THE FLESHER1ON ADVANCE. GEO. MITCHEU, BANKER, I I , I : !S U E R.TOIV. ItttUOHT AND SOLb. Attrition paid It) thrctMtftion vf ami .4 TON ii t, Snd dar A'uifA of <'<. Vicinity Chips. 4'bararUTintir* r i h<- Past k i'aretaUy tailed fr the Minim* Mr*. Akitt, of Colliniswood, U visitinz with her euter, Mm JM. Heecroft. Mr. John Chard lu*t a smart little boy in Monday from scarlet fev*r. i Look out fr announcement of Rich VI...M A Co's great annual clearing tale. The cattle fair un Monday ww amall, very few cattle being offered. Miat Annie M. Stuart, who haa been viitin friends in Gait, returned hoiue l.ut week. (Irrr Chancery Court spring lilting will be held in Owen Sound on Wedneeday, April 30th. 'rim E.ui (trey Teachers' Inititute will 1 1.) lii-ld at Tliornbitry on the 6th aud 7th ..f March. The spring Assize Court will open in < >weii Sound <>n Monday, March 31*t, tirfore Justice M. RichanUon & Co. are receiving large consignment* ef spring Rood*, also new tea*, extra fine value*. .'> foot cram cut tawi with handle*. >nly 11.50 each at Richardson* cheap hardware (tore. The Advance had the pleaaure of en- joying a iplendid dull f new rhubarb un Friday lat ftum Mr. Hoecroft'a hot house. Mr. R. J . Sproule and Mi Dnmude are in Toroiiro upou the agricultural deputation to wait upon the Hon. Cha*. Drury m distribution of the t 10,000. Warranted to cure la zrippe. Drink < V-ylun tea. keep warm and rust. New .tuck at Kic'iadw.ii & Co'*. Mr*. TntUn, of Woodbridue, mother- in law of U. J. Sproule. Esq., of Uii* place, died on Thursday last from the ef- fect* of la eripp*. Mr Hull, a Scottish evangelist, is a**ist- nm Rev. J. W. Shilton, B. A., in the special services which are now befiui; con ducted in the Metli.idist church. The nil-ding* will be continued all of tins week. The Grey Review aud Durham Chroni- cle men are not exactly dwelling togeth- er in brotherly love. Tlmr little person- .il ([uarrelt are becoming tin-some. Her Tr bury the hatchet, boy*, at<d bury it deep. Mis* Smith's evening of reading* and recitation* on Friday last was very poor- ty patroutzed, owing to the stormy weather, illrec* and other meetings The eutertaiament, however, wa* very enjoyable. Messrs. Barnhuuse, Ruwell ti'l Mi* Dauuida contribute'! the muti- cal part in their usual inimitable style. Mr. Jeffrey Art Ivy, of Mark dale, make* an announcement iit this iwue of The Advance. Mr. Artley has a provincial reputation for building a very serviceable windmill. Added to this he haa begun 'he manufacture of all kinds of pump*. Fanner* and other: desiring anything in IUH line will, we feel certain, receive the best satisfaction by purchasing from hiui f her moat promising yuaitg men ; tbe Methodist cuureh and Sunday school, with Iv.Ui of which he was ekieely con- nected. lo*e on* nf their beat worker* ; Court McCahill, of which he wa* a chart- er member, loeee an efficient officer, and the Free Pros* loaes a good foreman. He carries with him the beat wi*he* of a huet of Koreat friend*, who will always be glad to hew from him. Important. We want every subscriber to thi* paper to examine the label upon his or her copy, and if there i* any error to acquaint u* nf the fact. Errors will creep in oc- casionaly, and if they are not immediately brought to our notice there is a com- plication which always and* in diaaatis- faction. If you are owunj for tin paper please fi-rward us arrearage*. A dollar i* not much to you, but it means a great deal to u*. especially it the present time. County Lodge of South Grey. The annual meeting nf the above was held tu the Orange Hall, Durham, on Tuesday, the 4th hint. After the gener- al buiiiiea* was disposed of, the election of otficeis wa* proceeded with and re lulled a* follow* : (.'