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Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1890, p. 3

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THE ONTARIO IMUTCRE The following bill* were inlro<Jacd and read the tint lime : Mr. Broneon Respecting St. Andrew 1 ! Church, O:tawa. Mr. Drury To ccnecliiiate th* debt of the town of "Orillia. Mr. Whitney To chang th uime of Wtilmiubtt r village 10 that of Winchester- Also, respecting e-rvain allocate** for roads io the township cf Winchester. Mr. CbUholm To consolidate the debt of the town of Brarrpton. Mr. Wood (Brant) To amend tbe Muni c.[ . Act. Mr. McKay lUspecting by -lew No. 168 of tbe village of Thorold. The estimate* for tbe ensuing jeer were brought down to tbe House by menage from Hi* Honor the Lieutenant Governor. Mr. Meredith called attention to the fact that several important measure* promucu by the Government had not yet b-en intro duoed, the molt being that teverml Oppoai tion bill-, referring to tbe tame matter bad to be kept back. Mr. Mowat said tbe Government would bring forward iti measure* at tbe earliest po*eible momer t. XOTICB or JIOTIOS Mr. Meredith- On Friday next Bill entitled an Act to amend the Registry A-' A number if petiiioni were prisrntod Mr. French An Act to amend the Separate School Act acd ihe Hi b -h School Act. Mr. Bishop An Ac: to regulate iramo on highway* and bridge*. Mr. Gibeon (Uamilion) An Act respect- ing certain land* ot Chri.t Church, Hamilton. Mr. Drury An Act to amend the Act re- latin* to the suppression o( oontaj; o dis- eases among animals, with ipecial reference to boms. Mr. Btratton An Act to amend the Act respecting landlord acd tenant. Mr Crriiihton A-i Act i> amend the Act respecting the Department ot Ednca- tioo. Mr. Gibeon (Hamilton) presented the annual report ot the Agricultural and Art* Association. Mr. Rot* ( Huron) proceeded to deliver hi* Budget speech. Be read tbe (laltmealof rewiptsfcr 18^9, wbiob appeared in tbe Tmm of Weaueeday. ibowmg a total of 13,538 4CS.C8. and d\ct*d icme time to an txnauetive anal>ri* of it. Tbe expendi- ture statement wa* tleo minutely goue into and the followiig statement of aanct* and liabilities wa* pre*entd : mVBTHK.\T. IXTKRUST BKAK1M1 AM' CASH aaasTa ur TUB PBOVU>CB. Direct lutesuuanl: IXmujioui!p*rcni. bonds... _ awixou) aUrkei va*uv over par valu...___.. u/.uiAi uu sy oon*ultiog the public account*, or tbe boa. KWJI USB* a'* own authorized speech. Laughter.) Tbe bon. gentleman never dwelt* on the deficit*, bat sc ire over the depth* of the lurplo*. The inoreaee in population, tbe development of tbe Pro- vince called for increaied expenditure, but there wa* no inereaM in the population or development of tbe Province to correspond with thi* increased outlay. Then where were tbe iaoreaeed reotipU ? It wa* DO advantage to hide the true Mate of affairs from the public by cooked statement*. old be (bown froci tbe bon. gentleman's own statement* that tbe expense* bad in- cieated tl 400,000. But no one oonld Bather from tbe statement jn*t forniihed to tbe HOUM anything about tbe deficit* wubont great trouble. He attacked the item of annnitie*. and claimed that the predecessor ot the Hon. 6. C. Wcod left a euipln* in Ihe treasury of 14835,526 in bard cash. Deducting the Dominion Gov- ernment tabeidy, capitalized by the bon. Draui*K 5 i-er cent, dabomum. in- vi*d alii December. lew ____ TUu L>rauias 3 ucr coot, drbtu- mr, kaeaMai Jlit i- iio.uuo oj '.;: 4-1 11 Work* XUietpal AJM**- Capital held and debt* due by tbeUomin too to Ontario, bearing interest : U. C. Grammar School fund. iJ Vic,. cap. lui . O. C. bunditg fund (18 see., act 18MI ... . iuipr.ivviusnt fund (see awardj _ ,no barn of library (see Common School (uod (Consul. 