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Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1889, p. 1

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FLESHEBTON ADVANCE. II rn-rt TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, A 01 MJV.' VOL. VIII., NO 441. PLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1889. W. H. THURSTOff, E ' TrP * PROPKiHTCS atches, Olocks, Jewelry, ilverware, 'Tu most complete and beautiful stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, in ilyerwar* in thia section, just received for the holiday trade. A vary line Filled Gold CMS and Genuine Waltham or Elin Movement, for only 121.50. regular price $2j.OO, warranted for 4 years. Ladies tfold rtem wind watches, 10 and 18 K., at from $15.00 to $42.00. These prices are away down. Do not fail ( lee them, warranted from 3 to 5 years. 1 mid 8 day, very cheap, from $3 M to $(5,75. only for finest quality. WamBetd .1 years. Come and get one at once. An immense stock of silver and-sihrerwre, dust proof watches on baud. It will pay you to call and t;t t prices ami see stock. Al WEDDING RING, quality vid weight Rn letd. Tlie finest stock of ladle's diamond and gm rings to bo se<tm in country . ut from $1.75 to $22.00 All watch, clock ami jewelry repair? fonly attended to ami satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, at RUSSE LL'S the per- "F T, S S H E E T O N. CASH AND 1 Price Only. Our boot and shoe department is lulier than ever, with nearly every con- ceivable line of vaen's, women's and misses' shoes. Men's long kip boots; best in tho market. Men's whole leather, men's split, very cheap, men's foift felt, felt socks and rubbers, rubber sandals and overshoes, women's I<ettef0 to tl\e Jjditof, For the opinion* of which he dors not hold himtflf in any deyree rrgponnltit. Answer to Patrick's fn.->n.>n- A TRANSACTION WHICH COHT THIS TAXPAT- IH.S $560.91, or WUU-H AMOUNT OCR aUVB,uK.<:HkIMTOB,UETS #43.75. DEAR MR. EDITOB, I have waited fur a number of week* for a reply to my iluwtiuiiH in your iiwiie of - Ui Nov. I , have now concluded they will remain un aniwered by the party whom tlia rate- payer* expected would answer them. Thu only reaaon I <;an nnw advance fur those simple ijuestiona reinainuiK unitnawered by the party expected to answer them, n, correctly answering them iniyht reveal gome hidden mystery, which, in hit opinion, the common ratepayer has uo n^lii to know. 1 claim the taxpayer* . have a r uhl Ut kuuw how Uioir muiiey ia beinif uaed, and I, as a taxpayer, de- mand it. It u a will known fact that our reovu sUiuis knife in hand, ever reaiiv to trim hia i|uill t demolish llio man who dar question hia infallibility, and to extol Ins own virtue* and hoodwink what he must suppose la the ignorant taxpayer by crying economy '. economy ! St. Patrick, eavtt me now ! Mr. Editor, after an uxhauative aearch of thu archive* of out- townnliip futhera. I have coiuo to lh following cuiiclualonn, which 1 now ijive fr the conflation l IHV fellow duped taxpayer*, la thore a Valley Road >. No, nut what can he called a road. U cannot be travelled. Did the council call it a road when ex- pending money on it I Yen. How much money wan expended nil it / This IH a mysterious question. I'l'ininon people , like Patrick itud ratepayer* are not aup- i >oc I to know. Our tax collector, Mr Hainan!, miyht know. As near ita I can tell, it la between *400 and $1UOO, not taking into consideration right of way. Biddy waa right. I am sorry to aay it i waa not Dr. C.'hnstWs money, but Patrick 'a and the other taxpayer*. Do the taxpayers derive any hum-lit from tlua investment, / Not a uickel. The , way ia u'lowmg up with tree* and bridges roiling down. No road. Money *t|iian- tiert-U Ecunomy with a vengeance Can a kuife sharpened <|Uill and a silvery tongue convince the taxpayer* thai th-ir iiioiu-v is not rvckletwlv wasted ' I Uunk not. Mr. Editor I will not have spaii* in tins letter to iiimw<*r any umrw question* cil my previous letter, a* I do not wish toimpi>*e n \"iir u 'od nature liy IHU l"iig a letter tin* time. 1 have the answer* quite complete, and will '_MV,- them some oilier tune if you do not ob- ject. There is another mveatment of our monev which requir>H unm.'ihate atten- tion by tie taxpayer* $6dO.!l. Thia amount I am sure ut, and am quite con- vinced the auni ia much larger. Theae investment! are always kept in myatery, ao Patrick and other ignorant taxpayer* will not know too much of how their money ia invented lUre ia a atateinent uf the above mveatment taken from thu auditor's report dated February L'liilt. 