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Flesherton Advance, 10 Oct 1889, p. 5

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r HE F L E S H 1-. K 1 ( ' N' ADVANCE •^'t- GEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, i'llAFTX i;!)UOtlT AM' iiOLh. ^lK'\..d Ati.ii!uHi piiid ill tlu- <:'ll';ctiiiii (if Snfn iiii'l A'li'iiuti, Jn<i il'iur Surtk o/ y;;, /(,ir.7.«/ii <t- <'«'.<. Vicinitv Chips, <'haract«Ti>;i«-s of the Past W«'«'k (are fully TuUrd for the f'liriuus. Farm to rciit-sei; advertisement else- where. Mr. E.iri Stnim has ruturued to Penn. rmversity ti> omiplete his oxursa in liiciliciuti. Mr. and Mil. Will. Strain left on Tuemlav iiK-rniiii! f'T an vMleiiueil visit witW their »<in» ill Min"t. Dak. Tlie v(iun;r sun (if Mr. Giiy < >rr, wlio was recently kicked by a li<>se, u iai- {)rovip<;. and will rec^'virr. If aiiv of 'lur r.-;i<!prs are bre'-ders <•! Cliinese ;;fe»e they »"u'<l o lifer a fa.T>'r by ciirresii'Midiii'.' *ith Tlie Advauc*. Mr. M. WiUi.iuisviii, near Piiceville.haa iruit trses i;i bln.iin. The snow of Satur- cay, hiiwever, ku.ickeU them senseless. J. G. Uussfll. E.<ii , and L>r. Carter re- lumed from l>etr"it on Monday, both having lipeiit a very plea»aiit hiuiday. Mr. Jidiu Slii'.To:i and wife.if Ton'Uto, were the ^u'sw "t R<!v. J. \V. .Sliiluin, P>. .V.fora tew days Juriui; llie pu»t v»ik. Tuwiishi;' council met in tin T«.wn Hall I'H Mo:id.-iy. Minutes are crowded out of this issue. They will appear next is hot ' and get three times the ralue for your money. Head our tail couipjiigu announcement el.'iewherf. Horse for Sale. A g'.oj vouii,' 'Mise, ijur year* old, a "Byron,' without fault or blenaish, time for payment win b« .'iven. .lUH.V \V. ARiISTU( )N'G, F:ebh«rt..n. Passed Away. We have thi.i week to record the di^ath of one of the oldest and moat lespectad citizei'S of this vicinity. Mr. Madill. father uf ilr. Ale.iandur Madiil. Mr. Ma- utll w^Ls born in irulAud in the year 1804, andhadcoiisennently reached the advanced a^e of ei^hry-four^ year.i. He euiiL;ralcd to this country when (uite y.iuii^ and Plowing Match. | settled fur a wliile â- >n tiiu Ti.on'o line. The minual fall plowiiii; match of i '"*'"' Fl^'he'tuii, and uHderwci.t. with is now a:.'ed and atill aurvivin^i heliiineet. Special values in overcoatg â€" heavy Canadian Twe'-ds, at Richardson i Co s. Fur 'coats this seasou ac prices away down. An fclei,'-in' stock of ladit-i' and geucs' nirs jusc opened at Kicuardson k. Co s. # -^ Fine ovcrcoatiiiu"; in Beaver,Mel'.';i;. Worsted, '.-tc, ai Richardson & Co s. th" united t.owuships of Arteniesia, Gltnelg, Proton lud Kyiemont, will be hc-ld near Pnceville on Friday, Oct. 18th. The farm has not been selected up to time of ^oi'ig to press. Could Not be Served. j A buiiiiKSa niaii -jf Klesiierton recently rendered a statement of account to a ! minister who was one tin.e a resident of I Maxwell. The letter was returned. It â-  had been opened by some jierson, and on I the back of the account waa wnttan : "Mr. iilaiik ;» in heaven and hia wife is ill Port Perry." When Eiiby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Wht^n siie was a Child, ahe crie>l for Castoria. \Vht*c -ihe bt-can-.e Miss, she clung to Castoha. When she had Childrua, she ^ve tiiem Castoria Mrs. Sken« who kai b«au visitin',* her sister Mrs. CrossUy for some time, re- turned t-> the Sault St Maria, Michixau, on S.ittir'l IV. T!;» report of the teachers' convention, held at E)u;liain list Thiirsi'ay ami P'ri- day, is unavoidably crowded out tuia The cattle fair on Mouday w.'u well atteiulsii, oonsidcring weather and roads. A lar^e number of buyers were preuent and a goodly number ot cattU changed hands. Damage. .