. Master, James Brodie ; D. C. Master. Thomas Mc- Fadden : C. Chaplain, Robert Al joe ; C. Secretary, G. Wilaon ; C Treasurer, W. A. Auderaou ; C. Lecturer, Ephraim N. Brdie ; C. Director of Ceremonies, C. William* ; Deputy Sec. Treat., J. Bradley and J. A 1.1 red A Paper Worth Reading. A representative of the well known tirm nf Kulford & Co.. Brook nil*. Out., proprietor* of Nasal Balm,ia in town this week in the interest of the tirm, and among other advertising matter i* dis- tributing a paper which may be regarded a* soinetliiiiu a* a curiosity. It is called The (!olden Age, and purports to be printed in the year 1! 96. and is tilled with items and paragraphs ef events that may reaaonahly be expected to occur al that date. It deals also with the transi- tion nf Canada from it* present condition to an independent repuldic and it* gradual absorption of the I'nited States, ami this article, to say the least, U in- geiiion*. All the matter is breezy, spicy and reliable, and much of it decidedly novel. We would desire our readers to Set a copy of The f'.ol.lon ALJO as<i give it a careful peruaal. Any of o-ir reader* who have not received a copy nf this paper can <lo .> liv sriidinu tlinr address on apoetal cartl to Measr*. Kulford it l'->. H;if_':iiii.i for the next month st Rus- sell's Noted Jewelry Store, Klenherion. It will pay you to call. The Great Nellie Ely. X.-llii- Bly's wonderful atory in the Family Stury Pup. -r is the talk of the .liiv In towns whrrr tlu-n- is no news- dealer*, the Family Story I'|MT will b viit to any address four iiionllni for one dollar, containing Nellie Bly's great story. Address Munro's Publishing House. 24 and 2i Y.inOewater Street, New York, N. Y. Mr*. I'll iii [., of iNpr.'y, living near maxwell, died on Monday last after a a short illness. Deceased was an a^e.1 parson, well and favorably known in thin neighborhood whore she has lived fur in LIIV year*. Her husband is still living, Vile and hearty, and has seen nearly or <liiite eighty winters. The funeral took place yesterday to Maxwell cemetery. The experience of men who have made :ulverti*ini{ a study, aud have profited by it because it was done methodically and with distinct end* iu v*w, i* that the very best plan is to keep well-worded, catchy advertisement* running through- out the year aud a* often a* a new line, a novulty r ii-w ideii appear* in stock, .-linage the ad. and let the world know all about iv. Mr. J. U. Keefer wa* banqueted be fore leaving Koreat for his new Held of foni|ue-t. The Free Press of that town aars : In hii departure. Forest lu*e on* I. B. Lucart, barrister, of the firm Itiitliop A Lucas, Owen Sound, is at the oHice of U in. Lucas & Co., in Markdale, every Friday, and in Dundalk every Saturday. To our Subscribers. The special annouBceme-nt which ap- peared in our columm sons* time since, announcing a special arraiiftrmeit with Dr. B. J. Kendall Co., of Knoaburgh Fall*. Vt., yublialter* of "A Treatise on the Horw and hi* Dimta***." whereby our (U^ecriber* were enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by snd- iuu their address to K. J. Kend.ill I'M. (*nd enclosing a two-cent stamp for mail- ing same) U renewed for a limited period. W* trust all will avail themaelve* of thi* opportunity of obtaining tins valuable book. To every lover of the horse it in indispensable,** it treats in a simple man- ner all the diseases, which afflict thi* noble animal. Its iwle thionahout United State* and Canada, make it a standard authority. .!