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Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1889, p. 5

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THE FLESH ER'l ON ADVANCE. •^ V 6E0. MITCHEll, BANKER, TtHAFT.i aOUOllT AAL) HOLlt. Spi-rUU Attention paid to ihr coUTi'mitof Sttte* it ml Acaiiiiitt, 3f»iJ d'wr North of liicburiLuni, it Cu'a. Vicinity Chips. 4 baracteristics of the Past Week 4'arcrully TuUed for the Curious. At least one family in this vicinity appreciate* The Advance. No less than six brother* are subscribers, and all, with the exceiition of une, live within » radius often miles from Flesliertoii. At the cattle w<»re <mite fair on Monday there a larvio ujmber of cattle i.tferod, but all were of very pocir quality. t!«i(«d fat cattle are a very scarce article I wim't to listen to, and throws a little »d iu .Vrteiiiesia just at present. ' ' 'â- -'â- '• -â-  ''- -â- ' ' _u.. . The partitt* interested are all old achool mates uf ye editor, and h« lends the happy couples his heartiest congratula- tions. We undnrst«Hd that the doors will be open to friends uf the coiitiactin« parties. Ketamed. Wii. Strain, Esq., wife and daughter, returned frnni Northern Dakota on Fri- day last. Mr. Strain w,is not at all hii^lily inipressetl with Dakota's poaibili- ties. He does not believe it to be a good agricultural country. Mr. S. also visited portions of Manitoba, and has the same story to tell of it. What with hail, frosts and drouth, he considers that Northern Dakota and Maiiiteba lalior under the greatest of JiSioulties s<i far as srrain raisini; \i concerned. There is also as much or more poverty exhibited there than in any portion of Ontario, and this season many farmtrs will require to re- ceive ;;overiiinent aid. This is somewhat ditl'freiit to the flowing tales we are Bro. Fawcett, uf the Slreetuville Re- view, has had his veracity shaken. Sorry to hear it. We' alw.iys believed A. R's veracity was uiishakeable. Hnntern were plentiful but came scarce on Thanksgiving Day. Ten niiiihty haiitsnieu met at CuUeu's lake about 2 p.m. and coni;>aretl notes, when it was found that the whole crowd had only lja.<;ged one rabbit. *}uito a corpulent crowd visited the villasje on Monday, fair day. The most exciting event was a trotting match be- tween horses belonging to Mr. Halleck Blue, of CoUingwood, and James Best, Es<i. Mr. Best came out Worst. Why will you jough when Shiloh's cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 eta. . 50 cts., and 41. For sale at the Medical Hall. Prof. Loisettes Memory system is creating greater interest than ever in all parts of the country, and persons wish- ing to improve their memory should send fi.r his prospectus free as advertised in another column. Auction sale of valuable farm stock »jid implements, on lot 32, con. 7, town- ship of Artemesia.on Tuesday ,Nov. 26th, commenciog 1 p.m. Twelve month's credit on approTed joint notes, or 8 per cent, discount for cash. R. J. Sproule, auctioneer.Richard Pedlar, proprietor. Quarterly services wei-e held in the church on Sunday last. On Monday af- ternoon the business meeting of the church showed finances to be in a pros- perous condition. The only chanite made was the appointment of Mr. D. McMulleii a8 steward in place of Mr. John Whitten, who had resigned. Miss Zillsh Trimble, daughter o* Mr. W. Trimble, who has been recidintr with her grandpart'Dts on Manitoulin Diland for the past year and • half, returned home last week. Miss Baskerviltst her aunt, accompanied bar home and will spend some time in Fleshertuo. George W. LeGardâ€" fortuerly a typo in the Flesherton Advance office and latter'y of Dudley & Burn»â€" has securtnl a good position on the Exeter Times. George is a briKhU intelligent, and ener- getic young man, who will one day make his mark in the calling he has elected to pursue.