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Flesherton Advance, 17 Oct 1889, p. 2

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MORE POISONED OANDIEB. BBquoiooB Death of a Presbyterian MIniB- ter'a Wife. ArrXK THK OLBBOVUBM. A Ust TboTBday Digbt's Bt.Joho, N.B., dUapatch taye : YcBterday'a special de- aipatcb to the Emj/irt told of the terribly â- ndden death o( Mra. MoRae, wife ol the Miinnnt Fretibyterian clergyman in this otty. Eveiiia whioh have aiuoe come to Ught exuito humble laspioion, pointinK to m fool and moot cowaroly marder. The CaoM, as asoeriaimd op to tbiB time, are tlMwr : Yeaterday nioruiug the mail carrier dalivired at tbu buuiia a amall, uemtly apped parcel addreaeed to Kev. Dr. Mo- Tbu doctor wan absent at Pioton, Mia. y.ullae u[jeut.d the parcel, which dtained a few gum drops and other dy. It was alier eating a few of these khat ahe was sei/.ed with oonvoleioiiB. Dr. Christie, who Uvea directly aoroes the â- treet, was called at once. Bbe bad two â- pasma after that, and waa dead in two minatea. The rigidity of the muaoles and •odden contraction so impressed the doctor that wbuo a little later he met the family physiuiau he told bim that he would call it a oaae of strychniue puibuning if the circnm- â- tanoea could possibly admit of it. The Mher pbysiuian went borne, when shortly aftorward he was vuited by young McRae, who bad discovered tbu candy and brought with him what remained. The parcel was immediately placed in the bauds of the Oovernment analyst, who found one piece ootrered with atr}cbuine crystals. Dra. Ohristie and McLaren notified the coroner, who at once ordered a post mor- %etD. The body was examined ao- fiordingly and portions of the stomach •nd otber organs prtserved for analysis. The inquuat bus bieu t\ ijuarned until Mon- day. McuiiwhiloSuhoitorGunerul Pugaley ia making inquiry into the cuae. On the aMme morning when the parcel waa de- livered to Mra. McUae, one of the same character was received from the postman •a the hoQse of Thomas Deiustadt, a Ifethodittt olert^yman of this city. Mra. Deinstadt, opened the parcel, her boaband baiog in bed. Uer little girl, seeing the oontenta, followed her about the bouse bagging for a taste, but her mother, feeling aome suapioiaii which she is not yet able to •ooonnt tor, refused to give her any. The aoapicions seem to have been shared by her Jiasband, who took the package to the auialyist who still baa it, but declines to e've any information. Mr. Deinatadt aaya • noticed an iDoisiuuiaoueof tbeoandies. It «ooarred to him that some person, annoyed •t his plain speaking, may have taken a ianoy to give bun a dose of physic, or some â- Doh thing. Ue had no thought of murder. A third parcel of the same character, ad- dreoaed in the same hand, waa delivered to SLav. Mr. Desoyres, of Bt. John Episcopal Ohoroh. This clergyman had no suspi- oiooa. He opened the package, and noting oootenta, concluded to lay it by for some children who were about the house. Uow- •ver, he bit one piece in two and found it eaoeasivily bitter, <juickly apitling it out. and Buppusiug it mitibt be ijuassia he took the oonfeciionery to Dr. Uardiog, who lived near. The doctor at once pronounced the drug to be str)ohnine and handed it into the analyst Hist, who says there waa anoagh poison in the one drop to kill a man at once. No explanation of the oaoae of the plot can be made. The three clergy- man are in no way aasociated with each atber and have given no common offence to any olaaa of people. ^ A HaPfV MKK. Cxar In ConiitHiit Tnrror uf PlotK acal»*t "'• Hnnton. A Berlin oablo saye : Oflloial telegrams aay the Czar will start fur Berlin next Tharaday. Mr. Kohirinkine, Chief of the Oxar'B secret police, passed through Berlin to-day on hia way to Kiel. lie is accom- panied by the ioKpcctor of Imperial trains. The Czar's special train, onoe owned by the KmpreaB Eugenie, lies at the station here, having oome from Wirballcn. There ara awarma of Kusnian police here, at Kial, and at the atations along the pro- poaed route. Kuseian troops line the rails nrom WirbsUen to Mnacow. The preoau lions taken far excel those on the occasion of the former visit of the C/.ar, and are due ta his intense fears of an attempt uiion hU lifa. The Czarina leaves Copenhagen October 12th for Konigsberg, rejoining the Oaar at uorae point on the homeward Morney. Only Court Minister Worontzow I>aaoho0, and Aides-de (^iimp Oena. Tehe- reine and Uicbter will aooo.npany the Oaar. The C/ar will accord I'rinoe His- Biarck an interview. The C/nr will pasa 48 hoara between I'otsdam and Ilerlin. Mothing is expected to result from his meeting with iilsmarck. The Moscow nawspapira ridicule the idea that tbe ( /.