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Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1889, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. GEO. MITCHELL, BAItfKER, I i.i:tsiiri:ii'jH)>. PHin:^ r.iil'aiiT am> soLit. \ l: ./mi ,/,.. ;, .( ifi.>), //iiiW ill tttecullritn/ti ..lul^<, Jicii door S'>rth Vicinity Chips. 4 liaractii-KlMN of llu- I'ast Work <;ir<riill> I'ulird for the <'iiriitiis. Ktmomt.i-i ih«! <>spr»y fall show at \J,ii«''ll oil Fridnj, Oct. 4. .Mi»» Kishsi. i>! I'ury Sound, ii vUit- .,,,; »,lli Mr? W.K l-"lt»h*r. If yum w»*.ch (.r clock n««J« repairing. he «uro aiiii t^tku a to HuasoH't, Kl»»h»r- l-t 1Mb. Concert. | Accident. That liackini^ cout?h can V)e bo ([uickly Th«" comrrtsiTeii ill the Town Hall on ) K. J. Si,roulo, Eai)., met with a gorioua } '^"'â- ';'i_''y Shilch'i Curo. Wb <.'uaraut«e Tuenilay vMcMa'i l.y the I're.byt.rian ' accident in the A^'rlcultural hall on Tuei- I ''â-  *"'"" •*'" *' '''" *1«''^'-'''' '**''• Mri. J.E. lil'ior, of Wilton avcnuo, I Toronto, attempted auiiide Thursday evening by takiiij; rat [â- oi»on. I.adiet Aid was fairly well attended. ; day. IK. fell from a ladder, itrikiiit; Tlin projirain anpplied was very i{oed and | njiainst a railing, breaking ono rib. We c<iti»i»tcd of «olo« by Mr. Anderjou. Mihi ' arij happy to Keu that his injury does not Vanuusen, Mr. KTans, Mr. Doninlon •utirely confine hirn to the house and Mias Benson, of MarkdaU ; quartet iilcilical. by Messrs. Kvaiis, Kiisaull, Miss baniude and Mrs. ItUikburn ; recitatiuu by Miss Annie Richaidson, entitled "Poor Joe." It.v. .I.W. Shilton, h.A , yave a short addresa, and liis remarks wese ai usual, received with much favur. iir n pel t> !i you watch .ir clock needs repairing .1 sure .Mid lake it to liusbells, Kleaher- 11 iui a perfect job. Arbitration. Judge Lane, Insjiectiir Campbell, In- spector (jrier. Jas. Campbell, Esij., of Collins;woi>d, and Jaa. KMiott, Esip, of Fevershaui, coa)pi>sed a b(jard of arbitra- tion which met iM the Town Hall, Flesh- erton, yesterday (Wediie.nday) to hear the petitions ot certain ratepayers situate in school sections Nos. and 10, Onprey, who were desirous of being annexed to section No li),Colliii«wood. After hear- ing evidence the rei|Uest of the petition- tural papers •n was granted. It is with pleasure that we auiiounco te our many patruiia that we have made ariaii'.4uinents with that wide-awake, il- lu.strated farm maoaitine, the America,n Fariimr, |iiibliahed at Fort Wayne, Ind., and read by nearly L'OO.tXMJ farmers, by which that ;,'rfcat publication will be mailed diiect, FKEi;, to the address of any of our subscribers who will coma in and jiay up all arrearages on uubscription and one year in advance fnrni date, and to any new sii'scriber who will pay one Tear in advance. This i% a grand opjior- tunity to obtaiiii a first class farm journal frse. The American Farmer is a large IGpage journal, <'f national circulation, winch ranks anionn the leading a;,"ricu!