vA MANCHKSTEB'd CAXAL. One of the Greitt Eaglnttriag TeKi o( the f rexiil Age. The objectiTe point of thia iSilurdiy; ZDorning wm ibefkmooj ihip CA::ti cow in oo:irse oJ construcuon between Liverpool and Mkcchester. S4}a JalUn Hkvtborceia k letter to the Dst'roii .NV_-j. Thesi two gre«t tovna, esk^h rr,-t^ining &i lt!&3t 500,00} ichkbn&nii. btve long been jt«ioc5 ri-.ala, »!tcr the fishion of oar osr:; 5i. Paoi and ilicnsipsUi or .Si. Loais md Chicago. By ir;alung tbu canal jlacchea- t-er will immensely improve her pjsiiion, for it will render her a seaport m every way aa cocTenien: and it.-rsiibie aa L.ver- pool hericH. The canal ha« long been^n contemplation, bat has been delayed by many eaases, amjnj whicr: the cppoia;.- of the railway ixjrpjratisns are t;: '.ne iriDst fDrmidabie. Bat all the obita^ea were at len^h overccms. The rout; cfihe canal â- ^as surveyed w::h eitraoriinary care ana 'uijjemt:.:. Tte contract was given to one man, the renosratd Jlr. Walker, whcse saxciifal manitemenl of in enterpritc at Baenoa Ayre-s, ixivolvin^ a coat cl i5,(X)0.000, and of the Severn tannel have given him an aniar- pasred repaiatioc. No part of theC';ntracJ baa be<ec eablet : hs conducts it all him- self, and so caref al were hia oal:alati:na that he will clear a handi-jme prcni from the tranaaction. He besan work ei^hvetn months ago and wil! ocmplele the j:b in l^.'l, or in aboot f:ar ana a half veara. The total coat will come within ilOCX>}.- 000â€" ?50.000.000. He employs an army cf 12.000 workmen, and dredging anl machinery that save the labor of ten timed as many men. The men work ten bjara a day. beginning at 'j a m. and ending at 5 30 p.m., with ictermissiona for breakfast and dinner. I was iniorme-d by tce over- seer of the ninth section i whoae depart- ment we were viuiingi that no workman ha<d been di»char<ed siuca operations '^ej-an. The wages are from foarpenc>e to aixptnce per hoar. The contractor haa bailt at in- terrala of ive ::-.ile« along the roate of the canal cottages, chapels and gymnati-ma for the n?e of the workmen, ana I believe schools for theii- chilartn. all free. Tnia hi= never been i;ne before, and ihe resolM have been very gratifying. We viaitesd one of the chapeli, • fine, airy, clean edifice cf wood. perfectly simple bat entirely adeqaate. The men themeelves. so far a= we ;»w any- thing cf them ;S»tard»y was a bclioav >. were fine, healthy, fellows, not per- haps »o intelligent aa the corresponding class woaid be :;. AmericJt. bat and-^abie>ii> well ap to their woik. In fact. IlcgU=h operatives are. as a rale, at least as expert »s oars, becaase they have been at work all their lives, and njt only that, bat their fatbert and granafaihera before them. Their skill is, so to speak, ccngenital. The operations are being fa3he^d forward all along the route cf the canal, fr^^iu Liver- pool through the valley cf the Mer*ev. The Unea are aa straight as practi.ible. the river winding along beside it. The entrance is at Eartham. a pla.-s on the Caeshire bank cf the Mersey, a few mile* above Birkenhead. whi;h is opposite L;vfrpcK>l. The cai has a aniform depth c! ,->0 feel, with a breadth of IJO feet (as against 72 feet in the 6ae;', and the water u '.'j feet de«p. Ii IS lined tnrcagboat with *oi.d oon Crete, the walls sloping slightly catwarid. and 13 faced a: :be top with ha;e bl^-ks of Cornish granite riveted together. There are four locks in the t;tal length of S." miles, each giving a ct 15 feet. The largest steamships afi.'s! can come np this canal airect from the c.van. and onload their cargoes in the vast basins that are building here, and in a fe« years the smgalar sf'ectacle will be prestnted