THE FLESH ER10N ADVANCE. GEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, II /,'/. il Att'nti'tn , I'/ .|. ,.U< i/i il < V* IITOX. AXI> 3<>Lh. tn thf rolI'i-tioH of ' Vicinity Chips. under the auipiun of Klsuhertun Presby- terian church choir, mi Friday evening. Feb. 7. Miss Small u a daughter of the lute Kov. Jnlm Smith, who was well and favorably known while bore a lew yeurs ago. The entertainment will ci'iiMsl ! readings and recitations, interspei s.-.l with music by the (ilee Club. We bt- H|i-:ik for Mint Smith a hearty reception. Admission 15 ceaU. orli' I'n*. ir. lull- < ullt-il for ilc- Curiuiis. Hear il i)>: Oh. l.t lirlp. \\ hrii V.HI start on tlit rip S.-xt uim'. invi- i - the til'. Anil we II illdilenU 'kip \\ i tii iii> an.* * Hi i 1 v\ here tli* frc-*t .I,*** not ni" Antl wli.'re \ on ci*n' t take ahiji : Wliori) in iltn vl f>vr lion*. tirr rlfi.hnMt.*, -i-,irvioiii. ami it million nthcr .i*-a.ll y tliii'iiii run Hi la:i;e lint wlin> mi itiil.-rt.ul H. h" H. 'inln-url of l.a urivi"' ^ Mr. A. Perkins, of Toronto, lias been visiting friend* hereduriiit the pant \.-ik. It is .stated that nearly every family i>n La grip bas bec.ii getting in some mighty tine specimens nf work .-u mi:.. lu re during the pas*, tim weeks. The Ad- VHr.ce man himself was cumin,-,! In the housa for eleven Uuys. three of which were worried through iu brd. liro. Faweutt of the Streetsville Iteriuw has bven there and known all about it. Tin: Dur- ham Review staff ware all .nick lust wn-k. nnti were only able to IMUU half sheet. S ' y.,u scu the ti'iin ! l,i I'/vi/ic ,,f mi- Lictv am tpnte a* siibje.t to iu intlueii/. a an the i-'iniiillf. Al.eiu ! he 4tli line, Artc'.:*ii, is Li grippe. witu Tin- Ailvmicf was in error in saying tint i '.unit,) Council met last week. It luet .MI TuesxUv of thin week. Tin* best Kiillclntli in Arteui J ia, mad- f ft n.; wool, double ami yarn tiiroiuliuut, slliii champ at tint Fluthei- ti* Woollen Factory. IVplitliena in prevalent on the gravel r.M.i between KWierton ami Maxwll. To clulilreii bel.Mim^ to lieo. Fiher have dieU from T. B. Lucas, barriiter, of the firm lttali|> it Luc:u, Owen Sound, i at thu otticc of \Vm. LueiU&C"., in MarLdale, every Friday, and in Uundalfc every The Ml. F.,mtt lle|.>reiitative wn five years old last week. It cut iti \vi.vl,.in teeth wJieii al>ut one w.-ek old, nd iiiu shuwu i|jiiii uf Timorous health vver Mr J.U. Kefer,l*t .)f the Furvst Fnx* I'rus. has, in conjunction with a .Mr \1. i..y f the saum placti, lurchawd thv St. THville Tribune. We.utfer uur cun- On Wednesday uf Uut week a sm.w- torm uiiiiiiieiiced here which iraTe us the Hrst JJIKK! sleiKhiiiB in wuck. ThurM- dry. Friday and Saturdav the j;reat ta|ile Hf.UiiK article was wood. It came in with a rush winch wax i|iiito audible. \\'o notice by the Enterprise that Mr. .1 t). Stinioii, ton of 1) StiiMon, 1 Flesllurtun, has |>urch.<id the ilrui; 1, itme ill ClieslifV lately owned bv \\ I!. IVi.tlan.l Mr. Stimon'i nintto in r." and he is 'Vittin' tluir. " Mct-'ulloii^h A (iraliaui, l.-itelv '' M.irkdale, have leased the sho|> owi.uil by Mr. T. \V. WiliHin, airfl at present occupied by >Ir. ("li.ui IVllamy. and will carry on an extensive pump manufactur- ing busiueas. Mr. Wdvm pnrpoM's put- : IP.' in steam power into his own -.h"p. < f lm.h mure IM the lier-jaf'.nr The social L'atherini; h*ld at tl:e Methodist parsonayc ir Friday evetiiiiK iast was a very pleasant aliuir. The bouse was tilled with a j<illy-crwd , f T>IIIIJ{ and old people who enjoyed them- itelves heartily until a late hour, (juite a Inn ln.'in.