THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. Tlie December session of Grey County Council was hsld in Owen Sound list week. THE ADVANCE. Kvery Meaford Koad. Orncx - Flriherto*, Out. Otrett, TKRMS OK I per arui'im wbu pai-1 etrletlj In adrauce I W per aouum when not 10 parl. Al>Vi:ilTltiIti< BATES. On* col'imn. 1 var. SSO ; half col, do. SiT; 4 larleri 1 .n . I5 ~>a ntlmt a lv.<rt i*mnti charged at tho rite .> s^tii par li" forflm tDMTtlon tod :u-ta. per 1m ftca aubef|ueut iniMrtion. W. H. THURSTON. Editor anl Profrrietor. NOTICE TO Si;i5bClUBERB. We require mnn'y to meet a heavy pmymrut f>n the firtt iliy nf January. l*> mil hat 'four hundred dollar*, and it if only with ynr "tnttrnce that ice can yet it. All our tubtcrib- ' >rkr> are in irrrart trill be ex- pected to p<iy up be/ore that date Heretofore Th- Advance hat limit leniently icith ufh, and ve expect them to come to the front now thut money it needed. To our truett and bett friendt tcho pay in advance, ve would retptttfully wiakc the rrquftt th<it they tnnkc it ranetnient to bring in tktir dnUarfor next ytar on or before J<i. 1. Set the induffmenti rltrvhrrt. W, H. TflVRSTQN. From our own Correspondent. There came to tli rmiaonf* of Mr. U. iiuchanan last week, n liltle help- less girl. Usiul result recipients glad. Mr. J. Doddi, Markdale. has had a gang of men at work here for some time square timber. There has been a good deal of excitement over a mineral fiud on Mr. i. UmLaiu'a farm, in tbo valley, of which more anon. Mr. D. Graham's sale came oft on the 4th, and was well attended. Sunday's thunder storm aud soft weather h.s finished up the sleighing for the prest-nt. Mrs. James Brodie is away visiting her mother near \Yoodslock. To Oar Subscribers The special announcement which ap- peared in our columns some time since, announcing a special arraogument with Dr. II. J. Kendall Co., of Kin,l.urjh Fall*, Vt. , publiihen of "A Treatise on the Hune aud hn Lhaeasas," whereby our suUcnUrs were enabled to obUm % ';; : that v*!u*ie iui, !> i._y eeiiii- IIIK their addreas to B. J. Kendall Co. (and enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing saint-; i* renewed for a limited period. We trait all will avail them el vet of thii opportunity of obtaining this valuable work. To every lover of the Hone it ia indispensable, as it treaU iu a simple manner all the dis- ease* which afflict this noble animal. Its phenommal sale throughout the United States and Canada, make it standard au- thority. Mention (Aii paper vhen tending for trratitr. Ilium /MIII. to MUNICIPAL MATTERS. Matters municipal in this township are becoming somewhat disturbed, and there are visions of a warm en- counter in the distance. Our war horse Riuelln blood and is now pranc- ing around for information. The an- nouncement of Dr. Christoe's retire- uent in anothf r column will be a great surprise to his many friends, for the Dr. has bei-n an official of long standing tnd unmbeis his friends by tlit; hundred. For ourselves we are sorry to know that the Dr. ban decided not to offer himself for re- election for the coming year. How- ever, as his decision is now publicly givt-u over his own hand, it will afford some of the other aspirants an ^ppor- tuuity of laeliuK the public puls* and discovering whether it beats for them or no. The names of Mr. John Uoland. Mr. T. Kells, Mr. Damude ami Mr. Thorp Wright ate all men- tioned u possible caadiJaUn. They arc