/ n/io tint palter when ending for tieatue. Bargain* for the next month at Km selfs Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. It will pay you to call. Mesmerism. As we have lately had an exponent of mesmerism in our mid*t the following remarks by Rev John Stetihons, of the Pre*yter<an Ladie*' College, in a late lecture delivered in Bloor street church, Toronto, will be timely and inlerating reading : However amusing a mesmerised person may appear, the practice i* entirely out of place a* a drawing- room entertain- msnt at K>cial parties, while many public exhibition* of it are dtgradiug to our tnanheed. Disastrous result* have fol- lowed it* u*e by amateur operators, and its proper and only place >,m the hand* of the skilled medical man. i may add that the condition isjmore saaily induced tho second time than tin- first, until, after repeated operation*, a may* look is sufficient to-. Vring it on. A-yJ now I hnp*> I list* *hwi) that ther* iii nothiaf ttparaatual or even particular! T gifted m the quack, who, ignnraat of ita pnncipie*, merely takaa wl rant age of the natural law* that iroTem our everyday life to antoniah the simple-minded and dupe the creduloua nut ef their money. Wanted. A local agent to represent a leading Agricultural Implement Company in thi* vicinity, for binder*, mowers, reaper*, rakes, pluuuha, drill*, cultivator!, <&c. Apply Box 182, Oratigtiville. Auction Sales. A credit auction sale nf farm stock and implement* will be held ou lot 15, con. I'J, township of i Isprey, the property of Mr. F. F. Teeple. on Tueaday, Feb. 18th. John Sp**r>, auctioneer. An exuiuaive auction sal* ( farm stock and implements will be held at the farm of Mr. Jan. 8. Hiidaon, lot 17, con 10, Osprey, near Feverahaut, on Thursday,' Feb. 20th, next. .See Ulla for list of articles, which is a very large one. The usual Urnta, 8 per cnt. off fur cah over five dollar*. John S peers, auct minor. An extenaive auction sale of farm stock, implement*, household furniture, etc,, will be held on the farm uf Mr. Jackaon Reid, lot 1G, c<m. It, Oiprey, on Monday. Feb 17, 188'J. Kivu dollar* and under, caah ; orer that eleven months' credit. There is a larg* quantity of *tuff to be old. R. J. Spruule, auctioneer. An important credit auction sale of farm sto:k, implements, etc., will be held on the farm of Andrew Beattiu, K.| . lot* 129 and 130, cuu. 1 W. T. and S. R , Artemeua, ou Thunday, Feb. 20, when will be offered in addition to a large lot of farm stock and implements. two stallion* and a complete steam threshing outfit. See lame bill* for particular*. Sale tu commence at 1 o'clock p.m., slurp. A. S. Vaiiduaen, auctioneer. t..ry i* worth* of a place in ur column* Competition close* ea th* tirst day uf April unit Even if all otbera h*v failed to tnakn tliat watch of Tour* go, take it to J. U. Russell Floslierton H* will gire it a new Uase of life at a reacoiiable price. TRY HIM. Li. O Li. County Meeting. Notwithitandini; the very bad weather a goodly number uf the brethren f North (irey mut in the Town Hall M.