\t will accept any oonoilintury overtures, â- nleas they are well backed by aolid con- oaaa i ona. A Blind M.I*. Bulvldea. A London cable of Bnuday aaya : Bir William Tindil UubinHon, juu., member of Parliament for UriKhion, committe<l â- nioide this mording at his Krighton reai- dance by cotiiug his throat with a razor. Ue waa elected to I'arliamunt in 1886 with- sat opposition as a Conservative, in spite •( hia onwillingness, on account of blind, aaas, to boa oandidtte. A short time ago he sprained his ankle and was compelled to taka to his bed. Ha waa attacked with dher ailments and became mentally de- presaed, though none of his friends ima- gined he was not in his right mind. Ue waa a fellow of tbe Koyal College of Tfaysicians, London. In 1882 he became chairman of the Brighton Conservative Association. He was knightod last year. Ue was a man of considerable means as well aa ability. They guarrelUd About Jar.k. A New York deapatoh of Bnnday aaya : Jalia O'Connor, aKed 14, died laat night from the efTects of a beating she received two months ago at the hands of a girl about Iwr own age named Maggie Miller. The ^rls ijuarrellud about a lad named Jack, who paid attention to both of them. 1 he polios are searching fur Maggie on a charge of faomi<!ide. THE NAVABBA BLAUOHTER. Unarmed Whites Bhot Down by In- furiated Be<aoe8. A Baltimore deapatch saya : The par- ticnlara of the riot at Navasia, Beptember 14tb, have been reoeived by tbu Navaaea i'hoaphato Co. from Acting-Superintend- ent D. C. Bmith. On tbe morning of tbe 14th the negroea rose in inaurreotion and killed foar ofhoera, Thomaa A. I;'oster, Joseph Falea, James Mabun, and William T. Bbea. The motive of the negroes is an- koown, and no warning or intimation of such a thing was given. Mr. Boby was first aaaaolted in the digginga and hit on the head with clnba until left for dead. Ue was found in a rock bole under a lot of boards, bu waa removed to tbu hooae, and took part in the battle wiili tbe blacks after having thirty stitches taken in hia analp. He ia recovering. At noon the men con- gregated in front of the Superintendent's house and refused to work. When Mr. Jones, by direction of AHiistant Boperin- tendent Smith, attempted to arreat one of the riugluadera and take a pistol from him which bad been taken from Mr. Koby, be waa knooked dowo, and in a few seconds a bowling mob aorrounded him. Ue managed to get to tbe house where the other officers had sought shelter, through volleys of rocks and other miasilea. The whitea took refuge in the upper story of the Buperintendent'a bouse and openea fire on the mob, wbich threw atones inio the boose from every direction and shot at any one in sight. The battle lasted three hoars,witb an occasional negro wounded, when tbe whites were startled by the explosion of a dynamite bomb which bad been thrown on the lower porch. This waa soon followed by another, until there was a continual roar of dynamite. The nCfsroea were ebeltered behind cara, trees, tanks and builoinga. Shortly after 4 p.m. the negroes broke into the dynamite maga- zine and got a freah supply of eiplosivea. Knowing that the negroes intended to blow them into eternity the whites left the house and endeavored to reach tbe offi'M^ra' quarters and make another stand, but they had not got twenty feet before tbu negroes attacked them with axes, knives, rocks, razors and clubs, ottering fiendiab jells, each man was soon overtaken and dis armed. Foster was the first to drop bis weapon, a small ritle. He was at once butchered. Falsa waa CHOri'KI) TO PIECES with an axe after he bad enrrendercd his weapon. Bbea when last ueen waa within a few feet of tbe clifTs with a number of negroea in pnrauit, one of whom was firing at bim witli a revolver. His body has not been found. Borne friendly negroes hid the surviving whites in a little building until the excitement had somewhat