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Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1889, p. 7

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DB. TALMAaE'S Efl&USH OO0NTKBPABT. aiagalariy Improaglve and Winning Palplt HaaaeiDof Dr. Ncwnwn Hall. ThU tall, broad-ahoaldered man, who Hands in the palpit of Christ Church, Ijambeth, aaya a London letter to the New OrieacB Timet, ia Newman Hall. To my mind he ig aa i(ood an actor aa there ia un the EnKliah »t»ne, and an orator who woold make himaeif (amoas in the Commona in a nijjht. the charuh ia crowded. It is alwaya ao. It ia a rather impoaing-lookiai^ â- tractare, to which a great many Ameri- cana go, and they are always repaid for their iruable. Unlike the experience at Bporgeon'a or at the City Temple, the visitor ta always pro- vided with a aeat. There is nothing eape- oially noteworthy aboat the service or the people who attend it, or the location of ihe ohorcb, to draw visitors over Westminster bridge; but those who like a clear, simple, ringing aermon from the lips of an orator who knows how to usehis voice and his arms u well, go there often, and are never dis appointed. It makea little difference what text he â- electa or what the subjaot, there is always a vigoroas handling of it and a Niagara of thought that will take the average man the remainder of the week to digest. In manner he recalls Depew. lie is quite â- â-  graceful, and his words dow aa easily as do those from the lips of that charming orator. Now be speaks in an entreating, fatherly way, then when he comes to some important point in his discourse be raises his voice, bonda over his pulpii.looks steadily at bis people, and shakes his long, bony finger fur a minute or two at them and re- peats the secteuce over and over again. There will be a paasd of an instant and then he will jamp back a foot or two, draw himself up tu his full height and shake the rafters of the church by bis denunciations of sin and the devil. Dr. Hall uies no notes and never refers to his Bible, He baa everything at his Angers' ends. There is no hesitation for a word. Tbey flow as freely as a ranuicg stream. Twenty-five minaies are consumed by the sermon, and then when he comes to his last prayer he throws himself ou h' knees, holds his face in his bands and sobs like a child aa he pleads for meroy for bis people. There is a tear in his aye, and among the audience men and women are asing their handkerchiefs freely. His voice rises and falls in agony of grief, ami every one within sound of it is moved by hin earnestness. W&en the prayer is over the organ peals forth, the choir boys sing and the preacher steps forward to deliver his benediotiun. He raises bis hsnds and holds them in the air as he cells his people that npon thu ooDclnaion of the Eervice there will be an outdoor meeting, which all are invited to attend. Those who wait to see will find the tall figure of the great preacher standing iu the midst of three or four hundred men and women in the evening twilight as tbey are singing and praying. There is a orowd in the streets, and tew persons seem to be afraid to venture neur enough to bear the service. Those Mr. Uall goes to him â- elf, takes them kindly by the baDd,speaki- a word or two of encoaragement and brings them over to the meeting. CK>T TWKLVB TCABS. That Waa the 8<' Qtenca Imposed on Harry 8plesx for Marderlng Kubj Nelitoo. The Buffalo Newt has the following about a case whi'jh created considerable talk in this city at the time : The last act in the Rnby Nelson murder case was seen by many people in the Snprtfme Court room yesterday morning. Judge Corlett sen- tenced Harry Spieez, who escaped with the light verdict of manslanghter, to 12 years' impriuonment. Good behavior will reduce his actual term of penal aervitade to 7 '2-3 years. Great desire was manifested by Mr. Hatuh, representing Spieez's family, to have the young man allowed to expiate his crime in the penitentiary of this oounty, and a law was found which allowed of this being done. C. B. Hatch read affidavits of Dr. Baething, John Spiesz, W. J. Wiegle and Rose Spiesz attesting the prisoner's weak mind. " John Jacob