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Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1890, p. 2

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A KHltiklTri I. CALAMITY. ! . K Iliad In U> Aber- yekai (.aiiloiloa. Later oable nes from London iaji : The rant* of the ixploaio* iu the Aber- Srhn mine WM the flooding o( pit* jacect to that in whiih the explosiou occur r. a. By th fl >odiog of ihex- pits gas wee dislodged and forced lutothe pil where woik ai in i/regrtsjs, and there it i*r.ited end e-xplcded. Tlu-re moil have > i. a creel (juaniiiy of gai, * the ixplo ion I ad tremt i>d< u< force. It was beard s>l a ilirtinoe of a mile. All the gearing in the thaft wee thrown into the air a* if from the month of a volcano, and imullaceouily vest, bright volume of flame (hot upward. followed by a euac, heavy column of mo-e. The firm patty of metiers orginized endeavored to penetrate the pit through the old workings. They not far tnoogh to be able to aee groupi of the dead, bat they oould EDI reach them arid were compelled to retrrat by thi aoff jesting volume! of mokn that rose in that direction. Upon the firit appeeriDce of a diminution of moke the res. uri went down the main raft and reach' d the scene of the oetas- troph-'. They reached a lar^e number of n.i: en yet alive, tat all very badly burned, Mid th*y brought oat sixty dea.l bodiee, nearly all eo mutilated that the recognition of their idrntiiy ii impossible. The latest eat i it > ai of tin dead is 150. A later despatch states that 130 bodies) have been recovered. .80 p.m. One hundred and tidy-five bodies have been taken from the pit at Aberscychan. Fruit <rowra nd Dairymen. The Dominion Convention of Frail Grow- ers will be held in the City Hall. Ottawa, on Wedneaday. Thursday ann Friday, I'.'ih . 80th and '-'l-t February, 1MK). Paperi will be contributed by delegates and other* from Ontario, (juebrc, Nova Scotia, New Brnniwi. k, I'MIIC- Edward Iiland, British Columbia. Manitoba and Nortbwcil Ter- ritory. Among the aubjrcti to be diiCQited will be transportation of frails , packing aadetleciing frcil fur home and foreign market; (xpreas and railway freights; fuEtUB i'i>ea>e end blight ; mall frnin and tbtir (ommtrcial value; the commercial pp'e orchards of Ontario, Quebec and Una Scotia ; relation of insects to fruit culture ; export of winter applei ; profits, drawbacks; utilizing aarplus fruit pro- do<t ; earning, evaporatirg; injurious in - rctn afftciinit f ri.iis ; remedies to pn-vent rav*t,ei , | r liielle foreet planting . adap- talu n of Russian fruits to Canadian rtqmrt rnents, ele., etc. i he Convenlicn of the Dominion Dairy - mn/ Amociatirn will be held at Ottawa on iHih and 1'J h February. A joint meet- ing will b held OD the evening of Wednes- day, the I'.tih. fur the discniuon of subjaete of interest to botb. A id.*' i OV At i m* M- A Trln Ken ! a < Mauutaln Tlir Opa I.H.I,. A ConnelliviUe. Pa., det patch of Sunday sayi : The through mail tiain from Haiti more, on the Baltimore A Ohio Kailway, ran into a mcontain of snow three miles east of Ohio Fyle at 7 o'clock Friday even- lag. The ei.ine and the combination poilal and baggage car went over the bank into the river. The imoking car followed hallway. Engineer Henry Bush, of PHIS burg, was badiy burned, but not fatally u.j.mii Fireman Lewis Bnroher lustaioeJ a tnriLlo toalp wound, but will recover. 