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Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1889, p. 1

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'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-' PRI^'CTPLES, ^ 01 ME.Y." 70 L. VTIL, NO 434. FLESHERTON, OFT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1889. W. H. THURSTON, EDITCC ai PRCf'RiETCR. 4i SAVE \ SAVE m :\ 1 SAN FRANCISCO. â-  in liitervstiny; Letter Fp*>ui tlK <;reat fju-iJu- «'Uy. D i;v I'.rviNd >v'A'iriii-:.s, clocks, .iKU^i'-LR'i, isTc, £aIjXj b -:- HOI ED JEWELRY STORE, -:- FLESHEBTON Its Growth, its Topography, US Climate and its People-Over- coats in Summer - Sabbath i Desecration â€" Whole - Soulud Christians, H-aviii),' [numised to givi; yon a sket<!h (jf tlitj city of Sail Francisco as I lifive SL'HC and learned about, it, 1 sliaUnow jn'ocf'.'d to do so, lioi)iiig lliat, llie i-ert«lors of Tlio Advance may •tiiid it iuti.'restinj,'. AUhoiiyli soinoof the tilings may not be oiitii'idy now to a low of its I'taderi, tu tlic ma- jority [ think tln'y will be. The city of San Fnnwisco has 'boriH' its present imme about forty ycais, and oidj had a name siecu lH3i),wln.'n the village of Verba Hiieiia WHS foiHided by tile ili:xicans. The discovery of ^'old lu 11S4.S lirst diuw the alluntioa of tile civdi/.ed woild lowafd it, nud so 'it is customary U> dat«! its hisJoiy from that tune, al- tht'Njjh it \vu!< not imiil isi;) that many braved tin.' Iriitls mid hai'dslups of crossing the plains in caravuns to seol; their fonuiies in a new coiiiitiy. .Ma»iy of these old pioneers, of forly- iiineis as lliey aie styled, an- still liv- ing here, and feel a ceitaiii anioiiiit of pride in having it Lo ."ay they were the lirst who lulped lo make the city what it is. .\ lew days after niy ar- rival lierc, I liad llie pltasiire of wit- nessing the cniinnenioraCioii of the liinidiedth ainiiversury of VVaslnii^^- toris inanginatioii. One of the iniii- oipal featr.res of the dny was a pi'oces- sion wljjch took two hours in pacdng the btiJIdiiuj from which we viewed it. •n-,« r Ami ST^GJkR'F 'ft oHerinjr special lines in All dkpart- < Through thmmeans I gamed much ni- i lie ^..."^011 oi-«w-- (, t fonnation that it would otherwise nionc-. have taken some time to gain. Here ^our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT ;::;;: ;:S^i^t;:riv'^:^r ^ , „ â-  ,1 1 •, „ .. i;.,„ ,,(" sailois WHO were wrecked at Samoa, :haslldtely been filled to overHowm-. witlys choice .i line ot ^,^^ i,,^^..,,;,,,,,, aho two latter ehcit- :^'Oods as ever shown. In m;il<in'i; our selections we realize jug cheers from the crowd of specia- 7h'it to the ciualit" c^f the <^oods sold, we nuist look to tiie tators as they pa.ssed alongi with their biuldin.' up ot'\ confidence between buver imd seller, pack mules, caravans, etc., showing â- ^ â-  Custo pecuhar, and is a climate by ilself is always a cool bree/.e. Ji^foreiit to any other part of the File Californians are famed for state. In fact it is a common saying, i tliidr hospitality and frienilliiiess, and arii indeed a truth, that every live 1 must say I have found tliera to be miles you go