THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE fei;®::^' TUE ADVANCE. l'Cvei\>- 'IMi(ii-iK(lii,v , KllilM THE OlFKK «S';;i/t(i/i'im Street, â- - /'Vc.sA,// ,.,, (hit. TKUMS Oi SUliSCUll"! ION *l por H rut urn whtMi pai-l *•», rlotly in a Ivitiu-i' $!.:iU pur utiiiiiiii whfii uui mi pai'l- ADVl.KTISINC HATl.S. Ouo <: 'Uiiiin, 1 yanr, *.iu . half inl-. ilo . ?J7. «I -i-irtur fol. (Icj., #15 TrnriHiiMit a lv<Tt isinnciitn cliaim-'I ftt th'i rRt.- r>f '(I'ta pui lino f.ii fir-l iii-.-rt imi iiiiil iii't*. pr. littr each ftihHr<'|iifiit itist-itioii. W. 11. THUUSTON, Kdiliir iiuil ]'riif>ri>lirr. BophnUy lias burn t'X[)OStd anc' its tf feels iiHve bfi II imllitidl. Foiled in his dcnicst wisli, Mr. \\iniaii tliriii advocati'd commercial union iiud cuiitiiiiud liis crusade on a lUnVitut linf. and in lliis he has met willi j,'iTul(i- siicctf-s. hciii;,' rcinforctd by llie budv politic calli.'d Kcfonnci's, who iiave only lately dcclart'd tlicm. silviH clianipioiis rif t'nicHtiicted Reci- procity, or in oilier W'inlH C'oiunu'rcial i'liion. Since tiiat (leclitiMlioil one hi;^iiilicaiit hullli; liiis brcii [onghl - ilial of l;icl.t^lieuâ€" in wliicb Mr. Mii»sil<\ Conticivalive, defeated Mr. i> I'lciieiniii.chainpiDn of Uiirestni^ted Kecipiocily, l>y a l;ii;,'ily increasdl ijoiii.y (iver tiie f ('.•nie)' el("-tion, of ..Ir. I,al)('ih-, in 1HS7. Thi.s is only oil' 'llie iiraiiy l)low.s which will ^iiortly lii;- .'i'liiiek ai,MinHl Mr. Wiinan's â- lid." iin'l Liiat gfiitleman, thouj^h ill ii'ipcfiil, will no doubt shortly be Miii^jhl to an aoiili- kii :iwl';d;^f of liift iirl ihai C'liii.ida is eapable of work- iii;,'onl iierown destiny willioiil fornii,'!! iiileiferi lU'e or speculative tlieoiiz- in'„' on the ]i irl of Aii'ericaii fanic- lmiit"rs. Ilerdistiny, loo, will not lie wiiut Mr. WiiiKin desires. Slie "lift ill;,' fiillier iiway f.oin that goal mg picnic which ho enjoyed in tht; Beriou.sly, will the ratepayers calmly lli-iilands of Scotland, iu companv «'ilj'"it 'o 1^*^ '•"•^^t'^ """^''^ ^"'^ school with the daughters of the late General puruoses than at pregent ? I think ,, - , ,. , ,,, : not. Jiiirdened with the new school (.onion, who died at Khartoum (p^aco j_^^^^^ ^^^^ ^-.ounds, one is astonisiiod be to his a», when wc became sus- ; ti,at there can bo a man found in the picioim that otir literary friend was a ; school section to propose such a tliiiij,'. blooniiiiL' iinposter. General Gordon 0"(' t'''"J,' 'swell, that Dr. â- 1 , ., f 1- ,' Cliristoe was elected pill fcly upon the wa.s never married, and therefore Ins i ,i . . ,i â- ,. ,]:,.,„., „„ I gromul that taxes m this direction dauglitcra were myths. " « '"ive ; gj,j,,j|,i j^^ ^^..^iij^^j^ j^ ^^im,^, ^,„.i,,„s never since spoken to that literary j to know what his position is in this geiitleiaan, and nover intend to. He , matter. To my mind it i.s intinitely two dollars from its on I l>f"tr to employ a person who is well MB. WIMAN ..NDTHK Dl ST1.\^ Ol- CANADA Some time ago Mi .]