\ lar.;e amount of daina^^e ha^ been done in this vicinity to fruit and oriia- meita'. trees by the snow storm of Satur- day nii^ht. None of tlio leaves had fal- len, and therefore the snow made huge pyramids of white out of the trees. weii-h- ini down limbK and breaking them otf in lar,;* numbers. ;;U the hardships (jf a pioneer life. Like' ; most of his countryman he posscs>ed a I very str'>n-,' const;tuti')n. and ui.tii about I ten years aj;o, whe» he liud a .ievere ar- I tack of bronchitis, scarcely knew what it waa to be sick. Since that time until I about three weeks bcfi>re liii dea'h heen- ! joyed tolerably good health, but for two ' weeks previous to his death he was con- ^ 6i!ed tu his bed, aud bore his sickness I wich christian fortitude. t»n Wedues- i day nii;ht he calmly and peacefully passed into the land where the inhabitants never grow >AA or never 3ay 'I am sick. ' For a number of years and up till the ' time of his death he lived with his s<jii. Mr. .\lex. Madill. about two miles iior'.li ot Eu;;enia, wr.ence his reum,us were borne to the cemetery, t'leshertoii, on Fri- day afternoon, there :.. w:i;t "The '.ireat ' Day when we ahail a 1 oe contoinpoianes \ and make our appearance together. " To the lonely widow aril the bereaved family we would otTer 'Ur sincere sym- pathy, ami coiiif.rt them with the thouahl that thouijh he will never conie back to them, they may ^o to him. at the .\ oond stronij horse, lieaithy and in oood condition. Cheap for cash on time to ;,'ood paper. W. \V. Trimble. FARMERS I BUSINESS MEN! EVERYBODY '/,? w w .1luxw«ll *V.. Wool iiuil; batts Flesherton factor'. cudap. A Treat. I Those who attended the Methodist ! church on Sunday evening last had the' unexpected ple.iiure of hatening to that ; Canadian queen of souu. Mrs. Clara E i Shilton, of Toronto, She san^' two solos ' in a manner that should disarm all critioa. | Her singiuij was greatly enjoyed by thej congregation, as it is by all who hear her. Barn Burned. On Friday last the frame b.arn beJung- iu-c to Mr. .Tas. Henry, North Line, near Pnceville was destroyed, together with grain, hay and a lar-« iiumbar of fowl, including forty turkeys. The circum- stances were (mniewhat peculiar. 5Ir. Henry threshing on thai day. the The Fickeniig N«w» wei;iliinjj thiee ]iouiids. 1 ;is » potato W... UaTo one ill our ottice. which, when duu' wa.< found attaclii-d to the bowl of a tc.v-<poon, all reudy for eating, minus cooking. It was i^rown by Mr. Boyd Thompson. !*now fell on Friday ni','ht last, at Rocklyn and Singhanipton, to the depth of from .3 to 4 itiche.s. In Flesherton it was simply a mixture of rain and snow. On Saiiirday iiisiht. however, snow fell here to a depth of about two inches. New subscribers are coming in evfry day. Now is the time to cet yuur name enrolled on our list. We are otferinu' every iiiduceuient pcs.sibie, and it is your own fault if yott .ire left out in the cold. TUsre is a valuable i;iir awar.iii;; you. See el»ewiiei"e. Robert P>ate» has purchased the re- mainiiiK stock uf his brother, Thomas Gates, and will contimio in the c!otluii;{ liusincss at the old stand. Robert i.