X HE FLESHERlON ADVANCE. v,V 639. lifCHELL, I B.i:-;!ift-:ii'ro]V. JiR.if'T-i nnmilT A^D SOLD. Sp',-ii! Atff-iilniii jMtiil Ut the. cfMeciiniiof .V.iic.i 11,1 I Ai'i-iniiiU, Jnil dnor North of CAKFEIS-In this line M. Hicliard- aiin & Co. aru showing an oxteiisiva range, and at prices tliat have not pre- viiui.sly been touched here. Evoryuue furnishing should gva their stock. Vi'j'iSil::^ Chips. l'Uara'!:T'*tii's of the Past Week Cari'fiill.v <'iilliMt for the 4'iirioiis. Thank '.;;.â- i-jil day ou Thursday next, Nov. 7. To Rent. One small store to rent, in the best business block in Flosliertnn ; suitable for olfioe or any bu.'iiiess rerjuiring only small storage ; 12 ft. fronta^'o ; rent only 925 per yaar. Apply to J, E. Sloore. Schi'o' roarher wantedâ€" see advertiae- went. Mr. Th.i.^. Keiitlan, of Che8lev,vi.sited his pi-.ri- ifs here llii.^ week. Rt t McDmiald Jk, Evans' change of adv«riii'Mn;!iit tlii-s week. Ma-iter (.'oorije Trt<adir<ild leaves this 'week for .VI- 'hi'.;aii to secure a situation. D'visi"n 0">urt will be held in the Tmvii -Ha!!, Kli.sh Mo-., on Thursday ii.'.\t >'ov. :. Priiri;.itioji «?Lauiinali«us will be heiii in all til'- public st-JK-oLsof this county on Dec. 1- in<l II! ii-f-xt. The new maki-s of felt boot.s shown by JL Richardson it Co. are a i,'roat im- proveinont c)ii aiiythiii'.; otferL-il before in this line. Tln^y have a bii| ran^e of felt socks and rubbers. The Royal Templars of Flesherton aro, as We noticed before, preparing the drama "Ten Nii^lits in a Barroom," for presen- tation smne time early in December. The various characters are all taken by suit- able people, and the rehearsals give prora- i.ie that the drama will be pre.sonted in a superior manner. The Advance has been surprised at the amount of tirst-clasi dramatic talent which Flesherton has dis- played since this play was first spoken of. Sta<;e niana<;er Russell makes 'em russle around and don't you for<;et it. Also, don't you fcunet to ^o and sue it when it is presented. WANTEDâ€" Ducks, Turkeys. sjeese and chickens, for which hiitlieit prices will be paid by M. Richardson & Co. 'Tlirci: y.iuii.' locu killed a "co»n" on 'the li.i'jk line wcit last week which weiti;e.l thirty pounds. Oil Niv. lltli. -atllo fair day, Mrs. C. Tread'.; Id will sell her houaeUold furni- ture foi la.^li. The si^rciiid inVaJHient of our San Frai" IS- I'l Iter h.is not come to hand iu time >' this issue. On Nov. lltb. rattle fair day. Mrs C. Tread^Told will sell her 'household furoi- -lure /â- r cash. AV.n t you call in aind subscribe for the V'os'iiopolitaii ? Subscribers to this paper v-:in have that 8|ilendid magazine one year lor "lily 14 iw; il'ilinr ittid forty cenli. U'hi' f;til assi/.es will opou in Owen >>omi'i on Tncsd.iy next, Nov. 5. T''e most 1111] orlatyi caseito bo tried is that of the llaltic outrage. Inspector Campbell informs us that the tiiiinber of clian^'es which will be uiado in tlie teachiii;; profe.ssioii in hi.iin- spectoiiitu at the end of thii yo.