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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1890, p. 5

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THE FLESHER10N ADVANCE. \ GEO. MITCHELL,: BANKER, (' ."<< . i :. . ,i . to . V icinityjChips < hara-teri>tM - of ihr "< W fan-fully 'ullrtl for thr For Sale. \\ ..Uvr,.rkii,e. paiatin.; auJ carriage jusine**. t!iK>4 cash j.-U'in; Mid new .,rk eiuhluhed aud paring wrll. In- :.iti..u iimted. Apply t.. '>* liW Klethert >n. ready t commence the pragraas. nich wat eatervi.) upon at once. The tirt part of the r.r..,'ram wat made m- t*retu.- k<y the'iittle fi-lk, win uue and all r.-ntlervd their pans very well in both tiu^'iii.' and rec'tau.ins. evincing a ^reat d -ml i.f laW and care 10 practiain;. A a .In by little Aiisie Thompeem wat \ui1k if ""eetly sung and heartily appreciated. Miter Fred Muusiuw and RctaD-unude in :..eir aioiu^ue dehjhted t'.x) audinic* anu caused a great deai r The first part .'f the pn>;mu was c!".ed ly a :n>ni J.R. Andertou l>y >peci.\! r- 4<H-t "My Ain Countne." The a.coud part was the rendition ><: "A Pr.ze Can- tata' and uuder Mr.Riiseell t management was well rendered an i \cr\ ;;.::.- . Nearly all the latts were <rell taken and some tableaux were beautiful. The di- tnbution of gifu fn>m tl. - Xuias tree br.'Utjht the entcrtAinn.eiit to a close. Li i m^> oiJi: WE WISH YOU ALL A MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. Adau. Muw, a) youu mail thirty ont vears . f u,-c. iivii.^ near the tut ion. died .f do>i} ou M<ndy monuuc. The funeral u>k place to Pncille cemetery in Tueeday. The Achirenary sirv.cet in the Meth- .Jut c' Jix-li were stirj.riMtiiily well at- tend. :, V i.inesJay cveii'.n;:. n.'twith- <taudr._ r*n. A fu'.l re;ort will appear .,-tt w.-v < Proceed* were over 9*0. IN ORDER TO HELP YOU TO HAVE THI> \vt HAVE DECIDED TO HOLD A GESt'INE (lays' Christmas Discount Sale. IW. U.iaettt Memory tyatem is ^reatiti;: greater interest than ever in all -if the c.intry.and persons wishing c.i iiuprvve ther memory thould tend ' T ki |.r[<cti free at aderti*ed m r culumii. Aiuui .-nary service* were held in the Meth.vdut chart* o Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Shiltjn prea^huu- "i the mortiinij mi; Ke\. 1*. Burnt, i>f Toronto, con- ducting service in the evening. Tl.e * nicfly decorated with evei- I'll- Advance u a day behiud in pub- lication thu wek.owin to an extraordi- nrv ruU of job work. and notwithtland- nii! the faot that w worked all New Yean Ife). At thit it the tint time .uch has t.appoiwftl during the paat year i halt we feel certaie. that our rea.1- < rt will pardon c for once. IKTse fur Sale. \ . d IUAT* rwins 8 yean rid, p- (xued to be in foal. Apply to J. U \M1'AU;N. KWsherton P.O. N ;;ce The balanc* of accounta of Chat. Neil -*U' .ll be told by auction at the M Richardwn A Co., on Tu ,Ky, January th* 7th at. i t in. Lecture Rev. IX A. H.Oman. of Chicago. p'r- |HI> delivering a l.vtur* in the Town H u!. Kletacrton.iu alKt te weeks. The ^ubu-v-t tv>.ht< troatrd of will bo "^rutn bler . " All t;runiblen thould inAv it a |Kimt tvi attend, and th.< not accuatoweJ to that pattmip nhould be pr**t-nt to laugh at the grumblen. Full announce- input* will l>e made in next wek' Ad- . .in o and bv bill*. Sufferiiig Oyster* A lanse quantity of oyten were de lr>'yi-J in the lodge, nvom of tha R. T. of T ou Satnrdny evening la<t It .ipin-an that a crt'wd of U<ut t\:'ty people ni.xde their way to that rendeious for the pursue of doing honor t one of thir iiumbvr. Mi*t M.C (iantn. who ** about to liepart from onr in:.Ut M. n h*t always Iven. tinoo her ad >. -in to Klpalierton. a sUiuu-h -IK.T in the ouiw .