â€" [Streetsville Review. Money is scarce, and moat loan com- panies have advanced their rate of int<)r- »5st to 7 per cent on real estate mortg- ages. S. Daniude has a large amount to invest at 6J per cent., and will be pleased to receive applications. Persons wanting to negotiate new loans or renew, will <!>« well to call before the rate advances higher. A gentleman without legs visited town oD Tuesday, and intensiewetl our citizens generally. Whether he added much to his bank account- or not The Advance did not learn. By the way these birds of passage are not as nearly extinct as the pigeon, judging by the number which have swooped down upon us during the past year. Shiloh's Cure will immediately relieve croup, whoopihg eeugh and bronchitis. For sale at the Medical Hall. ditional light on the subject which ap- pears to have been carefully suppressed. \Vu are sorry t" learn that the trip did not benefit Mr. Strain's health to the extent hoped for. Four Good. Jokes. \ young man from this village at- tended a raflle about six miles from Flesherton one night recently. He started to v.idk lionie. and undertook to carry a live goose with him under his arm. In going down a hill he stumbled and fell and lost hi.s goose. When he struck the gravel road, instead of turn- \u% WBstwanl he travelled towards the east, and after a long tramp reached MaxweH. When that young man dis- covered his whereabout* he talked out loud till the the air was blue aniund him, yanked off his boots, turned around and made a bee line for Flesherton in his sock feet and arrived home some time dui'ini; the nij^ht. His socks are now for sale. JOKB so. 2. k young lady, well known in Flesher- ton, walked into J.G Russell's jeweliy store a couple of weeks ago with the object of getting repairs mads to some jewelry. During the course of her visit she had occasion to admire a pair uf elegant and costly earrings, and remarked jocularly that Mr. Russell should make her a present of them when she got mar- ried. .\s J.G. did not imagine that thern was any immediate prospect of \uch an occurence he readily gave his vonsent. Imagine Mr. Russell's surprise when the earrings were claimed last week, just one week from the day he had promised them, kn ordinary, weak lit- tle sunimer zephy could have knocked him over. Like a little gentleman, how- ever, J.G. ''penied up" and now laughs at the juke as heartily as anybody. JOKl NO. 3. On the evening uf Thanksgiving Day a large number of turkeys were placed on a certain resident's verandah, while be- ing packed in boxes for shipment. The owner was doing the packing. Several young men decided that it would be a nice thing to secure one of those'turkeys witheut paying for it, and accordingly laid their plans, which proved highly suc- cessful. Two of them entered the house, and while one engaged the owner of the turiieys in conversation the other stepped uutu upon the verandah "to spit" and quickly hoisted a big gobbler over the 1 ailing to confederates below. As the oiwer of (he turkeys left with them on the following moniing it is not known wltether he lias yet< missed anything. A reporter of' The Advance viewed