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Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1890, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. li published Kvery Thurselay, Fan* TUB Orrirr jy.i'<tham Strut, - - FUtkrriu*, 'Int. Tl I:M- Or BV'BRCHIPTION: : |>r anaum whm pai.l tn.-tly In a lam I 30 t-n uuuiu wlit-i. i>vi 10 |>ari ADVKKTI-HUrt RATR8. (>ti cotauir. 1 ytmr. ftt. bait col., do, 1 n l.root do r Transient advortiuMncnti rliargvl at the rat* >' H. u porllaofui Brut luMirtloii and JcU |*>r *><w otcu uu*r]i.'-ni iubertlou. W. U. THUR8TON. Jfditur and ffoprittor. One of tlie most rcrious danger* Uitt threaten Canada at the present liuio is the delusion that material lU'Ohperitv depvud^ uiiwily OH j-oiili cal consideration*. This delusion al- ways become s rampant in a time of depression. When baninrss is dull and inont y sc.trce. too mu^y people are ready to listen to any 6>uiKO(,'iu> aud to catch at any straw. Whatever depression exists in Ontario at the present time was produced mainly by four canst s a short harvest, un seasonable weather, low prices for produce and the influenza epidemic Would Imperial Federation have pro- duced one moie turnip than grew mi- dor Confederation ? Would Annexa- tion have given us one inch of snuw ? Would Inde ]M ndoricc have raised the price of win;tt one cent or have kept "la grippe" from our family? If all the orators and all the journals that are m-oiiiimuding some political "fad" as a soveriKii remedy for nation- al ills would try to teach the people that prosperity depends mainly on the txeicisc of such old-fashioned >ii lues as ecouomy, industry, pluck, tlnift, uud plodding self-denial, Cana- da would BOOH become a great country. I '.lit that kind of thing would not be popular. Men never cheer when you aAk them to work .or drink less liquor, or v ;u their old coats until they can (Tort! to pay for new ones.] Prnliyttrian, A short letter appeared in the- Ctnadian 1'reabyteriau last week from a iT'iiiiinciil Presbyterian minister in British Columbia), appealing to 'the cum oh to tend a missionary (o a certain field of labor there which IN n^w vacant. After, "Is the .| missionary spirit dyitg out ? " the letter goes on lo staU the attractions of'tlie vacant charge In tl.e following terms : "The community is one ol growing importance. Tito 'linowing ones' aay that startling development* ma> be expected very soon In the of mining anil railway building. A dry, bcanliful elimati 1 . Good roads aU tin' yer.r ' round. Work, on tli wliolw, not s*> laborious as in most ol our rural fields in I'.iiiish Columbia. \Viiiit ciiKtint; Mciitioneiit, wo would like to a.-k, does the above signify ? It Rounds a little strange, to say the Irast. Imagine one of the disciples o old studying Uomini newtipape-rs to rliM -UVT * hrr* lay the most attractive tl 'K1, from a bixlily pui'ni of view, ii wliich to labor for the Master ! I uuyi'ir tliu martyrs who have laid d >wii their lives in the fevc-r stricken wilds of Africa hesitating becaiifti III -i e worn likely t:j i< no startling t'mvicial (lcve.lopine.iilH in the country no good loads, n j beautiful climax u-i.l because, work would be hibnrioiU If wa were a missionary wo would no I i-l like applying for the above nitua t.on, from a sense <if fear that w \v mill be looked upon as one wh d.'sired little part in tho "burden am heat of the day" as laborer in th Master's vineyard. All interested in the well being o s.