-I Coiiif<ntncr. and the l.d;.- that il ai hanily juatic* to her to ,. away without ieoeiviii|; OIIIP token of the esteem in which the wa held, ami i;rand oytcr sup]>.r hf i>nalt. Tint w.w< m*dr tho .o ition. to<., of prvtontiiit; to >l ;.int..n a mna'.l t ut h.tndoine dnr- lit): cue. iiiiiily t.i remind her of the pleasant hour* |*nt in tho r oin When the oys'ert had eveiy !! i diwtiMytxi. |>aralv^i'd. uiuevtcd and put out of ii;tt the table* wen? cleared *way and rv*dint<a and muaic tooV tlie Unl*. continuing for an hour or The {.ieacant itathenn^ broke up .tl<out I 1 :U> AIU! all went home to sleep otf th rte. i ' ilitre or four (-allon* of . 'r^sl>> tsriau Annivors*rr Although Chri*tiiMt day wasi u^eeu and bad with mud. the turn out to the Presbyterian Sabbath school Chriat- maa anniTeraary uii that evening was vod and thd whole entertainii.ent .- a plmiitid nu.vei Karly in the evening raitj*n wert> on h*nd and er\ed the . h Urvn a m.-e tea after which the goner*', puMic wat admit!**! f >r tea IB the IMU- o. in of the church Tea v>\ er and all txenibled m the auditormin of the church t T ,*tO, the tuperiTitendent announced Komination. The iu.ii.iiia'i.>u held in Flesherton n M. im.iy last was better artei.ded it has Wen fr many yean ;*it. thowing oouclu*ir'.T that a lively mtervst hat Wen awakened i:. maiucr t l i.:attrt. This fact is uo dubt i>vtia!)y attribu- . at least, to the letter* which have ai.;arrU in this paper tinned "Patrick." It t'^'.nck were present ou thit iiccai:ou he mast at leatt hart fe'.t decidedly un- i -i rtable, and if he were not pteaent i terely hit etrt must have burued with I the ci-.ntcioataeat of tome ont talking ' aV- ut him in i. . c :.>. l.:uentarr tercu. j Dr. Christ<>e mid hn hearers that he did no know wli . Patrick wat. but wished he iini, and if tome one would brin j hi m forward he ( the Dr. ) would shew them the lutrcwtt fi>ol that ever walked *his earth. >uch lau^ua^e as that it decid euly calculated to make any nun's ears tingle if applied to him, and therefore we say that Patrick s ears must have tbown tympt.>ut of tvtirtagration even if he were Ji.'t present. Ab>.ut ll.4-"> prv>- veedir.^* <>l the day were opened by the n.'iuinati.-n i>f Henry Meiarura. ES.J., f r .* reevesb.p. by Mr. T. Kelts aud Mr. J. S. Mercer. This wat a surprise sprung ;.!! Mr MeUlrua. and he .v::- r wards &;ra<-elully declined the nomiaatioo. The other nominations than prooMtM and resulted u followt : KOR KEEVE. Mr. Thorp \\nght. pommated by Mr. \Vm. Clayton, aecvmded by Mi J. H. Allen. Dr. Chnstoe. by Ttot. Morrow and C. R . imy. KoR COt NOlLLOrXS. WARP s, 1. Mr. M. Rilcy. by D. 0. McLean and O. Vadnau Mr .1 hu M.-ArtUur. by J. Haxzard aud R. Oliver. The twi. former tutO'i'.iently resigned, leaving Mr. McArthur in undisputed ponaeetioii of the fitU. WtRK NO. 2. Mr. llolaud, nominated by T. Kells. seconded by Wm. Somers. No other iii>niiiiati>>us Wiiiy ma>ie for ward, the ilerk declared Mr Iv lai.d elected by aoclainati.Mi. l v Tlii'*. (ranker. ii..iniiiate>l by D. Me- Mullen. av..iided by J H Heard. H .1 >; 'loule, by Isaac Sn.ciur and John Bn-en. Win. Sliarp. by John Whittcu and Win PeU-h. H IK SO. 4. liisv Thm|on. jr.. by Htxtor llolton and .1. !in \V I' McKee, by John English and .i.