the wilole operation from acroM the street. JOKM Ko. 4. The fourth and last joke kicked the wrong way. Some yoang men were re- turning from a showt on Thanksgiviw; Day, and csMne serosa some ducks r>elong- ing to Mr. Ward Harrison. One of the crowd fired 'into the flock and keeled two of them oven Mr. Harrison discovered the guilty party and made him wkack up two dollars for his fun. suit, in which VT. Brownridge, W. H. Guy and Geo. Pallistsr were gamisbeed. These parties admitted owing sums of |13, $16 and $10. Order for adjourn- ment Ui have W. Beatty served as prim- sry debtor. Ryan et al v. M. and A. Kennedy, sc tion bronght to recover damages for a re- sale of sheep after bargain ana been con- cluded. Verdict for plantiff for t6.25 without costs. Ryan et al v. Dow, a similar action, was settled between the parties. Adair v. Pressick, J. Mills, garuishse, judgment against defendant for amount of claim, and against J, Mills, garnishee, for $6. Copeman v. Lazier, suit brought to re- covet balance of wages. Verdict, non suit. Williams v. Mclnty, was adjourned. Hannah v. Stewart, verdiet; for plain- tifl-. Moere v. .\rinstTong, Greo Stewart, gsiiMhee, discharged. Out on the Plains the wenderfnl virtues of Nasal Balm are known and appreciated. W. M. Arm- strong uf the mounted police, Fnrt Saskatchewan, writes : â€" I haive been us- ing Nasal Balm as directed and hnd it to be all you claim for it â€" "A burs Cure fur Catarrh, easy to use, pleasant and agreeable. It gave nie relief from the tirat application. Everybody sutfering from cold in th^ head or Catarrh should nse Nasal Balm. able fanner and bis wife, who live not far frem Stayner, but was prevented by a third party. The Sun says "the names are suppressed, as the aggrieved party has reasons for nut prosecuting !" Hard on O'Connor. The Brace Her- ald says that the rumor of the approach- ing local elections is verified by the ap- pearaocs of Mr. O'Connor at church on Sunday last. Are you made miserable by indigestion coustipati'jn, dizziness, hiss of appetite yellow skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a posi- tive cure. For Sale at the Medical Hall. Shiloh's catarrh remedyâ€" a positive cure for catarrh, diptheria and canker-mouth. For sale at the Medical Hall. Teacher Wanted' A teacbur bolding a Srtl class oartiflesu to taaub in t; M 4 Ko l..aj:taaiasiaMHl Eulibrasls. duties to coiuuiuiiL-e 6tb Jsausrv. IMIU.. Apply, atatini! saiary to HL'tiH WALTON, Eugenia P O Strayed. M mVi FOR ALL A Pleasing Bvent. An unusually interesting matter will be disposed of in the Methodist Church at Kiiuberley on Wednesday, Nov. 20, at t> o'clock p.m., when Mr. Henry Ellis and Miss Margart Lawrence, and Mr. William H. Stuart and Miss Elizabeth A. Ellis, all of Kiiuberley, will be united ip marriage by %i Rev. J.H. W^t«^. Division Court. Judge Lane held Division Court in the Town Hall, FItsherton.on Thursday last. Following we give a list of the most im- portant cases whi«h were tried^ with the result : The old, timber difficulties wara still on, there being, five cas««8 of garnishee for wages for getting out timber. The gar- iiishsts were discharged. t/ullivait V. Wolseley, A. Trayiior gar- nishee, acti<Mi for wages. Verdict for plaintiff. Hoy V. Hoffman, action in replavit^ad- journed on payment of cests within ten days, otherwise judgement. Patterson ,Ikos. v. Bei^ty, ganvishee Companion Pictures. i Another handsome reminder of the continued enterprise of The Yuuth s ' Companion, the favorite