all "good men and true" aud worthy knights to enter the lists, The Advauoe would like to see every one of them buckle on their armor and "come to the scratch." It would like to sec them all elected, too. With regard to the councillors, UK u field is also somewhat plowed up with rumors. Mr. Cairns lias positively decided that he will not be a candidate for re-eltction. This has given lise to the names of the follow ing gentlemen bsiug brought forward as con'*UnU for Ward No. 4 : Mr. Alex. Madill. Mr. Jonathan Hickling. Mr. H (Jco. Thompson, jr., and Mr. W. T. McKee. For ward No. 2. in the event of Mr. lioland running for reevs, tho names of Mr. W. McLaugbrey aud Mr. Kobt Bo ehanan are mentioned as the probable candidates. For ward No. 8 the most likely canditates to oppose Mr. Hliarp, are Oeo. Htewart.Ksq., aud Mr. 11. J. hpronle. There arc three names in. niiiiuril M possible opponents of Mr. John Me Arthur in the persons of Mr. Bobt. Oliver, Mr. John Hazard and Mr. T. WcArthiir. We, bowsvsr, hold to the opinion that John is pretty solid with his constituents and will bs a hard log to roll out of the way. All tb* aboT, ofeoorsj. with tbs i from "i oum Cvrrttpondent. Let me first call your attention our last communication, there being a slight mistake in reference to the grain buyers at Proton Station, being Nelson & Bros, instead of Wilson A Bros. The Advance wants more subscrib- ers in this vicinity. Mr. Robert Cornfield bag been home on a visit to his father's, Mr. James Cornfield. The rain storm on sabbath last was very acceptable for it was feared that water was going to be scarce. We have this week to chrwnicle the death of Mrs. H. Nesbitte, who after a long and painful illness passed away on the 7th. inst. The deceased was fifty years of age. Her remains were interred at Bethel. The bereaved family has the sympathy of the entire community. Maxwell From uurou-n Curreifxmdent. Mr. Richard Heron, who has been aick for so long, is DOW i*iUuK fueuua iu To- ronto. Mr. Johu Horton has been sick for aoma tine ; his daughter, Mrs. Crosby, has been staying with him for the last week. Mr and Mrs. Ramsay, oi Nottawa, were in the village lart week. C. W. Little's houae is now occupied by J. Finely aud family. It U {rumored that they are t move into the hotel when Mr. Ltaley's time expire*. A tea meeting will be held here in the Muthodist Church on the 24th inst. Particulars will be given next week. The members of the young people's prayer meeting are atudying the charac- ters of the ISible. Quite n increase has bee* made in the attmidtnce. Jas. A. Madden, of Chicago, is home OD a visit. ADVICI TO MOTH. Are yon dlrturhed at night tnct broken of your rt by a tick child uttering and crying* with pain uf Cutting Teetbl It to tend at uDceauii get a bottle "Mra. Wiu. low Sootliliu; Syruli for Children Twthing.- It value n iucalcuUblo It will reliav* th poor little uflerur immediately Depend upon it, mother*; there no omtake about It. It euro* DjTMnUry au J Lliarr tm *, ruyulatua the hU/macb and Howeli. curea Wlu.l Cullc.