•", r;i ins Wiinan. of Xew York, wrote ii |iainpliKi, luad od with â- -ho iii'piiiy. "Wliiii is the Jk'stiiiy '.f ('.iM;ii|ii v " [ill |iiiiipii- lot Mr. Wiinan does not niiiy factorily to his ihtii (incry. ImI it may bedcdiiei'il from Ins wiring ;..:it lie Ijclieves Canadii will evinl n il v li,- come mer^ci d iii the pl.-iiliiy oi . publu- to the .eolith of u ^ ll IS .\| ' Wiman'ii dearest wi.-ii thu; llo- should be' the ca» '. I"'oi- vei..-. iie been spending tinp ami iiiomy wiro a lavish liaiid to liriii;^ ao'jul tiie eoii.^ iiii Illation so devoiiii'dly wislicd li_\ iiini. Why is he doiii;,' tills ? M'liat ai' his motives? One cnunot imagine j ,1,., ,^0 „f for a mess of p.ntage. tiiat they are ptinly plnlantliropK-, ..: | .^,^.^ thouijh Mr. Wiinan liuB the faun- " e- i v,"i'i-\i oi- 1 t;iii-i^ , ., I SAN( I I .M SKr. I ( lll.h. benig a jibilanlhrojiisl in ciii:. I lines. i-.veii if his pet wisii(s| A niwspiiper nmn comes in contact WBVe gralilied, W't caiiiiol uii'h-r- with all the liilTi r.iit |p,-ittern.'i of liiiili stand why posterity umild lia\e just cause for looking upon tins genllonian in anything Hpproacl.iiig the light of a gr«ai philanihropist and tlioreft: r, in the ( .^tiiiiiilion of this paper, wi: look fnitiu r fiv ii mo tive. Mr. Wimiin is als.i iiiiii.iipiiis none lii'ili' BO. lliij v.!i;jle of'- ha.-i langlit lis t .at. lli.s siiect~-. in a linaiicial aeiise has biiii reiiuikable, aijd silinfaeiory to himself, and now that he has elimbed tn the |iinii.udo of jirosperily he liiids that iho eya.s of himiani'.y have not followi'd liini with IS ev(iy t\:iy - giiiiiing a better kiioY\'- ledge of ill r own powers, her own ini- jM. tiinee and privileges. Mr. ini.ia iii.iy drcaiu of aiiiie'Xation and « i.k ill a s'liiinanibulislic state hom (i'llf of ('allfn Ilia to the .\rctie III'' .111 . and call it all u continent re- I piiblie, with liiiii.self as Prejideiit, but I ! I. It wi'l not make it one. Canada has j a I I'leir.iiy which she is not going to Ijorrowei the srreiigth of that story, And the Inst heard from him lie was lieadiiig for Honolulu by lail â€" on toot. He left a tew of his relatives behind. "lis sad to think we will never again see him, but it is y,.^.„.,^ „,„•„„â- „ C„.;>'«)u„idnd pleasant to remember that the way of I ^,_, ^^.^^^ J„h„soii,sr.,died suddenly the har is hard. ^^e detest liars, and ! ^^ i,jg residence here on Wednesday kiijwn.all other things being equal, than one that is not. At any rale the village must see that the taxes are kept down. ItATEl'AYEU. liiistio$;e. aftlnlical. DR. CARTER. M.C.P. &.S.,(J>T. PIIY.SH'IA\, KIK4;f:0\. &«•• FLiESHKitTUN. Office, Strain's block. Residence, J. O. KuskbIV J. Gf ftattori, ^I.!).C!.^1. llonilior of the Collisa of PliyMciaim a* Sui-K'K ii'^.Onlai-io. Kn(|iiiJ-c Ht 'fjnee.ono itoor cast of Grinr'sRtor or .Vtkinson's Iff t<rl. Priceville. Niiv. 19. 18SH. never indulge in selves. Ahem ! Highls of faiicv our- Oiir Sriioul. morning last. As was bis ctistoni.Mr. Johnson got np at an early hour for the purpose of kindling the lire, but before reaching the stove he was seiz'^l with a feeling of weakness and called upon his son for help which was promptly given, but before the son had time to lay his father back upon the bed from which lie ba'l risi n but a moiiK'iit previous, apparentlv in good health, his spirit bad winged its flight. Ml. Jobiisoi) was a good frieii 1 and neighbor. In politics he was a staunch Conservative. He was age, and To the Editor of The .iihunce. 