- sum was added to the funds of the Ladies' Aid. It will i e of interest to the public to learn that Mr. J. II Heard has wound the services uf one of the best Imrse- shoeri in Canada one who ban had Ur,-e i \ .-*-IMI,-I' and can he reliwd upon. Mr. } I eard ho also secured the a^'vncy fur the Stevens ii|iro\ed s|,rinu t.nith liar- row. This harrow is claimed to be the IKJMI harrow manufactured for genual .Me. Call anil etamiiiR them. House Burned. Ne i follies from Mclmict! on of a fital tire which i je.yiv'd. in that ton sliip on S.uunl:iy . veiling. Full imrti, u- lars have not I n-ji ivoeiviil. but fmui ' Uk'fin UMIII n ;i;>|>oai that tlie house belnni;d to a t;entlci)iiin named ..iili-r Thu father an I niotV-r wire hent from the lmne, leaving two sin: 11 I'liiMr-'ii at Im nc, w I. en the In me t<xik fi' and burned <|onn, the two children pr'- 'o the Haines. Miss Hinith, one or Toroiito'< popular <' 'ciitioniMis, yrnduate of Philadelphia 1 4 "llrKe uf KI'K-n'i .n, will i(ire an enter ' in tho T,.wn Hall, Kltmherton, "Mr,. ken Shscklus," which w.i referred to ill these coluuix a cnuple of wuekn UL.'", is a very cntertaiiKii^ Kqry oi nexro life in tlie States previous to eniaiK-ijiatiiiii. 'I'll.- II.TO removed to Canada, nettlin-,' in the tirst instance on the old liiirhain Koad, about five miles from Fleslierton, and from thence rein, .mil to Owen .Snund, where he is at present tiring. Fn in theso circumstances we feel assured tlmt the bool; will prov entertaining readmu' iu this vicinity. It is on sal,! at W. Ku-hardsoii's ilnv^ store, and wu would advi.,j our ruadrs U> purchase a copy. Auction. SaOes. An auction sale ,,f horse, ]iarnei. .-Ifi-h. wajon, and ottn-r articles will U at tin- iwidence of A. J. Parker. Fleslierton, <i cuttle fair day, Feb. 10. An auctiou sale i.f farm stock and implements will be held t,i-ni..rrow (Fri- day) on the farm f .Mr. Silas Leslie, lot Jtj and -T, 1st ran^e S.D.K., Arteint.-.ii.i. Credit aiictinu uUe uf farm stcwk uid implements on U>t L'4 ami *J.">. col., .'t, N. D. R., Arteiufiua, the |/r..perty ,>i the late Adam Mmr. Tenders are aUo asked for the dnxwin-,' ,,f al.ont '.'ixi curds of wood from the farm to Flosheiton station. Fr fuftlier particular* <%) bills. A Sure Cure. TV- following lias l>eeii fiiinl to be a suru cure fr In :rip*K > . It is our own invention, but is not copyrighted. When you feel the disease coming on procure an electric battery uf about 10UO candle power ami attach it to each |M<le of your spinal vertebrae. Let the machine, out to its full i-apaci'v and tlie chills will mi mediately disappear. NeU tie a mus- tard plaster over your forehead and leave it there forty eiiiht hour*, or until the headache julmide*, usin^ in tliu tiiu- six feather beds three. bulw yu slid three al'\i'. At the end <>i forty- ei'^lit hours swallow 1\ </.. red pepper diluted in a quart of castor o:l with a pinch ..f livid croton oil as Havorini;. If, inside of thrc" days, no effect IM appan-i.t from this treatment, you should make your will and send for a doctor, but iu ninety-nine cases uut of a hundred the services of a physician will not l>e rv- i'iiiic'1 if these dircti..ns arc carefully followed. For Exchange for Wood. 1 set of new bob sleighs, alsn I set which was new last winter, suitabl* fur heavy work, wide sheet hoiiii{- i"'l just a< yiH.d as new, for half (trice. -Vsy-J tu T. W. W'ils4.n, K'.-.ii.T.. n Wanted. A local a^ent to reprvient a lentling Agricultural lnip'ein?*i*,.