- It treats the i{uusti*n of 111 II loiiiii of bonrr for sale at ti i < li« «• Ml T I '.airs, of iha Sault, made 1 .Bsbei.^u a call on Saturday, leaving for • In. .•^lult il.o «aui« day. Vli»« l.::y I'ows.l, who hiu beea visit- lUi; lelativen in Tniouto and viciniiy f«r s uio WLiks reluriivd on Moiniay last. Ml W \ .t.;y »iid Sou return weflk fr..iii ti.e l an.idiaii Sault, 1 l..'y hay iijililncl' Gone into Minint;. Mr. It. Oliver took a trip U|> the lakes ID June Ual. and bucaiiiu so impressed i witii the uiioiur; ijualities of Al^'oma that he purchased a mine, bringine a c)uaiitity i of s|iuciiiieii ore home with him. Thu he had analyzed last weflk in Toroato, j the result bein^' that the or* turned out as follow* (Jold worth »'.'.40 per ton. ed last I »!'»•'â-  '"i' '."•"ts. copper |-4 ; total here '-'*''â- â- ''" I"''' '""' '""* "'* "** simply M 1:.« 11 A <" have repaired the , â€" I. .li i.ic.i tc.wer. It was lUumiii ,â- â€¢â€¢1 11 ^aluldily evening fur the hrst i,iu. . ' Ute I.<i>r A jair of b.n;,' boots, tlightly \. .111, on liie ^rav,)! read Kadiu-? so«tli of ri«<li.ii Mi. Tht liiider would confer a MMji by !ea\ .»>; iheio at tkn oflu-e. !•;» b purchasuroi an admission tick'-t t , ilic Mxvncr KiKibilKiii will receive a i,o!ii"»rei uiki-i. eiiiiiliii; liim to ene iliaw o.i a haiia»>iiie . oierea carriai^e, vs'-isd »i ?1 I" N.,.T ih.i! tlis Vest i» emied ai: j ..iwiin.i .1 1 1 I r w i.ld silay an over i-i..(Tiilri i.^' .,;â-  lent "onieiioss could we I '1' III. ir.'iii niir Ualsain \ alley cor. I <:â- â€¢, .iii!«i.' .iir.. Ill .r» I lie I.. «i isi«iu»;fd man in the )iiebi«i.iii iioii.iin- was Ih. i';tew«ll |!t I ,.- -Ml. .lelly Ka\.< he liiids liiat tli. v.^ieiinary »ini;«u«s can give a b.lier • ir*. r, pi. -ill 'T ihs various b.rnes of tlis besM :liaii any of ih^ scieniisU Uicrrnw ,r fan d.iy ;s lo be rhroni (l,..i ll was lietweni tlu-»e beauties from Kuphiak a. Two «liapping follows piled on t<. a little man and both got ser' ous'y done up, loo When theie must bo tt row that is the way one likes to soe it end. Thcodoro Malchrll, a native of Mace doiiia. who is now in this country and siudyiiig 111 Kii" ('..liege, Toronto, »ill S' cuuipaiiy the Kev. Mr Kmi-s and piwscli III the I'lei.iiyltiilli church bore nil S.ibbaib ufl>'rn»,in uuiX. been employed durm^ the (.aat '"'â- '»'•â- â€¢ ">•• a pretty goud tiling; m it ud Mr. I ilivar thinks he has III ill visit lilt; i^-i:i; Mr