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Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1889, p. 8

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1 H FLESHERTON ADVANCE for Infants and Children. k la ao writ adapted to rhlldne that I CaatorU earn OoUe. CowtrpaMon, I recomawnd itaaBU(j'riur toaajrfjvejeenpuuu I H'iir fltomaen. Inarrb'Be, Kructatiun. kaowalonit " JL A. Aacnm. II l> , I Kuta w " r . Cle aloep. and prumotw <B- WBu Oxford W..Urook|jra,li.T. I WMCS'LojoriotM medkattoa. Tn Cfcm ana Cow-Airy 7T Murray Street, K. Y. FLODB, FLOUR, FUIMKIIS! ST NE FLOUR! MKIk! Flesherton, MI;, r LOUCKS I. |. .'(),, i to ilo your OrUtluR on abort uotiea ai..l Kiitiit* nrf tli i. Id turuia uf every twelfth : HTD cent per o** of two bunheli fur < ho|i|niiL- >lneeverv <Uy. The Litt)-. Ill U i . .11 tl: intimation of the public. Katufaction Guaranteed. P. LOUCKS. Proprietor, (.ood 'tabling for h IN m\ FOR ALL WANTED A KO,,J riicrgi-tkc ..Hi "i in ii. to *-;ll i>ur Fruil Tie. is, 'malm-null, etc. IVrm:inrul r m pi ii > me lit. Write at oucc- lor tern,... *nj IKI-III.I chuice uf ti-riititr/. \V oiilv fn ' i l.i>-i stork. han<luin miltil liri A-idr,..- Mil KKUTHKKS \ur- rm, ii. |{<>. li. ( r. N.I. Sail* the beet farinin". implement* inann- facturvd. including Itrantfont Light MM Hinilrr and Mincer. MOJOU iJouhlt-llnirnl Itrill and Spring Tooth Strd'r. n* Watrrlao J'luu-s nwl Threihert. Xrehy aid liiiratul* ll<ui(,,rk Tlit frnoH qnalitim of theM> implement* Tf urtii > ifiit!y knoii ni.w t<> f>r*k for tbeoiielvt-A witriunt any extra wonln fn . mi* An ' iin|ii"iin nt in thu linn wiitiM do wi'll to , x.r.n:ii'' inin* ',f not alieadv acquaint' .1 with tin m. Call on mi find I will "... lm|'!'V t.. ihimt thu ; ! ' inm-lmioe. PEDIGREED Boar for Service. T. A. It Li kill,!, I S<sli<H:H.. Mr. W. J. r t ,Hil. |.,t IL':J. Durham t'l.rurrii, desire* t.. inform tlir public (lit I In- lii ti'irrhaieil from Mr Wataon, <if i l)iiiitr"on,the celpntnttxl pcdi^rf-i-ii llerk- I aluru Itotr. " Field Maraliall. ' which lie ' nuw utter* fur service on term* of $1 ciuh at time of ttmce. Wee bill* fur peiilgreu. \V. J i'VSWELL, Proprietor. . MrTavish, HoH.SKSIItiKH A.ND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwooti hti-ect, FLHSHKKTON, - ONT. X M AS TOYS - - TOYS! A [>lendid nelectum of toy* fur the ('hriitum H1i<Uvi juit rvoeived. I'hililreim Ii: i ': - ijln in a number uf l>UkTU, tu. > vasrs, clinutwaie for prMetitn, etc. A.I uuitutif ol HBO>>. i'all in and inspect In-due pun-hutlini; your ware* for I'hnitnia*. A. WATSOM PRIUEVILLE BAKERY. Crl Hour Cakes and Christmas Confectiontry ;""'- ""' .,7'{".- V ' </'''.'