Henry Spieez, stand ap." said the clerk. The prisoner arose looking pale, bat answered in a firm voice that be bad no reason to urge why aentenoe should not be pronounced against him. " I am 21 years of age," said he in further reply, " and born right here iu Buffalo. I am a bartender by oooupation." Julge Corlett then arose and spoke with great solemity and impressivenesa. " Yon have been tried," he said, " on an indictment for murder by a very intelli- gent jury who took yonr naee under con- tiideraiion after muoh effort by intelligent coaueel. Tbey loo't great pains in debat- ing the case and gave you the bent-fit of evrry reasonable donbt -, they turned in each instance on the side of mercy. Ordinarily, remarks made to a prisoner alter conviction are not productive of much good, sud are usually unheeded. Your habits ut life have been dissolute and loose and your situation recalls the words of the wise man spoken 3,000 years ago of just buch people as you have partially con- eorted with. * Remove thy way far from her, come not near to her house ; her house is the way of hell leading aown to the chamber of Death.' If you had listened lo the supplioatiuns of your motber, if you bad obeyed the orders of your father, you would not have been here to-day. The affidavits read show that yua have con- tracted a loathsome diseaoe as a conse- quence of your sin, and it may be that that bas much to do with your weakness of in- tellect. At yuur time of life, if yoo are sahjeoted to rigid disoipline, it you are truly penitent, it may be that you may yet beoome an industrious, quiet and sober man. The sentence of the oourt in your case IS that you be confined in the Erie Cunnty Penitentiary for the term of V2 years." A. murmnr of sympathy ran over the court room, for the sentence waa more severe than had been expected. " By good behavior," concluded the Judge, "four years and four months may be deducted from yonr sentence." Then the orowd surged to the door. There will be no appeal and Spiee^t'e friends express themselves well satisfied oith the results of the trial and with hia being allowed to expiate bis crime iu tbe penitentiary in bis native city, where they can visit him. TBLBQBAPHIO SUMMAKY. Fresi Behold How They Luve Una Another. The action of a neighboring Episcopal oongregation in redaciog tbe salary o&i.<red their minister to H per annum, and tbe tactics adopted by the Anii-EedBralionists in the Methodist Cburcb. as well as a good deal that takes place in many other quar- ters may tempt people to ask whether pro- teasing Christiaus can afford to denounce politician in the savage terms in which they are often denounced by many who lay daim to very superior piety. Supposing a lively pohtici<in should present the world with a graphic account of all the church quarrels, clerical scandals, oases of disoi- pline, olerioal suspensions, depositions and other matters of that kind that have taken place in Canada during the last year ! â€" Canada Pre$byterian. Baltlmure Apple Hread. Make a nioe dongh for sweet rusks, sa tbey are known in Njw England, or buns, aa they are known elsewhere. When this dough ia very light, roll it out into two good-ai/.ed oakes about half an inoh thick, and spread one with stewed apples, place the other over it, and let it rise for half an hour, then bake it in a good oven. As •oon as it is done spread aome atewed appl«a over tbe top, add plenty of sugar, bits "f butter and nutmeg, and set tbe cake back in the oven for tbe sugar to form a coating. Serve hot or cold. Stopped the Clock, Dentist (to patient)â€" This laughing gas does't seem to have muoh effect ou yon, sir? Patient â€" No. I'm a professional humor- ist. And tbe old clock on the wall that had been in tbe dentist's family for 80 years with never a stop, held its bands before its faoe as a dall thud announced that a cord bad br<.iken and a 10- pound weight had dropped. â€" Time. 8he Got the V&^ia. " Oh, I had my fortune told, and Miss Larkins, broke off the engagement," " Why, is she aa auparstitious aa that ?" " Oh, no ; but my fortune was told by Bradslreet, and that settled me." Work and Wases. All ot the mnsioiaos of Pittsburg are now