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Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1889, p. 3

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#â-  â-  A . FOB VO<CKG CAHAOIA^fS. HUtory in Brtefâ€" OffidiU AeU Lcmdioc Cr to Csoladarmtloo. In I'jO*, the qaegtion of Union of the Britiih Provincea of North America w«3 brought btfore the Lesiaiatore cf Ncnr» Sootia by Richard J. Uaiacke. Id 1-<U Cbitf Jasiice Bewell, of Qtubec, proposed to Lord Baihaisi the solation of certaici GovemmentaJ aifiicoltii* of the time by the formation of a anion of British North Am»ricac colonies. In lt)2-2, John Beverly Rjbinioc, Attorney-General for Upper Canada, formed a plan for the Cccfederation of British North America. In 1-^-25, Mr. McCiiUo(;b, then pabliiher of the Montreal Free iV^M, itron^lv lop- ported a similar icheme, and ia' l^So. Robert Goarlay, in London, snbmiiied a plan of the same natare. In ISCj',*, Lord Darham, in his report to the Bniisb Government, recommended that the protinoes be confederated. In 1S64, Hon. J. W. Johnston placed a r«aolaiion favoring confederation before the Nova Scotia Le^itlatcre. In l<$o7, the same i^entleman and the Hon. A. G. Archibald went to En^Und ai delegatea from the Nova Scotia Legulaturc to eecare the attention of the British aatbonties for the scheme. In 18o7, Hon. A. T. Gait U said to have alloded favorably to the plan, and the same year be, with the Hon. G. £. C:.rtier and Hon. John Rose, being in £ni$Ui.i on baeiQ<>«3 concerning the colonies, aiscosded the prcjwMl for onion with Sir Bnlwer Lyiton. then Colonial Secretary. In 1861. the first l^islalive step was taken by Nova Sootii, the Assembly there bavirs! ananimoosly rtsclved in favor of a Oonteikration. In Jane. Is'.H, the Hon. George Brown. then Chairman of a Select Commitiee of the Canadian Legislatare, made a report favoring a federation to be applied cither to Canada alone or to all the Provinces of British North America. In September of the tame year the Char. loltetown Conference »as heid to ducoss a Maritime anion of New Branswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Dele- gates from Canada asked permission to attend, and apon it being granted proposed the larger anion to the conference on the 13th of September. On the luih of October, ImU. the cele- brated Vii^bec Conference was held, at which delegates from Ctnada, Neva Scotia. Prince Kdward Island and Newfoundland attended, and the famoai k^aebec resola- tions, the basis of the present Confedera- tion were framed in seventeen days. On the 3rd of Febraary, l*6j, the Cana- dian Parliament met at Qaebec. and the (jaebec resolutions were iiitrodaoed. They were plaod before the Boase of Assembly by Hon. John A. Macdoaala, and before the Legislative Cooncil by Hon. K. P. Taobe. The motion approving of them was eftrried by a large majority. Ua tbe'21lh of April, ISw. New Brans- wick bavicij relomed a Hooae opposed to Confederation, Hon Charle« Topper oar- ried a motion in the Nova Scotia Legisla- tnre favoring the renewal of negotiations tor a maritime anion. On the 17ih of April, 1«>C, Mr. Tupper moved a rtsolation in the Nova Scoua Legislalore empowering the Lieatenant Governor to appoint delegates who woald confer with the Imperial Government and make arrangements for the entry cf the Province into C'oofsderation in sach a way thai its interests would be protected. Tbe rsaolotion was carried, snd en the SOxb of Jane. lS««j, a like tesolutioo applying to New Branswiok was csirried in the Leg.s latore of that Proviuce. On the Uh of I>ec«inber. l!>6«>. depata* tions leva the two Province* cf Canads. and from New Branswiok and Nova Scotia met in London, and organised the London Conference at which the question was dis- ooased with her Majesty's le|!al officers, tbe interviews beginning on the 34lh of Jan., 1867. The Act of Union was made law bv the Imperial Parliament en the 'i^ib of March. 