Vf -'U^- â- ^>i iL J IJJ L TOiN 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-' PllI^-CiPLES, J^Ol MEJi." VOL. VTTL, NO 437. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1889. W. H. THURSTON, ^^';^oM„.tc«, f' f SAVE i,iii i SAVE M ii BY BUYING A.VAVCIIES, OIJ^CKS, .IKWELRY, EtC . ^A'l = RXTSSSIjIj'S -:- HOlLb JEWELRY STORE, -:- PLESHERTON. We ^TT jatt rmeived nar fall stock from R. Russell of Hamilton, consisting of CiOld â- and HBver Watches. '•< all gnuliii and qaalitv. BroiH-ht's, Barpins, Chalutt* 4 Uff Buttons Kings, Etc. A 1 18 K. WeddillK RiRK.S, manufaetureJ es pecially fur our own trade. Weight and quality giiaranteed. We boagbt these goods a' jiri«es w«ll away down, and if you wact bargains, don't fah'l to call. Sole agents for th« FanoiUi B. I<«nr«nc« Spectacles the beat in "the world. All repairing don* frumpy by J. C. Kl'^iMELL, uid satlsfaciion gnaraaUed or money refunded, at Hassell^ Jewelry Store, Flesherton CASH STOR 'We "sell everytbinig (fa Btrictly casb principles. -Ire often askad by Our 'â- *n^bli&er«> why ^on't yoa give credit, would sell douW« the goods ? Our an. -sfwci- is, "sro consider it to the customers' advantage to buy on the CASH SYSTEM even if he has to borrow the money for a short time to do &o. lu the first place, he knows exactly what he is doing and goes home contented- feeling assured there would be no long bill coming to him with a hundred and one dilTerent articles on it which he thinks never came into the bouse. In Uie 8''Cond place, he will be more careful iu his purchases and buy only what is most aeeded, doin<; without a bundi-ed and one different articles which ;vrc useios.5 iwid i-jtraviigaut Ju the third pWe, be can buy from tt-D to tfVceu per ceut less u.t a £ash house, than any credit house in the Dominion Our Stock consist* of Dry Gdtids, Groceries, Boots aud Shoes, £Iro€kery, Glassware, in fact Bjost everything of general merchandise, excepting Hardware and Stovos. We can give you no conception of om- prices, but would solicit a call, guaranteeing to satisfy the closest purchaser. COAL OIL AL\^^AYS ON HAND. Highest Market Prices for Butter, Eggs d Fowl. SAN FRANCISCO. McDonald & Evans, Wri^tlt'^ Old ^tkud. Pumps ! Pumps ! Ji McOullouah. Markdale, iViMittfaouturernf lutiuptt. desires to iuform the ^ ublic that be i« prepared to furuisb pumps for Ij'AKM FOn SALE CHEAP torinii. lot 7. cou. 9, township of Kiiph'rasia ANp o:» j-;a8y contsiniuK'iOa Aures. Tbia in a spluiidid thUi able tiiitbor farij). Well tiuibersd with luixed hardwoud, henjluck aud uedar. SplRudid moiI. 1) milw f'om the beautiful villai;; o( Kiwberley iu yuceu!* Valley where tbero are mills, stores, post offloo and church, aud 11 rnileH from Flesh- I ertou <iu the C.l*. K, where there is a iiujeudid uiarkot for all kiuda of produou, stock. Tuuibur 1 aud timber. Apply to K. J. Sproule, aactiuu'eer I and real estate ageut, Kleshertou. . Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. , Flesheiton Arties who h&vu heretofore bad diffloultywltb I tiuir welU art> Guaranteed Satisfaction I UfliitHUiy artif'luH. I le*rne(1 my busiDeiiR 1 jvtth the late J. Vear.uf Meafon1,theauperiority ' o f wh'tflo pumps wa>f a houHebold word In Orey a i few yearn a4<o. j tie Rare aud call on me if you desire aiiytli \Qg in the pumpUuo J. McCulloffali. : Livery ! Stable^, I D. CLATTOM, Proprietor, i First class horses and vehicles tor hira nt I reasonable rates. Stable* uppoeita Munhayr's I hotel. Special at(f>Dtion uaiti to cooimercia business. LETfER .<0. 8. Situated on a rocky bluff 300 feet above the ocean, and right at the edge •f it, these fjioumls cover 25 acres, and are euciosed by a lattice fen<V3 about twenty feet high, with an upper and lower gateway. At the upper gate on either side a huge hon lies crouched on a marble block. Over 'lie aix-hed gateway are several life sized statues. Passiug through the gateway we turn oo our right and en- ter a little room where we register our names. You are not allowed to carry the smallest parcel through the grounds, so if you have any they will have to be left on a small table inside the gate until you return. This is to prevent the grounds from becoming littered with rubbisii as everything is perfection. The words "Welcome all to butro Heights 1889 " may be seen gn)WLng in seven different shades of green moss. Here again may be aeen Uor^eous flowers in the sunlight shining, Hlosttoms tlauuting iu the eye of day, TremuluuB leaves with soft and silver lining, liuds that only open to decay. In every nook, at every corner, un- ! der tre-.