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Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1890, p. 4

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THE LESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. Ii publlibvd JSvery 'r' FaoM THF Ornci Street, FUthnitm, Ont. TEHUB OK BUIIBCHII'TION: 1 pur annum when paid ttrlrtly In adanee 1 50 pr auuimi when not *o pai'J ADVKKT1H1NU RATES. <hi* roluinu. I year. HO ; half col., do., tfl' riii-i col do., 14. Traoleot a<lTrtiwninU charcarl at the rate ul *ct. |>*r llaa for ftret iUMjrtton au>l * tv i' ltn eai'ti aub*ei|Unt iuM>rtiuu. W. Jl. THURSTON. Editor and Proprietor. A DEPUTATION. A deputation representing the rid- ing agricultural societies of this 1'roviuce will wait upon the Minister of Agriculture, at the Walker House. Toronto, cu Thursday next, Feb. 18, with a view to securing to such societies a distribution of the $10,000 which has heretofore been made by the Legislature to the Agricultural and Arts Association of the Province and which will be partially withdrawn this year. This ten thousand dollars, if equally divided atuoag the riding societies of the Province, would allow of each oue reccving a fraction over one hundred dollars. This snug ht- ile mm would b a great source ol strength, and there in no doubt what ever but thai the money so dis tributed wouJJ do the greatest possible amount of.WiefU thus distributed over the largest possible extent of terri lory. l in to be hoped that the united efforts of the various riding societies will at least prevent this amount of money being granted to ajiy of the permanently located city exhibitions, and that the local govern meat will toe its way clear to divide AJit- money in the manner indicated with the several electoral district societies. This cannot be done dur ing the present year, u set forth in a letter from the Hon. Chas. I)nirj from the fact that the grant to the A and A. Association will not bo wholly withdrawn this vear, at it will n quire Hf veral thousand dollars to clear uu the indebtedness, but this is the proper time to make the request in order to secure it hereafter. uan taking the Globe u^uiarly hait ome to be strong r.iiuia facie evi- nee of liitt respectability and moral worth." It is scarcely probable that he time will i-ver arrive when, in the 'orouto 1'olice Court and other .ourts, the deicnce of preview* good Character will rest wholly upon the jin-stiou of whether the accused is a subscriber to the Globe or i.ut I bach self-aduUtion is calculated to engender a nauseous sensation juat tbove ones bell. Mr. Brown's bill which has paused its second reading in'thc House o ' ommous, entitled "an act , to maki further provision as to the prcvcntioi >>f ciulty to animals, and to annu chap. 172 of lli.- Itcvised HUtues of ' Aiiu'l.i," is one which will attract i n r ood deal of attention, and will receivi ..