1867. and on the 'i'.'nd of May the Royal Proclamation waa iisaed from Windsor Castle. On the lit of Jcly, 1S67, Confederation was proclaimed throogh the four Provinces, and tbe Pominioo cf Canada was an ac oompliahed (act. Oa the iJrd of Jane, ISTO. Bapert's Land and the Northwest Territory were, upon the joint addresses of the Dominion Uoasea of Parliament admitted to Confederation by an Imperial Order-in Coancil. On the loth cf July, H7l), Manitoba bo oame a Province in the Union. Ou the 20th cf July, 1*71. Br.iish Colombia was added. On the 1st oi July. 1^7'i, Prince Kiwsrd Island joined in the swim. The Wariuth if Italian Courtship All court circles delight iu gossip, and DOwbore IS more material furnished than in Italv. llsliaus thiuk o! nothing else bat making love. Pliriatiou is ouknown : it is always deei>erate earnest there. The ohaperou is a neoessiiy. Women speak of their lovers with a franknesa that would amaiie us here. In the family circle, at dinner, in the preoence of the cbildren. subjects aie discussjd and stories told that wonid never be mentioned even in private with 09. It Mrs. Chamberlain dads it necessary to seek a retreat from polite drawing rooms iu London she would tly quickly from \i^iue. â€" l'ufalo Seta. A Hint to the rraterulfjr. First Country Editorâ€" How are you coming ou with your p»per ? t»ecoud Country Kditoiâ€" First rate. Got â- eventy-tlve subsoribeis last w^eek. l\> they pay up. You bet they do. How do you inauaga to make them i>ay ? I issue phrenological charts to every Bobscnber, and those who pay in Svlvauoe have finely developed heads. It's a great wheme. ^ Kluduoss Aiipreelatvil. Old Ladyâ€" Doctor, please let me have my bill. IVvtor -My good woman, I know you are not iu ihe oeat of oitvumstauces. I want nothing for my trouble. Old l,ady--Oh, that's kind of joul Bnt who will i^y the druggist .' â€"Lady of tha house to ttaiup Yon eat a* if you nt>verhad se»>n a ineal cf vi.-tnals before ! Trampâ€" Madaiv.. >oa must escuse me. I s'pose I do eat awkward, but the taol is 1 hain't bad much practice lately. THE ALLIIGKO DAT MCKOKB. Probability That it WLU Turn Oat to be a Hoge Hoax. The Day murder ca«e, says Thorsday's Rtcf/rder, which for a few days pas: has oeen greatly ablating many people in tiie back coontry and for whicQ one Carr u now in Brocxville jail awaiting his trial, u likeivtotom cot the bi^tiit ki::d cf a farce from beginning to end. As was intimated m yesterday's iasae, two men inleresied In the sffair crossed the river here m search of the old boose in *hich Da)'s body was said to have oeen placed after he bad m«i death at Carr's bancs. They were accom- panied by the little boy who lint gave the partiTolars of the marder and apoo whose story the whole case originated and rested. Tbe >oaniister is said to be an illcgiumate sontf tte accused man's brciher. his mother being Mra. };«becca Day, wife cf the t^^p said to have been murdered. He is a bare- footed urchin about 10 years old. sharp as a steel trap in his movements and t^ls and. as the seqoel will show, poMctaca all the eaaential rtquisitea for a lint-cUaa book a^eeoi or a li^jhtning rod padler, Robert Day, brother of the missing man, IS the parly who beaded the search tor the old house >ecterday,ai:dbe seems a modest and much- in- earnest cooctryman. He staled on his return home that after they crossed the river they proceeded cat oo wj»« li iu:oTn aa :i.e (>3»eg»ictie r-cad from Morrisiown to a point abcst midway oelween that vilia^ie and Ogdensbcr^. They iiad no di£o3liy in rnding the oJkl ho ate described, and toon came