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Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1889, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I I • I- T FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH, helplesa masi. WThen- Joe IGoodwin was brought to liis senses a 'minute An Origiual Story of Cre«t L«cal â- â- tereft. THE ADVANCE. Is publUbed Every rriiursday, From thb OrFica iydrnham Street, - • Fletheriorh, Ont. TEUMB OV BUBBCRIFTION : $1 p«r annum when paid atrictly in adTanee (ISO par annum wbeu Dotio paid. ADVERTISING KATES. On* oolumn, 1 year, (SO ; bait col., do., tW; qi>art«rcol. do., tlS. Transient advertiteraenU charged at the rate •f Seta, uerline (or flr«t inuirtioii and Sets, per iioe eaoa subsequent insertion. W. H. THURSTON. Editor and Proprietor. THE BALTIC CASS. Tliis ease, which has attracted such uuiversal attention, was tried in Owen Souud last week. Tiio prisoners, Trip, Russell, McFadyen, Dagger I. Mackhauso and I'cilch were all found i^uilty of assault, and sentenced, the two first to one year in the Central Prison with hard labor, and all the others to six months in the same insti- tution. The judge promised to look into the matter of intimidation of witnesses as reported of the captain by Constable Pearce. The senteucL' of this crew is looked upon as exceed- ingly light, but however light it may be it will have the effect of detteriiig others from indulging in criminal •port at the cxp<!nse of a fellow man, or from constituting themselves a tribunal to mete out justice for fancied or real misdemeanors. We venture to state that in all, or nearly all of of the cases, the prisoners have had a lesson ground into them which they viU remember equally as well as if theii sentences had been five years each. The bands of jn:4ice are tightening slowly but surely around the Crouin suspects in Chicagp, and it is alto- gether probable Uiat that city will again beet) treated, some of these days, to a hanging tournament which will put th^ Ilaymarket executions into the shadQ. There ii not to be a dissolution of the Ontario Legislature until another session has been held. Obij's Comic Alhanacâ€" There are lew people inCmiaila wifo du not see this eatertaiuirig an uuai. It hail Just iiiulu iti Kpiwaraiice for the elevuutk year ; and In many respucti the new book ia aliead of any predecessor. The lIluHtra- tions are abumlaut ; and all of tliecoDKintH are of a very aiuuniim character. A luiw (Hatiiru in the calender u( " Keniarkahle KvuntH," which runs throuijh thu year, rind wlrfch, alono, in wiirtli famiore than the price. In this dcjiart- luent it la certainly imtevtalnintj and helpful to l)B told the day ami yuai when pancakes were invented, wl^un the half--lioliday agitation was started, or washliiij day, inititiitud, or stolou «orniOUsflr,»t n»e<l. or Frank Smith was rniiuid liy the street rai^Mjay (Jan. 1,1, aoOB), or miUhirr iO;Uiw joke Inyuiitod, or Obloa(jo morally re- formeil A. D WOyi.or hoqt Jac\< flri-t usml an a, cat cure, or the striiutHuf Toronto finally fixed or,! riday dlaoovprud tif Im aii ,iu)iuc,liy <l«y,â€" in. information on all iif wliioh,, »a illuKtrations may \m found in thu .Innuary cajjuilur. >nd theollior iiiunths ail) qulto as oommunil•atlv,^, I'liiK l)0()k Lvntnlmi :ia pauoH, and buIIh at all hookntmes at thu old price, 10 OHnt«;or, Humi to pulill«harB, Toronto, aud receive the liouk â-  poat-pald by roluru mail. • ' Geueral News. FortM»gLood, N.W.T., li«d tho finit JilKiW of the Hunfitiu H ,w«iek at;ii. At Owftih Hciiiiul ori.Hatur.liij the triul of tliB UhIiIc iirigi)ii(5r« nil tliB oliaryo nf ag^ravatod aas«uU w»« liuishiitl. Kusaell .ind Tripp, who had pjoadeu ^uilltr, were acntonced to a year ill the ( Antral Pri-, Hriii, and lliu four other* to *ix nimiths