< a youns; man who h;is had a larsje experi- ence for a youan man, and havini; o'.ie of the best stands in the city must do ayood business. â€"Sault Herald. The decoratini,' C'lnniittse wf the Har- vest Home festival should have got to work on Saturday hut and tixed up die church. There was not a decoration of any k.'ul to show that the services were anytl iiik; more than orvlmary. .\ few hours' work would l>»vw made the church appear to harniuni«* with the sermons. »nil the aervices vuxe- impreasire. San Ffancisco tbe Beautiful. The Advanee strongly advisee its readers to be on the alert for letters which will snoiily appear in these columns descriptive of the city of San Frai cisco and California. It is written by the talented authoress of ".Across tha I'oiitiuent," and will prove extremely iiiterHStiiii;. Her farmer letters attracted much attention, and this series t>f articles descriptive of San Fl•allCl^co and the tiolden State will prove etjually faacinatin?. This week is a good time to subscribe and secure The AdvMio«> one year and nearly four month* aud a valuable book, all for the sum of CD* dollar. No such wonderful utfer was *Ter made before. "Strike while th» iron I machine eiigatjed 'ix-louginj te Mr. Charles Ryan. All the graia had bean threshed and the hands were cleamno up the tioor, wlieii cre was discovered near the machine. It S['read almost iucredibly fast, and there was ooly time to run out the thieslier and the farm implements, which were ;n another part of the barn. One rumor said that tho spark arrester had been rcm«««d for the pBr|)Oga of cleaning it, and the tire st.irted frem a spark from the eiijjine, but whether this i IS a fact we have been unable to learn. I Mr. Henry's loss will mount up to| nearly I seven hundred dollars, and will be a ' heavy l.h.w t.. him. Tbero was no suiance. in- I t.TIlK'^ Sim nld SCO the cliecki.'d jjiuy ihintui at il.c FItshcrtoji fuciorv Torrible CJuaniug Accident. Thomas Lyon.i.son of Mr. .John Lyons, of Tyrone, a^«d :.':,', met with a terrille accident on Friday last while out shoot- ing in company with a companion named Shearsoii, in the vicinity of Proton Sta- tion, It np[)ears that the young men were oil tlie lockout for a deer, and ' yonn.,' Shearsoii had placed a ball in his \ gun u;>oii the load of fine shot. While going through a brush heap Shearson held his gun over his shoulder with the nuw/.le pointing forward, and a twig raised the hammer, discharging the gun, the whole contents of which eutered Lyons' arm and back. The arm was ter- ribly shattered, and the wounded man hail to wtlk four miles to his brother's place near Proton Station, Prs. Oroen- lau and Mc Williams, of Duiidalk.and Dr. Bproula of Markdale, were summoned, and foun.I it necessary to amputate the arm at the shoulder. This was dona twenty-four hours after the accident oc- curred, and the young luaii is now prt)- gressiiig favorably, but conrplains nioi-e of the injury to his back from, the etfects of the Kne shot than thaA of the amputa- ted arm. Vniou sheeting pl»in and twilUd, white aud gray, at the Flesherton factory. Mr. S. Daiiiud.e v^ifhea ua to annctmce that he is prepared to pureliaaa aK> tha hides which may be forthoomiiijand jay the highept pric«. - Harvest Home. The harvest home festival which was held 111 the Methodist church an Tuesday evei'inii last was a decided success in point of program, but not so much so m that of i the number present. Tea was ^iven :ii ' the baisemant, which had been most beautifully and tastily decorated by several young ladies, viz. .Miss .