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Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1889, p. 8

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y $ 4. 'â- ^"•*'' "^â- " fe THE FLESHERTON AD\ANCE X ml: >â- Â¥*»•! ^W^W"*SS*"S FLESHEETON HuTinK purchased tbn FleBhortou PUaiiii Mills froQ H, J. Sproiile, Esq., I now a*iir( to iafurin the PUBLIC tkat I aiu ill t ixisitioD to do ALL KINDS -OFâ€" General planing mill work, SAflll, DOOHS, bOOH FRAMES I'liUiiiig and .Matching', ro sinTin;;,etc. i^ood Workniuiiisliip (;uarsiatrrd. A lar{,'e quantity of pood dry pine luii.bc-r on liaiiil. * IF. /. Bowciisif, \ Icslieiton. SALESMEN Wtthto.l (>.r o;ir (â- ..-iiiiole lui- .'f NIKSKUV SfdI'K All now, rli., â- ...â- Â« an, I 1-Ah r Ki:i.l,IN(l >.l'K<tAl/l'IKS. I rnr^ f inii-ili I'AVINd I'WSl TIOSHto work.MS M\ IniL't- "XI»'rii'iiiiuii llir Imilliem euulili't inn ti> iitl«r siiuciul iKlvntitau'i-a to, I CAS MAM'. A l.l ri j;jbl- i:i, - M.I-rSMAS of niiv 'in.' «li.. will t'.lli,w ui\ in »'.nirtioM. IViiniiiK-ilt iMiii>lt'\ nielit \N'a«ns pui ! i'.ic-h Wf.'k (MitfV ft*-., Ai'iiiy lit one*- an.l EI»WAKI> I'. S>KLL. Nur'arj-uittii. KdfllKSTKU, N. V. MBNTKIN' TlIlH 1'41'tll. J A <'om|»lrf4' History of \\\i- ohnstown /.v-i-.Td i-niltracini; nK">. R hi'-t<iry of tlie floi>dn la \ViIliam«pori, Lock Iliivfii, JSiiiiIturv, iirMl nil tho rtu'-t<i.<l tlifttritth ill th»' Stntd of r<:iins\l vafiia.aKi- in (InKhint^tMti.lJ. C .New VcrK. Mftry .Hj'i, \ ii'tjiiuit Miti WVrtt Virfc;iiiiit. all of wliu-li catiivd ('>*) total lusfi u( uvur U.'JdU Vwc* uii<l tbo .Ic'Ktructioii of uTt'i #40.i*i)i>.U00 worth of piupurty , Uj CEO. T. FEKKIS. A. M. oct.iTc. 522 piiKug ; Illustrated with Furlit.v-1'isht Full-I*au«' EiiBra*- ings. Trict $l.bO First niilinii ismicd AuKnsl lOlli. .Veiiayduly on all Luokii. Aynitu IVantvd. S'nJ 50 cia. fur comiilele ontlit. H. 8. GOODSI'Klil) 4 (Jo.. New York. For Sale Stiiaiu flour mill for Hale at Flebherton Station S riiuti totio, double rtied butt, Hiuut mill, ditstt-r aud purifier. Will be Rold cheap aud on eaxy tcraifi. ThisiB a bargalD. A jplv to KOUKU LEVKK Fletihertou P.O Monthly FalrH. Orrtiitiuvilltjâ€" riio Bfcoiid Thursday in each mouth. Dundalk -Tuondav boforn OraiiKevie. KI«shMrti»iiMniKia> ln-furtj <),rti\\i^M\iB. Marktlalo -Satiirduy Imfori' Oraiij^iiville. Durham- Third Tuesday in eaih luoiith. Chatnworthâ€" Monday buforo Durham. Holland Cutitcr- Saturday bufriro Cbatt^worth I'ricevilleâ€" Miinriay bt'for« Durham. Hauovurâ€" Muudav buforu Durliam. U. fHc'iavish, MOIiSKSIIOKIi .\NI) GENERAL BLACKSMITH, C'ollin;,'wood Street, FLHSHERTON, - ONT. Maim/acturiuK of Wat^onii, SIoIkI)". Uupplna Udniorrata, etc. llut'hObhooinf^ iiri>nii>tl>- at itin(lt«ilto Hjioi'ial attention ffiVL'U to i-ontiacl >1 i>r (mi.liir f<«'t LosKlne and Plow Chains r»ii- lanlly nn hand. -i> The M»l MiicH!r»»fal Krmndr errr du- CO' w.d. It% <t Ut>..rial*1 III llBOPrda Nil 1 i.ui . II. .1 p,j,i.., . u.n.l (iriiof I 1-1. i«. htinmrfTn.! n, V. g.. M«y >, I'Xi;. ra. n. J K-»l>«i 1. •'.) , Uiii.