THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE for Infants and Children. "Caaaa*telsao*r41adapledtoeaudmtha*| Oastewte nrra* floBe. Oonstfpatlna. I rBcoraun-ua it aa superior to any iTtBcripUoa I clour Btomach, Dlarrhoa, Kructatmn. awn to a* ' IL A. As,-.,... M D.. I """L^'i'"^ " - *~* ' d pr ' TBB CBTMCB CDOTAIIT, TT Xurrar Street, . T. FLOUR, FLOUR, STONE lAMBM! LOOK! FLOUK ! T.BLAKELY, L P LOUCKS In prr|.ril to do your Urlatinc on ahort notice auj gr ilul* on tile old torui of av-r > twullth t.uabnl. bat an ooiiW |>er oaf of twu liiiiluila for (hoppUia! <1"U every rtav. The l.iltli Mi it tu m the Mliniatlnii of Uie public. hatiifactiou Outrautoed V. LOUCKB, Proprietor. beod eaabltui for h D. flc lavish, HOR8KSHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collincwood Stivi-t. FLESHEKTON, - ONT. Manufacturing ol Wagon*. Hlviffh*. Il'iuwi"" P'iii....ral. ol. HoraoaliKeliii.' (.roniutlv at trurtad to Mneelal attention irlvt-n to contract .1 or under feet. l.e)iuiHK nnd Plow <'hnlHN ii- lam I > on hand. Tht rfufrrioo ]'lif*anil Tttrrikert. AV6y and Ihtrand'i Ilaijfurl.. Tbt Rood qualities of these implements are suftteivntly known now t.. apeak for themselves, without any extra words from iii'. Anvbody re<|iurni; ini|ilements in thi* line would do wvll to cxuruine mine if not alreadv acquainted with thriu. Call on me and I will b happy to exhibit the good qualities of these machine*. T. A. BLAkELl, Flesherton. FLESHERTON PLAM\0 HILLS Hariim purchased tl." Plesherlon I'Uuina Mills (run U. J. S|>r<>ulr. J.sq., I now UCIUM to inf.. i in tbe PUBLIC that I am in a position to do ALL KINDS -OF General plaiiing mill work, uch a* SASH, l)OOKS. DOOR FKAMK8 Planing and Mtciiinj>, r awiug.t'tc. W*rkmnnsliip A linyr quantity of good dry pmv lllljiln I nil llUlltl. SALESMEN Wa)ti..| f,.r ,.-ir iori|i1*tii llli i.l M US1 ItV HTfM'K Al! uw. rfc..l<- K n.l K\hl M.I.I.INU tot>KCI M.I ll.l l..i liniii-l, l'AVI.N(i l-iihl noNM u workoni M v larye i|ierleDee In tin bueluVM eualtlA* in l.i nifurtiH^-lal K.lviit*i;-" to I>. W I.IM. I. II \ :Vhl. V .1 CCKSSKUI . \I.K U\N uf any oae wlio will follow injr lu triirtl'.n I 1 .- uttiienl i-inpiuvliii'lit \\nyi* . Ii .-i k OuMtllree A|i|il> t ouue au |U I jrreryinan. ll"< Ml ^IK.ll.N V MKXTION THIS 1 l-m Flesherton, the bet farming implements manu- factured. including Afu*m iJuublr-Qeared Drill and Spring KENDALL'S PAVIN CURE Tn.- Vat *urr*-e.f,i| Ifvinr r.i. ti* U U > .-rial n In It* HTevtt AIM! A mm Da* b.laUT. Kenhl proui bviuw. KENDALL'S SPAVIH CURL Omm or Cmtmtm A. ]!!'! OV CUTCUBB DAI A>I> T .mo Baao , _ Kuiwooe, ILJ-. . ai, Ma. - I J k | ,u r.. - I^kf sir* I hve alirnji pvralMMd rnvr Ki- Ull'i liuoln fur* I.) ia kalf <! wii t>xu.. 1 w.iuM Ifki' prtcw la Urivr quitntllT. I ihluk u U imt t UM i.-.i liDlmenu im Mtta. I kate and II 1,1} >wbl for Ihrw 7Mn. Tuwn lrlj. D*. A. 3. K rmi i. I KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL . V . M<iTiai s. IM. . I !.*? in (1*. >'* UettowUI <rf mr . 