\rinstronu', Misa Wright, Miss Lou Armstrong, Miss Ada Sproule and Miss A. Thurston. The taste exhibited in arranging the iirai::. vegetables, tlower* and autumn leaves was truly creditable to tlie artistic abili- ties of these young ladies. A most boun- tiful repast was served, in fact the cuisine was eiiuil or superior to anything we have rver seen ni that line. After t!ie inner man had been catered to. tlie audi- ence adjourntd to the biMiy i)f tije ch'.ircii ' where a program of jioi-suai excellence j was presented. Mr. Tli- ». Uainev, the | popular reevo of i 'sj^rey, occupied the! chair, and the ni."»ii».;un; committee did a \ thing when thiy ; laced Mr. Gainay . there. The program coh^isted of mnsic j and speeches of a superu r order llii-ough- | out. The clioir rendered a couplo of pieces 111 nicest excellent style. Rev Mr. WatS'.n was the tii-st speaker, and tlo- livered a short, pithy address which was listened tM w;:h much interest. Other speaker* wore Mr. Ihorpo Wriitht. who has t'.ie happy and rare fiiculty of :imus- ina while he m.-itructs : Mr. Thos.Crai"- â- .;er. wh.' w-as unprepared t" deliver a lengthy address ; Mr. John Sluirnn. of Toioiilo, wii.i ciu\ ta k, *s ail '.iwyers can, ami yet say Si'iiietliin.' instructive, at the same tune •v>i!vuig uiea* which will ma'Ke ^-ne -.liiiik : Rev. Mr. lcj:.'i;in. The 'our days iipecial services that i-ere 'aeld la:>t week in the Meihodist church were not v^ry well attend^?d owing to wet weath- er. -Mr Bruwn .jpeued the -iervices by preaching fr'iiu Exudns. Uth chap. l:ith v, Mr. Wettlherall. <l Siughaiuptjn, occupied tile pulpit in the evening. Mr. Shilton, of Flesiiertuu. preached ftfterniK>u and eveuiug ..f Tuesday. On Wednesday afternoon Mr. Flint, .if Ravpuua, was present, snd iu the evening Mr Mc.Veil. the Presbytenac min- ister. Mr. Flint stayed aud hc.ped lu the services on Thursday moniini; and after- :o..ju. Mr. Browu uccupied the pulpit on Thursdav uiijlit. Service was also held on Friday nifjui, and ihey will oe continued »very evening this Week. Oeprey fair was a success. There was a larger number preoeni this year than ibere Uas be- u fur some time. The Rev. Mr. Hali,cf •ue Church of Eng- land, preached bis farewed sermon on .Sun- day morning. The CcUfc-resaciLa was vary small, ou sccoount of the and diaagr'-e- abl" muiniQg. Every oue is sorry that Mr. Hall's three months' vacati.-n is at an end. .\ minister has not yet been secured lu his plaec. John Brillou, one of the Home 'I'ovs. who had be'u for some time with 1 s. i.hutou, started for tile Colhmjwoo.l exhibition and has not been heard of since. Mr. Richard Heron is very slowly recover- in.; fp'm his long illness. .Miss I,. Roome IS iiome ,'rom Toronto en a visit. Mr T. .K. Gamey is home agsin from Sault St. Marie. WANTING ANYTHIN'i IN THK LINE OF Harness, Sleighbells, Blankets, Sleigh Robes, Whips, CirciDgles. Trunks. Valises, Etc-. SHOULD CALL oN ME'. CAME ASTRAY. Came to the premises of Louis Frook. Lot No. , Con. I'.i. I'rolon. on or sl>*)i:t :h« isst of .\uiiusc. heifer ailii 1 steer, abori: Jy«ar«oKl. Tlie iwrier icsy have »ftiue by pn>Ting property sutl i&TiDg dXpeuses. LOCIS FROOK. I'ricevilla !• 0, ert.a.ism. IT P.IYS TO AND THAT IS THE IVTorthern Business College, OF OWEV J^OlXD. T)io hewt and most practical course oi 4f.ui> The \>e»i teachiufj tKlt^nt. Th(j l>t»»t act.uminoda:ioii f.