«>,»iruli . alH, VI. t .: iirti on. I liafii iia^.i Ki-n i I'^ll'. i*ii*.iji iMiii fur r*i>iivlna] »ii<Ii'>o I -I )\Mfc^inif liifi, lit .,»a„'l t*ll.') .I«>llllil I'm! ]'>iii)<t It.kttiir < f'n\ f f>,f rciin-l. I r.innoi;/ fuwoliiUjenl It lo h'l h' rwnutn. ("HAHI l[.i\ .1 J.I .1, „ Al.l.. -. „ . .. «T. "novii. p y , Atrll-.T!, wo. n*. n. J. k .If U.I. . ,,. Kiiodliu.i:!! Villi-. VI. lfl...iaV-l Lave I . I .. fiiw .lolili-. iif >"llrk>li. f , !â- Â»' â- '• !< >>lii Cire 1 n n.) .â- ...r, ' ; <v __ » I'^hniu iiiirrrlii|( from liiHu- ' ^-"^Uv aiii^liiK viirv iK'.n ^'llll. :iii.l I'al I'liraio I., I juur Kfnrtalln Si.inli 'i*!.t I'"'* "iii'l" r. iii| liia aii.l ri.iiM , '»;,â- , (â- i:if. Ii. ,11.1,, III'. .41.1 II J, III,, !•.» / •» M' ri'rciKr III inn 1 '.. ^S.tuun l|iaT«.,sM ti«ti(llril. Kliiill, Mil. I r â-  ,111 ,*y^ilir vnluali',, I,,., L«n,tillu,l "ATliA- 111.41 ml !«• Morfc,,'." Yu.ii-D i,*ii '. tfiillr. I i' WujLintH. f UT rLii-K. Max., NaT 111, ihiti. I>«. n T lf«l,.. f.C , K,|. jl'i.rijU K..!!.. Vl. ' 1 . . . llflTT' - [ ahvayil kotji vjiir Kiudall'l >* .'II ''una III III lur ,ii haij,i â- II. I 11,1'v ««•« i.i.i.,r li.l ' >«i \ ,« nata ti,>'< will itn I* llAVW I^^H'.'ll « I'lWl IIM'AOf &|,avlii ; id I »,i r w,i ca,"'* â-  Y t{|i,,{,.i,i,,i w/fn«r« 'laii'lliig.«.iiiii«ri..i vvhloli I bun r hi i>i lii.-t*! rniiii. utid I141 j ii«i • I any 1 1(114 of •llM.a.., In iImu i.,iJi»la«. Tuuia iruiv, I) J (iKKrrri;. l-pii'- • I |ii,r iMiMt*. or •!< l>,iitiii<I, r W.I All <lr 11^,4 Ikl. littvalt .rr-an y;i*C <1 for .rnu, ,„ M mil bo ..,Tt( 1 > aai7 aJUrtM ou ri,url|i( ul \ ilctt by Uia |.«|i.rl«((it-«. Mr B. J. kfa*kli. ClO., luoaburr i INIlK. Tb »â- â€¢â€¢ 7» nv ,\M, i):i;t.(., -»;. Viii!"ti',-i ''ur* Will immedmiBly roliov* â- â€¢i-'i,V !.''M MYRTLE ('UT ami rLVG SMOKi.^(iT()ll,ll]C(l FI.NER TIIA>'i;VK«. T&B in bron/.c 0n FAtn PLIii and PA<'KA(;E Improved Farm for Sale. I.utf* MH. H'.land I.'«0. 3rd raujie «-ast. T and S It coiitaiitii)^' |i*() atiHs. W) ck-ar^-d. ^nu><i clav oaiu. W(dl niiproTfd, ^'ucxl franif< boutc and loi^ burn, fraum Ktabb*. muni on-hard, etc Thin lariH IM widl watiTcdand iin|>roved. and ii eou- khlei'url onn of thu b«ft in thin •cctiou. Iti^ one Tiiiluand a half from thoT Ur* KIrsliorttm. Will bf hold on very iiiay ti'imii. For further partiLulaii apply tu JAS. mCKCKOFT. FJaiherton P.O flodr7flour, STONE FLOUK! MR- P LOrCh'S r- pipparit'l to do your (inntiuR on i»li'»rl uotii:o andKvindsnn tlio old turnis of %srxf iwel/th bushel Sftfen centi per I'ri; of two bunheU (oi C'h'ij.pint; done •rnrv daT. The IdttU Mi i* bi»r in the ciiiliiiation