-a- ford. on the 4th inst. , according to con- Uitution, and held :i very inUreoting uieetinif. Amongst other prominent gentlemen present weru Tims. Gilray, Kuplirasia, County Master ; T. Elliott. IX'sboruugli, Deputy County Master ; William McC'Icllund.Owen Sound, County Sec-rotary ; Robert Hoath, Owen Sound, County Trt-asurer : Thouiaa Henry, L>i>- trict Master of St. Vincent : Ni! Me- Coliuan, Diatriot Master of ^Collingwood. After the general bumnemt waa diipeuaed with came election of officer*, which re- sulted a* fullow* : Brother Henry, Meaford, County Macter ; Boyd, Owen Hound, Deputy Maater ; Perry, Meaford, Secretary ; Fallus, Owen Sound, Chap- lain : Edmonton, Walters Kails, Finan- cial Secretary ; Clux*ton, R--I Llyn. Leo turcr ; McColmau, Thorn bury, Director of Ceremonies ; After the installation had taken place, several short and pithy addresses were delivered by the newly installed officers. A vote of thank* was tendered to the returning officers, and the meeting closed at 6.20 p.m. The next meeting will be held in Rocklyn, Euphraaia. n the aecond Saturday in June al 1 o'clock. COM. Even if all other* have failed to make that watch of yeur* ({o, take it to J. O. Rustell, Flesherton. Ho will yiv* it a new lease of life at a reasoiiablu price. TRY HIM Bsbr wa* sick, w* gwe hw OaMoria, Waea ohe wu a . InW. she orisd for CaMurla. When oe iMeame Miss, she oluog to Cavhiria. It* bjul Children, abe UMMD CaMorla I.. i Vrippe ' or Catarrh. A Prize. In order to diacover what kind of literary talent there in among tho readers of thu ppr w have decided to otftr prizes for tha bust original short stories sent in by April 1 uext. Those U>ri* must be fact, or fuunUud on fact, and not more than t wo columns in length. As prizes we offer for each accepted story a very Urge steel engraving worth three dollars in any art (tore, and nucli pictures a* cannot he purchased anywhera outaide of a large citv. They are really the linest pictures which art can product) in the lino of st*l engraving*. This ia a chance for the young to display thoir talent aud, for the old to curo something ejugaut for their homes. Every accepted atory will pay for one of these ^nin.l works of art and the competition will bu divided into {no classes that for these under sixteen and'another for t!u>Je uvor that !;<. Solid in your manuscripts, stating whether you are over or under that a^e and 'y 1 ' picture will be sent you if the < MR. EDITOR. "La grippe," or Ruasian inHuenza, a* it is termed, is in reality an epidemic catarrh, and i* called by some physicians 'lightning catarrh," from the rapidity with which it sweeps over the country. Allow us to draw the attention of your reader* tu thu fact that Nasal Balm, as well aa being a thorough cure for all cane* of ordinary cold iu htwd and uatturrh, will give prompt relief in oven the most severe eaten of "la jinp|>e" or Ruaamii iiillueii/it, ' a* it will effectually clvar tile nasal piuuuigea, allny irritation mid relieve the dull, opprewivu headache accompanying the disease. No family should ! without a bottle of Nasal Baitii in the house. :ui i-old in the hrad and catarrh are peculiarly liable to attack pnople at this HWUOII of the year, and N.tna! Balm i* the only prompt and speedy cure for these trunblu* jver of- fered th.- public. Kasv to use and agree- able. If you cannot xet it at your denl rs it will be sent pout free nn receipt nf price (00 cent* aud #1 per bottle) by ad- dreasing Fulford & Co., Bruckvillo, Unt. Balsam Valley li . m. Frum our own CorrepnnJtnt. I think that I will give you aome itmns concerning the workings of , U grippe. Well, the strange visitor ha* taken po- session nf some of the folks hero, and has used some of them rut her roughly. Al- most every on* that meets you will ask the question, had you the grip > and then will relate what he heard about it or givea his own expermnco which is some- time* rather ainuMin;. One party say* grippe is no fun for '. was completely in it* grip and had pain all over, and then it settled in my breait ; and another, it settled in my lcs ; and another, 1 felt a* if something was pushing out inyeyea, but this one acted wisely and made straight for Dr. Uutton, and hu toon set- tled his .