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Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1890, p. 3

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TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. A Brazilian Government decree e*tab- iahea civil marriage. A new weit end braaoh of tha Toioolo Public Library naa opened on Saturday evening The Kingston medical students deny that they Hole the body ol S. Johnilon from the graveyard. Msj<>r Wiitmann ban telegraphed to the Government confirming ice reports ot the alety of Dr. Peters. The Kl*m Silver Mining Co. expect to be We to tei einiukh new capital to ran their mice at Jai kfieh Bay. The Servian Oov rcment will demand from the Skupxhina a credit of two mil- lion florin* fur iha [.urrhr.oe of artillery. A large petition to Congressman Chip- Bun take biu) to a. curt- the opening of the River in American water*. Several accidents to railway employee! while coupling cru with the old style coupling ai (arkics are reported fiom Bt. Thomas. A man named Michael Mara fell tbrcuk.h a bole in the wharf at Welt Mar ket street, Toronto, on Saturday night -id wa* drowned. The S*Us Bundetrath baa decided to convoke an international conference in May next to tstabiuh regulation* relative to factory labor. General Riti-i/.ky i* dead. He waa one of the hi ro. d u( Bhipka Pa**, which waa ao allaiilly h ! by the Kuuiana against the Turks in 1878. Bon. Francis Uodaeball Je hnnon wa* on Saturday u siil.d in Montreal M Chief Justice ul tb Baperior Court of the Fro vtnoe of Quibva. Lady Stanley itill continue B teriooily in Uanoied, aud in cons* <juauce the ball which waa 10 have been In lj on Thursday night ha* been iu-u ti-.i;t ly postponed. A leak wan found on Baturday morning in the btefei dam in the weal lide of Troy, NY Iha structure wa* conaiderably in joured The brek IB being repaired. A Ns-au letter am) a Uen. Henry Per kin*, of New Yuik, owner of the yacht Nirvaiia, aud formerly a siff officer under General Bnermaij, died at Nu>au January Uth. John Kiuneiian, of Fargo, Out., jumped off the Michigan Ci mral train on Friday afternoon, I. II under the train, and bad leg taken cfi. He died Baturday morning. Capttin Wm. Kennedy, who was one of tha crew tent out by Lady Franklin to earci) for hi r bmbn i in me A roiio regions, lied near Winnipeg i.i hia 76lr year on Saturday. Mary Monroe, a pupil of the Belleville Institution (or the Deaf and Dumb, who oanie Iruui Sumoa oouuty, baa died from the eflVctd ot la grippe, following an attack Of*. Mis* Tylor, dtnghter of Henry Taylor farout-rly b*i>ker ol London buutb, died on Baturday morning in the south of France, where e had g mn, accompanied by her mother, (ur bar health. There has been a prolonged snowstorm ia Hungary ami Styria. Honse* are de- molished, and many live* have been lost. Hi. Martin'a Cathedral at Preewhnrg wa* damaged by the atorm. Advioesfrom Monti-video under date ol Deo. iilst r ,rt thai C ncral da Foeseca. the head if the Protimonal Oovernment ol Brazil, was dying from angina paotorii in a hotel in the subntb of llio Jsnmro. In a street fight at Babatba, Kan., on Thursday night, a prominent citizen wa* kitten in the finger by a stranger, and the nan has tince died in terrible agony exhibiting all the symptoms of hydro phobia. Buffalo Bill's wild west show arrived in Maples safely n Friday Irom Barcelona, having enooanii-rfd a great storm on it* way. All ar well. The ltd ana aototiabed oven old Venuviua, to whom Col. Cody rained bis bat. AnxKiant Superintendent Larmour of the Grand Truuk, LOUC.OU, wbo ha* been well for the laat few w.