8tau. cap. Ml proceed* real- 11*1 to 31st "-"Tf~ fr-r intw. .<I6 JM 64 - after deducting laud impn>vaiol fund. I'or- ti.-u U-loimii.-g ui Ontario ... Balauo* uf aapvid .subalJy and otber crwdiu i eld by IvuilMon, acooniiun tu itateiuoot ot ae- eouut prepared iy ih Finance BtluitUT. aiut traiiuuiitvd to Um I't'-vmcial Troasunr in June, 1HM _ Other dbu doe to tb Proviuo* : Btortea;e. n laJe cf wyluui l.nd*. Uauug $ pwr out. u.wr*tl Haul balance* Current accounts Bpocul dupuMla oo 1.IU .VU 1 UVils t U*1 Tl TotaJ. .- . f f.tjHMffT B I4ABIL1TUB OF TBB MtOTIM E AT FKBIC.NT r Balai diu- to munlc-pa;ili* r. us d>tribuuoa ............... du to luunu-iftJitu* r Land lmpix>miiiii tuud- in- l.i'l .. Quebec's thai* of rollrciiro fi-r Coumu u 8cK>l luud ui I*;', made ap as ( : OeUeuiiotis duriof account cf lai.l* told twiWOTii UUiJuuu. U*s. atid Rib March, !.! per rent., i-i--i of uiaosge- uieut 10.123 SD at oae^narter (ortjaud Improve- ment fuud 9.797 W 2,449 4 Collection! durii K '*>. on mat!i htcce Alii May. 1N61 6 par <*tn.. east ot manage- T.34S I i-J T pro|H>r<i acorUlo| pupulauou of IsM 11. UU 7 4..WT U Tolal .U1 4 orpins ol assets after litl'ihues pn**uU) payabl* MtfTja) 4 BSTIMATKU BBCXITTS. ItWO. Buteidy * l.liM.>7 lDtrrr-1 on capital bvU and debts due l>y in* botnilM to Ontario 4M.rtXJ J.IXJ*J I lOMIIMtOU Orowa Land< 1V| artmcDt. Puhlia .Klooi Kduoatlou lH>paltuiul Ua>uai if UCOHMM I VH 00 15, 1)1 Law attmp* ................................... AlK"iua tax** ............... _ ........ From miurauco foiupantn r ore at London Atyluui ...... ....... .......... Drui atie aaMWtuent ..................... Toronto Alum landi ..................... luiuruioe coiupaiiM aumnwnu AaMMnKnt of oouativ* r rvmeyal of luuatici ................................... hi.OUv) I *,UU>0 17.000 M.OOO 3.10) 6.0000 Total Mr. ROM explained the linanoial .|u> ton* tn dispute between tae Provincial an Uomiuiou Government*, and sngge that, otber proposition* failing, the IX inlon and 1'rovino* ahonld appcint arbitrator eaoh, and ihonKl thme fail t agree a third should be appointed by the two to adjust the matter* finally. Mr. U. B. Clark* wa* greeted' with Oppc silion cheer* H said that for a numb* of year* past there had been a d> noil. An pereon ojnld satisfy themtMlvea about tb teentleman from tbe inrplni cf 1888, would leave only $3,886.360, or 9939,000 lea* than nen tte Conaervativee vacated the Treaiory benchee. Tbe vaunted inrplu* wa* only a wooden dummy. Tbe hon i< ntleman bad referred to the Iruit fund* i.eU by tb* Dominion Government. These fund* did not belong to tbe Frovicee, bat to the munioipalitie*. They were not l**et*. Mr. Hardy It i* a mUtekr. We do OWL cm aud tbey are an a**et. ilr. Crrixhton cballanged the itatement tne Treaaarer, and (poke for *oma lime. Mr. J. Water* dtftnded the amount* 'd by the Goveromeot to aiylumiacd ublic icititutionr. He taid that tbe item in tbe expenditure waj tb iu the maintenance of the Central riaoo owii(( to the new re^ulktionr. Siuoe 873 a j rtat many aiylnm* bad been added tbe Government tut. The total reetipt* inoe 1471 were *; r.63,90U ; tbe total .x- nditura 185,725 32o, leaving a balance by hi* ihowinK ot 1930.577. Add to thi* the oapital a count ot drainage and other de entnrev, which would give tbe cnrpln*. Mr Cianay moved the