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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1890, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-' 4 PRINCIPLES, A 01 ME*\.' V Y OL. VIII., NO 4*9. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1890. W. H. THURSTCN, : 'ETCR. Look Out ! or Russell's change ef advertise*- went next week, ft ^411 ap- pear right here. AMONG THE WOLVES. (which she had tricdso hard i ______ 'back during his presence. WBITT*:* roe TUB ADVANCE. Upon reachmg th<' diTrli-k, Uing- i sou concealed Iaielf behind a lo ' About the y* 1854, a young man , m guch & ption M to k. mtbin whomw^wulAl Higsos.oioveawnl, short J anv Jm . tl]at mi ,, |i; his newly t, lM r,ed wife urto wht is , , msusl>u . iousk sL ' p to dnnk . He , av now debated the Queen s \ alley, , iu Uml ^^ Jfa u u ^^ but formerly kuowu as the Cifckjo cmite 1 late and that to stay lu,.- r \ alley. and is sometimes yet spukn. . t, nl,,n*i .,., of by tbe hitter title. rih^sou was a man of about twenty three or twenty four years of age, and with a view to making a home for himself, he left his com- f triable home in the township of 1 Reach, with a carpet bag which con- j'Umed hu -few earthly beLli,. i gs ' huug on an uxo across his shoulder. Ho tiMvelitd about one hundred aud 'twci.ty mihs to the triage Of XI < at' rd. whic.i is pltasautly situated on the would be nsrless, as the clouds were bi.'gmuing to cross the moon, making it too dai<k -to take n careful aim, he was abont to leave when tl.c tread of son*: animal arrested his attention. This made his heart beat faster.for he might even yet have a chance to pro- cure that which hu was in search of. Ihe animal, whatever it was, stca iily approached till it came within a few rods, then &ood as if to make sure that tlx- "coast was cUar." liecoin- mg satisfied that all was right it <-_Teorgian bay. Here he became acquainted with a htuidsome yonn lady, and by mutual agfbtmcut they eventually become uuittjd. In the meniiiine while cupid was bntym-briii S iiiK about an agreement UuUlo ; was Ullilblo to between the two. Hyson was 1,1 search U(J km . w U)al , he aujmal TMMMlMt H()Usi:sllOF.IN(.. WO*.>1> U I . FIRST PRIZE W H EK K V KK S M u \\ \. LVMBKB, LATH. ' SHISr.I.ES. JOH \\OUK FOIi VEHICLES MANUFACTURED AT Heard 's Carriage Works, FLESH EUTON, . SI.ANII i ; Olir HUU;M.- thi- IVst. Cur Slri;'l'H l'r I'.. ClIU'H ll'l 1 1'rt'Ht. I IT llnpl" 111 II. I'll. *1 tllC i , !'. -in. <; ue I li" llct. Stovuu* liupruved Spriug Tooth ll.tii.. the bent. THAW Ct'TTEUS, iJCTKKl-KRS. Tl'KNU' P KILLS. OASU I- LOWS of a suitable place lo build a home f"r i his bird, and and as birds enjoy a u I life much more than one of mi prison- incut he decided to nestle dowu in the beautiful Cuckoo valley. Ho iiuttnlly bought a piece of government | , 11 f 1 11 ' : - * . : laud consisting of one hnudred acres, cn which hemlock and hardwood giew abundantly. At th back of this piece of wilder- ness ry-'ivi: feet in height, from which a pjcturas<|iie view could bo had of tile dri'si'ly wooded valley as it 1 stretched awa^y to the nuith-cast till it reached the blue watcis "t Mie gum bay sixteen miles distant. On his piece of hiud Higson trtcted a snug log house \\ith a clnunbcr, a jumped upon a log, walked the length of it and then bon. ded utT agaiu. By thtv time Ihugson began to get uneasy as well he nnnht, for the moon liad become, totally hidden be- hind the clouds, inakiiiy it so dark- very far. could not be. a deer from the tact walked the IDA I's tread was rin thin that of a fox aud if it u. is beast he had a poor riuiiK'i to dw'.'uid iuuiself lu the ditrk- 'i-'i'l'v i,;iii- i.u :' r Ur.nii ;md London. ( lut. The .- ol MIHS (". J..linon. third d:\ti^h' Mr. Christy Johnson, tn Mr. Si AoliMon, bvUi uf Proton. Tim Hv. Mr. M"s preformed the ceremony. Th bride was made Uio recipient ul in_n.