-cks. sustained a relapse yesterday and is now eerioualy ill. He wa* strkk-n with the grip and it de- veloped into uoiigi'giion. Mr*. Dennis Walmnlcy, wife of a Tilbury Bait farmer, oominitted suicide yesterday She was married four years ago and the union has not been a h*i>py one. She left behind her two little children, one of them being a baby not a year old. The ruvti TV nrriiuMiiinK the disappear- ance of Banker Joseph G. Oilman, Phila- delphia, wbo was Ian n alive Deoember llth, wa* cleared up Sunday by the finding of hi* deoo-nponed an 1 swollen boJy float- ing in the Sihuvlkill River. The body bears no marks of vi 1 -new. A terrible collision is reported to have occurred t Camp Hill, Ala., on the Savannah .V Western lUilway. Five men are said to have been killed, two engineers, ene fireman and two train hands. Others ware wounded. Thin ia the twenty-third wrwok on that road in rhree weeks. Mr. Rotinson, <j C., in hi* argument in C. P. K. v* the CJjwen, ou Saturday, held that the o inipany most have been oogni santof the u> euin-i* in Parliament, aud that if the O-w. rumen i hui built saoh a road as the company now claim it could not have been completed in proper time. GUI Brialmont, the Belgian military expert, is nf opinion thl war is imminent between Fiance and G' rmany, and may be provoked at any moment by some trifle He thiiiks I 1 ri n- l ks in generals, and that her nymmi of fortification* i* anti qnated and uatli ss to repel an invader. Rev. H. 1> Hooter, paotor nf lb Cen KrvKtional Church, LnndoD, formally re signed the charge nf his congregation ak last evening's sorvioe. Affairs in the ehurch bv ben nosatisfaotory for some time. He his two calls to Michigan ebnrobes, aud wishes to go on March 1st. The Counoil of Tilbury West have d* oiiled that "DO French need apply" foi offi es in that to*oship. At the munioipa! elect 1 01 a a month ago the three French members were dei atd, and the new Coon oil has pnt the < fnoial guillotine at work aad thi- beads of the lrt asarer, Auditor d Assesaor, all Frenchmen, dropped into th*> batket. The only one left I* Olerk Chanvin, and he 1* trembling In hi* shoes. During confirmation serviooat St. John'* Kpuocpal Church, Philadelphia, Hun Jay evening, an apparently demented young man arose from hi* seat, and, pointing a revolver at Bishop Whiiaker. fired at htm. Tbe ball went wide. An < Oi -er was sum- moned and tbe young man arrested. He gave bia name ss David Alexander, of that city. He told a rambling atcry about a etter which induced him to maka tbe attempt upon the venerable bishop's life. Wm. O'Brien ha* been recruiting hia health, which ia now fairly good again, at Qlengaiiff, and there an agent of a London publishing syndicate wont to him the other day with an offer of 1 000 for the serial rights of the novel be has just written. Not at all," said Mr. O'Brit-n ; " I'm not going to take money for my novel, merely that Lord Salinbnry may grab it for the costs in my libel suit awainst him." Tb i probably baa no equal in the whole litera- tore of transactions between authors and publishers. Tbe Strait* of M. me in Wale* are ren dered impassible by the fury of tbe gale. Mauy sailor* have been swept overboard and drowned. Ihe Parade at Ssndgat* is partially destroyed. The ship Irex, bound from Oreenock for Bio Janeiro, wrecked cff tbe Needle*. Several of the crew were drowned. Tbe survivors olarg to the rigging all day Saturday and pait of yesterday It was impossible to snd a lifeboat to the rescue as no boat could live in the turbulent sea, but a life lino was finally ihot across the vessel by mean* of a rocket, and in this way tbe men were safely landed. Damage to property is general. Namoerlee* houses have been unroofed. The river Shannon, in Ireland, and a number of river* in Wale* hav over- flowed their banks, flooding tbe adjacen country. THE WOKKWBN't WORLD. Calling* from the Labor field of lnter**t to All. Glaasblowiog is beneficial to tbe lung*. In Europe every brewery baa a chemist. Michigan lawyers talk of a Slate Union. Some Buffalo dealer* Bell beer at 3 oents a glaa*. San Fancisco ship caulker* work 9 hoars and 6t |5. Tbe filk workers talk ot a national organization. St. Paul onion* demand tbe closing ol store* on Sunday. Tbe Brooklyn fiamer* pay a walking delegate 121 a week. Union shipwrights at San