>|i|>ositi(jii from Certain quarter!. I makes it an offence, subject to a fine ' f lifiy dollars, for any person I "keep or use any live animal or biix I'or the purpose of being used an a target, or to bo shot at, cither fo ..inn- i;.' .it oi as a test of skill in marksmanship," or any one who is i party to such offence-. It provides also, thnt "Ai.y person may interfu to prevt nt tlio i>erpetration of an; net of cruelty done in Inn presence t< any animal, and any (Mirson who in terfers with, or obstructs, ur resist any i> ison so engaged shall, on MUM mary r m victim i, be liable to a penalt uot exceeding fifty dollars, or to ini in isuiiicn nt for iiny term not exceed ni^ tin i r monllis." The bill is a com prchi'iisivo one, and one which th humane SOCK-IK- ) of the I'oiuiniui mil Imil \\illi dili;'ht. I'or iiiiudiiltt'iuted, impertinent gal! ii nnnciid us ti> nn c-dilorml in th (ilobu of Momlny lust, in which thu pijxr tndeuvon to rstitbliidi ii.. claim is tho orgiin df purity |>ar excellence ami ail the oilier daily pro** of Toron to HH cutcivm to that which it lo n/l iliciiidrd. It will not exalt it*el nn n>i, i in the mliuialinn of th sen sibte public hy the utterance of lucl cell praise ai tliii : "The fao4 clan; Tlio County Council, wliich got through its arduous labors last week, did notniug very ttartling, with the exception of granting to Meaford the soinewlmt doubUi>>. advantage of a high school. We have nothing, how- cL-r, to say agaiusl Meaford having ts high school, as it will be a great convenience to the eastern portion of this county, and our only desire is that now that that town Las U en satisfied, so may it always remain satisfied with its elephant, whether white or black. The Canadian Nation, the new Third Party organ, has this to say : The Globe's maudlin and pitiful ap- peals -to American journals,' is scarcely less creditable than its ab- surd and vulgar defence of Arch- bishop Ch-ary . Both are sad illustra- tions of the extent to which paityism, in the sense of an indecent and in- sensate scramble for the power and pelf supposed to be connected with office, can degrade the press of even an elightcned and virtuous com- munity.' K-< i,i I.." and Addreu. From a AfajruvU ('orrrjponilrnt. On the return of our pastor, Rev. Mr. McNeil, and his bride to their bom* on Wednesday 'ft alt. , they were welcomed by a largo number of friends who had as- sembled at tbe maiifte, where they were prepared to vxtond the happy couple a cordial welcone to their home. After the inany greeting* weir over, and te* had been served, Mr. and Mrs. McNeil were made the recipient* of several beautiful presanU, the presentation be- ing made tiy Meaxr* Jai. Inkstvr and Win. Sproule, anil tho M! i ..n.; address read by Minn M. Molntyre, in behalf uf the members of tha congregation. APDRKHM. To ttit /Or. Mr. UeXeil anil Mr*. MrXtil. DEAR FKIKNUH : We, the under- signed nn-nitx-rk of your congregation, de- ire to take tin* opportunity of express- ing nur heartfelt gratitude f<ir tl,- earnest- nuu and sincerity which you hav hith- erto manifi-ti'il in your laUtr* amongst us. W fuel " in juitiro to you, we must acknnwlttduo our gratitude and ap preciation of such, and we sincerely pray that the reward which (Jod haa promised to the faithful in.iy Iw ounferred upon you. We would extend you n cordial and sincere welcome to homo and lalnirs amonmt in, and, with nnitctl hearts, we humbly pray that