-i. ntifk atfi'i'tullura and Agricultma rv > n IK*, air probably a warn that in atUmpt ii Wiiij,' road* to place th< n oa better- footing through Ugisla tiff ai4 The moat coiumoii-MDH proposition yet put forth, comes from the Soc'y of the Kant Grey Agricul- tural Society of Flesherton, who sug- gests that the $10,000 per annum in past yean grunted to the Agricultural and Arts Association (or tho I'rovin cial Exhibition, be in fat n re handed over to the district Societies. This ia a good idea, and one which we trust will be carried out. The Hon. ('has. Dniry has Wu sounded on the sub- ject, and he seenm inclined to favor the scheme, but docs not commit him self. Nothing is likely to be done this year, as it will take probably the larger part of the ten thousand to be granted this yeai to place the Provin- cial Association on a satisfactory financial basis. After that the sum may be divided among the smaller societies, which certainly need it. Every effort should, in the meantime, be made by the Societies, their friends nd representative members in the ocal house, to have the proposed hange made as soon as possible. It - an important matter. Orillia Daily imps. These circus showmen will get I -eir free advertising, even when such advertising results in no pecuniary Jem-fit. Adam Forepaugh, who par.- 1 the custom* of death a couple of weeks ago, has caused, the statement to be started that he "was an illiterate nan, but he iiever smoked or die wed tobacco, nor did he use intoxicating iqnor." The Orange Incorporation Bill re t-ivud its second reading iu the House on Monday after a division which re- iultd in H5 for and 119 against. Sir John Macdonald, Ministers Foster, 'arling, Ilowt-11, Reatidrey, Tapper md Huggart voted yea. Mr. Lauricr wus found among the nays, as was also Mr. Mackenzie. It will no doubt i>ccomo law. Mr. l.nmlt rkin voted against the Orange incorporation bill in the Dominion Parliament on Monday. We respectfully submit that Dr. I.s.niU-1-km is driving the nails in his own coffin just as fact an his little huniini r can drive- them, and this latter spike will complete the work. It has been announced that the Hon. Mtiwanl ]>lake will not hercafii i take any prominent puit in tho affairs of hie party. We do not bUme Mr. Bltke for forsaking the party that forsook him. I < cttei t to live for Hie iifiiiiuiim uf irAi'ca ht titvi tii. I, linn' If ill any 'liyrrc rapimlMt. An i > i.i.- in-.- or i M in SIR, Please alUw me to call tlie attention of the taxpayers of Arte. inesia to a thing or two. In tlie tirsl plnce I would lay to one and all.wlicn you lia|'|'i n to be in Fltiherton it w .ul. I In- worth your wluli- to ttki> a walk down to thu 13oyne brid){u and examine it. Tlie first thing that will take your attention will be tlio way it i.s twisted across tin- road, ami the next tlnii},' of importance will l>a to liml that it is all you havu for |4(!H.S<; If thooe figures are not cor- rect I hope the "Chiof Magistrate ' will correct them. Now, 1 fet- 1 safe in Haying tlmt t'JOfl of this money is wasted. It Knot a haul matter to liml the v al ins of thin brulgu ; the work is all there, and can easily be inoasnrid, ami the value of suoli work is wt'll uii'li i sli.nil, but when ynu take into account tho way the busiticuu i.s itiana^'tj you will see something lather iiuuaual. Instead of oi:i ting up proper plans and spci tications, 'itnti letting tho con tract Lv publio uoni|>etition, he hired man naal teams by the day, and so tho brid|{A & raised. Hut the price Trent In-. ! -r than the bridge. You all know tiiftl i. in hard luatter to ,;i-t the worth i.