members of the Musicians' Union, Lancashire (Bug.) Operatives' Union has recently given 9100,000 to idle mem- bers. Boston onions intend to make the eight- boor day a political issue, which candidates mast L nspeot. San Francisco has a white labor leagoe. Fifteen hundred cigar dealers have prom- ised to sell no Chinese-made cigars, I be Farmer'' Alliance is only 2 years old in North Carolina, but it has already 85,000 members, including nearly 10,000 Women, and there is also a colored branch. The Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' As- sooiatiou, ot Cincinnati, 0-, have forbidden any of its members from knowingly em- ploying any person who is a member of th>< Boot and Sboe Workers' International Union, In France the average wages reoeived hy head farmers last year were $81 for the vear and found ; herdsmen and shepherds, $56 ; workmen and cheesemakers, 956 ; uidinary farm hands, 959, and women ser- vants, H7. James P. Archibald, Master Workman of tbe Pa(,er Hangers' and Deoorators' National Assembly K. ot L., has just re. turned from au extended tour through Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland, where he was delegated by the general executive Board of the Order. Regarding his work he reports that he organized 19 local assemblies iu England and Scotland and two in Ire- land, Samuel Oompers, President ot tbe American Federation of Labor, has issued the call for tbe fourth annual oouventiou in Boston on the 10th ot December, Tbe chief business to be taken up is thos an- noonced : " The St, Loais convention re- solved upon a general agitation tor the establishment of the eight-hour work day upon VI ay lat, 1890, and it now becomes tbe mission of tbe Boston oonvention to transform, if in the wisdom ot the dele- gates there assembled it may be deemed advisable, the agitation, which bas now be- come world-wide, into an organized move- ment for its realization," What la Toar Plchtlnc Weight ? Theory aud londltloii. Doctor â€" Take these powders as directed, and your oold will be gone in two or three days. Patient â€" You seem quite hoarse, dookor ? Doctor â€" Yes ; I've had a bad oold for four weeiu. The UHual Way. " Shall we sit on the sofa, George darling, or woold you rather have the big chair ? " " I'll take an easy ohair, my charmer, and yoa shall have your own kneesy seat, as usual." Bow He Kept His Month Shot. ' Don't sleep with yonr month open,' â- aid Fred to hia younger brother. " Yon â- hould breathe through your nose." " But I don't know when my mouth's open. What do you do when yoo wake up aud find your mouth open ?" " What do I â- hat it." Railway travelling should be charged for on a basis ot two cents a mile. Every rail- way in the ooumry bas been assisted by poblio funds, aud railroad fares are the same now as they were twenty-five yean ago, namely, arranged on a basis ot three oenis a mile. There are speoial rates by which some people travel cheaper tbaa- -iSl'U"^ others. Why ahould not all be treated "----â- - alike ? 'I hen why is it that the railways do not charge in the same way for carrying passengers as they do for carrying freight, that is to say, so muoh a pound? Why should thin men have to pay the same tare as tat men when it takes less engine power to haul them ? â€" Duiidai Banner. Tbe floods in Italy are subsiding. Charles Bradlaugh hag suffered lapse. Senor Romero has been elected dent ot Mexico. There are foar new cases of amallpos en Pelee Island, hot no deaths. The Parnellite visitors to Australia have collected 9100,000 for the Irish oaose. Thursday, November 28ih, has been appointed Thanksgiving Day in the Stated. George V. Elwood, Collector of Inland Revenoe at £arnia,-died yesterday, aged i'J years The whaling steamer Luoretia, ot New Bedford, Mass., has been lost in the Arctic Ocean, The coroner's jory at Gait found that the train which killed young Dykeman was going too fast. Dr. L. Van Bokkelen, former rector of Trinity Church in Buffalo, was foond dead in bis bed yesterday mornmg, Alexis Ouilette, a, veteran ot 1812, died at St, Augustin, Que., the other day at the age ot 100 years and 9 mouths. The Thames lightermen have decided to strike on