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Flesherton Advance, 31 Oct 1889, p. 1

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PLESHERT ADVAN( TliCTII BEFORE FAVOR."-' rRLYCiPLES, j^ 01 ME.Y." VOL. VIII., NO 435. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1889. W E. THURSTON. PROP=/ifiTCR. ;|i SAVE i\r SAVE IL WX Bt'YINO â- VVATCHK.'^. CLOCKS. .IliWl.LPA', KTC, SjjjXjIj S -:- HOT ED JEWELRY STORE, -:- FLESH BRTON \V(- liavcinsit rceciv.-d ..iir fall ^t.x'k from U. Hll^•s.â- ll . f Uiiiiiiltoi;. cu.jHistiiii; nf told and Silv«*r Vsitrlies. "i "U (,i:i<le!i "nl quality. Ilroorhi's, Barpins. Chains Vuff But tons. RiiiKS. Etr. A I IH K. W«-ddiii« Uiiiss, mamitiutun.l ,s peciully f«r ..ur u«ii ira.l.-. WVijjlit iiii.l .i>ialily guiirautLMMl. Wi- l,.,.i«lil «o( a i>ri«08 w.'ll i>-.v;ivili)WM, mi.i if yon w;uit UirKiiiiis, ilciiit fiiil l<> will. iiKeuta (or til" Famous B. LaureiH-e SlUTtSM-lt'S. lli.> l'«l in ti.o wnrl.l. All rrpuirinK .loii« â-  promptly by J. G. Ul'SSELL. n':J siitisfautiou ,'ii,iriii.tu..a ur money r.-funao.l, at. Rnsscirs .It well* J Store, Fleslieiton HI [^Ik n U l-^Jl â- '3 i 'I'l ihj CASH STORE. We sell every tinii^; ou .'^liictlv (.-a-sli iniiiciiiltH. Arc ofluri afiked by our ••cu8tomi.'i-», why Joii't you j^'ive oivJit, would .suU ilmiblo ihc ;,'ooils ? Our an- 8wei- is, wc consider iL to the custouicrs' adv;iiitiij,'u Lu buy on tliu C.VSII SYSTEM even if lie lias to borrow thu uionoy lor a slicirt tinio to do so. In the tirst place, ho known exactly what ho is doiii^' and ;,'oi;s homo contented, fcclin" assun.'d then) woulil be no loll!,' bill coiiiiii:^' to him with a hundred and one different articles on it which ho thiidts never came into thu house, [ii lUo second ijlac*), lie will bo more oarel'iil in liis purchase.s and buy only what is most neL'<lod, doin^; wiihout a hundred and one dilTerent articles whicii are U8«ies.3 and extravagant. In the third place, he can buy from ttu to [jfteen per cent less at a cash liouse, tluin any credit houw in t!io Dominion Our Stock consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots aiid Shoes, Crockery, Glassware, iu fact most everything of general merchandise, excepting Hardware and Stovcs. We can give you no conception of our prices, but would solicit a call, guaranteeing to satisfy the closest purchaser. For tilt: A<li'ait<-:. " .Sydeuliam." ' Owen's Soundâ€" My First Viait ' There Forty-four Years Ago â€" j i'.ambling Notes. J BY \v\i. l>ria)Y, will) hiiviiiu ti'(Lv..lli"l •nil iiraiiml, " Vol wuU roiiiuii:buj's owuii's HtjuiiJ. as it "looked" in IWl.'j, with an al most unbroken foresi, on eiiher aide , from (entrance to ending, whore â- â€¢hid- den among the lliiek trees, ' Bemi- circalariy surnmnded ijy hill and ' fcii-st, nestled the embryo town and future city, (jwoii rtouiid, but then and seveial yi:ars sub.s('nueiit!y, called taydeiiliam, as above. 1 duiibi if tliere ' were a score of buildings nil lold at I that time. I'lie '•(.io.'erianeur, house," laud agent's office and reBiueiiCe, being I the "cliiei I'ftctor," wbilu the Indian â-  village on a "Krassy green" ou the op- IJO.iile sliore of the placid waters of "Owen's" sound. as called on the m.ip. , "lent euchanluient to Llie view." I How varied are tlio seiisations, or 'opinions, especially of strangers, when tirst vi.siung a new loi^ahty. ."Some are I pleased, while siune, as my old ac <piainlance said, view it witli a "MJXJOl.-S EVE." Quito dill'ereut was luy o[iiiiion of that newly rising portion of Canada, to that of luy friend " \\ hang," a :?oniewliat e.xcontru; person wlio hail for many ytars douned tiie redmaus wigwani-ing he e iiiulMlieie, ibe best hum :ig localities were found. Aftei a tedious canoi:i-ig journey of several hundrt'd miles, i ^nnbalily pre- vious to l-^-iOi visiiing places of inter est and uon-iuterest ou lake Huron, thu Sound iiicludt.'d, he remarked to i me after retuiinngas follows : I '•When I tirst saw C)wen Sound, I .put my corse on it !" disgusted. Won- der if he ever went back to Hee whelli- ' er h,s curse "took '.' ' not a bad fel- low after all was "Whang. " â€" ^ ,. â€" . lui iiiu.ijy ^ ' ^ j ' costume. I J£j wlierever COAL OIL ALWAYS ON HAND. Highest Market Prices for Butter, E^^s d Fowl. McDonald & Evans, WriL^l\t'j,< Old- ^tiiid. Pumps ! Pumps ! E J. IVIcGulloush. Markdale, inaiiufacutnrorof pmnpa, dcRires to iiifonn tho luiblic that he ih iireptti-ed to furnish puiDps for J^.VUM KOlt SATvK CHIV\:». .VNI) ON KASV urniM, IdtT.uon.^, town.'^iiip of I'^u)rhrn8la ttiiiiiUK iifW n(;rofl. This ih a si)l('<l valu- o tiiiibur farm. WuU tirubcrod with niixud â-  hardwooil, humJocU anrl codar. Hplniidid himI. I li tiiih'B f»-r>m th(S beautiful villn^c iif Kiniborlny ill QiiuiHi's Valloy whuro f.horo aro ruillH, Hton-s, I poMt ofllcM and oluiicli. and U tiiiluK fruni Flowb- I ortoii oil tlio C. I.*. U., where thuiu \h a RpU-ndid nmrk(?t fftr all kJiidH of pr"dtic«, stock. Imiibcr I auil timbur. .\pply to U. ./. Hpruulo, auctiunuur aud rual outate agont, b'lubhorbuii. Deep wells^ gravel wells, etc. I FlGShertoil artioH who havo hcrotoforo had ditflcalty with heir wclW are Guaranteed Satisfaction Livery Stables. iifliiifjmy articlofi. I loarnod my busin**KH jfith the lalcJ. Koar,of Meaford.the^upt'rioiity |^^ CL4YT0N* PrOOriCtor of whose pumps was a household word in (j rey a | * ' few vo&m Atfo Bfi "s.iro (imlciill on mo if yuu (1o«iro anythiug i FirRt clodS horacji and Tuliiolcfi fer hir» at 4u thu pump line " ( roiiHoimblo riitos. Stablns oppoHite Muiihaw'a • m« ^, 11 «- i botiil. SpecioJ attuutiuu uajd to ooiumereial OIJK UOUSKS MlSSl.NO. 