open a farmer who reaided in the immediate vicimly. When this personage was told the story he gave it as his opin- ion that no body woald be found in the cellar, for the reason that in the drst place the boose had no oeliar and in ine second place me ex- pected corpae wiks naming good wages lo the employ of a farmer abcol a mile fur- ther down the road Sore encash a visit to this place revealed Day. who not only u earning a good living, bnt also tatis£ed with his lot. The resmeeis in that sec iion, however, knew the whole lot of L'ays and Carts and were col at all scrry when they left the cocnuy. One cf them said that Carr bad threatened to take Day s life and always carried a botccer knife on his person. Kobirt Day new says that Carr will be held on several other cconis. including stealing. The boy has 'oeen treated to qoite an (i:anioo and now says that he was intlrccted by his mother to tell the story and thtl there was no troth in it. British Crop*. Tbe weather has been to bad for the greater part of the conth that has elapsed since harvest began that the qoality, and to seme extent the quantity, of tbe gram must have s-cfferec. tome wheat has spruaied, boi not very much. Barley has Oven badly stained, so that dee malting samples will be scarce. Tbe wheat crop is all. {generally estimated at abcot <O.0v)O.' OtM basbels cr a i::tle onder. but it w-.U surely be safe to reckon on 7i OOO.OOO busbeis, after alicwiog for seed, other farm uses acu waste 9wmg to damage done by the rains. Probably aboat c>:'.0OO.0CO bushels will be all that will be matketabU. and in that case we shall reqoire to impcrt during the next twelve monies about UO.- OOO.OOO boshels. The hep crop is nearly all gathered, and It has been bol little injured by the ram. Indeed, except tor hops bruised by high wines, the quality u exoepticually dne- Tbe yield is now generally pal at aboot < cwts. per acre, which, on tne 37, 7M acres grown, will come to t63.03'.> cwts. Last week the weather was bnlUanlly due, enabling many farmers lo slack tbeu crops of grain m dry oondition. Bat harvest u not half over in the late districts, and on fortunately we have bad more rain this week. Most of the new wheal brought :c market has been damp . but dry samples weigh well, tome as much as ^ pounds per measured bcsheL This is a g^od sign. s-.:d It may be that the yield will prove beyond expectations. A BCeBAilDs AGU.ST. BeitjiTesiB Taia la »aie eis Wife from Ocatii. The New York Heraid of Thars<iav savs : Mr. and Mrs. McHu^ lived in cosv r-xmj on the third door of No. 427. which'is a big teceoKnt hoaae. Daniel is a laborer. He was obiigt d to be ap early to reach his work on time, and Mr*. McHcgh itaaily rose irat, ligbled the fire and prepared his breakfast while he ftni«hi'^ bis sleep. She was up before 4 o'clock ytaterday morsing. She had set out tbe dishes and norly pre- pared Daniels breakfast. Jist before calling him the stepped \z the bedroom. took up a kercsene lamp, lij^ted it and turned to go taci and awaien her hosband. Instead cf the cneery caJ with which she was wool to arouse h:m he was startied from ha slom'oers by a ahr^ek. •â-  Oh. save me '. save me, Dan '. ' were the arst words he distinctly onderstccd. Ihev came just after what bad seemed to him in his sleep like the doll, faraway r»r cf a gun. It was really the repon cf the ex- ploding kerosene lamp. Lsaptngfrom bed as bu wife screamed oui again McHugh darted into the ad'oin- ing rooms. He was mere than hcmied. hushing blindly backward and forward. while she beai tbe air with her hands and shrieked with pain, was his wife. 3*eciin«lv a'o.aze frcu; head to foci. Tbe ire cad caught in her aprcn ana then in her dress, literally enveloping her in a sheet cf lame. Then it had run .juicily ;c her dress waist and so to her hair, which dcated cot sver her shoolders like a wave cf ire. Daniel at oooe seized bis wife arcocd the waist Slid forcibly bore her to the leer, all the while trying io heat the ismes cut of her clo:hing and hmr with his 'care ha-ds. Then he rippec the oiazing dress from her body, and roiled her over and over. It was not until be was severely scorched th:ii he naaliy eitingoished the dames whi:h bad enwrapped his wife, and then it was ico late to save her life. Almcsl every inch cf her body was tlittered and blackened, and be; head and neck were as black as 'turned charcoal. The police called an ambulance and the tembly burned woman was taken to the Presbytsrun Hospital- She lost conscicos- rSj en the way. and di«d m the hcspital at Iteen minutes after 7. M.-Hijh s 'cures were dress ed at the hoepital andhe wvspc: to bed in one of the wards. He here up manfully thrccgb all the intense pain zntil the news of his wife s death was taken lo him. Then he groaned in anguish for the tx%\ lime- They are said to cave been a very devoted ocuple- Thev had no chil- dren Mrs McHzjb was' 2S year* eld. Her husband is severa. years yoonger Tbe police and the bcspitai doctors tpsak of bim as a man cf remarkable cooiags. It w^ te a long time before he can leave the hospital. The Brttlsh Warskip Lily Lost. A St. John's, Ndd, despatch of Friday night s»ys : Tbe Bntish war ship Lily struck a rock oi Point Armor and sank. Seven of her crew were lost. The vessel is a loial wreck. Considerable money and valuables went down with her. Nothing was saved. Tbe Lily was a composite gun boat of 7'.'0 tons burthen and ^^0 horse power and cstrried three guns. She Delcn^ed lo the North Americsm and West luoies station. A. Uritlsh StrAiuer WrevkeU. .\ Baldwin. L. 1 , despatch of Tuesday s«>s: The British steamer Vertumnus, of tne New York and Jamica steamship hne. ran ashore last nighl in a dense tog opposite the life- saving station at Point Lookout. She had a cargo of trail, most of which was thrown overboard. Four passengers and tbe crew of eighteen were tskken od safely. The vessel is being badly pounded by the waves and the chances of doating ber are poor. ♦ Ftviii the Lexicon of Life. I>owryâ€" A saace that enables one to worry ihe fish down. Look out â€" An expression used by cabbies just after they've ran over somebody. Guillotine â€" A window looking oat into eleruily. lllustciis â€" The spectacles of hope. Teat»-The blood of the bean. Tbe great ambition of S. S. Cox daring the last twenty years of his lite was to be chosen Spetiker of the Bonse of Representa- tives Mrs eopeckâ€" Do yon itotics, Mr. H.. fsti majority of the newspapers ais opvxi* d lo easy divorce laws' Mr. Hen peck ^wearily) â€" Yes, I woudtr how it hap- pens that editors gel such good wives. The case of tbe Vjueen vs. Marshall C. Twiiohell catue up for trial at Kingston ytsierday. The defendant was prtsent iu court and desires) to alter the tribunal and to be tried bya jury instead of the Judge The Judge allowed him K> elect to be tried by * jury and granted the applioaticu tor a poeipocemeni of the trial till uexi assisss. BaU was granted and tbe defendimt was a^iii liberated. Mrs. Cleveland, with her own good rifle, has shot and killed a deer. Id ber private station she ap^iears to be keeping op ber reputation for hits. Car- A Ca n d ida te Far the PBp«l SacceMlon. A Rome cable says Tbe candidacy cf Mgr. Zigliara to ioccced Leo XIII. is now a fubuc matter. Bis Eminence is the youngest ot the College of Cardinals, being only m bis 56th year. He was born al Bonilacoio. Corsica, and tcck criers as a Dcminioan monk The Italians adect to lock upon M«T. Zigliara as the candidate of the i reach Govemmeni, bat althco^b born in