13KKk;iuiti-r Isaac Ionics, of rilliburg, wai burnul by the car move. Ths only paiwnger ir.jurtd was John Lindsay, of Glenwocd, maatr carpenter of the road lie fell heavily over the seats, injuring bimielf internally. He will probably not recover. A Baltimore despatch sayi : An accident is reported on the Chesapeake <t Ob.o Rail road at the Bin Pen tunuell, between Hin- tonar.d Lowell. W. Va. A freight train which was er preaching a signal tlation ran into a aai'oh which had been left open. Before the engineer could reverse bil engine it bad craihtd into the signal home and pnsbed it into the rivt r. and then plunged in after it. The tender fol- lowed the engine. In the station was a telegraph operator. He, the engineer erd he fireman were carried into the riv <r and drowned. The freight cars were piled op a'.l over the track. i .... i, HUI-M Hroadera. The Cauulian Coach Done Hociely met at London Wednesday aft. moon and elected thf following fiicers : I'n i U-nt, A. Wil on, Paris; Vice President, John Oibeon, London , Treasurer, I> Fitter. Gcdtrich . Becretsry. Jra. Milchfll, Ooderioh (re- lecltfl). Director* George Cbarlton, Dnncrii ff ; J. C. Bmitb, New Hamburg ; John Aikfuht arl.Godt-rich; J. W. Hob n on, Hi. Mary's; Andrew A. Young, Car- low ; John (: xen, Kxeter ; 8. W. Teep'.e. Kingomlll ; W. C. Brown, Meadowvale ; M.J. March, Kichmond Hill. Executive Commiitt t Mi *iri Fiaber, Esery and Aiki-i.h. ail. 1 he following standard of registration was idopted : R*rry animal < (I. rt <1 for mill rat ion uliall r.nvt iti Iritftt i I.*- <T M i f till IT in 1 1" rtt't K iii; li'linach or > icvcUnd bay and cine nl tl>r- o<jfliiii<di<l<K d,or lo orc-oeiof KunlUhoiiacli or i li.i and 1 y. i-r on* crjM taoii of KuglUb oocb and Clvvviaudbay. Ily n H iliiinui it was decided to hold the next meeting during the weekof the Weitern fair in London and the I ud ualrial in Toronto >4U<1 MoU>. Bberidan and Flynn, the anthori of " Down Went McUinly," have joined Tot y Pallor's company. Mario Wamwrighl has a new p'ay for next season a dramatization of one of Oeor^e Eliot's novels. Florence Kl John's salary is laid lo be fj'iOOa wetk; . J. Lcnntn's, f2iO. and Cbarlis Uatby's I^CO. W. J. Kcai Ian has composed a new sonff, entitled Give Paddy But a Chance and He'll Show Yon What He's Made Of." Alice Roberts, a handsome actreti and linger, 83 ytars old, was found dead in her room in New York yesterday morning, hav- ing been suffocated by gas. Bo many offers of plays have been re- ceived by Mile. Rhea, since her prodoc- tiui cf "Josephine, Em[ress of the French, " that she is fairly distracted by the time it takes to reply to them. In numerous cies Ihe manuscript accom- pauu-B the offer. Moat tf Ihe leaders of the Engliah ilage have been called upon to lake part in panto- mime in the course of their careen. Irving, Mm Terry, even Mrs. K ridal, having been seen in it. The pick of the stars of Knglinb comic opera and bnrlesqoe bavo devoted their talents to it. An agent of Mr Kiralfy told a Bt. Louis reporter, concerning the selection of a beiltt : " By looking at a woman's hand I can tell at once wbetbor she is a fit sub- j'-<:i for our business. Ws have bad enough experience in this matter all over the country, and have found that a hand is indicative of the contour of a girl's pliyiii|ue. If her fingers are long and teperiug- her limbs are correspondingly well formed. Should' her band be abort and chubby the limbs will be spt to be too stoat." A I .ll.r. . Awflll llr-l. A London cable (f Thursday sayi : At EiHer list night a boy sged 18 >ean was awakened by a tjoarrel between ble father and mother, ranted by jaalooiily. The man finally chaaed hia> wife out of doors, knocked her down and then tabbed her to death with a pocket knifr. The boy. who had followed hie parents out doors, itood hivi-ring in hie nulit gown meanwhile, and lm||jrii.g hie faihir to spare his mother life. 