the choice*! t>lein',' uf (Jod may rest upon you throughout th* journey i>f lifo, nml that His all-seeiln; uyu may ever rest upon you in tender- ness and approlmtii.n Imtli in ymir privati rulatiniis. anil in ynur interooursu with and dutius tuwardn each ami every mem ber uf yuur ei>n|(reKatioti. Wg pray. also, that tin-re may erer *x ist siunii','st in nil that entitle** of mini which should i. urn unity l>etween all true f.. Hi. WITH of .li-sin Christ, and mem bers of tho one family of (iod. Wo wuiiUl tn-y j..n td accept thes* small prdseiit*, (regardless of lhir in- trinsio value) ns a small tokon >H tho preat love and esteem In.-h we, one and nil, hnvo for you, ImpiiiK they nmy snrve as a memorial of our sincere friend ship, anil our U-t winhes for your spiritual and temporal welfare. With fervent prnycn that the infinite wisdom nf (iiid may err direct you, His iineriiii'.' li-unl I. Mil and sustitni you, anil His boiunllcsii encompans you, we suhncrilw fiiirselvM, mi U-lialf of frirnds concerned, Your true and xincore frn-mU, WM. KIMKU. JAM. INKSTP.II. \\ M. s rut ii i >. \\ M I H&RTF.M. Jfr. McNeil made very suitable rr- ply, npruHitiiiK fur liiniM-lf and Mrs. Mc- Neil their utinwit i,'i-atitii,le f, r thu kind ness of the |xw,ple, with a itaire and prayer that (jod would enalile him and thpin to perform their several duties with an i-vn single to His glory. Havinq spent a very sociable time to- gether, the many friends departed far their several homes, well pleeeesl witli tUe ptoceediMxe of trie evening. ONE WHO. WAS T^IRE. From outturn Con-enpunilmt. Mr. La Grippe has tnk-n entire x>sscsnion of our village, where it is ;hought he will remain until a new ic hi of labor opens up for him, when will quietly take his departure. On Sunday afternoon Mr. Scheri- mau's house ranght tiro 'from a de- fective chimney, but it was put out ncfore any very neriouR damage was done. We are pleased to learn that Albert Heron has taken up prpacliing as a vocation for the last two Sundays. The good folk of liethel appointment have been profited by his sayings. Very litilc hopes are entertained of Minnie Hamilton's recovery. She has been Hick now for two months with erysipelas and fever. Dr. Hamilton, of Singhampton, has been called in. Bforrird. llrT.ioD-fVntwtar At thrt rMlclonea of tb brf>l'i latbxr. nn WndnwKUr. thoWth JaoiiVT. U7 tlieBr Donald Mclxnrt.'H. A., Mr. DiWd i I.<K!. to Mi. Elliabotb Jne Htewait. iiiithtvr of Aim. Buwart. KKJ . all of ArU- SSSSH. lUr.l. STKWAHT-AnnleMolr. widow of th laU HiKUrlrk Ktawart. tx>rn Mat (7, IHSJJ. dlad UM. :>l.t. ItW A iiati uf Arylr.Hrotlaud Hbdll lonRltig to be at rt In tLv blead hope of a florioui ruaurractloD. One IMI on aarth. Its paint, it norrowf and it> toil in Khar*. On* IMI thfi pilicrini'i daily oroM to b*a. On* mm e th. crown of th> blnaiad to w*ax, At horn* in baavan. Parliament Monday by a vote of 74 to 54 defeated the bill to let corn come int.. the country duty free for the purpuee of fattening cattU for export. The business men of Sing Sins;, N.Y., have in public meeting resolred that the business interests of the village demand that the state prisfm b* re niored. F. TO MoTHKa. Ar yon dfaturhed a night and broken nf your reat bv a alek child iiffiTiiiK ti.l rr \ lli with |>ain of I'.iltlliK Tretll If no twnd at OIICD and Nt a Inittla "Mr*. Win, low'iSoitliliiL; Svruii fur Childrnn Ttlllu(. ltd value ! IncaU-iilKbl* It will rwlieve tbe |>...