John Davis made The Advsnse a piemiiit, on Monday, of two aKgs which miiasurid sixluen by (lurteen inclics. Tiiey Were manufa.tiirud by a hen win. h be employs spuiially f or llis'. p urposc Tliey may be seen at this ollicii by the iii.piiMitive I'l I/O OlieoBo Flesherton cheese factory look (.mrlli pii/.a at the Industrial fair for fact my . Iioe^e. I 'iinsiduiint; tliu fact that thure »eis 'w.. hundred eiilrie*, this is v»ry ^ ilnfactory , and proviTS I list our cliew»e makers am amoi.i; the very foeinost in I l|inad» Ins pioperty again very sli irtly. A SticrfBBtiil Af,'oncy Faniieiii should road T \. lUaksly « new adverlisemeat in this weeks Uauo Mr. I'.lakely selU the lest and niont serviceable imi'leiaeiiu manufactured Hedi>pesed of a I .nder on the fair on Monday to I* Stin^i n Ks.| , wliicii lll.^dt' Up .he largo auinber of eighteen bimieis tilling tins season. I lie iiuiiiber of ithiT luipleoieiits sold by iniii was 111 prtrj.riioii Had he n l 1" fii handling tlie bwsi iiiipl<-ia*nls uianuls tured thii> iu.igu;licent shuwiU)^ WouM iioi liavc ':^«ui. .iiS'le 'I'ho All .ir,u;th M.iiiiiiuitli I ]i',,h»rl..n 1 «..|..e liad the pleasure of economy in ai<ri.iilturc and the rii;hts and privileges of that vast Ixidy of citi- zens- Aniericau farniersâ€" whose indus- try IS the basis of all material and nation al prosperity. Its hi;;he»t is the elevation and eiiinbliiii; of Agriculture through the higher and broader educa- tion of men and women engaged in its pursuits. The regular subscription priee of the Aiiiericaii Farmer is Jl.tKJ i)er year. IT (MSTS YoF NOTHINti. , From any one iiuiiibor. ideas can be ob- j tallied that will be w.Tth thrice the aub- scripti.'ii pnco toyou or niembera of your lloUScIlM, IKt vol OET IT KKEK. Call laiiH see nample Will you sulfer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ) Shiiwh's Viwlizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale at the Medical Uall.. A riot has occurred on Naavssa. an island in the Caribean Sea, iu which several Americans were killed. Croop, whooping coaijh and Bronchiti immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure For sale at the Medical Hall. DR. CARTER, M C.l'. A .-^ .Osr. PnYSHI.i.N. SI RtKO.V, &r. FI,ESHEl:Tti.N". Ofiico. Strain a Wouk. ReiideiK-e. J (i Kane m\ ADVKKTISKME.NTS "came astray' " Came to the promisoiiof L«»iiin Frook. Lot No 6. Con. ly. I'rotoii, on ur tt^>'J•.;t th» Uf«t ul Aoiju'it, I hulfer! &iiii 1 »tvor, abi->ut -iyuarsoM. Tba (iwuor may bav.- Baujo by proTJug p:oiH»rt\ aiid ]tayiDK 0Xp«usc'» LOCIS FKOOK. I*ncv.