a.ijjurcment cf be debate. Mr. btratton From tbe corporation of he ocnnty ot Prterboro' and other corpora- cm, pra>iog for an ameotfniect to tb* jiieemtnt Act. Mr. Gntbrie Petition* fiom the Munici- pality of the county of Wellington, praying r an act to amtnd the Aiettimtct Act . rom Knight* of Labor AfMmbiy, 2,980, ra> ing for an Act to oonttitnte Board* tf rbitratioD ; from tbe Municipal Council I the county cf Wellington, with reference o County Board* . Mr. Frreman From the town of Li*- owel, with reepecl to the consolidation of be town debt. Mr. Heit From tie townabip of Wai- ace, repeoting the conaolidanon ot the ownehiu debt. Mr. Lyon Froai Ibe tillage of Gore, ra> tan for in -cr^ora tion. Mr. Koa (Huron) -From tbe Huron it tatario Railway, prayaig for an Act of corporation to conilrnct a railwav from Uoderirh to Hamilton. Mr. O'Connor prceented the report of tbe cmmittteon BtandinK Order*. Mr. Gibeon (Hamilton) prevented tbe eport of the in*|.ector* ot factorie*. Mr. Guthrie To amend tbe Municipal Act. Mr. Lyon To incorporate tbe town ol ittle Curient. Mr. Avrey Respecting the Hamilton ireet Railway Company. Mr. Meaoham to amend the Act to uibori^e the appoint unut ot Fire Guard an*. Mr. Ingram To enable tbe oorpcration t tbe city of St. Tboma* to tune water work* riooentun*. Mr.Fcrguaon To amend the Monicipa Law. Mr. H. E. Clarke To enable i'haile* irthcote to atttle certain land*. Mr. Davu To amend an Act inoorpor almg the Toronto Dairy Co. Mr J Lye An Act teamttJ tbe Act Dcorpcratiiig tb Canada Landed Credii 'ompany. Mr. Cianoy wanted to know what were be ||roM amount* paid into the liceote uoJ tor tbe )ear* 1488 and ltM*9 re*pec- iively . How much of the fund the mnmci pahtie* impc*d by by-law over and above he elatntory cutiv* in each cf inch year* what were tbe gro*e amoonta paid tl e mueicij ahtie* and theProvinoe repec tut iy lor the tame year*. Mr Gibson (Hamilton) replied that Ih yrava amount pid into tbe lionise fund in 1087 Ss was S3'J 675 17. The groosamonn iu for 1888 89 wa* 1470,846.50 'ib tuionnts impostd by mnnicipahtw* by by law* in txceee ot Ibe itautory duii to liqnor license* for 18b7-88 wa* 09.546. I 1889 S'.l it wa* V87.407. Tbe groa* amoin to municipaliiiee on acooaot of 1'qno luwn**) fer* for 1887 88 wa* I1&7 979.8-.I. to 1888 89, $190,297 79. The groee amount ci i to tbe Province for liquor lioenats I 1887 88 wa* 9201.54J.4i. in 1888 8l>. |J3J 511.55. Mr. Preston moved for an order of tb House for a return showing tbe number a obool* aided by grants frcm tbe poo ichool fund for 1888 and 1S89 U* though there should be a baaie on which the in formation oonld be supplied, and of whic none at present existed to hi* knowledge. Mr. Roe* (Middleeex) replied that th detired information could be found in th Public Softool account*. H* wa* not aware that any changes bad been made in th r*t[ulalions,bul if there had been they wen alight. The department had been guided i their grants by the condition ot the dls triote to be aided. Mr. I'reston cited an instance in whic he considered the amounts had not bee fairly divided, and urged a more equitable ,: -intuition of the grant*. The matter wa* allowed to stand. Mr. Cianoy moved that th* debate be adjourned till Tueeday neit. Carried. The House received a message from Hi* Honor the Lieut- Governor, thanking them for theAddre**. Mr. Crrnhton complained that Ihe print- teg of Bills had been delayed. A number of Kills had been ureeented, and a* they r 1 1 not been printed much delay in tbe bi iri's of