Monday, and the dockmen are expected to strike out ot sympathy, 11 is stated that the New York Central Railway Company will cuniribote $750,000 to tbe New York World's Fair fund, Tbe New York Board of Aldermen have passed the estimates for the commg year. It will cost just 935,850,000 to run the city (or that time. Mr. Hickson has informed the Mayor ot Belleville that it is not the intention of the Grand Tronk Railway to remove their re- pair shops to Toronto. I he affidavit ot Mrs. Maybriok in a libel action was taken iu prison yesterday. Mrs. May brick is m fine health and spirits, and IS entirely satisfied with her treatment in jail. The Board of Regents ot Victoria Uni- versity, Cobourg, met yesterday in To- ronto, and agreed to submit tbe question ot costs in the injunction proceedings to arbitration. Mrs. Thos. B'rampton, ot Nair street, London, east end, was severely horned last evening. Her husband pet coal oil in the kitchen stove, and tbe sudden blaze set bis wife's clothes on fire. It sufficient bonuses to supplement the GoverumuLt subsidy are secured from the people bet .Veen Eganville and Renfrew, the Kingston >£ I'emoroke Railway Company will buUd the road. The Emigration Commissioners at New York yesterday notilled all the steamship companies that a bead taxot 50 cents each wUl oe collected from them for every alien they will bring there. This will inclode children . Yesterday afternoon at Ottawa Richard Foster sud Joseph W ilson were arrested on Asbbornbam Hill whilst carrying an illicit worm and still of about sixteen gallons capacity. The worm and still were taken possession of and the men driven to tbe police station, A O.T.R. switchman named John Dono- hoe caught his foot m one of the wheels of a freight train at Little York about 10 30 o'clock Thursday night, and tbe train passed over bis body. He was instantly killed. He was about 28 years ot age, and leaves a wife and one child. There are rumors of trouble at St. Vin- cent de Paul Penitentiary last night, how serious is not known. If it was a revolt it was promptly quelled, and it is diffiuult to ascertain any reliable facts. The Warden says it was only a quarrel between two convicts, which created a little temporary excitement. There is a auapioion, however, that it waa more serious than this. Sir Henry James continued his speech for the Timet before the Paroell Commis- sion yesterday. He endeavored to show that Mr. Davitt associated in America asd elsewhere with persons engaged in treason- able practices, who were seeking to separate Ireland from Greau Britain. He obarged that the leaders of the Nttionalists were trying to keep affairs in Ireland in an un- aettled condition. The young lad Thos. Murphy, Gait, who on Monday ran away with a horse and vehicle belonging to bis employer, being captured at Stratford, was on Thursday sentenced by Jadge Lacoarse to Kingston penitentiary for a term not less than three and not exceeding five years. Murphy is about 15 years of age and bas no relatives that be knows of, hr.ving been brought oat from London, Eng., when very yoimg by some of the societies which carry on tbe business ot importing Old Coontry waifs into Canada, Yesterday morning about 10 o clock a serious accident happened to Arthur Chap- man, agent of the C. O- Railway at Frank- ford, while engaged in braking on a oar that was being sbauted at Trenten. It is sup- posed he slipped when about to pot on the brakes and fell off the top of the oar, in front ot it. One of the wheels passed over bis right arm, close to tbe shoulder, »]mo8t severing it from bis body. Tbe v;hetl on the opposite side passed over his left fool, crushing it. He also sustained some injuries ^bout the head. His recovery is doubtful. Tbe Emin Relief Committee has recalled Dr. Peters from East Africa, The Oermsn budget passed the first read- ing m the Reiobstsg yesterday. The diphtheria in East York is reported aothoritaiivelit not to be serioos. Sir Donaki Smith's inaoguration as Chancellor of MoOiIl U::iiversiiy took place Impartial Baptism. Master Ned (to the Rev. Dr, Trehero)â€" Wished I bad been here last nigh't when yoo baptized tbe company. Rev, Dr. Trebernâ€" What do