-s, may be seen a white figure gleaming, of man, beast or bird. There are between two huudr«d aud tifty and three hundred pieces of statu- ary on the grounds â€" sculptors, paint- ers, poets, musicians, gods, godessei, even to Satyr himself. On the face of the cliff overlooking the ocean is a terrace enclosed with a f«no« of large blocks of stone with \ iron rods between. On each side of the blocks stand altwrnately a large { urn with dowers and a Ufe sized ' figure â€" thirty-two Jo all. Going ' down a digtit of ston« steps you reach a second terrace which is used for i driving around as well as promenad- ing, ilere you will find seats hewn out of the solid rock lu tho shape of' toadstools. In every available niche , in the face of the rock is a piece of statuary, aud wherever there is earth I enough to give root to tiowcrs and , viues tliere they may be seen grow- \ ins- j I wish I could do this place justice i in my description of it, but that is be- yond me. To stand on this clilf and ' gaze out over the ocean for the first ' time, watching the billows fall and ' rise, listening to the ahuost deafening ruar aud beating of iha waves against j tiie rocks, sendiiit: the spray into the I air, seeing the ships sailing past, some j on their outward bomul trips to foreign i shores, others on their return, we arc ' led to say. Ah ! what jileasant visi*ns haunt me As I gasuupon the sen. ' All the old rouiaatic let^i-nds. All luy dreams comeback to ine. Till uiy Koiil IS full of IxuKlng Fur the secret of tiie sea. And the heart of the great ocean Sends a thrillinu iiulse throujjii lue. Just here let luc say a little about the wonderful growth of plants. The house plants, that are maturec* with such care in Ontario, here grow into ' immense trees and bushes. All the \ readers of The Advimae know what i great care has to be taken of such plants as heliotrope, fuschias and calta i hllie.;. It is quite common to see hehotrope aud Ju.^cliias {.'row ten feet higii, covered wit.li thousands of bios- ' sonis. All plants grow out of doors hi>re tlic year round, aud are almost perj)etual bloomers. Roses may be hiul at almost any time of the year. They are beyond description, growing to the tpps of the bouses and some of the roses measuring six inches auross the top. Calla lilliea grow here some- thing like burdocks do there. Around every tjouse where there is ground enough to give them root will be seen ; flowoi-s growing. In fact it may be* said every one cultivates flowers. Just below Sutro Heights lOO feet. and jutting out into the ocean farther. is a point of rock called Point Lobos on which tlie cliff liouse stands. Within 200 yards of this are, several rugged rooks projecting from the sea, which are covered every day with seals, near enough to be seen, and their barking distinctly heard above the roar of the ocean. \Jany of these are very largo, some of them measur- ing 11 feet iu length. No one is ever allowed to go near them or in any way molest them. From the cliff house yon can take a stroll along the beach and gather sheila in the coves when the tide is out, and if fortunate as I have been, may have the pleasure of seeing the life boat launched. However, this is not promised for a certainty, as many ; who have lived here all their lives have not had that pleasure, I have been told. It was quite an interest- ing sight. Just as the crew bad got into their positions and pushed out from the shore, a large wave struck tlie keel, standing it on its end per- fectly upright in the »ir. Neverehe- les8,the crew kept their positions, and did not at all appear to be discomfit- j ed. When they got a little farther from the shore the boat appeard to fly over the billows like a bird. This place is just a few milai be- I yond the Golden Gate, and outside of tlM harbor bar. The Golden Gate is the only way of exit or inress into ; the harbor. This is a channel be- 1 I tween two islands and is five miles j I long and over a mile wide. The bay I is about thirty miles long and six j I wide on an average. It is dotted with | i islands. Goat Island lying right in | \ front of the city is owned by the ; Government aud used for inarin* sup- ' pUes. Alcat>-az is another where the , military fotci^s are stationed. Angel ' Island, a picturesque spot, where the ^ infantry troops are. Then the Presi- dio on the mainland is another mib- tary fort, overlooking the Golden Gate entrance. The harbor is a beautiful sight with its forests of malts of all nations lying at anchor, j or gliding calmly over the placid I waters, man of war vessels of all j kinds. I had the pleasure of a trip \ around the bay visiting the different places of interest and hearing a great deal about the different crafts lying at anchor, then through the Golden Gate, over the harbor bar and out ou | the great Pacific. This was enjoyed beyond description. | The hwbor is one of the largest aud finest in the world. There is no di- 1 rect CommunicHtion from the outer world with the city except by water. There is only ori} "line of railway com- [ iug into it, and tliat is only a short i line running south about 260 miles. \ Every other line ruu.