'Ibe faihrr ind son relnroed to the houfe, leaving the body of the dc ad woman in Ihe road. The murderer then gave bis) son ome money ifter which he cut hie throat before the toy's eyes. A i *iai Mlue r >|iin.i..ii. A Wilketbarre deepaich of Saturday ays : An explosion of gal occurred in the Ket Doaton mine near Luicrneboroaiih on Friday night. McKecbnie, asiiatant bos, and hit brolber Charles were badly burn.-.) Uudolpb Heinklng, David Jooea and Wm. Prynu were seriotuly injured by the o<ni nsion. It is thooght the injnriee of i In Mi KHobniebrolheri will prow fatal. 9 M. K| hrnssi, Barnn Rvihobild's ion in - law, has jnit woo tlOO.OiO in the Pinama> lottery. On the morning of the lail draw- ing M. I., IIMI.-III bonght an HO franc bond, which rurioosly eiongh, bore the nnmbtir whiob drew the coital prize. Jsmei Dnnalcn.iht* flrebors whoienakrd lamp cauird tberiplotiun iu the Notting- ham ihafi laat Haturday, and wbo wa> arionily bnrnrd at the lime, died thie vening. This nke>s eight victims Dnnsi ten as one of three brother!, all of whom met their deaths lo a similar manner. Sixty people were on the oar, and Ihe driver wanted to itop for a theatre farty. Oh, |o on." growled a Ridge avfnnn rider, "yon've got a ijuornm owl" The English lingaage hai been chosen for me in the recording of important treaty eDgageminM between Ituuia and China. After tbs railroad aonldent. Ilaiband fextiioatlBg bimielf from the wreok) Emily, thank Ood, yon areiafe 1 Hnvena I isn't il.ii awful 7 Wife Dreadful I Hear the poor people groan I Dearest ? line ban d^ What is it, love? Wife Is my hat on straight? First ballet girl- Well, I think I am ready now. Keoond ditto Why, you've forgotten lo pat on your drew. Kiret ballet girl Deer me. 10 I have ; how absurd I What Is Model Wife T A model wife is the woman in whom the heart of her hatband doth lately trnit. Hue is ths woman who looks after his household, and makes her boipitality a iti-iii|lit to him, and not a burden. Wbo has learned that a soft answer will turn away wrath. Wbo keeps her sweetest smiles and most loving words for her husband. Wbo is bii confident in sorrow or in joy, and wbo does cot feel the necessity of ex- plaining i . r private affairs to the neighbor box). Who respects Ibe rights of husband and children, and in return has due regard paid lo her. Who knawi that the strongest argument is her womanline.s and 10 she cultivates it. Who is aympatheiio in jay, or in grief, and who finds work lor her hands to do. Who makes friends and keeps them. Who Is not Diade bitter by trouble, but who itrtngtbens and i*eetens under it. Who triei to conceal the faults of her hniband rather than blazon them forth to an nuintertiled public. The woman wboss life-book has written on every page. Who makes a home for a man a home in a house and in a heart. A home that he is inre of, a home that is full of lovs pre- sided over by one whose price is above rubies. Bbe is the model wit*. Laditi' Hume Journal. love I', i Kinii.- la Hit- Capitol. A last MI Ira Waihinglon despatch to the Now Yoik t.vtning SMI says a marl ling discovery was made at 2 00 this alter- neon in the rotunda of the Capitol. Cun- otnlia In one of tbs ipilioors was found a m. ill box, about the circumference of a lilver dollar and an iuoh thick. It was luli.i with a dull looking compound, with a cip attached and somelhtiig that waa apparently designed for a fuse. The box ai taken charge of by the Capitol polioe, and Ihe captain of the watch experimented wnh a minute ijuanlity of the oontenta The rtaalti ibow.d that they consisisd of exploeivt-sof a hih power. The design of depositing ihe box In -the rotunda ii yet a myilery. Ht>ll|ioua Beadlns; In Hurrlo. Bhe There is a good deal of church matter In the paper to-day, my dear. He Yes, thers is a report of Rector