-n jwlup and ST went home re juicing, aa he ought. There was another of our young men a.lvurd if he felt a tickling in the nose to take his thumb aud index linger and squeeze and twist his nasal organ, and kill the insect, and prevent the grippe guttim; any further. He acted on tlio advice, but the niircrobe iir.i lo 1(1 way up in spit.; of him ami inatl* him yield fur a wlulo, but I am (lad to know that he is well now. There waa aiiothor of our good citi/cna who was advising and warning tho people to keep away I'rmu tlioaj w!m had the tnmblo f"r it wa* coiitagi'Mi*, but the rippe made for him in a hurry and gave him a pretty bad slmkin- up. but I think that he is in a fa r way of recovery now, and I am i;lad to hear that he i* improving. 1 here are two man in tl-o valley that will not chum with any here that had or has the crip: they will not even help on.* in need, thinking that by so doing tho grip will paai them by, but they ought to know that ^rip is no respector of persons. I have hoard of some who would not invite a friend into their house who had cum* to nee them, but still treated him kindly and gave him hia Junior. There are other*, if y< u happen to go to see them and the grip in your house at the time, they will stare you in the face and look oil you as an in- truder, so that the poor intruder will be thankful if he gets away without hnvirg the dogs set on him. We havu also two bachelors in the valley. They don't seem to be afraid of tho^rip for they go to see tho sick very regular. I think it is not the grip that attracts their. It ap|>varH to mu they wish to hitch on .toine'.hing butter, than the grip, i wish tlu-iii SU.'CUHH. As for myself I nm al- most at a loss to knw where to x" f r fear that 1 am not wulcoined. I ha' gone to sen some who seemed to make me at home ; thy would taku my cap and ovorcoat and lay them by .tml givo mu their best chair tu sit on,.v'nli! others would bi.l mu the time of *la. but *<>uld_ nut show me any of the ntn*r courtesies, or show thoin very spaiin^y.. You bet 1 will not stay long there, of course I ndd such treatment to their i^norancp. Hut I ID u*t not forgot to tell you that we have one very obliging man in the valley, particularly if he is not vary busy at liouie. and if hu ru.ipects you. fur ho is a respecter of |>er><>ns. But ihey are fuw that he respects, but such at ho does he will beat their place wliivi they arc uk, bright and early to split woud or an} - I else they need That i* right friend, k*e*>*- in need i* * friend indeed, astt s'< ome of sucli frieu*iiu the Itff . Mr. 4ix. Kpwefth, of ImWta r ie jitMs*) Mtv Darnel FergMwV Hs i here rV>*>lm)Mssfc*^<l purpose of baying a farm. We earnestly hope he will pur chase one of the many farm* that are for sale in this locality, as it would givo Oben ample material for one more item at least and, we would not be surprised if it would result in a wedding IB the near future. Mr. J. Fercuson, on* of oar indus- trious citizens, i* at present sawing wood with Mr U. and W. Sackett in Brandvr's built, a*t of Pnceville. They hive the job uf cutting live acre* of Um- ber intv wood. John thinks there i not much money in it and tobacco '" per pound. Weep