 no time in applying a remeiy de- Minn., which was receiveil on Thumdty laat. Brought sadnew* and deaolatiou to one home in Fleaherton. The despatch conveyeil the eorrowfal inaell'.gi !,-,- t* A PrUc. In order to discover what kind IiUrary taleut tliere u among the of this paper we hare decided to offer prize* for th* beat original aliort stone* Mtut m by April 1 uet:. These stone* must be fact, or founded on fact, and not more than twoculumiuin Uo^tli. Aa prize* we olfer for each accpteu story a eery iarre steel etiyrsvinj worth three dolhiri in any art alore, aodauch pictures as cannot be purchased anywhere eutaide of a large citv. "Riey are really the fiue*t ictures which art can produce in the (me >f stwl engravings. This U a chance ' the young to display their Xaleut aud k>r tlie. old t>i s -ute something elegant for Uieir homes. Every accepted su ry ( will pay for one of these jrand work* of art aud the competition will be divided ! into to claaaes that for theee under sixteen and another for those over that age. Send in your manuscript*, stating whether you are over or aimer that a^e d the picture will be svnt you if tlie story is worthy of a place la our colarnns Competitiou cloaea OB the first day of April uext. The* Baby was sick, we gave her Cassorla. When the we* a Child, ehe cried (or Caetana. When she bream* Miae, she dung to Caesonsv When -He haU ChiUrea, ahe (ore Lbaia Caetone, Mr. Wrulit and J. Dans gave addnalss bearing on the leading topsea at proen: agitated. Mmsi Ford, Kells and furniahed aeuie focal aisd inatru- tueutal ui'is.c. Club swiagiaej by some f Mia* ford s cku* auel the Natiuual Anthem cluaed the rntertaimutat. Geivd aUeudance for a bad nsgbt 8* 4O of oar citiiea* journeyed ail tl-. way to Owen Sound to hear Law famooa BvJnioral choir. We have not learned whether they were repaid for tlieir trouble aud eipetae ir not. It likeiv though that they will report all aatistjex?. We arc satntjed that The Advauca- ia BuJnnt appreciatiun in this section as w see quite a few looking it over every ANi'N. General News. lay* ai* privrbia:!y ilangeroua, and w tke ca of this too prevalent diet mav lead to death. We offer N llalm to tlie public a* a poaitire cure for -Id in head and for oatarrtt in all it* RLI.Ii">TT- llel.F AX - >a tt rwudence of tl>e b.-ule > father. Feb 4th. Mr T Elliots, at M (Beth, u I., Ms*1ea . eldaet <isntatcr of Mr John \.cl.o*u. aleeJonl KoaJ. near FlMhertou From wr o:r<i CvrrrtpottJt*!. Dr. Sproule. M. H . amvod home Sat- urday noou from Ottawa and rcturuol Monday afteruoon. It was a rty.iig iit foroerUUB. Next wrek his family will t-' FlenherVMi to remain tliere during tke baUncu of tune the Pr. may be ab- Lord Tetiuyaoo U aerunnly i'!. Dr.Mouta^ues total majority in Halu. man waa l'40. Sherii MeCoukey, of Carrie, did Fr. day of paralyaia. John J*c-b Astor died at his re*. . in New York on Saturday of heart failure. 1 1 is propuaed V taipplr St. Catharioaie with nataiul ga* piped frum Port borne. Jeremaii O Dunnell ha* been convicted of jury brtbiBK SB cuaBectton wit'.: Cr>nin case m Chicago and sentenced '. three, years impn*onmBL All others charged were acquitted. NKW NOTICE! \COSVKXTIOS OF THK UBRRAL lf>V SKBYAriYK rlecton of CeBtn Gre> w held lit Rocklrn on Saturday the h day a( Mtrrti lie*' l 1 o clock |> 01 )er the puiv telerOag assaniiart hearer to rsetewl the rUtSMC ia Ui latsfteU of the liberal Cvoeer^ . the conuaf eiecuon tut the . - ? at of Ontario. THOS KKLJ> WM ki- - DRESS ClTTIXii AND FITTING TAUOHT BY Mrs. E. Frame N>wet imarovwd. perfect t witho-.t ch- i>(-.