\r is soiuftliini; remarkable. M. lti-lianhoi], Ksi] , n.'-uoie.i the piilpit nf ill,. .M.'lliodist Chui-'li on Siui- ilay morniiiLt last and Dr. (.'Iin.sti'e in the cveiiinu'. This was mad« neces.sai-y owiuii to t! â- luicxi'ccted .l.'ii-iiiioii iii Toronto ^f>f the pastor. The following clipping from the Miuot, Dak., .Journal, will be of interest to our readers : "Wm. Strain and wife, ac- companied by their little daufihter, from Canada, aru visitinsc their children in this city. Mr. Sirain liiids his three boyo doiii<{ as well as a father could wish to see thunKan d he h;is just cause ti> feel proud. If every father in the Itiid could Mud his children as highly rcs))ectud in a com- munity and as prosperous iu business tins would ind''eil be a happy world. ' In looking over the jwikt from wliich the above ipiotation is made we notice that the btiain Bros, are btrict believers in in the ctMcacy of printer's ink, and that 18 pridjably I'lie ;,'reat secret of their pros- I)erity, c<)uple<l with pu.sh and eiiferpri.se. From a private letter we Uaru that. .Mrs. Strain ha-i been much bonetitted in health since her arrival in Dakota. SpeeL-xl values this week in tirey and checked flannels, shirts and drawers. Hue them at Richardson ik Co s. Mr. Mjlcolm Kennedy left with ueab-tj of ma<;ndiceut potatoes on Thursday last. They wore of the White Elephant variety, and wmn truly elephantine. >r*lco|in is an Insliiuan, and naturally knows how to .raiio good potatoes. Mr. .\nderson Jiad a valuable turkey stolen from otf its roo.st on Friday niuht Irji, which proves that there is some in- itividual in Flesherton who i.s an uiidesiro- ^ble citizen. Pity he could not be dis- .Coveicd. Among the iOOO Islajids. Caiiaiioipie, Out. i.i iieauiifully situateil in tlie very iiii<l.-il of the' T!i..u.»an>l IsI.i'mI.s. luK it.s citizens arc e()iially as liaMc ai those ,,f otiur "sections to t'.itinh. W.B. Fudu-rtoa, * Di-a,'.;ist. sa}s:-.V prniiiihclit citizen of ouc town expresses yieat ileliitht ovi.'r niira- colniis lieaiiiM.' propciiies of your Na.sal Balm. He has suirered for a long time from a 'uvero ht^ad.ieho over the eves, :i'i;l His head was so st'H'oed up that he wi-i in f:roat dlstrc-^ One application ilf.iv instant lelief anW'u two days he \v».5 Biitii'L'ly cured. The social held at the residence of Mr. Jas. Beecroft on Fridiy evciiiii'.i last was poorly atlcMclcd, but the few who were so fortunate as to t)e there enjoyad them- selves thoroujihly. Supper was served â- from 8 to 9 o'clock, and the remainder of tlie evenin;; was occupied with yaines.vTc. The t>ran'.;t>nioii of Fnversliair. will hold a ;»rand celebration at that place <m Tuesday Nov,.