not for me P. cor. but rather weep for yourself and your friend*, for this ninniirr fla grippe) goeth through the country noiselessly as the daylight, and not quite as quick a* lightening, liku a roannt! lion seeking whom he may de- vour. Beware U-st he should overtake] thee its a thief in the night, when thmi been't prepared and tighten hi* grip on thee, and thou get dizzy and fall, then your neighbors would exclaim when re- lating tint story afterwards, he fell and great wan the fall thereof. Not dead yet, Mr. Editor, but I think you might have aaked me if I had the grip. I hop* vnu got over it all right and thatyou ma. never get anything twice a* bad. OBEN MI. Wlae .l.i,s hci bath won? Who bath sorrow'* w , hath contentions ? Who hath wounds with- out cause ' Who hatb rodnM of ryee ' Iii- that tarry louif |a( tho win* ! They that go to wek IMH.-I wine. Look not tbon upou in.- win* wlii.ii it Is red. when It giv- tb Iu color I o > be COT wli.-u it arlht. At the last it liiU'th like a .r|>enl Slid utiQKvth like an a.i.inr AnTtc-K TO MoTHitn. Are vnn .llolnrbeil niMht aim l>rok*>u of your rest by s -i- k -uff.'i nm mill i-ri IIIK wltli pain of CMting Ti If no sen.1 ut '.IU-H ami ui'l allottlu 'Mi-. Win tilow's s.^.tliiin- S|irup for ( I'l.-t 1 Us al*M to IneaJeolsiM*. U will rh. v ti P-M.r httl.i Niifli-rer lmSM*Uas*ly. I'i |> ml U|H< i It. 'I I'tiii s th.d u ) I. it llilhtukll ult'llt it ' sue* Dn*a**rjr and inan-ii.ia. i.cKtntu. tl stoiiiK.-h nu. I IU>wel, i-ui. 1 * Wiu.l I oil.:. -... ttn> (HitiiK. redni-on liitlsinntion. HU I i-- 'on.- ||U envi'-. to the whifi.t SM.II iit M.s \\ low's Booibing ftymp" for t-.'i i> pl.'a-i.nt in lii.' IHhU) SIM). .. IIM-I il|>t if -nil- of th -ilci-wt utnl bunt fu"mU< pli ,--i. an. I nui Mm in tin- I mini Slut.-*, a nil i~ uir - In nil ilvni;K""t llirowhotit t!u> %,..!. I'i twiit> -flvi. cntM M bottl*. Be *ore awf a*l ' MB*. AMSSI.U* H svatp," auil uku nu nth . kind. The twenty- "irst verse of tlio srvci h' chapter of E/.ru contains every l"'-er < f the alpha'wt and is the only one thus distinguished : "And I. even I, Ait- axerxea, the kins, do make a <k-cree all the treasurer* which are beyond , river, that whatsoever Ezra, tho priest. the *crib* of tli law of th.-'...i heaven, shall rexjuire nf you, is to be dui speedily." WIND * MILLS Havi i) K j-.iri'lni -' ' thu MttrUi*].- Puiiii* btlfliQO*ti I WIHtl U. i tmuMrti in tho }ittbil> that 1 AII) t'iftuirfHl t - till on lorn for H)) ktir>J f pUtll|K Of it . . i v _ iMirior (fituiit v. }< .1 l'i Nr. i.i* > I * MFD, ClflTfUN 1'lMl'H. . tr. lVa|> w-M piitnpM ft .pticialty. Wind* MiMpi Will.,, coiitiniiu ti uitinufftcturu Wind M.ils for it.'h* INI w.-i or puntpiiiK piir|Kxt*9)i. A n.. >. . i . 11 pi >t tioal Dtochaiiic, 1 lo*l coufltlvnt of tinning out win > .b*t cannut lull to ^i v !HV t <M: Ktt|i.viriitt{ dotitt. Al) work (guttia ' > >, ' . from a tiUlAiiCti will ruoi\u |miti< ulur i i . prompt Attoutiuu. Call ou or mlilr*--. AKTI KY, M CAME ASTRAY. Ciunii ti, )-pnii.' uf the um'oi-> '! m .1. t , . 1.H4. Tol OMN. ftli.l S\.lf>l,hnill Uonl. : l-.iut V ftrt of Si'pi.-nitHir lant, on* heifi-r c. min{ 1 1 r .. ycaisol.t. Th.i nWner llcilii. - iiruiM rtv, ;iay uxpcimrv m>n\ tnk- M av Mim lOSHI'h AHKK M-.h. it.'Ti. V-lv 11 th louu. Ul0 Mrorld. ' ''.r flic i)it,. i. *,.* nn-tn*U'd. an t ' lr.)H, < Ml , MipvrK>rv**1* '. ill **,IM F - t*OMB r-*.K" In .. h 1 M lH V t**- who *m* f/t M M nncr thr nh*nr All ymi Sa r* turn It to hw nir f*.|. who rail ,,, tlviw* MtKiml ).-. TH* S* **w W* * ,, -tiw h* f. *.|- U BnjLT., MA -