' HE FLESHER10N ADVANCE. 6EO. MITCHELL, BAIVTKER, KL.KSII 10 It r rOTV. rtf.llT.S BOUGHT AN ft SOLb. Duncan W. Muir, lot 24, 2ud am., N.D. R., Artomeuia, uu Friday, Dec 20, tale to commence at 1 p.m. D. McCurmick auctioneer. A credit auction ulu of farm stock and implements will l>e held on lut 34, con, 11, Artemeaia, the property of Mr. W. .ferial Attention paid to tf* catUctioH o/ ! J 8tu * rt - " Wadiieaday, Dec. 18, com- .Vy.i and Actnvmti. tnd door .VortA of encii.g at 1 p.ui, R. J. Spmule, auc- Kichardton <fr Co't. Vicinity Chips. 4 hararterUties of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the I iirinii-. Mr. Vanzant it now occupying hU new hop. Take your repair* t.> Rusee'l if you want a perfect job. Co'd watches in abundance at Ruasell'i, Klesherto'i, at prices away down. Beautifal fnnee Xmas cards for only 10 cent* at RusU's, Flesherton. Cards '. card* ! Xraas cards. Call at Kussell's and lee hit beautiful itock of cardt. tluneer. Oeprey items and our San Francisco Utter are unavoidably crowded oat this week. The cattle fair on Monday was poorly attended, but such animals as were of- ferea brought good prises. A friend in British Columbia sends us copies of New Westminster and Victoria and Vancouver papers. Thanks. All parties deeirin? winter clothing, groceries, or in fact anything in his line, should read R. Trimble's new advertise- ment iu this issue. Trimble's millinery. Choice styles iu the latest designs in hats, bonnets and tuques, at greatly reduced prices. We invite you to call at the new millinery department. A teameeting will be held in the Orange Hall, Feversham, on Friday evening Dec. 20. Tea served from ft to 7 o'eloek. Speeches, recitations, etc. Adinissioi. 25 eta. See bills. The December Cosmopolitan is to band, fe is brim full of seasonable and delicious reading, and elaborately illus- trated. Two dollars and forty cents will Vay for The Advance and The Cosmo- politan if paid befora Jaa. 1. The High School entrance examina- tion will be held in the school houxe, Kleshertoo, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday uext, the 18th, 19th and -'Oth, beginning at 9 o'clock a. in. Over tifty candidates have signified their in- tention to attend. The Collingweod Bulletin says that we are Hot aluue in our complaint anent the mail service to Sault bte Marie, it having suffered iu the same wsy. There is an inspector who is supposed to look after each thinr* and his attention must be call to the matter. A grand tea-meeting wilt be hold: i the new public hall at K^nberley,. on Wednesday, U*.-. 1 , the entertainment tocontittof music, speeches, dialogues and comie performance. Mr. Beiiaun, of Markdale, will be present. Tea from 5 to I p.m. Usual admission. Sue large bills. The promotion examination to third and fourth classes are being held to-day (Thursday) and to-morrow throughout tae whole county of Urey. The county Council has generously agreed to bear the expense of Ue examina- tions and it is to be hoped that the enterprise will prove a success. A gentleman wko is about removing 8t. Vincent, dropped into Uhe Advance uHce on Monday last to 'pay his subscrip- tion. While chatting about municipal matters, he remarked emphatically that if opposition were brought nut against Dr. Christoe, he weuld alk all the way from St. Vincent to support the Dr. A Popular Auctioneer. Mr. R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, is in great demand this season, his services being much sought after to conduct . - Cons. He has given great satisfaction. Employ him if you wish successful sales. Qoaoert. A grand concert will be given in the school house, Flosherton Station, on Friday evening, Dec. 20, consisting of ocl and instrumental anitsic, recitations, readings, etc. , to commence at 8 e.clock . w Adinisstun 10 cent*. Auction Sal**. A o rod it auction sals of farm stook sad tt wa Wld u the {am ef Durham Stage. Mr. Jas H. Stuart will take charge of th.i Durham ( on Jan. 1 next, lear- i:.j Fletherton Station for Durham on arrival of the 5 o'clock a.m. train going south, and returning in the afternoon in time fur the 5 p.m. train going south Mr. Stuart will be iu a position to handle all commercial business which may be entrusted to hit care. Almost Fatal. Ail acoident which it.uht easily have resulted fatally occurred iu this village on Friday night latt. A number of young " limbe " socvred a bob sleigh and iiitlultfetl in the uld time honored sport of sleighridinx down the street, and in order to do this to the beat advantage, ouu had to sit on a handaleigh in front of the bob and steer by