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Flesherton Advance, 26 Dec 1889, p. 5

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THE FLESH ER10N ADVANCE. GEO. MITCHELL, BAETKER, nn[-r,HT AXD SOU*. .ty'-rioi lH'iiliint piil l tht fiJlfftiati of S'tttt and Awiint*, 3ii'l i}"f Surth of Vicinity Chips. < - JiarirtTi-<ti.->i <f Ihr Past Work Carefully <'u?il for thr <'iir;ou.v New brutal fiend* who did the deed. Such dAintts will uot be allowed to quietly simmer down while The Adramce ha* a voice capable of bein<^ heaid ill the cuiiae of virtue aud justice. Mortgage Sal* T' ite iiolU by auction at Muitaliaw'a hotel, Plmherton, on Monday, the 30th f I>rvA<iiil>t.T. Under power of chattel mortgage, 1 brown hone, 8 yeani old ; 1 liii,-.'y and cutter, nearly new ; 1 set Ictruass ; one horae wagon, with m box ; 1 or^an. Male to coui- iiifii>-e at 12 30 |> in. Vr llu 1 P-i-shvt,-rmn i UK at Mauwfll .in M ..... '-iv i-M-nii,;: next. Only MX lays ni-re in wliicS t tecure n jiri'iniTii IHH.I. Pnv u;> yn ir siin*erui- t. HI a'nl L;' ' The Canadian Viti"ii in the title t.ftlie !. Thir-.l I'.triv tint first iiuui- hrr of which i hifiir m. Tt is p:M.;Mr tht il'-w m.ltiMrv will .il.urtly lw xtiiitril in Flehirt"ii,iif which more in *li hereafter. r II.IK- ha, I L'rMi. r*n Cbriaimaa. 'iV oxpoot a ]>remtiir> return f th .t'l-% if tlii wwather c 'i'liniu-n much I uiner Mr. .1. K :init<!tl-i-. KUwherloii'i _ .-i. <i, ; :;rte<! t" pen<l a few month* in ilerllii. Mr. S. DamuJt :i'[>nnirit him "ii Hill* h.ivw r.en issued for tin- ary of Fltfshi-iton Mi'thmto annirrr- Sunday chiHil. to be lit-IJ nu Xuir Year's uay. An unu*ital1y intervsliiitj program is b- iug preiiairii. Au .m.;u.'n sain <>f farm tm-k ami im- rlemciit* will i* held oil llie Urm <-f Mr. RnU-rt rieniM. lt 4. dm 13. Oprey. Tu-<U> u*t. DL-. 31. T. Sitters, au:- lulls No Exaggeration. Mr. J.-n. (j. Teriiunt, rcsidiuj at 43 Daly Sin-i/t. iHt.iwu. thus expru-ses linn !( : I am [t!uH*d to utate that Nksul liiilin haa already rflivd my catarrh to |vi-iy un:itt < xtcnt. I hn\ e not UMe<l one I .M... hut the naiisKous droppings from the heml ,tml thnxit Imve almost ceaHed. I breathe i-anv now, ^et hotter sleep mid al together frrl ami a[i| nviate the wonderful virtue* of the "rUlm." It* in. 'tits cannot ponaibly Ue exaggerated for c tiariUiil trouble* aud aa a cure I believe it to be genuine. A Moment Of your tune, reader, may perhaps be prolitably tiev.ited to the following : Tluuw who uku UM ageocy for a reli- nblii eiitenirixin^ house, loiiru their bum- m- and stick to it. -'i;et on" in the world. 1'eoplu who have any idea of xng.-i'.'ine in anv rnuvassing business will (!> well to write fiOorge Stinson & Co., Portland. Maim- the grout art and t-iT.-ral publiiihen. They otfer tlm most ox. i ('iu) .ulnuit.igi'f to those who are sufficiently etilvipriitiiig to be willing to make * push > nler to better their con- dition. It coils mailing to try. Women umku nc-ceiu.Il uniiVHiwer*, aa well an men. Full particular* will Iw aent t thixtt; who iitlilrea the lirm ; their fu'l a<l<lrc*> w given WE WISH YOU ALL A MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. IN ORDER TO HELP YOU TO HAVE THIS WE HAVE DECIDED TO IIOLD A GENUIXK 30 days' Christmas Discount Sale. During which time Great Bargains will be u-iven to the Cash Buyer in all kinds of Furniture. Yon want thebe goods, we waiit your mouej and in order to meet these two wants we shall sell in some cases, during December, f actual cost, and in a few lines for U-ss