(''uu}pan.Y,in ''"" vicirity for binders, mowers, reapers, rakes, ploughs, drills, cultivators, Ac. Apply liot 182, OranKvville. To our, Subscribers. The special a-gioiiiH-ment which .-i|> pi-aivu in our foluni^sviiiu tine since. aliuounc ^ a S|M(I-IS| acoin^ein nt wu!i Llr. li. J. Kendall Co.. of Cn.u.biiri'h KU<. N't , publwhei* i if "A Tit'Htiav on the Horse and IIM l)|.sen-*. " wliereby our HuliHi-riliers weu en tilled to oblnin H I. i.y ,,f tliHt valuable work tree l>v send ing'their aiiMreas to B. ,1. Kendall Co.. (and enclosing n two-cent stamp formnil- in ; siiine) i-< renewed for alnniteu period. We trust all will avail themselves >' tin* op|>ortiinity of oblanini'.' tins valuable book. To every lover of the Inirse it is indispensable,as it treats in a simple man- ner all the diseases, which slHict tins noble oiimal. Its phelioininai Hale ihinnuliont I nited K'ntes and Cannda, make it n Msndnrtl sutltoritv. MI nliim that /;.ij'r "hrll WM'/MI;/ fur f"'ilfi.'. MurkdnlrN Latrxt .><*w< From our irti-ii C<irr'*i>ii'li '. W. J McKirNnd, reeve, is attending CoaHty Council this week. Ilia name will ap]-ar among the eai didit j for tlte wv lenship of lh county. * The tobojf){an slide is again in opera- tion, and ever) tiling "g,,u. Our reevu tried it on MmUy night with two pretty girls to see. him through safely. 5 rides f..r In. ts. and a toboggan supplied by the club. Transient and home patronage lulicitad. Armstrong Bros, are securing ipiite a laix' supply of Hue logs for lumlxT and .liei.'.sc box purposes Ii, fact there is unite a boom at present in wood, square timber, tan bark, ties, pouts and block poli-M. Mii>H Minnie Lucas and Miss Em- ma IJeli attended one of tho fashionable, high toned, winter assemblies at Owen Sound last Friday evening. Lawyer "Ike " LBCH was the gJiulcman escort. They report an enjoyable evemug's :uuix;i- atioti with tlin "Soimd elite. Miss Mamie Howes, who has betn primary department teacher here during the three years, leaves this week for a Lidie' Seminary in Hainil'mi, there to complete her studies in art work and music. It is not likely w< will enjoy her presence here aguin, as her parents will, ere lung, remove to Toronto. Our social circle will lose one of its most attractive and pleasant members by her departure. We trust she will yet secure an M I.. The school contract f,, r 41) curds of wood was seem, .i i.v Mr K. bliore, and he is busy placing it nt present. Methi.diat quarterly services next Sun- day, and business meeting of otticial quarterly board "ii Monday following, at 2 p.m. The ecclesiastical Year is fast closing, and the next m..e will be May district meetiii'.'. The aims, object, etc., of the \V'uto Cross and White Shield movements ware fully explained ;it an a:*e inn-ting Sun day ui.'ht. in the Methodist church, bv Pr>.f. Dike. His plain remarks to Ixith sexes were, no doubt, on t'.ie line of truth and for the future weal ! ail. but most country Milages. i\nl onn in particular, from what I have heard, think these movement* foi '.in Ver .social slid person- al purity should bee-)iitint.l to the great c-ntres of sin. like towus and cities. '* Tis strange, tis passing itrange." how we all hate to bo confronted by the s'ark liaketl truth we arc not as person- ally anil socially pure as physical and social laws demand us to be AXoN. White twill union sheeting selling .'It clieap at tlie Fleshertoii W.iullcu Factjrv. FOUR BOOKS FREE ! THE RURAL CANADIAN for iSyo, the leading Agricultural Journal of Canada, and your choice of any four of the following books for ONK DOLLAR: i. Dr. Rsmesu. llv (.e<ir^<> < Mtiu.