^>tli. The program consists of a tea served from 4 to (j ]>. ni., vocal and in.strumental music, speeches, reci- tations ami dialogues, .Vdmission '2'/ and ir> cents. See bills. We received a little luxury irfi Satur- day l;Ht from .Mr. Wm. Guy. of MaxwoH, in the form of a basket of whito winter radishes. They are our favorite vege- table, and Mr. Guy has the heartfelt thanks of The Advance staff for his gener- ous and tasty ijift. On Friday morning last four or 'live spoitsmon of this village drove out into proton with the intention of slaying all the deor in that section of country. They :irrived home again on Saturday at noon. The deer which they went out to slay are still uiisl.ayed. Of cOur.so the woods was full of tracks, and several times they narrowly escaped seeing a doer, but the weather was unfaTorable, the zoiliaciil signs not right and several other things - mostly the latter â€" and venison steak is ?t;)l a scarce article in this village.. Ulster cloths very low at M. Richard- son lit Co s. A Horrible Example. Brother Spurr, who runs a spicy little iii'ttipaper soiiievvlnMO out ni the C(Uiiiti'y (we think it is near CreeiiKjre) enjoys liiiiisclf thoroiigh.ly these days watchiii'.; the farming! O|ieiation8 betwiicii drinks. lie tells all about a threshing which he witnessed the other day, in the following', language. "There w:is a threshing at the back of our ollico on Tuesday. We could just see tin: slack and four men on it. It was as good as a half hour .it a [ica- nut stand to watch them. They took lire water before they began ani'i lire water when timy bei.i:in, .«o that their motion of lifting straw was like a dog trying to lick out the inside of a salmmi till ; at least their backs wouM suggest that attitade. The straw wa.s slippery, or else their boots were. The atiiios- plieric pressure of the air, too, had a seriously depressing cll'ort on the head, for the stack liiiihler soon lost conscious ncss and o'crbalanci'd himself so that lie lit on the ground vvilli the agility of a bear. Ho could not get up any more, so the other two hands ipiarreloil as to who shonUi take liis jil.icc, ami they liotli fought until they fell, tumbling oil' th.. stack near their predecessor. Tin; iii.iii at. the carriers hung out the liest ; Init he, too, had a dizziness in his heiKl^mi a worse OIK! in his feet, so ho fltuci* his fink into the straw and tried to hold on to that ; but the fork was too long, or the man was too heavy for the fork, for both fork, niaiiaod st,i-:i ,v came down in a heap to join the other lliruo. As no nioio hands could be secured, work was suspended long before the sun showed sign of going down." Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilolis catatrh I'smedy. Price iJO cents. Nasal injector free. For sale at the Medical Hall. The Path of Love and Roses. jftins Franke Henderson, of To- ronto, Becomes Mrs. Hansford. A Brillianc Gathering in Sher- bourne Street Methodist Church, Toronto, Witness the Ceremony - -A Long List of Presents. HANSFOUD-HENDEUSO.N- -On Wiiilnesdav, Oct. 