Francisco get 15 a day, nine hours. A 73 -year-old woman ran* six looms in an Augusta, Me., mill. Haverbill, Mas*., ha* 235 faotorie*. They employ 17,000 persons. Boston union bartender* must not work for lea* than 115 a week. A Welaka, Fla., firm shipped 60,000 shingle* to Philadelphia. The International Tail jrs' Union, of New York, runs a trade school. Baltimore oar driver* were out from 91.67 to $1.50 a day. No ntrike. There are only 450 table- kuife grinders in the country. They don't live loug. The cigarmtker* of Tampa, Fla., got a voluntary advance ui SI per thousand. At New York 400 cigarmaker* won a strike against a out of Irom 20 to 60 | oent. The Cigarmaker*' National Union has 1400,000, and it* members work eight hours. The Lantern' I'aion ha* cut it* hour f torn thirteen to ten and gained ai inoreane in pay. All union men in Detroit will boycott barber shops Dot closed ou Sunday* after March lit. New York, Brooklyn and Newark bakera get 112 a week, and their average hoar* are ten per day. Buffalo newaooy* struck because tbe penny evening newspaper raised their prioe trom 60 to 60 oents u. r 1UO. The German -American Typographia Union contains nine tenths of tne German printers. They work 8 bourn. San Francisco bricklayers' helper* work nine hour*] and gel 93 ; ulasterei*' helpers work eight hours and get I3.5U. New York retail merchants want a law allowing them 10 per oeut. ot a debtor'* wagea till tbe debt is liquidated. The New York Clerks' Union has in formad tha Postmaster- General that they are worked over the Eight- Hour law. Tbe Working-girl*' Club, of Jersey City, has clashes in the study ot areas making, millinery, oooking, inotio, dancing auJ embroidery. New York Central engineers get 32<k oents per hour, oouduotors, 25 cent*, auu brakeiueu, li uent*. Tbu switchmen . d* mand 18 oetitn per hour lor work over 1: hours per day. The cooper* of Minneapolis get 33 oent* for the bent barrtl. bix year* ago the pay was 63. i hu co-operative shop lays o. ly $7 per week. Men hooping off after the machine get 4 J to 5 cants a barrel. A DMChter's > i-. i ion Father Wife, why ha* tbe bible disap- peared from tbe parlor centre table recently ? Mother Harah ha* taken it away. Father Why ? Mother Well, yon see whenever visitors opened it they invariably turned to the family reoor.l. Sarah o 1 j eta to having her age made known to everybody. A Mew DonaUtlon. Little Mis* Fanny I **y, Bob I oan you tell me what a widower is ? Mauler Bob (aged eight) Don't know, Fanny, auleaa it's tbe husband of a wi low Krupp, tbe maker of big guns, h%s founded a fund of 1126,000 for tbe benefit ot those ot hi J workmen who winb to borrow nionxy at low rates for the pur pose of bajld ing home* for them eel vao. Mia* Beaoon Street Have you read Max U Hi ll's latest book ? Mis* Wabaah A vi 11 i.i? No. and I don't think I shall I am rare I oonldn't enjoy anything tbat an Irishman wrote after tbat horrible Cronin affair. BOKKOWBD AIMIFHIH S BLOOD. uiir. r. U'Mell Hold tke Candle While Tbej iiprin il Hi. Veins and Lent 8an of Hi. Lite to Frintor Lavkwoud. Tiuwtay'i New York Sun has the fcllow- iug : William Bradley and Isaao Lock- wood, priLtets by trade, hired a luriiivhed HOHIOHT M.VMTKHV. The CosumuUua Which Vollawed ilm Ku- LTMUC* uf ui lU-luoklBc Htnuiger en Wl*rn Train. The last weary traveller wa* stowed away lor the night , tbe list curtain wa* drawn auio** ihe section, and the k- room days ago on the Up ttcor cf Mr*, j lumole of ih train ibrou^li forest and Mariou Dtzter's bonee, at 16 First street, j clearing, farm and vat ley, was only broken They had pretty steady wo- k, and used to i by tee occasional snort of a heavy sleeper, come home tcgether Uie at niyht under the | ftiile* auu mm u of tbe dreary kolitude of jLflaence of liquor. They vteot to bed ' Saturday ui(.hi after an unusuklly hard kprt i . At i D: n BuLday Brnoly i-ame tot- tering down tbu siairtand went back a few minoti* later with a pitcher cf beer. He 8HIRSJ RKQIUM. Missouri uight tceLery were left in the uisiaijce ; t ti u 11 went whizzing by bmall uuimnurtaiii stations, and now blted at some wayside tank and took in and 1141111! rejrtthmtut for the blood taid that Lockwood was sleeping off hi* ' Itas horse. Bat why should il now slow up drunk. tliza Gibbons, the chamberrcaid, tried ihe door teveral time* yean rcav and found in the dreariest of all the muuy dreary unli.rLii.uiug plao< 8 along the itau ? Wbat K mtaiifctr wa* that wbo just it locked. About 7 o'ulcck la*t night it j enteied the car atid passed down the aisle ws* decioed to 1 1 t. r the roi m. A key was between tutt (lumberers with a scowling found and tbe door was opt bed. The room face stamped with a aiuiater brand 1 was f till of ot al gas. Brodlev lay on one "Craik! ' Suiely a putol shot I side of tbe bed, drawn up into a bunch. He Iknew itl 1 ve been looking for this wan ill ml. Lockwood lay ith bis besd aott ol thing for the lakt iix OiOntbs!" renting on tbe dead man s legs snd bis feet shouted a KanaasCity drummer, diviijgfor on tne floor. He wa* uucrutcii uu Every the aisie snd Keeling there with both feet window in the rcom was closed Hunt, snd the rtmptr of ike stove, in which wus a coal fire, was closed. Lockwocd's akin wat clammy, and he breathed btertoroualy. Ambulance Bur- geon Hi uderson, fiom Btlltvne, gtve h/m nypodermiu ibjectiona of ether and branoy, and gave him digitalis and atropia. He also pumped out Lockwood'i ttomacb. It was 8 25 o'clock when Lockwood srrived at Bellevue in the ambulance. H was laid on a col in tbe prisoners' osge. House Physician Cnmmings aud House Burgeon MM-sriiny bad a hurried oonbultatiou. As they did so, attendants pnt a tube con neoting with a large j*r of oxygen into Loukwood's month, so that the patieut breathed oxygen iuntead of air. Lookwuod did not revive, aud the doctor* po inered whether it wa* worth while to try tbe last remrdy transfusion of blood. It's worth while trying," laid Dr. Cnmming* at last. Then be began a bunt for a man wbo wa* willing to give several ounces of bin blood to Lockwood. Dr. Camming* ran iuto Capt. U Kourke's room downstairs aud (aid: " I* there any one here who want* to give up some of his blood to save a man'u life?" Capt. O Kourke repeated tbe question, half satirically to the attendant*. Uue man i aid : ' 1 nari euaer 1 ' " Crack I " " Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord beanie* that 1 haven't got a pistol, 1 ' echoed a uji.lll d voice fiom tbe senulchre of an upper berth. "Crack ' " A rather shapeleis female form, robed in white and ruffled nightcap, bounded into tbe aisia and rushed at the Kaunas City drummer with open mouth and a discrep- ancy of teeth. A* the fled she tripped, recovered herself aud plumped squarely into Hi., drummer's arms. On, save me from the Jim boys. 1 am.ii i ii. save me 1" shrieked the woman from i'artond, " tave uie for my darter's Crack 1" " Throw up your hands !" said the drum- mer, trying to tqmrm away. The woman from Partous Lumulied rapidly, aud he slipped out on the tear platform. The train was just starting away from a ghostly tank looming up against the ros/-hued uoii/.ju ot apuroaubiug day. The conductor eutere.1 tbe oar from the other end. " Crack ! ' He dodgod into tbe smoker's apart in ut auJ peered out along the aisle wnere the old lady was "sa*byuig" and balancing before tne curtained suctions in a stately, tiugle handed minaet. Capped and ui.iin.ssed beaJS were thrust witnout the curtains, aud white, anxious faoea ' Hain'i got any more blood than I want, looked up aud down the aiale. myself." 