'My cousin, -J. T. L'urdy and I "iraveiled ou horseback" lo see the Sou; id at the date I menlioued. W'l^ piu up for the night at lliitberford's inn. Early the next morning we were iuformed that our liorses were gone ! Some "foul liiuid " had turned them out of the stable during the night, minus sail. lie and bridle. We were in a "lix," hundreds of miles frjm home. No public coiiveyanco of any kind, and much of the way Ihroiigli wilderness and thinly settled country. Our '•host" Hu tliun buijAi] oauli iDwut* to soarcli. I-Jiii'li nook Ui M;ati. "Iu vain" wu (;ri<^'tl. "Whort* iiu-,t tlmij hi)in tnv lovclv stocU '/ Fnr pray, taiiii Iniiici, wu uii'n not ride > lifoliws aadillu, tin,' willmij to Our own cunoe ulway "to pn.ldlu." And tlnih wo sJK'lnnl. After a time they were found foraging near the "tiarafraxa road." When returning tlieiu, said the landloid, "1 was gladder nor a hundred dollars when I laid my hands on '.hem." "'riuissly" were we. MEME.NTO. I think there was but ono store then at the Sound, "presided over" by an elderly couple by tho nanu^ of "HiiiclicliH" from whom I bought a box of percussion caps, price, "seven- pence-ha'penny." No "dollars and cents" then in Cairida. It was not of necessity that I made the purchase, buL a somolliing to show when I got home â€" a memento, reminder of Owen I Sound, at least so long as all tho saps j lasted, so "far away" did 1 OWE.Si SOUND i then seem, but now Bteamslnps, rail- I roads and telegraph.s have brought it I near "everywhere." I also notice that the steain shipbuilding enter- : prise has been entered upon in Uv/eii Sound, the ".Manitoba" having been built there recently. VVlion 1 first saw the Sound I think nothing great- er than a " cliemaun.'' a birch bark canoe, had been constructed there, and that by Indians. "TIb woudrouH Btrange how ^reat thaobannu." I It is about twenty years since 1 saw ; tliatentei I rising town. "By reason , of age," long years an invalid, the in- I terveiiiiig distance, I never expect to ' visit there again. During my sojourn in Meaford from lij-iy to I8G3, aiid subBeijuqntly, \ (â- V(U' (MU(-n;uiu;d a friendly feeling toward those sound Owen .SonnderB. The "papers" keep mo ipiito well in- formed concerning matti rs pertaining thereto, which I read with int(-rest. And now, Mr. I'Mitor, accept my thanks for (too often formal exprfs- .''ion I the "valuable â- 'puci;" given me, and with best wishes Til ;iU rin_' Willi '. ritnt i- I'lOwi-n Soiitiil. \\ itlL a luvT III tho ncit;lil»nr:ri^' t'lW,l^llip;^ ariMliKl. I end tlicso ''vamblnT.^ iinics. " WM. IM-1;L)Y. Winnipeg, Oct , l-iH'.i. KiiiilKTlt^v. I â-  I Frum "iir 'Hfn ^'iin'fpuiuhnt. Kiiiiberley In tho lure ,i'.;:iui. Tlio .Juslu-e 111 till) PeauL' siiipnsed tliu iiative.s liy walknig mto town ilie (itliur ilay with a Winclie^tlcr on hi.i shoulder, i and rather :i iloiilittiil e.Tiiri?s.<ion mi his faoo a.s ti ivliat kind uf r i;f[iliiiii .vas in store fur Inm. I.U omirsu we were ilis- .â- i|)lioiiiled iliat he dl.l imt. siii eeed in sjiootint; a doi'V while ni Mii.skuka, but ^ wu iiru HI) |ileawd to see Ilia aniinie^ emin- tiMiaiico, and I'uel tliiit wo liave tlio stii!- wart |iriiloi-iiii' ol oiir rii^hls .villi .is .I'.'aiii. . that wu treuiy f'l'uivo him. .-iinru liin naiiru ho ha.s proved that to hiin thuro i.i Mo iil.ii-'K lii-'ci'or than hiiiio. fur lie, in i.'oiiiiiany with Mr. .las. Kaweott ami' .