here there is a ditferenl all tliey are famed for, both in their climate. Six miles across the bay it liomeH, clmrches and elsewhere, ami is entirely aitrerciit to what it is in the citv. There is what is called the trarui belt in the city. T'his is about live miles south from the principal business portion. Hei'8 it is a ditl'er- oiit temperature to the other pin'tioin* of' the city, and wliile the r(,'Ht is shrouded in fog this portion is entirely clear. The sunmier season is not by have, uliendy made many dear trieuds amongst tliina. Would just say, you would have 'O huiTV out of a church here, were yon a straiiu'er, if you did not have at ilu- least half a dozen sliuke haiuis W'i4/li you, ask if you were not a stranger, ami give you a cordial invi tatioii to come again. Here it taki s \Vr iKiYP j"«t r.-.-,-ivv,l . .11- fall Kiork fr..iii 11. Uiiss,:ll -f Hiimiltun. coiisi^ting cf'told •iiiU Silvtâ€" W-U«-lJo< ": "II S- "1'"^ "'"' 'I'lftlii^y Klroofli«-s. liarpiiis. 4'I)aiiis- ViKl' Button... Ki.i!t.s. VAV. -illHIt. Wedftins Kings. ..Kumf.ciu-ea . h^ .„..i,>llvf«r..u.-..«alr.ule. Wc^bl ,m.l ,|i.alily gunranfM..!. ^V,. U.««hl ll...». k.po.Ik a â- n',-"aMla«-,LV,lmv„, :m.lif v,.,iwa.,t i..UKaiiis. .louttaU m ruU. S<Tle agimf.s f,<r tho VuniOU.S B. LilUreiM-O SlM-«-tarl«-S. tl.> -f,-. tlm wvld. .\11 r..,.,urinK .lon« , by J. U. RIS.SELL. aad .*iisfacti«n guuran- ...-.l «r u.onrv TvUw.Wd. al lliissiirs J t weir J Storr, lleKherton 7'., /,. C.nltl '/. THE MAlllvETS, TO WHOM IT '^fe ^ MAY CONCERN. KU-:.siii':i,"i'(i\, i'li ri/iilli/ Ciirrritnl Hii-U It r,l; " - - 1 I „„...,,i,w,i-.,-,. ( i.ct-/^ iiow tliiv were tilted up for crossing SO essential to a commercial success and pcimanenct. L usto- ^^^^ ^ , ^^. ^ .^^^^^^ ^^ J-^^^^,^^ ^^.^ ^__,^^. mcrs will finil that in respect to cjuality, our stock luis no ^^ f^.^^ ^^i (,1,^. miuiy interesting features . .• .. of the procession, but what 1 wish lo ' "" â- ' * . say is that the old pioneers and tbeir sons were jjo small conipuny. iMiough of this. I Tlw3 populntion is ov/;r -lOO.OOO. San Francisco may bo rightly DRESS COODS leadi«- shades, plain and durable. Pnces ran-in- Irom ' termed the city of hills, or > city set^ leauiiij, »iia.iit- , I I i:).„; •- r',,^,^ on hills, i here are over a score of iuc to :;oc. with tnmniin^s to match. In Biau.s, Lriinp, ;^^ , Plushes and Velvets, Gray, White Navy Blue and Ked,^- Flannels, second ttMtone for gU.\Hi\ and; IOC. to 50c. with trimmings to match.^ "* t^|^"-=' V,7''! : of tl'*-'"'. s""'"'"*"'^ t" an elevation loot) feel. The site on which the city is now built consisted in 184U of >lt woidd'take too much space to mention all our lines in this! i^widy ridges and d>;cp ravines. Much XL wuuivi iiiiv- «.--~ r ^,.,„„i. ^„ ;,-,ct-.o/>f;r.ii '•â- d ui" leveler part of the city has department separately. But we would letiuest an inspect-.on, ^^^^,^^ ,.^^.