1 noticed a short paragraph in your paper regarding a teacher for our seliool, mentioning her name, and I presnme.excepting one or two persons, It receives a general ciidiu'satioii. Irreproachable in character, iiidus- trioii», and de'ermined to succeed in a calling she has volunlarilv selected, , ,• . i and one in which her delight would upwards of eighty years of be to excel, make it mvsterious why ^^'^^ '""-' »' ^'"'f '"^'â- ''y o''^ r""»eei- the IS not the choice.' Then, to.f north of Ireland men, who cheated rai.sed from infancy us, adds '''''^1' ^" 1""^'- ^^'' " '" < l''i»'l'oi;s. anoilierrea.son why we should do j "' ^^^^ ^"" "''^ IMeseii', at toe honor to one of our own. ]'> .: so fm- , t'meral. a>4 is learned, the pievailing idea is | '*' that a person holding a higher grade One day la.^t week a freight car was ceitilicate must be lui'l, as if tlif abili- sidetracked here, e-oiisigned to local l.usi- ty to leach consisted in the ci rlifmate ue»» men. The l.i'.f "f the good* held, but the school law dfteriniiu s , uiilnaded «h» t'»rrels "i I'lcr f"r our that a person holding a third class i Imtol keeper'*, and the oilier half vrna C'ltiticate coveis the ground required, I ,.,, (til,., f,„. Messrs. Hill.i .V billni'.;liaiii, anil therefore as to ability, it depends llm midert.ikors. Sigiiii.ciit car-load on the kind of teacher you happen to \ ihm '. Tlie lieor keg has I'.-en rollin i,i.j " alieal of the Collin, and the cn'liii "slidinj URS. SPOULE: & EGO. :\r.\KKlJ.\hE (i.NT. Oflice !-Manli'j'.s Drug .Store. TH. Sl'KOULl;.M.B.,ctc. .\.\(US KGO.M D.ete. lato of Toltfiihtiiii, (jut. Dr.I'".go will 1)1) fouLilat .Mm-kiliilB House at niifUt ~17p70TTEWELLr VETKltlNAUY SIRGKON. firaduiite of Ontario Vet. College, i.i:sii)i:\cK ON ccii.r.iNowiniD sti!KET hixtli lioor i;«„t lit l'rosli>t...riaj Church, KI.K.SHF.HToX. J. P, MiliiSIIAIL, I., n. S., DEXTI.ST. Visit.s Mark.liile the 1st mid ;ti-a Wednes- <lay of (..-ich month. HesUert.iii eaeli trio on the day follow iu^;. The iiokey trustees think a higher ; â- " ff"' '\'' it can after the iK'cr ko',- lor (jllito the amount of adiniratioii wiiicli i di.<coiileiiliiieiil am liis longing soul desires. Tlnrefoie ganlliiief's. Tin u to chain the fttleiiliou of the people on this coiitiiieiil for all tiiii<' hu inaii- sive brain has prodond n. gigantic 'cLemt wJiich, if -.oiiiniiiiiialed, would cause hid name to be connected in delihly with the hiiiluiy of this conti- nent. 'I'liis may not be a charitable view, but when all the facts are taken into consi.laratioii we feel posiiivo that it is a jiifl one. The knowledge that Mr. Willi in is aiiylhiii.g but a se'Cond Sir .Moges Monteliore in ]/rivate lib' luiids additional and telling evidence that he is not the gennine pliilaiithro- ill this cni.sade which liia disciples would have us believe. Wliiii are his inetliods ? They are ».