>r littln >u(frr luiuiediately !>|K<iid u|K>n it. inollirn; lliore uo iniitake about It. It cure* Uyx>ntery ami lliarrhira. rnulate> tbrKtomacb AH.) n.twt-1*. *r?ri-H Wind Colie,oftn tbGums rmluce* Inflaiiiatfou. aud RlTua tone and energy t-i the whole mitoni "Mra. Wluiluw'o Hoothlnf hyru|i" for cliildran t4MtlonK ii plvaaant to tb taiit0 *nd ii tln> |iritrrii<iftn uf uneof tbn ol.lnal AII.I txMt ftmial* phyilciani* and uumt*n in the init.-.| Htatn. and ! for ami. by all ilrntajUtt tlirnuchniitt tho world. I'ltro twmity-fU* d'Utie tll*. II* aurv ami auk fur Mm \Vi\i\ox nrr," and tikko nn other kjnd. Oar cluef eonsUble was ratlte* sed last Saturday evening. He waa takuir an intoxicated (wrmon t>i the lock- up when a number of young men nuJJeii- ly jumped on linn and mauled him rather severely. The chief, howtver, succeed- ed iu lodging lui man in the lock-up. Oil Monday fvcnni^ thos* who asusulloJ him wore up before tdn Mayr and IleeT MrlnUwh, and had to |>ay fines ranging from II j to > and costs. Had the chief wished he could liaru had his u- sailants sent to gaol. On the same even- ing there was another display of rowdy- ism. Two boys (or rather young men) threw a satchel containing a lanr* num- ber of ignited firecracker* into Mr. liailuy's grocery. Aloud explosion fol- lowed but fortunately no damagx waa ilnna. The culpritM had U> |Hty ?Ci and cuU for their fun. [Meaford Mirrur. Ln or Catnrrli. Lightning MR.EOITHR. "L grip|>e," or Russian intliirnrii, M it is termed, is in rv.ihtv an t')iiileinic iiktnrrh, and is called l>y some |.li\h i!iii< ' li.,'litnni- catarrh," from the i.ij.ulit v witli which it SWI-UJHI ovur thu country. Allow us to draw the attention of your readers to the f.u-t that Nasal H.ilin, as well as IWIHL; a tlionni|{li cure for nil CUMM .f ordinary cold in limul and i-.ittarrh, will L'IV.I |in,ni|>t n-ln-f in even tho most Hvvere CKM<S of "la nri|'l' tf ' " r Knnian iiiHiienxa," an it will vtfortitully clear the n.k4il IHMSO^VK, allay iri-itntion iiml ii-ln-v.- tin- dull, i>|>|irvuiv littinlitche nccnni|>anyiiii.' the ilim-aie. Nu fmuily shuiild Li! without a Uittle uf Niual lUim in the hi>usu, as culil in tho and r.itiurli aru |u<i-nliiiily liuble to uttiick iwople at this Henson of the yoar, anil Natal lUlin is the only prt,in|it snd spemly rure fur these truubluM jver of- f.-it-il tln< public. K.ii\ in use .in. I aitrvo-'. If ynu iMini'.t uet it at ileul- ers it will lie soul pout fn-r ..n i-ivi-ipt of price iMI cents ami 91 |>r biitllu) by .l KalforJ & Co.. llrnokvillii, (hit. SHOKTHORNS for sale. Two (holoe iilinrtliorii Lull., un.lcr a r*ar ol<l. Bllf Ibta for refUlration U IX k. H. IV Will lx> oldubaap furuaali. I'or particular! anply to F. J. M.liUIIIHl'I.M. Uiiuibnr. Ont., I'tMil CO. M FOR ALL WANTED A Rood energetic man <>r m<>n. to sell our Fruit Cieei, Hoses. miruU, Oruamnuls. etc. Prrmnnrnt rmploymrnt. Writeatooca for trrnn. ud i"-curr ehiiioe of territorv. Wu sell uiilv first-clas* slock, bsudwime oatfll live. Adurou MAY BKOIIIKkS Xur- r ni.