of tho public. Mati«factii>n (iuaraiiUteil t. l.oiTfKS.Proprietoi-. fiood *>wtblini; for hiries. BLACKBURN'S is the /flace jor choice (foods <i;i(l fair prices- C'houa KoUei rioiir. Ilraii ami Shorn at rocklioiioin prK-ei*. Cur*il :ifial«. I'.oloijona. !Llixn,| 111,, I i,.,t„l I'lire 1,111., an*, I r.ini. (laticral aioortuient o( cana»l eocula. ("luiici-; ni).NK\. CJNI'KI TlONKllYof all Itr. < KKA.M anl p iiilinir fcimiiiifr iliiiiks. Cholcti I'ruila a Kp.', i.tlt> . O.VI' Mi:.\l.. ii.iKN .MK.\1,. ('K.\('KKI» WIIKAT .1M1I (IU.\ll.\il Kl-iHH. lllwaVH III! llUllli. }!,'nioiiil«r iliM ]ihc«. next ili>, •? '.;> AI. Iliili.inliioii A; t',1 .«. PEICEVJILE BAKERY. A. \V-^'ii>i<>^ I I >i sir,-. Ill i,it',irtn t!n.' imlilic lliiit ho (MM liiniisli (J.MvKS .VNl) 1MK8 To < >i<l«'.-. niisT CI \s u.v,\vs(in msii, will vi"it Kii','rtoii I w it'll 11 wi'ok o Tl'J-',8UA\HMi,l I'KlllAVH.wltli 11 full au|i|il.v ofeouda. DUOr A C.MM) IF Vol nKsim? MK 'I'OCM.l,. WKDUTNii .iiul lANt'V mKosa spocialty A. WAT.SOX, I'riomillo. \V!i',' will viui â-  hukIi wiiuii ,'^!liloh'^t run< will i;,vo imtiioilmUi iijllot ]'\[<'r III lii , lAl.'K . •â- nl *l r.o- .â- ',• "t !'(», Mo,li. ..' Kiiuberlry. From 01/r othir i'mre-ijiondftU. Our little »ilU)j8 h,u n,.t Ixjeii re|ire»«n- ted in your coluiniu for SDnii" time, and it is really a [litj that such an eiiterprlH- ini; place aa thia i* ihould he passed by unnoticed. Kiniberlay ia iniprovinj; very rapidly. Two very nice buildings have already arisen, aiid the third is growing. Insjiector (irier visited the school a few days ago and pronounced it rery much iinpraved "liiic* his last visit," more so than could he e q>e<tud,cuiisider- ing the disad van taxes ari8in<,' from having two divisions in the same room. Miss Agdiw Kay, of the Queen City, is the guest of Mr. Thos. Wickens. While Mr. Ellis's girl.s were after th»ir cows, they ran across old bruin. .\ hunt â-  iiij; [lurty, composed of the miller and the J. 1'. started after hins,hut his bear- ship, not wi.shing to be cau'.2ht by the liuib uf the law, made himself scarce. Kinibtrley is booming at pre.-ient. Building is the order of the day with 1 llio btiHiiiLSS nifn here. Mr. Williiiin liest, who lia.s been in! tilt) tlircsiiing business fur the oast! few years, lias iuvested la a now siouin "Wideuwako ' ihre^iiing uiiicliine.aiid is now tuniinf,' out wheal nl a lively rate. Mr. Sherwood Las lately burned his brick kiln, but the reault is uot very favoraiile; howuvor, he has a very irood pile. .Mr. C. Knott lias been improving Lis already liandsonie rcBidence by iiaviijg it veneered with brick. Ho has now a good gang of men on and expects to soon liavo it completed. Oiu' genial posiiuastei and Btore- kcepor, Mr. llaniinond. ia intent on building t, new dwidling bouse. Ila lias now a nuiubor of men working