cf these leviathans of the Atlantic steaming slowly through the verdant English valleys. The time occupied on the trip from Liver- pool v.i.l be about seven, including all stops. The canal widens oat at the locks so that there are thn?e locks abreast at each point. As we were abcnt to depart an engine came steaming along the track, carrying the \>eek'8 wa^a of the workmen, who were gathered together in their best clothesâ€" ^^ordnroys and yarn si.vkings. They were very orderly and clean locking. A greater contrast in evexy respect than this ireat work and all those concerned in it offers to the New York a jaedact job c-onld hardly be imagined, and the ocr.irasi is nowhere in favor of the latter. Every thing is done here as it was planned to bo done, it costs only what it was promised to cost , it IS being completed within the time it was contracted to complete it in ; the work in every detail is the best and •oondesi of us kind, and there is no politics in it. There is food for refl^-tion for Amerioans in the Manchester ship canal. THET'BZ MASKED FOB l-ITZ. The BertiUonSjtUmor IdeniifxLi^Pria]!! cr9 ib* Practiced Ln the Armory. Ozze a :riminal is ine»:are-i by the Ber- tilijn system he it sare cf being identifie'd the neit time he is oanght. The Bertiilia system -as imported vo this oianvry frcm France not a great many years a;:, and is as yet in a*e in bat few priaions and peni- ventiarie*. Several tf tie eastern ntie prisons a»e it, and the i-Iincis .-late Frii>:- rioard was the first t; aaopt it. The svs. lem ia followed at the Harru.:n and Armory stations Ln this city. Capt. I.l:yd said ye«terdaT that it had been the msAns :'. ideatifylng mere crunii-ais iinoe ii had been adopted here than aay :ther :f the numerons schemes devise'd. On the &e::nd fioorof ti-e Armory, where none bat cS- oers li allowed, is a room where all prison- ers ct any prominenoe are msiasared, a;- oarding to the Bertilion sjitem, ai-d where thirir phototrapb; are taken. Ihe me>aiare- menis are as fellows : First the fall lenfeih is taken, then the mstanoe framtbe tniicl-; finger cf one hand to the --..ddle finder cf the jiber. wiin the arms he^d cat siraight from the siae ; the length of the fingers, the length cf the joints cf the midile finger from the eloow to the end cf tee middle finger, the size cf the •.vriii. arm, and shcalder. the measare men; :f the nec£. iizi cf m:air. the sice :f head, distance arcand the head from the top of e»ch ear. iisianoe from the root cf the nose to the :rown of thr hefcd. length cf ear, the length and ;..-ea::th cf fcrehead. camps or marts en the same, length :f f»ot, the diiianoe from the ball cf the »ame to the knee ;:iat, lecgth cf toes, oistanoe from first ;oint cf b-i t:>= to heel, anc the eia:t bre*dtii of foot frc::. the .asi ;:iat :f big toc to the little toe. Ihos-c are the mr-asaremenis cf the booy. Then the odcr cf the eyes, hair ana every scar, india-ini mark ana blemuh en the skm. no matter how trivial, are nctec. If the prisoner be a man grown, and is oaaght twenty years later, his identity cAn be estabiished be- \cna the peradvcLiare cf a dcabt. -The system ?acoe-:ij where a phct-ograph wiU fail." saiaCapt. L.ojd. â- becaase a prisoner can sqairm arcatd and acre â- â- h.s 'eataree 11.10 sach ahapes that the identity -s lost m a photograph, bat by the Berf.llcn system, no matter what a man doe? he c.ann;i pre- vent as holding him and taking his measaremenis. A .arge nambtr cf tne criminals we have mt*sarec. upon goict back tc their eld life, when release-d. were again caught ana uentifiei by this system. wcere ctcerwise we wca.a have failed There are not two perscnt en tne faoe cf the earth alike, ana the nieasaremeni ct one man cannot tally with that cf another. Ine only tcvrls .'t .