subsided, and while they were engaged in lootiii;{, robbing and pUlaging thu boildinga. At>out p.m. some negroes went to the building where thu officers were hiding and told them to go up to tbe mesa houae and gel supper, and they would not be harmed. I'bey had not proceeded thirty feet before one uf tbe duvtls, known aa George Skey, placed a revolver within a few inches of Mahco's face and fired and then shot bim through tbe heart. The brig Amoretti was in the harbor, but on account of tbu gale she could not be communicated with until r^uuday evening. Mr. Bmith wrote the captain a note requesting him to run over to Kingston, Jamaica, and ask the Ameri- can Consul to send aid, but he had dis- charged nearly all bis ballast and could not sail until Monday evening. On thu 'JUtb tbe British maa-of-war Forward arrived, and waa ordered to remain until relieved by thu U.S. h. Ualona. When lust heard from the Ualena was at Hayti. Thu Americans were taken on board the For. ward and treated aa gneata. Among those injurci on the island ware Bam Meruh, who was severely hurt by being struck with rocks on the head ; Harry Jones, injured about th» face with rocku and bruised about ine boily ; n. N. Vail, shot accidentally through the leg. TIOKItlULK 8TEAMBUAT UlHASTKIt. A HlaalMlppI Hteamer's Butler Kxplode* â€"Forty I'srsona Killed. A New Orleans despatch of Thursday night Soya : The steamer Corona, of the Ouachita Conaolidated Line, left hero at 7 .'<0 last evening for the Ouaobila Uiver, with a full cargo of freight and a good hat of passengers. Hhe exploded her boilers at False Kiver, nearly opposite Port Uodson, at 11.46 this morning, causing tbe leas of the steamer and about forty lives. The Anchor Line steamer City of Bt. Louis, ' aptain James O'Neil, was near by, and her crew and boats saved many lives. Ttie surviving passengers and crew were taken on board by Captain U'Neil and kindly oared for. The following were lost, as faraa known: Crew â€" J. W. Blanka, captain ; J. V. Jordan, first clerk ; Charlea C. F. Kllis, second clerk ; Bwimp Uanna, third clerk ; Fred. Dinkle, barkeeper ; Fred. Vurman, harkoepor ; Pat liyan, steward ; Dick Curtis, fireman ; Tom Shook, eugiiiour ; Uenry Doylu, porter ; Jaa. Bwipa, porter ; Mr. Tate, barber ; Uenry Davis, duck hand ; Tom Cook, Bailorman ; Billy Young, second mate ; Sam Steel, Texas boy, also both captains of the deck watch and eight roustets. I'aasengera Dr. Atwell, corn doctor, and four negro musicians ; Mr.Scott, Smith- land, La. ; Mr. Davta, stock man, Texaa ; Mr. Kuenich ; Mra. Uuff, of Opelonaaa ; Mra. KauCfman'a nurae and eldest child. About twenty of the crew and about fifteen paeaengera were aaved. The Corona waa on her first trip of the eeason, and had but recently come out of the dry duck, where she reoeived repairs amounting to nearly 912,000. Hhe was built at Wheeling, W.V'a., several yeara age, and had a carry- ing capacity of 'i,700 bales of cotton. Bhe was valued at 9'iU,000. â€" Mania 1.0' perleo', ol oonree, but ao loo^ aa womaa ia it iloea not matter maoh. Befased a Slcbt of Her Oblld. A Detroit deapatoh aaya : Ellen Lavina Price ia dying in a houae at the corner of Twelfth Btreet and Uauoook avenue On Tneaday James A. Bandall began haheai corpus prooeedinga to compel Mr. Price to allow her to see their 4 year-old child. The hnsband escaped tbe writ by going to Toronto and taking the child. â€"The summer ia ended, but the harve it ia jost beginuin^;â€" for the divorce Uwyeis. KUKOPKaN UNEA8INBS8. How the 0»ine of Niatrcraft la riayad by ContlDCDtal Fowcrs. A Bt. Peterabnrg deapatch aaya : There baa been no important increaae recently in the effective force of the Hassian army, nor have any measnr* s been taken to meet an outbreak of bosilitita. The reaourcea of the Oovernment are already anfiiciently strong to provide for the country's aecurity. Far from warlike enterprise being oontem. plated, tbe Germanophiie party at court has renewed its endeavors to bring about a friendly understanding between Germany and Russia, and tha hopeis enterained that the Czar'a coming meeting with Emperor William and Prince Bismarck will lead to a rapprochftnent between the two connlriea. The Russian National party, however, is trying to neotralize these facta through the dominant official influences, and