Adims' sermon, an account of thsbnak up of the Rev. Mr. Brneil's festival and a lung account of the row at Bl. Adalbert's Cnorch. Buffalo Kxprttt. The Dowager Empress of China wanted to have the photographs of all ths dlitin goiiued Kigliehmen who bavs served China, and the Chineis Government has joit procured through London photograph eri for her two portraits of "Chinese" Oordon, eauh five feet high. There are now '200 women studying medicine in the varioni universities and nudioal colleges of India. K"I.I. dorr .ATT 1 1 > MI i TEH. llMult of tht- InveiMsiaUoaJsito the Ontario Hank HatlMiilesnent. There was a la>rgs attendance of speota tosi at ihe Turoii to Police Court jeatt-rday forenoon when toe htagislrate reaosntd tkie itquiry into the four charges of embezzle- ment sgainit W. II. Godwin and iinbe/y.le- mnt aud forgery age.init William R. Mot f*tt. Tiit'rn appeared for the prosecution Mr. .I....I.IUH Irviig, (jC ; Mr. Walter Bar- nick, the solicitor lor tbs balk, and County Crown Attorney Badgerow. Mr. N. 0. bii'duw r< jprt-wnii-j Godwin, and " Roily" Moffatt waidefrnc'edby Mr. William Laid- law, Q C. Al<). Linduy waspretent iu the inl-riei of Harry Brown. The bat k Ifdgers and journals ponderous tomes the) vore and not very light reading weie scattered about tbs Court House A whole waggon load of them had been brought there before the proceedings began " Roily " looked peculiar not ignite 10 debotitiair ai of joie wilh iwollen check and nloeraled jw. tiometimei uilting, ometimes Handing, be watched the cate closely, now oouioUiog with hit oonnsel, now imiling to a friend whom he recog- iii/ d among the ipectttors. The first oharne against Moffatl was fully repurled in la at evening'* TIMII. It was that he had altered an entry in the l-dt-i r of the back from 87 505 41 to ?,- 766.41 with intent la defraud. Ihe Magii- iratu i <ij nit red tprimafaeit case bad been mul-cut anl oomutited bim for trial. Ibn next charge taken np againtt Mtff>tl was that ot having on the luih July felomonily entered in the btnk ledger the turn ot 114 M'i 64 in lien of the true amount, 14,60!i 61, with intent to defraud. Mr. Branihaw, a clerk in the Montreal Bank, bt.tu d that when I wai acting as teller on the lOlh July he made npag-u- eral statement of a parcel containing J14,- GUI' ( 4. ptyable on ttiu Ontario Bank. This am ii .t ouniuted partly of oath and partly of notes. He produced the entry of this in the teller'* balance b ok. He claimed to know nothing further in connection wilh that transaction ihaa day. Mr. t 'rr, c itruii.i d with regard lo this charge, eaia that on the 10th cf July de- posit Klip produced from the Baikof Mcnt- rt>l pauel thrua.b r.nhaudi. The entry, *'2!M, in ^rd ink, waaj in bis flgnrer. That mguiuod that lomtthing was taken c ff that wai Lot correct. U*viug made thie deduc- tion, be |>aiaed il tbroogb to the bank ledger keeper, who on that day wai Mr. Mi futt Mofft entered it in the bauk iKdgtr S14S5201, and in the bank pan book 14 602 .64 Wrneaihad entered in bisoaah book 1 l.ito'J i,4. Wilh reference lo the 9260, he oonl<J not lay what became of it. ek nittlhmu that wa* banded in re- prenented the J'2oO, but he oould not state what it was. In taruiug over the three lips ri'lau.iu to tbii traniaction, he saw lhatthty uure uj| ticked off By Mr. LaidUw The Ontario Dank on the 8 Nt of December U credited i th 1600 in addition lo the avracnnl brought over from the Hank < t Montreal. The Magistrate When you credit the bauk wilh 8500, doci the money appear anywhere clteT Witni-is Yes ; if there has cash come from the bnk. If there were cash il i nl.! go ihn n -,li the bands of one of the tellers. Mr. Pagot. who had charge of tbs cish book