the tongue. Thin is in all case* a moat dangerous position, and in this instance proved nearly fatal to the ttoerer. Matter Ted Leitch. When the bob, containing fifteen or twenty howling dervishes, approached the Boyne bridge, it became unmanageable in some way, young Leitch fell off hit handtlemh, and the bob with its freight ran over him. Whan picked up he wac unable to assist himself, and blood wat running from hit mouth. He was carried to the residence of his brother iB-law. Mr. J.E. Moore, where lie lay until Saturday night, whrn he was conveyed to Lie father's residence. Fortunately no bonet were broken, and he is i covering nicely. But it is safe to infer that he will not again place hiiuavlf in a similar perilous position, and others would be wise should they refrain from doing ditto. L. O. L.,No. 344. The bretheren of L.O.L., No. 244, Victoria Hall, mat on Tuesday week to celebrate their fortieth annual meeting, when the following business was trans- acted. It was resolved that this Orange Lodge, No. 244, desire tu express their disapprobation of asking mcori ^ration of the loyal Orange institution by the pres- ent Dominion Government, at they be- lieve it would be contaminated with Jesuitism if given by them. The officers elected for the ensuing year were, W.M. , James Boat; DM., James K. Moore; Chap., ofiniuel Sheardown ; Rec. Sec. , James Stinson ; Fin. Sec., Thomas Blakely ; Treat.. Joseph Blakely , D. of C. John Hales ; Lecturer, Wesley Breen; Committee, W. G. Blakely, W. J. Hen- derson, John Lvont, William Bellamy Thomas Wauchob ; Inside Tyler, James Love ; Outside Tyler, William Sharp. When the bretheren elect were duly in- stalled, James Moore, James Love and and Joseph WaUon gave speeches on the topics uf the times, after which all breth- eren inesent partook of a grand Mapper furnished by the lodge. .) A.M KS STINSON, R. S. " Ten Nightb." That touching and wall known drama, " Ten Nights in a Barroom," at given in fane Town Hall on Tuesday evening, was a most pronounced success in, evqiy way. The very bod roads and inclement weather prevented large number* from being present w.ho had signified their in- tention of att-iuding, but that did not prevent the hall from being tilled, and had the weather been pleasant it it cer- tain t.l'at the hall would nob nave held the audience. The drama was presented by tins following strong cast of local artists : Sample Swicr.*], J. O. RuHneil. Sinioii glade J. Williams. Joe afortfkii U. Blair. Frank !.:d K. Sullivan. Hruv Ureea, _W. H. Thurston. Mr. Ituinaine, A. If . Gibson. Wil Ham mottd, Cal. Hawk. Ned Haxgrav*,. J. Parker. Tom I 1 *;*, (I. Smith JU.IK I jrmii. Mr. Jutt Smith. Mm. Blade, Mine A. Anderson. Mm Morgan Mrs. UJerdrum. Mary Morgan Chris Ojordrum. MeluuLlu Cartwrigbt Mint Uuton. These charwter* were all well sustained througheut the whole drama, in fact the, large amount of drill taken had made each individual almost perfect in hit or her part. J. G. Russell, at the good hearted, jolly Sample Swichel, kept the audience in an uproar, and Miss Canton, as. pretty Muhitablo Cartwiiglit wat a good second. W ha-e a word of special praise for the acting of little Chris. Gjerdrun at Mary, which w think every will; endorse Taj vU firl Ul WE WISH YOU ALL A MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAft. IN ORDER TO HELP YOU TO HAVE THIS WE HAVE DECIDED TO HOLD A GENUINE 30 days' Christmas Discount Sale. During which time Great Bargains will be given to the Cash Buyer in all kinds of Fnrnitur*. You want then* goods, we want your money and in 'irder to meet there two wants we shall sell in some cases, during December, for actual cost, and iu a few lint* for lets thtn c >st. Remember, these are new, well bought goods, and are to ba sold in order to clear out a large part of preseat stock and at the same time help us to meet our obligations. To advertisu prices i needless. Come in if you are needing Furniture, and wo guarantee pricRa will please you. Our stock is complete in all lines, comprising Bedroom, Parlor, Diniug, Sitting Hoom and Kitciieu Furniture. We are giring special attention to Picture* and picture frammtr. In this our stock it large, new and varied, but prices are low. If you are needing a Sewing Machiue, be not lod away by any aqeut telling you they have a machine aa good as tin- s'. -w Raymond. They have not, there is UOIM. We sell you a genuine New Raymond Sewing Machine for $80.00., J.E. MOORE, F'ui-niture Uealev &. Undertaker. FLESHERTON &?