-.aired are a Litle measare made to fit aboat the head ana a rale.â€" LOBD-LIKCTrXAJfT OT LBKLAJfD, the Third K*rl of Zet.»a.i nao hju 6at- c.e-c*led t^? MArqnii of Loaaondrrrj . The Fd^hi Hon. SirLawrenoe I'anias. Ban , third Earl of :ie-.a:.a. Barca Dan- das cf Aske, naar K-chmcnl. in the ooanty :f Ycrs. wh; ha= Eao:.»edr-.a uae Iiliccais of Lcnconierry as Lcrd Li'.a-.enaat :: Ire- Und. was tian at Stirling oci Aa£. liih, l>i4.=:n:; Mr. Jcin Ccar.e-s Danati :f Wcocaa- VTeihexi^, i;:£inire. if?. f:r Biahmcna, who vts t;arih =>- cf Law- renoe the s*c:nd Bir:a Laaias iad arsi Earl tf Zn.aad, says th: Nee Ycrki-'.-i- •â- 'â- } .'--.i--" Ins barony wm creaicic in IT. i ai.i the e*ridom m 1-5?. Tnere are fear cf the aac.rct Sc.:ir-'" '•â- â€" some members : . :i: high p: m the an; cinors Vniie«i Sc craniaas Pandas. Avc heia .and and ;e branch " Fingasi w,ih the jtmgaishea as D annas cf had an hert-iitary cjnneic'ion ork^iy and ^net.aac ;r Jiiland IslcS. ant and Vioe-Adm.ral in those islands. The-r eitaies i- Ycrtsh-ire acc:-id from the marrisge cf S^ Incmas I'aLias. m IT.-i, tc a aaaghter :: the tc_rd clarl f itc- w_liAm and tn^ gentitman w-^ raii*d tc the peerage :.j yeAcs afterward. Mr. J. C. I anaas. fiiher cf the present Earl :f Zetland, married m '.^ii a aaagh- ter cf Mr. .'»mea Ia.D;; :f vreifcrd, s: the new L:ra-l..eaienant of Lreland is the of »_ Irish ladv. I_ l?":., :_ the death ;fhj ancle Thom'as. seoci-d Earl cf _':t- lanc. the we'. knc»a Grana Master of tne Fneemascns cf Eci.and. anc renowaec as a sccrts:_»n. the p .~s.ent Earl sac;«dec two other ancletf hav.^j ci;,d yrang. Lord Jruand, wh; ne.d a commissic:. i- the Rcvai Hrrse oaaris had mar r.ed. ::-' l?:i. Lady LCiaa Lamley thi.-d diaghver of the late Earl cf i^jaricrcagh. a- 1 he has several .-ni-aren. HerLacy- snic s • riers are marriea to the heirs cf the" Dake cf Wesia.nrter. the Earl cf Bradfcrc. i-d cf L.ra .. Lord let- liod hte been a Lcrd-.a-Waiiing t; the v,iar.en. He rer.Cts at A?ke Ea-l. Rich- mond anc at Sers; Hca8«e n:ar Falkirk Ik ^-octland. WHEBE TIME GOES, The OrainATj DaLletuf lie I>aj ClMrfXaeid k-d Time A«oa-'.<*i Fcr. an wn^s in* w-i- matnematiaal crcilemj has fi^are-d cat the dupoicticn cf ivery hoar cf the dailj life .ai ttlj '. ye*r£ b e.rsp.ijitr c: an average mi many hears a naaa tc h..s tciiei. mtali aisame. ine a-;t new derrii'd â- L*l as siT-eping at a ne, mat hears cf an average -ta w. daily. That is one third cf h; mat ia fifty years yc sirjt. all ic^d. fiiveien veiars and eignt mcaih: The man vra; .s ihavs<d iailv at --â€"'=- =-*• man wi_ tare k . J ^i faoe sicnpe-a man mrse iimej a we&E at las av -â- xX At s'nave. _iy ye*r: rroaai. net cftener twe^iy file >;ir: w: eighie.:! jtiari i caccr face. 5»y mat the sem: o erage>d twc thf. e-s a years. ih»; wid r- scrapss in the hail ocntary average cf fitie<en mmatieii per time ceTcve.d i: th.s cae smii. i.:a:ea.t cf life will ran a: t-c fiiiyniae cays and nine hoars.. If a man shcald not kaav^ ir. fdry years, aaa thee atieccpt tc rriatie a; â€" s aid at caoe he weald have tc shave aight ana day for nearly tw: months. Ine average man who :.s act i.m.i<i tc twenty i_^ateB fcr dreoscag. creaiCt:! and the Ha.d aa near per ^»y fcr fifiv veare weald amcaat tc car vtAr. fiftkr' WHT raB lxavxb xvbjc A B.-l«f Xip:ax.uicB c-f tike Cas.M« of tfe« Ur4 aad 6«ldez. Glory of X^t*mM. Prcbiacly act car ctrscn in a ihoasAsd kncws wicy leavts zJi.:>^:^ ibeir ocicr in tfaa f» • rennari-si an e- â€" "'' bet a ' ji tb» ether day. -Tte cimnacr. and oid- fiihicne-d' ideia ^ mat all th.s .