184!). I'.mi MajHin jt Maaou law eoitU re .hid<-*McPlir*on va County of t.rey $11>2.50. Paid Dr. Chriatou 43.76. Paid H. B. O'Connor, lawyer'* coKt 122.HO. l':i:il Judye McPheraon in auit McPhnraon a Co. Grey 102. OX' judj;e'a chambers, and consequently re- fuied to no a* directed. He waa annoyed beyond endurance, and at laat. aa 1 un- derstand, he waa forcibly ejected. The report* do not give tin* last claoie, but I believe it true, a* be waa compelled to nwort to law t protect himself, and you see the result by the costs to the rate- payers aa stated above, and the Judge still retained hia rooms. The apleen < f our reeve not aatiatied, and we must t the slioes from oar children to pay Mr' Hazzard to pay the county tr eaauri-r pay law coat and Dr. Chriatoe for the sutiafactinn of knowing who wai the area teat mall. Dr. Chriatoe or J udge Mc- Pheraon. I will now prove thia by the authorioed report M of proceeding of thn county council. P:IK<! 103 of the report of j r<>- cceduiKa for Dec. aession, 1887, this ap pears to be the time it commences, you will find an impnrative demand for the f udiie to leave the r>)oms, and let au- lit-r pflrson have them, signed by Dr. t'hrwtoe. On page %, same report, you will tind, aiuiied by Dr. Chn>!toe,that "th clurk forwarded Judi{u McPheraon a copy of this ili-inaml miniwliMtely. Did he leave them I .v>. It wan xxpectml he would leave at once when Dr. Christtw told him to do so, but he failed to obey tliiM ijr'-at mnn. He wan not so *ubiuia- sie aa Patrick. Rut what dia hu d I .liiHt what any senaible man would have done under the circumsUinces. He entered an action auainsi tin uuty, aa wu arc liable for tiic action of .<iii reeve. On pat'u 14 uf January evasion io|ri. I.SMH, (the next im-ft'.iii.') you will tind tlieM worda. We think the warden acted discreetly in authonzini: Mr. Maa on (thia is the man who received )*l'i'J. ">" for hia xerviuvs) to fylu a defence, and furthermore think 'hut the dufenc- should oe i>rHrut<Ml to thettnd. Siyiu-d by Or Chriatoe. Ho ii-enm to have IxHin running thia niattnr in full leu, aa hin name appean in every report, and uu l>ai{H (iO, of January report, IHJJ'J. we rind thn lever that worked the spring, $43.75 paid Dr. Chriatoe. The trap was sprung The auit proaecuted to the end aa ad- vised. $4;}. 75 ill Dr. Chriatoe s pocket, and over $50 out of Patrick's and other tuxpayer'B pockuta. What did i>ur rvuve of falae economy aay then ' Hurt, m the coiimiiation we jet over i:is own n^na ture, W. S. I'lu-istBH. Pae (> of r port of June wsaion, 1888. "We had liojwd that somn ami<bl srrnnei-nienU wniild have IK-PII arrnngHd, but it having faiieu it seems tftero la nu other solution i<> til.- matter but ipve thu Judg{ tho or- jiiia! IOOIIM ^rallied linn, now occupied ' Indian. " Thia ia also xi^nud \V S. Chriatuu. The miuhty has fallen. Note 'lie tout- of tho laat report inndo. i It Mma there is no oilier solution, etc. If there hud bvnn in hi* mind, no doubt we would have been put in for \ few hundred dollar* more by his stuhlv ru ig- norance, and a ftiw more dollar* of oar nioiiHT would have clinked in his pocket. It wan well for u* poor taxpayers hm mammoth oriin was exhausted, and he had no othur solution to otfer over hia heavy leather, lined, high laced boots, for muddy weather, women's chamois ' |550.'.1, little and felt lined shoes, for cold weather, women s high cordo/an, solid soles, screw pegged and polished calf shoes for Sundays, foxed felt shoes, rub- ber sundals, overshoes, lined and unliued, boys' long and short boots, high laced shoes, \nfauts fine shoes, all at rock butttorn prices. Our underwear is going, but still we hare a large supply on hand, all wool underwear, f 1 .00 a suit. Heavy 0. K. wool, only $1.50 a $550. 1. aum and not taxpayers like I talemeiitn you I will we. ait it is taken from the auditor's ] i report, how this snug sum of 9550.'.* I is Uli WCS ' "nested fur us in law courts and Dr. rhnstcKj'ft stock. Will we realize any- thing from it. Not a nickel. Will the reeve kindly tell MS exactly how much wf the taxpayer's money is invented in this i speculation and senseless Jack Sprat at- suit, also fair between Judge Mcl'homm aud him- elf. 1 have no doubt lie will, a* he is huer wools, from 11.50 to 9'2 50 a smt.hvlies under vests, very cheap, men s . a | wmy , lauding his economical expendi- tures, and how much he reallv got. If , men's top shirts, cuffs, mils and gloves, blankets aud , he tlunk5 }n di(1 1>ot ^ ,;,, ,,, ___^________________ ( friend miht pas* the hat. What was i this Jack Sprat affair about whi.-li j ua cf&oO 91 or more I I will answer it in In closing thia letter 1 might aay to the taxpayer* if there is anything in tin* letter you think is exaggerated, get the ic |M.rt and read them for yuurtelven.and on will lind ill tme. and lot the half t.