«rthy of a mauler mind in some re- spects, and prove that ho is a diplo- nwtist of no mean order. His tactics are cimningly wrought out in niaga- /iiic articles, speeelua, niaiiipiihition of his own leleginpli win s, pampihlels scattered broadcast, political bamiiU'ts, etc. He misses no o))portiinity of ;;l_orifyiiig the "niagi)ilic;.'iil prospects of Canada," to American eyee,aiid the •'Hiilimiled miirkets of llip \'nited Stales" to CaiiadianH. The I'niled .Slate! is to feed upon Canada, and (!an nd.i is to grow fat umlir the operation. It is plainly a case of "dog eat dog," only in blwi iiiHtaiico each dog 'l^ i x- lifcied tn fatten otf tliP oilier dog. It is a fllrango theory, this which Mr. Winuiii advances, but lio relies upon the boliwf that he cun inak« lis bcdit^ve that ('ui'adiarjR are tlio oiios to whom the banqi'.ot will be served, and the people of the United States vice versa. The day at such ftictica is liapj>ily mnnbcntl. The preBs of to-day ren- ilers thoiu itupossiblu oi actiioveniciit, lliroiib'li ito exppsiirc3. Mr. Wiman's k ft.^s^i^'*^ kind which an all- wise I'rovideiic. has blocked out, and they aie manifold. Ti'i' pnrlly genileiiian, jolly, liaiipy, felf-s.ili-lie.l, walks in and planks dir.vij Ins ilollar for tiie newspaper with ,â- 111 a;r of |iriilr in the kiiowh dgo that lie IS aboiil In make for the year his he.-^l invesliiient. .\Ir. \'inegar Visage walks slow ly in iifli r hiin mid li'iis to piisnuile llie iiliior iliiil his pi, pel is only wol ill sevuily-live cents, but al hist giimililiiiglv Ioo.-lHo Lis iiii:-erly gi.i'p of tlie dollar and leaves behind him V hen departing an air of ill odor of log- Hill -> u bashful }.)iliig liiiiii, nii'l even bifiie he filters ll;e diior v'li ilie satV' to wagir that !iu either wishes ti) siihserdx} foi hi., Rweetlieait, who livi .s away off, or had a nub' III two of fi-i'sli, juicy porliv fir the waste Irisket, We have also luet llic man wliu is two years behind in Ins siib-i'iiiition, and who walks in with an iiir of assurance and inl'oiiiis yoii that the liibel on liiii jiaper is wrong, and thai he holds al home Voiir receipt, bill f.iigol to biiiigil with liim. in nine cases out of ten thai liiitii is a borrower of the Irulli Hilda trailer in lietion, or bis in gli- geiiee in iml liav iug theerror eori'icl' d is iiiip.iriloii:ibU'. Tliere are soi.'c seven hundrid and sixteen other lypi s of hiiiininily whioli tlie country editor liii ets, bill the ru-tioiililoiigei- (I'lWlis them all. Talking about liars, you will find theiu ill every walk of life. They have even been discovcied ill lli(Miowsiiaper jirofession. ll is so rarely that this occurs, however, that a case of llm kind i; worthy of nolc. W'e met a newspaper man in 'J'oroiito two yens ago who had travebd all over Ibis wide world. Ho had |ieisoinilly in- speeted the torrid sands of Africa, the crystal slopes of jMiderby Tand and Iceland ; had heiii .sliipvi recked niid w;i« ilio only surviving person ,/at of ;)15 Honls ; wa.s at oiio time I'osl- miwter-Geuoial of the State of Ken- iiicliy for twelve lionis through nn accident. These reminiscences wore li'glily.