than cost. Remumber, these are new, well bought good*, and are to be sold in order to clear out a lar^e part of ;>ri-seni stock and at tlio same time help us to meet our obligations. To advertise prices is needless. Come in if vent are needing Furniture, and we guarantee prices will please you. Our stock ia comploU! in all lines, comprising Bedroom, Parlor, Dining, Sitting Room and Kitchen Furniture. We are giving s|iecial atunnion to Pic-Urn's and picture framing. In ibis our stock is large, new and varied, but prices are low. If you are needing a Sewing Machine, be not led away by any a^'ent tailing you they have a machine- as good as t4i,- New Raymond. They have not, there is none. We sell you a genuine New Raymond Sewing Maclune for $O.OO. J. E. MOORE l>*-:U-i- &, Undertaker. FLESHERTON FURNITURE WAREROOM8. Re D. A. Hrilman. <>f Chicago, who with Ui< wi;V, :* at |>reient risking his i.itiiM . PeUr Holman. Esq., and other ri-ln'ivi'-t in tin* vicinity. i iut<ir of the IViiplc's Church. Chicago. He ii another ..| ArliMiirMa'.i ton* who havii securrU rt,niinMiee in the otitsid* world. l\ev. ,1. W. Slnlton, 11. A . is preaching swrie* <>f si-run ut on the difficulties of '.-.niinir the Christ life, taking hi* thcinu ] f-iim the life f Jamei. Two of the wrien hava Wen delivered and both were full f interest t.. th rev. i-entluuiaii'it !i ;irem, evidencing much study and thought in their preparation. Mr. M. RicltnnuMiii has purchased I lie store and stock of R. H:imi:ih. Ksq.. fc'lesheilMi: litf it'll. Mr. Ilii'Muih re- iiinvi'i* to Timmto, where lie lias purcliat- r.l t!ie Ivaieluld of the Wellington hotel, cor. Wellington and Yulk UreeU. It m a good taiiil and Mr. Hannah will n<> il.nibt do wall. He will bo i?ld to sec old friend* when they visit thu city. The Youth's Companion I'lmntmai miniWr has been reoeired. Thi excel- Jut pubhcativn give* three or fuur vxtni large number* during the year, replete with thu very choicest of reading matter lor youii'.' |Wople, but tho Clirwtuut ii'imber excels all otlier*. bein-; bound in a l.c.i;iutiillv tintixl cover and full of i i ! tliai: usually intcrestiiiK Utorory in ittor We cluh t!ie ('onipanion witli The Advance for tl.30, making both |>aper only 9^.36. For Sale. W.M.dwcirkiiii!, painting aud cnrri.te ImsinxM. tio-nl cash jobliing and :i- work ntlili*hil aud payiiiK well. In veUiKatioii invited. A||d.v to U'i 10t' Kleohvrtoii. Notice. A snecial meeting >( Koiintam OOUIK-I!, II T ofT., will be held in the Kxh;e room on Saturdny evening next at 8 o'clock. All are requested te attend. Itusin-'Hs of importauoe. (.irain Cruahuig. Mr. Andrew IteattiM dire* u to in- lonu the public that h i* prcpurcd to do ijiain orusUina at the ratu iif 5o. for.aatt. L for barley and 7c. for peaa. Mr. lleattie'* griiin criuher li.n given great Atiafaction in the post, r'armaca liu-in- i;raiu to ciuidi would do well to call n iiiin. 1'iie SUtioa Outrage. l'Ui* ha* nothing been done aa yet in the Station . utm^e matter. Hut it is Hot likely that thia onn be said for long. If the law doei aot take hold of it shortly The Advance will faror the importation vl % gang of Wbite Cpe to hunt out the ' Institute. The annual met'tiii': of ('.'litre (!rey luatilute will be held in He!i erton, Jan. 7th, 1890, ci.iniiieiicii".' :it 10 a. ui., when the following speaker* will entertain the meeting : James Mills, M. A., president Ontaii" A'.rncn!tnml College, wili ap*k on tile following jects : 1. Fslatione of soil, plant, and atmnii^ilieru to one another. .' Culti- vation uf the soil. 3. Agricultural edu- cation. John McMillan, M.P. : 1. Breeding and management of heavy homes '2. Economy of the partial adop- tion of the soiling system. T. A. Kace, E| : 1. Hest time to purchase fruit truei, and the treatment after pluiitmc. Evening. '_'. Small fruit gard.