C'orsica. His Eminecce has always repudiated his French citi.;ecship. Uis canaidacy is supported by the Dominicans and also Cy the Jesuiis, who al drsi were inclined to soppcrt Cardinal Farocchi. He is also on the test terms with Leo XllI Tbe most formidable ccmpeiilor of Mgr. i!!i^liara fcr the triple crown is Mgr. Sanfelice, Cardinal Archbishop cf Naples. who IS backed up by the Italian Govern- meni. Tbe party of conciliation in the Sacred College favors Cardinal Monaco de a Valelle. Tellow Fever in Venemvla. The U, S. Consul al Marcaibo, Vene juela, writes to New York papers ; •â-  Hav- ing at hestrt the interests cf humanity, at least as regards my own ccuulrymen, I take this way of notifying the health auth- orities to bs very carWul of any shipping arriving from this port. The yellow fever is raging deroely here, and there are two barques here loaded A'hose crews have all died and which cannot sail ontil arrival of new crews. All the shipping here is in- fected and there are many cases in this city. Noi long age two American electrical engineers died here, and while at no time does 11 appear to be particularly epidemic, there are many cases at all limes of tbe year and everybody not acclimated seems to lake II. ' another Huulanakst XaaUwto. A Paris cable savs : Uen. ooalar^er has issued a manifesto lo the electors of Moot- martre- In it be says : " If I ask the sodrages of the I' is because 1 repre- sent. -..CI the [wrscnality depicted by my csdumniatore. but a nationual sentiment aspiring to throw cd the burden of a grow, ing debt and tbe intolerable iniquities and humiliation to which the country is sub- jected. " l^fsplte the refusal of the Prefect of the Seine to receive Gen. Boulanger's declaration of candidacy for member cf Ihe Chamber of Deputies, placards were posted in Monlmartre, in the Depstriment of the Seine, anuouncicg thai be would be a caodi.iaie. Tbe police have torn dcKU tbe placskrds and arrested tbe men who posted them. Almost Driven to CauathalUwiu .\a Auckland despatch gives the follow, ing ; Tbe Tocg» steamer Wainui has brought here the capts'ti m.i ;rew of the British ship Garstoo. which foonderevi in midocean. 'The shipwrecked sailors were i'i days in an open boat wiihoul food or water. On the tiai day the men, driven to desperation bv hanger and thirst, de- cided that one cf their namber most be sacrifloevi to »ave the lives of the others. They were lots to see who should be the victim when they sighted Wallis Island. Tbe natives .~f the island assisted the exhausted men to land and treated them most kindly. A mission boat took them to Tonga. Fredd; '4 Candid Reply. Little P'revldy laged pjâ€" Mamma's Ih* nicest lady i'\ tbe whole world, papa's the uioest man and sister F.ihel is tbe nicest girl. Mr. Siicknev iwho is ooarting sisier BthelV-Wbat am 1, Freddy? liittie Freddy \'oa's nobody. A sIJtGl LaB CCCX^sKL FfcE. Bcw thg artinsas L*ci»latore Faid laad's LlnU Blii. A '^â- asc;::iton deepatch iayj : Ex- Alter- ey General Garland has Oeec chasing aeer and having a gcod lime al Hominy H-uL He «rote the ether day to a friead to say that he had ;ust »â-  '. "â-  two dne backs. He explains, also, his apparent dis regard for the game laws. The Stats at AriansBs vmtd him aocne HXM for legal sttTices. He pat in a bill for half toai amooni, and taid ha would call ii ,-: lare if the bill was paid as pieaenied At ict last meeting cf the Legialatore money should have been appropriated lo pav'bim, oat ^exptctedly the bill was defeated. There was no iiscate ever the indebtedness, 'cot some of the cli Le^Uialures were sunplv opposed to paying. The reasons they ijave for their opposition wer^; varied and eccentric One old feil;» wear- ing a choker cellar and a fil. suit of black, said tiiat duriai ihs last campaign he had heard Gariano teii stories that were cf color, and he ij nc: that the Slate sh,:a:d vote moc-^y to % man wtio would do s^ch a ih-ig. Aniicer man gs'fe ss his reason fcr vctiri %^\izs.: the Bill leal the ex-Attorney. General [.laved pcker. an i that t.; pay 'nirr. ic« money wen^i b.; to enoca.'age' vice. A fr.ccd:v member uliimately siciested â-  Garlmd ^ always here along ciring the month of Augtist, and has to oe a gcmg c .