<;ntertaining, but the author went n. step too far, Wo swallowed them all .»i|.li a gullibility born of innocence uiuil he tried to choke down our thorax a tj^arming ta)p ot ^ fish- grade and inor-' piy is the iianaeea hir weaklv irresohite teaclnis. lint the la^t three liundied, and they arc c'liistaiit cuiiiiiaiiioiis and sworn allies yet. â€" I I'ickeriii:; New.s. nil 1 I â- ' E' Mm l:.y^.-1 t' i«4 i'riVll. ISiiirisfi r,S<>liritor. Coiiit i/nticet-., Fi.ESHEkTov 0>ric E. .SKXT Pos r Omrt', .SPKon,3 « :JeiLiii.\i;. ,,>• Till r«days. OWHN .SUVD ()FI--I(K, Kbosi-s Hen.m.KO P McCULLODOH, liarristcr, Solicitor, ^c. OIKrc. ov«T .Mt-FiirliiiMi'.s Slorr .Ylarkduh'. .Muii< y to Loan. SOMETHING- wBrnn 'll older t'l ieoiire aii"llie; th.m.Siie.d sillweiilmis 'vXi'to .lanuary lie.xt He Invvc dc'-ulod le make a y^y^^X .siioriticliil ntfei .'m' the lial- .â- oice of ihis We have iievde iirran'.'emeiits with a puiili^ner wlierehy we are eiialih-d to nrike a iiiiii;iiiliceiit yift to ivll .nir siili.sei ilieis. W, iill'er V'HI y"ur â- >vii choice from a lisl "f »|ileiidiil lioi.ks, |irinted ir clear lv|"-! III! i;ii"d pajier, or ii iiioiulily fiirmers nia'„'ii;:iiio for one year, iijioii tli'j foll.'wiiig terms : t'vcry new mih.scrilier remitting one dollar to UB lietaeeii the (lute "f this circular and .Ian. 1 next will receive The .Advance for j-cr' .iml hiilaiice of Ihii year free, ami may also geleet one Im n- h^i el hooUs. And in order that all may fare alike we oiler t" "ur old siiliscrihers, who will send in iiiiV arri'ar.iL'es and the il"llar in advance lor I'e.vt veiu', liffurr, or ,'/! ./.le, /, IS'.ii), a elioiei' the ii|.iienile(l list of ho.'ks. N. Ii Thi> hiioks will no! he lU'livercd until after 'hin. 1, niAt, ill order that all ina.y he neiit out at mie time, ^\â- hele they are to he sent hy mall live cents extra must ho sent, with the order, to )iay This is a hnia lule L;ifl, mail .• as an e\|ioriiiieiit, and the most liberal ever maile hy a local iu'wsjia|ier. The names will he enrolled as reccivoil and tlio ho.ik.i ilehvered in tliii iMiier. Hero is the lial: I Tin; .\Mi:i;l(AN I'.UI.MKH. nionllilv.fc.v one veal-. •J .\ 11, 'u-.- Ill I'l lo ,. I', l; Di'wiii.v. a Siiiii iiii'i iMiiliS !'ii,, \,\ t'rmieis Ilo.lic-i'M liuiiu-it. 'I Tliii .Mil.i'v Miii-.l.'i-, liv ,I,isi'ph IliitU'ii ^ 'rii" .yiniiiiant-. "t Ninth nilmitv. I.i Hivt Hint.' II 'rtl'- I'liitilllo ot I'liilipii'i I'aii fii\. li\ Mirt 7 III (iUiiiliirs I laii^;lit'i, liv r, I,, t-'iiijuoii John W. Armstrcn^, Fi.L.-nr.uri's, Cn. (.ii.t.v. rj-.VISION- CofltT C-1.1;HK, lOMUlsSIONf. •^l l: Ii- K.. I'"livi yaiie. r.,Vi.-, .Sfi.nt lor inn-li a.'.l .sal,, ,.f liiii.u, .\|,|.:ui-i'r lei C I, C' (' a:i'll-, r, 11 \ S s.'.'ii'f, . \t,.,n\ lu l,..,ii, 1,11 iii'i'<t r..iisi'ii,il,l,. t' 11,'-, Km Kli UK .M.yia.l.\ i.icii.Nsi.s, :,o';v iTiii.ic. MOJNEY TO LOAIS. AT LOncsT 4 1 KiiL.M IMTt.S I! r'.'.wi oi- i'aiu. I'n.'i'-.'rtv, !>. lusirnK. l-'lcstei'toa,' !â- â- . 11. Iluniott .\ M'li' rhiM. Ii\ I.. 11 Walfivirl tl 'I'll., yui'iiiit. rok.'ii. livMis I i-ilii'l ll'iey. Ill .