each. The iteamur Aiiiiiu Watty trei|{ht boat lii.'tween Linn'i Head and local [loiiiti, waa hurned to the wuter'a odge about tlirou o'clock Kriilay Hfturnooii at Win- tield llaaiii. No livet lost. The St. Petei-ibui'!.; Sivl aayi China ia ariiiiiig hnr troops on the Kiis.iinn friiiitier with re|iraHting ritloi, and the giildiuri are bring drilled by (lerinaM o/lioem, PreHJdeiit Harrison bai issued a pror c]nmsti(iu adinittinif Mviitnna x^ a SttUo i4 t|ie Union. The vast majority of men who be- come drunkards die drunkards. There have been exceptions â€" exertion of strong will power put into operation by some extraordmary circumstance which reveals to the victim the depth of his degradation and brings to life a sentiment which can no longer tol- erate the fallen state into which he has been cast. The following story is a case in point. It shows how even a dumb animal may be insti-u- mcntal in arousing the remorse and leixiutance necessary to a complete escape from the demon of drink. The names which we give are fictitious. Othci wise the sto-y i" a true one. Joseph Goodwin, a farmer, lived some twenty-five or thirty years ago not many miles from Flcshcrton. He was one of the most intelligent men in that neighborhood, of keen percep- tion, and nossL'Bsed a mind of more than ordinary strcu};th, aud this lat- ter quality was the cause of innumer- able qparrols and "scrapes" when Joe was under the influence of liquor ; which, too, was pretty often. In fact he had become what would be recog- nised to-day as an habitual drunkard. Joe hud naturally a kind heart, and was admitedly a "fust rate nabnr if li«'d let lickcr alone." But it was poor Joe's misfortunate that li« coud not let the "^Sckor " alono. Wife and child might suffer and pray, weep and die of hunger, but the unnatural crav- ing must be satisfied. Joe had one constant eompanicB in whatever he did and wherever ho went. That companion was a big, in- telligent, Newfoundland dog, who ap- peared to know that his. master on certain occasions rcquire'Ji his watch- ful care. The ma^iter, too, was well aw^rc of this sad fact, and bestowed moie o^Tection upon his duiab dog Watch, than upop the poor, longsuf- fei'ing wife in tho little log "shauiy" at home. Farmer Brceso, a neighbor of Joe Goodwin's, had a bam raising. Joe and his dog were present on that oc- casiuu to assist at the raising, and the former considered that as this was the first frame barn put together ia his locality, it was a proper aud fitting occasion to "jubilate," and according- ly tilled up on the whisky (an iudis- pennible article in those days) which whi offered to the men as an incen- tive ix) work. To be sure Joe him- self was not niuuh of an assistant ; iu fact he was a liiiidritiice, and vrus al- ternately laughed at and sternly re- (lutsted to keep ont of tho way while others worked. Watch kept at his maHtor's heels :^11 the day, aud re- ceived more than one kick for his paiiiB. What brute uature is it com niiiiglttd with our hui:)an nature which causes us to nialtreal.'Uur well-iuea)i- ing iiiiil truest friend, the dog ? ISh is really tho only product of naturq wliieii iully niuuifeHts the spirit of the Bible inaxiiii, "If thy bvother smite tliee," cte., {ur he will turn and lick the hand that«s. All li;id goun veil until the last bent was beipg ru,>8cd in^o position. It wa.sjust iu>arin<» the porpendieular, when SDiiietliiiig gave way. Uuo, two pike poles broko, and the others cpnld not HUHtain the heqvy weight. Tkere wai a loud cry and uyery ulap jiuppcd ^.for his life. Where was Joa? when the cry wa» given to run, he was stuiidiiig directly under where the bent would fall, half dazed with hcpior and ui-able to run if he hfid wished to. When the men returned ti) seek his whereabouts they found him lying