-n for tllu farmer. Dr. Snroulu, M.P. ,C!m. Mof fatt, reeve of Gleiielg, aud A.J. Mc- Millan. Immigration Coiiiinissioner, aro alao expected to be present and addresa the meeting. At tii evening Uieeling in addition t > ancechen. a musical piogrnm will be given. Free to ail, and all will lie gladly welcomed,. " Ten Nights i Agaixi. Ten N i- iit in a Bar.Hiin was related in the Town Hll on Wednesday evening uf last week. Thu ni^t was rainy and disagreeable, yet with all that a gtMidly number of visitors were prewivt from I'nceville, Eugenia, Markdale and Ue- whnre, who nil expressed tlienmcWeii aa nmrj than pleased with the enterUin- lueiit. One of the on^iniU c.-uit was un- nvoidably absent, in thu person of Mr. Cbl. Hawk, but an cxecllont Hiilmtitute uas found, in tho person oi Ma'. Alfred Thuvston, who ili.l rein*n<al>ly well, cons.Jcring the fact that he had had no rehearaiug. Mr. (.iibuou aiaUe an excel- lent Romaine. The two old "bums," Mr. Purker and Mr. Oeo. Smith, created no end uf amusement. The company have Imd extreiiuly hard luck with their two entertainment* having had bud weal her, but still o/uke a. respectable sum hiu Wen .i.l. Ir. I to i lie organ fund of the R.T. of T. Negotiation* are ill progress to present the drama in Maikdalu under the aiMpi.'t-s of soma I.MMI! society. In oon- nfction i 'h I'K- ; enteitainmcnU the thaukd of t!i. e uiteresteil :we tendered to Mr J. E. Moore, Mr. W Richardson, Mr. A-'^loi;*. !, Miss Daiiuide, Mr. Van- rant, Mr. M.-iicClnfustui. Mr. P. Mini shnw.Mr. M. Richardson n I the Mmsrc. I'ai kn for propertio* loaned aud valuah'e ii.<it:inco rDiiden.'il without making any therefor. John Aikunhcad, jeweler, and Miss Aikenhead, ail <i( Toroiiln. *ie quests of J.\V. Armstr-'ii',', Est|. Mis Mary Fiel-U spent Christinas in Streetxville. Miss Li.v.if Ric-hai-tliton ruturnud rmm Owen S. .iiii.l l.iat wee):. She will take \i\i her iiut:u in Nlarkdule sellout at the Unit of the year. Mr. T. Clay U. 11, of Toronto, is spend- ing i 'hnii mas holidays at home here. Mr Rrutol Kvaus spent CliruUina* with relativHS in St. Marys. Christmas Visitors. MiH Sarah Armstrong is home from Toronto. The Miiwei Jtuinio ami frank Stewart. (Uu.'hteri of Mr. Alex.Stewnr*,are ho. e tniin Toronto fur the holidays. Mr. Oe<>. Hi^inbothani. uf Brandon, former!* of luiMtioge. is visi'uig with his unole, J. W. Armstronu. K4> Mr. and Mr*. T. Aikenhead, Mr. Aikenhead, ir., Rev. Jas \ikenh0ad, Cbeeso Factory Meeting. \ moetin^of the pntrona of the Kle*h- 1 1 t..n cheese factory waa held iu the Town II. ill. Klesherton, on Tuesday, the ISth inst. for the jiur|io8 of receiving a statement of thu )>ast seaaua's buainttss. The auditor's report showed M follows : Receipts, $!',1H3.!I3 ; ex|>endtture,f2,02B- 43 ; balance to piitron.s I7.106.-iu. There were received at the factory I.Ol-J.iKiJ Ibs. of milk. from which there were manu- factured !M.8u4 Ibs. of cheuite. Aa this m -!n- !.