yon mean, my sou ? I did not baptize anybody. "No? Well, mamma said that when do ? ' Why, I get up and you came in last night you threw cold water on everybody." Presidenl~BKrUla8, ot Qoatemala, tele- graphs tba'i the report ot a revolution in that Repn'jiio is false. During the last eighteen months the Russian Government has expelled 35,000 Jews troin the empire. The late Thomas M, Thompson by will bas btqaeathed legacies to numeroos chari- table iusiitations ot Toronto. Harry Durand, the opium smuggler, was captured yesterday morning at Royal Oaki twelve miles from Detroit, and ia now safe in Wayne oounty jail. In the Danish Rigsdag to-day the Pre- mier gave notice oi a Bill to aboliah tbe tariff on coal, ooffeo, rioe, tea, salt, raw iron and train oil ; to reduce the doty on petroleum, and to increase the duties on wine, spirits, beer, tobacco, trait, asparagus, flowers, spices, oakes, cocoa, boots and shoes. In tbe case of the Federal Bank vs. Nordheimer, the Master in Chambers has refused tbe claim ot tbe defendant for par- ticulars of the charges against him. Sir William Smith, Governor of the Leeward Islands, is at prseant in Ottawit to interview the Ministers on the question of closer trade relations with Canada. A number of Montenegrin convicts, who recently escaped from a prison in Albania, have had an enoounter with the Mallissori tribe. The loss on both sides was heavy. The Sherman extradition case, which was to be argued before Judge McDougall, Toronto, yesterday afternoon, on request ot counsel was enlarged till next Wednes- day, Mr. Albert Begy, foreman in J.C. Harrie, cigar factory, St. Catharines, dropped dead at his home yesterday afternoon. Heart disease was the cause. He leaves a wife and child. A Chicago despatch says tbe C.P.R. will have a line of steel steamships, to be the finest craft on the lakes, running between Chicago and Owen Soond before the season ot 1890 closes. Mr. Thomas Tait, Superintendent On- tario Division C.P.R., was knocked down and badly mauled by three ruffians last evening at the corner ot King and Simcoe streets, Toronto. El Tarik, of Constantinople, says that Emperor William's visit to Constantinople is a happy event for Turkey, and that it shows that Germany approves the Sultan's wise policy of neutrality. An Ottawa despatch states that the Dominion Government has hopes yet of arranging for a fast Atlantic mail service, and that the mibunderstantiing existing may be probably removed. Mrs. " Bonacz.t " Mackay's libel suit against tbe Manchester Guardian, based on that paper's insinuation that she waa not a lady by birth or education, came up m court at London yesterday. Chas, Wiseman, of Meant Salem, Elgin county, was accidentally shot in the breast yesterday while loading' a gun. The bullet lodged in tbe spinal column, causing par- alysis in the lower extremities. At Consohocken, Pa., the Tradesmen's National Bank was closed yesterday morn icg by order ot the Bank Examiner. Cashier Cressen, a trusted employee, bas embezzled a large amoont, variously re-, ported at from 93j,000 to 975,000, The Polititche Naclirichten denies the reports ot disorder in southwest Africa, aud of the expulsion of Germans from that region. It says the rumors arose from tbe expulsion ot two Englishmen by tbe Ger- mans for inciting tbe natives to revolt. Near Aramingo station yesterday morn- ing one ot tbe Reading railway coal trains crashed into another, and fireman Albert Lord waa buried in tbe wreck for three hours. He sustained a broken leg and other serious injuries. Eighteen loaded coal cars were wrecked, and tbe main tracks blocked. Patrick Hughes, a desperate character, yesterday entered the bouse of Martitr Schultz at Soranlon Pa., and tried to force a 12.year.old girl to give him money. She called her father, who attempred to eject the roffian. Hughes drew a knife and made a murderoos assault apon Sohtdtz, who fatally ahot Hughes with a gun. Sir Henry James' address before the Parnell Commission yesterday was ot an historical character. He denied that any injustice to Ireland existed which justified tbe present attitude of the Irish Nation- alists. Ho referred at great length to the