\ilio I'O S«i't.34. IStf). Came Astray! Came to the premiHuti of the UQtlurvii:nM(I. abuut three wcekii aitu. i>nti ti]>riiiK ia:i.6 1 itt- uw'jer caD liava the «auie by proviug prup«rty aaJ payiuti expeUM^ef. Kmib«i luy CAME ASTRAY. One black how eauio into thr> I'DcIotiire of D MmhUn, nboiit the tlr»t oi AuiiUtet. "Iho owner i« retiueatuit lu piuVf property, pay expcuses and lake her away, D UADILL. Uaiwail. S«pt. U. IHHD J. ftattori, M.D.C.M- U.j»ib<'r of iho Colleije of Physicians so SurgM..iiH. Ontart.) F.ii'iiii^e at o(Hf» nn-j dr>or i-tn of tirier'?«t3r or .\tkins'>L'.^ Het.*! Pr.eeville. Nov, 13, l.-'-'-^. 0R8. SPOyU & E60. M.VKKl'Al.i: UNT Oflire :â€" .Hanley's Drug .Storr. TS. bl'ltOULK.Jf D .e-.c .UNCI'S KCii/,.\l II .etc. late of rotletih.iin. u:.t Dr.Kgo willbefono'lat M«rkJKiaHou>e atnirht '^V.'pTottTwellT' limduate of (ii.'.itin \<.'. l''\ llf>I!il N.i: nN c â- â- ..!. ;.sii'vii \)l> ^ >:\ll. liu.^r l;^-; .f J . -I' o c :. KLF.SHKUTtiN e.'e. <OI>TY XMt IMSTKKT. bueu view !., U« « V iiiei ui reinsois o 1 1 reli:5i 1 , .,1 ..*, i^ :.. ll we. > .J.'. 0. .oven ; •SI • â-  1 III ll'", Mill a ac^. 'Ui.' • w. 1 ho A. 11 III e ; ui. >b .1 Mils v\« 'â- " », 'VI. e reliC" aro 1 ta Wi .iidai 1 k ',. .111. n.'.t.iil uti Ciiinot 1 •» The \V,.,ud.itock liiiio* 1 chani;ed to the eulit pai;f lorm. The lUiiliam t'ronicle is still publiah- in.i; tad hay storios. The lower of tlie wiii.lmill of the .Shelburiic walerwoi'n.i is completed. A yoiinu' man named .'^uiith, .Melanc ihon. wa.i dangerously injured 1 y a stub faKing u; Mn hiss. .•~aiuu»l son^of the caretaker of Tiiornliiiry cemetery, fell dead from luarl Jitrase liie .'llur <Iav I'.ni. .-^purr, of the t'reeir..<re Star, n U'ljcinialiii^ lie wants to ,;ot up a bet Willi seiuciiody, and oifers ti wa;er his u.l lis pi-l against "noniebody s painted J .-, \t tins 8t*',tf of the I'.altK- case '< i ;. .â- Â« 1 re«>. 11 us t" the ^;uilt or iniio, ,• e . ; the ( rihoners would, ..f c.'ur.<e j f\ Iremfly impr.'per ; 1 iii the epinion mat bo toleiaied that the Tor.uitu roiiiniei lal tinvellur. who ruslisd into print I.' ilony positively that any such ontra^;!), pl.tcr. was just a tritlu [>reiiiature. In the Matter of Charles E, Neil, Late of th« Village of Fever - Bham, mow cf Maxwell), Mer chant. Insolvent. The Insolvent ka^, malt' an N..«Aii;iiloelit «f his estfttti to Iho uiii^-MUi.c..!. Ill i'iir*iuaiu.« cf uu (i«t lotipectiiiK" lc^^u'IlIueIJt f'lr tho l.wiintlt of iTo.illoiii. r*\ist..l iitatiilcs. ilijtariu rUnptcr lli4, anJ ttu! Cie-l.tur* are [u'litiiHl u> ueot m th.- I'ltiL'o of Mi^s M Uictinr i^rtn .t t'o . l' t.ii. till MfiKlay. .Bfili Swi'i !-».<*. lit 'J p III . to rt' cvlv,' ll slutiiifiit ..f alTttiii., tii'('.::.l iiispsctoni lin.l f.T tllu ffl. rinji i.f Ihs KlTair* , ' ilu» u^tuto ijciifislty. All I notice is K.i^t.. icivcii tli*l aftt<r N(.