-iit y Mr of the thte year* con- tract with Mr. Stewart, thu proprietor uf the factory, it waa decided to enter into a frwh agreement f -r :i farther term of theve yeiiL-K, whuii tliu fullunii'j; officers were elected : (i. Stuw:ut, President . \\' Wilci-x, Vice President;..!. Brodie, Sec. , D. McKenate, W. Parker, T. Wnalit. W. Sharp, J. .lohnsto,,, D. Mc- Mullen. U Akitt, .1. Eimliah..!. Buchan- an, I. Sinclair, J. W. Lever, J. Thomp- son. \V. Wright, H. Purvis, directors ; S. Wright and T. Wright, auditors. Card of Toank To K. J. Sprouw, kU>., auent Kleaher- toB, of the (ion.- Pistrict Fire Insurance Company of 0;ilt. DKAB SIK. K>n-llv pejuiui UK through you to tender ivy sincere thwik* to the Core District fire insuranca company of <>ilt. for UIMT. iiroinpt. honorable and j{otitlcuian!y suttlement of my claim in full uf^wo hundre'l dollnn for mv M-cond loss by tire of m barn, urain, hay aud farming imiilments, and I take u' pleasure in strongly recomnu-udinx tin-in to any and all requiring insurance, M a most hojmrublc, k(entlemanly anil prompt |>ayin cnmpuiy ami well worthy the confidence aiM piitr-ina-^e of the public* AJICHII5.VLL> McLEAN. Lot '-'>'2. con. U, Artenie&ia 28t!i N.v., Pointers for the Public. The culil weather in with ui now and we are reminded by it of the iieeeseilv of providing A arm clothilig. t'nni>eqnently we have laid iu a vvry large stock of Kods. suitable for the ooeasnm. Dry Goods Department. Oni stock of gootut iu tlin dop't is very large, consisting of Dress (joods in all the latnet shades of patterns. Wool 8quari. Wool Drenes, Cloudg. Fascinators, Hoods, Jersey.*. Uuilfrwear, Fauoy UouiU, Muulle Clothes, ristrriugs. Flannels, Laoe Curtains, Shifts. Ties, eto. Tweed department. We are makinRit hot for competition in this <lp irlmeot. We buy only tin) best liuer of Canadian Scutoh and Irish tvoeds in pautiims, nuiliuK* u>I uvercuaU. A iiice rug- uf Canadian nil W.HI! tweeds at .1.1, 117, 40. 4."> unJ ju ueoU, Keuuiuu bargaius. Clothing- department. \\ HUH lead th trade in tin* Jupartuieiit. KtanJIng high abovx ah enmpetitioi. Ju- rroulvuU thin w. ; k j o*- tim- l-'ien:h worst,. ,1 Suits and Overoosts in browns, blues an.l blacks. A jou lot of uveKuaU at $4.7o ami S5.oo. Boot & Shoe department. Thii rash still enntinneii, for onr stock of Cheap Kuots and Shoes is complete in ui. n FeltUoots, Socks Mid Kubbem, Long Boots, Kulibers, Overshues, eto. Grocery and Provision Department. This Departnitiut is chock full of 1 n" Sui;iir. Tc-. CiiDilios, P>ln, Spiers, Cui rsni, Pry Appli '. Sytu;i, .luii-iiis,, Fiys. Nuts, Oatmeal, Cornniral, KreHU \\.it.- llernugs, SiUujuu Tiuut, Kit. Tlu> highest price ymd rn cash or trade for Turkeys, Geuo. Chickens, Duclu. Buttyi. K^'g. Etc. Thanking our old customers for their past patronage we kindly solicit a continuance^ol ihc. same by having them call to see us. and we will cudeavor to please them.. R. Trimble. HOW TO HAKE HAPPY HOIKS. ; D fiords HIT OSIK. MT\. \\TTntforrtoi-rrlptlraciilalotiue i'< utalnlnif t*>*[ rnonltti* tr.nn byn<lr4. oC pu|>l. Nho k.v MwrJ Irwa 4 U ri^U dtllr. 'ii.fU) nun nufCt'w*. '' UHoii. A fc -.>ticT ' nn 1, nnil where there IA 4 viKxncr. A >l>v ikVKMKil f.,r tllinu nenl rr wiUi fMkcb Mhi i hr tbo UNI uf Him tool VfrrboUy ran Die their own nitwt now ntnl ilo it IMttorihHti tha greatest xpri run witnuui It. Ada^tu.1 to all onwccul town. Kiorr nns xhoowinn w tbOald S* I* Wm. Richardson's PUBCHASE . IOOT teatar <T wntu Kui.ui>u NAMINU M\- cuiNE <;., st t. til a. c>l <tt., t tiu. lit Christmas Cards, BookleK Books, Bittes, Purses, Pipes. Albums, Ladle's Satchels, Dressing Ciwas, for Ladle's aud .Gent's. Musical boxes, 'i V Vases, MoutUorgaus. Games. Toys. D O L L S ! 1 CEXT TO 11.7V, IN FACT ANYTHING YOU CAN WISH,

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