-'2 iket in// kindly leave //.,, ,.,,!., a#>onii t< i.ti l|< promptly at I 1. Special ai!rutlonBlyen to touttact lorti-ndi r feet .ni,l l'|.. Chain* . on tuntl) on hand. FLESHEHTON HILLS MUU fruu U. J. Hpruule. I.MI . I now ae>ir< I" nil. .-M, till PUBLIC that I am in a poijtioki to do ALL KINDS 01 (}imeral plaulcg mill work, ai iiuiiu i- J;AMKS \X ,iiul Mu'.riiiujj, n iiswing.flo. M .irkin;iiilil|t Uiiuraniffd. A lar^u (jiianlit v uf good Jrv pine litiubor on liand. W* ./. Hi>'.*tii>. I'l<'3llClti)ll. 7 TKENDALUS SPAVIN CURE Tha 1i: !%%. M II In 01 r&aln In lu arTtn iaiiil d.^r* n I Miir. Uead proof Iwlow. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. OI.BTUJD BAT J UM In.*/ airi I HUi'ta or up Taurrwo Baco Boa ixiiwoon, lu.. Nov. a i, i always nnprhaeed rour Evn- I .li' SiMiTln Cur* tiy la hair .l.t> VotUw, in. 1. 1 Uk> (irlofi lu lui-r 1411 mill). I Ihliji II Ik ' . t'l *. h.^1 linlm*nU n vrth. 1 Lavn ua*l It n n. / euil.lcs three yeara. 1..UI4 linljr, CHAa. A. SlTUU. 'S SPAVIN CURL M .k 1 1-., M. v , RoTenibor I. i'. tlL !l J ivnrOAU. Up. in m Sir 1 1 filetlr* to fire roc Uetlmonlal of ny :>. l i.|.tiil. ac.f i K<'iiilalrnH[iftlii Cure. I have u*i.i ii r..r l.nHina. Hilf Jaiaia Had 4pn vl**. nan I harToun<l It a urn euju. I cordl- ...... iiiii.ii. i i tuallkorwnirn. Vuarauul). A. H. On IKKT. Manager Trojr Laiuilr> SALESMEN Want<l for or.r to--ipltr llnu of NUKHKUY STOCK All new. uliotea an. I F \T KKI.I.INtl K* I ^n furiilb I'ATIWO PrtSI- riJNBio woraei* Mf lawiaaiperieuMla tli but aa <iibl> in ' offer iprrlal ai1ynt<:H i.,hifliiTi-< 'AN MhK A I'CC'BSSrDL %4LfSkAM c'. one who will ollow in* la r*ctXii. Fi ..nnnt ui|ilorn.ut i,A.di ii *!' "i ' '' App-r' ' -r-i ' in* la- War KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURL 81 n, WiaroK Cawy.ri , OHIO. Dec. II. IHa. Dr r. J. KHWAUi l". Oenla: I '! II in* ilulr toieay what I l.vil, iw> wlik /our lirnji.ll. Snailn Cure. I hate ourwl ii-. i.l\ flro hi.r that li.l HMTlea, In nf K I" a liflir. "I"" afllli-tecl Ith Vlll llaorf ami Miruot Bin Jaw. *"! kankadoaai'f ;< vr >. k >i..l Toilowril the illraeOeni. I LaTe u. ler uxia CMeolany kind. TonniiuJj. AW**w Trwjna. KENDALL'S SPAVIN . . '*" M .n .41 ".' . , f?al!-f Manager McDonald, uf the London Time*., it dead. Twenty-eight offir^ra of the ''.rman army committed suidd* last montli. Thu funeral of Jeffersuu Davii pmioii- r to bo the lament deinvnitraliitn ever aeon in the Soulli Tlie I'riucf uf Wale* i* aiul to feel great depression of ipiriti, owing to |lim failing health. Gin boulauger hae been eiiLTn^ed to deliver thirty lecturei in America, ui-i-uk- iiK in Englith. Monthly Fairs. Orti||aTi]l Fh McuDd Thursday In each luoath Dun lalk Tu. fday hfor* (>ranftvi P1*hrioo M' ii'lmv before* Oranguvi* llarkriaU -SatuMay hfore OrangerlJIe Uurtaut -'I lurrl '1 uoaday In >. L montli Cba^U worth Monday bfon- Purbaio Holland i'ntr-- Bat urday l><>f<>it- 4 hati worth H U.