- valuable and costly ;irvenUi. Th.' nut 10 bad for luutogu, is it ' but tiu-ii- are more to follow on that line. ^ ; *ro alad to wu Proton Station represented by a reliable and regular c> i - res|H>nij<-nt. La 'jripiie i V ing us hero a i . ti::ht arip indeed, but t!i-.-re, we * n Mr. John Qiiuiiniett has rented tht< farm m' Mr. Tupim, t isprey tu^tiihiji. Ilit-re will b no reh^iont wrvice* ill our ouuix-h lu-xt Sunilay, <irini; U> <|UrtKrjy iii.-utin^, whieh will be held iu Dvudalk. He was not long to rctrcin igno however, for a prolonged howl, v, made hu.i siiivt-r, lold him ne ivivs-in the company of a wolf, and fr .111 their habits he knew that h, uiigut expect more before very long. No sooner had the first bloodcurdling wail died away, than tho strum >^i- takcn u;> by a chorus ot similar voices not far in the distance. Hing son saw that liis chance of escape was small, iiiili'A he could tind a tree which he could climb, but the Anujcm TO MirrHKii.-- lr ron .litui ". I i Miunt uil lir.,k.'i, ul irour r--i l>- ui>. .u II. run) ii.l crviug withiwiuufCuttilW ' ;iii at OIH-I- un,i c-t i l'ttln "Mr- oatbtOH Hrruu t<n- chil<lr%n r,-, t value in mciLi-ulaulu. it HI.. Illllu .U/I. 1,-J li.ll. .UUt.'l, U>|K-I1.| ,l| lthT> VillTf !|n !l.lUlkl' lil"'llt ' It fiitf. \ Uii 1 Mart '!!, ruijiiiittviilliHHti <in<l BamU. cam Wm.l CoMc.nofteul . lilcim lnniiitiou an.i u> tUu Lin A Lu*l< M -. Bynqi" tor ohll JTMI MMblng I* 1'lwu.kiit t. UU4t All. I IK tile |.|< >!! iptlilll .'I DIM' Of til" itlnl liatt (eiiinlii i U BlrmiiK n,l u,ii-i - i>> all lr'.. I I. I I'l JCV t 'A B ar>- mi'l iu-k fnr "Mu-,. \\'iv STBI r. 'ana t: , iun<l. THE MARKET 'N*. (l-i-<'i-tfil Kilt-It, ll>> I. <0 This is no Sham, . . , 1*1 n*_*v**i^XrfWn* *.*** i cellar and one _mr room , wm . 1K . ar , v aU too la aijjb llllnt . [MmdM panor dmmg room and , fof ^ ^luM enough h would be kitch.n combined. I Uviug con,p. a ;ed log] lol]s lim> . his bu.ldiug he brought his witu and Tliewolvw were k between liim , together they entered upon a life of aml , lig homtf a)ul th , (Jll , v hards up. wlucn only those who hav , Llkorll:illve , V;13 u , reach ft U( . igll . had the experience "f ;. oaring up new laud by digging out hemlock aud roots can nn lerjstf ud. ^oiiWitluU'U'Uvx : ^"' )'iany ~':'['s that ;'ie '-'"ii <vith yte it has aNo many ^'li .i.-.. 1 ueople in sett'ed liistneLs art deprived of. Oue of these pleawmes to addicted was Kail Wlient NTIIIK \\i..t a ju llt* ... i n Muttor " :t u 14 KliK". fr,~li u lli l'.a.uj b_k u ^ iwk .1 -i Hiv per ton S '*< lll.l .->lK.| o 60 Tlirki-yt Q ^ rin. kn |HTtNilr u .*i liuuku uu u J .i Waul .. u IS j ^. u e ' ._ of wa, hiit .V ., marksuiaji >nd many a large autlered In order u j^Jje our cu&tor^(y.s what we consider a fair discount odour already low priced ^oods, and also to adver- ttisepur wonderful 30 cent Tea we have decided to give ,<i'\;ery (ash purchaser of $j.oo worth of goods Ib. of tea, !?;.o,y worth, i Ib., Sj.oo 1} Ib., $4.00 2 Ib., 5.00 2.J Ib. and s^otr {jiving each purchaser a discount of 15 per cent., or 1 5 .c^ts off every $1.00 worth of goods purchased. This is no cheap tea we want to dispose of, but our regular 3001. tea, xvjbich commands sale every time when tried. Neither are we goinj; to mark our i^ouds up. Every article shall rema,yi at the low figure now marked. Thi Sale Will Continue Only Through the Month of February. We wont confine you to Dry Goods, but will give you liberty to purchase anything in the store. Remember this is to j Ivcrtise our te?, and any one desirous of a delicious cup ot "tea will do well to give it a *lM> peunlty ol lite tor lon S withm ran-e of Inn torn t-" 3 sa -l e only lasts during the month, also must be strictly cash purchases. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. McDonald & Evans, WRIGHT'S OLD STAND. dour ering ride. this an'.ioi nieiit was *o y anjoyed by Hingsun, it caused his wife many houns of anxiety and loneliness. Had there been neighbors clos by i the nuarest being two miles u\va\ < she probably would i not have Buffered so, but i>ei!ig left j alone, as she frequently was. her l;4il utuple oppoituiuty tu iblo accident which mwht botaj^ i^ar husband, "l^tjbably atthatveiv ninnient he Ujight be by tlip raveuoiiH blwou thirsty ij jyhich night after night rent tli^.' air with tlivir hideous howls. Strive as she might, Mrs. Hings'in | could ngt rid her mind of these un- pluusa^i}. thoughts. And it is not to I on woudeitNi at that her h.'ni-i, >ank i)ije cv.-iiiii',' ;ilti rj I: ! '; ;<liatlil CX- l)i'e:j-ioJ lu.s il"siiv to take liiiiille and , watch a ileur lick wlucii was about | upo mile and three quarters from his home. A leer liek, as all m.iy not be ; ^>vare, is a spring, and the \\iUerith.i , up t.nroiigh the ground has a salty taste winch is very pleasant to the deer. They wil'l travel for miles to slaku their thurst from such a spring. A the evenin;: I mcntionud \vas an exeeptioniily briglit inooi'light one, Hin^iju untcrtaiued 1 hopes of being able to breakfast next, uioi ning on a piece of vc-nison Mink. He took down his nth- from its ac- customed place, and knowing that the moon would go down early, he also provided himself \\ith matches u light his way home. l.i.s wile a parting kiss, af\vr his departure was to reach fi abovvt amileftwd.a __ ^tiU^'iUjtrU -UllS,''d but hud taken ' : S \v <t''i' w M'ii an angi him. Hi 1 -!i fped bad; :i piece, ntised his rillj u.u I 'iud in ti" 1 direction of The re[H)iit of the rifle a wl|l which hiW been sneak- ing up behind to kcur.ud buck wath au angry giowl. Wolvos were ou ev*i\y side of him Complete stock JEWELRY, Musical SILVERWARE, Goods aud Novelties. and ltb(NU ^ jno up in dis- to ri^ht as loug ad he cogld, though he kin w that could not be loug ugamst such odds, when a briglit though, llaahed through h;s wind. Where was hs Kntcrn, if ho ^oulil only uacli it in tini he lU^JJt light it aud y,ci save hi li, for hu \\gs that lire . . - a pa^t^ttilvi' fenror to wolvi-s. lie groned ttro.yiu.d iu the Jarkness till his huud towUd it tfiid in nervous ha-te proceeuei lo light it. hlis first match wcnt out, but iu striking the second one he *as successful. As soon as the \volvi s saw thv light thev kept at a salo distance in the darkness, growl- ing and narhug. yet not danng to approaoh their intended victim. It is ijnuecessary to say that Hing sun dui ijot syend many moments in their coiupa-uy. On leacnuig home ho found his -,/ifo \\itii swollen eyes ;uid pLin'ei Ifss with fear. She had heard tlu 1 howling ofthewtdvosm the direjiiion that her husband had giuu 1 aud she expected never to see Inui again. That night wurdly vowed that he again wait for a duor to by moonlight ulono." above lines assort' d now iu stock for holiday trade. and iiHtveiin-nt fullv ni'Mint<-d. for jf.S.IM. Ladies I > ,; M I;. stem mud uatches. i^iMl t j ><|N.IH> each. Walnut. Spring C 1<*-K-^ 1 8 day, (J4.0H to *H ">(). Nn,>.. - i and time i'est ^utility, 81.70 to ^ i :i.oo to SlU.oo. to te? it and all ; i u-cs Me: All S to meet con:j in would uever "meet him F. T. From "H> I'.'-n ' Birth On Thursday, tin 1 :!.".n<l inst., Mr. Robert Mi-Quay wan presuuted with n W'uiicitig tine Imy. ) On W'odlMMlty, the I2d iust., two uf ' Vh"o wmldinffH that we have bcun wixit or Can d > better by enstonu rs tlm they can ilo vUfwhrro : lea son, U m- cause 1 1 am in i position t" u.i sn .' nnd intend doing s i along, as ti-adc hnilds MC tin- Full stock si/es and weivln- ot IS k. widiliii" i ings. t . S! l Fine watch repairing, lit alteiideu and He ai\(l, iUH litiuiitly tu chroniuU, caum ort, when Mi.w Hsttiu Arinntronu. of this j.Ve.aiul >Ir. Hugh Hunter, ( Veutry. uru nuulv W.A. B Jeweler aii-i Opt : ,., MVHK; VUt tU h^r feelings b Y tCltt'i[ formed the ceremony, after whi-h the ' StgU o( she | man aud wife. Tho Rov. : N, an. :. o. i

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