family paper, ; has come to us in the form of a Colored ' Announcement Card, printed in fourteen | coloi'it. It IS folded in the centre, and has on either cover companion pictures. Spring is represented by a beautiful maiden who is returning through the fields, her hands tilled with trailing arbutusâ€" that delicate spring Howcr which growes so plentifully in many localities. On the companion page, the fanner's daughter is pictured coming tlirough the harvested grain, carrying! a well-filled pitcher and basket. The bearer uf the noon-day lunch is a wel- come sight to the hungry reapers. The interior of the card cuntain.s an array of authors and articles fur the coming volume unsurpassed by any paper This beautiful Card is only sn indication of the great enterprise of The Companion which has made it a National Family Paper, with more than 430,000 subscrib- ers. Nowhere can there be obtained so niucl' entertainment and instruction for so little money (only $1.75 a year). If you subscribe now you will receive the paper free to Jan. 1. 18!K), and for a full year from that date. The publi-shers offer to send specimen copies u;ii. this colored' anrKiuncenieut card f^'se. .\d- dress The Youth's Companion, Boston, Ma^s. Wheo Baby was sick, we gave Aer Castoria. When she was a Cbild. sbe critt tor Castoria. When ihe became Mis!*, she clung to Castoria. Wben sbe bad Cbildrvo, itbe gave tliem Castoria W4STEDâ€" A gooU energotie man pr men, to sell our Fruit Tieea, Roses, Sbrubs, Oruamentals, etc. Permanent employment. Write at once for terms. and sioure choice of territory. Wff sell only first class stock, hun.lsome outfit Iree. Address MAY BROTHERS, .\ars- crymen, Kochrster. N.Y. Prof. Loisette's MEMORY mSCOVERY AND TRAINING METHQDt tn Itpita of ftdnltentad imiUUiunii which mitiii tiis- tbeuT7. ami prautio&l riMulta of tha Origituil, ill npiU* uf tbe xnnHHist niisrupr*MeutAn<)ns by envioua wouId4i« oompftltorB. andiDspit«<if *'baM*Att4»nput4irob"bini of Cbo fruit uf bifl t»burs, (&J1 uf whluh dnlnoustratt. tbo onduulitvd suuuriurtty AUil puiiular-t^- >>f hfM«iu:hing>| Pruf. Luisetto'd Art. tf Nwver Funp-ttiriK i« r,-ooirnii«u to-dftjr Id tioth HumiKplD-n-s jih Tiiurl(:M|[ nil E])i^.^h in Memory Cuiturt*. Hi» !*n'»iitK:tup(,.,«nt puKtfnit.'rfiTes optniunao people in «11 putauf tbttKlubvwbuhaTtijuit. nklly Htudm . hid Sjrat«m bv currtMixui.lunou. nhowtna that hiBSfHtera ia tiMtd imly whxU Virit/ ntuuird, not it/'fin-n-iir'tK; thai an(/ bi'xi; rtin ft*: leanud in tiMtriffU reailin^. m >u:-iiaruii-nhi; â- â€¢'ir'd^ d-c. F'lrPiuapucioi^ Temia and I'^MiniunmlH adilr-va Pref. A. L01iiiiTT£, 237 Ftftk Avenae, N.T To Our Subscribers. The special announcement which sp- [itared in our columns some time since, announcing a special arrangement with Ur. B. J. Kendall Co., of Enosburgh Falls, Vt., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases," whereby our subscribers were enabled to ubtain a copy of that valuable work free by send ing their address (and enclosing a two- cent stamp for mailini^ same^ is renewed for a limited period. We trust all will avail tl ^iLselves of this opportunity of obtaining this valuable work. To every lover of tbe iHorse it is indispensable, as it treats in a simple manner all the dis- eases which atHict this noble animal. Its phenoininal sale throughout the United States and Canada, make it standard au- thority. MeiUiiiu UiU paper when sfiiJ'fw/ for treatint. Dr. Sinclair M. D, L.C.P.S.O., L.C.PVS.M. The Great Scottish Sp«ciali8t -or- Specialist for the Treatment of All Chronic Di»ea««>i, I'rivsts DiB»(i»e«,L)i9eapeB of tb« Brain * Norvo, Diseases o( tbo Heart sad Lungs, and iliBeases of Women positively treated succassfullv Dr Consu'lta tlon Free. Sinclair will b« at Flesherton on Thursday, Nov. 88th. dOIINTY ANV DISTRICT. The editor of the Mt. Forest Confed erate complains that aom« one is Aeal- ng hia cordwood. This wo presume is but a ruse to assist himself in collecting subscnptons. .