'i'be other* looked at Dr. Cum- 1 "Any train robbers at your end?' mlnun VAI'Allllv Ml,.! KMUAK tttllfli,., *ll ml ..I....,,., t . i... >.. i _K...... . .... i < ., ./ * W. mings vacantly and began talkiux about something else. Dr. Cnmmings walked out of the room and continued bis search. In a few minutes he found his man. Ii was James F. O Neill, a big, strong, flnp-look. ing man of middle age, who was in tbe hos- pital a* a patieut in the first stages of phthisis. He didn't look sick at all, rxoept tbat be wa* psla and had a slight cou.;h. Ha said ri^hi cff, when the dootor inked him if be would give some of hi* blood to tve Lockwood : Ye*. I will, and be glad to." The preparation* were noun completed. U Neill lay down on a cot, which was moved up ao tbat it immediately adjoined Louk- wood's. Tbe doctor* there were l'i .. Cnmmings, Maortney, I owleston and Bowers cut off Lock wood's clothes so that be was naked above tbe waist. Drs. Cum- mings and Macartney put on greui apious of oil cloth, aud wained their bauds in an antiseptic preparation, while tbe attend- ants did the eame to the right arm of Lockwood and tbe left arm of O Neill. All the instruments Qfed were wached in this way, too. Lockwood breathed so hard that inch time be drew in tbe oxygen hi* body shook like a leaf, i bo sound of his breathing was something awful. Quii k'y the doctors wound bandages around tbe fleshy part of ihe two men's bare arms. 1'ben Dr. Camming* made an opening about two inches long through tbe skin in Lork voo.i's right arm, on the outer prt of the arm, just at the bevel in tbe elbow. He cut away until be freed the medUn cephalic vein from the surrounding tissues. U'Nr ill's left arm wa* treated in tbe same wav, after h v podurmiu injections of cocaine to deaden the pain had been made. Then Dr. Cumminga took up a long rub- ber tube with a bulo in the ontre, and with a kharp pointed steel tube on eaob end, and connected tbe life currents of the two mm. Suoaeosive compression* pnmpeii U'N. ill's blood into l.o, kwood. O'.V ill did tot flinch. One Dr. Cummings said sharply to tbe nurse-, " Hold tbat ondle (o that I can see." " Let me hold tbe oandle," (aid O'Neill, and with hia free hand be took it and held it no tbat tbe light shone on bin bleed- ing arm. The doctors took over fourteen ounces of blood from O'Neill, tbe effaot was immedi- ately perceptible. Lookwood'* pulse grew stronger, aud be ptrily regained oouno ou*- ness. Tbe doctors withdrew the tube*, tied tbe veins, and sewed Dp the wounds in .he arms. O N-ill did not eetm auy the worse for his loss of blood, bat tbe dootorv aid he would toon feel w< aker. They said they hoped for the best for Lockwood. Marriage a Failure. Kate And U it true tbat yon married for money ? Lnra Yes, but papa has anooeeded in borrowing only two thoiuaud from Charlie so far. - Honesty is undoubtedly the best pohoy. but it seems to have expired loug ago. The heavieat b*uk accounts belong to th ! e.'p'o who never boaat ol their wealth. Thr's the grip the drnmruar dandle* With hit -iiii'!,-c, Hi MI ( ir . And ilm uiip ih driver handles On tbit daahiug oaele car ; And tba rip tb*l every MM n Oivaa hu bruinam, sB<rCi>r tall. Bat tbe Riipp* that brinii* lb ul Is iho nri|<piMt griy ol .11 Ab-obua-noo I The Buffalo newspapeia bve ailvanoed tbe price to wholesale dealers and new* boy*. Some fellow ought to write a play oalUd " La Grippe." It woul 1 run well ao far a* any one uoee. Never out a dog's ear* or tail. Clipped ear* are often tbe ou-e of de-afm-as atd abaoess, by allowing tbe (and and dirt to eater, which m dintreating to tbe animal. shouted the drummer above tne din of the howling Parsons woman " Not auy down my way," annwered tbe oocduutor, stepping out in front of the old ladv n bvrib. " ihuudor and Mars ! What's tbu? A soda f bujutain ?' "Craok!" "Why, (or the land'i sake!" broke in the Pareoua woman, " ef tbat ain't my yeant, six bottles ol it, all fer Jane, and ouoted, busted, bunted. I was afeered all aloug tbat the rattle of the keera would get the atutf a workiu'." Drake'* Magiutne UKK GUOD-BY. She u.ii Awav After a Whll*. bat Mean while the Town Clwin Lwugbed. Mrs. Gobbler (arising to depart after a call on Mrs. Weary oome) Well, really, I must go. I've staid BOW later than Mis Weary some Ob, no you haven't. Yon come no seldom, aud Bo seldom ? Why, I