1 1 .plul-m uf ) our Kxultn KMTln Cur. . I kave -| u t,* | urn,..,,... Hlir Jului. .. ApnvtHM, mn,\ I ka* fouiMl it Mureeve, l i i. i * - .Minn 11.1 U lu ail Loroirn. ^ utiri u u i A. R. Oiia KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL H . - T Wmvni OociTV, OHIO. Dec. is. UM. I'a r J K i.*i i. I'o. i.. iii- I (. .1 u n t dntr toT what I haveoofie wllh your Krudairi B|rln iSir.-. I ' lll>. Itnnr. I.I.., aniktr.1 old, H|( . . . i, . , ] IM Jaw. Hin.-.- 1 bavrT.a<i one "i Ttmr lMk> anil follimi-'l Ib kiat a cajaof any kliul. Irulj , 1 k**e ntrwt tea of and KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. ITI,-. *i perlH.iile,<iriUbotUeef(ir|l id Dra- VI t( . ha II ,x cancel II lor you. or II will teeaat t. auy iMl' rw . i| ' ... i . i. I > thr |'r>.nrl% ton. Da. a J. kuiuAi i <,.. lu.HtiMinra lfn.,\i. HOLD 11 V VI.L 1>KL U01HT8. SCords'ilQ'! '!?? SCIENTIFIEAMERICAN CiTABt if.l-ir O tM-j. J the itoHt an.) ru't I" |>n' .r arl^nTlflr HP.) JIM-< hnnual |>m*r IwlJlab'-'l i"l '." the lanirtl ... ...n ..f i.") iinr<>l ll> i ! ii ill.- w.irld. In.!-. I'll! lll"'J i'l>klr Hn,1 ' T I'm. ft .--,, i r"rtor_m..nlh \\ ri ui il i>iui/iini>u Jfi Inn. 4 to Wr44 >l II O\E M ntalntnic toi k.. .J Inm t to Samk'itaui. S&.OM now anaesea. rullf iiMHl. A-mii v inn lie ha<< viirie Ultra u a varancr. > SVi I<I>\TIOII I,,, HMnu .... ., 1,1 . wlia earn a>Mkti IT the IIM of tula i,,,,l av*rtb<>ir oan Die UtelroviMwa now anode setter Ikaa u>a .(rnteat r<|N-rl lan > nh,,,.t it, Adapuid to al aruaa-cvt eawa. Kwrr ona who trwna a new have on n. ka ' ' ARCHITECTS A BUILDERC tuition of Scientiflo Amerlciw. U t ! r |ttl HI .1 inn i eontetfm [nii en f r.'pi'ini. r. u wnirruviniri i..r it*** IK* <>f r liuil.ltnf. l'(" - WJH (fr, LN'S J. ui.. ri iiMncjw. DATENTCF^ mud* u r 1 F.T. TRADE MARKS. r.4 th-tt MMMi " Til* fce- ( ol (III* ftdtWT > t t\ K1..II e4 *f tM Ml- r*rVB(lt for eaaru, nuae. l-t. ,,-iri/ anmreil. Addreea * f . Paleni W.II.H.r. L Kf u au Bav.i.w* I. M, T . v . .uiiiii !> ITTJ r w *nni*a7*avt i!3-fr-lft Mtow. (ta.u>.M...^. inri atf n4 M W>ai M aeeMai *a>*eai 1, .u.aTl CU, .. 4; roaeuat ^> COUNTY IN i. IIM UM I One death haa occMrred in Mt. Feraat roan the effects of la grippe. The Pi;kerirg News says that M < . a y is all right, and it has located him on tbe 2ud con. of Pickering. The Stouffville Tribune came tn hand !at week under the new management of Messrs. Malloy and Keefer. A new foundry is about to be started in Collingwood. It is to be ho(ied this scheme will not fall through as did the JXty ship yard. Mr. John Wilson, of the old Snrvey, Melaiicthoii, report* the death of what waa perhaps the oldest goose in the tnwn- ship. It waa 25 yearn -Id, and laid egs until it waa 23. Mr. Wihmii is certain as to the age of tho bird. [Shvluurne Economist. The sensational report about a man iu Whitby drinking rum to cure himself of la grippe, going insane, ana then killing his wife with a butcher knife turns out o be all humbug. A Whitby man drank a glass of ruru one day hut week and this singular and very auspicious circum- staace