>veiut)ur Ihtt nrti tit'Ht. the hai i truattH.' will l>rLH.-eo.l to lillCribiilt. i^>. tis-.itH ..t tl.« "111 I .Ul.l.-r uri:. IJ,;^t tb.- pi-.i..;i.. ..t.r ;;!i,.I tli.t*.- l '. llftVing It.k'ar.touly lo t:.,. ,.*rt.::i^ t'f whi.-ti ii.itlftf ..i..i;. hail' bfoii >;i\. [I iiu 1 ll.nt i.c w; II.. t I... lull. I.. f..r llie ai.H...i. ,.. ,, ;:, ] ,.t tl . ., . • so .it^tril'a'.t».l lo all.* i «.•â- .. ii . i i ,.. . , i wh'.co .lcl>t ur claiiiir, l;.' ^;..i;; lu i ;'.. i; , i.% i liotico. Josi:i'ii ni.A< Mit K\. .\fc-i.;i.< « IM Tmi-i. Paid at I lst-!itn.>: . -.ei.t ji. i^-w IMIi.\li:i!!i ! Mliik! Ihr i.|ir^ ;i .< ..t animal l.i winch tli.'V be laii^ ; I'll ihrie n no resionable doubt that .t was oi the n\ nature. The one horn slioBii. ai:d whuli is the onlv one yet unenftlieJ, is twelve fert elevnn leclies ni leii.;tli, and curves as ura.-efii"y [Hamilton Tiines. as the ni'isi 1,'i'aceful of 01 hi'ms. but its Mr. William I.4ingrill. ot llentii -k Imiiiense «i/e rendeis it almost inipi ««ib!e i,n« at hm hordes the other day from a for one ts iiiiKi,'iBe whit the appear. mi'e disease but rarely met with but having a oiild be of an a .'iiiinial with such an ini. jaw brsakin,; nsnio It psraly/.es the meiise Im'Iic "11 Its lu'sd N.tlnii/ like it nei >eii and iiiiiscUs and elfiHtually pre IS ku'iwii 'o scieiu-e. and ih.'uob every »|.ii!« nay li'|uid or bolid from bring wis'.Tti-ro I. .IS his theory to advance, awallow.>d. In tli:^ t use the ilist^ase is yol ii.ine aif soieeil, wliuli pr'.vui . cUi- »ii|.],iiaiid t" have been cauieil by the sluinely llist on "iio kii ws aiiylliiug lure dniikiii:; for a few dfty,i the water ab"ii< ll Mr .lelly, the uwnsr. is iroin an tdd and loiii^ duuseil well, exliibiiii',; It, aii'l wc be .«i • il will prove U 'hi'ini'do. a gold none l» liiiii fl* intoii'li te TKo barns ..f Mi. .I'.'Seph l''rp«st"ioi. eihlbit the romsiin at .M.nkdale, Walter's i ;iiil Imo, St \inconl. were struck bv Falls, aiiil Walkcrioii. IligliMiiiio during the tluinditr storm of Lsnii'lay eveniii);, and eulirely coii.snined, ItoK.'thor witli all till.'* seasons harvest and a porlion cf U«t year's •_M-»iti, The tire illuminated tlie heavens for fullv t.blakely. i>e»t fsrnnii^ facluie.!. Flesherton. :n|.lfinents ni.iiui .ludlli,; •{Ifutiotrw. J. F. i\lll!SII.\lL, L. I». S., I>E>TlhT, Vifc;t.H Marii'lalc the 1st a:',d :'-v '. Wednes day . f . ach Li.tit!. Flesherton c.kch trip on the d:>y I..Ii,i»i!:.v J. W. Ff^GI^T, Il<trrtnter, Soliiitor. Cim i( t/nin-fr. Ktc. Fl.f..slllKTo\ I l| KICK. .•^I-Kol LK s iJlll.l'lNO OWKS mdin:! .>fk:it NKXT I " -> Til'. i»»'ni in i: n:?ta P. McCULLODGH. lUirrushr. SoUnln- . .Vr. Oftii'c. o>rr Mfri!rl;in<!'s SinP''; .