-t. j. Lsdy Audley'i Secret. 11" Miss nn.l.lon. .1. Th Texar R<-ven^e. llv l'i ,-s \".'TIH-. 4. The Strange of Or lekyll * Mr Hyde. llv K.iiHTi 1.. si. on, ,i .n 5. Th Death oflvmn Hutch, r.% i ,, -nil I'olsi. i. 0. A Terrible Temptation, llv ', n , It..,. I. 7. Tom lirown at Kuyby llv I i .,,,-. lln^n.--. 1. The Sketch Book, llv \V.ihin;jiuii IH.H^. 9. The Lut | the Mohican* 10. Widow Be-all Papers 11. Knickerbocker New York, llv W.islnn^ 11. My Husband and I. II- CMIIMI l.v.if Toltoi. 1 1. Jack of all Trades, llv < 'i.irk s it. Orandfnth.r'n Chair lit ll.uviii,.rnr. 15. The Cloister and the Hearth. t!v ' H>. Spoopendyke. l!v M.ini. v II r?- Not Like Other Gir!. llv It -.1 I**. Rumbles from Russia to Spain or Out- door Life in Europe, llv Ii. r. II. t'l. Esther. I!- K .-. \", i h.-ti, jo. Charlotte Temple, llv Mis. ll.i-v ...n 11 The Flyinj; Dutchman; or. The Death Ship. l;> u .(. ;.,rk II . 11. The Pride of the Paddock. I!-- lli.% >in.irt. jj. The Passenger from Scotland Yard. H. Twice Toid Tales, llv Vnh.ini. i I l.itl:'.t:i<-. ^5. Booties Children. ll\ Juim Mr nuc Wmu-r. j* . Mona's Choice. Itv Mis \ , - . .1,-r. 17. The Travels and Surprising Adventures oi Baron Manchauscn. rv The Hon. Mrs Verekcr. llv I :.i- Duthi-s,. JU. Chris, llv \\ K. V.rris. ju. Paul and Virginia. Uy :-t. r 31. The Tale uf Thre Lions. Hy II. Kidr. H.,l-i;..r'l. ;;. Th Devil's Die. Bv (innil Allrn. U- Cleopatra, llv II. Iliilrr ll-iu-' "' ll ll. Derrick Vau~han. Novelist, lly K,!n i I I'. A Crooked Path. Dv M:-. Aletan.l.'i ,,. Marooned, llv W ( l<iixll. ;. A Hardy Norseman, llv M.ln:. l.nll. ,-. Merle's Crusade, llv U"sj N I'au-v. sj Sweet Lavender Hv II. I. \ I" The Beauty oi the King, llv Dr. Mi > ,- n Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. II. ' .is l.-rrolli. u. Salathiel . or. the Wandering jew. I t \ul. llv Dr.tx . . -,..v A l(. Salathiel : or, the Wandcrlna; Jew. ^ixl vol. 41. The Piccadilly Puille. llv Kt-i- i II 4). Complete Book of Recitations and Dia- logues. < )\rr MM* svii-ctlnlik. 16. Complete Book of Etiquette and Letter Writing. I'",->IH:S,MI{ Thv M:ii,.l;>ri: \\olet si let ;i..iifc (i.r Aulic^rapii Xil'.itns 47. The Condensed Cyclopedia of Useful Know ledge, l-.iniiti.ii s,, ,(.,,,.,_ mj iiiun-t:n.; . lijinvous , Molern Cook Book and Medical Guide. A is, ful<IU,k fur . . ry ]., . . ..M.I. f,. Live Stock Manual. IViJuaelv I "-" t'-i-.s, i.-iii.t. II..II.IMIMK: un* er. MI. Standard Poultry Book, u* |>KVS -.tin, .-. ^niu-ii ,|. . iMiim-r.ius lllllslt . 31. Book ol Home Amusement, .-.- , V. l(l, ..Ills lijlll.--. v\ iliti-t > , 'i I, rt.iiniiii :il 5J. American Pun. I l u- ftitiitirst l*Mtk r- ' pllllhsll. ,1 . .ik I .I'll; Ss III y fl ) lltintll.'s. Sj. Ladies' Complete Gui.le to Fancy Work. A nt.isl t ,ni|.., , v ,rk . Artistic Embroidery. |ir,.IUs,.| V .lllsll Il \Vr-t- your name and post ofHce distinctly, name your eremmms. and inclose Ii oo. ;er the letter. Do not delay, but utdcr at once. Address RURAL (\\XADIAX 5 Jordan Street. TORONTO. nbT was sick, we YP her Caatorta. \\ h.'ii tiif WHO n i.'iiil.i. li<* crw.1 f..r (.'nUiri.i. When n.- ixi-sin.' Miss. h.' cluiiK to C'ostona. Wheu she LoJ L'luldrvu, site ,-ave Ui.-in C'astoria) ft>c Osprey fur iiMs its annual t'l Tlif A'lnnir- Several of out citizens are down with la grip, but s<> far without any fatalities. W j have U'-t yet met a s.u^le one (.leaned with having i^ Mr Samuel Taylor has srcnrvd the r- :i|Xiiutniunt of this year. Out > inlay Schix.l eiilfi'4 v'o.