on the stone wall, upon which ho will erect tlie dwelling next epriiig. Mr. McKenzic lias aauglit tiio build- ing fever also. He ia now getting ready to erect a line, solid brick dwel- ling, elegant in conitructiun and beau- tiful ill design. Mr. SLerwood"s brick kiln will soon be exhausted if tliii fevei continiiei. Mr. Thomas Lewis, an aid resident of Kiniberley, who has been living in WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DBALEE, Has a large assjortment of FALL andjWINTEK Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, Over- shoes,Felt Boots.Trunks, etc. New and seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices. Custom work to order. FLKSHERTOItfa Photos, Photos Photos. n« ar« now tvirning out work far tuprrior in iti/le end jini$h l« ung tter fr*- dvLCtd in Flesherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUBE FRAMING- done in all itn hriinehfi. A good stock of FRAMES and MOL'LDfSGS ktp*^ conttiinlli/ on hand. Will (dio tnt'oduce the ntte BROMllfE FOHTRAIT. a lorouto for the last few yean, \\i,i' picture thH it giving entire tatit/nction wherever introduetd. SAMPLES be teen at mg Gulltrj/ lehere ail p<irtiaditrt at to I*rice, Style kc, cin ht tuined. FLESH^K'/ON. moved again to Kimberhy wlioro he intendg to pil?li his canvas for tlio jiresent. He is now doing good work in 'he carpeiiloriiiLi hue rj house builder. Mr. tii'orgo Proctor Ims erected a new dwelling, wlioro he iiitonds mov- ing into presently. Thig is one of the buildings on which Mr. liCwia is showing his hanJiwork. Mr. A. Aldnus, has sold hia farm to Mr. William Scott, Mr. A. intends (luittingtliis section of country to siek his wi Ifare elsewhere. Miss l'"()garty, of t'hurchvillo, who has been rusticating in tliii jiretty village for thu past few weeks ut the reaideiiee of Mr. llowell, retuiuud lioiiu; last week. On the eve before dppiirtiiro her many friends lure niailc a tnlTy pull for the [)urpo3o of giving her a plensant send otV. .\ very pleas- ant evening was wliiled away, and many a sliatjijler could b» seeu "lioiiieward plodding his weary way when llie birds wero Bingiiig in the morning.' Tlieniw liiion Hall is at a stand- sliU III present, but wo expect to 809 it lilli.>-lied e^i' long. Mr. ilaiiii s Sti wart slijwed a large lot of li\i, slock auil I'.irm inodbce ul I, list (iiey Ttll show, anil was snccesH- fill 111 briiiL;iiig home a goodly number of reds 1111,1 blues Mr. I>isli(i|) Ims decided to remain in llii.s liui,; tor a while yet. His oh liieiiil.