-:n- I -1lT- try it. it u avrmt r i voik anU (Uu-itiua in all :t brwivbeK. *u. faction gjaisu:ed. Mrs. R. Frame FLKi ..' Mr*. !mer that hr eMett. ^n Jam j ( -rni* and atagea. S*aa' Balm baj been Mr. Trod Stephen*, who lias been for some years paat in the px<st otbce here, will lre for Torontw ere He very succeasfujly pasaed the civil service ex- ams, lately and has secured, we believe, a co.41 p.ition in ->me ilepni tmeut of aid aeri.ce in the O.ueii t'lty. Miss Annie McKay ba commenced this week to learn the routine of poet othce woik. and take upon herself the arduous dntie* :' entry and delivery clerk. We bcliev* he *ul make an obliging, courteous, acceptable asaiataiit. Mits wvntne P.O. ke. ^tter-in-law tu Mr. J. I' Caea*r, li.i* been very low for some day* with pneumonia. We ar pleased to le.irn to day that she is some better. 1'r. Mclinvle U in close attend- auce. Mn. Uo'.f-t Ask in haa been at the point -'f death for some days, and to-day (Tuesday i *he i* not expected to last long. We hear many e\i're*aions of hope that she ni-iy yet reaver. Armstrong 15m*. teamed in \A.\t Satur- day the two largest UHT* of the ea*i>ii. They were rock eim and ir.rasv.rrd 44 in. in diameter : $<.<d cleeui. clear timber. Mr. Oscar Wright, of the I'mbreu* Co., was home over Sunday. Our station y.inUand alon^ the- track at present give evidence) of a j.-vH-d source of future income to the horny handed on* of toil if puce* rule even Wood tie*, poles and square timU-r in abund- ance r 'tacked on all aide*. Mr. Thoma* Hill haa returned from Toront < where he was arrairging to settle and enter real ealate bix He concluded to pull out while hi* purse was still in a plethoric condition and continue ou the old line of suooeeaful farntint;. The Kells' home waa opened bat Thursday night for the annual Orange soiree. After a sand* ich supper and a g<H>d cup of tea, all attendant* went to the hall. Mr. John Roland was a jUy and acceptable chaiiman. Mr Jaimeeon. of Berkley. W. A. Brow,., D,xld* and ItolauJ from the Notthwe*t. T. h.-i'. CKBUIT AUCTION SALE! OF Farm Stock Tlie JOHNSON V 4. Ll.hX tv K.! l oa LT 117. ARTKVKMIA > ' - EAST Monday, March IT. 1890 The following Farm St.. k viz : t mare aged : 1 Lard Derby rait, riun* * I - ile luck, rinng t 1 Term roll. . I:IHI t veroM 1 .iut in Tsne colt. II-IKK I U . i c,'W in cl! . 1 farrow tow couiing ^ \ri* r. i , J hrifer* couiing J ve*roW. in -ir i' tis eooiln*: 4 >r eU . t heifer* oonumc -.' . 1 . tall. WMUIJ: i. M sawing ealvea. iiMiT .-' tvl> *M(BS . 1 long le*gV at li o'clock s'..r ; - TE RMS- All um of *5 and un der. cash : ovr that aiuouut 10 months' credit on furnishing r proYed joiat ri . I.KM ftvft lesor. UOKROW \ . . Farm for Sale. Oflor* will N< rw.ivfi bv theun.1.' the |>urha o( K*. 5 ami . Con l/oiKaiaiDiltUU tore* morr ." eoaattutiui: au>><et vluhle !'< r fejr r> erected s latv-- Tlie tarin i well wat*r-l Vl<- cleansl an.1 nicler enltirali.<i< IhoeetaW of the lave J* l'r be told to win.) nj- affai: further parlK-alare (niendinit hoa!.lsrr^v to J081AH I- ' Ma Maiwell. Jan I*W. k-ne-l f, . ILLS -' |xiiupi> a iiiJt\ \\ iud> t . co%tlnee to maaufaeture WIIH iwr or uuniimMC IHirfMM^K v tlc*J UMcnanio. 1 f*el >t<no<tMi work that re.oot fll V i Kr|Murt( doae Al! work froisi a eletawr* will |,n>inr*t %' lyl'dv ork gMo rvreive ' Vws)ae\l I'.mj' b to aa l-uhli- I ai. all aiaea very - Fo* s fte. IVoe 1 \ j ir. . - i'or eitb<- a i- riias oet kwae i>niei lar auj KT. .IV

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