FLESHEBTON ADVANCE, 'TRUTH- BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, A 01 ME.Y.' VOL. VIII., NO 443. FLESHERTON, ONT.; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 88, 18J9. W. H. THURSTON, SAH FRANCISCO. locks, Jewelry, erware. LETTZE XO. 4. L-i:e most Miiiplete and beautiful stock of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, an >ilyerTnire m this section, just received for the holiday trade. A "very illed old Case and livmiine Walthaui or Elgin Movement, " : onty 121.50, regular trice $-25 (Ml, wiitTiiiiieil for 4 ye Ladle's tjoM stem wind watches, 10 and 18 K. at from $1500 to 142.00. These prices are away down. Do ur. fail to see timiu, wan an tod from 3 o S years. that we have visi.ed some o the places of interest around the out' skirts of the city, a visit to thoao in the city will be also pleasurable. In the first place, then, we shall go . through Chiuatowu. This lies in the best aud oldest portion of the city, with a population of between foity and fifty thousand. There is no dis- tinction between the city proper and Chinatown, and one would scarcely know they had entered it were it not 'for the strange appearance of the .buildings, and the cuiios iu the store windows. To a 'stranger everything is interacting iu this quarter. How- ever, as it isi not safe for ny one to go alone through this ptaee, the ser- vice of a guide, ui the form of an offi- cer of the law, can or secured to taku world. It is built of granite and sandstone, its architecture being dor- ic, witii massive dated columns at the main entrance. Upon entering you are conducted to the waiting room ; wiiere you will have to register your name. You art; then admitted through a wicket into another depart- ment where may be seen the different coins of every nation in tha world for oeiitnries back. Tue shekel, nsed in the time of our Saviour, and gold tea spoons, taken froui Solomon's temple at the time it was plundered by ! blushak. Presently the conductor here at leust<. The .Mission Dolor is also worthy of notice. This is :i church built ou the first site of ^a; Francisco, and by the first white Mttlcrs. It u 113 years old. It is built of adobe and its walls are a> strong to-day at when first erected. There are several houses also still occupied although the interior has the modern improvements lyet the walls i main the same as well an the old tiled roof. The walls are from two aud a half to three feet thick. Throughout the state wherevpr there has been a settlement of Spiinardt those buildings remain almost in .1 gives the signal to follow him below, and we find ourselves in the boiler J perfect stat* of preservation. room. After a brief gUnce at the . Now I think yon have been , huge boilers aud the fires, the visitors ' I pass on to the melting room. Here ; ; is where the uncoined gold is brought , in and melted. It requires an intense 1 heat for melting, anil when perfectly thud, is ruu into steel moulds aud around yon through, fur the small sum of one < comes forth in bars or ingots. From dollar, theu.if you follow wherever he here they are taken to the rolling leads, you will have to have a stout room, whore thev are rolled out into heart a**l stouter stomach. Of course ( longer bars of the right thickness of tbi ' to ;;o through the undefgOHUsd driin, portion rf it, where the opium gambling dens and th real life of the < unmiue.ii way be SL-UU. These are tervib.e djns of vice, wretchedness, and many times of terribl" disease. lie re are often found victims of that disease, leprosy. When the city wo will take one of the feri \ boats and cross the bay to the cr. Oakland, Alameda and" Berkley. Our trip there aud return will only cost UP two bits, that is twenty-five cents. Nearly every thing you buy costs you either two, four or six bits. It .- rarely you will hear a California)! say 25 cents, 10 cents or 5 cents; it is a! ways nickel, dime and two bits. Well now, the three cities previously men tioued lie immediately opposite get 1 and 8 (kv very cheap, from $3 50 to $6.75, only for finest quality. \Varr.nHfd 3 years. Come aitd get one at once. An immense stock of silver and silverore. dust proof watches on hand. It will pay you to call aud prices and see stock. A 1 WEDDING KINO, quality "and weight unu Uid. The finest stock of ladie's diamond and gem rings to be seea in tuuntry, at from $1.7.J to|22.00 All watch, clock aud jewelry repair* cnly attended to aud satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, at RUSSELL'S the per- rather bs.imL.ed, to oue of the Baud- ' undergoing the process of panelling. wich islavU.a small islai:J lying near from which blauk coins arc being 'Honolulu. Eiglitrfftuese ooor wretch- made. From heie they go into the ; es were wiit there but a few days ago. | stara|<ing room and are stainped.over- However if you do not wish to see ' looked.conuted and sent to the weigh- any of the undeivioimd places you in* room. In this department no will find plenty to intercut you in visitors are allowed. This w.M-k is Ubitiug the joss house, theatre. whole- 'done by females. Every coin has to . sale aud| retail stores, wlc. No do- ' be an eact weight, those that are ( the com they iutcud to make. These ire tlittu cut into bars of nve and a half feet in length and are then taken i on the eastern shore of the bay. Oak into another room where they are cut | laud is a most beautiful city. ' It h:i~ into smaller strips and washed with HO, 000 inhabitants. Its streets , beeswax and tallow. Passing ou we tine, wide and level. The lawns and come into the engine room with its , gardens pictures of beauty the resi polished marble Moor and 1W horse aliens many of them "hand-- ad th bedroom" ol San Francisco as many of the merchants and business men the city .nake their home here. N-.. the city are the Peidmont mineral springs, a beautiful and pierir . spot. discovered they are mmieuiateiy ta'ntu power eugme.pohshed aud brightened places. Th~:s