( your money in this way, as there is monuy in the treasury, and the jnb is gooj, and the money snre ami the township is well able to pay ! now all know how statute labour it performed iu vomo piare*. \\ell, il you bad been alo when the work was going on, you could have seen it re(tatd. I pa**e>l along one day and saw il (or myself. t|iat \V. I). Vai tr got |HO ;id cents; he also got 1 1 5. 50 cents for repatring this bndge, and, strange to ay, that, although it is only in it* second year, it na been repaired twice. I hare not found the bill for the second repairs ; it will likely come in tlie next report, and thero will be more to follow. Now 1 f<nd that Dr. Cbristoe ban drawn out of the treas- ury $375, said to be for thin bridge. Now, I tell you that no man, wltether Ii* is a municipal officer or not, has a right to garble tho townodip funds in any such manner. TfM council should issu-f urdei s on the treasurer direct to parties entitled to receire the money. They should prevent the orders to thu treasurer and receive the cash, Mid the treasurer would re- tain the orders and vouchers for tint money {mid and they wonld so appear in liia report. Then, by reading the treasurer')) report, you could see here every dollar of your money went, and that is the object of Ins re- port, lint the way this bisiuess is muddled, the treasurer's report docs not gi / you the inforniatiou il is de- ned to give. Now if Una is the proper w.ay ta do busmc-M on the same principal the sanix councillor fur each ward could draw fruiu the treasury the M5o usually appropriat- ed to each ward for road improve- ments, and pay out one half of it for road making and put the balance into Inn pocket aud not even give a state- ment of it. How long, do you think, a business firm would keep in ttieir employ a man that would take their money and rpend it as he liked, and not even give them a statement of it ? Yet that is the way this man of abili- ty has done with our funds. J udgmg by lux actions lie must think it is enough for the funnel* to pay all the ta*es levied on them and lie do as he likes with the money without nuy ex- planation whatever. Now, you have a right to know who were employed lo do this work, how much a day each man rcceivixl, how many days each man worked, how much was paid by the day for teams, how many days did they work and what .ither ex- pense* waft then- in connection with this In i IK*. Now, if the Chief Magia tratt iieg'ectfl or refuse* to give thi-- information 1 would ask the Council as a matter of right to have ttie infuv- uiation published in Tin- .Vtvan:c. 1 made u blight mistake in my last letter in nf.i in. r to tin- Ni-lson Hill matter. 1 should have said that the H-. -vr denied writing certain things officially cuncornmx that matter, but when the letter was |>n><liici-d in court it was signed by him as rueve ot Ar- ii-in.-Miit. (u-iitli-iiii-ii. 1 remain yours. THOlll' T1U(J11T. General News. Tb* will of th late Senator McDonald it ptitiliihatl. H loft .111 rxuu wurth 1,500,000. Theru ii a rorival in PortugJ uf the dcnionttratiun* againtt Eigland and tho Eighth, waii i murdered hjs wife while under 'be mfliMnop of lii]por, expiated tin cnu-.e in IViroiitu yei'un.kjr The pope ha* iiaued a decree ahaolMng the faithful in couotrie* iitt<l \,\ influ- enut froai failing. The Orange Inenqioration Dill wai Kiren iu ec<>ni! r*adio({ Monday in I'.tr liaient by a majority