\lex. t 'arruthors siUH-eeih'il in l)riiiginK| down an aiiiluiud pri/.e. thoiioli wu \>a-'' lioVM Ml' KawiBit wa.s tlio ltn:ky _'Uhiiur. ! '-'uiiid liuji been usiiiy: his assoiiais rath- j iir freely lalely. Mi.sH Lnuy '.'arruthurs I hiui l)H,iini« II vietini and is now tho wife of .Mr. Will. W'altfrs. Hor many friends wish her a ha|i|iy future. , I!iniiiir.s are Hoiitinu; on the hrcezo that I .Hcvnral othui' mavriaoes aru to tuk« placu ; shoilly. In i.-ie't the .-iii' Ine; hc'cduie so' ini[iii'oiiiited with tlie iiiarriau') erazw , that it is ilaiiiiuroiiH to hreiilho. Miss Mi'(.'aiih-y has even Kiieioedod in eaptiva- 1 tini^tliB Hour of Kiinburloy's iidlnlity, ' and when last .seen she was hruHhiiig her , sleevo. An ulopenient will be necessary j ill tlii.s rntte. I Mr, MeKon/it! i.s liaviu'.' hm blaekainilli i shop i-niifi'il, and Mr. T liradbnry has' puruhaseil .Mr. W. T. Mri' iiiih'U'.s rusi- dunce and |ini'pos"s unoiir.^ to town to ply hii (ever) laaliiiL; traile, the r«ne\vi:i;4 of .sole.s. , Mr. 'riiws. Sherwood has moved to his residence on Rirer 'Urect, where ho will be near his place of biLsinoss. I. toll you < WB are movers hero. \ KilLANCK. na\>vi-II ' From u}tr tiirii i.\iri'.^iitnitit iit. A »]iecial iiieetiiiu of tlio directors (if i tho Osjirey .V^l Society was held Iioro ' last Saturday 'afteniDoii to hear com- i plaints niailu hy .John .Madill, uijainHt I Hector .MiDoiiald, Wm. (luy, Thos, [ Browiiriilge, Win. Kerlon and It. Y. Burk. Mi-Doiiald jireviouHly had ac- kiiowloilged to tho I'residunt and Score- 1 tary that ill! had entered and taken Jst| ]irizo on sadcllo jiorse for an aiiiinni hu- ! hjiigiiig to Uieu Llill. Ho Wiia lined 81.00 and finfoited tho prize awarded I him. Ill tho other ca.so8 Mr. .John Ma- did disclaiiiioJ any kn()wludL!o of making the eoiiiplainls, his Ijrothor David having' done .so ovor .lohn's si'^'iiatiiie. Denials | from the accusod of rather an aromatic i llavor were renil. 'I'he O8'(o at,'ain»t R. Y. [ liurk withdrawn, ami tho evidencoj .i^'ainst the others beini,'of the aomubody- tt)ld-iiie-8o species, they woiu dismissed i for want of evidence. Wo hops this in- 1 vegtiyatioii will ])rovo a benefit to tho' society in future. I*nr«'vill«'. Frnitt uiir 'iirit I 'irrrsjionJrfif. Mrs. ' 'illium Watae-i sr.. i* visitinii lior tiaiinhter.Mrs. Ilenilersoii,at DHytoii, New York State. \t tlie jeiioril meeting of tho Pres))y teiiaii o.oni<regatioii. ]• Id J2nd iiist.,Rev Donald McLood, who form, .ly preaolud iiLre, was clio.seii. and will receive llio laU to the v.icant pul|iit. M., Rohort Wut.Hoii anil .Sarali Kiiuusoii, yoiiMui si danuhter of .Sipiire I'ermi.son, wero mani.l oii Wednesday !iy Rev. Win. (HtoWcll. I 'aiiie rumor has it that aiiolher ol I'rii-eville's haollehos is imcklin;; ou the ariiiiir to entur the .uiny of benedict.'. Still there are inore to follow. -Mrs. liner is visiting irieiuls in Tor Olio. VIDI. [The above arrived too latu for piibh- ea'ii.n last week.â€" Kii. .\| i;. 1 viii: lo Moi nun.