<o(tn* tbo Uumi reduoea Inflaniatiou. and ifiTr* tone and wifrgy to the whole ninti'in. "Mm. WlDluw'e Soothiiin hvrup" fur cbiUlruu teething IB pU**ant to the taat* and li tlie preacriution of one of the uldiwt and best fomale phynlclani and uunea In the United Htatee. and la for aale by all dnuwl'te tbroaghoutl the world Price twenty 3 eonta'a bottle. Be lure and ak fur Mn WinaLuw' '," and tnke no other kind. option M is positively statad, ate aimplj rumors, but tby all go to nhu w tt^t the raomeipal pot is ' bilin" aed t't our query of last week is al ao wered - - we are not f oipf to i n. in. i Frnm our ott-n Corrfipondmt. Mr. D. McMullen has just completed tliedrilhuK uf a well for Mr. Williamson, 13th ciinrnssiou, and at a depth of 20 fi-rt in the rock he struck an excellent spring. Mr. Jnhp Williams. who was kicked OB the leg some time ago by a horse, U able to attend to his duties again. The annunl niretinx of the t'nitm Bun- day School was held in the hall on Friday and tin- officers and teachers fur 181)0 appointed. Mr. . I. R. Hogg, of Toronto, also of ths Arm of Ho^g A Cairns, Eugenia, has been spending a few days in the village on business. Miss Smith, of Collingwood, is the K'leet of Mrs. H. IVillar. Mr. Robert Carruthers, who lias been in Toronto under the caro of a doctor for some weeks, returned home) Saturday much improved in ttealth. A GIFT! Every new anhacriber to The Adrance, and every old subscriber who pays his dollar for next year's subscription, on r before Jan. 1 next, may make bis or her selection from the following list of books, which will b* delivered to them during the fore part of Jan . Make your selec- tion early, aa they are going very fast. Where books are to be sent by mail five cents extra must be forwarded to pay postage. Here is the list, aow make your choice : I THEAMEniCAN FABIIZB. ui^ulhl,. for one year 8 A Uunae of E Downey. 8 Sara Crew* and F.ditb'a tturglar. by Fran oil Htxlgaou llurnett. 4 The AbbT Murder, by Joaeiih Ration 5 The Argonaut* of North Liberty, by Bret Rarte. B TheFortuneiufl'hilippa Fairfax, by alra f. H Murnott T 3r (iUw)te I>uibtor, ? I) I, Farjeon. 8 A Mere Ctiild. l> I. II Walford The U,ue*a'e Token, by Ura. Caabel Ifoey 10 A Hlnlnx rtniband. by Oeorg* B. Him*. U The Earl a Wife, aame author IS An Aluont|uiu llaidun. by O. Ueroer Adaiu ami m Wthera,lil U HeaTon anil Mull by K KweJenborg. 14 Htraniier than Fiction, b; Kenneth I*e. 15 The Story of an African Vaim. by Kalph Iron. 1A John Ward, Preacher, by Margaret De- land. IT Buffalo Hill, by Ned lluntline. IS Ml i-liafi str.njoff. bv Julet Veme I 19 The Uunmakcr nf Uoacow, by B. Cebb. a capital itnry tt> Maria Monk. II llrilx>rt F.lemere.liy Mn Humnhr Ward. *g Kuililur Uratitfe, by Frank K Htockton. Ten Nlgbta la a Harrgum. by T. 8. Ar- thur. 94 A DaniierouiCaUpaw, adeteetlreitory. 96 Heleni Ha'iiea. liy Habberton. 9rl lien llur. by Oeneral Lew Wallace tT !. i 1 .. k K . li W PaT'l HM IT Unkelier, complete H rbeaterneld't Letter Writer and Et qaette. Complete. IT PAYS TO The Iteeton Wnrld waits for a villagn bell ia tho centre of the tuwn. Wouldn't a UIWR bell in the centre of the village be a more appropriate, way o|*i pressing it, Olawdl THE MARKETS. FLEBHERTON. r,i i ,/""</ 6'orr-ttfed AND THAT 18 THE Northern Business College, otf ow?!K Prof. Loisette's MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD the . njou wuvld-t>e pu to rob" hue, the eenpetiuin, and la mil* of "baei at the frail 6( hla labon. ( all of .1 tadoabMl eauerfcidtjT and uopoiantf of hi* Machine >. fwal. IxiieeUa'eArt ! Nr F'Qottme- la nxataed r In bota HeBiiepben aa atkjne- an Kpeehja ooao peooUtoil^arteuftl. ffigfe.vljG.J DR. CARTER M.C.F. AS.,UT. PHY^li'lAN. I K- I4>. Ar KI-F.SHF;KTON. OAce. Htrain'i blook RaaMence, J. O Ruwo J. (J atten. 