& FURNITURE am WAREROOMS, has talent uf a superior order, and de- livered her part on Tuesday evening in a manner which we have never seen ex- celled in what was called lirst class melo- drama. Her rendition of the dying scene was wonderfully touching, nnd many in the audience were melted to Wars. Mrs. Gjenirum at Mrs. Morgan and Mr. Blair as the degenerate and af- terwards reclaimed Joe Morgan, both did their parts most creditably. Of the other rharacters w have not space to particularize further, but will simply aay that all did well. The twa tableaux were very pretty. The orchestra, under the able management of Mr. Vtnzant, with Miss Damude assisting at the organ, con- tributed largely towards the general pleat use. Owing to the fact that many from out- side points were debarred from attend- ing owing to bad ruads, it hat been de- cided to repeat the drama on Wednesday evening uext, Dec. 18, when there will no doubt be an equally succestfu! enter- tainment. We can assure those who live at a distance that they will not regret it should they attend. Down By the Sounding Sea. Dr S. McDonald. Mabuu, C.S. writes: Masai Balm has helped my Catarrh very much. It is the best remedy 1 ever used. Pointers for the Public, The cold weather is with as now sod we are ntmin.im) h it of the necessity of providiu* good warm clothing. Consequently we have laid in a very large stock of goods, aitable for the occasion. Dry Goods Department. Oar stock of goods in this dep't is very large, consisting of Dress Goods ia all the latent shades of patterns. Wool Squares, Wool Dresses, Cluuds, fascinators, Hoodt, Jersey*. Underwear, Fanoy Ooods, Mantle Clothes, Uliterings, Flannels, Lace Cartaius, Shirts. Ties, ete. Tweed department. We are making it hot for competition in thin department. Wa buy oniy the best lines of Canadian Scotch and Irish tweeds in panUnKn. suitings snd overooats. A uioe rang* u< Caaadiao all w.wl tweeds ut 35, 37, 40, 46 ami :>o ceutu, gauuiue When Baby was rick, we gave her Castoria. Whan ha was it iluld, he cried for Castoria. When iba became Hiss, she clung to CaMona. Whin be bad Children, .the gve them Castorta A despatch from Lion's Head on Wed- nesday morning brought the newn that Hiram Lv in burner, son ut Mr. Hoi ace Lym burner, lumber merchant of thie town, had been shot by Mr. Win. Kennedy, who mistook him for a deer, and expired in a few minutes. The scene nf the tragedy was near Dyer's Bay, where the young man resided. Tim affair took place on Tuesu .y afturno.ni. No definite word has been received as yet, out the operator at *hu Head says that one of the gentlemen was hunting and the other was going through t.ie bush to tin? post office. Kenneth Bred nnd the ball hit Lymburuer in the back and he died al- most instantly The tug- Douglas took Mr. Lymburuer and his wife and daughters up to Dyer's Bay on Wednes- day afternoon, and the details of tl<e affair will not bu known until the return of the vessel. [O. S. Times. Honor KolK. The following report for S.S. Mo. 9, Artemesia. for November : Fourth clasv- Louisa Akitt 133. Third ulass -Jauies English 103,iiiia Magee 'Ji>, Alex. English 94, Fred H ok ling otf, John Whitby 4tf, Johi* Harv- gravo 45. Second okas, sr Fanny Whitby 99, Win. HentiMt 52, Goo. Mussel I 34, Id* Benson *, David J. Jamison 32. Second class, jr. Matria Whitt 46, Charles Hopper 36, Will* Kntlish 3S, Mary B. RueaeU 33, W J. Osbonis t. named Johnston, of Owen was killed ia Detroit by tumping froa tsw- windoT of a burning Clothing department. We still lead the trade in Uus department, itanding hich above all oompstition. Just I r<-ei-i>d tbia weuk S oases tine Frn:h worsted Haiti nnd Overaoats in brown*, ulues an I blacks. A job lot uf overvuala at M.7o and M.oo. Boot & Shoe department. The ruth still continnrs, for our stock of Cheap Hoots and Shoes is complete in uiu i Pelt Boots, Socks and Rubbers, Long Boots, Bubbers, Overshoes, etc. Grocery and Provision Department. Tins Department is chock full of oboioe-now Sugar*, Teas, Candies, Perls, Snicee, Our rants. Dry Applw, Syrup, .Uisins, Lard, t\s. Nuts, Oatmeal, Cnrnmral, Kn-sb Water Hurnugs, Saluiun Trout, Kit-. The 'jjghcst price paid in cash. M- trade lor Turkoys, Geese, Cbickeus, Ducks. BtUtei. Kggs, Etc. Thanking our old customers for their past patronage we kindly solicit a continuance of the same by having them call to see us, and we will endeavor to please them. R. Trimble. HOW TO HAKE HAPPY HOMES. o TO \v m Kiehardsoii's. AND PUBCHASE Christmas Cards, Booklets,. Books, Bibles, Purses, Pipes, Albums, Ladle's Satchels, Dressing Cases, Ladies aud Cent's Musical boxes, Vases, Moutuorgans, Games, Toys. D O L L SI PROM 1 CENT TO $1.75, IN PACT ANYTHIMQ. CAN