at the Bank of Montreal on the lUih July, slated that tbere was an entry m that book taken don the pass book m Mutfait handwriting, and the two did not agiee. He knew AlifTalt and wai well a. cjoainled with fall handwriting, although he admitted he had ntver Men bim write. Witnesi adrLitkii that on this day he made three a intakes) n to the orulils lo be given to olhxr oeitiks. Mr II K. Uarleta deposed that on the lOih July he reoeivtd three slips from Back ot M' i.u. l and packigea containing cash aud iiit'i'iiH llohcked off ibeamuunli The au.iiui.iK that he received he did not think rt-prennted lh 8250. Tbere were entries on the bai k'si ledger and the bank's pail books in Moffttt'i handwriting relat iug lu Ihe name trtuvactum and the entries showed a diMrepauoy of 1260, The prisoner wai uomnntted for trial on ibis charge, and all* on a charge of having on the 31et July feloniously entered in the bank 1> d k rr lo the ondit of the bank the aum of (600 with intent to defraud. The Olutit thii xnoruiog sayi : After Magistrate Deniicu had diipoeed of Ihe minor <a >es in the Police Court yeslerdsy be coinmrnned another case against MANITOBA NKW*. Ths French members in the Lfgisla- tore met and demanded that all documents relating to the Legislature be printed 10 French. Mr. E. O. Conklin ii gazetted clerk of the Legislative As-embly. Mr. 6. A. MuUaw, whiat buyer for the L%ke of the Woods Milling Company, denies the rumor of there being a corner in Manitoba writ at. Ths Speech from the Throne was adopted in the Legislature Ibis afternoon by 25 to n votes. Me. Campbell and Fisher, Government supporter*, explained thai they voted as a matter of form, and did not regard their vote eg commuting them to the policy of the Government on any qoeitions outlined iu the speech. Mr. Precdergast movtd in amendment to the peecb that the abolition of Separate Schocli wai an lufrmnnunl ef the consti- tution and a gross injustice lo Ibe minority, and that Ihe eitabliihment of a purely seoclar icbool lyitem was contrary lo the ipirit and convictions of this Christian country. Premier Orernway laid the amendment! tienmed tbat the Government intended to establish a purely lecular school lyitem, but that assumption was wrong, as Ibe Govern- ment intended to provide certain religiouf exercises for use in school*. Tbs amendments were lost OD the same diviiion ad givi n above, as were also amendments regrtttiig that the proposed changes were not more fully outlined in the speech, and that no reference was made relative to a readjustment of the land titki in districts which were unoatiifectory to the people. Mr. Roblio abstained from volicg. The wife of Superintendent Niblock. of the C P.K . died suddenly at Medicine Hat this morning of h. art disease. Two prisoners earx-d from Stoncy Mountain Ptmtintiary this morning. Ths authorities refuse to give names. In the L'U sleiore ihu afternoon Tbomal Norqnay, ih . newly elected member for Kildouan. took I is scat. The Manitoba Legislature yesterday pottponed oonside ration of the bill regard- ing iha ab i.nion of the official use of the French language at the request of the French members. The bill will be taken np nrl thing on Monday. KXOtHH As DUplareel by the A mac lean Prews ad People. I.i Prrtir t*yt : "The Engli.h tenden- cies in all clae.e* of IOJIB-J and in every branch cf sccial life iu tu U.iited States is frtquenlly remarked. It hs been re- oeiitiy noticed thai Ihe umriuan pres was the only one onttiJe that of tbe United K mortem wt.i. h exhi*i in! KugliaL prs- dilecttcns in the cn.fliot bniweeu Great Britain ana Portugal. I Ii ,artia.ity is reprodaced on tv>ry occamun that Eng- lish intercuts are at vtak* in any inter- national