-ed aad ct-ien tiery we â- â- »: ac w is caawd :;• fros*». A trae 'ana i.:-tai^: cf ib« oaaire â- :i the cole ring cf .t*vta wokid r^e-oe-ss.tate a .cng and inir.oite ciS'c ass . or . staled br.eay and :a prcp>er lani^a^e, these are ihe«>e Tne tre^n mataor .a me t-isa^ ef i leiaf is oempoe-ed :f tva oalcrs. tadaoc hlae- V.'nen tne saj aaa ciid nataral growth alien cf ih r cienain ocacticns, tte :hani?*i le red ; aodar ; .1 t.a£.es on a yeâ€" cw or -Terence in oe-er u d3« crmc^aticc ef the ari- Cf. : aaa ave near- sc taat if a mac aseif 11 the siart ia '..'.z '.:: -•fkTi be weald jiss tâ€" c h.s L.rihdav annitersarr. ctv ' -.- - â€" .^x ine stanti. tc tc ance fered Horn to t>e EK^iarDt. It is only when a minister f reaches cat of his own heart that he reaches the hearts of ethers. .^ purely inter.e>ciaal sermcn stops with tne int<ile>ci . a doctrlniil ser- mon is nothing -.iiere than a sfiritaal opiate. Bat let a mar. alter what he has felt and knoin. let him teach tfie harp- strini; that has v. brat e-d in his own seal, and tcere ccmi-e mat hash and ^pell ever an audience, th»t chained attoniion, that lifting of faces which se<e-ns lise a white tablet for Goo s finger to write on. Who has net fell the irreisittible pe»rr ef a hidden experience iaterpriied by anciher soal ? Thia is the secret of all oratory cf all sympathetic power cf man ever mac. The gre4t<ist preAchers are not tho^e whe may lay claim ij the highest seheJarship. who are profound ihileisephioal thmliers o: dx-triaal giants, bat whose large hearts ha\e throbbed with the deepest 5;^»l eiperiencie. • Out ct the abandan.-e cf t.~.e heart the mouth si-weaketh. These a.-e men whc can lay he..i on v^si audiences and sway them as the wind sways a fcrssi. Their language nay be plain, their stvie anpelished. their manner awkward, bat they knew the stfps and keys of the human heart as the organist knows h.s instramenl. and all the »olemn an.i swe-. t music of life answers to their teach â€" TLc D<-clla« ^'1 t.o:-»tan;.Eiopl«. Br.tish Consai-vieneral ai Cen- leple, m n.i .ast reperi, rtfera e aeclming oemmsrcial impert cf that city. Its trace has scf- eonsiaerat-iy S-nee Ij"? am mere particalariy daring me past two jtara. Large wh.-.esAie hcase^ whi.n forme:. y am basine»i» with i"e.r«i» and Central As.a. ana acted as middlemen between Earepe»n manafaciarers ana me merchants cf me«-. parts, have in rtoent vrars lost th:.r eas- vomers, ana are iracaaUy disappearing from the e.ty. Inis is cw-.^g. m a meatan" tc new and mere c.irt<ct recrti having iwta ihre«n even le maritu mat were "ferme.-iy iappl.eo frem Cea.-tanti nep.e. and ajc tc me faci that p r.-'-a.-e which asieato .re to :be Taii; capital for w ae^patched Fersia. sevcto fc-c shipment to .t : dire.l frem the cairorts me whcle afi w;,ek5 beyrnc aaa th.s meians wc ncwever. and tweaty miaatte a day fc: that rarp'cse weald pat a man m the tee fcr eight n-otihi, icâ€"rteen diyi iud eleven hears cat cf the fiiiv ye-irs. Fcr ether demands cf the mrmiag vo-lei aUe» tec miaaveu per day er fear mcaihs. five days and twenty hears in half 1 oeat_ry. '•''hy ;ast a ii.ngie miaate scent m banting for a ocllcr cauea means t* dajs ana fearveen hears i: tie ecarse ef fifty ytArs. Half aa hear fcr creaidasi feriy ni^aves fcr laach aad an hear f:r d.nntr ameanu tc fire m.-ntis, a .~e -tvs aaa nine hears cf eaiiag la fifty ye4r5 cf l.fe Th-. man whc l-veis away ap .a the treaty eignta ward ana •-•ends ac hear ea.i a»> ;C'gging tc aad frem c _-.aess in a hcrse car may net reahee ii bat it is aeverthel;ES true that m thirty ye*n one ^ear thrrt meaihs cae i»y aad a.^. hears ef h.j time wi.i gc mat way. When a laaa reckecs hs time »t fifty ^ents a: hear .t seems either reagh tc ihiai that ii taies *>â- .v wcrih e.