the House wa* tbe consequence. Mr. Mowat explained that the matter would be attended to. Mr. Clancy asked if the report of the AuricnUnral Colltge and Experimcnta) l-'arm would be forthcoming at tu early date. ^^^^ Boncu or MOTIOJI. Mr. Waters Bill to amend the Munici- pal Act Mr. Ciuihrie Bill to amend tbe County Coorts Act. Mr. Stratton Bill to amend the Munici- pal Act. Mr. Uitrom Bill to amec-i the Munici- pal Ac*. Mr. Cutrom Biil to amecd the Aol re- apeoaiag th* driving of saw-log* and other umber in lakti, rivtr*, cieek* and stream* Marriage appenaad Public Dinner*. En, I had hoped tbat a more eloquent pen than mine would champion the aou- tioo o! tbe wine cnp from public or private feast*, and have waited long before refer- ring to the matter. Since no one ha* taken it up pubiicly I Ventura a remonstrance. Many indignant pereong have talked vigorouaiy in private, especially mothers who have tried bard to *hitld their boy* frcm temptation and have seen them grow to respectable manhood witnont acquiring an appetite fcr intoxicant*, and THLBORAPHIC SUMMARY. Nova Bcatia Legialatore meet* on next Thursday. McnMa BY ha* benn unpriaoced in hi* own palace. Tbu Sultan of Zanxibar i* dead. Re i* inocttded by bis brother, Bey torn Alt. Thj Makinaw Strait* are blockaded with ice, practically tb* nnt tiae Uu* then jost at Ite placet least tipected at pntho dinners given by representative men, inch as our Board cf Education, l- Mayor, medical men, and last, not least, private individual* celebrating marriages, reuioca ana >al rtccptic2, to wbicu 50Ui2g meii ar nvitcd never viciccs young men, if it be nown that tbey are inch bat th* ver; Do}* so carefully trained by devoted larents. Just here tbey meet th* tempter 11 tb* moel subtle goite, wh?ni friendship coffers the cup and u teems a discourtesy not to partake. I* it any wonder tha'i ur young men, and young women, to , all victim* to social ciutom. when ladie* irepare a* part cf the elegant met a wine tliy trifle, which means no trida in brandy, .cj th* vice cup pnSaatl by a white. ewelitd and perobanue beloved hand .' .'cder inch^iiou young men have be stronger than human nature makes hem if they do nut fall. And yet Christian men and women ail and look on without 1 word of eio:eai. borne whose owa ions lavefi.led dishonored grave* through this OMom have net a word to say tor tht esoae of oiber* in like temptation iuets are, no uoubt, in an awkward po*i ton, a* tbey would feel it net quite polite o a:. -tale to their boat aud noelet* a* to their btU of fare. Tb* recponsibtlity ems to me to reel largely upon tho*e who Certain. I understand that al ihe last la<woic ..upper no wiae (au)-graoed tbe able. If any gat at must nave it, it could procured ; LOI many would lice to ask or u, 1 fancy Thi* i* certainly belter, bat it would be Mill better if al ttertaintri, cither nnblio or pri ate, would abolish the wine cup and otber kindred thing* from all their hospitaiitic*. leal they make a weak brother to fall. A bright, clever man who >iv* in our city became a drunkard. Hi* father filled a drunkard'* grave and be added to an inherited ta*t* an acquired (petite H* loved tbe smell of liquor even from a drunkard'* breath and for years wa* a complete wreck, all stforti at reform were usvle**. People (aid to him A man oatht to have will power enough o Mop dunking when be know* it hurt him." U* (aid : Tbey forget that my will power wa* gone." Bocd friend* tcathtred ar and him and he. yielding to .heir enlreatit*. stui himself up in his