difficulty. Iti., xi:lainabie by the common race, common l*UtUge, a certain iiojiltrily of morals, and a air-kinx con- formity of sentiment i.i pluluroph c and religious matt. r*. Lni U u not in the press and society tbat English senti- ment is m%de felt. At, exaoimaticn of the companion of the C. ngreiis at Wash- ington ihows the Eottliih eltment in a large proportion. There are in the Senate two members born iu England and two in the Chamber. One Benatcr and four Congressmen are Scotch, five were barn in Canada, and one \t from the Isle of Man. There are nineteen in-mb-ri of Congress, four Se: ators and fifteen Representatives born iu the British Empire, and th* greater part went to the tt:ate> Bcffituntly advanced in jeers to keep their native ideas and sj mpalhies. It u undoubtedly the same thing 10 the greater part of th* population. 'Inert* in a Uteut force cou- nt anily txeroised iu public life and iu social habit*. W I... Can Young men, this !. !>|Mtrc*l the first question " Roily " Mi l!*tt. It wia for forging a cable gram in cypher, the rnpanmg of which was : " The Al ime IJnk, I,d., L.indnu, deposit to credit Edward Uegx, in City Bank, 82 Ontario Bank. Mr. Hogarth, of the G. N. W. T elegraph Company, wai the flrnt witneis called. Ue produced tho menace referred to, and al.o a oble received from London, on Annnit, VUth aiidrem-d lo the Ontario Ban , Toronto, wl.iih ii rvotipted by W. R Mi f fall and translated, means "Payment In C-ily Bank refused. Oegg unknown." W. II Smith, Manager of Ihe Toronto Branch of the Ontario Bans, testified thst the it-livreui pruduoed im in th* handwriting of Muff att. ami produced an advice book con m> i , a memorandum in the handwriting of Mi it <i t lu c^rrcipooding clerk repeating ihe lubatanoe of Iha cablegram. Wiluese produced a letter book showing a copy of Ihe letter to the Allunoe Bank oanflrming the cablegram, whioh is in the handwril- ingof Moffatt. Mr. Laidlaw objected to having the letter put iu as evidence. Mr. Himih prodnod ths oTiiher code in use. between the Ooleirio and Alliance Banks, and aaid the only perrons auihoru d to nie the code were M ffasland tbs witneii. It wai Mt ff all's particular duly to attend to the oablu memaxri. " Plntos " ii ths regis- addrtsi. Th* evidence of the Dank Manager was principally reipoling Ihe btuin.aa of tha bank. The proieonllon endeavored to bow that the 81 had not been at counted for. The otie wai atrij turned till Monday. William I.aidlaw. (.1 O., is defending the primmer; .1 Irving, Waller Berwick and Crown Attorney Beidgerow conducted the prosecution. i Wouldnt Look "X-b" Vance wss holding forth in ore of the cloak-rooms of ths Senate ths other day on the tw.n of lultmptrance, writes a Waihington correspondent of Ihe New York Tribune. 1 do Lot know wbslhsr he inttnded to "point a moral and adorn a tale," or whether heex|eoted thai the seed, in the company in wb.cb he wai in, should fall on fruitful ground. Whatever his motive in telling the following little story, I omit, for obvious reasons of delicacy, all mention of names. Bald the genial Sena- tor from North Carolina: "There was a camp meeting held last year in the immediate neighborhood of my home in Charlotte. Among the many colored people present was Aunt Nina,' wbo was uoled for the length and breadth of her prayers, in which shs never failed to make mention cf her old mailer, wbo was much given lo drink. O.i this particular ooca- ion, after having dUponed of ail the rest ot creation, she b- ame more than tuoally fervent in her appeal in bis behalf, re- questing as a 'special favor tbat he be avtd from a drunkard's grave, at least,' and accompanied the request with thii irreiiitible appeal : Ob Lord, bow would il look ! l.nn in be.ll, with his bald head, and drunk at that !' " your employers ak thtuiieives when busi- ness bee nu slack, aud wt*u it is thought uecfs-ary to economize in the. mailer of salaries. "Who csn but be spared T" I he barnacle ', the shirk*, the ma evbifts, somebody's proteges, toaitbody's nephews, and especially sc.nic body ' good-for- nothing. Yuung mei>, please remember that these are nul the on--, who are called for when responsible pi;ioo are tabs tilled. Would yon like to gu.e your own f otnr* for a position of promioenoa f Would yon lik to kuow lb probabilities of vi-ur gittu.g mch a poiiion T Inquire wiihiu ! What are you tiuiug to make yourself valuable in the poeition you now occupy? If you are 'Ion. K itli your might what your hands fiud to do, the chance* are ten to one that jou un beocme so valnabln in that ponituu ihat )ou cannot be spared from i) ; and thtu singular to relate, will be the very time when you will bo sought out for promotion for a better place. -T A Ucereiuvln III* Kn(IUh Army. England probably ii the only great Power which can point to a decrease in the total strength of Us military establishment during Ibe past tweJve months. The Britinh army is It-si numerous by about a thoutaud men than it was a year ago. The strength of the infantry has de- creased by half as much again, but there has been a slight inoroMe in tbs artillery, engineers and army service corps, while the cavalry bai rtm%med stationary. The total aimiuntion, however, is not ssrioni, ei il ii is something to know thai the Brit- ish army is stronger than it was four years ago by 10.000 m. n. The number of troops ijuart?red in the Briliih Isles show an in ureaie of 4.000 over the strength rtcordf d iu December, 1888 ; Ihe Britiih army in India has been reduced by 2.500 men owing A sensibls man made the fo'lowing will : " If I die I want my wifi to have what I got." Thii ihowi loyalty to hie hetlcr half, aud t tiimeibla sonttmpt for legal verbiage. - JtariAu'* riiuyard Utrald. The death ie announced ol Henry Btn- tlnk Boyle, fifth Earl of Shannon. The death resulted from iudaenxi. lo ths cessation of brstiiities in Bnrmah there are still abotr. 2M.UOO men in Ireland and the Htrenglh of Ihe Egyptian garrison remain" steady at about 4 200, inulnding the force at Bnakim. Tbeau I'uures do not include Ibe Indian armies or the colonial militia ; aid if they were included the British army on paper would not look quite so iuniguinuaul. Ip and About in. Hrokea KwK. The physicians of Ihe Ptnusylvama Hos- pital am interested in wbai they ooniider the most remarkable case, in n any parti- uulari, tbat hai ver come under their con- maeration. In Angntl l\ > Mn. Mary Uonahce fell frum a true at her rmidenos iu lladdiogton. Sbe was not appareally injured by the shock, and when she recover? 1 oonscionsmsi went about bar work. Ojoasionallv h. r head would drop forward, and soon the suffered intense pain. After six weeks she *a. removed to ihe hospital, where il wai found that her neck wai broken. The ipii al column had o-ioaped injury, but the pii\eicaus have been unable to reei the bro*n bones and the woman will be oblixeri to wear an iron frame all her life to hold her head in aa upright position. fnruriunaui Mistake. " I with to say to theoongruxation," said Ihe i. Hunter, that thx pulpit is not re- ponitible for ths error of tbn printer on the tickets for the concert in the Sunday lobool room. The concert n for the buneflt of Ibe arch fund, not thu arch fiend. We will now sing hymn 6 'To err 11 human, t] torgivs divine." Acio York Sun. Thr l-uiiti. un. I pray that in one year more I may find tome way of escaping from this cuitom