doubtless gave rise to the tale of slaughter. - [Pickering News. We heartily congratulate Charles- Moffat, Kstj., Reeve of Uleuelg, on be- ing choeen warden of the county for 1890. Mr. Moffat is quite at home in the chair. It is nut the first time he has been placed n a similar position, aa we understand he has been Master of the Dominion Orange. Mr. Mortal will doubtless dis- charge the duties of the position, no as to reflect credit upon himself, and In the adva in. i- ol tli. t-ui.ntry. [n. S Times. The County Council is >teadUy increas- ing in numbers. There are in 18'JO, forty-eight Owen Sound, Sullivan and Arteuieaia each send an additional mem- bur tins year ; while 8t. Vincent sends but one Deputy instead of two, aa for a year or two past Many of the old famil- iar facee are still to be seen at the board. Dr. Chriatoe, Messrs. Gainer, Lang, Read, (iilray, Miller, Clark and Bowes are getting U> be veterans in the service of the county, and it is well that some of the old and wise heads are retained, if only as drill-instructors to train up the new comers in tii way they ought to ge. {O. S. Times. Mr. liartlett's boy, who accidently swallowed a button hook last October, is now out of danger. For about three weeks past he was a great sufferer, and ay almost at death's door, but on Friday aat the hook passed through the bewels and discharged itsfelf from his body in a natural way. The hook is four inches* ong and over an inch wide at one end. >r Meere, who attended him during his ong period of suffering, consulted with . Mclarlane, of Toronto, warding a surgical operation to remove the hook, but both doctors concluded that it was better not to risk the operation, which would have been a dangerous one. S'ature ditl the work in its own way, and now the tx.y ia iu a fair way to complete recovery after weeks of great pain and ffering. He'll nut repeat the attempt to show lus companions how eaaily a man em (wallow a (word. [Bramptoii Con- servator. Honor ItolN. KIM11KULEY. FORM 1 Class IV- Lily limuam 319, (ieotge H,. i rut J-4- .1 .Lu Howell 233, Herbert Kawcett 1011, John Hammond 105. Class III sr. James Wallace 1G8, Vincent Uilbert 101, K. Abetx-rnmUie H4. Class III jr. Mary AVwrcminbie ll'.i, Jeasie (iilbert Ml, Millie Hurd 88. Class II sr- Lilly Gilbert 121, Henry McLean {Ml, Tayler Aberurouthie 74. Average attendance 30. KoKM 2 Clajall jr. Dawsn Kuott 117, Rll WIMM! Abercrombie 113, I'lnra Hurd 110, it,-, ku- HitMiinuitd 121, Mary Knott I IL Miiunie liattrick 100. I'art II. Hobrrt Fawcett 115, Frank Durriti 7u, Charlie l*w> 78. Class A. Jessie liattrick 67, Mary McKennu r>l>, Kael Fawcctt 61. Class H. -Henry Wallace .'. .lav NT Wlowart :i'i Class f. Sandford Knott .'(>, Itt-n Knott 30, Jennie McLean 21. Average attendance 211. KtHJKNlA. Names arranged Kcconling to their standing in their respective claatna : 4th class, -Win. Hell, J. Turner, S. Turner. 3rd i-law, Than. J<.|in,t,.n,\\ m Cam Ben Madill. 