ia also making an enegutic campaign in the Blsvo- phile newspapers. A Berlin despatch says : An nneaey feel- ing seems to prevail in Austrian official circles, it being feared that the Chancellor is about to make a new move by offeiiog to assist in restoring Russian dominance in Bulgaria, aa an inducement to draw the Cz«r from a French alliance. Prince Hia- marck is suspected of playing a double game. It is thought that on the one hand he will threaten the Czar with a movement looking to the firm establishment of Bul- garian independence, while on the other he will offer an entente based on a proposal that Rocnia shall have a freer hand to deal with Bulgaria and intervene in Armenia. It ia certain that if the Czar reoeived Prince Bismarck's proposala coldly, tbe recognition of Prince Ferdinand by the Porte, tbe powera forming tbe triple alli- ance, and England will be tbe immediate consequence. Tbe Bollan has already agreed to recognize Prince Ferdinand, and only awaits thu vieit of Emperor William before issuing a formal proclamation lo that effect. It is reported Emperor Wil- liam will remain two weeks at the Turkish capital. He will bo accompanied by Count Uerbert Bismarck. The length of tbe Emperor's visit is attributed to an inteo. tion to inquire into thx condition of the Tnrkish army and to test the atatement of German officers that the Porte is still able to maintain a atanding army of 400,000. TUK MOKBInON TBlaL. Warren's Bevolv«r produced â€" Wait it Loaded or Not ? A Bhetbrooke deapatch of Thursday says : Thu twice postponed trial of Donald Morrison, tbe famed Megaulic ontlaw, for the murder of Luoioa Warrtnin June, 1888, while the latter waa trying to arreat him on a warrant alleging arson and criminal assault upon the property and person of one Alpbonse DuQuette, who had bought the farm from which Morrison had been evicted (or non-payment of mortgage, began this morning in the Criminal Court for 6t. Francois district, and promieea to last several days. The case is a moat compli[ cated one, and attracts considerable atten- tion from the fact that Morrison defied the whole Province for nearly a year and was only captured by a chance abol from the revolvers of a party ol Montreal police- men who had been sent to arreat him. The caae for the Crown was opened by Mr. Pelanger, who ridiculed the eensa. ticnal stones about tbe case poblisbed by tbe papers, and told the jury to diBaboss their minds of any prejudice they might have entertained. After thu coroner and the medical examiner had given technics! evidence about the inquest and autopsy, Gior).'e W. Mayo described the shooting aa he saw it, and Magistrate Morin, who isxued the warrant on the arson case, de. tailed the circumatanuea aurroondiog ita iaeue. Donald Graham, of Megantic, the princi- pal witneaa for the Crown, then gave a lucid statement regarding the murder, which was very damaging to the prisoner. Upon orosa examination, however, be contra- dicted hia former evidence and got con- diderably rattled, and thii aomewhat lea- aened the force of hia teatimony. A peonliar incident occurred during; the afternoon session. The Crown 0O()nsel made a motion that Warren's revolver, which was picked up at his aide and was produced in Court, be taken out and nn. loaded. Both defeuoe and Court heartily agreed to tbia, and it was ao taken out. Hardly waa it out when it was back again, the High Conatable remarking that all the oharabura were empty. A few momenta before one of the witueaaea had aworn that, when picked up the revolver was loaded, and. when tbe motion to remove it was made, the counsel for the Crown stated most diatinctly that thu revolver waa in the aaroe oondition aa when found. The High Conatablu's report, therefore, oansed no small sensation. A Bherbrooke deapatch of Friday aaya : The Morrison trial is approaching an nuex. peotsdiy early close, counsel for the Crown having this afternoon, afier the examina- tion of fourteen witneaaee, declared the oase closed as far as thoy were concerned. To- morrow the case for the defence will be begun, and then, after the addresaes of oonneel and the Jndge'e charge, the case will be given to the jury. From the evidence submitted by tthe Crown, a pretty strong case has been m out agnlnst the prisoner, but the g drawback on this