prone upon the ground, sluuiiod^. but luiiiijured. Not so with, pour Wi4eh. Ho was pinned to the eiirtli with the heavy timber, broken, mangled, mousing uiteously. He had jumped upon hi^ master when the shout of alat;m was i^iven, kpock- ing him down, but out of harm's way, and had himself boon ci;tiahod intQ ^ \ afterwards, and saw the guardian of his life lying mangled at his feet, the whole import of the awful tragedy rushed upon him and he cried like a little child, btooping down to stroke the curly, dying bead, he received the last act of devotion from his dumb martyr, who, erven amid his moaning, turned and licked the hand of his master. In a few minutes thereafter a life went out which, for noble devo- tion, has never been excelled hy any of God's creation. That was the great awakening in Joe Goodwin's life, and since then no drop of liquor has ever passed his lips. Ho has in- formed me personally that many times has the desire for strong drink come upon him with terrible strength, but the up-turned at jctionate eyes of that sufferii-j animal always came be- tween him and the glass, and proved tho great strength which enabled him to resist. Somewhere on the old farm, in a shady nook, a weather beaten piece of board still records the fact that Here lie the remains oC WatCil, Ho saved hip master's life and soul And than died. His work wa» done. He was faithful unto J^alh. The lesson taught to his master by that noble brute bore fruit an hundred fold, and more especially in the home circle. A happy family was that of Joe Goodwin for many yearb ; in fact the old couple are still as happy as the exigencies of life will allow them to be, with married sons aud daughters, all prosperous and en- enjoying the good things of the world. This story would be rather incomplete did we not inform our readers that Joe Goodwin is a resi- dent of our own little village. Per- haps some of you have heard the story from his own lips. If so wo trust that to such it will have lost none of its origina) cliarms by being retold in this public form. number of new n»fs have beimput on in different) yarts of the towinv wsady inr winter. Siagbampton- Fr(/m tnm own CorretpoUxhiU. Wm. Pearson's woollen mills *Te destroyed by fire c» Oct. 20. ?lie fire is suppoBMl to hanre can^it iir the dyo room. Fart uf the stocit wa.s saved, but nothing could be dt>iie tu sa /e the building or machinery. Mr. Pearson's loss in $8,200 ; insured for ?1 000. A laigeaaaount of wool.cloih and blankets were turned. The liiie was a very hot one mi account of tlit amount of oil consumed, aud the illumination was plainly seen for a distance of fourteeu miles. Several sheep having been killed in this vicinity, some enterprising in- dividuals set out poisju, and since that time several dogs have turned their toes towards the blue ethereal skies It is to be hoped many others will dit-toe. Miss Taylor has been en^jajjeJ as head teacher fcr our public sclio;>l. The presant teacher, Mr. J. A. Brett, goes to Fevershara. A Court of the Canadian Order of Forsters was stoned here about live weeks ago, which is doing well. Z. I. P. mtAml â- f% Rlearord Road. From our own CorretpunJent. The annual shootinK match came uti' about two W00W9 ago. It waa not a.