of msti-trn. Orahain, charged with attempted jury bribing in the Crotiin trial, hai not turned up, and hi* $15,OUO bail bond* are forfeited. The cane which culminated in the hang- ing of the anarchinU at Chicago u to be taken before the I'nited State* Supreme Court fur review. Mr. (iladatomi has a<;ain refuted an offer made by a tirni uf American pub- lUhera uf 1'G.OUO yearly for uverytking he writ for the public. The County Council of Wentworth i* at piiMM-nt a hi-ailluu body owing t the r. 1*11111.1 1 mil of Warden Korgiuon, who by this more forettinllt*! tlm pruceodiMgt instituted by T.YV. Titwntvnd to unmt him. The anowttorni which act in Kritlay extended all over the northern part of the continent. Winnipx^ report* moun- tain* of mow and the meruury fulling. Pituburg, IV, report* the wunt itmrnt in yean, and in Minnesota a blizzard rnjed, witli the tempuraiare 10 degree* be low xeru. All the Australian government hare forwarded In thu lecretary for the colnnie* pmUits at|ain*t the IIM of the Tunting |ivwer by the Home (io*ern- mrnt a* exercwed refrardiii|( bilt* dealini; with colonial domestic lii-<islati..o. The proteat* arc afiropo* of a difer^ bill pwued by tBe Victorian r'atliament '.bat hat Wen sent to Loiideo for appro,. ; H HUMUS! LOOK! T.BLAKELY, Flesherton, Sells the bent farming implement* manu- factured. including llf,,,,ff.,r.l Light XM llut.l'r ,i,ul .tfutcrr. J|.it IktuUt-Geartd l>i ill and Spring Tooth THt Waterloo Hmeiand Thrriktrt. Xtrl,y titid Lhtraiufi Hayfork. Th* p<>,l qoalitira of theae implement" art anltiiMentiT ki<on now t<> tpcnk fur thfinii-lv- witliont ADT rxtra wnnln fn< .1 me. Aii;lio<lv r.oiiir n s > iniplrmeuU in thin line i.ulcl do wrll to rxaiuine m.n if uot r>|. i-lv aeqnninUtl with them. Call <>u mi .ui.l I vi!i !- happr to exhibit the good qualilu-* n( then* machine*. T. A. BLARELI, M Flesherton. flllf FOR ALL WASTED-A good energetic roan or turn, to sell our Frait Trees, Hoses. Shrill". Oruaruentals, etc. Prrmnnrill rni|l>lnrrH. \Vrit*at one* fur trrms. and K ,-iin. choice of territory. We ll onlv Brut-class utock. banilaome outfit tree. v.Mr.-,, MAY BKUTIII.IO Jtmn- < r> itir ii. Ito. In li r. V.I. Pumps ! Pumps ! J. IVIcCullouKh MarkJale, in*nufactittirer of pmnp. 'l*irri to inform th public thai he u im-i'tuftl to furauh puiutw for Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. s\rtl* who liv* ber*tofur b*ul difficulty with heir w*ll ATII Guaranteed Satisfaction ttttitiK in v Artic^n I' I'-urm 4 my buijn*tiii ith th*j Utc.1 s-V*.irf \|,.H! '. l '>i.-^ii|>iTi'irity f who..*- piiinpK WA* lioutwiioM word in tin-v a f - v r*r4 ,-.. B jrr4.iid call uti } if* .viiytbvDg iU tbt |'UUi|> 111!*) J. THORO'JUHliRKt) UEKKSHIRF. Boar for Service, Tho nilrnl|.Mi<xl hanfur Horvlco at PrlcevilU rtrt <!. tlimoiiichhrol llt-rklllr> Kar ltrlv I'llrcllitMMl (loin Mr It. ItivwiH. of \\alkortou. TKKMS f\ I lit- ailllllal took Anit prizr nt \rt,'iiif .U fall liow tin. (all, anil uvoiid at tlm Walkurvou KthiblUuu. T. A. II. KK.IMil SON. We have the Tin. CALL AT SULLIVAN'S Moored Block, Fr our HUPD|IN In I in w ar, . K. | Moore's Block, KLKSHERTON. W. 15AKNHOUSE, BOOT AND SHOK MAKER, PLBHBEBfON, ON T. to thank IIM nuiuoroui fiittonivrs (or thv very ItboraJ |>*;r rituii.luU iu Hi. pant, and I* now to nil al) ortlor*. witU uino|itii5MM. Katlafaction (r*iaj-aiit il '!w,l\.. )tr In l>iiHin,- In I- kmlHii.Mi. anil iloalin^H.nith ^IKM! wurkii.AiiKbin.liavu UIIK| hit IIHIIII- HI-!! known tllruiiKliout ll-u \i KWM| ork a iecfa}ty tint your bootn liy Win llariiliouM, Klashertoo. in cauli will bo |iaiil for anyi|uality of , S.DAMUDK, Flh?rton Tannery SHORTHORNS for sale. Two clioloe'lhorttioru bulls, nndoi a rear old Kliaulilu for rutfintiatiou in I) H H h \\ill b* sold clitwp forvaih. For |. to K. J tU>KKtHTH()|,M, . Humbor, On . 