2nd olaes. Kuiie Hawkins, Fred IV, I lar, Wm. Paul. 2nd part, Abbiu McMulVn, R. Turn- er, R. lull lit |.kii . A M, Lean, C. Miller. WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DEALER, Has a large assortment of winter BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers, Over- shoes.Felt Boots,Trunks, etc. New & Seasonable Goods OFFERING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES- FLESHERTOIM. Photos, Photos, Photos. Heart MOM turning out tcork/ar luperior in ityle and jiniih t any evtr pro- duced in fltiherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE HA TES. PICTUEE FRAMING dnne in nil iti brunchei. A good ttock of FRAMES an, I MOULD1\GS kfjtt conitaHtly o* hand. Will alto introduce tht new BKO.V/DE PORTRAIT, rnetwrt that it g icing entirt nitit fact ion tthererer intrwtucej. SAMPLES mm bt tte* at my Gallery tokert all p>trlienlari at to Price, Style &c., tan l^e attrr - taincd. FLESHERTON. HEALTH FOR ALL HO LLOWAYS PILLS & OINTMENT THE TILLS Purify tbe Blood, correct all Uinorilen of I^iver, Stomach, Il<ln'yM, and 13o\velw. TbeyinriRorateanl rmtorrto health l)i'hlllte<l rontitution, anil are invaluable In plalotilQciUental to Female* of all tgu*. For Cbllureu mid tbu aged they ar* |>ricle*< THF OINTMENT tan iofalllble i emm v fur li.l I..v. Bad Hreanti. <>l<l Woiinilt. Bore* and Ulcen. It ii famoai f Omit and llliauiatiu. Kur dlnonton ol the Chut it ha* no equa ForSORK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS QlandalarSwulliniji.auiIall skin niMm>r It ban no rival; and tor eoutrxted aud >tUI (tint* it ri like a cliai in. \l iiuitm tiirt"! only at l'rofe<4i>or H"i I.C.WAT'H KiUMUliment. 7 . \ , O \ I .>nl si r,-,-| I lal 333, Oxford M r, , I ), I .n<|on. aid are >old at Ii. 14.1 . J M., 4n. M. ll . a*i .. ami KM. rh Box or Vi.t. ami may bv bad uf all Mo* cine Vendor throoRhout the World. Purfhairn tluniM !<*>; it. >kr [*iM <m tin }\>tt imj Hvsr*. Ij fht aJJrtu i* not 5.*.'', OrfW'f Htwt, Lin, ilvn, they are FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM 1^ I 1 \X. , A large arwrtment r.f MYOVRR. , L :nak..i STDVK KCItMSIIINli*. TIN WAUJL.rni'i'nuvv \nu.i, AMPUOODS ,:o ,,-' .iiHiHiitly uu hand. A VKTltorcHIXC A Sl'ECl .U.ITY. Strain's old Stand Kit! Came stray. Cftmo to the |>retiilrt0H of the undcrn.ffneil. lot I ' l-t iftiitfv 'it-t T ant*. H. K on KatimUy. ' Inn M <nif twit-ti'iir oM t 1-1 Thrt owovr in i uii.-t-ti-.t tn lituttf PlulH-rty. |ftV eXUWllMUN HN'I tmkt, it w>, JOHN fi.VNNOV Artuu^xm, J*o. U 1HUO. IT IMYS TO Flesherton Livery Stables. 1. ( L i 1 TON. I'roprlrlor. Fir la horsea and vcMc'ea fer hire at I aaaneable rates. Hiablee >.pt.eiiW a I aU). vpeeial attealiea aaU t anuertia aauteas. AND THAT IS THE Northern Business College, ;\ r goif> r i), The l.-nt mi.l niiM>t )imptioal cuuiso of atii'lv The toi,t t,,*, 'n i H^ tiiiont Tin- Uxt acconini.KlaSJoii ltr ntudent*. Thl>eet nvtltiHl* at laaVttatkiB The txiat rvKufu fiotn tlut loan-notion aftoi ituilnUttr*duAte. fvr animal eiwiouiicuiui-iitativing psrtioiilartf efar<ltw vaour of atuilv, tarin-. a.l .^ V,\. n CilfNO Pmiim.