-n.iay .HjforV* Durham vi-i- Xli.iiat bwtfottf Pttf bftd 1 ' It wbr" IA* p*Kp> i an kM . w will Mxl f rvr w. MM rbiat* mad* hi r*ic^mpiM IB Of w*f COMIj >d* rjt IB rvtura w* M* tkat *<* ( tBi. at jeur B**.*d ftr mihtAli tall b*WOk f^wr OWB >pnr Tkl* ffaail BMCAII* MMM ik*- Klcrr plnU. Kfc a***- nui *l ratter* *i*nt ruo<>iitui4frw-:i. <*Ua iM _ i r !. Mil DOW MlU f krbtaw iti th* warl<1 All U TBOROUUHBiUD UKUKhHJKE Boar for Service The iniden*icri<i him f<jr hn\i<<- >t *i io\ ilU a Hmt cln thruVAhbfwd !' M Inn- Hoar, lately |iiirrh;t>tMJ f;ni Mr. It Un.-rr of WaUfrton. TKUMS -?I ItiMluotion mad* for in>n than oiu K.^W The animal took tirnt |.M/ at v iif^m fall show thia fail, and necotiil a' !i* V\ itlkiTton Kxhiliitiun. T. A.M. KEU<M SON. liKMOVAL I l.-vir-to inform the public that 1 hav r >v* i in v . u kimwo tin MtiMp t * .MOORE'S Block, Durham St A i-.iiii|.ii t t H-k uf tinware will be found n K \\ i.nt(H-<iniNt; i>. don* na h<*rutufre. I have aiM-nn-d the aicfiiry for ho CoUtiirntrd Sinuf r S-witii( Machiio- KM|iietliiK my old friend! to com* and -. An In my new iihop. 1 rt-inaln, i JAS.SULUVAN, k > -l\ 1 M \N oataiiwii* lur _ .Iain ku4ri> f . . * MV*4lr 4 ! H riU *!!/. 1.000 now I'll' 1 ' l> UMd. Ak'MCT r. ill lie hl.l whrtfl kbrre "ani-y. i * I>XTIO f. i ulinn !* .-ni fr. wi-h varh BMkM i.y t:i u - nriaMi.>l tverybodr ran flle tbwir owBaawanowanddQ tt i.iktr iU.m kbe Kirateel vifwrk f.m with<int IU AOaptMl to nil croe*ni! aa>wa. Rvury nae *HI.WHK avw b*ni.d >'*ur d"a'lrr*nr'w'nM"r>LlVl'>'t"*AVlM^ 111. CHIML CO.. cet k. till H. < ...i at., t ki. ...... i u no vor in F. COSMOPOLITAN lirtyht, IX THK WOK1.I. J5 cunU a tuiinbur. J'J.40 per \>-;u :nlarn<). optolnT. I MI. to 12 |iaKM. Th '.. it ... Miitcraily what tUa N.. \,> K I .- all* it. "at iu pin .. ih" l> ,.,'it..^i ni ><i vni i .11.1 lnit n.|ll t i.l .'f MRa/ Subftcritiu AIJ Unusual Opportunity Sll 1C, H '.ir now niilicr1lK>r. for one year onlv 'I'|i..ill.,n i', i i, ,n.v! Hi The Ailv ir.|.. vi.rflill 'II.. ....... f II. i. two iiul> i.-ll. i. :i in. \Vn will In. iii-n IK. II. f.n ul v : 10 ThU oner la onlv to i.i-w nulMninor* ' ofmn|ir.|itai..aii'! r.nlv i... ..i . i%. "Ii i MI liuln* in t.Ai'hi tli>it ara ren i:id fuwjr uuiiiri > i ni f Its cont.ini]i.nai . .iJniitri] The Ci>siiiop<ilitan" furniahi^H f .r U lii-t tii'ii> n M-i . i ..I,.. ' A Nplrndid I iln>ii af, ,1 r<- r,,. ,|i, -a! at a Prirr Iliilit i in l-in< d I MI THY IT \ i^ It will be a HViirtl education to or. umber of the houneholil U will nmk. I'tliU panoiilMuvntly. U will (five v i monen than you I:MI oluain in anv rm Do you want a flrit rlM uiaeatlno. K' MI- annually \tOH IIOKOK ti\ UIB aLU .1 wr h more than IMIO 111 ii<triktlnn, nrthe cl-v MiltU- M readahki a Maa>lna at iix> i i make a Mining that make* a ipeeia live lobJeetaT The marvel Ii hi w the pnbllihan oan f*- nuioh lor the aaonay ." -Phlla lelpaU r-% .f c.ll ^'iio ft 4o u thu ufto, and uoure bo' ;.'