'ilni, ISH9, at rllu Sliurhoiiruu street, MetlloiliHt eliurell. Toruntn, hy Ucv. Win HaiiHlolil, DX).. father n| tliii u'rooMl.iihSlKteil b. Ituv. E..\.Stiilf..ol, D.IJ., ,111,1 Uov. .V. H. l; vimr, LL !)., miele.if tliunrooiii. Jellruv K. Hulisforrt, of (jR(,'oi)ilo hull. bunlKter at- hiw, til I'Muiku, ollle^t rhiiii;litnr nf .1 W. H.inil.irsim, Ksii., iusiiectiil'of tliu Nnrlli ol S<;iitlund CuiiaUiau Murtguyo Compauy. The above marriage notice appeared in the Toronto Mail of Thursday last. Miss Henderson is one uf the products of this villaije, haviiie lived hery during her childhood where she has many warm and steadfast friends among old schoolmates. Her husband is a rising young barrister, of Toronto, who may be heartily envied the favors which Sir Cupid has showered upon him. The csremony took place in the Sherbourne street Methodist church, which was al- most filled with a larije and fashionable company assembled to witness the nup- tials. The marriage was performed by Rev. Dr. Hansford, assisted by Rev. Dr. StafTord and Professor Rayner. The bride is the eldest daiiyhter of Mr. J. W. Henderson, of the North of Scot- land Canada Mortgage Company, widely known in this county from his loiii; residence in Flesherton. The brides- maids were Miss Hansford. Miss Spiiik, Mi.s3 Bella Henderson and .Miss Jennie Doaii. Jlr. W. Rich- ardson and Mr. R.N. Uemlei-son sup- ported tile gr.'oin. The bride wa.s dres- sml in white silk faille with natural rtowers ana diainond8,and the bridesmaids looked chariuiijg in white and pink silk and riowcrs. Among the many beauti- ful and valuable presents were : l-'rom tliu iirnle -t father, a i,'rnii(l unriulit mu- ll, via 11 V jituliu. l'"roni tli« bi'iUe'i* mutlier, a bumitiful linui^e clerk From Mr. Nt?wton HtMiilerson. a lartjo piano luliip. l''roiii Or, H.viiHf<»rii. a builrueiii stjt. Mrs l.)r Huiislnril. a 'iiniiHi mjI. Miss lliiiisler'l. u niaill.'l venrf . Uev Dr tiiiij Mrs Llewart. ii silver fldh cfirvi.r. Rev Ur iiiiil Mi-H Hnj^g.., Ik luiicv .j -i clock lea table. Kov Or niiit Mrs Hiivm-r. 1 pair et'-hilius. Mr iiml Mrs Ii Ii 0..|.:r. u ili./.eu folil eolfue sliil fruit ^(louiis. Mr aiei .Mrs II C Hiinimiuiil. 1 iloz Hold liued Ci>lf«0 ^[umllrt. Mr mi. I Mrs S B rivkus. hilver s\-nip pitclier ulel trii>. .Mr lui.l Mrs \V S ,\n.liewM. silvci rriiil ..penile. Mr unci Mrs H .\ Snmh, .i iiianimliele- bnnl, ^l â- ;oi.l Mrs Jnliii Di.ieiijli.ii ni;tMii |.|ms|i rluur .Mr all. I Mrs W SterllNc. sllvei lierrv s.-t Mrmi.l.Mr» .l.iliii N l^aku, a silver ceU'rv â- itiiMil Mr aiir'. Mr.i .1 (lilb.ek, a r.-fri-'rarer Mrai.iiM:" » H •••n.leur, ;t ;-.• !-r..n/e sniiii eto-s, .Ml .Hid Mrs Thus Ii VViIiii.it. silver eurv.'r a:i.l ferli. Mr I01.1 Mrs I! Hr.)Wli. n Irossiiij; caso in vioiix, rna- i.iiish finiBli*..! ill ivnrv. .Mr an 1 .MrsU W Uoan. a "liver fruit iliah ,-(i,,i Sp. ,.11 ."r lluiido'.'Siin. asi!v,.r water :un. ;)r-i(id Mrs J i)liv,.r. a e)i),i.i tea set. Mr an. I Mrs K K Se..