\ .-^an atten»pted to . shoot a respect- NOTICE ! We hereby forbid any peMi>u or perHoni* piv- inf< bo &ny party or pArtloH any cn^Ht in our natuo an we Will imt bti ruiiponKible tor auy d«bt8 contract«Kl by adv party or parCiOH aft«r thij date. JOHN HAZARD. OEBVAS HAZ.VKD. Fl«Ah«rtou Station. Dated tbieStb day ol November, iwu. MORTGAGE S.-VLE OF Farm Property BV MB. U. .1. SPROULE. .VL'CTIONEKK. On !»aturday,.\'oveniber *23rd.'S9, 2 o'clock in the aftoruaou â€" \T â€" -Mii'SSHAW'S HOTEL. Flesbektox, Of east half of lot3, concuusion II, r(fwu»hip of Oiipnjv. County of Gruy. at) acrtjs. 't hiH farm U Hitimtetl near MiixwuM V. O. about 9 iiiiltiH frnm Klt>8hertori on tb«(' V A) ntilctt from Col!iu«wnutl on ihu ti.T H.. in a wull Brttlod part of Haid ruHiiHliiv uf UNi>r«»v "Tbo Hoil is gravelly luani. For tornin and con- tlitiooH of sale apply ^o 3 yoar old heifer strayiMl, color, daik red witli white 8i>otfl. OD0 spot uear the alioalder ahapn of a hortie slioi),onA horu dUfl|pired by haTintf been kaockod off. Auy ouu yivin^ iufurmatiou ufhor. or r»turniug U«r. will b« paid f»ir the trouble, aud oblige WM. HOGG, FleebertoQ Station. For Sale or to Rent Havine concluded to retire froQi farming, the andemif{uud has ducided to offer for ea)« or t'l rent biu drat-ulaaa huadred-aore faiiu, one and a quarter mileb Aoutbuf ibe vitlaee of Flefber- tou, on which aro erected good miildin^ff, in- uludiutf a spItiudM bauk bara. If sold only a nmall paymeut will be rm>airu<l dcwu, the balance in eaav pavtuents. For further par* liculars apply i^ ' THO». MORKOW, Fleaht'rton P-0. ftigl\e,^t >lkrket f^rice. iu cash will be paid for any quality of S, DAMUDE, I'leslierton Tanaery. FARM TO RENT. For a term of voarM Heing lots No. 16S and \M. ^econil rau^u uurth of the T «£ S. Hoail. \r- tfiiiesia. coutainiuK over fifty ac*rep of cleared land, freo from stoue and mostly clear <<f dtutuiiR, aud well adapted for eitb««r Krain or h'razinK purpost-rt. (-"".ood chance ff-r a good man. .\u luflpectlou of th«? place solicitthl. Apply to T 'I. POWEIW. Klrby P.O.. or to A>'DUK\V CAilB. Fle»hertoo P.O.. Out, W. BARNHOl'SE^ BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, FLESHERTON, ONT. Deitirea to thank his numerous cUHtoniern for the very liberal patrouafje extended in iha past, and in now preuared to Till all orders with promptnotut. SatiNfactimi ftnarantued. Twolv>> year^ in bui^ineRH in Floithertun, and hoQe'<& deaiincA.with t{ood workmanithip,liave made his name well kiiown tbrouuhout thie viciuitv Sewml work a Hpeoialty. bet vour boola niatie by \Vm. Haru house. Fleahurton. R. J. SPROHLE. Auctioneer. Fleaherton. 9tb VoT., ItMO. or IUG(i.\RA LKK. Canada Life i.'hanil>erri, Hamilton, Out. Vendor » Scliciturs House d Lot for Sale Good liouHe atid lot for t*aie. next rni>tii«t church. Kleitherton. HonhoooncaiiiH four rooius. Spluliilid lut. TeriuH vurv low. .