-ery year !. grt tc casmasi aaa back he--.e ascaia e.trr da-. toiewiaihefali af the tree oe*!« tanf j pia;-i. Vac gre^en cf the le* crown tint. Jtt te the a_?ereace i gmal ecaeriaeat- c! the greec tc me vary. eg eeac. teens ef elamate, ezp*- sare aad soil. A dry oeli»! piuii iW mer: cr_aai felage than ane tbM ia aaner aa. warm -has is the rsASOC tlj«« are several ihiags aheat le»vt(S that etMB iceaae c:a--ci eatla^ For larvAnoe, wky cae ef tste trees trewmg by side, at the same are aad having the same expo- itre. iheaiia vate ca a erilaaat red in tlis fah aad the ether shcald tarn yeilow ; or = r.v one b.~aaen ef a tre< shcald be hi|^7 oelcred aad the .-e^t cf the tree hare snly ft yeLow tint are :a»t.••^a5 that are M OMt- eie*sehle te aaj-rr as why cae mrjenber at a fam..y saeald c«: V'erfe'eiiy healthy aad aacther S-eiiy claples aad oaks hav* iba brithten ooi^rs --.j.S -t.d } .ttt. Naaal Catarrh eercas a.seAse. Frem its tendaeey J a aa: tc eiitcd tc tne i.-r-cat. breaciial t: ana fiia_y jc iivei-; theiaags^ ceneuBip- ti.e c.^e-asr. it si aid be promptly C3r»tt, that ;e es^e grave daagers may oe avertad. 6>o .•'eaident are the maaafatarers ef Dt. S^agT • Catarrh P.emedv cf ihs.r abihtr ta ?:re saMW5isfal.y • .ih mj very prevaicBS d.S'etse. teat ice;, have fer years cfered, ia goec fa-ih f v. re w»rd fcr a case ef oatArrli, ae r.atter bei bad er ed hew many tsaz* standag which they c»anct .are Ryaaedy eniv ;.i cieats. ev aragcista A Bl: -f iTtcth Hi.wrr. â- ri 4ih, 1?"0, before dawr Comte de £ a^.iaa an Caam^r: the sa armv at Se-da: ceaaoed vo the French rrender ef the Emperer • ^a'es Favre at en.-e Stuttering. Il ia said that stutterers, when tpeaki.ig in a whii;vr, show no impedimen: cf speech. This fact has been turned to ae oonnl by Coen. In his method of treat, mem. for the first ten days speaking is prohibited. Paring the next ten days spiMtkiug is permissible in the whisv^riag v.iioe. and in the course of the neit fitieen days the ordinary conversational tone may be gradually employed.â€" Kj. Whole l.lfr la Alna;* Surluf. Fieeâ€" There is at least one man whom life is always spring. Quiuâ€" And who ia that ." Kist -An acrobat. iih Itabr <ihow> at rain. The improvement of the fall fair that it may keep np with the timed is neoeesary. Bat he would be a bold man whj would suggeat the addition to the pnee Itsta of the following offers Uandsomesi baby of any age. J.i ; handsemeai girl baby, not less than 2 nor more than :^ years old, j,^ . handsomest boy baby . not less than 2 nor more than .< years old. J.^ . handsomest girl baby, net le4s than 1 nor more than 2 ye«rs cvld, $1 : handsomest boy baby, not iesa than 1 nor more than i' years old. J4 handsomest girl baby nnder 1 year old, $.â- ; handsomest boy baby under 1 year old. $.> ; handscmejl oolorevl baby, any age. r.' . fattest baby, any age, f.< . han.i9om*3t pair of twins. >.'' . handfomejl triplets, f.^. previeasiy arew a ecasaerab.e pan e: ner impcrts from Cea^laatlnep.e. aas latter. y cemaieneed te -v.ase a-ee .: aaa the enii.-e imivri trade .1 Le»er Fersia is at present oent.-ea in that viaoe. Tne expert trade cf the city has safiere-d m a similar way the p.^da.-^ ef lart-sa Kerdirtan. estimate i lo am.-ant le aa aa naal valae ef i Ai XO whica nve years tkgo went mroaiC tee capital is nc« sh.pp: : frem Bagdad -a reaie is coni'.dered tc bo leee eipeasi>v and safer. As regards I'ersian t.-aae espec-ally Mr Fawc>eit observes that the >s*r5 !>-" ^» It was act sal.ifaetery. IValtrs .a Maachesier ie-x^cs sairrre-a ocar.aerabiy owing partly vo Kaasian ccmpetiaon. and also te the high rale ef exchange prev».l.n£ at C-dessa aecianed for defeniici Fraa.