>l»rktliil«'. .Uuiu'v Id (.u:!n. i'Jur.iurr.'.-i d'avil-:!. John W. Arms .rofirj â- nn '.^iiiN ii'i ..r i â-  s -..:. , • ; - k iJ i \: n l; I .in, ., : ',. \ â- I =•" ' I'-- \ ,•.. - . .â-  I I 1- r I. ,1 - -, . '.; , . ''â- â-  I ' I- ,,, ' < â-  .,!.; \ u'i:nsi - \ ' , -,..\ . . f.'i.r,:'/'"! I / :''it St . (' /; II i' )â-  iii.f M /'.'<' '.â- .(;.Mr,..i fi,.-,;' (iirf â- \priliy Th.' ii'.if.r,',,, /â- ;,,,„ ,,:/ nr,<h., Xtfh'i 'III l>nni)t,r, 11,1'. fork. The p.,, I.,' ili; it's , f U- .~s,» iimdfnieiitrt art) Hill'... 1, n: V kl.. l!l 11' < to S|'. .IN ( 1 lliKiiisehi. « t.i ' !• .' ^ 1 » â- â- % Wi'ils (:, 111 nil'. .\ii\ i">l V r.'.i ,1 11< liiipleliielits 111 thill liii'' \\ o',.l i lb' », II to . .vaiullie liiiue if 11. 't nil' u\\ 11.- ; i.iinti .1 »lll tlli'lU. I'.lll ,'ll 1110 » ' i I IV 1 ' 1 ' e lial ; V t" . \hiblt the i;oCtl 'pialii u s ..( tl. so nci •Imu'« if s!ilif.l Ilmi oil' Af.iiip'uof wreks ao'i the .Mai'kdalel Slaii'l.inl published an abjerl apology for | the eiceudiiigly small ainotiiit of reading matter which It publishes, at the .sainu time taking oocuioii to remark that "there is 11. .1 a Imal paper i ii our ex nhange Im some M all t'ld which gives as iiiiicli local reading matters,^ the Standsiil. ' Last week the I'liatsworth News poli.fhed Mr lfnlh'd;;e ull for the above falsi'lioo'l in the following styln : Apolu^i/,1 sll you like llrolher Rulhidge, and pi'iliajjs y.nir lea.leis will still think you I. We I hem o'le Hut don't you ihink 11 Would look much better if you uuiti lo try and elevate your Slanihinl, iiialead three hours in spitti of a heat t down pour of raiii winch eonlinned for nearly ivii hour. The bann and rontenis were insured for $t'J(HI, but tins will not more than half cover the loss wliuli .Mr Freu stone sustains. | Monitor. ('ollini;winid has been alllii Uid wivh an- other destruct ive lire 'I'he I'aJlary Itlock. I'oiHiiliiio lit seven store.i, photograph galliirv, dentists rooms and telegraph and tcUphonii otliie, vinM totally destroyod by lire Thuisday innlit. The (ire broke out III rear ol l>uriifoid Itros.' grocery, and the block belii^ .ill wood soon spread lo of endoavonng lo pull y â-  IIO local ex ,i,c ,dj„ining stores. I'he lo \ :>uro (Jnteiiuii. A l.'iiioiniiaii irade jourusl says ^fatchlng the aihertiHing column newnpapor we are enable.l to know tin. i •â- ; ' " •" ' â- ' ';• * I <"« sitjoining stores. .lie losses are rh»ii:;eH down ti. its l„vul I licie 1'' I Callary, dry goinU, stock (un lly reinevud ii"lliiiio,„„l., by Iryini.', lo injure your j „,„| ^|,|„„^„i â-  I hinilo-d liros . ,T.'.-ery ; neigbboiH II you succeed It i.uly t dies 1 1 1,,,.