SIPPL EWEXT TO "THE AI HAXE." FLESHERTON, ONT. Uct. li», isfij. The 4ainsinc. Editor Flethnrlmi Adoaiux. I>KAK Sir.â€" An article whicii apoi'a - I'cl ill your paper from a •orrcspomiciit ill I'liiLfiMiia slioiiM b« c'orrecic'il. TIr' plant that we are in seiircli of is called (jiiisiiiL;. (Iri'V Co. twenty vt-ars uj^o w;is full of it; llu' cleiiriii;; of tiie land, till' ()a.stiifiiii;()f woods with cattle, tlie iravelliii;; liiiiiter, the Indians all com- hilled tiave made it very scarce in tins Co. We find trace;* of it every when-. jiiKt eiioiifjli to show 119 what it was mu'e. There is no use for this root in th.' pDininiiui or U.S., Il9 market is Cliina: u.'<ed by the Cliinee in his re- li','ion. It in worth in Hong Kon;,' liom $7.' to 8100 per lb. Flon^lit by till' Yankees for 8peciilati(jii, coin niinv's trusts and svndicates rule the inark(>t. No man of .â- siuall means can i;et around tliein. We are iibli -eil lo acept tlie speculator*' prices- -as a ciinsf(jnen;e our prices are $1.50, diied, 40 cts per lb i^reen. The [ilant cannot be cultivated. It grows only where the suf^ar maple tree i,'i'i)iTS and on rich dark loani soil, hilti.estiiii; accounts uf tills plant, its use, etc., can be found in any botan- ical work published in either coiinli v .Mr. Williams, of Maxwell, has a \aliiable book whicli !^iv*9 a good ac- count of gmsmg. It can hteii seen by caUiii;4 at his store. t for every acre. In reijard to tlie'speci- niens of mineral we liaTe obtained, we can '.jive noilertnite statements as yet. The best we have came from the farm of Mr. Cooper. 12tli coiurt- sion, Aiteniesia. Will ;rive vou fiinlier accounts of our work should vou wish it. niARI.K.S .1. LYNDON, Miix-./p|l. (Irev ( o.. Out Maxwell. Sept. 27.1889. The above was iinavoirl.ihly held over from last week. Ki>. Ai>v\n.e. â€" â€" â- • - â€" .Monthly r«[)..rt S .S \.,. (J, Ar- teme.sin. FiUirtb ola.sH- Nettie Stuna 74.1.1a t>.'). Third -lass -.l.diii \Vri.<||t .">!>. .Alfred Sfiiiie ."(.'(. Riifv VfcLeiiii ."i2. Second t'l».,« -\ WhittHker 7o.I'lric St. .lie ••)!». Liz/.i. M.-.Artlmr67.I'.ella Har- row (ill. Heiirv Piitt«rm.ii ti;{. Kl.iiime Si,.Mu rl, .S,„|u Cee .^r.NHnnaii Kletc!i«r 57. Altix McLe.i.l -JT-MalcMii lUxter 'M Partell class -.),,lui ( ill) .(K KirsK'Um Mar.iaie. A .M.- Vrtliiir ."ill Laura Wliittaker 54. .h.liu .Mc-Le..d .c' NOTICi: ! rilHK STOCK OK (• K Nl II. MKHCII'NT I uf MniUi'll. i.innlv< l'iiiim..(mil' iif .|iv k""HlB. tiBts mill .â- ni.«. »triiw i; 1h ,. ,.,,,., patuiit ......lii-iii.â„¢. ,•, ,...^„rv uli.s-w.ii.. l,o. ' mill «lllll.», IllhilBIM Kllll (I'ltR, »llll|l li\tUlt» I't will be .i.ilil nt I.II iii.ii.h oil till' iIiiIIht a-> 1 st.i.-k -hMfl. Iiv |. Ill, lie- »u,:tii,ii it» Side hills, ravines. glenS, etc.. is Ljood yrouud for this plant, .\t one iiiiu' farmers m this county could have p.i,. tor their land without ever tak- ing a stick of timber otf ; the aiiioiint 111 root which tjiewon the soil would pay it .Tluushaw.s Hold. I'li'siM-rtun. On friday, October the 18tli, at 2 p.m. TeriiiK -Olio tlu.-.l i-aaii.buli.ine : o Hiul miilnta Stoi'k sliBBt iim\ 1)1) well atllLoillte ul .M Hiili- anl^oii .V Co., Kle»llu|-Ui|l. •l0^^1'H IILACkl-.lli.S .\.-Ni,;l:,.„.