>.^l^^ .-\d Tk WM- CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DEALER, Has a, large assortment of FALL and|WINTER Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Over- shoes,Felt Boots,Trunks, etc. New & Seasonable Goods OFL'KKING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES- U.ESHKRTO1.T. Photos, Photos, ^ Photos. l -irt note turning out work/ar tuperior in ityle and jinUk to any tver pro- duced. in t'lethertun. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE HA TES. PICTURE FRAMING ./one in all iti Ittinchet. A good Mock of FRAMES and MOULDINGS lcen t>nlantly on hand. Will alto introduce the new BROMIDE fORTRAll.'-i pirtnrr that it giving entire latu/nction wherertr introduced. SAMPLES crn be teen at my Gallery \chert all pirticultirt <u t Price, Style Ac., can be atcer- taintd. FLESHEKTON. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS THE PILLS l. correct >JI Diiorden of Liver, Stomauh, Iv ni n' > >.. anil Thyli>v, l ( < irtiiilrv.r,-i>l,.-iUthl)bllitate.lCon!.titutlont. od v . inJubU , ^__ pl*iui.iiiciu4>rll to I'oiiialui of all a|e Kor Ch.ldren and the igc-,1 ih.y an! T prk.U -- THE OINTMENT : T into AT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS 01ndul.rHwolllng.nJllSkinIMMM it ban no rival ; and for contracted and i tiff ointu it acti lik a charm. Uauutacturadotily atProfemor Hou.owAr'sEitabliahoMnt, 7H, Hw o \ t.-r.i sr r. , i ( uir Z33, Oxford Mtrcet), LondD. and are told at ! lid .9*. *d , 4> r,\ . lln . ISM .and X* earh Hot ur \\i and mat be bad of all U. ami- Vondon throughout the World Pun hasert ihould look 1r <A LaM on the Pots nnd Bcxei. Ij tht atidrtit it not 5.t f, ftrtvnt ittrtet, /xwirfcfi, they art >ynrivu*. FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM A lari( arnortmi-nt of STOVK8. la .uak<Mi STuVK H KNISHINaS. 'I 1 N W AKE<'l>ri'iCKSVAlir..l.,V.Ml'O(>ODK .u- .conntantly UD band KV KT HOUGHING A SPKC'l \ 1TY. ^i RaiHito.f1t Strain's old Stand \t aViIlrM^Ill, i i,--.u,.i i ,ii. lleanl H Carriage Works. -- : - MANUFACTURE!* W 'n.rria$0s. Buggies, Wagons, Sieiglis, Cutters, cfc; <f-c. ^ecial Attentum ^vn to PAINTING. TRIMMING, HOKSK SHOEING a*d all kindiufJOB Wt>HK Nothing i.ut ftnt olaaa material uat-d thn.ughout and goarmnteed. We )ia fir lale - Lumber, L,i*tb anil o A K ml for Diok'i Ro.t. Mowr ami Binder., piek a Champii.i., Royal *,*, Granger and Standard Plow*. Two Md Tairee Kui rww Oan s PU.w H,ir Power, for 4 Horeea Straw Cutter., SonflUr* nnJ Tu;r.ip Dnlle. H n TJ,

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