^^^_j by cutting down tii' Iiiils -niaranteeing aatisfaccory lesults. , and filling up the One can â- Mv BOOT and SHOE Assortmant Larger Tlia 11 Ever- .Special lines ol women's bij;h Laced Boots at $1.14 Men's lonj; Boots from $1.75 up. Misses and Children's in all siKes. Groceries, Crock- ery and general merchandise. Persons would do well to give us a call. Mcdonald & evans, Wright's Old Stand. Pumps! Pumps J. McGulloush. Miivltilnio iii(iikt!t lor , - . AUUhuaie, ^1^^, ti„ii„„.. Ai^piy to n. .1. si.i-,.iiiu auil vuttl CBtiito nfiout, Floshvrtoii. iimmifivciitururot immpK. ilwiicH to liifonii tlio 1 IMiMic tlmt bo i» |.i<M'i^i'''' '" fmuish iniiniiK for i ._ . . Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. Flesherton ivrllps wl>o liiivo liei-ctotoru hinlililtlcuity with I X '__.,,__ lioirwoll" I JLJIVCJI^ Guaranteed Satisfaction ' â-  nsiniiiiiy urtiilc". I Iraniinl my biisiiKMis »iUi tliu Into .1. Kuiir.uf Mi'u.fonl,tlio smJ(n-ior,i.ty of wlioxe pmiiiiH wiw a lunisclioUi word im (Iruy n few vi'iirmiRii. Iio s.iro mhI iMill on iiKJ if ynii (loMTo aiiyth'»v>; iu the piiwvl>»« i Uaiilly •4ive you a description of the enormons underttikiiio tins i.s, or in luokiiif^ al the oily can scarcely real-; i ize how it li*s ever been possible to I doit, and yelit is feeing dono daily. I The bay shoie orij^'inally eanie up irom half lo tbuee quarters of a mile from the present water point, it is I made y round on which stands some I of llie laryest warehouses, and luosl, ' extensive biisiness structures jii the I city, il is a w.iKlerful and attractive «ity, and yet there are few (.Canadians with whom 1 have conversed since cumin;.; here, will admit thai it is as I buuililiil a.cilj as our own fair capi- I ul of t)iiliuio. Yet on ascending one â€"^^^^â€" â-  lyf Uie ii'anj' hills on which tho «Jty â-  i.^.\iiMi'OUS.\i,K, CHKAI". AND ,)M K.Asv I jy biiil t, bv nighl or day , voii h*v« a T V tfviiift lot 7 con S, towb^hiii of l-'.npliraHia , "^ " . . ' i . * i . • . ,o,'t,linTni'iHVa,.r"K â- fi,*. M .i Hpi,.n,i!,i yai.i- ; giaud puJioriMmc view spread out be- Hbiotiuiiiur fami. Woii tauji.oru.i lutii mi.xmi I j- j„ v<jiu reacliin« aJjiiosl the sublime. liar.lwooil, heiiiloili im.l i-o<liir, Sple-iiiTl.l b..i1. '";" .'^ • " » Uiiiil.-Bf'oui MiohnHiitifiii viiiiit:iii.f Kiinborloy I 'Hie c»lv sprcadiiiff awav aiiil away, iii liii'Xi^ulnl^o.JIh'^nd'n m;w:y;:":;'^:;r!the valfey at your leel, Ihei. rcachino tho (M*K., MiKTotiiero i« II niiii'iKiiJ : ijju hill lops beyoiid, then again in alliikibiof proiltici', stodt, llltiilH'r ' ii l .1 i\. , K , ., ' ' the valley and so on, then the bay, then the plain beyond the bay. then the ocean ; at iiioht every hill top, from wliich shines an electric light, with the myriads of lighls glisttniiig 111 the valleys below. 'J'lie buildings are almost iuitirely wooden, as they are safest in case of earthipiakes. Th«y are artistically frescoed and carved in haiidsoma de- vices, lieing of wood entirely, gives il a sauieueis in appearance that Btoue and brick Joes not. 'L'hc cli- any means the pleasaniesi part of the '. about half an hour after every servici' year. From the beoininng of Septein- ' for the pastor and most of the congre- ber tintiil the beginnnig of .Juno is ' gatioii to leave the cJMircli. as tUere considi'ie 1 didi^htlnl, .lune, July and ' is a regular social liine iiinongsi iliein .