-i mill pAlroim welcome thia ilo- eisioii Willi |iiy. Mr. liislinii is too viiliKilil,, 11 eiii/.eii to lose, and it i^ liiiiM-i: 111' will ciiiitiniie his iihode in our ilnurisliiiig villiigo for a long lime III cm â- . A sua coH. hf:altii for all. HOLLOWAyiPILLSaOlW: THE TILLS Purify the lUoeJ, correct all Dijorilers o( Livei', Stoinauh, Ivtcln'ys, and lio^vet«. { Ttieyinvicxratran 1 roatore to lu'altb DtibilitateU Couititutionr. i piaiutHinolduutal to FeidAU's of all SfteH. Kor Children atui ami ars Invaluable in aJI Co the sued they ax* prlcalM*. THE OINTMENT Uu iafallibUromei^y tor Had ItOKA, Mad HrcaHtn. Old Wound*, SoreH and incorji It UfaMovtt Onut aud KhtuiuiatiHUi. For dUordor* of the Chti-tt it has no iV{aa For SOKE THROAT, BKO.NCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS UlandularSwellings,and all Skin Di»oa«i>ii It has nn rival; and for contracted and sMff ointa it acta like a ehana. M;inn(»cture,i only at Profeaaor Hot.LOWAY'a KstaMialinient. TH. Xcw Oxford Strert ( late 5»». Oxford Street ». Loudon. and are sold at 1« tjd .^Ih. 9.1 . 4k M.. \\i.. 22* . aiul .ru. each llox ir I'ot. and mav ho 1 ».i ot all Med fino Vi»n,lorn tlironwhout the ^\ ,,rM. ^Mr Purehaiert tho^ild li'nk It 'he TnM on the Poif ami Ho.rfs. If the atljrt.i$ it not .'i.t.'i, 0.-t::ril Strtft, /.oiofoii, f/ifv iirv .«()ioi',>i(.<. FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM ifzitej^ »•• F. ii. KjMStCtlt, A '.arc.) a,«ortiuo!if if STOVES. , a ,iuik,>»i STOVK 1- lUNMSTllNCS. TIN \V AKIU'OI'J'KKWAH! .l.AMl'OOODS utc.,coIl^tamiy on Inoid. F.VKTKorilHINi; A SPECI \i.irv. Strain's old Stand KloMlit^iM on. llcar(rs Carriage Works. NASAL BALii^. A re: uin and <ii>redv rum u»i CvUi in tho llcaJ and Cauu.i i.i nil i!ssi.i:;t i. ; ___ MAXl'FACTUREK OF : Carriages' ihio'i^ics, ]y\is'ons, Slei<*/ts, Cutters- .y'r rtc- CdCTHitlC, ci.e.m::ik3, HEALIKC st.-.nt Hclitf, Pi'.rmsrcn; Cuio, ) . ., F.iilurii lii.po«iib:c, I Special Attention yivou to IWIXTIKO, TUIMMINO, HORSK-SHOKINO awd all .lisMnes are •iniply aymplonu cl | Ciloili. such as h.'ad i,-hi-. p.irtlnl deaMi>-i«. Ii"i-,j M'uHo of siniM (old bi.'.iili. h.iwkinn aud spiniim. I ii.iiuiia, Kcncial (telini; ot dcbililv, tic. i( you itie iioiibird wiihan of iticaeor kindied synnnoinv vou luvo Catarrh, am, should lose no time in procuilin ., l,iiv i-f Na»ai- Hai.m. Jill wiii-iied in «•»* iit-,ii.t:u:,i < i<> lo head r<?au1t<i in Cataiih, fullowea i,v tjiir.n.opli.'iwnddtmi,. Nt^o n.»i m is told br .'! ,ii,ii;gi>-t5. tir 'vi'l Vi- ••I'l) ,111 iMi.l. on receipt "I I J wt (so cents M\,\ #t no, hv I Ultf nig FUIFOHO i to., Rpnwviiii, Omt, kinds of JDU \V(>RK NolhiuL' but firat-el>s< niatorial and Kiiti«f;tction giuwantued. We have â€" Lnitnl>ei*5 l^tilU tintl f^hin^iles u.<;eil throushuut fi.4 sitlu Alto R ) Agent for Dick's Rollers, Mowers and Binders, D ev, Oian;!-- and Standard Hows. Two ar I Th Horse , o» It i.,r -l 11 -:â- .,â- :â-  UFA no. ^l;aw Cutters Piirhatti. Stvfi-i, Dick's Champion, Rnyal It«»b, " roe- Furrow Oauf PloiM. rieshft^in. I ' "â- ** .»;-, ,vf*A,^ -^'' -^a V

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