side is tbe number contradictions on important points which have been made by Crown witnucaea. Thoae examined to-day were : Eostacho Roy, George Uoderiqne, AntoineRov, Nelaon H. liCet and Arthur W. Ooff, of Boaton. The chief incident of to-day'a prooeedinga was the oonfesaion of Leet that ho had oome bore prepared to testify for the defence aa well as for the Crown. His examination by the Crown counsel waa moat severe, and at one time it waa thought the Court would be requested to order hisiirrtBt for perjury. There are ten witnesaea for the defence, and all of them will be rigidly croaa exam- ined by the Crown, ao that the proapeots for concluding to-morrow are not very bright. The opinion of thoae who have beard the evidence ao far aubniitted ii that the verdict will he either manelaughtor or ar(iuittal, oerlainly Dot murder. The delence will try to prove aell-defenoe aa the beat means of getting their man off. TBLBGRAPHIO 8UMMAEY. ithe nfde irl«» Balfour, who ia called '* the best hated man in England," ia atill young. Ue waa born in 1H4H and wont to Parliament in 1874. Ho doea not look like a strong man, either phyaically or mentally, bat hej has shown in an unpopular way that be ia both. Wm. Hill, tbe young Bt. Thomaa man charged with an unnatural crime, and in which tbe grand jury at the Agaise Court yesterday returned " no bill," has entered an action for $2,000 damagea for malicioua arrest and prosecution against Walter Tra- vers, of Talbotville. On Friday Mra. Ecapp, Kingatou, re- oeived a letter from Bedford Milla, which haa been tampered with. The envelopu had been cut and pasted. This is the second letter opened within a few days. Ten dol- lara were taken out of one of the lettera. The poat-offioe is again agitated. It vrants reforming. Advioea were received last night by In- spector Btark, Toronto, from Buffalo stat- ing that George ( ranbamand David Irving, both of whom found Toronto an nneafe place to live in, had eaoaped from aaheriff'a officer in Buffalo. These men were clnse frienda of Soothworth, who left on Thurtdav to spend a five years' term in Kingston. Notwitbatanding that the Gait shopa have nearly aa many mouldera at work now as they had before the strike, the strikers atill profeaa to be confident of ultimate success. Two men arrived from Bt. John, N B, on Bnnday last, to work for Mao- Gregor, Goorlay & Co., but were captured by the strikers. Tbe firm, having paid their fares, retain their trunka aa aecurity. Over an inch of anow tell early yeeterday morning at Gnelph. Bir Julian Pauncefote eailed from Liver- pool for America on Saturday. The "blacklega" at tbe London docka have joined the Doakmen's Union. The writ for Victoria, B C, the seat va- cated by Mr. Baker, has been issued. The Earl of Zetland, the new Viceroy of Ireland, took the oath of office at Dublin Caatle Saturday. The Democrats appear to have elected tbe Governor and carried a majority in tbe Legislature of Montana. The General Ci^nvention of the Protestant Episcopal Churotf at New York voted to accept the Nicena Creed. Uyacinthe Beaucbemin, of Borel, has been nominated for tbe Commons by the Libarala of Richelieu, Que. Tbe State Line ateamer State of Georgia collided with another veesel and had to put back to Greenock for repairs. Mrs. Elizabeth Findlsy was killed by a Grand Trunk train on the track at Toronto, east of tbe Don, Saturday afterooon. Father Boyle, a Raleigh, North Carolina, prieat, haa been found guilty of criminal aaaanlt and aentenced to be banged. Ihe oase against Frank Woodruff, one of the men indicted for the murder of Dr. Cronin, haa been poatponed till the next term. Rev. B. Longley and Mrs. Ijongley have gone toOleveland, Obio^ where Mr.Longley baa been called to thepaaloiateof a leading ohurch. At tbe Blenheim Fair on Thursday a man named Wbite waa aooidentally ahot by a discharge from au air gun and fatally injured. Dr. Kane, the Orange Grand Master at Belfast, tells Secretary Balfonr that be had better not proceed with bis Catholic Uni varsity aobeme. Judge La Rue, of Quebec, has decided that the father of an illoKitimate child has the right to ita custody, bat that the mother may go and see it. The Quebec City Engineer reports that a great many of the implements provided by the corporation for clearing the debris from Champlaiu street were atuleo. Mra. Sister, 41 Stewart street, Terouto, who was BO terribly (calded on Monday last by the upsetting of a boiler, died on Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The official Turkish Dewapaper, in an- nouncing tbe coming of Kmparor William, says bis visit will draw closer the relations between Germany and Turkey. Arobbisbop Walsh, of Toronto/yeste.