-ii. ICi.rlii -In . N.I. WANTED AT ONCEl A Swt ! ip, a* an aici.nt for tb* iai;r niaoblo* lot I lilirt..u n.t lurreuiidiiia 1 e%na- try. A KoJ litvwttou for Hvo rltflii nan. A|Vp"J V T C. LAHBibilT, Aent. Jtarrlo, Oat. Pumps ! Pumps ! J. IKEcGulloiuch. Markdale, initnufacuturer of |mtnp. rlesiroc to inform th puhlic that he it prepared to f urni-h pumptf for Deep wells, gravel weJls, etc. trtf e who ))*v beretofore had difficulty with IH-II -lN ri Guaranteed Satisfaction article*. I laarned my biilnmu lth tbu late J. Koar.of Mofi:rtl. the sariori!y f wiiir.,. puinpt was a bouAvbolcf wonl to Grey a f i- w yean agu M ura an I call on ai If you dir an) tb'nf ID tb poiu^lioa . J. Mr ulloKiih NASAL BALM. A certain irwi incerfr cnr* lot Cold in th* Me.ui u.J Catarili in all its >t*^f*t. SOOTHING, CLFAMIJtC. NtAUNC. Initant R ff, PerrnaMM Curv Manv to-calLcd dit**M are ftimplr iTrnptomt ' Catarro. s&jcb as lirdchf. pariicf dufn****. 1 , . cnsa of Mnell, fool breath. h-nTiing aud tpittii. nan, Mneral f,clin** uf debility, etc. If you ar : tmuWri with any of itie^c or kindVed lympioin^. y -i bac Catarrh, and tboutd lot* no tima in proctti Ing a bocilo M NAUL BALM. 2tt tMinKvi t*i l*m<. neisliTtrii rnM in head retohs in Caurrh. followrd l<v ronfturnptiooand death. HAUL BALM It tojd by all druccifttt, or will be nt t poet paid, oa receipt cl price (5u coots and $ : .. by addressing FUIFURU CO., Bsneoini. tor. ta. Bewan ef imitatioos similar la nama. THOROnGHBRED HEBESHIRE Boar for Service, Th* nn.lrn;nd haa for MTVlc* al PrlcTill nt o)M IhurouKh hrxl Iti-rk-hiie lv.r latrly mirclinit.-.i from Mr. H Kn.-r.. uf Wals*rton. TKKMS #i 'Hi* animal t<K>k Rrt imu at Artamoala fall >how tlni fall, aud Micuna at tb* \\'alk*rtou Kilnbltloa. T. A. M. FKBOUBOX. We have the Tin. CALL AT SULLIVAN'S M o o r e's Block, For yuur Kuppllrs Iu I iiiar< . , elr. HultivtvD U the old ruIUhiu Tiu-.mth of Fleah t*rU>n, Mod tfiTt* Mtif*ction -cry linti*, He haa INMHI iloinu bueiuvMi in KlrklK-rtuu for eijflU teu v.-nr-, nd tk"* till* u|>iurtiiiiity uf thauk- iD|{ hie 111*11 v pe>troiin fur paat fa von, and hoiee to nn'i n H uoiilmuanc* uf the ae>iu. L>on't for- get whvrv l'i |Uaeo uf buaiiieiM U altuattxl. Moore's Block. FLESH EBTOJJ. W. BARNHOU8E, liOOT AND BIIOK MAKER. KLKSHKUTON. OXT. T'.- r-f* to tliank hid uutuvroue cutoiura for ihwury lilborAl i>airi>nti|tf i xt.-ihl. ,1 in the I'*-! nii-1 !- if* |>rri<ifii to n! I nljtu-hrn witb |inun |>tne*. ^Mtinfiti-ti >n i^uiu unt <!. Twul \e v I'.u . iu IMI 'in * in I-'U -lit-i Ti>u and buuutti , wll kiif>vin I*) \\ ui. . uiM, KK"-ln r t \ thU \iciint v House <& Lot for Sale (Imxl )mn<i. anil lot fur *le. m>t lUptlt clmrcli.-Klwtboi ton. Houircoiitain four ruonw. Sj.lniiili.l I..:. TvrniS vory Inw Apuly t-> UAVI1) TAYLOU. KlullllTtoll. NOT. 1. ISM. Bluest jVliifket l^i'i In cash will b* |M! for auy quality of Hiss, ;i;::-Siiss S, DAMUDB, II. h< rton tnnnri > Prof. Loisette's MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In nptt of nlnli.w MM iiniUUont whi.-h miM tb Uiv |r',u.Mt tulr|w*Dtati.