own ticme !or a month, not venturing out of tb bouse leal be shooiu tall . then wutt i tor htlp al every step b* took cr nin* month*. On* day after dcing a lue pieo* ol work snoots*! ally with others 3.i eui player ordered a treat for them to show bis appreciation ot their service* He, poor fellow, trembled from head to foot, longed, yearned for a glail, bat r**a Intely raid nu ' and passed on unbarmo for tbat time , but olber temptations came and he fell ; but thank God ' he stand akaiu. Tell me y* Kurou* banqueter*, i your brother had msde each a heroi tfort to break away from th* drunkard' life and deaib, and some *nppo*ed fri*nd had placed the wine cnp in hi* band, an amidst laughter and fun had induced him to <aU, perbap* fcrever. what would >o think ot each friend thip ' And yet eom (cch pour straggling soul may hav sat at the banquet provided There have been terrible volcaxic erup- ticn* in Japan, and the los* to property amounted to S3 500,000. A Icoomotive boiler exploded yeetariiay on the Pituburg. McKaeeport jt ' Yootduo- ght ny Railway, and killed five men. A Dominion Backers' Aaacc auon bat been organized by the banking magnate* who assembled this week at Ottawa. Many frauds acd irregularities have been discovered in the jury pay li*t* of Lincoln county by a committee ot investigation. The diffi cully between the Montreal mMtcr plaateren and their workmen cou- honor of the Minister' of Educa tion, recently given by our Boarv of Education of this city. Can you ima gine a lea* courteous action than to ordi me tor a banquet given to a man who ha been, and i* (till, a staunch Mmperan advocate, and one who ha* been iuiltu mental, more than any on* else, in gettin Ibe Ontario Government to authorize tern if ranee text book* in our schools ? an text book* have been endorsed by on Board and placed in our cchocls. Th received a well-merited rebuke when tb Hon. Mr. Re** and olber gentlemen wool not touch a drop of their wine. No wonde that a noble, Christian mother, after raa< icg that two oaat* of win* had been opened in oelebratiutj the marriage of tbedaunhte of a certain representative gentleman this oily, (aid that ah* felt like using wr trong words, bhe bat ran* of ber owu wbom she ba* carefully trained to abataiu from thi* and all kindred evil* ; but at inch a place bow bard it i* for young or i U to say no ' Ob, kind ladie* '. you whose tympathiea are so eaaily aronied by tbe rehearsal of a tale of woe ; gentlemen, *o generou* and chivalrous, take a look into the drunkard's home. Look at hi* shrunken limb* and despairing eye* ; aee hi* shivering, bearl- broKen wife, and hungry, ragged and un- trained children, and read in them the doom of thousand* brought to juil inch wretchedness by the wine cup yon prof- fered, meaning no harm but harm came; and let n* all rt solve that we al leait will be gnililee* ot bringing other* to a like fate. If you will visit the home of the victim* of the win* oup and is* tor yourself the wretchedness that haunt* it* every inmate, instead of hearing the merry wedding bells as tbe cnp pasees around, you will hear the hiss of the serpent lottead of the happy laugh and clink ot the glasses at 'your ban- quet, jou will be appalled by the mnrllsd drum and th* dead march of despair. ^ A WBITB KIBBOKIK. and the men are still out on strike. Tbe Quebec Government baa been peti tioncd to prevent another recurrence cf the mobbicu cf ilies Wright and ber com pan us in Bull. A (ub-oomniiite* ot Congress hat been ppoitted to have charge of all qie-tioc* Dearie; spcn reciprocity between the oiled Slates a 3.: Canada. The brick acd (tone builcu:*!. corner datna and Market street*. Chicago, were ultdd yesterday. Loee (475.000 ; iaaured. everal fireman were injured. Troop* of King Meoelek ot Abyssinia avs bad a severe battle with tba foroa of Be* Alonla. Ra* Aloulo wm* danger n*ly wounded and nil army defeated. Tbe evangelistic 'mteiinga are to be continued at Hull, but at the soli.