-day consecrated thu new chancel windows in Bt. Peter's Cathedral, Lon<lon, afterwtrda preaching to an immense congregation. Tbe writ has been issued for tbe election of a member of the Local Hoase in the oounty of Joliette. Nomiuation ia Qxec for tbe lUth and polling for the 23rd October. A terrible hurricane has visited the Island of Sardinia. One hundred persona vere buried in the debrii of buildings ahattered by the atorm, and thirty persons t^ere killed. Judge Bradley, of tbe U. S. Supreme Court, on Saturday gave judgment in favor of Kdiaon in the euit brought by the Wust- inghonsu interests in connection with the iuoandcaoent light patent. At the recent sitting of tha fall Asdizea at Pembroke, McLaughlin, the man who killed Robert Ferguson at Calabogie in Auguat, waa acquitted of the charge of man- slaughter preferrea against him. The Province of Cagliari, Italy, haa been ravaged by a terrific atorm, in which HO hauses were destroyed. Sixteen persons were killed and hnndrads were injuiid. Tbe town of Cagliari suffered severely. T A student named Jackson, from Elgin- burg, had thu mil-fortune tu injure bis leg on Wednesday while playing football at Kingston, and will he laid up fur ajms time. It ia said hia leg ia broken at the ankle. At 4 o'clock yesterday morning the rain of tbe night ohanned to snow, which fell to the depth of nearly six inches at Lockport, N.Y., greatly damaging shade and fruit trees. The snow storm coutinaed three hoara. In a apeeoh at Perth on Saturday even- ing Lord Randolph Churchill admitted tbe obligation of the Government to pursue a generoua policy toward Ireland. To neglect Ireland, he eaid, would be treason to the oauae of the Union. Mr. Darby, Kingston, who nospeoted that a letter sent to btra from California had been opened and SIO taken cot, baa changed his mind. The other day he reoeived by express the $10 in gold which he thonght had been stolen. The death ia announced in New Zealand of Mr. C. Patou, a son of Mr. Thomas Patoii, for many years General Manager of ', the British North America Batik at .>'on- treal. He waa in hia 84th year. Hia death waB the reatilt of an accident which hap- ' pened a few weeks ago, when, in following the bonnda in a bunt, hia horse in leaping a fence fell and rolled over him, eaaaiog oon- onaaion of the brain Aa a freight troin was going west neac Pape avenue, Toronto, jes'^rday, a woman was struck on tl^e imiple by the locomotive and killed in»t«ntl\. Thu woman is anp. posed to be Mrs Aikins, who lives at l4l Bolton aveiinn, city. The harb'ir UbiTtrs at Flensbnrgb, Ger- many, have gPi e on Btrihe. Many veeselB remain unloadi^rJ, "nd the Chamber of Commerce has «..^ked he commander of the local garrison to 6ei,n soldiers to do the work of tbu strikers. Detective Allen, Lo-iron, has been siU- pended from the ci.ui ;_v ronstabniary for eix months for drui yei.i'isc. Constable Coulter was reported inr *;li wiiiga prisoner o escape, but, it h. in:^ I is first offence, the matter was overloohiH*. Tbe Bpanibh Gc\«f r.n.ent Saturday granted a re;,rieve '(• a murderer con- demned to bo extcui' il at Osaura. There was eome delay in transmitting Ihe re- prieve papers, and when they reached the prison the ientenue of death bad been car- ried out. Colonel Jamea Poyiiiz, probably the lait of the Waterloo vtt-rai !