*. Kis'uer. > 1 '.-M. bv r. Ho'.man and M During which tine Great Bargain! will be given to tlie Caah Bayer in all kinds of Funiitur*. You wajit . goods, we wmut voar money and m order to meet the** two wanu we shall sell in some ca- - | ] >ecember actt'-al coat, and :u a few line* for lead :hau cost. Remember, ttuso ire uew. well boogUt j\i. and are to U - order o cler oat a Urge part of pn?*en: itock and at tue same unic kelp us to me*t our obligations. To adv.:: < is nedleas. Come in if YOU are needing Furniture, and we soarante* price* will ple*w you. Uur stock U complete in all lines, comprising Bedroom. Parlor, 1 ' - :u and Kitchen Funuturt. We ax special attention to Pic; '.ctoi-e framing. In tLis oar toc - * | new and varied, bu: prices aiv low. If yon atv needing a Sewinc Machino. be not ltd away by auy agent : . v a machine as el a Jio New Raymond. Ti. I .ereitMsM. W. sett ye . : N' "... . . - m r Hi . : J. E. MOORE l-^ii i % n it lire J.>enK*i* .V l'ntlti*t alter. FLESHERTOX && FURNITURE sets WAREROOMS. .1 W. lloath. by H. Fenwnck and .Ia WalUei. J. Han;rac. by T. Fisher and S. Hadijerotr. This oonu'lctod the nomination, and loaves, it will be but two in which ci.i]>etitin for the position ot councillors will take pl.u- wants 3 and 4 Mr McArthur ami Mr lUand having lw*ii elected by a.vlmtion. A ct-.airumn was then selected in tl;o ;vi-son of e Advanrt* scribe ami the ;>C.I'MIIJ: of tlie day proceeded l>r. ChrwUv wa first to addrvM the electors lie o\ plained the situation of :ttUir principally as i'ur readers have already learn*.! tlieni through the columns of The A.Uance. He would not have be**n a can.luUie had it not beet, for the ansleadin^ letter which had been published in The Ad vance, as niattrr* wcro hi* friend* insisted that he thould come forwanl to gi>e them a chance to vindicate thir be- lief in hit trustwoitiiineK. He showe^I up the absurdity of "Patnck't" arxiimer.t re the ceurt house matter, ai.d explainotl the falsity of the ttaUmenl that he had reoeired (orty-three odd dollar* for el- |ensrt m tha' trial. The facu were that he hid received twenty <i,'!',ir. mid a freit then out of pocket w hen he got through with the matter. He referred t.' the xvj tinaiicial sundmc '* thd township in the county, and to the th.'iMu^h manner in which our taxes were collected every year, the amount of ont- ttAjidmjj uxrt Wiutf very small indeed. With reference to tkjS) Valley rxvui. he <d that :he Oouuoil had don* all that it nad agreed t-< do. which wat to make it a winter read, and thit. he in- sisted. had ben done. So soon at land along this road had been opened up to settlement improvement* would be made. .Vs it waa all the statute labor available had dmiig the ist yvar been thrown into thit channel. The Dr. explained the manner m which taxation had been kept dawn even though the township had lost some hu:idiv-l thousand by the ttfttnii; aaida of Mirkdale and 1 *s fttn ;H rssnil iDCome tax. Ne\t year would see the the ca.) of the ra.'.w iy us and the township would be in a better finan- cial (xisition ever. He trusted tha: hit friends would :.!".