-e ve the gaee. Craeaa,ie-a the Impsr.a. rynast;. . p.-cpose-d me cenoeatrai.ea ef power ir ef v.Ven. Irocha. This w^s ai a. m At .^ p m at me -aggtist-c Thiers me Caambtr arivmte i a .vm .ast aad the sien ed gevemment and : erdrre.1 the t.-ciica cf assembly and ad.earae-d. ^ resaâ€" .fd aa hear la lavaced bv a neo defense cii.iaeal aiiena. a ,-c ,': the suing the hall was demanding the estab.iiament cf the repablic, members .eft me cha^c'^er w: M.-ist cf lae ,ie Ciambetia the The HeSrew Oaltl. In t case c; the e -utv court m.s morning Charles Ere-emaa against Caar.-.s roldman fcr the recctry ef $:." me rthcdei Uebrea oath was admia.sured b> the rahbi. , witness has te waea his r:li:i er prayer cie.aS. tctake and h.-ld in his ie tase the oat hands andp_; %:..•. .vh..e 5»:' :aad a tcra, c; ihe A Dylns K1^\lnr«t, " SusAC, ' said an Arkansaw man who was very sick. • e( I should die I reckon yerll have a hard iiir.e makiu' a livin' an' 1 reokevn yerll hare ter get the children homes whar ther kin am their viit«ls an' clothe*, but thar « one thing I don I want yer ter do." •• NVhat a ihat, Jerry ? said the wife, who sat sobbing by the bed. •• I don't waci yer ter let nobody have old Bcee. 'cause thar am t more'n a doeen men in this county knows how to treat a good coon dcig-" ;r iCie five bock- c! Moses, wr.iten on par.i-.cint. for the use ct the hoase cf wcrsnii- Ihe partv masi swear by the name cf Jehe^ah. and.'looking at the word, he shall s^rrar â- â- I swear bv Adonai." aad ocnciud:! his .•Ath , â- <o help me C.d to fatare e»i-pi nesf." A sma'J casket ce .laias le.- ter. comman.iments and is held in •..'â- e leit hand, a sirap attached being bjani aboni the arms, an i an.nhtr s.ich ca--.ei is strapped on the lemplc The r«CM ad ministered the .-â- aih to sev-eral n ires-oe* before court adjoarned for ainaer i ;..-a and the ether Liberals dep.v.i:en ef Napeleoa raat.ea el a repahl.;- S Imperial Senate held iis dec. ars'd its »dhts..n :c i gcreramei.i ef national ae'ea pr-xliamed .'a the meeti: lative A^.j>emMy, Thiers Favre a-.noax.vd the to iccvercme:.!. A pretest was Thiers .vaas^led mcderatiea 5ach the beg.nnmg of the ih.rd F.-eaeh Kep nineu-en years ago. ^>a the same evenia S.fpl 4in ;ae Eiiii-rei{.s Eageaie ari Com 111 and the fcr- maiiaaeeajly lae last and "e Fn-.perer. *he â- •'-â- ase was ther ct the Lfgis- resided when nation ct the ade. bat ?ach was How Her H»i» u DTt*fei. li has c-r-ec cesiced b.. lae all saaisg eye cf the Leaden r..oorttr that the Ptia- .â- â- e<s.s cf '•Vileis has ehaaced the style ot dre*s-a£ her hair Tae early f.-eal pUo* aas alieTfC .a £eiap>e . it is worn furttes ef the : crtaeAC . and the baci hair haa aOB- secaenily iewere-i ca the neck. Of joar** the Lendea repener sa;s the Prinoiai ..-». •:» maeh betirr ,f that were possable ') for me cnacie. and ii is safe ve prediat every aeiad la me aiagdoa ia acecag le aaeri the aei ee.reare. B-» iS rememoere 1 bewever that the aioraUa Aiexaaara wears » w^ < .-aa ': ive ;..;.. f â- '.-'5 r ; w* 1.' 1. f ra'.e;.-_5 â€" .Ki -1^.-1 .t fc rrx*..--? *- a. i ;.:i a.,il-.< i»-«-i e.aJ iCeT ksowa A. Kai r wi, r; z..~ij i: e ftvi:>i f. 'ir* i-'ar;:.-.. r-Tt*.-r.- n.-s " 5.*d h-.-ve-**' «.in «a 1. ^ ai â€" i;;'».r: tl.t i.-f-.-.-ar' .».d aad swi Fer.-.ait diseases, so lernole j ibeir CIS aad so prevalent amecg all cia ^e carec Cv t: ase insrae't Talikas Belgiam. »ecrei:v left Fans and entered Connubi*! a»ferill€-». ••Mrs. Litewailt. said that lad'- baud, la a tone cf >elenin, know that the nei>^•,^ap^rs >j-«-ak e: where women have been trit-a as c scolds ? â- Aud do you know, said ah; deliberate emphasis, that ihert growing popular laipression to the that a tool killer is prepariig : work ." s h .s. do \eu oases mm a . wuh ia a eSe^ 1 ileotiv: > â- e John ..'ariis. wa senieace in the O.