-itaiion t fnecdt Mits Wright and ber lady worker* will r.ol be present at the next meeting. In ths lions? cf Lord* ye*t*rday the ewly. created I'uk* of Fife, accompanied iy th* Prince of Wale* and the Duke* of Sorfclk and Wurmiccer, took the oath on lie elevation. Tbe Boon Commute* on Terriuric* of b* United State* Congret* yesterday ecided to report favorably l?elmt 'arty ' Bill for the ecV.'.iecion o! tbe Tr- itory cf \\ ycming a* a State. The I'oited States Senate bas elite in- ted tb* clans* in tbe Ruatian Extra.iiiion Treaty which specinoaliy exemptvd from the l;*t of political crime* attempt* upon ha life of the Car or any member cf hi* amily. A couple of C. P. R. train* ran into each ilher near North Bay on Wedneaday. Tb* accident wa* the recall ot a mitonder itanding of tigcal*, James Thompson, of*ion, wa* killed ac.i Mveral peraoc* were injuried. In the British Extradition Treaty >rj-oii :i id bt-::-i{ man n tbe I'm'-ed Slate* Senate to the olauan providing extraditian for pert on* charged with man- siaunhier and obtaining money under !al*e pretenoe*. It i* said tbat Andrew Carnegie having secured abeclul* control of the PiiKborg A Weetern Railwav, ha* turned it over to the Baltimore <t Ohio Company, which will give tbe Utter company a shorter roate to Cleveland aud Chicago. In the Imperial Hoot* of Common* vis- terday Sir James F*ixuson. I' nder Secre- tary for Foreign Affair*, said th* nagctia- tioni betcecn England France wire tend- ing to a settlement ot tbe Nenfoucdland ftaherie* dispute. On Wedne*d*y oigbl, as Jsrrus Ho gin of luvtrary. wa* comiiix Dp tbe shaft in Foxton's mine, near Sjdenbam. he weakened and fell a distance) vl '.*0 feet, sustaining a fracture cf the skull, from bi.-h death resulted almost inslantane- oualv. Tb* Provircial Beard of Health, bavins etc*rta-i:d th* dislcr.ce of two caw* of glanders in (jnebtc and in L -relie. ba* called tbe attention of tbe Minister of Agri- culture at Ottawa to tbe fart, asking him to imtmdiattly enforce the law respecting ontegiooa disease* affecting animals unacted by the Federal Government in' 1886. Tbe (.'. 8. Senate yesterday paaaexl tb* following resclntion : "That tbe I'oited Slat- ^ oi An > rick congratulate the people of Bra/il en and peaceful assump- tion of the powers, datie* and responsi- bilities ct aelf -government, bated on the free ocntent of the governed and on their recent adoption of a Republican form of government." Two women who f onook charming homes, one in Deeeronlo, tba other near Belleville, for the o mpary of libertine*, are now re- penting amid desolation ia Rochester, N.Y. One has been deserted by ber lord acd has to earn ber daily bread, while the olber pair still live t one t her but have to work in factories for their maintenance. Tbe de- serted husbands bave left the women to their fate, denying them the right to see their o*u efftpring. Oo the evening of the 9lh intt. a farmer of Saiul Thomas. County ot Jolietle, named Joseph B-lbumeur. wa* going borne when ie was attacked by an unknown individual, who tired two revolver (hots in