â€" Al" v.,n ili^tiirliod ,it nii;ht iiM lirokon ot voiir lâ- câ- ^t liv n ^ick ot:!., -.nil, 11 n« mil I orvinn Willi pain of Cmtinij TiMth If so soliil ,11 olloo llll.l ;:cl n 111, til,. â-  MrK. \V.:: ',io\ • â- Mii.liMiii; â- s,rTi|, â-  i,ir ( liilij, ,.ri rii-liiiiii, 1;.- VII..'.. ;.. iiii-iil,.,i|„t,i„ It mil i,.ji,.vi. ilio |.,ii.i littlo iloi-,ii- iiioiii-ii«t<.iv, l)i-p ml upon ii iii.'iliors. tliiii. no iiiii.tii|ui iilioiil it. a our,'!- '" It., till!), I 'IM I.IT. .ilUl-- liioStdiiiu. 1. ""I '''Ovi-|i, II "â-  ill I roil,! .1,11, lis II,,. (ill,,,. I â- â€¢||lii-||^ lllillllm,; â- â-  iii;i| i;i\-. . t.ilii, tiiil oIM.r^â-  , ill 111., wllolr .IMoiii. -Mrs. Will-low |< .So.itliliu; S\ rip til- ,:liil,ir.iii III limit: is |ilo«mni i» ti..' tu-i.- iiiii s iho i.M-.oiptiiiii 1,1 .,i„. ,.1 till- iil.l.-: mill iii-t fmiml.. I'li \ ~ioiii!i~ iiid inr-rM in fi I'lul.iii 11.1 IS for »u).- Iiv ill! ilrui.'i;e.-.i tlirijil^lloun, til., woild. Piki. iwi iity-llvii i!i oc- i IliiUle. Hu siuii ami ni-li fur â- Ml:,. Wl.\al,oW • 'jYlieiv" and tiiko :io otln.r lOiid. Tho national tieasiiiy of -Mexico s sai a lo liave haeii rolihed of half a m.l- lion ctuhars in lieods. '1^11 E MARIvlTS. FLi:.- lIKKTu.X. ('ii ri/'itlh) C'oi I'll. or . . - .. liiiil Will. It , . . â- -IMOii; Wliiiit Itarlov 1'iil.i I'l-ii liir -r t â-  â- . iri.Kli . .. I'l.Liitos ba« rectt:it ICit U /KeeA. Tl M> to ., , 1. . . S.1 tu .,â-  .... SI) ,1 •-., n M> II 10 ... I) '., 11 .jii O ,,1, I, ., . ..' . ,. 11 17 11 ..â-  IJ 10 Ill,, p Hulls Sllool r'i'rk'i riiH 1. |iiii.|,> O .1. il iir Xu\\ . . skills ,,. > •< â- ii-- pf' piiir m-r !h. i«) (i III 1 .Vl â- { A III 1 HI II 11., u !.,â-  lis II 'i ' II lu; 11 IH 1, .â- . >;ici > *4 BM Cpox- KoH.ih li' wiitih, s :n Gold, filled gold and Coin-silver Honor Roll. I For S. S. No. 8, .\rtolnosil^ for Oc- I tober : Class V. -Esther IMcN'ally 175,Hannali ' Stafford Wi. I CIb«» TV. Matr^ie Parliament 195, | Elsie .j. McKoo 180. i Cass III. Mabel Cornfield l.W, John Pishor 112, Samuel McXalley 102. Annie | Badgerow Ho. Priseilla .McKuo 04. Martha, Boyce 40,Nellio Chard CT.Bella .1. Black . burn 27, Carr 77, Tlioiiian GoUop •23. Class TI.- Bella McNally l'>2. Alice' Badgerow llt>, John Blackburn 88, Mor- 1 ti'H'i! t'- l?(ulg»row 83, cases. I.ailii's' and Gints' si/.cs. Waluut and Nickle Clocks. t am ropiesinled by .V I watches ailil clucUs. liacUed up liy roliiihln warrants, hi uuio iioiiii'H of Cdiitrftl Groy, than .uiy jowohr lUiiiiu hi''., ill this .seclimi. If]:iici.« ire not ihfd rock every tini<>. QUALITY Considered, I Would not he iiliin to hold such a liiri'i- sliiiro of (.Jrcy Co. tnidoas [ have at prnsent. "C-SSft. or CtlTirOn^" will posilivily do hctlcr liy you, Goods, Work and Wiirruiits i'oii.>ii<U>i'cd, than yon fall do clsewhore, rfpex arti«l:^ oally (itteil. Work 'Carefully Dong, Fair Charges. stock now cofnplctc in all lines. Can save you f 1 to $3.00 on watches. other liuos will bo hold on live ami let I'.vo niaryinu. W. A. BROWN, Jeweler and Optician, MAUIiDALK, Out. t^'

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