-egod. Cams and alvat mre-e He \Tu L^iT. me la e-t men in the eoaatry is servings mree vears Slave F-isee at Salem worked .:: me feaadry m.-vnths age took cfi his boot; en the rle« mai the;, hart him aad then b.irnt h.s toot so severely that he was laid ap. \Vnen the barn was hSAling he pat ..cegar on it and aggravate-d il tc pre- veni .IS gelling well Tne prison ph>«ician threatened him and inaaaged to care ihe we.:ad Cari.s vtas set at . erk again. He wer.ied fear days aaa iheu with a hatchet ;ai e:l his left haad. It lock nvo blows. ,.">ae cdt ihreagh the fiesby pan f the hard. Ihe other c.eaa thr.'Ugh the wrist .cat. lie conf^ssed that he .iid it tc araid work â€" ': .::i:'>i-: 1 .-r ;.•'. tTriliDf A", a lx*»t Art- â- 'Vc. lie ma . w.-.te Net at alL Tnere wi.. >e ae mere at>ed ef his leAming tc write than l:ar_.iii ve spin. Wr.VLag wi»l ha»e be>come one ed the lest arts, and a wheliy â- aaa;OiAsary art by the tba .vmieg maa spp.-ars His wr.iing 's -U ba dene by me paeae>»:raph. which will be placed on his de*k as p>ena and lak are now, and whenever he has a stcry. a poean, »â- essAv er a private letter to mdiet be wiQ iimpdv tala into the p.hcnc>graph ana se>ad ec the f.aie whicn has re-.vrdesi hia words.. las ef penmanship will be anknoia •-a me school elthe fatare, n>d wr.tic la the present faahi.-n. will be re- garded AS much among barbane nietbodj as we ncf held the rade h:erc<a:lyphi» of th e aa c i = 1 1 s tc be X : .a x ; .i . ' j rvr .---« ..v The r.i;; H-.:: }'u.i,u: saya : After all. the Trinoess Victoria will not, il is sai.^ marry Lorvl Chelse*, as everybody says she will. In a few days yon will hear o:y,,-ially that Her Uoyal Uighness is aff.acoixl Ki the Frinoe of Hoheule>he Lang«nbarg. a •eooiul ocusiii of the i^aeen, being the (trandsoa of Her Majesty's halt sister. O.-1 the other hand, the fine estate in SutTolK which formerly belongevl to the Cornwalhs family, and which Earl Cadogan has bought, is to he rebuilt on a scale of abso. Intely princely magninoence, aa it, indeed, preparations were Nfing made fcvr the ne- osption of a Uoyal bride, who may after all be no less a jvrsonage than the Fruioes.^ Maud. Very well informed v'leople authori- tatively state that thia will i>e so, but 1 think yon will find that it will be the Trinoesa Mary of Teck who will be.'oitue C-onntea* of Chelsea. Member* of beneficiary societies should »e>e lhat assessments are puuotaally paid. By a lapse of ten days a re.^nl oertid.<at« .. bM«me Toid, thus depriving Ihe heirs of | Hamilton exohao|!e ftx some time, the expected be.netil of I'J.CKXV F.vid Setii. A $nr<>r««. Man of Familyâ€" That burglar alarm ia a grand saooess ; wouldn't pari with it for a mint of money. It went ciT at one o'clock lhi> mornini;. IValerâ€" Kh ' Did yea oatch a burglar trying to get in ' '•â- No . but 1 oaughl my daughter's yonng man trying lo gel ont." Tiii: .v.vo TinT cotjiNa. VTbeu wotuon r.Meâ€" all bail tie Jaj '. TwiU »•* a Wsssiac freal. When e»iaal rviht* aSiail bold fall twaj- Wfcftv Tcteo contixvate. ;•.! l.ors* cats men i-.iay «t, alldioiigh .\ .t.Nceii wxNuiftu ataii.l. .^â- .â- .,\ iv.*.v-uUi'.e <\Mit*cl will STOW Ihrouiihoui liua ii'..\rio.i» laaJ. The Central telephone cvffioe is all rsady for work, and the operator will be Miss Ivo-ie who has beem connected with ihe Ka; A Youiic Hartvartan. Fond Mother Tommy, darlirg, ihis is your birthday. What would you li.