hi* face and afterwards brutally beat him when be lad fallen do*n. Tha victim draped aitusell for some distance, and bis Tie* brought help from a neighboring tion*e. lie i* now in a very critical oon dition and tbe local authorities arc search- iug After the fiend. Charles Wallers, a well-known yonog man ot Toronto, attempted to commit suio ui.' by taking a does ot dilut* hydro- cyanic acid. Th* attempt was made in Dufferin Chamber*, on Church street, shortly before midnight. Walter* ha* bad who cam* down stair* to hi* y conger ion'*) iitaac*. T<-e wound** man is reported dying, and has received th* last rite* of vb Choi on. Bytb an members of a rural bat- talion of militia, tha man who di i tkx) shoct c* beinj a Serjeant M*j .-r. E* i under am*t. Ia tbe iKperul Hoiie ef Coramoo* vwterday Sir Jamf s Ftr-n, 1'nJ** Secretary fcr tbe Foreign Office, staari tae paper* ecuoL-rniut tn* Ai g'- Ponngneie cispnie, re!a:ive to ttrriicrv in BoDthtkii Africa, would soon be jr,.-. r. ed to Parliament. They would atrve toiar^- ly dispel tbe misapprehension which t* eaaa- tce bootilo feeling uuw rj*in mai i- felled aeaioal ihe Eexlish by the Portu- guese. The nlacicc* betveen the Biiti*h and Pcrtujjuese GovernmeuU. be saio, an* fri*nnly. Portugal had jngiteeted sronrav tion cf the jaecticn* in disuute. bo; Eng- land wa* of opinion tbat the (abject wa*) not one for arbitration. Mrs. Vincent, al Nioolet, Qoe , hanged heraelt while mentally drrecged. Mr. Paraell will introduce a motion : it Monday demanding the repeal of th* Coer- cion Act. Senator Abbot, who U far fiom recovered from his reotnt iilnea*. left Montreal for Florida 'an evening Ontario Electcril District Agricultural Soctetie* will ask for a Government ttrant of 110,000 (or coccty stows. Three actioca have been entered agtinia the Dsseronto Navi^tion Company fee icjiri * su*t.kined by victim* of the ill- fated Quinta. The Ontario Government i* to b* asked, to take step* to extend the operatious c f th* Torren* tyiteci of land transfer to th* whole Provinc*. The McLcoi G<uetu (trongly urge* upca tb* Dominion Government to n*cue tht little girl held by tbe Indians, no matter what the oonieqaenoe*. The Hous* Committee on Territories yesterday decided to report favorably Delegate Carey's bill tor tb* admission of the Territory ol Wyoming a* a Slate. Th* Canadian Pacific people are about to build nventotn n*w Mogul locomotive* for the Rocky Mountain lection al their tbop* in Montreal. Tb* increase in traffic i* laid to warrant thi*. Mr. Mercier, although relieved of th* ccngeMion ot the luni* from which be ba* been suffering lataly, ba* not yet made hi* appearance al tbe Houai, his physician ad- vtsicg him to keep to his room. In th* HOUM of Commons yesterday Mr. Gladstone congratulated the Government upon tbe prompt action they bad taken in the Portugneee dispute and their suooees in negotiating the Samoan treaty. He hoped thai the Local Government Bill would b* conceived in a literal spirit. Geo. Dtaoon, aged IS, fell down a boi*t al Toronto yeettrday and wa* (evenly in- jured. The First National Bank at Salem, 111., is (aid to have been robbed of *40 000 yes- terday morning. Prise* Alexander of Battenberq ba* been appointed commandant of an Austrian rtiasjntai ruiniini Laval I'nivenitarianiar* juitedisgutttd with the fas*inj of th* B.A. Bill, and talk ot an indignation meeting. Mr. E. J. Madden, Ntwbnrgh, ii m*n- tioced as the Liberal candidate for Adding- ton for the Local Legislature. An attempt was mad* Thunday eveoing to burn