oall here oftener than aliuoat any otber pUce, and " " Well, I'm always delighted to aee yon, and " " Ob, thanks. But I just must go now. You'll come to see me real soon, won't you, dear ? " Yea, indeed, and " " Well, do now, and oh, were yon at tbe concert last unlit."' " Yen. and " " Lovely little affair, wasn't it ? How obarmingly Mr. Tennerson sang." " Ob, beautifully 1 And I liked Misa Screeoher, too." " Oh, so did I ; very much. But I really must, must go now. Good-by, dear." Good by." Mind tbat I expect to see you very soon." " Oh, ye* ; bul don't yoa wait for me. Yon have more time than I, yon know, and " What ! I have more time than yon My child, I'm fairly rushed tj death all the time." Bo am I." I r-:lv don't gee where the time goes, v dear." " Good-bv." " If yon don't oome and see me soon I'll oh ! where did yoa get that lovely chair scarf? I hadn't noticed it before. It's perfect beauty !" l>o you really like it ?" Liki it ? It'* just (weet 1 Di you oinhr. i,li r it ?" Y-s." Yon did ? How lovely ! I wish I bat I'll never go if I stand here much longer and I've five other call* to make this alter- DOOP. Good-by t" " Bye- by." " Lively day, isn't it ? It's a pleasure to be out, and Oh, my dear, if I didn't nearly forget to tell yoa about Maida de Vere's wedding, aud tbata' ju(l what 1 oame for. I moat ait down and tell you al about it." Two hour* later she departs, after a pro longation of the good by bosine** for fifteen minutes on tbe step*. Tim*. Bis; Day's Work. Mamma- Well, Nellie, what did yoa learn at Sunday Sobnol to-day ? Nellie That I muat sell ihrae tioket* for tb* oonoeri next week, give 20 oenla to bay prevent for the superintendent and that Noh built the ark. A Remarkable Adaptability. Young Mr. Harvard -Your friend, Mine Helen, is awfully nice; we got on famously totf'ther. Mis* Mtbel I never saw soother like her. Shu nan gel on with anybody. Thai is why womin Revenge I* sweet, are loud of it. Tbe r.stored St. Paul's Epiaeopel CatkiHdral at Buffalo i s said to be one of A prudent man i* like a pin : hi* bead tha finest in tbe uouLirv. Th* cost of it* I restoration exceeded 100.000. prevents him going too far L>Mi-ri|iilwn of the Country rrtutl am gnurrtjllus: O*r. Tbe New York Sun fnrnishr* the follow- ing deauripiinn of tb* country iu disnate between Kntliin I snd Portugal : Of th* two Ur< district* which Poitu- gal, under compulsion, has agreed te evacuate, tbe Sbire realm lie* north of th* Zambefci aiid IL elude* all the liver, valley aud the surrounding highlands be.twe*B Lke Navaaaa and tbe lino Bivrr, an affluent C'f the Sbire River, over 200 mile* oath cf tbe Iske. Tbe other rrgi*n i* Mashocalaud, a larite district about on* hundred and fifty mile* directly sooth ef tbe most nortbern part of tbe Zambesi. Tbe Portuguese for 'iver two centnrie* pa*t have never made any attempt until recently to nend expeditions iuto these region* or in any way to ooutrol them. A while ago tbe Portuguese captain, Curdoia, led an expedition up the fcjhire river a* far a* Iski Nyataa, establiahed a chain of military stations along tbe river, and declared tha intire rrgion to be under Portuguese soverc-iuuty. He informed tbe British missionaries, wbo have been in tbe> country 29 years, tbat they must oonaider thumse Ive* a* under 1'ortugnese protection. Ktoently the eoldiers under Cardoea'i command seized one of tbe att amere of tha African Lake* Company and healed down lie Urn iih flat; which it wa* flying. Tbia British company ha* been in tbu country for 11 years, ba three steamer* on tbe river and laku aud a obaiu of trad- og atalioni, and it has done much t*> develop tbe region and promote it* beat 'nterest*. About the same time a Portuguese force under Major tierpa Pinto attacked and defeated a number of Make lolo i-hi*ts along the river who were flying the British flag, and declared that they were under tbe urindiction of Great Britain. The dispute over Muhona land i* entirely distinct trom the Bbire