^ a whole a success. Our councilman, Mr. J. Roland, ha» had a anow fence erected on Warling's hill. Mr. Warlin;{ waa the builder. Mr. S. Gilbert has Iwught a half acre of land from Mr. W. Hutchinson and is erecting a dwelling house thereon. Mioiberley. From our own CorraponJeut. The sportsmen of this vicinity had a shooting match on the 7th iiist. The captains chosen were E. Rear and E. Baker. Volley after volley was heard throughout the day, but as evening drev/ near the village rung with the noise of many guns. The match was keenly contested through- out, but Bear s men gained the day, notwithstanding that Baker had two men the most. The scoie stood. Bear 8125, Baker '2«80. The wedding bells are still ringing around here. Mr. Thomas Hawkins aad Miss Rebecca Ward of this place were united in the bands of matrimony on Wednesday of last week. Your cor. tenders them the best wishes for a happy future. Mr. A. Williams and Miss Mary Bak(>r, of 8tayuer,who has been visit- ing for some timo in our village, re- turned on Friday last, accompanied by Mr. F. Thurston. We ate informed that a certain man who was living au tLa third line a couple of mile» frem here, left the vicinity between two days last week. There will bo some moui-iiors. Mr. BMcKen^ie has his new house almovt completodton the outside. It is A credit to tho place, wd wa hoiie some more will follow suit. DR- CARTER. M.C.P. AS.,OsT. PHYSICIAN'. KVRtiEtf.l. Ai-. FLESHERTON, OOicii, strain's block. Residence. J. a. Ba-rpl'r J.^~^attoii, M.D.C.Nf.. Member nf the College of Fbysicians aw Surgeons, Ontario. En<|uip-e itt door east of llriur'«stor or Atkin^ton's Hctel. Pricovilte. .Vov. 19. 18S8. ORS^ SPOUU & EG9. MARKDALE ONT. Oflie«^ Iâ€" Mauley's Drug Store. T S. SPKOLI-E.M.D.etc. ANtiUS ECO.M.l' .etc-.. late of Tottenbaui, Out. Dr.E(r9 will be foand at Markdale Rouse at ui(;h t '~17p7ofTEwiLL, '~ VETKRINAltY SIKUKON. Grad-aate of Ontario Vet. College, UKSIUKNCE ON COLI.I.NGWOCD STItHKT 'aixtAi Door Kuist of I'reKbv torian CIiiui h. FLE>kHFRT()."i. Osprey IteuR. OUtined by our own HeporUr. Fine weather has given farmers ample opportunity to save their root crop. Fevershaiu is well supplied with general stores now, two having been added to tho list thif month. The fijSt^i of . November was cele- biated by the Orangemen of this lo- cality, and a very suooessful teamcet- ing and cptortainmont was hold in tho new ht|ll the same evening. Ira H. Perrigo was on the sick list last week, but is improving again. Messrs. Iiikster and Osborii have cleaned oiili the eighth line with their ni;w thresher, and are nqw going to Mflutyre settlement. Tho Presbyterian inause. Maxwell, has received a thorough overhauling from top to, bottom at a cost of thrt^e hundred dollars, which gives i^ quite an imposing appearance. A now stable hntf, al^ been built. Quite a we^ Markdale'g Latest News- From our own Corretpoodtnt. Mr. E. lloakp, oar popnlar and obliging baker.bas sold ont. He ii>'cnds making bit departure for Michigan soon. The Revere Hotel haa again changed bande.Mr. Finnerty having disposed of fum- iahings, lixtiirea, lease, license, etc.. to Mr. Wm. M. Hughes, of Adjala township. Union Thaukagiving services were held in the Presbyterian oburoh, Nov. 7th. conduct- ed by :tev. Mr. Bug^in. The thankful onou turned out about So strong, pereeutag<! about equal on both bodies. I am Informed that the School Seard meets on Tbarsday next to complete the teaching staff for the coming year. The cheese factory are itUl boldiug their later makes of ebeese, looking for improved prices, and they may take a drop. The Mechanios' Institute bave a 6ne di- rectory lamp erected in front of their library and reading room. Open Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday evenings. A good list of monthlies, weeklies, dailies aud illustrated bookk aud papers are now regularly on band. Murobaut McFarland is now making a big shipment of oats to Winuipeg. Best white, for milling purposes. Alex MoUnffie, Tom Meroer, Rudd Math- ews and John Beeton are arranging to leave next week for ChlUawhack, far away in Colnmbia " The Uritish. '' All steady, ener- '{rtie young men iu the prime of life, they v'lll Buooeod if brains and bard work prove elcmonts of success out there. The death of Robert Walker, ir,, was very sudden, heart (ailare being the caase. He