down a large unoccupied bnilding on Colborne street, Brantford. There i* a railway project to run a line from Lake of Bay* at Bayivilla to th* Graud Trunk Railway at Bracebridge One of the bigge*t landslid** ever known en tbe Picifk coast occurred fifty mile* frcm Wuaverville. Cal., a few da>* The " ocean wave " is the) n* form of popular diTertion in London which combine* in a way th* motion* of those popular contrivance*, th* switch back rail way and the merry (jo-round, and ' Mr Prary (aid that th* mMoaaript wa. tQtwB.d to reproduce the more agrteab Ie ia th* printa,'. hand*, and would be P rc- *" ** * M atadioth.Houteinafwday.. "I a itnall . th. sea. some trouble lately, which has been wri ing heavily on his mind, and thi* t* thoutial to be the cause ot hi* attempt to take hi* life. Dr. Cnthberteon wa* summoned as oon as it was known tbat Walter* had taken Boiaoo, and a (uosea*fal i tfort we* made tyrevive him. A 'Violin*; affray i* reported from JoU ell*, gusbeo, with probably fatal reiu'ts. Two brother* quarrellexi Pin 'ay evening, and, after a heated diccnseicn. an* shot tin- other with a revolver, tiring iliree ahon at him, and ia the ttrotfitlo wbioii > uui two more were fired, one of which rarrowly) iniated tbe father of tb* two yoong men, A Melbourne, Australia, despatch *a>* tbe Colonial Conference bas unanimously adopted a motion in favor ot Colonial Fed- eraiioo. Tbe Irish Presbyterian Church ba* issued a manifesto denouncing Mr. Balf- onr'i itc.-nt speech in favor cf Catholic en- dowment. All the Radical party in the House of Common* favor* th* dissolution ol Parlia- ment, and will assist any project looking to thai end. Aisistanl Superintendent Larmour, of tb* G.T.R., St. Thomas, U slowly recover- ing and i* ahl* to tit up lor a few minute* each day now. Tbe V. 8 House Special Commute* on the World Fair hav* reported thai it b* bald in If VI. Tbe (election of a city will be loft to tb* Ucuse. An Indian named Pavid Row,* shooting at Moose in St. Peur'*, Manitoba, Thursday had hi* Uft hand blown off by the bursting of his gun. Daniel Fetterley. at Bracebridge, yester- day , was sent to the penitentiary for (even an for a criminal aacanlt on Mr*. George Spier*, of Chaffy townabip. Two M. C. R freight train* collided be- tween Pufferin and Cayuga stations on Thursday r.i^bt through the error of aa operator. No live* were lost. The proposed railway oonferecoe of tae authorized delegate* of mucitripelititefrom Whit by eaat on th* line of tb* Grand Trunk it called for Monday next al Bow- man ville. Delo* Hinckley . travelling from South- ern Kama* in a canvas- covered waggon, drawn by mule*, reached Kirgvlon, Oat., yesterday after almo*l three month* of travelling. In tbe Manitoba Legislature yesterday Mr. Gillie*, Minoedosst, gave notice uf mo- tion that Mr. Jon**' (North Winnipeg) sat be declared vacant ou the ground oC non-reeitono*. A woman named Houa*, who deserted her husband al Comber, Essex, in Annul last, ba* been discovered in Belleville, living niih a man named Allen, aiia* Hot- well. She ba* promised to return to her home. Tba pres culor ba* d*)e*d*d (hat in th> uew trial ot Moos*a Bay b* will not pro- ceed against him on tb* arircipal counts at the indictment*. aad will cauoalthe ihargaa of rape and pillage, presenting bia only for in s minor tfloooM aliened ID tb* in- diauiicat. I tlii> r*ive a Ibe Armei lans arc inoenatd at ltitude of tbe Patriarch in the matter, aad demand that be reeign.

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