\iunsl being verv di.sagreeable, tl*al i in shaking liaiids and conversation, is, tliei".! ar(^ cold, high winds with a If theiv was a lilile more uf this spirit great deal of dust, making it ratiier ' ilisplaycd in some of our taiiailum disagreeable lo be on the stiei;lH. In ' chnrriiieH it would beautify the chiis-t- fiict It is very similar to Canadian mii character of tiicir nicinbers mid March weather. Vet tlu'se high w<iids imike them more Christ-like, aie wl:ai eleur the ciiy of all foul dis- ' eases, and one caiiiiot help feeling lliein both fresh iuid invij.'(;i atiiig. You would not wish to Ine here and not have the winds during these inonth.'*. Of conisc iln'ic are some deligiilfnl clays, but take on ;in aver- age, tour out of every seven aie disa- greeuble. i"r.jiii the last of .Vpril un- til the beginning of October tliero is no ram. coineipiently vvhcii every- thing is conimeiicing to look bt;aiuiful in I'iiimdtt, il is b<ghnnng to look pretty brown Slid bai<' heri'. llie hills i around the city are brown and bleak j looking, and e^'erylhing throiigli the country looks brown and dusty and dried up, awd one cannot help wonder- ing how the animals exist. Yet they do, and you see thousands of them ! gra/.iiig on the bleak looking hills, as you [lass through tlie country, and all in line condilion. JUit, so far ai ap- uearance goes as regards ifiass, il is parched and barren. However, were you lo li'rn over a spadeful! of ourtli at any time, yon would tind the soil ipnte moist, riierelore anything else that is deeper rooted than lln^ grass, grows hixuriantly. hi fac. the growlh hem is ..omelluiig woinlerhil. The heavy fogs that tall eVL'iy night take the plact) of rain to a gieat exteiil : then, loo, veguiation lU.'Vi.'r ceases. Wo are now having, and have had since the tmddle of .iugiisi. what C'an- adiaus consider snmuier weather, in anotijor week or so rain will fall, and iheu everytlijug w.dl look beauti- ful after the lirsl shower, liiil do not imagine it w.ill be anything like our mild showers iheje. It usually teems dowu here. It is a very rare lliing lo have thunder and hghlemng. and 1 have been told by*i nuuiborui oeo[de tlial they would nuicli jnel'er the eartla-ciiiuJies lo one of our eastern l-loiir â- f'. out. 1 '.'â-  I'lJl U lOMU â- ^F t. ',•11 S|,ncit; WhoHt â- ^J CI 'Al lliirliv U 1', II i:. lints U Jt (1 â- â€¢:• I'.HS II 111 4. Huut-r II !.'. '1 '. I-.;;^--. Mcvii 11 !7 II l'oLlito> lnit*h. I'oiU i.t Il III 1 ilit\ pt-r tun '.1 INI â- 1 n' . - , . .1 .'lO ,1 .p Sli,HM"-lilio- â-  II O \ iM <M<t>S,! , . 11 11,'. 11 '.â-  '1 IM Ur\ s . U OU CI c : riiick< ON jiur I ftir . .. .11 a-) II , ' l)iu:ks pur pmi U HI (1 11 Wu.,1 u IS jr .\j»VM i; ro MorHi-.ii.â€" Aru vim ilinttii l>ti«t nt iiiuui aim tii-oUuM iif your rest t>i, a â-  uk ihuu Hiitlrrui^; and ars iiiK with pain of t'uttlt. ,'fH-t h II -•»» sfiitl at i»ni!n and i^ut % hottUi 'Mih. Win sl<iw N St.otliinu Svrun" for Ch'ildjcu TNctiiiiu: Its vuliiti IS inLHl(Mila!>l<j. It will I'lduitt) ttitt pi'oi III tit] ^iiifi^ioi uiiiiiuiliatuly. IhtpiMui ti)i<.iii .*. iiiolhiirs; tluir*< nu iiiiptaki) about it. It <:uif»> Uyxintf.v and Diarr hii-a.rf unlatch thr stt. nun f ancl IU»wi:Ih. ciirtJb Wiini {,'olic.HortmiB i ho (iniij!