7 FUU AT NOTICE. I hereby iii re notice that I will not hereafter ' b* ripouelble for any debt coutrctd by any peraou or iwrHona In my name. I alao warn uattle deaJen not to purchase any oatllu from my eon. aa they do not belong to htm. JOHN IJALBRAITR. KB. Pleahertmi. Dee 10. ISM. Came Astray. Cane to the premlae* of Tbof Madden, lot A, Mb i*n , Oaprey. cue ram aheap The owner le hereby reqaeeted to prove property, pav eipn- eiiuidtaie bluiaway THOb.'llAlHiKS Came Astray ! Member of the College of Phyiiciana i. Surgeon*. Ontario. Enquire at office^e* iloor east of t;rier>tot or Ukmnoix Hft: PrU-eviI!* NOT 19. I-** DBS. SPOULC 4 CQO. M. \RKDALE ONT. OlBrr i-Manley'* Dm* Store. Came to the premliee of D McLeod. FlenherJ toB. oae yearllnff belter, link* color. The owner reqaeatoJ to prore prorty, pay expent .,,1 take her away. _%_ BM Berkshire Boar! FOR SERVICE. The anderalgned deairea to inform the pobiic that be baa a well breri Herkahlre Boar for aenrlce on Lot S4, Coo. S, ArUmeeia. Terma 100 JAMAS MoOBE. Pumps ! Pumps ! J. McCulloueh Markdale. nanufaentarerof pnmpe. deeiree to Inform tbe ablic that be la prepared to furnUh pumpa for )eep wells, gravol wells, etc. art tea who have heretofore had difficulty wltb lelr walla are Guaranteed Satisfaction naiogroy articlea. I beamed my bnaineea *lth the late J. Fear. of Meaford.the nnperiority f whoae pump* waa a bouaehold word in Orey w yar<ao. le aure Dd call on me If yoa deaire aaytUng In the pomp hue J. The heat and moat practical courte of itudy The beat teaoblnn talent. The lM.fl ar< . .IIIIHI> latioii for ttucleutl. Tbe beat method* of matructlon. The beat reaulta from that Initmctlon aft* itu'tantixraduate. For annual aiiinMiiifKiiieiita k lxiug particular tegerdlog tba courae of atuly , tarma. eta .ad, ea C. A. FLEMING, Flour Fall Wheat Bpriqg Wheat Barley Data Pea* Butter . ... 1C|M4| iTMM . Potato, buah Perk ... . ... Mar per tea .. Wt*lt I M U M TS to as OS* OfS I U ... at SOD SS 40 M M 014 IS Oeeee Twrkeyf _. . .. .. I >0 :-:- =j| D*ek*Brpeai _._.. We*4 _..,....".. SM !! ss e ss NASAL BALM A certain ml ir>>*?HTcnre fn CoM in ih4) HveiJ and Cilan ia ll ll tugc*. SOOTHING, CLEANIINQ. MfALINC. Instant Relief, Permanfnt Cur% Fillvrt Many o-caUtxi diMttet ie tir-x^lf vmptomi c riieura, such * headtcho, p*rti.'l d*fue>*. lown twM*M of tim-11, foul bratii. hawkifsf i*i ftpitt nauvf-a, crin ii t*ltnf of aabilitjr, etc. If you troublf with an r oUbtt* or kimlir.i tymptoait, 70 aav*B ("eatarrh, i>'^ ftbould lo* no tiin* in piucuiiu i boltl* of N * .u BALM. It* MMM-NCK! in Hn ntKlcud cold in 1 e<i rctulla In Catarrh, follow* by rosmaumjiHon and dih. Naaii. BALM U told b 11 diuBiit, or *JL^ Mot. poai paid, om It n- (|o t* ism. Be^ .f i.**.**, aJM> Flesherton Livery Stables. D. CLAYTN. Proprietor. Firat claaa horeea and vebicloa fer hire at ruaaonable ratea. Stable* oppoatte Mnnhaw'a ioh-1 Special attention paid to eouimereia baaineaa t >Ikfket Pride ca*n win W paid lor any ijuality of ;;,:::. .::::-",::: ::: Talk, S.DAIVIUDL-, lii-ln-i-inii Tannery, Improved Farm for Sale. Lota 14*). ltt> and ISO. 8rr] ranee eaiit. T and S P. , contaiumx Uw acreb, W cleared, good clay uaru. well Improved, Rood frame hou* and Ityr barn, frame atablo. <>.K| orchard, etc. Tim farm la well waterwlan.! Iniiiroved, and la con Midered one of tbe beat In this aactlon. It la oni inile anil a hall from tbe> >laffe Fleeherton Wlllbeaold on *ery easy teruia. For further particular! apply to JA8. DBKOROFT, rieaherton P.O W. BARNHOU8E, BOOT AND SHOE V.