-n!. ou Feb. 'flit. No loi>;U,lig ve'. .loj .u bi/.. rxtreuiely dull. About. CbruiytiA* a ryvjug resiJeut f Dinidalk ws/ inn .v in tin- bonds of inul.niii.iny to a fair young l.-idy n-'ar her* in 1 every tliiih 1 * i!t lovely iii'jl i, lady fr.'in the i.eighhor'iKMid of Maxwell called upon the l'c>'. at thu parsonage re>|i:eat ing partieulurs of the in.irrugf.H hu'li was fnni.nlied her W 'hen shu reali/.ed that she had lust 'Thai ley" rdw lireaine fran- | tic.eiinuiiienitin^ li.t)vM.'uptiuiis, et. ..and declared tlntt on on occasion she ad- j vanced $r>0. ''() tu Mi^ite her. at ona time lover from Owen Si.uud jail. She ruwed she would ui-ike. it hot I-M him, aod .- ^uex.t lie did, as L'liarlity an. I \iis R|H. line started at ne "H their bridal i, .ir. taking in Michigan en route. Your FevurKliHin cor. ciime dnwn solid upi'it three >ung IIIHII from hem who viaited that pl.n'u olio Sunday evening lately an.', acted it> all niitiec.'ming man- ner. If they won- Kiiilty ot th .-.'iniiii't implied, nin! nei'onot doubt this, we aru glad that they huve been exposed, but we- talie exception nt your cor ho!i''ng them up ai a far represent itioii -f <iur yi'ung men. Your cur. well knw to the contrary. He classes tliuin ss "wnlvrs." Evidntly SH those animals nevei feel su content as when in a pack, hence the denire of ur three to visit tlitir L'"in|iaiii"in wh.Mv hesd.juarters aru in thai town til our wst, when- it luay he said they became mnmrwn of :h "pack ' diirng :i pr!'vi..u.< pf*JaMs|Ps*t1 stay win!.- working at a .''.ntnict there. The visit of these three must have been a, . eptablu at . heiid.piarters:. :IM a n-tuni via.t ,it tile j.ack was made last Sundii". \vl.icll, if they area true re| rcsunutiou ! ! , M i sham, (we eat t think they aiv> from all such j;ii.'il Lord deliver us. They ar- rive..! per special ulagc just as the wor- shippers were going to chnreh. and with uiio e\.'i-]'ti..n tl." | ,11 K their spirit i uiili desires idsewhere sippiiin their favorite iievernge with a gn-ut rel.sli, which left them in a condition lietter iinagineil than descnlwd, taking grest delight in :u!.lin^ t.> tli'-i:- .1, | l>y their ludeous howls. Your cor. -d the thi-eo iu being siiitiiM" vmit ors oil woek day-t. \\'e cannot 1'.. return the .: .inpiiiiient, as tii.- | nek IP. in the west did not display suHicient intel- lignn-e ..I' civia/ation to warrant an.'tiier like exliibiti'.n outside of a prize ring or menagerie. We want their visits in tins condition no molt, and if they coni-.j.n .1 hcity will be given their names which at this time we with-'ld. XII 1 . -ill!, <i-.pi.ici.,.. The A men. 'an Museum of Natural History in Ctntral I'aik bus . . uii . ll.'i.n .in gg value.! at S:;(M)., I: is a little over a font in length, ils holding cnpnciry be- 'iff tw gap. .us. ,ind, in ri'iind niiiii'icis. it e.pu'it l."'H bi'iis' oi;-'s. If is from Madagascar, and u a rvlic of sn extin.-t in.. inter binl. NV hfii tin- i '/.ar travels, a little, van- guard is sent in mUance, c. nsisling of T.I.I loek smiths, two farpentfi's and two nwsuus. all . if Jafan living tnarricii men. born in ti>e Imperial servn-.-. and devot- e lly :..t,t-cli.''i to their augu:t master. Their d.mes a;e i^exauiino wsUn, aWmtf, c'niiineys. til- pbves, locks and furniture in every PHHU.. occnpietl by the t'xar. 4i cliiinnevit u> particular sr the objects "f spi i-ial attention, in order that no inl'ei n.ii miiclune shall be sMtWMsM in U 'in. Siine time r.)