\ .Mls.ii •; Iliisl.uU'l.liv li.'oie.' 11. Siiim. II Til.! I'll r» Wil.i, â- I'J .\ii \l,'.iiii|iiin â- "uliliii.l'V ll Mfo-ei'i- ,\iUui. anil K. Wellioralil l:i llc.iviii ami Hi-n.liv !•; Sw,"l..iili,iii; 11 StiiiiiLii'i' tliHii I'l.'l i"ii. Ii\ Keiiiuitli f.i-e 1.1 'I'lie St "TV ol' all .\ti IL-.'UI I'm III, l'\ Iliit)<Ii Iruli. K, ,l,,hii Wiii'l, I'r.'.irli.i. li\ Mio>;.ii<.t li.laiul. 17 IliitTali. Mill, tiv Neil I'.iilil line. IH .Ml.liii.-l Sti.'Knfl, lo .liilin Vorno. Ui 'I'lii' (iitiiiuakcv of .Museum, iiy S. Cebli, a capital fitory. en Miiriii Monk. •-'I U'llii't nisniere. l>v Mi'« Iliniliilinn Walil, •li lOiil.l.r (IraliKe. liy Hriiiik U. Stiiektuii •2:i 'reil ^lu'litsili a Hai'H'iiiil. hv 'I' S Artlilir. '.M A I>a llMiivolls I'lilsi'-iiv, ll ili'li'i'tivu still y, •r. ll.-l.' ii's lla'.ii's.lix HiililiiTloii, •2i'i null llur, liv (iriii'ial l.ow Wallaco, '27 Si.asi'li. (link ll.ii'k. ">. l»n\s H.-Hilv lI'-i'Knnor, I'riiniili'O' '.",1 Cliemi'ilU'lil's I.i-tl'TW liter anil Ktiiiuotto, romplcto. lieniember tlieso Inn fnct.s : Ymi neciiro what is admittedly tUo local paper in Orey, and get a preNeiit of annther dollar jmiier or a liouk tn while away the winter eveiiiiiL's. Oiir oU'er only holds good ii|i 111 and iiicltiiliiii^ ,laii. 1, IMKI. Such micther oiler will, ill all likelihood, never hie iiiaile again. Do not put oil' sending in your onlisrs until the iiionieiit. W. II. TllCHSTON, Fleslierton, Sept. 2t, l.sriU. I'nhlisher Ailvance, Flesher'gi|i, llvlni ( oplos of amy of the above Works way be had for 30' copts.. "«V Mr. Wm. Karstedt, Siouc .W't.Moi, lirwk'.nii'r (I, III l-'Lixterer. MATKIUAL Fr RMS I IK I) E^ 'lirni/ro: I'biMrr-. ilUI .1 Sjltl-lllltl/, iluiii'M iiiR. iliKii south lit .V'lvam-i,' (iitlce. w. J. r,i:i;i.AMY" TWr, CI.ellK AllTKMKSI.V, ( <'M i:Y.i.\CEI,\ ('(iMMlS.-il)iyi,:j; ISSriiAM'H ACT, etc niir lis, Moirrii MIKS, I,i;.\sr,s, Ai., iiropar ^ .â- .iaii.liuiiiii.rh i-xi-i-uinl. IlisuoiM,. alTfc- e.l 111 IliBt cla»,s cunipaiiii's. Mnnev lu luudai lowest rates. K. J. Spicule, poST.MASI'KK, pli.sherton.Commissiou er ill !i. R., Liem^ta .Vuctioiicer, Cou vi>.iie'.r. .-Vj'], raiser ami Muiie/ Leiidor. ^â- .^tal^â- anil lusinaiinn Aueiit. I'ceds, Merfifiiitin, Leases nuil WilU ilranii up ami Vahiatiups uiaile on .slierteKl 'lotieo. Auc- tinn Sales atteiulc'l tn ill any I'ary of the Cnuiitv. Mcney to loan al lowest rites oi iuteiest. Cnllectioii.i alteiideil to with promiitncss ami despatch. Char,'es low. Aaentfor the Dominion Steamshi|i('iinipauy. Choap tickets from Khshertim to Liverpool, t'i'jH,sgow, hoiiilnii or auy of the liritisb I'nrtii. Parties intoniling to visit Knt'lami, 9ontlaml or I.-elaml, will pleuBe ask rates be- fore perehaaiiio Uieir tickets elsewhero. Eliib Ililll rill Sprsiig, Kiitts >V Pafd Dec. xT^^. „7, tVanVj-*^^ Of Interest to every man who uses a Wagoii (ir C"arriaL;e, THIS ANTl-RAt'TLKR IS the P.E sT, llocniiKo it is effective, simple, ea»il. adjiint64, iliiinlile, Inoxpensivo, Thuro arc no pro)ectl»g eiiilstii tear the spoiigo iir wash cluth, 't flt* any m/.o coupling, Ft)USALB AT- t^8 C^iTiplsige Siifl(|i \ i ^1^ .IS"