^,,,,, and Miladden. Iiardware ai.,1 a little oiii i>r their p.icki't an pill uiiylliiiig in yours. Itlow horn as much as yoii will, nin etacl I mid 1 1 hill of mercantile alfaiia and of the goneral prosperity or depression ol the lo*ii where the paper is published Wo (Mil ail at our dusk, and pick out the lively biMiiiesies all ovor the country, ami als'i the allow of dead on^s T,liure is no bettor index to a low* lli|in its iiuws paper It i« a beller criterion lo go by, and IS ootllidared lo by aai^aviuus inuii, than a pliotograiih. VIrd. Til'Ui-MoM. In Plealierti â- > Moii(l|V7'oert <^l. tlinlolaoteoiief&aaiuel Tliouipfon, a«ei) sli liai'il 1 ll doiilj stoves ; F. .1. rnller, tele;;rapli and e\. your owiij ],,„.,a ollice ; I >aiiford. IJocliu .^ I'o .geiier- • .^'"1 j ul store ; ^L^challlcs'lll.stilula and Miis.'ii cant get np don't blaiiio other people forji,, n^n. Tnev, ftlljbeing tenam^, l,.st 1. either by lire or daiiia^o. t'al laiy « block, wood, le totally de»tro\ed ; Liiidseys brick block, occupied bv I'aii- ford, lioclie \ I'll., Mochaincs' liiaiiliite ami Masuiiio ILill, is coiiaidrrablv il.Mii aged but not deslroyud \ heavy rsin ivas falling at the tune ami lilt le' wina, otherwise tho destruction nuulj ht,Te beeii a uro)^ deal wuri*. T. A. lti.Aki:i.v, riosliertoii. W. HAKNIIOUSE, r.iutr .\Ni' siiiii: makki!. Kl.l'SUKlirnN, ONT. M().m:v to \.oas. .il i.<t>u:sr (ii{Ki:^i iJirts 11 i\ w:: . . 1 J.\ ;ii r. ,1 tin. b I i.11 ^ â-  K. I f-.Ult.M Mr. Wm. Karstedt, M.MTKIAL Fri;M>n!:i> /.'..f./-, ff. 1 _,'.r. >l fV.-f (' i ' :. .''.'^. 1 .'"» .!.<..! «.. iih .'' \ !\ i:' .,. I 1*,.^ W. J. Hr.LI.AMV I wr. c;.! !IK ii.ri u . V. (I'M / V I.V< 7'/;, i'l'M \! • y.-^h'M'h' /\>r^.(.\r/-.- I'. . . .,.' ' rvi i.iw M.'Kiii Mii.s n:i-.i ~ .•,,. ,.,„.„ .»-' ."I . . I |'ii.|.>.rU , x,,...!,,.: - •.i'i,.(.a*»e I > to IsuJ ss f I 111 I lowest . tlll'dl.U'.s R. J. Sproule, 1 >*'si'MAsri:!^ vwm l>i«»iiiv* It. khfiiik hi^ iniuu'ii>iis I'visU'uiii s fill thr \ t»rv htM-riil pnlii'[irt>;i' I'Xtoti.Unl lli tlu< prvMt . ttHtl i-* /u'w itm'Hii'.l lo llU nil tti>lei-« Willi pl'i>tllptll"<sx SHll-4(tlctl>'U KtiatHIlloOil Kli'N I'll TKtiiM lit l> isiiii'jt* 111 t It'sUtflluii, ikiul hi<iii'>t tlt'iiiuiU'^.^^ Itli k<«'t>>l W 't*ktnttll»lltp,)iA^\t tlllltlii t;t4 mviiiti well kitonii throii^hotit thiii vu uiil i S(>\si>tl vii'ik i\ ^t'4t ijiU\ (tet vour btKUii iimilp by Wm hunihtMi-ttt, Klt»*hi'rti>n Auction Sale (>F^ r .11 \>. \\ . t.reciis. ,1 V..-., i vcyan.'ir, .\ppr-ii-, r av..| M. uey lieiil I'^itiite and lr<r.r;ui ,\i.> rt lll.s-l..'U I'l-.Coii 1 ender IVeiU. Moitji.cH. Ldi.-i s nn,l W . :.s .li.nvn up anj Valuiitions nniile on slu'i', «i netj.'e. .tui- tion Siihi sitrtidfl t,' 111 any psrv ef the C'Kunly. '.K'ccc t.' loan at low, st rates of i«tli'ie.