(o The Yoiitli'i Cuuipaliiqn ,. t'eri'd J.").I4)1) in pri;s for the tliree best t".ces for girles, the three b*st stories for U \s.and three l>st stories of a.Ken'uit IV- recent awanling ol the \<i\:* bungs . ut the curious fact that only on) wll- known story wrintur. h:,i/.a;'t)t.U Stn.ut ('helps, appears anion ; tils pri/.e winners. Another siij/uestr e luct is th.-.t two of the prizes for stories f'>r.^iria were won !'. mull, and two of the prixcs for stones for boys were won by women.. This would seem to indicate. n.en cau writu tha lest stoi'ivs Mr wuinen and vice vow, alth.iii..di this inference is hardly hurur uui by oilier facts. General News. iu < uiia-l:i It ia certainly i < inailtaiilc t whilst in Kgland a Uivorep Court I .1 - been since is.'iT, no sucn tribunal would bu tolerated iu (ana dn. In that dependency divorc- only bu obtaineil from the I., -MI tiu-u, and parlmit ntary procedure hi-. been made tbc subject of a in . by a Canadian barrister, Mr. liu:.: which has j'.ist reached nur liami.s. \ _ tiller contrast tha'i that bet 11 .. England and Canada exists hi tween i, la and the Timed State.* In the latter divorces are easily obta the result being that, since i '.-M, '!:< have been decreed in I in led States as against IK! in ( ai i da. Thu ( 'anadlans it el.i vi i of confining ihu jurisdiction over tin) subjects ot uj.ii'i nijjc and divorce. Tin 1 . > iownctioatt pre. vioni to 1878 directed lam pjsiuvelv not to assent to Her Map .sty s nan:- 1 "to any Hill for tha divorce of person joiiud toRuthei in holy mat- in accoi dance with these ms-inicti"!).-*. betwirn 1^117 and lt*7S inclusive, i-levi n Pi voice Hills \veru rest'ived, though they weie afterwards sa:ic- : Hiiied by the Queen in L'l'i Tin se iiisli'uclii'iix wore originallv .mini. I Ivii' rr.)\;u;es possesuin^ pow ITS and pnviligis iiifw M \t, tikis' gninlcd tvi by the t. ,->v .. lionul Act of 18C7. These in.-vt. K tiuiis. as well as the coniunKsioui ol' the (iovernors (reneral, were accon' ingly chiin^'d in I*? 1 *! in ronfoi-mi: v with siiggi siions made by Mr. IMuk. while Minister of Justice, in v.-iluubi.' State pHpers ivlaimg to mir eoiiHtnn tional privilrges. The n-sci v^d |HI\-.T of disa',;,i'.v:ince which !! L .Majosty in Council pOKtmsMB unii. i tlie luw it now eonsidert-d quite giirn'ru-nt for |l "ie i 'niTgencies. ConiWJiu all l>ivi)i'cc trills art asstnlnl to. wiili diiu'f i'nljs ai ihe close ol" a si-si-ioii of I'lirliainent. and breonn- law i , ,ir., f'trin--tlie power of disallow it e no briyg e\. ixised in casts. A tf_,, I'ru liiinunl nf Cunatla has i diction. The clause in tl.< royal iusirtictions. reqnu ing t tain class* s of l!ills sln>uli| I . fur. Her Maiesly s appro i oniiUid as stati'd by the S oi' Stats lor the Colonies ut I'isc Her Majesty s i thou^hl ii in.nlvisiiD:.' th slrnctiuns should ccnt.nn which could be interpn-ii-.l or cli'liniiit* the legislative p p ferrcd in HciT on th,- 1'uin' hiimeiit. Litiv TuH-t. SHORTHO N S for sale T-WO olinn-,, ,l|.'rtll"|.i I'lllln, II, vent Kliitil-li- toi rwiHtrstinii iii H s w old ciioai> tor csich Pcrnr*Mc*t n>i)lv t, 1' .1 SLI.H. H I Hi . Hjin : ,.,M \,j. rttarv irne- uncut i in . tnin; nitiiig -s con i l'-i; Mr Stitnlvy writes 'o i frit -ml : "My Imir is like snow : but it is tlie crown i f a busy pen. d. and I wear it with rugrtt as tht) gift of ti'in- T'le spt:tnncc of ypsr' iui|irlsoiim>i t imp.*ed on Johann M"t. the New Yoik anarcliist, for lar.gatg* vi,l in a p.-e.-h dn,,iincing the !iaiiyini( '.f the Chicsgu anarchists, lias Imen cntiriiieHl bv th Suprcms) Court