>i; best .' Tommy I after a mo'cdcnt s refieotiea 1 â€" I think I shoald enjoy seeing the baby spanked. A>i lm|«orte>l Smell. Misa Trustâ€" Why. Mr. Bl.fier. where ha\-e you been allihia ." seen vou for two i-.ionihs '. Mr. BluSer (hreothmg a balmy c>dor cvf gm and hilt«r»»â€" 1 have been abroad, yea know. Miss Trustâ€" How delightful And. of coarse, vou visited CcJcygnef I knew 1 smelled some perfume when yon came ia How to I'rT Imhrella*. Venbrtllas should be i-laoedhand.e down- ward 10 dry. Tr.e mcutare falls from the idges ct the frame and she fabric drle^3 anifcmi.v. II stcv.i handle upward, as is commorly the case, the top ef the nmhrella hold* the mcisture. owvig tc the Uiing andemeath the ring, and 11 take* a long lime te dry iherchy in; the silk or other !»bric with which it iscovered. Tnia .s the m.iia oauae of the umbrella weAring eat so s-vn at the top rmbrella oases are re>sp.TsiMe for the wvAr of the si'k. The .vasiant frictic\a oauseis tiay hojeva to ap- 5>ear sc prcvokie.gly eAtly 'When not m as? the umbrella shoald' be leit loose and when wet left l.v>se to .dry. - . :;;i-.t ^.'ard .-d .ilc ir.y4 d.^wa. Vp and down, np aad downâ€" one day • mi..!eaaire neit da> dead broke ' â€"00a day bacyaat m spirits, next day glooony as a fog â€" ens day in 8«e<emi-ag perfect beiattb, next day " laid out vnh a bilious att^ok or vcar iiomach on a strike- This ia the v.-ay the world wags new a dayA It yea are b-.lioaa, melancholic, d-.s-ey heavied, d;.sp>epti:. want apivtiie cr have torpid act.ea of liver, kidneys or bcw*ls, take T*x Fier.-e s FleAsant FelJevs parely ve^fe*abi« perfs<etly harmless one a dc»aie. l-lfe Worth UWlns. - I see that a s.via water trust is talked of, remarked a ritlsbnrger to his best g-lrl, as they .;aaffe>i the sweetend atmosphers. â- Ah, she ^eplle^i. •• Then if they would o-aly trust ns lor ia? crsAm, ico, how nice it would be. ' Vjuit.» Wv^rk f.»r a Tlwae, FckTsmanâ€" Yea rai^hl as w«U lc«3k ti>r another ;ob, Jerrv BricAlajerâ€" What for' What hav« 1 done. ••Yotit troweilnl of mortar sirucA tba owner of the building down cii the fira* fieor." •• Let him ke<ep oat ef the way. If tba bell strikes 1.- when Ive get airowolo* mortar i aev.'i care where it drop*. ' Dldn'i Come to Work OverttoM. Chief tc industrious clerk in GoTero- roent cfSoe*â€" Why ciidn 1 you dot the •â- i" in the last word of your rep.'rt last nij^ht f Indastrioa? Clerk â€" 1 b^g > ear pardoo ; but yod see the cl.vk siraek ♦ just at tbat p.->int. and I didn t .">are vo work overtins* t> r K L -.1 «» A GENTS .^A. wit>. ns. rai v^atl^.n-. aiid UVSH St T^.-ni GENTS MAKE ?100 A MONTH .\ av. f.T terias. -< .•v^k»^4 ail J .V cv.'ic\rixi deiM^Tia W. A F as i>n;. I ill jto.ifdiM : t«i*.r» < v ft wet WiS-Ms's SAfe Cure cures nervousno«s. insi>mnia. hysteria and tienralgia. Why ' Beoause lhe*e are syinpKvods cvf aa iiupnre cvvndition of ike blood, oa use*.! by ui-.heAlthy kidney aciion. The poisonous area and arid acid being retained iii the blcod cause , . ... the symptoms" of kidney disease first notsd. j i«2^'J^';';::4?::'i^f'>,!-;^.^'tf^. * â€" ~ I T.^ Si^uie .te>ai •.•jam.vrr a'.v>»» it sM -Mr*. Frcotor, widow cvf tfts la»e ; The :â- ...n!.^r!»•jâ- e<^ o( a vain rwCTei- astronomer, will deliv-er a na-.nbe.r ct «hs ; Tj;;.--!^; â-º-- ^ -^1^ - ^' prolesA-vr a leotures next winter, using hia j^vl i>;i> ibe UJe tbai .» w-.ibersJ aai dry iMitern alidra. rr.'Ma a fioaen b»an ar.d a desert era. iV.vt r-'v ihe r vl.vl r.iy tiw et« ttjil a»v 5=1 the sijilit ,-i » ' >^T It'e seem o! a r."»S(^ or tcvrr-,>netteâ€" Ter.i; : ai .t faiot aa a s.ias tdiat «rr,->ie The c»tM .'4 H»«T 1. frvM-.-. a thrash's thTOa! .^a^ rfiars DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOICS BEST FRIF.MB \ M- '^'I'Sfc..*'.-- ,-*^'!WapB»'-««.,