^ into the city of Oakland across the bay. From there { there they have to cross by boat,. i To be Cuntimw:!. i viaioii of the head teat;h«r, twenty of such noD-profeaaiuiial teachers could ip Lfot to do the work amply, and no douiit to the satisfaction of all concerned, with- out any incrMue of expenses, f am heartily sorry that any discord exists in those matters, but I cannot go back from tha principles adopted by the JspuUti.iii who waited on me on the last schvol m««liBg morning' aud ask«d m.j to carry •ut, if possibis. At present I hav« failsd, but promise the ratepayers, that ii my presence on the Board be a cause for increased taxation. as is alleced by many. I will seek the tint epportunity to jec out of the way. I never sought the po- sition and do not cars t« keep it, but will, fearless of any, discharRo my duty while in it. W, S. CHRIsfoE. Trustef . Ajjvicb TO il<rrBXn.-An you disttirtjed at ni«lit and broken of your rest bv s liok child suaBrmijsiid crving with pain of Cutting Teeth â- If so send St once and set a bottle "Mrs. Win slow 8 SootbiUK Syruii for Children Teethiuu â- Us value IB incalculable. It wiU relieve the poor little sullerer laimedistely. Depend uiMin it mothom; there no mistake about i- It cdrel' Dysentery and DiarrlLrs. regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic.softens the Gums re<iucB. luflamation. aud gives tone and energv to the wUolo sisteii, -Mrs. Wlu.loWe SoothiSjt S^up for children teething is pleasant to thS i^fn h'J". '? ">«, •'"'W"!"'"" of one of theoldeat ?^.1.? I. '""*'" I'bysicians and uur^o. m the L nited btates, and is for sale bv all druggist - throughoutt the world. Price twehtv-Sv. cents a bottle. 1)0 Jure and ask for '•Mfls. WmsLow , bTKUp, • and ULko no other kind '""SI-ok For dyspepsia and Hver complaint y<ju have a printed (fuamntea on every bottle •f Shiloh's vitalizer. It never fails to curv Fer sale at the Medical Hall THE MARKETS; FLESHERTUN. Carefully Corrected Flour Pall Wheat Spring Wheat Hariey OaU Peas '.. 7 Uutter Kggs, (rssh Potatos bag Pork .;. ;â- Hay per ton Hi.ies â- ; ;; Sheepskins Goeso Tnrkoyi ...'...' Chickens per pair Ducks per lb Wool Each Weeh «4 70 to 90 te »u . JO . s» . 31 . 13 ... 17 .. 46 .. ilS SOO . i SO . I) SO .. U DA .. 1.7 . !9 US .. 18 fj Ou 4". 411 » i-; r,i u ic « i: C iw â- f se I uo or. « Or> so or- 9J JSJIGIS "giji ^ pex' Kcliable natobeh ui School Matters. IMr.Epitor. â€"Will you kindly print the folli'Wiii^ comiuunication from the In- spectur. I think it would b<> only ordi- nary justice to the teachers of our school to do so. "I h.%vo much pleasure in reportiiii; the staiidniK ol the school to be one of the highest iu uiy inspectorate. In all classes examined tha pupils acquitted themselves well. The harmony e.Tistiii^ between teachers and pupiLs is one of the best possible si^rns of acvaiicement. The I'l-der maintained in both divisions con- tinue as on former occasions. Better oould not be desired. The progress of Some classes is marked. Kind the read- in; constantly improving â€" the prolieicucy in language â€" although some pupils (one or two noticed) are somewhat slow iu the latter. Probably a dislike of the sub. ject or irre!;ular attendance is tho cause. Am ulad Mr. Irwin is re-engaged fir next year. He is certainly orie of the best teachers in this eeunty. N. \V. Campbell, Inspector." 1 was i:u>re than pleased to have such an imparl il testimony to the proficiency of our schoi I from to competent a judge. More than this cannot reasonably ex- pected, and I sincerley hope that when the promotion oiaiuiiiations take place iu l>ecember the jgood 'points will show themselves. T am glad upon other gruuiids, because it corroborates the po- sition I hold, viz., the unreasonableness to employ a teacher qualified to teach Blr. Irwin's department with au increased salary to ttach the same classes which Miss Oanton, holding a third class cer- tificate, with no previous experience, has so suooeatifuHy dtiue. Under the super- Gold, filled gold and Coin-silver cases. Ladies' and Gents' sizes. Walnut and Nickle Clocks. I am rpprosciited by K 1 watches sud clocks, backed up by reliable wiirriuitf. in mere Sim-s of t'entrnl Grcv. tb;iD ai' jowtUr ing bi?.. in this secticn. If prices iro not died rock e- cry t- me. QUALITY Consider d. h a lar^e t pieseul. I would not be allr. to hold ^ share of Uiey Co. trade as I hav "CSSS or Cf! will positivily do better b ou, Goods, Work and Warrauts ConMi4l ^'<1, than you can do elsewhere, x artiati- cally fitted. Work Carefully D , Fair Cb ges. stock now complete in all ' Can save 3 i $1 to $3.00 Q ^jvatch- other Hues will Ue iield w «nd let live tuiirgins. W.A. BRC N, Jeweler ar iticiaL- AI.VRKDALE. Ont, Waiited--4I1 kinds of Poultry^ dead or alive, highest prices, W, TRLIIBL %^ â- I I JiiimttftlrliMti Ii liiii 1 1 ijiniM MiiMiMiiilHiiil^iiillMlMk.