^n:e about the middle cf Septemoer. 11 he dees chase deer with hocnds he's a mighty ^ccd ihoL I prcpeae that we jasi coaoge tte law scsj to allow the shoos :ng cf ,:e«r to begin the lit erf Auiust icsteai c' the 1st of September. That will aLcw him a mciith cf itxting. This cr-cpciiuon met with approval and the game law was amended m.ccriingly. Ail dunng lasimocih Garland was chasing deer under the new Uw, and he sa\s he is perfectly saiisned the s«ttlemeni cf Ills claim againsi the State, The SItckel In the Slot Oatdoae. At a recent meeting of the French Academy M. Lippmann presented a note by M. G. Gaerou-t. m which ii ;s su^cgessed that by tte combined use cf a p hcncgraph and an apparatus fcr injtanianccis photc- graphy and reprocuclicn cf ihe pi.-iares obtained, it a. aid be po« j.bie to repr-_x:ace It any fatare tiie act cnjy tee tiiare peech of a person, but also' bring be/cre tte audience a vivid pictttce ol tas person s gestures and facial exprcssioo. Tbe prcoedare wcold be somewhat as follows : A person speaking cr Einj-mg mt; the phonograph wo;iid be ^ioic*;raphed by an aaiomaiic apparat-s gearea with the barrel cf the phcnoKraph. Tee piciurts would be insiantaoeoos, and take n at the rate of. say. ten pictures per second. Ttey wcold then be develcj ed and arranged ia a special lantern fcr reproduction en a screen isoshroncasly with the fhcnotiraph. when the latter is repr.'ducing the speech- An audience might thus °oe enabled net .niy to hear the utterances of. say. a famccs acwr, but also see himself and b.s acticos represented ca a sereen. Abcci » year and a half ago M. A. B»nc.<epi, cf Brasseij, ex- perimented with a simCar spparatus What the Wcatbcr-wliw FrvsaosUcXe. "An Old Settler s»ys ih»i he has reached the ccnciasicn • we are to have an early fskil and a long. .-old. hard winter and rgares n out ski fellows : â-  In the irsi place try tbe jiia of ai y cf your froit, Ycu will had >cor appl -s, penches and grapes, and til year fruit, ?cr th»i matter which IS home grown, with a thicker and tcujiber skin man you have seen for several years. That is one of the mdicationi Thai is the way •..stare takes care cf her prcdacts. Last winter ipples and other fruits were so thin skmf-td and tender that -I was hard to gather tbem wittoot bruis- mg them, if you wul remember, and we bad an extraordinary mild winter Com 15 another of nat-ire s signboards. The ears this year are protected by thicker and stronger husks than 1 have seen before tor years. Wheat and rye straw are tougher, hay is wirier snd the seed pods are better prciecled than usual, These are eld faroier*' s^rns.' Slaahed to Death with s Batcher Kalfe. A Zanesvile, O,. deepaK-h cf last Men day ) nighl says ; Frank Amos, one of the most prominent citizens cf Morgan »;anly, was murdered at his home in ihe wesiero t-arl of the .â- canty to-day by Mrs. Hamioc. his niece, who backed his face and head to pieces w:th a butcher knife, which it sppestrs she earned for weess avowedly tor that purfv>se. Am>.