* liy Mivitiu* v.. uM l. of'thTfriiimlhtoUli.*^!!!! ..(whirh dnutm lh "l.l*>Ih IIiniiw*>hnii a> mark"!*- aiTslparfkTa .. HM rn>ap**t<ia(Mi.laftft*>>i** T UiCa{wkalM**V DR. CARTER, M.C.P. AH FLESHERTON. Ode*. Btr.ln'i Uo*k. KMl<Uno. J.O J. Gf.flattoii, tlamber of the Collag* of l'hv.u-,n Burgeonl. Ontario Kuqulre >t i^Bc,on door etst of Urio't<i ft \Uiuou' Htol. l-rintill*. Xo 1WM. DR3. SFOULE & EGO. T.8. MAUKDALE <>NT. . : >lanl,- \ IH-I.-U Mor.- r. AN<H'H K(MM.D..rra lati- of Tottenham, Ont. Dr.Kfo wills* found at MarkiUla Huuacst ni<lit J, P. OTTEWELL, VETKRINARY Graduate ..f Ustario Vet. C<,lleze. ItKKIIlKNCK ON COLLING WOOD RTBr.K Sixth Hour Ka>t of I'rmlu toriau Cliurcb. FLESHKRTOX J. P, MARSHALL, I D. v. DE\TIKT, Visiu Mark<Jalo tho 1st an.l Hnl Wednes dy of each mouth. Fleaherton each trip on the day following. ll<ir, i + t, r. Fi.r.siitRTox , Convrynncrr. Etc. , NEXT POKT Orn< i, TllKDUAYv OfnCB. rorr's Hun-nixo P. McCOLLOOGH, Barrister, Solicitor, Oflio-. ovrr HrFarland'x Uarl,,!n|,-. Mvary to Loan. John W. Armstrong, N. Co. QUIT. T)IV1SION COl'IlT CLKKK. COIIMIMIIOKE 'i u B 11.. CuuToyaiiwr. *c. At foi i.un-li < *lc of I. ml. A|>|>rsiMir fort: I. c C nd r. P. II. * H shirty il.mey to Lea* oa bU term " '"" 1K o NOTA1IY 1'1'BLIC. MONEY TO LOAM- The Undersigned has a lirg Amount of Mone> \o Lon ac 64 o o. OS TOWN OK FAHSJ I'UOI'KKTY. . DAill 1)8, KL..MHUIO, W. J. BELLAMY. Twr. CLIBK AIITI u>u. COSVEY.4 X(.'Eli. ( V ISHl'HAM'E MiT ,K' T\BKD8. MOHT(iA(!KM. LKASKK, .tr . nrapar ** <] and uroporh cxtM.-iitfd. In, .nun,, affec .l In ftrnt-cl>M companies. Mouuy to Uud *| lowvutrsUs. R. Ji Sproule, T>OSTMASTKR, Kl^berlon.Oommlsiuon -* *r in 1J. R.. Unriiset) Auetiuneer, Con Teyanwr, Ap|>rsicr ond Munuy I.ondar. Real Kutatu au<l luKnrance Afnt. l>ed. Mortuagcs. Lrawn aud WilU drawn up ami Valuations uimli. on klior'ent uolii-e. ABC tion 8als atti-u.lcd to iu nny pary of tbe ConutT. Vlouny o |..:m ntlo eat rales o( iutcrent. Cullt-ofaiins nttvntlvJ to with |>n>uiptnes and deHpntcii. Cliur^s low. Attriitfor thr lioiuuiion SteaniKlii|i( .nii|isuy Chrap tickets from t'lesliertou tn I.ivvrpoul. (fkuxow, I... ml.. n or HIIV of il.M Uriii^W 1'iirt^. Parties iuteuding to visit KnglanJ, 8i4liid ur Ireland, will plcnse n-k raUs \it- for i:rchiHiiig their tickets Hub hill Of lter*t tn i'Vi'1-y man \vlio XVa^on or Curriaur THIS ANT1-KATTLEK IS tlie HKST, Ttiert. uri- M > plojci-ti.i^ or wn-li ciotli. H 1:14 N.T m-*-u*.' it is el iiH-xlicii-i <Mub> h> tni. i> ajiy uci;ou(.li - V0\{ SA1.K A I' Heard'a Carriage Shop LiMiM KOIISAI.K (HIM- ASH .IX V.AST F t..|til. lot 7. i "li . , tiiun>lii|i nT i:i.|>lirnH,a containing lJ <.r<w TliiH is u sulsMlti] v , n al>1t< limber farm. >\,-ll tinibcrt-i witli IUM^.I tiarOwiKxl, bcmlm-k ami cilr S| ml 1| mi leu fntiu tliu beautiful \ itlo^'i. .f Kiuib*rluv Iu (juoon'i Valley where there are milla, atorvt |KMI onVt* aiMl t-hiirvh. and 11 mil,,* from rtnn ou th C. P. H.. whi-rt* thurv is a aul.ttult^ inarkut for all klndi of produov. lock. TUHIVOT an4 timber Apply to H. J. fljirnuU, awctlvHu- -r an< rtaJMtat* agent, ri*>bcrtoik

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