|... . a »ilv.,r puddini; <lisli. >liss is,;„|ev. a pillow -.Mirf. .^Iraiei '.ini l'|i„r, .tkeiili.'ad, silver luoiliited larvers. Mr met Mrs lilt Tove. pair Dresden china -talutjttes. Mr l-4ni.i..n. Milvor survit.-o. .Mr Uiibi II Hun.lurson, silver tubiu bsll nii.J sp.i.li b,il,l..r .Mr nil. I .MrsW r, Slinw.l cn.secliiiia after c.iir.jo i.-ilps an.) salieei'M. y.r linMiar, I dii/. silver knivuE and forks. Mi.ss .Maud Uicliiiidsoii. silver creiiiii and aucar or.p.t. .Miss Spink, china ^nRC. I'r \\ Ulihar.lsoij,)ini. water ool.jred pictnicB. Mis.s Hri.wri. pliihli uibiiin. Mi-s l;ellaliiy. silvi-r jelly bowl. . Mrs H H..n.leisen. sih.-r breiikfa.st cruet. .Miss hate i!i;lhiiiiy. cut i^lass berry Ret. Mrs S Morr.iw. faliei- cut u'liiss platt.. Mi.»s li-u me Dull II, silver truit knives. Miss \niv Slerhna, three water .iilKK, Miss III. iliM.H. hand painted pan. -1. Miss sti.kiie\ . Mil oil (laintinu. Miss I'.ir.h.. IPoi.fei.l. 111! ett,,iiittli. Mis.i .Aiinii. ^lail.-n, i.lii-h lalpor bracket. Mrs lieu, Is, hand piiint...! shellh. Mr an. I .Mrs I'vller, a pair Uresdeii cliiiia siatneltes. M: s;t,,a,lntnn, finwer stiiinl. Miss Hell a Henderson, an nff^liau. Master KiiKirKoii Heiidersun, silver biscuit bnwl. Miss Carpenter. silv.,r table hell. She, bi.iii lie siri.et Metlii.dist elioir. terra oiitta plnsli r.ick.u-. .Mr an.l .Mrs Illltcliesi.n. biscuit bowl. The :;r.i.uus;;ift tii the brhle was ;n liuantlfiil •liaiii.iii.l pin. and aK.dil b.ooch to eiieli .,f tho hi ide's nnti.is. Among the uucKts lu-eseiit wore Kev. Dr. .•iiul Mrs. Hansford, .Morrisbiirg ; Rev. Di- ami .Mrs. Slall'ord, Rev. Dr. ami .Mrs. Dewart, Kev Dr. and Mrs. Briggs, licv. Dr. and Mrs. Reyiiar, Mr. and .\lrs. .Vdiun.s. .Mr. and Mrs. I'J. B, Osier, Mr. a.id .Mrs. HE. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. .John ILiiiogh, Alr.^aml Mrs. Walter Slcriing, .Mr. and Mrs, John E. Bake, Mr. 'and Mrs, liiah,Trd Brown, .Mr ami Mrs. H.ll. Fudgcr, Mr. ' and .Mrs. J. Hillock. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Willinolt,Mr. and .Mrs. Walter .-xiidrews, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Boaiio, Mr. and .Mrs. .\ikciihe.ad, Mi-. and Ml-s. E. K. Scoley. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Oliver, Mr, and Mrs. R.A. Siiiifh. Mr. and Mrs. B.B. Toye, Mr. and .Mis. W.C. Shaw, Mr. Jose|di Reyiiar, Tliiee Kiv.'iw, Que. ; Dr. T. HeiidciRoii, Miss Slaud Richard- ,son Flesherton ; Mr, R H. Hen- derson, Mr. C. \V. Brc.don, Mr. Cieoige Slii]ii4an, Caiiiiins;tun ; the Mi.ssijs B.i'llaiiiV^MisaJBi-.'ii) Hans- ford, MorrisbiJ)(f; Mr W. iiich.ardaon and Miss Scol Teacher Wanted .\ teacher linldini; '2nd or .'Ird class uertiaeatu til tuaoli in i; ri S -No l.Ai-teiiiesiaaiiil Knphrasia, duties to coniiiieueu Gth ,litunarv. 