^ was picking berries in the deld with his wife when the attack was made. Mrs. Ames and a man passing by were attracted by Amc«' cries, and reach«-i him only in time to sse bim breathe h.s last, and to see Mrs. Hamtcn and her daughter ran away. The marder grew ool of a law sail in which the lesti mocy cf Ames threw the costs on Hamtcn Lild Her I'ncle Murder Ber * A Wa^erly. . deepatch savs : Chalkley LeConey. cf Merchant ville, N J , has been arrested here charged with murdering hi; n:ec*. A- nie LeCooey, near Merchaatville last Monday morning, Chalkley LeCcuey brought the remaius of his niec« here to the residence of her father, James LeCci-ey ai-.d the arrest was made en a teiegrapbit order from ihe District Attorney at Cam den, N.J. Chalkley deities the charge, and James says ihe arreet is an outrage. Ii is stated that a pair of bloodstained trousers, which were idenlided as Chalkley Le- Coney's, were found in the boose near Merchantville, and that a p«ir of sbo^s which Le<'oney bttd worn were also found with blocvi stains ou the bottoms. There is said to N> other evidence against him Simcoc â€" I tell you. they can say all ibey please about woman's extravagance, but she cau orees well on a sum that woald keep a m«u looking sisbby. Brown ^.iryl\l I'hat's ;aj| it. The sam that my w'.f.' dreases well on keeps me looking shabby. -â- How do ;oa ftel nc«. Sue?" asked cr.> Chicago woman of another who bad just secured a divoxos. " I Ie<>l unmanned she replievi. â€" Maiden - What can a woman do when a man that has won her adectien refuses to marry her ? Lawyer â€"Is he rich ? Nc hai'.< t a cent. She can appoint a day of general Ibaoksiivii-g and invite both tami ies to participate. DIsTaiBlTIOX OF JIJCBCHASIblSB. Tbe Amer::ans admit that the E"glmh oan beat them in h^firtlmg froighi- One aid to this Is the very « ideal warehocae system in coonectiao wuh ail the if ading freight depots. This m oo mofa a scale that the task dt ftimM^rttfig osrchandiss aad aHotsiag it to iu reapeettTe tsrs ia greatly simplidsd ; whilst tka exiles ol ground covered by ths goods yM^ ahsiit. selves enables the oompikaias to m a rrti a l the .-ars into trains with the tH es K st poMt* ble speed. Seme icea af ths extent to which cdons to sunpiify and so acoeierata freight traffic have oeen oartisd B*y b« formed from one cr two fTimptna Tha Locdcn ,ik Northwestern goods yard at Edge HilL, Liverpool, contains 57; milea of line. ccsiii;g $Ii),(>X).C<>J : and in addi- lion this company has in the »me city dve otoer freight depoas. two of tham reached by innceis eacn a mile and a ^larter in length, ccttstncted tor their use alooe. There ara also in Ldrac- pool twelve other goods depots beloeirliig to other :omp«nies. At Crewe, another London £ Narthwesiem depot, the area covered by sidings and ifauntisg Urea ii JOO acres, with 34 cmtes at running li::a nnd iiaiag room fcr o .KO cars. What has been i:one oy the premier compsmy haa been cone on a reituve scale by othei*. Cootparisocs .-calsi :« ccostantty drawa to oar aisadvariasLe between the celerity with which gccvis ccnsigeeti frcm the United Stavrs 10 uttericr pci;.u in Great Britafa reach their destinations and the tardy movement in the iiAtri'aotioc ;f merchAn- due ceo signed frcm England lo points cot- side cf New Yerk cr j:ner receiving pcrM. Apart from tne iiesticn zt speed uf trains, tiiere u no doaot thai ths ad'.-aniage in England is largely cae to the rt:p:;rior working of the preiidinaries bef ere iiart- ing traias oo \htit >.