measures that have been adopted daring the last half centory to improve the condi- tion ot that country. The Government is evidently determined to enforce the law regarding sawdost in the streams in so far aa it refers to the Olonabee River. Inspector Gilchrist, Pcterboro', bas received fresh iastractions from tbe Government to see that the lines imposed by the magistriite arc collected, and also to continue the prcseontions as long as the mill owners violate the law. Lord Randolph Churchill, in a letter, orges that tbe Conservatives daring the coming session of Parliament ought to give prominence to the hind laws, measures for the reform of workingmen's dwellings, laborers' allotments, licensing and laws providing for shorter boors of labor, and dealing with the " sweating ' system. All inese ijuestions, be says, are rapidly ripen- ing for practical legislation. The marriage between Prinoe Mnrat and Gwendoline Caldwell, which was to have taken plnoe in Paris yesterday, has been broken off, in consequence of a dis- agreement about the yoong lady's marriage settlements. The barge Condor is still aground in tbe Galops Canal. Two bargee have taken ofT 10,000 bushels of her cargo, and a third barge is being laden. It is feared that the Condor will have to be unloaded altogether before she will float, Au inquest was held yesterday tooohiog the death of George Bobb, drowned off a steamer at Kingston, The verdict indi- cated that there was some neglect on the part of the officers ot tbe boat, but in what respect it did not say, Frederick Merrill, Bridgeport, Conn,, while drank Saturday night, beat and oboked his wife in a brotal manner. She died yesterday, and Merrill is held on a charge of morder. The couple had only bern married six months. \ bold borglary waa perpetrated at Dulton on Saturday, At 12 18 Mr. F. J Armstrong, M. C. R. agent, lucked up bis nffioe and went to dinner. At 12 30 Mr R J. Catley, who ia working in Dution, discovered that tbe door of the station bao been forced open. The burglar bad broken mto the money drawer aud secured the sum ot 990, He left the lower left hand corner ot a dollar bill in the drawer. The North German Gazette saya Emperor William, on bis arrival at Athena, sent the following despatoL to Prinoe Bismarck : " I have arrived at glorious old Atheui- after a voyage ot intoxicating beauty After a splendid reception from Prinot-i- aud people your telegram was my firsi greeting from home. Hearty thanks (o it. My first word back to the Fatherlan' is a aalutatiou to you, sent from tbe City oi u Pericles, from the pillars ot the Parthenon, J the soDlime aspect of which deeply im- presses me." The illness of the Dake ot Edinburgh, which prevented his attending the funeral of King Luis in Lisbon on S*tarday, i» ascribed to a fainting fit experienced while visiting King Carlos. When he was attacked he fell to tbe floor, broisinu his face bikdly. The Duke haa sufficiently recovered to take his departure, and he paid % farewell viait to King Carlos yesterday. The bmisea on bis face are fast disappearing. He has gono to Madrid. H, Bristow was head coachman for the Marquis of Lome and Prinoeea Looiao when His Lordship was Governor- General ot Canada, He is now engaged in the cab business at Ottawa. The other day bo reoeived a proof cf the thcnghtfulnees ot Her Highness, when he received in a parcel through the post a portion ot the wedding cake that graced the marriage feast of the Earl of Fife and thedangbter ot the Prince of Wales, A sad accident oocnrred on Satorday evening in Chaudiere, whereby a G year- old son of James MuKInnon met his death. The unfortunate lad was riding on a load of lath belonging t j Messrs. Perley A Pattee, when he fell off and waa run over by one of the hind wheels, which passed over the middle of his body, causing shocking injuries and death in a few hours. The teameter was not to blame, and bo inijueat was held. A asd accident occorred on Saturday evening in tbe Hoard handle factory in St. Thomas, resulting in tbe maiming for life of James Kelly, the 17-year-old son of John Kelly, who resides on Walnot street. The yoong man was removing the cover from a planer whec