has bcL'u to the pest house, in the outskirts of j u> the last degree. Passing on from tho city, and from there are sent, or I here we again behold the bars of gold d, to oue of the baud- ' small ialaud lying uear Two thousand of the pour children Toronto were ^tveii aChnstnins too heavy are filed off to tha right i weight, those too light are sent back to bi re-melted. The room in which FT Tp Q -l_J n KJ ~D ITI ^ ^| I can convey any clear idea of the' I'lace and peqp le. ae their dress. houe,nianneri, htoras and wares are all curiosities. The women are scarcely distinguishable from the mu.i , women have to wear white eaps.sleeve- as their d\-< t n very similar, with ( lots, and aproui that entirely cover ' 'the. exception thrfi th'o women never j their dree*. When they are unfit for| wear anything ou their heads. Cbiua- use they are laid atitK and a 1 the 'nioucoinpris-uthe principal laborers, , cod of every two or three years the' idoiutstics. litundi-ynien. eta., here. > car^t aloug with these clothes, is 1 They are found to W a very indiffer- burucd, and a quantity ef gold comes The mission ' forth. We Devote Our space this week to wishing our numerous patrons a :U J. Call in and see us during the holidays. McDonald & Evans, font 'race of {ttftple. Tbe mission i soheols aro worthy of a visit, and it 1 will surmise ye* seusewliat Co find I what apt pupils these women and , children are. Many of the pupils of these schools are mariied womtu, though nothing more than children in reality. We mas', not stay too long, how- ever, in ChiuatovTU, although there is I : much more to be seen, as the market I is a wonder iu itself. However, we shall now turn our slept) towards the I 1 ' Diamond Palace," which will U at ' flight, not from the sublime to the | i ridiculous, but vice versa. This is on ; the oldest street in the city. The mi I tire front is plate ghm, the. floors ! polished marble, and the walls are K:-"::ch idute mirrors, frtmed in pil- I lars ol ebony an I gold. About a third i of tho celling is also a mirror, the rest, , which is arched, contains panels, dec- I orati-d witli life sized oil portraits of; Scripture characters, pruuiineut , amoiiK them bwiug Deborah. Kstner, > l>. L'ah, Jcptha's daughter. Kebeceii at tho well, etc. Instead of the ar- ( , list tryiug to represent jewels woru, | real diaiuondH may be seen glittering in thu mtcklcs. on the shoes, in brace- ' lets.girdles, necklets, ear drops, rings. etc. It is said that $'28,000 worth of d. imoiids are used iu these decora- tions From the ueihug baug costly chandeliers with hundreds of gliiUu- ing pendants. Tbe long reach of show cases are tilled with gold and dia- monds. The show window is filled with diamonds, watches, %nd mantle . clocks of most elaborate device. The mirruied walls reflect] all these, and i when the place is lighted by gas it i h-j a beautiful and bewildering ufect. ' All visitors are wetaome.and all ques- tion* are leadily answered. Colonel Andrews, the owner, served his country iu the Mexican war, aud ha* held several places of honor and trust in Sau Francisco. From here we will proceed to visit the I' S. mint, the largest in the in Shaftmhiiry Hall. Ki\e oonvioti at the PurUmouth. Out prison <m Tuesday clubbed and bound three of the guard*, icaled tho w.iiln and eacupud. Watches, Clocks, When tho machines are in active _______ operauons $450.000 i. corned per hour. JEWELRY, SILVERW \RE- paid out for Musical Goods Novelties. Last year IS'iS.OT. 1 ) was paid out wages. Of course this is only a brief sketch of what is to be suen but it would take too long to give i:. unite Complete stock details. The palace hotel is the next place of interest. This building covers 'J } acres and is nine stories high. Its walls are double, of iron and brick. Tliu inner one being pioof against earthquake, and the outer against fire. It has accommodation for 2,400 guests and costs S5.000.000. In the center is alaiyu court with a cairiage aud promenade entrance., uxpanding into a circular driveway .V.J feet in diameter, and has an irnmeuce glass roof. LxUudmg arouud it on every story are broau balcouios ornamented with tropical plants and suuna: y. Il is lighted by electric light, ( the court. I It has 400 Mia ploy es in its service. Self-acting electric fire alarms report at the office tho oxact locality of any fire, or evtn any extraordinary heat in any pailui, 'uuih'OOUl, OlOMl, < tc. iu the building. U is said U< iiirpass in size and graudeur any other hotel in Europe or America. There are several other buildings I worthy of notice but I am afraid wej shall only be. able to take a passing glaiico at thcui. Tbe City Hall has been eleven years under construction j and will take about ten more to coin- pldi- it. It ie also double-walled, brick and iron the inner and stoue t!ie outer. It is very massive and im- posing in appearance. The new Chronicle building itho Chruuicle is one of tin 1 leading newspapers* is also buil: ou the plau of double walls; tins is leu stories high with a tower 125 J feet with a nag pole 35 feet. It is to \ltj* A cost between three and four millions ' **" The carving on the woodwork in the private offioe cost $1.000 . alone, j From this one would tbiok that th* printer* " above lines ussni now in stock for holiday trade. An excellent filled case, wirtcli .M and movement, fully mounted. for $25.00. UdiMl9t It k. stem wind watches, flHOll to 84(?.(X1 each. Walnut Spring Cloelcw. 1 :. s day, I4.0O to $8.50. Nickl. s.ala .iiul time, bvst quality, $1.70 tn S'. to l. and all prices to meet coinpctitn. <4 ASM Or Can do better by customers th; they cau do elsewhere : reason, I cause 1 am in a position to d > prpsvnt, and intend doinj,' so rig along, aa trade builds np on that lin- Full stock si/i-s and weights of fi , 18 k. wedding rings. Fine watch repairing, fitting peratMially attended to. *ew<ler ana Optician. MMlKliAl.K. On' was a paying one | Sign of the u Big SpeX.