-ameys. rendered poa- sis^e bv tile facilities 'oere named. JgaA BllUBcs' FhUosopky. I never &na % man wco^e name wa^ Gecrxe Washington Lafayette Gcoariich, Es4 . and who alwas tighaed bi2 name for the 'all ami tint, bol what was a bigger man on paper than b« waj by natur. A,: a gmeral thing, an ladividual who is eat in hi.: person ii aea: in his morals. Man u mi brciher. and i koosider that i am nearer related tew him thru hij vioes than i am thra hi.: virtews. T'aare iz nothing aboct which the world aaakes to few blunders, and the individual so menny. a.s a man s aktaal importansa among hi: feilcw-kntiers. A man with a very stnall head ^ 'oke a pia Atthoct ennyâ€" -.ery apt tew gii .ato things beyccd bis depth. The paishaas ev an old man are often like hie teeth - they cease to trcable bim, simply bekaa^te the nerve u ied Tte caly pedigrxe worth traasmittiag ii viitew : and this iz the very thing that kani be transmitted. Af ecktashan haz made more phools than the Lord ha.2. About the ceart>: t«w absoiate in- solvency that a man Udi git in this world, and think be 12 dieing rttcb. ii tew leave nothing bat a peduree tew ai.< family. Is L«Carott in ClUc«c« f The Chicago .Vfx> of Tuesday says : 0£cer Garnty. who is stationed at the comer cf Jacksoc and Dearborn streets, was told a startling story this aftemcca by Mail Car: .er Briec. who declared that he had e .ery reason to believe thai Le'>"»rcn was IS Chicago. OTrien told me, said Garrtly to-day, that while be was asserting his cskil yesterdsy a man came to the window and asked the address ef a certain Englishman who used to be .vcneceed wnh the •»Vj:em i-i.-iji .(vw» Brien bad a fr'.end stand II g there at ifae lime, and he a: ence declared Why that s LeCaron.' Hs claimed to know tbe spy very well and as ence rushed ootsiis to greet the mar tup- pcsed tc he LeCaren. When he get -Into the ecrr.dor. however, the fellow bad dis- appeared- (.> Brien 3 fneci said he ccald noi be inisiaLken snd that be weold taks an eath that the man was LeCaron. There has bsen seme talk ef the tpy's givmic testimony la the Crcnin case, and this story tcld by Mail Carrier Brien gives 5cme color to the raenor that LeCarca will api^ear on the stand. O'Brien > -.-ery pecoliar statement, hjwever, could uoi be ccndrmed this afternoon. SnuihsuoLaa I l>J>)alt7. The Si. Loois ."urya-lli.-ia has irac«d tha name John Smith through vahoas laa- gutges with this result : In Lsi.n he is Johannas Smithus . t&e Italians smoothe him off with Giovanni Smith . the Spaniards raodar him m Jaaa Smithas : the Hellanders adopt Sim as Hans Scomidt . tbe French dsnen l-im eat ae Jean Smeel , ihe Russian snee^tes and bstrks as he says Ivan Smittowski, lo China he is known as Jo^'an Shimmit ; in Iceland as Jcbne Snaithson : in T:i^ caroras yoa forget all about Pocahontas and Powhatan when you testr them call Ton iJaaSmittis, In Wales they speak of him at Jihoa Somidd . in Mexuv he is Janlli F'Smitti t among the Greek ruins tbe guide speaks ol him as Ion Smiston. and ia Tar'iey be i| utterly iugnised as \ .â- Â« Self Jost Like a Wooxjui Doe*. â- â€¢ Whal you working at now. Rastus ?'' â- â€¢ I ve tookeu a pb of carpenter w-ork, Boss . mending up de boles la old Dr. Schmeri 3 stable, ' " Can you hit a oail en the head every ti'.i'.e ' â-  Net yel. tab , bat I can bit de nail oa de thumb four times oat o' three. F^ck, Wm, H, Dean. ToronK-, tbe youn^ man charged with aMaciiog and ssduoing Marion Atkinson, wss allowed out on his o»'-ji bail. Inspector .\rcbibald staling thftt he bad consented 10 marry the girl. Peaa has twen in jail ^it!ce his arrest, and has had lots of time to rtdect on his ^^Uy. Later in the day the marriage took plac«at Krskine Presbyteriau Churcii, Rev. W. A» Hunter conducting the ceremony and Mr* A. Thei'-'s.^n giving away the bride. Delia Walker, aged Ii". committed tui oide by drowning 11 Lav,gdoo. N, U , oa Friday nighl. She was a beautiful aaJ accv^mpUshed girl. She wsts spsadinjf her vacation it home expecting to reium ibis week to an an school in Boston, Tbe caa» of ber suicide is a mystery. She was an intimate friend and classmate ct Misa Skinner, ct Keene, and Miss Walker ot Springdeld, Vi,, betb ol whom ocmmiited tuioade last wtntar. tf k:^ f'*!' ^ -lA r>

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