was an old pioneer in thiu seotlon and was highly respected by all who knew him Mrs, Walker died some three years ago. A large family of sons and daughters ate left, tome of whom are settled near and on the old homestead. LUX. Prieeviile. Fittrn ONf own Conrapoiident. EveryVxly seems to enjoy the fine weather we b»ve had of late. Since Mir iMt writing another wedding took place Ner«. Mr. Jos. McDonald, head miller m Mctiowan's roller mill, and Miss iNTary Henry, of the North Lave, were narried in St. ,Jaronie'a Church by Rev. Father Kaeny, on i!3r«l Oct. We wish tho young couple success. The accident which happened to Mrs. J. McArthuc on Hallowe'en, it ia said, was caused by one uf the boys throwing a at a disg. Mrs. Kellny, mother of Mr. Stephen Kalley, of Irish L«ke, wasbvried at the R. C. cemetery on.lihe 80th. Thanks): ivint; services wera held in tho Presbyterian church on Thursday last. Some few days ai{o a number of boys, some of them hvint! on front street, caught a faw of their neighbors' cats aud tied them with long eordi and tortured some of them to death, and others were found next day still livinit. This is not the first time that cats and other dumb animals have been tortured in a shameful mannsr. The naniss ef the offenders are all booked, and if this heathenish cruelty is attempted again the full vigor of the law will be applied. Nearly 3 tons of hides were shipped frons Durhai9 to the tanneryu her» last Jfutictni. J. P. MiliSII.Ul., L. W. S., BE.N'TIST, Visits Markdale the 1st .iiid 3.-1I Wedues' iliiy of vach iiumtli. Flesherton each trij/ on the iliiy follon iiii;;. $f,nal. Bnrriitter, Solicitor, Con tcff^iiicft; Kfc. FLE.SHEKTOS OfFIi E, NEXT P08I Off :«.«•,. SPHOfLE'sBflLlll.NU, O.N TmiaDAVS. OWBN SOU.ND OFFICE. Fbosts Biu,diso> p. McCDLLOUQH,^ Barrister. Solicifor, ^c. Office, over McFarlaiid's Ktwre- Markdale. Money tt> Lona. §n?iuc]5'! Cards. John W. Armstron^^ Flkshkkto.n, Co. Ukkv. niVIBION COURT CLKKK, ronMISSKINR "I uK. K., Couveyaucor, 4c .\>;. v, for purcb aed sale of lauds. Appraiser for C. 1, c O and F. P. B, * S. Society. Wi.iii-\ to Loan o;. most reasonable terms. Issi kb" uf MAKK1.4 LICENSES. NOTAKY rLlil.IC. MONEY TO LOA^. The Undersigned has a Largo Amount of Money to Louji at 6i 0/0, ON TOWN OR FARM VUOPKRTV a.DAUL'L>B, Fi.£SBJkBioH -I Mr. Wm. Karstedt, iS'ione Mtuon, BriMiyer ami Plasterer MATEK1.\L FUUNlSilliD EsUmatfi given free. Ortiamn.tul Platter tity a i<i>fcUilty. Sence one door south of .Advance OfBca. " W. JT BELLA MY ~ TWP. Cl.EXK ABTIMKSIA. coy VEYA NOEK, ( '( ^\/.Vf IttSloy EH IXSUBANCE .id'T, dC TyRUDS, MOBTQAOEB, LfclASEH, ,Vc.. prenar *' mlaudurojierly uxocuiteil. Insurance affea ed in Arst-class companies. Money to laud ai lowest rates. Re J. Sproule, "pOSTM ASTEIl, Flesherton, t'ommission- -*- cr iu B. R., Lioeustd Aucii.meer, Con veyauccr, Appraiser and Monu ^ Leuder. Real Estate and Inauraiice Ak'' nt. I>eedj. Mortitagea, Leases and Will.< 1 awn up auJ Valuations made on «hi>r».eHi 1 .lice. Auc- tion Sales attended to iu iiti> pary of tho County. Money to loan at 1 teat rates of iutereat. Collections fttt.-i. : d to with, promptness and despiiteii. largeg low. Agent tor the Dominion Stea . ipCompauy.. Cheap tickets from Flcsliiit. Idverpool, (Ikiagow, Tiondon or auv ih« Britulu I'orts. Parties iulondinp â-  ait EnglanJ. Seotlaiid or Iroluud, will p' ask rates be fore pcrchesiiig their tick. ewhere. Iiill VOTUBBD IT < & OMway,. 1 1 St., Uonton who usee », Pefd Doc. I, 1S83. Of Interest to cvim v Wagon 01 THIS ANTI-RATT. Recauiie It is eflectivii, > durable, ineipenuive. 'i' endi to ^ttar tnu Hpoiige .< any lite ooupling. â€" FOU?.i, t. the BKST. -^ily ad^uHtad, 10 projeeliAc ulotb. It «s 9 Slopti Â¥ V V t'. .' r .1*, â-  A

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