\nplN :•) U.VVIl) T*VLOK. neili«rton, .Nov. i, 18X0. IT PAYS Te Improved Farm for Sale. Lots 148. M'J and IM. :Jrd ranee eaat. T and >. R., containinti 100 a<:roh. t*) cltwri-d. fjood t:lay oaui, well improved, good frame bouev and \cm burn, frajiie .ntable, good orchard, etc. Tbiii farm in well waturod and impruvod, and la con- sidered one of the b»*i«t in Huh fiocticn. It ft ona I mtie and a half from tbo v laijw Flebharton. Will be iit>l>l on Very easy terms. Fur lurther particulars apply tu JAS. BEECKOFT. Flesborton PO DO YOU RE.\D TH E COSfflOPOLITABr Thiit Bright, Spa.kli-tj .)fi''j'tziiie f \\\ l\mi MM Mlj l.\ THE WOULI». 25 cents a number. ^l!.40 per year. Ciilaritail, Octohtr. 188D, U> l!j8 psi.' .i. Tbe Cos- uiupolitail i« literally wilAt thu Nv .. Vurk Time.* cuIlH it. "At its pricL'. tbo *)n»,'ht«»t, most varied anil bvHt tid.tnd of Ma^iftziutra " !<ubscribe An Unusual Opportuuity Sut*crib» For n*: w subfcribcrs. for one vear only The Cofini<t|><>HtaD.per year. $8.40, I'lie .\dvauco,per veKr $1 OU Tbe >rioe of the two imldiuatione. #3.10. We will furnish both for only *-2 W. This offer ti« onlv to new t-ubhci ibeiN to Tbo CoHmop>t>)itan,an<i only for one vt-ar "It ha* more articles in each number tliut are read ahlu, and fuwur uninterestiug pa^t.*?*. Muiii auy of itacuulemporarttis,"â€" Uostuu Jouri..ii AND THAT IS THE Itfortliern Business College, Of 0\N^]i Bou;>[D. Tho beK^^aud nhwt }^«a«tica1 course of study The )>e8t..-t.i)ac)iii)4j tnldtet. The best a<.x.'omnio»iati*>n for studontH. The beat methoilrt of icwtruction. The best rt'sultrt fium.thal iu.Htruction after studeuts Ki'at^liiato. Feranuuarf amiounceiaente giving particulars ref^dingUlecourHeof atudv. ti>rms, ess C. A. FTiKMIN(i. PajMriPAL. ^'^m NASAL BALI;! Catarrh \certBn .mil sDofciv ci-n f, tColdiikthe II(mJ uij c.i(..:i. In all iis sCn);os. SOOTHING, CLEANSIHO, HEALING. I Instant Relief, Permanent Cuil Failure Impotsible. M.inv so-called diseases arc sinipiv svmpioni* c Catarrh, sucli as liead.ichn, panial tfeafncss, lo^ir sense of snicll, foul breath, hawking and spitii.> nausea, seooral fcelinf{ of debilitv, eio. U ycni a. troubledwilbanyof theseor kindred symptom*, y. have Catajrh, and should lose no time in procuri- a t>ottle of Nasal Balm. Jit wamtcL in Um nCRlected cold in head results in C.itarrh, hilli»> bv consumplion aud death. Nahal IUlu is ^xiid all druggists, or will be sent, post paid, oa receii t price (50 cents and $i ix>) b; addresning FUIFORD A CO., BRntniLli, Ont tak Beware of Imitations similar in Dam'- "The CosiBopolitan" furni.sln-s fiT tbo' tirst time in Mai{aziii>i LiieralurD A .Splendid lUuisiiriitrd :>« •At a Trivv Hitherto Uci-iii' <1 im- p«>!!ij«ible. TRY IT J?OR ONE YEAR. H will I" ft liboral uluesti'ii I" ernry member of the bouaahuld. It will irake'be niKbtR va«8 pluaMstitly. It will Kivr \-- loi-etur tbe money tiian you csii ubiai; in •' other form. Ho you want a tirHt-clti.'*h in;i. le. KiT- inx iwiiuallv LVte patit!sb> tbi> »l Tiitera. with niorutban ISOOillnntiiition^'. 1 o1o»er- ust arviataâ€"iia ruKilnble a MnKnzi' inoiia.? oiin iiisko~a Magazine that idh'.- 'Scialt/ uf Hvrt rtubjoctK 'f Tbo nmrvfl ia how the pnbli in gi'"* NO uiiicb for the money. "-I'b: i Bven- iiigC'all Senil JSL'.40 to this office, a o b<«tli The Cosmopolitan and 1 - nice. ItEMO L I ^oalrelio inform tbe pi- moved .ny well kno>.ll tin »1 MOORE'S Blo»k, my new promiBea. RBPAlKlNO, KAVETRl don* Ks hereti 1 have secured the ajZ' tUtf Celebrated Singer !- Hoqmjatiug my old frieni' mo iu toy new shop, 1 romai hSTS r» - mSt. a Et«. ^fâ- chin». and S[>»- M8.S '*»^ tjrtriiiriter â- 

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