•, died at Windsor, N.8., yesterday, aged 'Jo veara. He reoeived bis firBt commissKir. ii' 1814 and became captain in 18'28 He retired from the 30th Foot in 1844 with the honorary rank of lieutenant-colonel. There must have been pickpockets aboard the Umbria on her laet trip from New York. A ealoon paujeiger was robbed ot £40, a ateerage pa8t'eii»:er loat 99, and â-  poor woman with two children waa robbed of 17, all bhe had. A th> atriunl performance was given on her behalf. The latiBt returi s received give a Demo- crntio B'pjoriiy ol teMu c n the joint ballot in the Mintana L<^isia<uri, with one in doubt, which ma> luotat-e the majority to nine. In severs! count es tbe vote waa very dose, but it is not ih ought the official oanvasbing will make t>n> material change. While discharging cargo from the steam- ship Alvah, l)ing in tbe river at Quebec on Baturday afternoon, a large crate tell out af one of tbe elin<:s, and in us descent fell on three young men, natdenls cf Cbamplain street, named Rankin, Murphy and O'Neil. They are rather badly wuimded, but not, it is believed, fatally. The strike of the window -light glass- blowers, which began last Juno and has seriously affected the manufacturers and 5,^000 employees, most o( whom are located in New Y^ork, Peouvylvania, New Jeraey and Maryland, waf< settled at Baltimore yesterday by delegatt s representing both aidea. A acale to continue one year waa signed. Dr. Kane, of BelfaHt, Grand Master of the Orangemen of the diHtriot of Belfast, in a published card warns <i u Right Hon. A, J. Bslfopr, Chief Seoittary for Ireland, that he will alienate the Orangemen if he propoaes any farther < udawment of Catho- lic inatitutioLS in Ireland. " Tbe Govern- ment ought rather," continues Dr. Kane, " to (onfer its privile)i.ea and endowments upon every Orange hall in Ireland aa a aign of gratitude to ibt< 15U 000 Orangemen pledged to maintain tbu Union." MANITOIIt MATTKhS. The Northern Pacific A Manitoba roa will beuin work th>B f«ll on au extensiont Lake Manitoba, aiul wU! next year put a steamer on the laki . It is with a view to this extension that the application ia now being made at Ottawa f,>r leave to cross the C.P.R. track at the Portage. The MacLeod Oairtte attain asserts that within tbe next two N-ara the Canadian Pacific will deUect in its line south Ihroagh the ( row'a Nest Pass. For sometime past a C.P R. engineer named Stewart haa been working in that pass. Au exploring party of tbe C P R. hss aleu been inspecting a possible route dedeoiing suath into Wash- ington Territory. The Pincher Creek district round-ap began to-day. From present indication! the fall branding wul bu >iaite as large as it was this spring. Thu calves are big and strong. Fifty Knights Templar leave Winnipeg on Friday for the Annual Conclave next week at Washington. The Vioe-Regal party reached GrenfeU to-day, bavuii! ri.ideu there from the Crooked Lake Ri snrve. It is said the contract for 30 milea of the Manitoba iS Southwestern Riilway will be let this fall. Lord Stanley and party arrived in Regina at noon to-day and w. ro reoeived by the Lieut.-Goveruor, whoinlroiluoedthe Mayor ot the town,and theutertotvped address was proaented. Mr. Mackenzie B.iwell left for Ottawa via 8t. Paul, to-day. IIo eays thu Government will not appoint Cu«totuB outposts along the international boniidtry, as had been con- templated, as he found the police control the frontier sufficinutly. The principal articles sraugghd aro whiskey and cattle. Senator Uardisty was seriously injured by being thrown from liia rig at Broad- view, N.W T. John Aohiaon, the echool teacher who vxa recently tried on Uio charge of kiBsing one of hia pupils and taking other liberties, had his certificate revoked by tbe Board of Education. The Combination Tea Company lottery oonoern, in oonseijuenco of exposures made by the Sun, has been cloned out by tbe police. The Mormon settlement at MacLeod waa visited by Miniettr Bowell, and be is eatietied that there is no polygamy. Tbe Anthracite Coal Co will have oon- structed immudiae'y a Unu of coal steam- era for the Ban Fraiioiaco trade. An extraordinary mortality among chil- dren in Dublin is said to be due to tha parents dosing their children with quack nostrums. The fact u a healthy child needs no medicine at all, and an unhealthy child should, if the parents can afford it, bo brought up under the duotor'a eye. Some deaf and dumn boya were playing ball on a South Thirt. emh etreet lot on Sat- urday and a policeman ordered them off. They wrote an inqoirs with a pencil as to the cause, and the polio, man wrote In reply that " the Mare " furbido it. Then thoy went to another lot, foiii scjuarea away, and finished the game to the delight of many aiieotiitors, induiliun t>^â- o interested police-* men. â€" Philadtlphia Record, \ 'â- 4>t l>

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