1s'.mj. Apply, statintfsttlarvto HUtiH WALTO.N. Iilub'enia I' O STRAYED \ strayed from thi* pi''''>ii'^"***^f*liu niniersij,'iH)(i. ubfiiit tJrt :m, four sprint: t iilvos, ujmi htuur ami llirtM! lii'iIuiHi. Any in^r.-soii having.; kuowJodtjc of tliiiir wIuTnuboiits will foiiUM- a lavtfr by com- imiuiciuiiif' with I) .Mi-I,K(JU. i'ltihhiirtoii Station. Lot IJ2, 2ad rau^c^ woot. Aitwinusiit, For Sale or to Rent. fliLviiiti t;oin;iiiflo(l to rutiitj from furiuiiijj, tlio nniUM-H!t;in:il liiis (lufiiltMi to olTt-r lor ^ulu or to rent hjti Urst-cluMh liiiii<irutt-ucri) fartri, oiiu ami a 'luurt'-r iiiijts soiiili ot tiio vi!jii;:f .ii Klowliur- tnii. oil wliurh .1111 i^rocieil t^ouU liiuiiiiiit,'.-., iti- clmlin^Mi splfnilUi hunk bum. If ^{(p)ll only a biiiali pavnu'M' will b.- rin|iiirtMl t^owii. tiiu brtittiic*; in oaK.- ptivuittntfi. Kor further pur- liiulars uppjy L-t TJlUS. .UOltJaj\>". KiesiuMtt.'. PA). Higlie^t jMarkeL Price in cash will be paid for any riualitv of Ik, Slissp-Skiii: d !all;w. s. damude;, FU'shrrtoii 'I'auiHTy. FARM TO RENT Kor a torni of vi-nrs. l*.'iii;i ioi-^ N.p. iK'i uml IM», -iucond riiMtjt) U'Tth nf tlm I' \' S. Hon.!. .\r tiMiit)Mu, <;out;iiiiinu 'ivur tllt\ ucrtâ€" uf tili-uroit 111 mi. irco from stout- umi iniir.tl y cifHi" nf stuiiipK. iiiiil wtil! iniiif)t'-'l for hiiIh'j- uruin 'U- iif:\/.ii:u piirpiisuH. (i.Hi.i cliiinc"! for u ^;oiiii mun. \n lUrtiHTction ui till- p ..â- â- <• •*oiu*it»'-l. .\ppl^' to T H roWKltS. iurl)v IM) . or to A.NUUl'IW C.VitK. KlrsJiorton I* (t . itnt. Wr BARNHOUi>E, BOOT AND SIIoK M.AKKK. FLKSHKUroN*. ()\T. Dt'HJrp^ to tliuak hiH nuiiititnut* rusl-iini-r s fnr(iiuv»ov Ul).'i!ii put p'ljuni- .;Mcniif'l in tiie pust. au'l :•* ni'Wpropiti .mI inU'A ail nr lurn with prmnptnu'^H. V'utisfHt;ti"n :,Mtiti'Hni**f<i, 'I'w.l \«f VHurs Ml btihiiic- H in Mf-lifituii. umi lnom-st lU-iilJliM'^.witli utjod wojkliiilii'-iiJp.hiiVi' uia.li; li.f^ , naiji" \v. 11 kii"\v'i fliiuiii^h'Mit i)n^ vii-mi! . •^uvvf'l work ii ^prciuhv <(«â- ; vniir ImioIj* niml«! Iiv \S ui. itaruliiHKii', Plunlmrttuj, Improved Farm for Sale. Lot^ UN llVt iiii-JPrti. ir i Mttui*- i-ast. IV lintl S. It , coiraiiiini.; hni n.rt-s. so cifun-ii, lioixl i.-luy • laiii. w.'U luipmvi-l. Ltinni fraim; huiiM" UU'I l<»y Imiij. Irunu! ^mlil. , iiiunl opiliurd. .--tc. TIiih riii'.i ih wmU WMi'-n.I un-i niipr'tv.;.]. anil l-- 'hoi- K|,,,.,-.-'i Mur '-t t!n- In-vt in tbi'* •'•â- ctpoi. U is oiti) iiiilu anil a liall Jf.iii ilit- v l;ii.'n KIcHbt-rt'iii. W 1,1 bo -niil iHi Vi-rv i.'Uriv ti jiiirf. I-"or luitlicr piirticulurH nppl . to -IAS. HKKCiniFT, I- i.'-.ii-,t.-n P I 1 iu) ynr iM", \I) 'I II !â- : COSlliPOLITAN Thiit Hri.jhi. Sj,a:/,-linj M<i,j,i:.'iu,: ' lis hvfi llteils: M:!ii!i!y I'O ceiit^ a nuiiil.'cr. ,:»'J.i'' per year. Kllhir;,.. J. Ill teller. ISW.I.O, 1-.;s im,^,..,. Tlie Cis- ineiMilitiin ishteiuiU what i h.i New Y'.rU tinier .