bis left band beoame caught, and was gronnd to a pulp, the flesh and bones being chopped into minoe meat. Drs. Gustin and McLarty ampa- tated the band. Tbe coroner's jory has returned a ver- dict of death from scalding in the case of William Webb, tbe fourth victim of the Cephalonia explosion, Tbe jury severely commented on the condoct ot the Canard Company in net furnishing evidence ex- plaining the oause ot tbe explosion and ia taking the steamer to sea, leaving no offi- cials behind. The coroner intimated that the Board of Trade would inquire athctly into tbe accident. Tbe Spanish Cortes was opened ye« ter day. Rev. Dr. Bain, D.D,, ot Kingiton, died yesterday. A great snow storm occurred at Denver yesterday. Tbe strike among the French ooal minere bas ended. There is a serious outbreak ot diphtheri* in Toronto, Five thousand ooal miners at Borinage, Belgium, have struck. According to advices from Belgrade ax- King Milan will shortly be married to » Parisian lady. Mr. John Rusk, Collector of Ctutoms at Richibuoto, N.B., bas sent in hia reaigna- tion to Minister Bowell, The Court bas ordered Dion Boocicault lio pay Jtl30 monthly as alimony to his divorced wife, Agnes Robertson. Mr. Chamberlain, at a private oanons in Birmingham, expressed a strong desire to retire from political life. Another meeting was held yesterday at Cobourg in connection with tbe federation iiuestion, and it was advanced a stage. The Orangemen ot Ottawa are decidedly opposed to applying for inoorporation during tbe present term of Parliament. No action bas been taken by tbe Domin- ion Government to prevent a repetition ot tbe recent dieastroos Qoebeo rook slide. Prof. GoBche, occupant of the ohair ot Literature at the University at Halle, Germany, baa committed suicide by catting his throat. Edward Boyd, aged 20, ot Guelph had his fool BO badly crushed by the oars at Detroit on Monday night that ampntalion was necessary. A message has been reoeived in Montreal from Mgr. Bosse, Vicar- Apostolic of Labra- dor, making an appeal on behalf ot the famine-stricken people of the Labntdor coast. Tbe American aathorities have decided that Chinese laundrymen are laborers within the meaning of thu Chinese Restric- tion Act, and are therefore prohibited from landing in the United States. Mr. Wyndham, Mr. Balfour's secretary, speaking at Dover last night, after a visit lo Dublin, announced that in 1890 Mr. Balfour would introduce in Parliament a measure providing for a large system ot land purchases. Madame Joly, ot Terrebonne, while peel- ing potatoes in her kitchen on Sunday morning, suddenly fell dead on the flour. She waa previously in apparently perfect health, and had visited her parents at Ste. Rose on the previous day. It is understood that Mr, Shehyn, the Quebec Treasurer, and Mr. Garneao, Com- missioner of Public Works, who are at present in Paris, are nei^otiating with French financial instttotions for the con- version of the eiitire Quebec debt. A tree on Dornhester street, Montreal, was set on fire last night by a wire coming in contact with it, and, in spite ot the heavy tain, tbe flamea burned ap several ot khe upper branches and were only obeuked by tbe intervention ot the eastern brigade. Lord Hartington made a speech at Wol- verhampton last night in reply to Mr. Gladstone's reosnt speech at Sooihport. He declared that Mr. Qladsloue showed uo inclination to give the order tor a ;(eneral advance, but rathur for a prudent retreat. In the Montreal Superior Court yester- day. Judge Jette decided that tbe Allan Steamship Company was liable tor the depreciation ot cattle det&iued by them iwiog to the 'longshoremen's strike ot 1880, the strike, iu the judgment of the oourt, not being an adequate excuse. At the Ooelpb Assizes yesterday tbe Grand Jory brought in three true billa •gainst W. H. Harvey for the murd r ot hia wife and two daughters. His trial will probably commence to-day. Among the r.poris prevalent in the city one is that I arvey will plead guilty. His friends are making great efforts to p-ove be was msaue «t the lime he committed the deed ou the 26th ot March last. â- .^^im-^c--.

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