-!il that can he told yet of the actions uf people's money. What difference dues it make to you er me, taxpayer, if the Judge occupiea rooms on the If ft or right of the hall in the court house I and this man must be taught a lesson not to squander uur money to gratify hia pur- and s.-llisli end*. 1 have never beard of such an murage un the ratepay- ers by any ruevo but ore. The remem- brance uf this act should not din with lux posterity. PATRICK. Pnoeville, Dec. 8, 1889. To My riiii*!iiuriii. township and county, I hare mnlti plied my friends. It must not bi- supposed, however, that uo mistakes have been uiudu. " To err is hiiiiiun. If in a future day my health would permit and the township require, i i^lu again serve you. I thus give an early notice, so that your choice may be early made. I am yours, Dii.CIIEISTOE. Tree Planting on Fi To the Edttvr of The Advance. *MK. Many inquiries have been n>ade ati-ly aa to the best method of establish- ing small plantation* of hardwoed eu farms where the natural supply of timber has run abort. The reply that can be given to these is that to insure rapidity of growth we muat plant enough younir tree* to shade the ground to a consider- able extent, that la to aay. plan*, joung treea, aay three r four feet high and about lour feet apart each way. This i* about four times an inapy trees a* will be ultimately needed, and therefore it i* well to plant three fourths maples, whicli an! cheap common tree* uf easy growth IMI| make every fourth tree 4 treu at better ami more durable variety, auch us aah, hickory or cherry. Aa the planta- tion isets too .lose th maples can \tf en- lit. :unl will maUe 15011. i fuel, leavini; the ;noi- t . valuable tr.'rn, wlueli will yet stanu 'jiiito cluae niouuli to tttiswor the pur !>. (if counui ray reader* undentand thai to yfiw clear limber for inanufactui- itn{ purpose*, the trees must ({row close- ly, otherwise they will run to branches This is the moile practiced br the !>' I nited States planter*. The mapie should nut get ton hi^li above the reat. Yours etc. , u. f .v Toronto Dec. 7, 1889. General News. Searle. the champion uanroan, is dead Principal Merchant, of Owen S. in. cftlVijiate institute, will vacate Inn chan< at the end of this year to accept a siimlai position in Joflurcun Davn, ox-preaiiient uf thw Coufe derate state* before th war. Jiu it bin liuuio 111 M's*>aaippi last Knday Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY. SILVERWARE, Musical Goods and Novelties. stock above lines assorted now in stock for holiday trade. An excellent tilled case, watch cas>j and inov'-iui-iu fully mounted, for $25.00. Ladies 10 & 11 k. stem wind watches. $1800 to *1H.UO each. Walnut ypriiitf CVloek**, I 8 day. $4.00 to $8.50. Nicklfcs.alaroi. and time, best quality, $1 .7(1 to $'J.fiO. Mas to to Don't forget to try our teas, finest flavored at bottom prices. Coal oil always on hand. o o o o o o o o don o - McDonald & Evans, they muat be correct and show what you and 1 are paying this large aum of money for. The caae is thia. When the court house waa removed a few years ago. Judge McPhurson was allotted certain rooms for hia USD tut judge* chambera. Dr. Chriatoe, for nu other reason ta I can learn from the report*, but to show his authority, ordered the Judge to remove, that, another person might occupy them I am constrained up- on the ground of unpaired health, to dedist from offering mysftlf as your reeve the cumin"; year. I have served you one year ;is councillor and fifteen years as reeve, and in this reaped have beeu favored by thu township as much as I o.o n id rcasoiwbly expect, for which I fed most gratffc), and am conscious it 1 asked would be repeated. As uitaUoooMHM stated, 1 have held it during a long period, and liii* of i:self is a reasonable argument wliv some others should have a chance. At the nomination I shall feel obli- gated to explain any mattur that any friend or foe desire. 1 also part with the County Council, a body that has given me unbounded confidence even to the last. The township stands in and all prices to meet cumpftition OF CREDIT Can do bettor by customers than they cau do elsewhere : reason, be cause 1 urn in a ; >si;icni to du <o at present, and intend doing fo ilgti* along, as trade builds up on that tliia. Full stock sues and weights ut { , , 18 k. wedding to $14.00 !>)> f-wcbiicBi uuiBciii 1111411, ,*v*,wpr bnwiu. . . - if * The Judge claimed, and I have no doubt j tllp rank of representation, pos rihtly, that the rooma that he waa or- 'ed of an independent spirit, with dered to move to were not suitable forigenoral kindness to all; both iu Fine watch i-epairin<;, flttiivj tpu/ personally iilteuded to. W. A. BROWN, Jeweler an -i Optician, MAUKDALK, Out 1 Sign oi the "

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