> on election iiay and place him at the head of the poll. Mr. Thor,> Wright then .vi dressed the lectors and received a in-wt rettnvlful hearing Ho doalt some hard Mows the late rveve. cUnnui; that he was not runnini; against the Dr., but that Dr. >;oe was n. i .A list him. ex- i''..i.i:.. ; t'.us anomaly by the tuument that 40 si<on at he taw the Dr's letirv- men: - n na.ue in The Advance. .i:id .I, >MI.;.; '.' liahed his card askiiiij for tho > jpi^rt of his foll,iw-elv-t'>r, but what was his sur- ; :i>o to find out . Pr. (."linst.H* had with * IIH wit'.uiraw.J. It li>kel to Mr. Wright as though the Dr. hvl s:- tl;r>.*n tlio diH>a o;<en t.- wait and see who would enter. Mr \\ ; r t'len IV w;th roforeiu-o to tSo .iv m which lie -i ui.inoy up>>u the public iv.i.l* U* citivl the . .rton. ami the : . !' :ie in this vill:i;e In tlissK- c*s' he held that ;lu- reeve hid vi.'iic ' n^ht. but that !ii u.^inoiit .- \\ . .'i'nl i ! ivt a r'e\c " :uMit W.K K-tt.r U;H.U su.-!i m r .t'bl ho he'.d th. i' . . - - .it to h <w r>.t,U f T t'lc-r .'. M Iv im;>r '. V. > i- tho farmers K.iruien had not surti.-ient MT in out H. Dr. I'hrut v to li.>'..l th.< ;>,i.ti.'ii *-T s !oi. ; a> without i; Illtf ot!lCt cl.Alk' It.'''. ' .' t . .- MIIIU when farmer* %-r in rv voice in jvr!i.iinent:ry matter- . . . ft sn.i other ;--. men us'.ir;'iii .ill the payui)! ofticet. and other situations in which the eni.'luinenta ,,r h.Hiors were ivt ^reat were thrwn at tO| to the farmer* T.u>rv werv two where Mr. Wright never to 'v sent. M' . t.i I'AiliMuent and the jxnrh'>u' Vet he h> .1 t!ut a who had made a success of farininc w.\s o.i|<<klJe of couductini; tin- reeveship at ably at any man who ouuld be cHoeeu. Mr. Wright, in closing his address made neii i)i lit** Pointers for the Public The eoid weather i with as now and we are retarded by it of the <eateitr of frofMtf gtx<o ware. CcoeeqaeBtlv we have laid in a very large itKi. of good*. utat!<! for the orcatjoc Dry iioocls Department. O-.r toi of (poods r.i th.< if^ : T^rT large, coosieUa4 of Dre Oooi> ..:;-> had cf patUTi-s W , \V v -. Cloud*. V*C'ntor. Hood* J.r.r>. Underwear. Pu-.-yGoc>ds. llantle I'icthet. I'ltterin^s. Hanueij. Lace Curtauis > Tie*. et. Tweed department. We are making it hot for competition in tht* deputment W biv only law ktjat ssst* ofi":.r x "i aal Irish tweeds iu panting*, suiting* snJ overcoat*. A aSM raafe : i. inadian all w.vl tweeus at J3. 57, 0, i5 aud 50 eenU, genome barjrams. Clothinji department. \\ e still Ui.l the trade in this department. un.l:a$ hih abore all acmpetitKio. Just reeetved this week S easee nue r'renrh worsted >.::u acd rmmtitHi in brown*, ulues as i black*. A ;ol> lot of overcoats at M.To and $"..v Boot & Shoe department. nt.un*. f-r . ir t'.'v't c-f Cheap Booet aa4 Sfeee* it templet* in ttjeo't . - and Rubbers. Lcug B tots. Kubbers. Overthoe. etc. Grocery and Fro vision Department. Thu Department i* ehoek full of ehoicr new S;ijar. Tea*. Can.riet. IWl*. Spifr-> ranu. l^ry Apple*. Syrup. iiuit, L*rd. Fig*. Nuts, CHttueal. CVicniea'. frol. U . ..;, # uii'ii Tront, Vlte. The L ;'.o .-: price pai.l in c.wh or trado for Turkeys. (.re*c. Chickens, l>nttit . Kirs*. Ktc- Thanking our oh) customers for their past patron.i^c we kindly solicit a continuance of thr same by having them call to see u, and we will endeavor to pie ise them. R. Trimble. HOW TO HAKE HAPPY HOMES. o TO Kiehardsons to AND PURCHASE Christinas Cards. Booklets. Books. Bibles. Purses, Pip?s. Albums. L\dio's Satchels, Dressing Cases. for Ladle's aud Gent's. Musical boxes. Vases, Mouthorgaus. Q;une. Toys. D O L L S ! 1T.OM 1 CENT TO I1.7.V IS FACT AMYTlUSCt YOl C V\ W I

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