- i'(MUu:oh InllfiniuMoii. ami tijivos ttirni find ullell'^ to ilio wlioli! siMtiiin. "Mi'M. Winwluw f» SuotlniJi Svmp â-  for oluldron toethinK in pUiaHant tu '.In Itistc and lb tin) pruheription of onito] ihu otdftii and liiiht funnilo pliysiciatih and iiiiv'^fs \i\ iUv I iiitftl Statt^h, and ih for nalu by ill] diut;»;iRi-- tlinMit;ht)nlt tliu wurUl. Viluti tWbiity-flvH t-t-nts .» iKitih*. Bo snro anti ai*U for "Miia. WiNrni.-jrt ^ S\ iti r." and lako nu othor kin '. HlCrN "gig ^pex » » Rulinble watclios in Gold, filled gold and Coin-silver cases. iilioa' .iiiil Gi'nts' uizci:' Stables. D. CLAYTON. Proyriotor, Kirst c;lic.s.s h.usi'S n ml vcliiclrs lor hir« at iiuhlo rnti'H. StiiliUis op|M>>it^ MuiiIihw'h thunder storims. They .seem to b'^WalllUt ami NlCklO ClOcks, ternlied by llieiii,why, 1 do uut know. There have been two earHi-ijauke I nm r.-prnsiiiitiid by A I \vMlilie».uiil rlocl;, 1 I â-  . .......i 1,.,.., .,, t ,,.. liiu^Uiil up ''V iiliaulc wfirriints, in lufiu shocks sance niv arrival lii;ro, vet no- i , < ,' . i n .i i thing aLarinnig. I he loud lunibbng ,1,,;,,^ ,„^ ,m,,j^ ^g„,j;,„ sound resembled very heavy tluiiider, , Ifiniot-s tru not 'tieil rook cvory time, und the buildings shook for a miuuU: j ______ or so. I'hu tiisl one look place a few QO \J f\ | ilT^ Y weeks after 1 uanie. during the night' ^ C* r\-)n a-i rl es-vM^/\ or rather coining on lo Sunday morn- ^ wOnSlCiexeCl* ill". .\t church L was assailed by a , , , , , ,,.,,, , , o , .â-  ,â-  1 . . I 4- ' woulil not 1)0 fthlo to hull! trnch a Iw;-'- number ol Iriends wanliiig to know it , gi,^^^ „, o^gy ^o. trado»« I Imre M preset.; 1 had fell il. 'I'hey are very demrous , that all strangers should have the "f(S)C<& ^i^ f^'^l^^fklV" pleasure (if Uiere is any) of fwliug | ^«-^-" OT ^±\i^U I 1 the shock. I will positiTily do bettor liy yon, Now, although the cliiuato is so; equable, il is very .seldom you caa go Warrants I'onsidrred. Spex »rti9li- .J. MrC'iillogak i.'l. Spoi.Mul attention imiil lilUlli', loiuinerciui i jjj^jg of iSau Frai).cijjpo is somewliat Goods, Work and out without liking a wrap, especially in the evenings, and as for wearing thin or light dresses, 1 might ^ay they are never worn. Genlleiueii are ^^ rarely eTer seen without their over- j W'ork CarSfullY DOHS, coats oil their arm, no matter how warm il may be during the day, it gets very cool in the •vouiugs. All tbo year round you will see ladies with seal mantles down to their feet, immense fur boas arouad their necks, heavy mantles trimmed with fur and mull's in their hands. To those who have only seen thasa worn duriuj; a season of frost and suow, it is lo say the loasl laughable. Yet L have seen them thus dressed when it lias been 110 hero which is considered IB equal to 80 or 90 iu Canada. Vor uo matter how hoi (be suu is, there tliMi you can do olsewhoro. uiilly fitted. Fair Charges. Stoeic now osuiplete iu all linos. Can save you $1 to $3.00 on watches. other linoii will be held on lir* nyj li"l l:vo margiUB. W. A. BROWN, Jeweler aftdOptiQiao, M.VRKDALK, Ont. S '•^^Kj^k _k

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