-r stutien:<i. Thebtfst uieth-xiH of instruction. Ttia best reanUs from that mstruction aftt/r stU'tfUts yratiua-e. Korauinai aiiiiouucetnciirs uivinR partic'/drt reganiitif; tho i-our-to 'f ^tuiiv tor ui*. otc .a.l. t-n* C A FLEMING. FhimU'.v: F\li.Mi;i!S! IJJtKI ;!io d. strict. »!'.) â€" well. 'ws what .Mr, 1 014^:11 can ir •'ieasure .-I the eveiiai.'. tlic .soiiie-.\lial uiio.\[iected "t every b'uiy ku do. The â- i-f. however, was presence of Mi-s. Clara E. Siiilton, of Toronto. Tins lady rendered the fol ' lowing solos duriiig the evening : "Lulia'oy Si n-4 : as an encore, "Come j in and Shut the Gate. " "Jerusalem. " ! by Parker, and as an eiicoie, "No j Place like Home." Mis. Shdton's sing- I ing powers aie, in our estimation, be- yond any criticism whatever, aiul her music w.vs all the more elij>iyed from the fact that 111 all probability it is the 1.1st opportunity winch Flesherton people will have i.>f hearing this talented lady at home. T!i"se who missed liearini; her this time lost a laru treat. Mr. Evans rendered a bass solo, "riie *.)ld Sexton, ' and gave as an encore "The I Model church.' both of which were well received. .\ pretty quartet by Messrs. Evans and Beecruft and Misses Richardson and Ueecroft. comp'eted the I program. The wluile affair was very pleasant and enjoyable, the only thing to mar its success being the compara- tively sUin attendance of farinvrs. The proceeds amountt«d to something over forty-five dollars. (let your colored mitt rarus at llic Fleiberton factorv. Croi>p, wh(Kipiu(( cough aitd Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale at the Medical HalL T.BLAKELY, Flesherton. Set's the best faniiin,' im;lo.i.eiits man':- | factiired. including B.'l. -I !'/'"/•'« L!'lill â- <t'-ii i>,,i.('i'|- .M.i .l/,.(/-, .. 3/'iio/i /V'(A^.-cie,ir-ii Ihill And Sprihij Toiith :s,-i- )â-  Tlif'rr.o n.wt.itul ThreiJ,>-r^. .^â- â€¢^â- '';/ . »»f Ihiiau-I's llanUirk. The Ltood (luaiitii's .d impleiiu'ir.^ are sutheieiitiy kuowu now to speak for themselves, without any extra word* fro-j me. Anybody reuiiir ng imiuHuuius in this Uua would do well to exauiine ni.iii> if not alrciuiv ncqnaialed with them. Call on mt iind I will hu bappv to eiliibit the good qualities of these niacbiues. T. A, Ki.iki:LV, Flt'shertou. Came Astray! Cause to the praaiises of tho uuilersigno**, *l>out throe weeks a«to, one spiini; lamb. The owner uau bave tbe aauiv by proTii.^ property ^lut pHving txptiUKea. D. HOWSIX. Kinibevlev. ^Vr^BARNHOUSE, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, FLESHERTON. UNT, L>e«ires to tbaiik his inimerons eiistoinorn Vor tbe very liboral pstroiia^je sxtoiideU iu tlia oHSt, ana is now vrei'areU to All all ordem with i»roinptiie»». Vatisfaciiou guaranteed. TweMo years in hiisinosa in Flesherton, and bonnot .lealinK«,wtth good workmanship. have made bis iiaiivs wsU known throughout tbin vicinitv, S«w«*d work a npecialtv. Got your boois luada by Wm, Baruhouse, Klesharton, Sleigh • • Robes, I The Saskatchewan Buffalo Robe, warm, duraule, water and wind proof ; new inven- tion. White i^oat robe, Ycry serviceable. A MAGKlilCENT LOT CS NEW AND CHEAP SLEIGHBELLJ. Just Examine our stork, whicit is Larger tbuii Evt-r. WHIPS In endless vav'.eties and all prices. 4xle (iiiase, Uoof OiidiiHUt & Harness Oil. In all the above supplies I have a large, and my prices are low. Those who go further will '' fare worse. D. Claytou, Flesherton >;. B.â€" First cl'iss livery y in connection. â- Â»-!~Tf^^.

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