1'wil Co. WANTED AT ONCE] A nsi t elas* nan, as an a^ont lor tho Kiagor marbluo for KloahortonaiHl iirtouiidlUK coua- try. A i -J situation lor tb* rlcht uiaa L t. i.Amwi.BT. AIOBI, Bfcrrlo, Out - DR. CARTER, M.C.P. A8..0KT. FHY8ICIA*. M K.i;o\. Ac. FLESHERTON. Oflkce. Strain'! block. Rawldmico. J O. j. a. r ol tb Collofl* of Vhyuciaiu au i. ODtario. Kiiqatrr at door *att of Urir'lor u'i H<MI ,. NOT 19. I88H. ORS. SPOULE A EGO. MAltKDALE OST. OfHrr .- n.-inN-* ' Drag Hl.rr. T.. hl'KOULE.M D.i'tc. AMU'H KCHI.M D .>* I*U) o* Tottenham. On'. DrKfo wlllb* foun<Ut Markiltla H.u..i nig'.t ~J.P. OTTEWLLL, VETERIXABV WRliKON. <iradu.ui- <>f DnUrin Yet. Cnllrr. ON COLI.IN4WOOD RTBHK'" . biitli U*ur Kant of 1 1 ..!. v ivriau Chorch. FLE.fffRKTON. J."P. L. l. ,, DEXTIST, ViiU Markdalc >W Wt and ,lrd day nfrach mouth. Flesherton each trip t>n tlie Jy ful><> mj . Btirrttrr, Solicitor, t'ncey,tHcfr. Etc. FI.CHHKKTOX OrniB, SUT Powr Orrn t. OWKS BOUND omen. FROM". Bfn.niNa P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solid lor, <Vy; oiii. .. >vcr IcFnrl.iiiU'N Siwrr Muu-y > Loan. John W. Armstrong. FLKKIIKUTI.N. L'.' l)::cv. DIVISION <H>1 KT Cl.ritK CUM MISSIONS 'ILK. l:.. ConnrajiaBr.**. AK.-HI foi in.,, i, aeil MM or laiiiln. Apiuais., i, t l, c t an.l K I- II AS S,H.,, u Uonoj to l,,.an ,. umt iMMinahl,. t^rln. UHI KB ,.r M ARKI V MlTAKY I'l Hl.lf MONEY TO U)AN. The Undersigned has a Amount of Money to Loun at 6J o o, ON TO\\N OK KAltll i'lUU'l.KTY. B. DAMl'DR, FLKUIHT,.X. W. J. BELLAMY. . . I III* ARTtllliKIA. CX>.V r A 1 YASl 'A' A 1 , ( '< i.\l TVKKDK MdltTOAUKH. LI'.ASKK, Ac i.roiiu ' od and oro|H.rly i>icutod. limurauro afli . ",?w' ** TO '" l " k "' t! " Uoni ' leadal R- J. Sproule, T>OflTM ASTKR, Fl* k |,..rlon. *r in 15. R., Ijoenivd Auctioneer. Con vejaneer, Appraiwr aiul M f lender. K*al Kitatu aud luoirauru Aueut. Deed*. Mortice*. Lt>*w aud Willa drawn np ajj.l Valuations made on ahor',efit notioe. Ac tiou Hale* atteiidol to in any pary of the Count? . ilouey to I, KM t lowest rate* of iuUreit. C.illirtiom nttendcd to witli proiii|>tne and deHpatcii. Chargra low. Agent (or tlir Dominion St<>Ams)iipCompauy. Cheap ticket* from Klenherton to LiTerpool. (I'tuxow. London or auv of th Uriti4% Horti. Parties iiitendiiiK to viait .EogltuJ. SeotUnd or I.-elaud, will |>lea*e auk rates be- forrpcrchcRingthfii tickets p|ewher*. llub hill MVM t ti Tl Km HI Bulls \ Ordva>, ur p.^.i-it ,. ,.. ; , "f Inlervnt to rvi'i-y man who uso.-> THIW ANTI-HA Tl I,HK IS the BKST, H< -. aiiH< It la iluralili- IIK-TI.. i.-iv. Ill, i, mi- no |iri>j finUtt>iir tlm HH.HKI! or wali cloth. U ill ,-ily a.l, i>j<-tin AT Hoard's Carriage Shop .Ml I \,, I'Ali>l H.USU.i: i . J \,, WHl. !<M 7.1-ini ,'i, t<in|ii|i of Kill lu44 ontaliiloiilMlaiueH. Tlii- In u nylfinli.l \a' al* Mniber rarm Well timtxired with n.:x,. - Hl.-i, h.l , ,i ' banlwoml, lit-mlorL HII.) c 1J mlhnf'oin tin- bMuUful fillaciiM Kim!.i '. . in (Jnuen'H Vajluy wliure thi-io aro mills, nt->if [H.UiJIIo.- and el'inic h. and II nnl* fiuiu Kl-oli iy>n mi tlio <' I'. 11. tliuiu is a i.iMi-i inrl lor all >inrl> o< prixluoi-, (took *pplro H J. BwrouU. iurWa. -i4

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