Hiver trouble*. Manhona-land ha* for many year* been ribntary to Matabele-land, whose power- olking about a year and a half ago placed in dominion!, on p>p*r at least, under tbe protection of Great Britain. About a year ago tbe British South African Company wa* organized, with a large capital, to oarry on trade, and in November laat it* charter was finally signed by the Bntuth Government. Thi* charter give* it large powers of admiuiat ration, similar to thoae Formerly granted to the Uritiah 2aet [udian Company, and Maabona-land wad included in ih* region which wa* to ba it* fiald of operation*. Tbe new* of tbes* proceedings prompted Portugal to start an exhibition nouth under Lieutenant Cordon, who established him- self in Masboi a land and e*iabli*hed a militarv peat there. Meantime the Portu- guese Government inaned a proolnniaiioa innexiog tbe whole country up to the Ztmbrei Biver, the region including tb iut the country in wbioh tbe Hrm Ii South African Company waa to operato, and moat of which bad been declared IS months ago to be within the British of influence. Matiiona-land particularly tbe country that Great Britain coveted, i* said to be a magnificent pUteau with a rich network of streams, a lino climate suited to European colonization and a wealth of alluvial gol<1. Portugal base* her claims to these re- gions upon a series of conquests and di(- ooverie* made' by her forces and explorer* two or three oentnrii s ago. Tbe record* of these early events give us very little idea ot the country, and our present knowledge ot it i* diiived almost wholly from th* disooverie* of Britiab explorer*. Until after recent Prilish activity in these re- gion* Portugal has not been heard of for over two centuries. Tbe British contention is that Portugal long ago forfeited all claims to these re- gions by her failure to occupy and control them, and tbat she never thought of reviv- ng the ancient claims until after British nterenta in tbee districts were dev. loping, and a large part of them bad already been declared to be within the British sphere ol nfluence. _ Th* Copllcll. .n. of Modern Soolatr. Clara I thought you bad decided that everything was over between yon aud Harry, and yet you've been sitting there lor over an boar thinking of him. Maud (dejectedly) Well, I can t make up my mind whether it would be better to sue him for breach of ptomise or to make up with him, marry, and then aae for divorce and alimony. He Wu Pull Already. She Just think ! Cousin Fritz while coming bom* from hi* club last night fell into tbe water. He Great heavens ! I hope he dido't drown!" She He couldn't drown. He was so full he couldn't swallow any water. Tena Siftingt. ___ Mr. Green- Mis* Wobbaah may I take you under the mistletoe.' Miss Wob- baah What the matter with taking me under tbe nose ? TBB PBOMISB OP i.l.Mr. All (Uj loaf I could not work for woe, 1 culd not work m>r rent ; Tb* trouble *>UT am to I fro, A laal uu tbu wild atom n brtut Night ci, and I law mv narrow CMS* HlM|> to tbu oBMiiber (Me , UMI auoit m) linibi, aud peeo Fell on mv ituruiT toal. And now I think of only How 1 fftjti niftj wn Tbe geutle Hlfwp, wbo promises Tbat 4Mta in gutl to*. Amy Levy. Young wife- "Charley, darling, are yonperfictly latii-flee; with mrrid life?" YouDg haaband (entbu*iaslioally) -" Well, I should say so. Why, if yon were to ie 10 morrow I belieye I would irrt marriej again next week." -Nut York World. 8an Francisco moisler* get 13.60 for a ten hour day. The union scale for nine hoar* is 93 26. Oue firm tried to have hem work nine hour* tor 13 15, bat lo*t a strike, and th* ten- boor day wa* adopted. I* the woman wbo go** to choroh to ex- hibit her ieaUkin saoque- religion. It i* an unfeeling married man who leolares that hi* wife i* always penaive ben she is not expensive. A Hungarian woman at Boranton beat with a aeap ladle the poliosnaan who wa* arresting her huabaud and hart him badly.

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