\Ki!. rLESHKh'lWN,. ONT. Deelree to thank bia nmin-rmn oaetomere for the very liberal patrua *itnded In the paat, and la now prnard to nil all ordera with promptneaa fatiafactiKp Rjivanteed. Tw.-lve yeara In builneea In PWelMrton. and hnn<>et dealing!. with Kotxl workgajanihip.have aiarie hie name well known throughout thla vicmttT. bewH<l work a apucialty. uet your boota maje by \Vni Barnhouae, Kleaherton. T.S 8PROt'I,B.M D ,r ANGUS FGO.M D ..H J late uf Tottenham, Out DrBgo will lb found at Markdala Houaoal miH* J.P. OTTEWELL, VETERIX.KY .-LRCiKON. OraduaU- oi <ii,t.,no Vet. ('..llegf. KKHIDFNCB ON fnl T INOW (.1 -D STRKtIT Suth Liuor Kast of i-, .bytr:uu Churth. KLESHKKTON. J. P. I! Ill A LI, L. 1. S.. DENTIST, VitiU Markdale the 1st and :trd WediiM day nf each month, fteshertim ouch trip on the day followwir. A W. #mGST. Barriater, Solicitor, Coni-cyancfr Etc. FLESH EKTON OFFICE, HMT POST Omn. SPBOCIS'SBUILVIHO, OH TaUBuDATX OWEHBOUND OFFICE, Facer's BoftDw. P McCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, <jfr Oslce, s*ver HcFarland's 8tr> tl.n kilalr. Monr . to Loan. John W. Armstrong! FLUHKBTOK. Co. GRIT. T\IVI8ION COl'RT a.KKK. lOSlMISSlONF. *l n B. R. Conreyancer, Ac Asmt for purch afd tt B'' IfONRTTO LOAM. The Undersigned has a Largo Amount of Money to Loin at 04 o o OH TOWN OB KAHM PROPKKTT. 8. DAMVUK, KUKHHBTOX W. J. BELLAMY AV'T TVKEDS, MOKTOAQK8. LEAbKS. 4c , prepar A/ ed and pro lw ly eiecntad In.arauce affao "ow! -"j* 1 * c< >paslee. Money to laud at R* Je Sproule, POSTMASTER, Fi.herton.rooimi8sioD- * er iu B. R., Lioeused Auctioueer, Con veyanoer. Appraieer and Money Lender Real KUU and Inanrnnce Aifi-nl Deedi, .Mortk'ayt-*, Leases and WilU drawn up an I Valuatiuui maile on ibor'.eet notice. Auc tiou Salen attended to in auy |.ry of the- Oountr. Money to l>n at lowest rates of interest. Colleetioni attended to with promptness and despatch. Charge* low. Agentfor Mie Dominion StiatD8lii|>l'<)mpany Cheap ticked from Flesherton to Liveroool, ttkagow, London or anv of the A-'itisb Porte. Parties intendlnK to risit En|lsnd. SeotUnd or Ireland, will please ask rates be fore pcTchasiDg their tiokeU vlsewbere. Teacher Wanted A teacher holding a Srel claas eertiocate tQ teach In U B B No l.ArUaaeaiaand Kuphraila. dotlea to coninieiice 6ta Jmanary. 1MO Apply, HUGH WA1.TDS atatingaalary to EugniaP|O For Sale or_to Rent, Having concluded to retire from fanning the ndorilgned baa deoided to offer for. lala or to rent hie ftntclaea hundred-acre farm, one and a quarter milea aouth of tbe Tillage of Kleaher- ton. on wbluh are erected good building! !- chiding ipUndld bank barn. If aold only a u, nil payment will be required down the balance ) eaay paymenta. For par- THO8 MOKKOW Flaeherton P.O. House & Lot for let far eale. Hub Thill Spring, Butt* Kd Dwc. ,. UT p, Of Interest to every man wh use* a Wagon or Carriage. THIS ANTI RATTLER IS the BK8T, Becauee It ia effective), ilmplu, uwilir djuited. darable. ineipenalv*. There are no projeoteM anditoreeurthe iponf* or wash cloth It K auj ulseeoopling. FOR 8 ALE AT Cappiaga Stiff FUtk FOHBALM CHkAl', AM) OM MA8T terms, JoST.oOD.a, towoahlp of Bnpbraeia containing WO acrer Tbii ia a pleDdU vale able timber farm Well tioibervd with miiee* hardwood, hemlook and olr JiplaodM sail U mllea from tbe beautiful village of Uaajbarlat In Qveen'e, Valley when tbere ar po*i oAoe and afcoreb, and 11 mile thre . . T