â- alls It. Mt Its piii-e. the In ichtust, il|,.i.t varie.l and lle!.t .jdlle.l el Ma^a.'.l lie--. ' Siibscrila Au Unusual Oppoi'tunity SiiltHtTibe F(tr iirw Miliscrihtis, fnr â- iiwj u-iir "ni;.. Thu Cosniopdhtiin.iM r \ <'ur. ":=li, It). 1 br A'l\ aiiiu.pt-i vrur â- T'l (H>. 'I'Ih- '(ici- ..f th.' two pul)] irali«/iis. ^.(.IP. Wc'Will rniuish bnlii f<nniil\ -'â- J.Ki. 'I'lii-* i>Mfr is oiil\ til ntjw Mihsuribi-rs lo Tin- ('osniop(;ilt iin.Hll'l npiy \u\- uUt; yc-ar. "It iiMH niiHi: art ii.h-'H in uhcli nnnibiM- tliat aro r»!a«l- abjit, anil f-jwor unintur-'-'i in« pun*"*, tbun an\ ol ita conluiiii>urario>," â€" Mostoii .lonrnal. "Tlio ('D.fine'i'olihin" fiirnislies f'»r tin; tiifit tiiiiu ill M;iu:i/iiii; Lituraiuri! i S|>h'iNlid llliisf rated IVriodiral at a ITh'i' llillirrfo OcciiumI Iiii- TKY IT L^'OU ONE YEAK. U will I)'' .'1. iili.T-iI .-hicnuini to ov.Tv in--inbcr of tlin Jioiisi-lii.l'i. It will niaki-thi' nitibls prts^ plotsi-iitly. It will i^ivis vuu mort; I.-r Lilt! inoni-v t iuin \-'ii can nbiuin in aii\ ulht-r I'-rtti. !)<â- \ lU w;iiii 1 'irst chisn nia^a, in».*. (jv- ini; animallv i.i.:('i pai^t'- b\ tlio abb'^t writir*«. With inorr tliaii I "" il lii-.t rat ions. l)y tin; cli!\ cr- ust- art i^^ls a^- rfHihibii' a MaK"/i"tJ -^^ ninnrv can niaki' a ,*lii;ja/ni<' that niaiifri a .spi;ciitlt> of livo •^iibjtM-t'' ' •"riio nMirvi-l is in-w t!i.> piibIi>ihors can t^ive so iinn-li for tilt! lounoy. ' -IMiibuIulpliiu Mvtoi- iiiy Cull. Send 8'2.40 to tlii,-* nllico, ;iinl .scoiiro both The Cosnmpolitun and Tho Advancu. IIEMOYAL BUSINESS fflEN!| EVERYBODY .!>>, ^', vM*. ^1^ ^1? W WANTING ANYTHING IN THK LINE OF f Han ess Sleiglibells, Blankets, Sleigh Robes, Whips, CirciDgles, Trunks. Valises, Etc., SHOULD C.\LL ON ME. :â- : Robes. The Sask.itchcwan Buffalo Robe, warm, durable, water and wind prool ; new inven • tion. White goat robe, ver\ serviceable. .\ MAGN U'lCH.NT LOT OF NE'^".' AND CHEAr SLEIGHBELLS. JiHt Cxaiiiinc our Htork. ^^hit^h is Larssor tliuu Kv«*r, I (JtTorsto iururin Liu- public that I liavo r«- mov.jii my woll l<iiowii tin .-.hop to MOORE'S Block. Durham St. ,\ COO) iilt^ir 4 .'clv of t inwai u will bo hninil lu niv ni w pruuuscs. . KKI'AIRING KAVI':'l'K(>r(iHT.NG Etc. JdUa .as hcrctufoia. I bavo secured tlic agoiicy for tkc Ctlcbiated .Sini^cr Sewiiii; Macliiiif. Uequefiti''h,' J^l.v eld frieiiilH to eemo and sen mo in U1V n.?'y s'lnp. 1 remain, ety., Sluliili .s ciitarrh remedyâ€" a piLsitive cure for catarrh, diiitlieria and caiikcr-niouth y''<T sale at, the M edical Hall. WHIPS la endless varieties and al' prices. Axle (ivease, Uoor Oiiitiiieiil & Harness Oil. In all the above supplies I have a larc;c stock, and my prices are low. Those who go further will fare worse. D. Clayton, !Fleshcrtoxi N. B., â€" First class livcrv in connection... ^,^~ t .•j^j "^ â€" ^"•^