honte, for il is a very grievon* ihrsldom. I do all offioes all, at lean, tbat are ht 14 on a politioel tenure, and I want nothing to do wilh politicians Their hearts wither away and die out of their bnliei. Their contoieucei are turned to niche rubber, or to ecnm subilanne ai blauk as that and which will slrttch as much One thing, if no more, 1 have gained by my custom house experience to know a politician. Il is a knowledge which no previous thought or power ot sympathy oonld have taught me, because ths animal, or the machine, rather, 11 not in nature. With full dress the double-breasted white vent ii in great demand. Ths material may be plain or watered silk or white pique. American clam* are to be planted at various points on the English coait, in the hope that ihe> may be propagated for ths market Ihe Crown Princeis Sophie of Greece is learning to play the Uai garianoymbal, an instrument which has muoh that is attrac- tive in its tones, as is known to those wbo have heard tka Hungarian Band. While a number of young people were ooailtng on Bolster's Hill at Orillia, Wed- nesday ni*ht CBS of the ileighs got beyond control and ran into an fl otr 10 light pole. Qeorge Mol.-od was pitched against the f o s and Bis right srm broken in two places. Mr. Gladstone says that "all ma at the head of gnat movements art Christian men." tin Ike i.r,,-.i ale. Shall I play yon thi* liitlj Spaniih fandaugo '.' ' ah- aaked sweetly. "I i beg your pardon," be laid, turning rsd, but the fact is 1 don't understand bpauith." Speaking of Scotchmen, Max O'Rell ays Saudy Maodouald is k u, uily, per- ever ing. hard working aud t:umuruus. H* is as strong as grauilt , witb a ueau well set on broad shoulders, iron must la, and large tltt feet that ruuvu oautiuu ly ; strong, frugal, industrious aud to be d. ponded on. No tusn is so sure of fcOiug to Paradise and no man ii leas tager lu set out. Ui is the most practical ot men, a man of action and few wurds. whu LI v.-r lo.l hi* head even in love, and he wa* tho kiutw cf the British Empire. TUIC STHANU'H con MX. Wnanevcr I'm rva log tho paper* 1 aae Nearlj ]. M.UJO uaiuu Ui.i . lauiiliar to m* Buuie ulii time avi|uaiuia,uu ul tu.uo h> twu WtKl, Or a trim *'' uaiue Is found lo tli list of the dead ; Hat oue. fact pet ullar I don't uudontaud I've. uotKutl iu all or Ui> i .^i.tM.,! 1 look ibrougb Uiu uirili. m.i, i,, . forlora. Fur uu ou* but straugeri appear to b born. Chicago tioruitft. All the Presbyterian liberal* waul is a fair " election." Count Ihomas A. Ediion's chief assistant, Mr. Kennedy, id a Sjuicbuian. " Motor no, r " is the name thai th* electricians favor for the man wbo is driver or engineer of ihe electric car*. THAT brakemen carry their lives in their bands la duinouii rated every day, but it U only on reading the) auuual report of the luttT State Commerce Commission tbat the magnitude of their tlanghier is properly understood. From thai report it is learned thai out of a total of 100,000 brakemen employed on Ihe various railway* of th* of over ii.OOu uf them in the discharge of ai >1 upwards A butter idea, cunutry the lives were *aoiifioed their duty during the year, of 20,000 of them ii.jurod. perhaps, may be gamed of th* hazard of the occupation by the record of the i-roltu-rhuod of Railroad Brakemen. It shown that one in 83 of Ibe 10 OoU members is killed yearly, and one in 60 lujured. A . braki mn has only oue chauoe iu 47 of being allowed to die a natural death. Th* *reet majority of th* accident* occur to brakemen on freight trains. Who would not be a brakemau 1 Wilson Barrett r*fns*d 11,000 to give a performance al a Chicago theatre last Hun dty nijht.

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