-t. i', llectioiu attiiidt.i to w;lh pmniptiif-, ill,, I dcipntcli. I haro,., b>w Af>Mit 1 o,.ti,,. p.,;..ii!iion S(, ims; pi'oinpauy I'tieiip .ickets from h'lesb. ilcu !, ! jverpool • p.'.'tl.iiid or l.-,land. Mil' rates be ' ' ' 1 'ore pi rfhfisii'^. t),, ,,,,,.;,, ,^ , I,. „),,., The Village of Fleshortou, I'li.ti'i aii.l I'v III tlie o( llii' [>.'w,.i .if »alt, n, n I'dl lam lO'.i I,;iii;> ti'i l: Miili'iin l. t'lOiUu-e.l at linii U I'ln I illiril. llo'ia \i lit lie Aili'lioii I'l I -< \ 111 ll 'in Kll/.nl.etli iili.l .Man. h. k i ' lltci Neii'l'iia. nlii.ti i^ill O., il .'f Matt'.aii'l on .tt.fnult l'«iiii; I .'f vho iiiiiiii.\s lli..rel.v «„ I I'lfi'iii.! f.»i sale l>> l\il.; Ill .I'll, ail'. Hone. '1 1 a: your failure ; it isn't llieir fault, its yoiir tbeirsle own. and iiu doiilil yoii h,\\e then' mvim palliy. I'.esidea it isn't liiiHinesn, and you are liable tu oHoiid your s'lverlising pai^ons by publishing such a prolnsu apology for the appearance of thotr bun iiesi aiinoiu^ueiuaiita in the i-<)lumiis of your |>»H»r. .>! iiiinIi]|>v'*.m II<>t(«l. Ill 111.. \l.l,lk> '.( 11,, lull, .11 oil l.|u;:,Y ll,« Ull iciOJi 'la\ Ol iMol'iT. t'o*!. al v'oilotk iMii. iliii follo<?iii« pi.ipt'iii. uaiuelv Villain l,.| 11 lit 111 'el 1 III,',. ,111 t ll,' stMilh we^l KuU. Ill T,.ii'nio slt'i't 111 I!'.' iiUai;* »'f ^â- |e^helt,'ll. a.'ioi.luij; t,. elan I'l \\ illiaiii Sim Ks.i . ll 1. -. . or llii. »,il' .livii.1,.11 .'I l.'l C'l Ills! laiiKooi com ,,>«uni, N \T r .1 % l;,.;i.l. V< luuit'sia, aai.l l.'l .,'iit.iiiiiii^ IS-A ^.|llal,. |',.|.l.»s iiu'li' Ol lots Ull 11,,. lim.l- ail' saiil 1" lu. a iKi' «l,>n liaiiii' iMiit.tiiitj.ln i.liul lino iw.i sii"|'« an. I ilwelhiiK vi ilv iiiii'ioM.,1 I'li'misi'-i »!• s tuale.t on ilia mam .-iii.t-i aii.l 11. 'a I ihi' l'',isini,»s icniii, ..[ thu vil.ii^s,. loiui* in I'ul .'I'ln al lln,»,.f ual,., an.l f.'i llio lialaiiie li'UiK will Im hl.i.ial an.l will t'o iiia.u, known al lliiii. ol aale Foi luillui- eai llciilai» aiU'lv lo W ,1 lil,:i.l,\M\. k „| , Hiishorloii Ol to M..».-, |i«ii«ick,t I'liaNKs, \ oii'l.'i « Bolii'lioia. 'I'uioiito DateAlitli lis? of S*i wuilier. lit>iii c ^Jj illiib ^4 Tliill Spiing, VIS > xcrCHao BT lllltis «; P«t' J licc. I. ISSJ. Ordway. If. r, .111 M , it.ijiou Of llitereal t .' c\erv man w h.i use.4 a W.i ^. n or I ll 1 i.l.;e. THIS AMM UATTI hi; '< the ItKST. li.'.-ansc Ilia i-i .'111 i»l»le, )ue\pi' oUilsto teai I'.i, •ny siieeoui-.i . ;i»>'. â- â- â-  ..11 a.liiutn.t, iiiy». Tl.... â-  .1,. iMojeotva^ »lHMi«ii or V . e;oai It fiia I 'tiUSAl.l': A 1' - Hoard's Carrings Shop:. -c^' â- â- "^-s.:.

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